Allah Hum Sab Ko Kamyab Karen. Ameen: in The Name of Allah

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In the name of Allah

Allah hum sab ko kamyab Karen. Ameen

1. Precis and composition
Today’s Dawn newspaper will be studied.
 Vocabulary Ten words on daily basis

 Pakistan affairs: Pakistan and US War on Terror (1 day)

 Current affair Brexit

 Islamic study
 Islamic Civilization and Culture:
 Meanings and the Vital Elements (1 day)

1. Essay for this week

Truth is a rare commodity despite the
freedom enjoyed by media.

Materials to be shared before the task.

1. Precis method as I already shared it. Past papers of precis and
composition needs to be shared (I will share it).
2. Material related to daily task be shared only
3. You can share essay materials any time,
but related to the topic of the week.
Materials to be shared after the task.
1. Your solved precis and comprehension.
2. Short notes of eds, current affairs, pak affairs, Islamic
studies (in your hand writing).

Discussion time 10:15

pm .

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