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US 20110157942A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0157942 A1
Babcock et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 30, 2011

(54) CONTROLLABLE UNIVERSAL SUPPLY Publication Classi?cation

(51) Int. Cl.
H02M 7/06 (2006.01)
(75) Inventors: Paul M. Babcock, Spokane Valley, (52) U5. Cl. ...................................................... .. 363/126
WA (US); David J. Babcock,
Spokane, WA (U S); Phillip N. (57) ABSTRACT
Smith, Spokane Valley, WA (Us) Apparatus and associated methods involve a controllable sup
ply adapted for controlling sWitch phasing and pulse Width to
_ substantiall e ualiZe oWer in ad'acent uadrants of a sinu
(73) Asslgnee: FLYBACK ENERGY INC" soidal sourZe goltage I:vaveform tJo regu(l1ate reactive poWer
Spokane Valley, WA (Us) draWn from the source. In an illustrative example, the supply
may, in some embodiments, deliver poWer to a load at a level
(21) Appl_ No; 12/980,326 responsive to a commanded input signal. In some examples,
the poWer supplied to the load may be adjusted according to
_ the command input signal to a selected value Within an oper
(22) Flledi Dec- 28: 2010 ating range. In some examples, the operating range may
include a portion or all of 0 to 100% of rated load. Various
Related US Application Data embodiments may be adapted 'to supply unipolar or bipolar
load exc1tat1on. In some embodiments, high poWer factor may
(60) Provisional application No. 61/290,257, ?led on Dec. be maintained over a substantial range of commanded poWer
28, 2009, provisional application No. 61/290,253, to the load. Certain embodiments may enhance supply e?i
?led on Dec. 28, 2009. ciency by capturing and recycling inductive load energy.

200 Z

Vim 5 ‘1309: 5“ 140


i 205
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 1 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

109 1
Energy Pmcessing Moduie

Power Stage
5“ 1453



Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 2 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

“5- 130a

PEG. 2
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 3 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 4 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1


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Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 5 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1


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FIG. 5
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 6 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

g 620 B1B, 60C k Energy Processing Module 110a

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% v1 Power Stage ----- -->
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Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 7 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 8 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

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Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 9 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

FiGn 9
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 10 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

Energy Processing Module
1005 :
title S ' N =2
T > Power Stage E m 0 0
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7 Controller ‘W


Energy Processing Module

3-815 1055K )
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84% S
Power Stage 1 - 1065w

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Controller (b)

$1000 5-1050 $1065

Line Frequency —
R - - 400 HZ DC-DC Battery
ectlfler . J_
m with PFC and DC Charger wlth ;
Buss Flyback Capture T
Flyback Capture (b)
(a) _

FIG. 10
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 11 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1


?0% PWM
54-dg Delay

5 wow
45% PWM
EB-dg Delay
Patent Application Publication Jun. 30, 2011 Sheet 12 0f 12 US 2011/0157942 A1

