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How to get Kdenlive 17.08.

1 runs correctly on Windows and be able to render

After several tries, I think that we have to make a fresh reinstall and remove all old versions of
Kdenlive. Below what I do to get a correct rendering to mp4 and webm format

Clean traces of old installations :

• Delete folder of yours kdenlive if so.
• Go to c:\users\your_name\AppData\Local
◦ Delete files : kdeglobals and kdenliverc
◦ Delete or Rename folder kdenlive

Install kdeinlive 17.08.1 from
• Unzip in you target folder.
• Launch kdenlive.exe to correct the path of melt.exe , see screenshot below:
Change theme : Configuration / Theme => Oxygen

Configuration/Configure Kdenlive/Environment
Your pathes must be similar to above ( melt.exe must be on the root directory of kdenlive)
Stop kdenlive, and very important , with Windows Task manage kill the processes kdenlive.exe
and dbus-deamon.exe

Install support for MP4 Codec

• Download the last version of ffmpeg shared from :
It is a most recent version that pointed by the link in Kdenlive download page.
◦ Do step 4 to 6 as decribed in the download page as copies below :

Test with mkv file rendered to mp4 file
As shown below the file is correctly rendered :
and exporting to webm runs as well with this version of ffmeg:

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