Sherman Memorial Service Program

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Barry & Honey

Sherman z”l

Memorial Service
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017, 3 Tevet 5778

Conducted by
Eli Rubenstein, Religious Leader
Aviva Rajsky, Cantor
Memorial Service

1. Introductory Readings 5. Mourner’s Kaddish

a) Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd The Kaddish is a 13th century prayer, recited by the
b) Each of Us Has a Name mourners, and does not make reference to death.
It is recited for approximately 11 months following
2. Eli, Eli the death of a loved one. Reciting the Kaddish shows
respect and concern for departed family members
Composed by the Zionist poet Hannah Senesh, and keeps their memory at the centre of the family’s
a young Jewish partisan who lost her life during focus during the year of mourning.
the Second World War, the poem reminds us of
the profound beauty of life and nature. It was 6. You Raise Me Up
written on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea,
when Senesh was still living in Palestine, before 7. Closing Announcements
she volunteered to parachute into Europe to assist
in the Allied war effort. The song is of special
significance to the Sherman family, who were very
committed to Holocaust memory and education.
Honey’s parents, both Holocaust survivors, lost The Shiva will be observed privately. Please respect the family’s
many family members in the Shoah (Holocaust). wishes so that they may be together to mourn their loss.
Honey herself was born in an Austrian displaced
persons’ camp after the war. (full poem on back page) Donations:
Honey and Barry supported so many different charities and causes;
3. Recollections from Family and Friends locally, nationally and worldwide. Please donate in a manner that
will honour their memory, as it is the giving that is so important.

4. Ale Malei Rachamim Online Memorial Book:

To view and sign the online memorial
This traditional Jewish prayer for our departed
book for Honey and Barry, please visit
ancestors led by the Cantor asks that the souls of
the departed be granted eternal rest.
Eli, Eli

Eli, Eli ‫ ֵאלַ י‬,‫ֵאלַ י‬

Shelo yigameir le-olam ‫ֶׁשּל ֹא יִ ּגָ ֵמר לָ עֹולָ ם‬
Hachol ve-ha-yam ,‫ַהחֹול וְ ַהּיָ ם‬
Rish-rush shel ha-mayim ,‫ִר ְׁשרּוׁש ֶׁשל ַה ַּמיִ ם‬
Berak ha-shamayim ,‫ָּב ָרק ַה ָּׁש ַמיִ ם‬
Tfilat ha-adam, .‫ְּת ִפּלַ ת ָה ָא ָדם‬
Hachol ve-ha-yam ,‫ַהחֹול וְ ַהּיָ ם‬
Rish-rush shel ha-mayim ,‫ִר ְׁשרּוׁש ֶׁשל ַה ַּמיִ ם‬
Berak ha-shamayim ,‫ָּב ָרק ַה ָּׁש ַמיִ ם‬
Tfilat ha-adam. .‫ְּת ִפּלַ ת ָה ָא ָדם‬

O Lord, my God
I pray that these things never end:

The sand and the sea,

The rush of the waters,
The crash of the heavens,
The prayer of the heart.

The sand and the sea,

The rush of the waters,
The crash of the heavens,
The prayer of the heart.

- Hannah Senesh

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