US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

CONTROLLABLE UNIVERSAL SUPPLY pulse Width to substantially equalize poWer in adjacent quad
WITH REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT rants of a sinusoidal source voltage Waveform to regulate
reactive poWer draWn from the source. In an illustrative
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED example, the supply may, in some embodiments, deliver
APPLICATIONS poWer to a load in response to a commanded input signal. In
[0001] This application claims bene?t to US. application some examples, the poWer supplied to the load may be
Ser. No. 61/290,253, entitled “Supply for Lighting Systems,” adjusted according to the command input signal to a selected
as ?led on Dec. 28, 2009 by Babcock, et al., and to US. value Within an operating range. In some examples, the oper
application Ser. No. 61/290,257, entitled “Recti?er Systems,” ating range may include a portion or all of 0 to 100% of rated
as ?led on Dec. 28, 2009 by Babcock, et al., the entire con load. Various embodiments may be adapted to supply unipo
tents of each of Which are fully incorporated by reference lar or bipolar load excitation. In some embodiments, high
herein. poWer factor may be maintained over a substantial range of
commanded poWer to the load. Certain embodiments may
TECHNICAL FIELD enhance supply ef?ciency by capturing and recycling induc
tive load energy.
[0002] Various embodiments relate to operating variable [0010] In one exemplary aspect, a method of managing
control of loads supplied from AC sources. reactive poWer, the method includes rectifying a substantially
sinusoidal source voltage Waveform from a source to a recti
?ed voltage node, providing a sWitch arranged to selectively
[0003] Many electrically-operated systems and devices couple the recti?ed voltage node to a load and determining a
have inductance. Some inductive devices, such as DC (direct pulse Width value for turning on the sWitch to deliver a desired
current) motors, automotive ignition systems, and some elec average poWer to the load. The method further includes
tromagnets, can operate When supplied With a unidirectional receiving information about relative poWer draWn from the
current. Some inductive devices, such as transformers, AC source during adjacent quadrants of the source voltage Wave
(alternating current) motors, and ?uorescent lights, operate form, determining a sWitch turn on delay time to substantially
When supplied With a bidirectional current. equaliZe poWer betWeen adjacent quadrants of the same
[0004] In general, inductive elements can store energy in a polarity, and, controlling the sWitch during at least tWo suc
magnetic ?eld. Typically, the magnetic ?eld is supported by cessive half cycles of the source voltage Waveform according
an electric current ?oWing through the inductive element. to the determined sWitch turn on delay time.
Inductance may be a function of the characteristics of a mag [0011] In various examples, the method may further
netic ?ux path. For example, inductance in some elements include controlling a reverse electromotive force associated
may depend on material properties of a core (e.g., air, steel, With rapid turn off of the sWitch, and capturing inductive
and ferrite) in the ?ux path, and/ or a ?ux density saturation energy stored in the load When the sWitch disconnects the load
level. from the recti?ed voltage node. It may further include retum
[0005] The amount of energy stored in a magnetic ?eld of ing the captured energy to the load on a subsequent half cycle
an inductive element can be a function of the inductance and of the source voltage Waveform. In some examples, the
the current. In general, the amount of energy stored in the method may include providing a capacitor at the recti?ed
magnetic ?eld increases as current increases, and decreases as voltage node to provide a leading phase shift to the current
the current decreases. Accordingly, When the current through draWn from the source. Determining a sWitch turn on delay
the inductive element is Zero, the stored inductive energy is time to substantially equaliZe poWer betWeen adjacent quad
also Zero. rants of the same polarity may include determining a delay
[0006] One characteristic of an ideal inductor is that a volt time With respect to a periodic reference point on the source
age across the inductor is proportional to its inductance and voltage Waveform. The periodic reference point may be a Zero
the time rate of change of current. This concept may be cross point, and may be a point at Which the source voltage
represented by a formula as: VILdi/dt. Waveform is increasing or decreasing. Some implementations
[0007] Under certain conditions, the energy stored in an further include receiving a poWer command input signal. The
inductor can generate potentially uncontrolled large voltages. step of determining the pulse Width value for turning on the
This effect may be referred to by terms such as reverse elec sWitch to deliver the desired average poWer to the load may
tromotive force (REMF), ?yback voltage, or “inductive further include determining a pulse Width value in accordance
kick.” As an illustrative example, if an inductor is being With the received poWer command input signal. Controlling
supplied a current through a sWitch, and that sWitch is rapidly the sWitch during at least tWo successive half cycles of the
opened, then the inductor may have a relatively large change source voltage Waveform according to the determined sWitch
of current (large di) in a relatively short period of time (small turn on delay time may further include controlling the sWitch
dt). As a consequence, the inductor could generate a corre according to the determined pulse Width value.
spondingly large voltage (large V). [0012] Certain embodiments may provide one or more
[0008] In some applications, the energy stored in an induc advantages. For example, some embodiments may provide an
tor may be capable of generating suf?ciently large voltages to ef?ciency gain When replacing an existing interface betWeen
damage or destroy, for example, an unprotected sWitch. In a load and a utility feed line. For example, various implemen
some systems, stored inductive energy may be dissipated as tations may compensate for more than the added sWitch loss
heat. by any or all of the folloWing: (i) recapture and recycling of
inductive energy stored in the load (e.g., ?yback capture
process); (ii) reduced ?ltering insertion loss by elimination of
[0009] Apparatus and associated methods involve a con high frequency ?lter components to attenuate high frequency
