Chaptr 07 Q

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Chapter 07

1) Human resource management involves training, motivating, and retaining competent


2) Employment planning includes two steps: assessing current human resources needs and
developing a plan to meet those needs.

3) A job description states the minimum qualifications a person needs to perform a job

4) Increased demand for employees typically is associated with increased demand for the
products or services offered by an organization.

5) Employee referrals are usually reliable.

6) An accept error involves not hiring an employee who could have performed well in a job.

7) Performance-simulation tests are thought to be one of the best methods for evaluating job
applicants in use today.

8) Important goals of job orientation are to reduce anxiety and to familiarize the recruit with
the job and the organization.

9) The first three activities of the human resource management (HRM) process are about
A) recruiting
B) planning
C) training
D) downsizing

10) Human resource management is concerned with ________ competent employees.

A) obtaining
B) obtaining, training, motivating, and retaining
C) obtaining, training, and motivating
D) training and keeping

11) Employment planning involves ________.

A) addition of staff only
B) addition of staff and reduction of staff only
C) addition of staff, reduction of staff, and selection only
D) addition of staff, reduction of staff, motivation of staff, and selection
12) The last steps of the HRM process deal with ________.
A) performance and compensation
B) training and compensation
C) compensation only
D) skills

13) A job description is ________.

A) not a written document
B) a written document used to describe a job to job candidates
C) something that employers keep secret from job candidates
D) the official title for the job

14) A job specification is ________

A) a list of job qualifications only
B) a detailed description of the job
C) the description of a job that is used by an employment agency
D) usually several pages in length

15) While ________ can reach the greatest number of applicants for a job, many of those
candidates may be unqualified for the job itself.
A) an internal search
B) advertising
C) a temporary help service
D) school placement

16) A disadvantage of a written essay for employee appraisal is that it tends to be biased by
A) the prejudice of the evaluator
B) friendship between the employee and the evaluator
C) the writing skill of the evaluator
D) the writing skill of the employee

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