Global Science and Nature Quiz: Megabyte)

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Global Science And Nature Quiz

1. What is oneirophobia the fear of? - Dreams

2. What is the lighest element? - Hydrogen
3. What animal is known as the ship of the desert? - The camel
4. What colour is cobalt? - Blue
5. What two-letter abbreviation in the computer industry stands for 1,048,576 bytes? - MB (for
6. Which is the eighth planet from the sun? - Neptune
7. What is the most contagious disease in the world? - The common cold
8. Which planet was not discovered until 1930? - Pluto
9. What is the element Uranium named after? - The planet Uranus
10. What is the chemical symbol for the element Tin? - Sn
11. What is the smallest breed of dog? - Chihuahua
12. What does NASA stand for? - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
13. In computing what does RAM stand for? - Random Access Memory
14. In the American use of the word “trillion”, how many zeros are there if this was written out in
numerical form? - 12
15. What are the only two planets in the solar system which do not have moons? - Mercury and
16. What is the more common name for Ethylene Glycol? - Antifreeze
17. What is a baby frog called? - Froglet
18. By what name is a modulator-demodulator better known as? - Modem
19. What is an Ishihara test used for? - To determine whether or not someone is colour blind.
20. Which of the following elements has a chemical symbol which does not begin with ‘S’? -
21. What is the common name for sodium bicarbonate? - Baking Soda
22. Other than humans, what are the only animals that have sex for pleasure? - Dolphins
23. What does ASCII stand for in computing? - American Standard Code for Information
24. What substance has the chemical formula C17 H21 O4 N? - Cocaine
25. How many chambers does the heart have? - 4
26. How many eyes does a bee have? - Five

27. Approximately how many muscles are there in the human body? - 700
28. What is the name of the bone in a human’s thigh? - Femur
29. What was Buzz Aldrin’s mother’s maiden name? - Moon
30. Which of the following metallic elements has the lowest atomic number? - Silver
31. What name is given to the time of year when the sun is directly over the Equator at noon? -
32. What metallic element is the best conductor of electricity? - Silver
33. What was the name of the space mission that saw the Russians send the dog “Laika” into
Sputnik 2
34. In degrees Fahrenheit, what is the boiling point of water? - 212
35. What word is used to describe animals which can live on land or in water? - Amphibian
36. What is the chemical symbol for the element Barium? - Ba
37. How many pairs of ribs does a man have? - 12
38. The burning of what substance produces most of the world’s electricity? - Coal
39. Which element has the chemical symbol Li? - Lithium
40. Ophidiophobia is the fear of what type of creatures? - Snake
41. Which element has the chemical symbol Zn? - Zinc
42. How is trinitrotoluene better known? - TNT
43. What are commonly referred to as shooting stars? - Meteors
44. Which organ of the human body does Hepatitis affect? - Liver
45. What number on the Beaufort Scale represents a hurricane? - 12
46. What is pathophobia the fear of? - Illness
47. What nationality was scientist Marie Curie? - Polish
48. How is the medical condition of Lateral Epicondylitis more commonly known? - Tennis
49. What is the fear of horses called? - Hippophobia
50. What is the most common blood type in humans? - O
51. What is the distinguishing feature of a Manx cat? - It has no tail
52. The diameter of the Earth is approximately how many times bigger than the diameter of the
Moon? - 4
53. In computing, how many nibbles are there in one byte? - 2
54. Which element has the chemical symbol Po? - Polonium

55. What are only three animals which walk by moving their front and hind legs on one side, then
on the other? - Giraffe
56. What is the young of a deer called? - A fawn
57. What is the chemical symbol for the element Oxygen? - O
58. What is cryophobia the fear of? - The cold
59. True or False? An ostrich’s eye is bigger than it’s brain? - True
60. Which elements has the lowest atomic number? - Tungsten
61. What is the collective noun for a group of lions? - A pride
62. In the human body, what is the proper term for the thigh bone? - Femur
63. By what name is “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web” now known? - Yahoo
64. What is the distinctive feature of a Proboscis Monkey? - A long nose
65. What is the medical name for the funny bone? - Humerus
66. Which two metallic elements form the alloy bronze? - Tin and Copper
67. How many canine teeth does a human have? - Four
68. In the medical world, what do the initials ENT stand for? - Ear, Nose and Throat
69. What metal is also known as quicksilver? - Mercury
70. What acid is extracted from the juice of lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit? - Citric
71. In mathematics, what does the letter “L” stand for in the abbreviation “LCD”? - Lowest
72. What name is given to a female horse aged four or under? - Filly
73. What is the largest land mammal in the world? - Elephant
74. What is the chemical symbol for the element Neon? - Ne
75. What is the chemical symbol for the element Gold? - Au
76. What kind of animal is a saki? - Monkey
77. Which of the following does not mean the fear of surgery? - Rupophobia
78. What is the difference between a frog and a toad? - A frog hops or leaps, while a toad walks
79. In 1980 which electronics company demonstrated its latest invention, the compact disc? -
80. What are the four principal types of tooth called? - Incisors, Canines, Pre-molars and
81. Who shared a Nobel prize in 1945 for his discovery of the antibiotic penicillin? - Alexander
82. Sand consists of what two chemical elements? - Oxygen and Silicon

83. Is Sirius, which is also known as the Dog Star, the biggest, the brightest or the hottest star in
the sky? - Brightest
84. How many stomachs does a cow have? - Four
85. Where in the human body would you find the malleus, incus and stapes? - In the ear
86. What name is given to an area is Space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing can
escape it? - Black Hole
87. Which animal lives in a drey? - A squirrel
88. What is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust? - Aluminium

89. What company was once known as “Quantum Computer Services Inc.”? - America Online
90. Which of the following planets has no moons? - Venus
91. In computing, what does the acronym ROM stand for? - Read Only Memory
92. What is the main element found in steel? - Iron
93. Which chemical element is most abundant in the air that we breathe? - Oxygen
94. Who performed the first human heart transplant? - Dr Christiaan Barnard
95. Which British scientist originated the theory of evolution based on natural selection? -
Charles Darwin
96. What is the traditional Christmas flower? - Poinsettia
97. Where in the human body is the femur bone? - Leg
98. How many valves are there in the human heart? - 4
99. How many claws does a domestic cat have? - 18
100. Who discovered gravitation and invented calculus? - Isaac Newton

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