trollable supply adapted for controlling sWitch phasing and sWitching systems; (iii) reduced utility rates from manage
US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

ment of reactive power consumption; or, (iv) smooth control [0026] Like reference symbols in the various draWings
of load power Within a Wide control range (e.g., dimmability indicate like elements.
for lighting, or adjustable speed for machines) as needed to
[0013] Some implementations may achieve high ef?ciency,
high poWer factor (e.g., above 0.9), and poWer regulation [0027] FIG. 1 shoWs an exemplary system 100 in Which
Within a Wide control range for a variety of loads. Exemplary energy may be supplied to inductive and/or resistive loads at
loads that may be supplied by various embodiments include, a controllable rate With high e?iciency and loW electromag
but are not limited to, single phase induction machines netic noise. The system 100 of this example includes an
(among other machine types), HID lights With poWer-regu energy processing module 105 that receives energy at an
lated ballasts, and battery chargers for telecommunication input, processes the energy, and delivers unidirectional cur
applications, for example. Some examples may provide a rent to supply energy to a load connected at an output. The
highly controllable, high poWer factor, loW loss, electromag module 105 includes a poWer stage 110 that operates in
netically quiet, robust, and universal supply module capable response to control signals from a controller 115. In opera
of supplying regulated poWer to a Wide range of AC and DC tion, the controller 115 controls the operating states of
sWitches in the poWer stage 110 according to a sequence of
load types.
operating states that may, for example, be repeated in a cycli
[0014] The details of various embodiments are set forth in cal pattern. In an exemplary cycle of operation, the controller
the accompanying draWings and the description beloW. Other 115 generates a sequence of operating states that cause the
features and advantages Will be apparent from the description poWer stage 110 to store energy from a poWer source 120 into
and draWings, and from the claims. an inductive load 125, control a reverse electromotive force
(REMF) that may develop When the inductive load 125 is
DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS disconnected from the source 120, discharge inductive energy
from the load into a capacitance, and then discharge the
[0015] FIG. 1 shoWs a schematic representation of an capacitance to store energy back into the load 125 on a sub
exemplary energy processing module With a poWer stage to sequent cycle. In various embodiments, the poWer stage 110
supply energy from a DC input to a DC inductive load. may deliver substantially unidirectional current How to the
[0016] FIG. 2 shoWs a schematic representation of an load 125. Some embodiments may completely discharge
exemplary poWer stage to supply energy from a DC input to a stored inductive energy from the load 125 during each cycle.
DC inductive load. [0028] One exemplary cycle of operation of the poWer
stage 110 includes a sequence of operating states as indicated
[0017] FIG. 3 shoWs plots of exemplary voltage and current
by arroWs A, B, C, D. For example, the processing module
Waveforms to illustrate operation of the poWer stages of
105 may draW current from the poWer source 120 during a
FIGS. 1-2.
state B of a cycle, While the poWer stage 110 may provide for
[0018] FIG. 4 shoWs a schematic representation of an unidirectional current ?oW through the load 125 (e.g., DC
exemplary poWer stage to supply energy from a DC input to a (direct current) motor) during states A, B, C, and D of the
DC inductive load. cycle. In some applications, additional Work may be per
[0019] FIG. 5 shoWs a schematic representation of an formed during states A, C, and D When no poWer is being
exemplary pair of poWer stages to supply energy from a DC draWn from the poWer source 120. Examples of voltage and
input to an AC inductive load. current Waveforms associated With some embodiments of the
[0020] FIG. 6 shoWs a block diagram representation of an poWer stage 110 are described in further detail With reference
exemplary energy processing system that uses the poWer to FIG. 3 and FIG. 8.
stages of FIG. 5 to supply energy from an AC input to an AC [0029] In the depicted example, the poWer stage 110
inductive load. includes a pair of input sWitches 130a, 130b, Which may be
[0021] FIG. 7 shoWs a ?owchart of an exemplary process operated, in some embodiments, as a double-pole single
for controlling the energy processing system of FIG. 6 to draW throW sWitch. Some other embodiments (not shoWn) may be
loW reactive poWer from the AC source over a range of regu con?gured to operate With only one of the input sWitches
lated poWer to the load. 130a, 1301). The input sWitch 130a connects betWeen an input
node 135 and an output node 140. The voltages of the nodes
[0022] FIG. 8 shoWs an exemplary controllable universal
supply con?gured to manage reactive poWer draWn from an 135, 140 may be referred to herein as Vin, Vout, respectively.
AC utility source.
After the input sWitches 130a, 1301) are turned on, an input
current (Iin) supplied from the poWer source 120 may How to
[0023] FIG. 9 shoWs exemplary loads for (a) a high inten the input node 135, and through the input sWitch 13011 to the
sity discharge (HID) lighting application, and (b) induction output node 140. An output current (Iout) ?oWs from the
machine applications, con?gured to receive poWer from the output node 140, through the load 125, and returns through a
supply of FIG. 8. return node 145 and the input switch 130!) to the poWer source
[0024] FIG. 10 shoWs an exemplary recti?er load con?g 120. As Will be described beloW, the current Iin from the
ured to connect to receive poWer from the supply of FIG. 8, poWer source 120 may begin to How some time after the input
and to supply poWer to an industrial battery charger. sWitches 130a, 1301) are turned on.
[0025] FIG. 11 shoWs an exemplary set of electrical Wave [0030] The poWer stage 110 further includes a transitional
forms illustrating performance of an experimental HID light circuit 150 Which may be operated to provide a current ?oW
load as discussed With reference to FIG. 9(a) When supplied path for the current Iout so as to control an amplitude of a
by the supply of FIG. 8 over a range of poWer levels and using REMF that may be generated When the input sWitches 130a,
the process of FIG. 7. 1301) open and rapidly disconnect the output current Iout
US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

