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Call for Papers

Translation and interpreting in an era of demographic and technological change

Innovations in research, practice and training

The Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) at Heriot-Watt
University in Edinburgh is delighted to announce an international conference on Translation
and interpreting in an era of demographic and technological change, to be held in Edinburgh
on 30 and 31 May 2018.

Open to all, the conference immediately follows the members-only General Assembly of
CIUTI (Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et
Interprètes ) and is intended to create a common space for reflection on
translation and interpreting issues. The conference language is English.

Key dates
• Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2018
• Notification of acceptance: 28 February 2018
• Registration open: 28 February 2018
• Early-bird registration available until: 31 March 2018

Aim and scope

The digital era, characterized by technology which increases the speed and breadth of
knowledge turnover within the economy and society, now embraces every aspect of our
lives. The impact of new technologies is changing the very nature of language and
communication, causing adjustment in every aspect of who says what, to whom, how, why,
and with what effect. These developments interact in increasingly complex, pivotal and
pervasive ways with demographic shifts, caused by war, economic globalisation, changing
social structures and patterns of mobility, environmental crises, and other factors. Translators
and interpreters attempt to keep up with these shifts. This conference is designed to reflect
upon the innovations in research, practice and training that are associated with this turbulent

We invite papers related but not limited to the following translation and interpreting (T&I)
• T&I in the digital economy
• T&I and new technologies
• Accessibility issues in T&I (e.g. data sharing, maintenance, copyright)
• New methodologies in T&I
• Multimodality in T&I
• T&I and the media
• T&I and literature
• T&I in the public sector
• T&I in politics and law
• Ethics, equality and diversity in T&I
• T&I in education

Submissions are invited for 20-minute presentations. Abstracts should be no more than 400
words (excluding references) and clearly state research questions, approach, method, data
and (expected) results. Please submit your abstract as a file attachment including the title of
the paper, author name, affiliation and e-mail address to
The subject header of the submission email should read: Abstract CIUTI.
Further details will soon be available via

Location: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland, the home of the Scottish Parliament and well served
by international communication and transport links. The University was established in 1821
as the world's first mechanics' institute, with its Royal Charter granted in 1966). It is ranked
among the World's top 500 and the UK’s top 30 universities. The Centre for Translation &
Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) is internationally renowned for the calibre of its
research which has been developed over more than 40 years. Bringing together research
expertise across disciplines in translation studies, interpreting and applied language studies,
the Centre’s work – building a diverse and coherent body of knowledge which seeks to
address socially-relevant issues – informs the thinking of government, industry and public
bodies around the world.

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