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Kristina Tio

HDFS 421 In-Class Activity

Communicating Assessment Results with Parents

Instructions: Write out what you would say to the parents in each scenario

Case 1: Jacob

You are the lead teacher of a full-day preschool classroom of three and four year old children. Jacob is
one of the oldest children in your class, and he has begun to pick on a new child, Samuel, who is one
of the youngest boys in your class. You have made systematic observations of Jacob’s behavior. Three
days this week you noticed Jacob take toys from Samuel; once you saw him shove Samuel down in the
sandbox, and once he pushed Samuel off of a tricycle. All of these incidents have been in the
afternoon. You believe that Jacob’s behavior is escalating, and feel it is necessary to talk to his
parents. Please write out what you would say to Jacob’s parents.

Sir/Ma’am, I have been noticing that Jacob has been pushing and shoving one child that happened to be
one of the younger and newer ones. I am wondering whether we can talk about it and figure out what Commented [t1]: It is accurate and direct, since parents will
we should do for Jacob. get the information that they need to know.
Commented [t2]: It is direct and specific on what I want the
Follow-up question: Jacob’s behavior has just started these past few days, have you noticed his change next action would be.
of behavior as well? Commented [t3]: Move this up to the beginning of the
script, so it would prioritize the parent’s view. (Make it
Case 2: Lucy more sensitive)

You are the lead teacher of a toddler classroom, working with children 18 months to 3 years old. You
screen children’s developmental milestones in your class every 3 months so you can identify any risk
of developmental delays or disorders. During the last two screenings, Lucy, a 2 year old, failed both
the social and communication domains on your screening tool. You have observed her regularly and
noticed that she spends most of her time playing alone in the block corner. She rarely initiates
interactions with you or the assistant teachers, and you have never seen her initiate interactions with
other children. You are concerned that she might have an Autism Spectrum Disorder, but you cannot
evaluate her any further or refer her for further evaluation without her parents’ permission. Please
write out what you would say to Lucy’s parents.

Sir/Ma’am, thank you for giving the time to talk with me. I am wondering whether you have any
questions on Lucy? Also, I am wondering whether how does she play at home? It is about Lucy. As I run Commented [t4]: From asking these questions, it would
some screening for every 3 months in knowing their achievement or delays in completing their make my talk with the parents to be more sensitive.
developmental milestones. For Lucy, she hits almost all of the domains. However, she shows some delay
on her social and communication domain. She has spent more of her play time alone in the block area
and rarely initiated interactions with me and the other teachers in the classroom. Also, she has been Commented [t5]: From this part, it is accurate and clear on
seen to not initiate interactions with other children. As these signs are commonly shown to be the the purpose of the assessment.
symptoms of Autism, I wonder whether I can have your consent to evaluate whether Lucy has an Autism
Spectrum Disorder. Commented [t6]: It is direct and specific on what future
actions that should be made.

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