from the input current Iin. As such, the transitional circuit 150 [0035] At the beginning of the time period B, the input
may substantially protect the input sWitches 130a, 1301) from sWitches 130a, 1301) remain turned on, and the poWer source
exposure to potentially destructive REMF voltages. In the 120 drives current through the diode 195, the sWitches 130a,
depicted example, the transitional circuit 150 includes a uni 130b, and the load 125. Although various embodiments have
directional current element (e.g., diode) 155 in series connec been described With reference to the ?gures, other embodi
tion With a voltage limiter element 160 and a transitional ments are possible. For example, this document describes
sWitch 165. Exemplary embodiments of the transitional cir exemplary systems for neW electric machines and related
cuit 150 are described in further detail, for example, With apparatus and methods for supplying and/or generating elec
reference to FIGS. 2 and 8-9. trical excitation using embodiments of the neW electrical
[0031] The poWer stage 110 also includes an energy capture machine systems. Various exemplary systems include sWitch
circuit 170 connected substantially in electrical parallel With ing modules. For all purposes, including for example its dis
the load 125 and the transitional circuit 150. In the depicted closure of exemplary sWitching modules as described With
example, the energy capture circuit 170 includes an energy reference to FIGS. 1-4, this document incorporates by refer
capture sWitch 175 in series connection With a capacitor 180 ence the entire contents of Us. Pat. No. 7,602,157 to Bab
and a unidirectional current element (e.g., diode) 185. When cock, et al., entitled “Supply Architecture for Inductive
the energy capture sWitch 175 is turned on, the output current Loads.”
Iout can ?oW from the return node 145 to the output node [0036] Some disclosed embodiments include sWitch mod
through the capacitor 180. Accordingly, inductive energy in ules in combination With transformers. For all purposes,
the load 125 is transferred to stored charge on the capacitor including for example its disclosure of AC operation as
180. The rate at Which output current Iout falls depends sub described With reference to FIG. 3A, this document incorpo
stantially on a capacitance value of the capacitor 180. As one rates by reference the entire contents of Us. Publ. 2009/
skilled in the art Will appreciate, increasing the capacitance 0073726 to Babcock, et al., entitled “Current Waveform Con
value may result in a longer time for the Iout to “reset” to Zero. struction to Generate AC PoWer With LoW Harmonic
In various embodiments, the capacitance value of the capaci Distortion from LocaliZed
tor 180 may be selected or dynamically adjusted to reset the [0037] During the time period B, energy that is delivered to
output current Iout to Zero before the next operating cycle. the load 125 is draWn substantially from the poWer source
After the output current Iout resets to Zero, the unidirectional 120. The time period B may end, for example, When the
current element 185 substantially prevents Iout current from on-time of the input sWitches 130, 13019 corresponds to a duty
?oWing in the opposite direction. As such, resonances or cycle set by the controller 115, or When the output current Iout
oscillatory currents may be substantially prevented With reaches a threshold value. At the end of the time period B, the
respect the output node 140 of the poWer stage 110. controller 115 may command the input sWitches 130a, 1301)
[0032] Finally, the depicted poWer stage 110 includes to transition to an off (e.g., non-conducting) state.
diodes 190a, 1901) to return captured energy from the capaci [0038] Prior to the end of the period B, the controller 115
tor 180 to the input node 135. During steady-state operation, may generate a command to turn on the transitional sWitch
for example, the capacitor 180 supplies the captured energy 165 to minimiZe delay in alloWing the output current Iout to
through the diodes 190a, 1901) and back to the load 125 When How through the transitional circuit 150. At the beginning of
the input sWitches 130a, 1301) are turned on. In this example, the time period C, the load generates the REMF voltage in
a blocking diode 195 substantially prevents the captured response to the opening of the input sWitches 130a, 1301). The
energy from ?oWing back to the poWer source 120. This REMF voltage may forWard bias the unidirectional current
energy recovery may advantageously improve e?iciency, for element 155, such that the output current Iout ?oWs substan
example, in applications in Which substantial inductive tially through the transition circuit 150. The voltage limiter
energy can be recovered from the load and re-supplied to the 160 may operate to substantially control (e.g., limit, clamp, or
load on a subsequent operating cycle. the like) the REMF voltage to a value that, for example, is
[0033] In various applications, the controller 115 may gen substantially Within the voltage ratings of any devices that
erate one or more control signals to control the sWitches 130a, could be exposed to the REMF voltage. During the time
130b, 165, and 175 during an exemplary cycle of operation. period C, some inductive energy may be transferred from the
To aid understanding of an exemplary operation of the poWer load 125 to the voltage limiter 160. In various embodiments,
stage 110, time period indicators A, B, C, D are shoWn on the time period C may be suf?ciently short in duration that the
FIG. 1 to indicate current ?oWs at successive time periods amount of energy transferred to the voltage limiter is rela
Within a typical cycle of operation. Exemplary voltage and tively small and can be, for example, dissipated as heat (e. g.,
current Waveforms during each of the indicated time periods in a resistor) Without signi?cantly reducing overall e?iciency.
are described in further detail With reference to FIG. 3. In some embodiments, the controller 115 may generate a
[0034] In the example depicted in FIG. 1, an exemplary signal to turn on the energy capture sWitch 175 before or
cycle of operation begins With a time period A. At the begin during the time period C. As the energy capture sWitch 175
ning of the time period A, the capacitor 180 may be charged turns on and becomes capable of conducting the output cur
With energy captured from a previous operating cycle. During rent Iout, the time period C may conclude, and the controller
the time period A, the input sWitches 130a, 1301) are turned 115 may generate a signal to turn off the transitional sWitch
on, and the capacitor 180 may discharge its stored energy 165.
through the diodes 190a, 190b, the sWitches 130a, 130b, and [0039] At the beginning of the time period D, the output
the load 125. During the time period A, energy that is deliv current Iout ?oWs substantially through the energy capture
ered to the load 125 is draWn substantially from the capacitor sWitch 175, the capacitor 180, and the unidirectional current
180. The time period A may end, for example, When the element 185. As such, stored inductive load energy, Which is
capacitor 180 discharges to a point that the diode 195 is no supported by the output current Iout, gets transferred to the
longer reverse biased. capacitor 180 during the time period D. The time period D
US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

may end, for example, after the output current Iout falls to diodes, capacitors, and transistors. In some examples, a single
Zero. Upon detecting that the output current Iout has reset to pulse of a large REMF voltage can substantially damage or
Zero, or after allowing a time suf?cient to ensure the output destroy a semiconductor device, for example, by exceeding
current Iout is substantially reset, the controller 115 may the device’s voltage rating.
generate a signal to turn off the energy capture sWitch 175. [0046] The poWer stage 110 provides a capability for rap
[0040] FolloWing the time period D, there may be, in some idly sWitching current supplied to an inductive load. In one
embodiments, an additional period of time from the end of the aspect, the poWer stage 110 includes a transitional circuit 150
time period D until the end of the operating cycle. In some in parallel With the load 125. In some embodiments, the
applications, for example, the voltage limiter 160 may be transitional circuit 150 may provide a path for the load current
discharging a capacitor into a resistor or through a sWitch (not Iout to How so that dIout/dt is controlled during a brief tran
shoWn) during this additional time period. In various appli sition period after the input sWitch 130 opens. Controlling the
cations, a motor may be coasting, for example, during this dIout/dt for the inductive load 125 may substantially reduce
period. the REMF voltage. At suf?ciently small values of REMF
[0041] In various examples, the controller 115 may time the voltage, for example, the associated transient energy may be
operation of some or all of the sWitches 130a, 130b, 165, and insuf?cient to excite substantial conducted or radiated noise.
175 during an exemplary operating cycle as folloWs. The As such, shielding and/or ?ltering may be substantially
transitional sWitch 165 may be turned on prior to turning off reduced or eliminated in some systems.
the input sWitches 130a, 1301). The diode 155 may substan [0047] In another aspect, some embodiments of the poWer
tially block current ?oW through the transitional circuit 150 stage 110 may include one or more semiconductor sWitch
until the output current Iout starts to decrease and a REMF elements With high peak reverse voltage capability. Some
voltage is generated by the load 125. The transitional circuit embodiments may use high voltage devices to improve reli
165 may be turned on early enough to substantially minimiZe ability in systems that sWitch inductive loads. In some
a delay time for the output current Iout to start ?oWing embodiments, one or more of the sWitch elements may com
through the transitional circuit 150. The energy capture bine a high peak reverse voltage capability With very short
sWitch 175 may be turned on at any one of a number of times, turn-on and/or tum-off times. Examples of various sWitch
Which may be before, at the same time, or after the transitional elements that may be used in the poWer stage 110 are
sWitch 165 is turned on. As the energy capture sWitch 175 described in further detail With reference to FIG. 2.
starts to conduct a substantial portion of the current Iout, the [0048] In the depicted example, the controller 115 receives
transitional sWitch 165 may be turned off. a control input. In various examples, the control input may
[0042] In another embodiment (not shoWn), the poWer couple the controller 115 to a feedback signal from one or
stage 110 may operate substantially Without an actively con more position, torque, speed, voltage, light intensity, or cur
trolled transition circuit, such as the transition circuit 150. In rent sensors, or a combination of signals from these and/or
such embodiments, the energy capture sWitch 175 may be other sensors. In some other examples, the control input may
turned on While the input sWitches 130a, 1301) are conducting couple the controller 115 to one or more command inputs,
the output current Iout. The unidirectional current element Which may be in the form of analog (e. g., potentiometer, relay
185 may be reverse biased until the output current Iout starts contacts, and the like) and/or digital (e.g., serial, parallel)
to decrease, at Which point the REMF voltage may forWard input signals.
bias the unidirectional current element 185 such that the [0049] In response to such feedback and/or command input
output current Iout Would start to How through the energy signals, the controller 115 may adjust operation of the poWer
capture circuit 170. In various examples, passive voltage stage 110, for example. In various examples, the responses to
clamping circuitry, examples of Which are described With control input signals may include, but are not limited to,
reference to FIGS. 2 and 8-9, could optionally be used to turning the output on or off, increasing or decreasing the
control a REMF voltage amplitude, for example, in the volt average output voltage, maintaining the output current Within
age limiter 160. In some embodiments, the transitional sWitch predetermined limits, adjusting operating duty cycle and/or
165 may be turned on continuously during normal operation, frequency, for example. In some implementations, such con
or replaced With a short circuit, for example. In some embodi trol actions may be used to, for example, maintain the output
ments, the transitional sWitch 165 may be turned on during current or load temperature Within predetermined limits,
part or all of the time periods A and/ or B, for example. regulate a motor shaft position and/ or speed, or control a lamp
[0043] When the input sWitches 130a, 1301) open, induc output intensity.
tance in the load 125 may generate a reverse electromotive [0050] Exemplary embodiments and features of the con
force (REMF), Which, in general, may be considered to rep troller 115 are described, for example, With reference to FIG.
resent a voltage With an amplitude that corresponds to the 6
time rate of change of the load current (e.g., dIout/dt). Reduc [0051] In various examples, the energy stored in the load
ing Iout to Zero very rapidly, for example, may generate a (e.g., reactive energy) may be supported by a unidirectional
substantial REMF voltage in the inductive load 125. current supplied by the poWer stage 110. Unidirectional cur
[0044] Fast transient voltages associated With a large rent loads may include, but are not limited to, DC motors,
REMF could generate, for example, substantial radiated and/ inductors (e.g., air core, iron core, laminated steel core, high
or conducted electromagnetic radiation (e. g., radio frequency permeability cores), electromagnets, lighting (e.g., direct cur
noise). Generally, systems that generate such noise energy rent high intensity discharge elements), DC transmission
may employ shielding and/or ?ltering, Which may reduce lines, or combinations of these and/or other unidirectional
ef?ciency and increase the cost, volume and/ or Weight of the current loads. Some embodiments may be used as, or as
system. replacement for, mechanical relays or contactors. For
[0045] Moreover, large REMF voltages may impart sub example, the poWer stage 110 may act as an electronically
stantial voltage stress to components, such as sWitches, controllable sWitch to a DC load, for example, that may be
US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

controlled by a switch, optical signal, magnetic signal, or although embodiments may be used With substantially faster
electrical signal, Which may be generated by, for example, a or sloWer sWitching times. In an illustrative example, the time
processor, timer, control circuit, or other element (e.g., bime for the sWitches 130a, 1301) to turn completely off and the
tallic strip, level sensor, humidity sensor, or the like). sWitch 175 to turn on may typically take about 5 microsec
[0052] Some other embodiments may operate to supply onds. In some examples, the transitional sWitch 165 may
energy to unidirectional current and/ or bi-directional current conduct current during at least those 5 microseconds. In some
loads that are substantially inductive, substantially resistive, embodiments, the voltage limiter 160 may substantially con
or partially resistive and partially inductive. Bidirectional duct the load current in response to the REMF voltage in, for
current loads may include, but are not limited to, AC motors example, 10 to 40 nanoseconds.
(e.g., synchronous, brushless DC, induction), DC motors [0056] Also depicted in FIG. 2 is an exemplary embodi
(e.g., forward and reverse torque), resistors (e.g., heating ment of the voltage limiter 160, including a parallel resistor
elements), inductors (e. g., air core, iron core, laminated steel and capacitor netWork. In various implementations, the
core, high permeability cores), electromagnets, lighting (e.g., capacitor may be implemented as one or more capacitors in
?uorescent, high intensity discharge), AC transmission lines, series and/ or parallel combinations. For example, capacitors
transformers, or combinations of these and/or other bi-direc of With a range of frequency response characteristics may be
tional current loads. Examples of energy processing modules used to respond to the REMF voltage over a Wide frequency
that are capable of supplying unidirectional and/or bidirec range. In some embodiments, Which may be used in higher
tional current loads are described in further detail With refer sWitching frequency applications, the voltage limiter 160
ence, for example, to FIGS. 5-7. may include a controlled sWitch to “dump” charge stored on
[0053] FIG. 2 shoWs a schematic representation of an a capacitor during the time period C. In this embodiment, the
exemplary poWer stage to supply energy from a DC input to a capacitor 180 is implemented across the input terminals of the
DC inductive load. In the depicted embodiment, the unidirec module 110. In other embodiments, the capacitor 180 may be
tional current element 185 is implemented With an SCR that implemented in Whole or in part Within the module 180, and
may be controlled to conduct current during time period D. may be supplemented With additional external parallel
[0054] In the depicted example, the sWitches 130a, 130b, capacitance to suit a Wide variety of application conditions,
175 are implemented With a gated unidirectional current ele for example.
ment connected in series With a controlled semiconductor [0057] In this embodiment, the transitional sWitch 165 is
sWitch. In some embodiments, each sWitch may be controlled depicted as being implemented With a semiconductor sWitch.
to provide Zero current turn on for the controlled semicon In various implementations, the transitional sWitch 165 may
ductor sWitch (e.g., IGBT) and/or controlled turn-off for the be implemented, for example, With one or more IGBTs,
gated unidirectional current element (e.g., SCR). In an illus MOSFETs, BJTs, Darlington pairs, JFETs, vacuum tubes, or
trative example, Which is not meant to be limiting, any of the the like. In addition, the poWer stage 110 of this embodiment
sWitches 130a, 130b, 175 may be turned on by supplying an includes a diode 210 connected betWeen the transitional
enabling signal to a control terminal (e.g., gate, base) of the sWitch 165 and the output node 140. In some embodiments,
controlled semiconductor sWitch; after the controlled semi the diode 210 may provide additional protection for the tran
conductor sWitch has had suf?cient time to substantially tran sitional sWitch 165, for example. In some examples, the diode
sition to a substantially high conductance state, a fast turn-on 210 may replace the diode 155.
time gated unidirectional current element may be controlled [0058] FIG. 3 shoWs plots of exemplary voltage and current
to turn on. The relative timing of the enabling signal to the Waveforms to illustrate operation of the poWer stages of
controlled semiconductor sWitch and to the gated unidirec FIGS. 1-2.
tional current element may depend, at least in part, on the [0059] In this example, a plot 300 illustrates that the poWer
turn-on transition times of the devices. In various embodi source 120 provides a unipolar input voltage. In this case, the
ments, the enabling signals to the controlled semiconductor voltage may be that supplied by a battery. In other examples,
sWitch and to the gated unidirectional current element may be the poWer source 120 may be any other suitable unipolar or
generated in response to one signal (e.g., substantially simul DC source, such as a half- or full-Wave recti?edAC signal, for
taneous), or the signals may be separated in time by a con example. In some applications, the poWer source 120 may
trolled delay (e.g., based on hardWare or softWare timers, exhibit a voltage stiff characteristic, Which may be provided,
based on events as determined by a processor executing for example, by a substantially large hold-up capacitor. In
instructions, and/or analog delay circuit, or the like). In some some other applications, the poWer source may provide a
embodiments, enabling signals from the controller 115 may recti?edAC signal Without a substantial hold-up capacitance.
be coupled to one or more of the devices, for example, via In such applications, the voltage of the unipolar poWer source
suitable gate supply circuits, some of Which may include, but 120 may drop to Within one or tWo diode drops of the AC
are not limited to, optical, magnetic (e.g., pulse transformer) supply voltage, for example, during the time period B When
circuits. In various embodiments, the gated unidirectional the output current Iout is supplied substantially by the poWer
current sWitch may include, but is not limited to, an SCR source 120.
(silicon controlled recti?er), DIAC, TRIAC, ?ash tube, or the [0060] The plot 305 illustrates that the poWer source 120
like. In various embodiments, the semiconductor sWitch may supplies the input current Iin to the load during the time
include one or more series and/or parallel combinations of period B (e.g., Iin:Iout), and not during any other time period
IGBTs (insulated gate bipolar transistors), MOSFETs (metal of the exemplary operating cycle.
oxide semiconductor ?eld effect transistors), BJTs (bipolar [0061] The plot 31 0 illustrates that V111 at the input node 135
junction transistors), Darlington pairs, JFETs (junction ?eld is elevated at the beginning of the time period A, Which
effect transistors), vacuum tubes, or the like. re?ects the charge on the capacitor 180. The plot 315 of the
[0055] Typical sWitching transition times may be, for output current Iout illustrates that the discharge of the capaci
example, betWeen about 2 and about 10 microseconds, tor 180 during the time period A supplies real energy to the
US 2011/0157942 A1 Jun. 30, 2011

load, Which may advantageously reduce the power draWn [0069] FIG. 5 shoWs a schematic representation of an
from the power source 120 during the operating cycle. exemplary pair of poWer stages 110a, 1101) to supply energy
[0062] The plots 310, 315 also shoW the charging of the from a DC input to an AC inductive load. In this embodiment,
capacitor 180 and a controlled decrease in output current Iout the poWer stages 110a, 1101) are substantially similar in that
in the time period D. The controlled decrease of Iout may they have substantially the same circuitry and draW poWer
advantageously control an amplitude of the REMF. from the same poWer source (e.g., through the diode 195).
[0063] The plot 320 illustrates, in a magni?ed vieW, a por They differ primarily in the timing of their output signals. In
tion of the output current Iout Waveform around the time various embodiments, the poWer stages 110a, 1101) may alter
period C in the plot 315. In some examples, the time period C nately supply output current to the load. In particular, the
is short relative to the time periods A, B, and D. During the poWer stage 1 1011 may supply unidirectional output current A,
time period C in this example, the slope (e.g., dIout/dt) of the B, C, D in a ?rst direction to the load, and the poWer stage
plot 315 is controlled substantially by operation of the voltage 1101) may supply unidirectional output current A', B', C', D' in
limiter 160. In some embodiments, the slope may be con a second direction to the load. In some implementations, the
trolled suf?ciently Well such that the amplitude and noise capacitor 410 may be implemented using tWo or more parallel
energy associated With the REMF voltage signal may be capacitances that may provide Wider response bandWidth
substantially reduced. (e.g., loW inductance paths) and/or increased capacitance, as
[0064] In some applications, successive operating cycles described in embodiments With reference to FIG. 4, for
may occur Without interruption for an inde?nite period during example.
Which energy may be supplied to the load. For example, [0070] In an illustrative embodiment, a controller (not
operating cycles may have a substantially ?xed period, Which shoWn) may generate control signals to perform an operating
may include, but is not limited to, periods of betWeen about 10 cycle using poWer stage 110a. During poWer stage 110a’s
and about 20 milliseconds, or betWeen about 1 and about 30 operating cycle, the controller may turn off all of the sWitches
milliseconds, or betWeen about 50 and about 1000 microsec in the poWer stage 110b, thereby preventing any output cur
onds, or less than 60 microseconds, for example. In some rent from the stage 11011 from ?oWing in the stage 1101).
applications, one or more ?nite number of successive periods Similarly, the controller may disable the stage 11011 When the
may be interrupted by variable times of not supplying poWer poWer stage 110!) performs its operating cycle.
to a load. In some embodiments, the duration of an operating [0071] FIG. 6 shoWs a block diagram representation of an
cycle may be varied according to load requirements, an input exemplary energy processing system that can use the poWer
command, or other requirements (e.g., to avoid an audible stages of FIG. 5 to supply energy from an AC input to an AC
resonance frequency, ?ltering requirements, synchronization inductive load. The system 600 receives AC poWer input from
to a utility supplied voltage). an AC poWer source 605, and supplies anAC poWer output to
[0065] FIG. 4 shoWs a schematic representation of an operate an AC load 610.
exemplary poWer stage 110 to supply energy from a DC input [0072] In the depicted example, the energy processing
to a DC inductive load. module 105 includes tWo poWer stages 110a, 110b, and a
[0066] In the depicted embodiment, the poWer stage 110 controller 615. Using the controller 615, the energy process
has an array of diodes 405, each of Which is connected from ing module 105 may provide automatic and intelligent con
the sWitch 175 to a capacitor in an array of parallel-connected trol to the poWer stages 110a, 1101) to improve ef?ciency
capacitors forming a capacitance 410. In various implemen and/or control a poWer factor of the AC poWer input. For
tations, the module or systems may incorporate some or all of example, the energy processing module 105 may control
the capacitance 410, Which may include an array of parallel REMF of the load and capture and re-use inductive load
capacitors to implement the capacitor 180. In some embodi energy to provide high energy ef?ciency. Additionally, the
ments, one or more of the individual capacitors may each energy processing module 105 may be digitally controlled. In
have a different frequency response characteristic (e.g., some examples, the controller 615 may be programmed to
inductance) such that the array of capacitors 410 may effec control the poWer stages 110a, 1101) according to various
tively capture energy from the inductive load over a Wide inputs (e.g., user inputs, analog inputs, and/or communica
range of frequency components, for example, in the REMF tion netWork input). For example, the controller 615 may also
voltage signal. include softWare and hardWare to control the sWitches in the
[0067] Also depicted in this embodiment is a diode array poWer stages 110a, 1101) based on user input and/or in
405 connected betWeen the energy capture sWitch 175 and response to speci?ed events (e.g., AC broWnout conditions,
one of the capacitors in the array of capacitors 180. load fault conditions, time of day events, or the like).
[0068] The parallel diodes 405 may, in some embodiments, [0073] The system 600 also includes an input stage 620.
advantageously reduce ringing and/ or oscillations among the The energy processing module 105 receives the AC poWer
capacitors in the capacitance 410. The capacitor 410 may be input from the AC poWer source 605 via the input stage 620
implemented using tWo or more parallel capacitances that and supplies the AC poWer output to the load. In some imple
may provide Wider response bandWidth (e.g., loW inductance mentations, the AC poWer source 605 may supply poWer from
paths) and/or increased capacitance. Optionally, the array of an electrical poWer distribution netWork (e. g., utility poWer at
diodes may be implemented as a single diode (e.g., diode about 50-60 HZ, or marine/ aviation poWer at about 400 HZ).
19019 of FIG. 1). In some implementations (not shoWn), a The input stage 620 may precondition an input voltage, for
controllable device such as an SCR may optionally be example, by smoothing and/ or rectifying input poWer for the
included in the path carrying current during time period D, an energy processing module 105.
example of Which is described With reference to the element [0074] As shoWn, the input stage 620 includes a diode
185 in the FIG. 2. Such an SCR may advantageously increase bridge recti?er 625 and a capacitor 630 to ?lter the DC poWer
peak voltage Withstand capability, and/or reduce undesired output. In some implementations, the capacitor 630 may
(e.g., inter-electrode, parasitic) capacitance, for example. reduce the variation in the DC output voltage Waveform from
US 2011/0157942 Al Jun. 30, 2011

the bridge. In some examples, the capacitor 630 may be tuned inductive device. For example, a PE of better than 0.9 may be
for Wave shaping to improve poWer ef?ciency of the energy accomplished doWn to about 50% output poWer levels in
processing module 105. In various embodiments, the capaci some applications. If a higher PE is required beloW 50%
tor 630 may be siZed to effectively provide input current Wave output poWer levels, some embodiments may include an AC
shaping that substantially reduces crest factor by reducing line reactor at the AC poWer source 605 to raises PF back to
current peaks and associated AC current harmonics. acceptable levels.
[0075] In some implementations, the capacitor 630 may [0082] The controller 615 in the energy processing module
raise the DC average voltage to supply the energy processing 105 may provide certain control functions to adjust PE in the
module 105. In some examples, the higher DC voltage may be system 600 and to, for example, reduce REMF, improve
used to start the load 610 and improve various types of induc energy e?iciency, and/or execute softWare instructions. The
tive device performance. In some examples, the increase in controller 615 includes a processor 640 (e.g., a CPU) and a
DC voltage levels may also be used to overdrive line losses to random access memory (RAM) 645 to provide various digital
maintain inductive device performance. control functions. The controller 615 also includes a non
[0076] Using the energy processing module 105, the AC volatile memory (NVM) 645 to store softWare and data. In the
poWer source 605 may supply unidirectional and/or bidirec depicted example, the NVM 645 stores a code 655. The
tional current to a load, such as the load 610. The load 610 processor 640 may execute the code 655 to perform various
may include a single device (e.g., motor) or multiple devices digital control functions in the energy processing module
(e.g., a bank of lights). 105.
[0077] In the depicted example, the load 610 includes a [0083] In the depicted example, the controller 615 may
transformer 635 that receives the bidirectional (e.g., AC) receives external input via a user interface 660, an analog
poWer output from the energy processing module 105. In one interface 665, and/or a communication port 670.
implementation, the transformer 635 may transform the AC [0084] From the user interface 660, the controller 615 may
poWer output voltage from the energy processing module 105 receive user input. The user interface 660 may be, for
to a load voltage (e.g., 200 V-500 V) that is used by the load example, a set of dip sWitches for setting an operating mode
610. For example, the transformer 635 may step-up a loW of the energy processing module 105. For example, a user
output voltage (e.g., 100 V-220 V) to a higher voltage (e.g., may use the user interface 660 to set the output voltage of the
480 V) for the load 610. energy processing module 105 to be 1 10V for operation in the
[0078] The energy processing module 105 may provide Us. or 220V for operation in Europe. In another example, the
improved poWer ef?ciency and/or control over the input user interface 660 may receive user input to dim or brighten
poWer factor. For example, the energy processing module 1 05 intensity of a bank of ?uorescent lights in a commercial
may provide line frequency poWer factor correction to building.
improve a poWer factor draWn from the AC poWer source 605. [0085] The controller 615 may receive analog input via the
In some implementations, the system 600 may provide line analog interface 665. The analog input may include signals
frequency sWitching (LES) operations at any in a range of generated from sensors. For example, the system 600 may
frequencies. In some examples, the LFS process may be include a Hall Effect sensor, voltage sensor, current sensor,
timed and synchronized With a phase of the AC poWer source position sensor, velocity sensor, a temperature sensor, a light
605 to produce, for example, 50 HZ or 60 HZ, sWitched sensor, AC line (e.g., 50-60 HZ) phase sensor, and/or other
voltages and current Waveforms for a Wide spectrum of induc sensor to detect external environment parameters. In some
tive loads (e.g., the load 610). implementations, the controller 615 may receive measure
[0079] In some examples, the controller 615 may use the ment signals from a Hall Effect sensor for proximity sWitch
LFS process to raise the electrical ef?ciency and controlla ing, positioning, speed detection, and current sensing appli
bility of standard 50 HZ and 60 HZ inductive devices, such as cations. In some implementations, the controller 615 may
the transformer 635, lamp ballasts, AC induction motors, DC receive measurement of an ambient temperature at from a
motors, and poWer supplies. In some examples, the LFS pro temperature sensor to control poWer output. For example, the
cess may be used in high-poWer applications and high-poWer processor 640 may adjust to supply maximum output poWer
control. For example, very large inductors operating at high to an air conditioning load When the ambient temperature is
poWer levels may be operated With improved stability and higher than a set point. In some implementations, the control
energy e?iciency. In some examples, the controller 615 may ler 615 may receive measurement of an external light inten
use the LFS process to provide capabilities that include, but sity. For example, the processor 635 may control the poWer
are not limited to, poWer factor (PF) correction, poWer level stages 110a, 1001) to supply a decreased poWer output to dim
control, high-speed shutdoWn protection, soft-start and/or the lights (e.g., When the sun is shining, during off hours, and
hard-start, and universal input (e.g., AC and/or DC). Exem the like).
plary applications may include, but are not limited to line [0086] The controller 615 communicates With a communi
frequency inductive devices such as metal halide and ?uores cation netWork 675 via the communication port 670. For
cent lighting, AC induction motors, and Welders, for example. example, the communication port 670 may transmit and
[0080] In one example application, a small amount of ?lter receive data betWeen the processor 640 and the communica
capacitance (e.g., to provide AC current Wave shaping and tion netWork 675. The communication netWork 675 may
improved crest factor) may be combined With LFS timing to include the Internet, a local area netWork (LAN), and/or a
substantially equaliZe input poWer among all four quadrants. communication cable (e.g., a universal serial bus (USB)
In such an example, the energy processing module 105 may cable, a FireWire, other parallel or serial data bus) for com
generate the AC poWer output With a high PF. municating With a computer device. The connection betWeen
[0081] In some embodiments, the controller 615 may oper the controller 615 and the communication netWork 675 may
ate to adjust phase and duty cycle to maximiZe achievable also be Wireless. For example, the communication netWork
poWer factor When supplying any output poWer level to the 675 may be connected to the controller 615 using Wireless

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