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Problem statement

The current globalization market has made companies to see the internationalization of their activities as a way to remain competitive.
Marketing strategy has become important tool globally for any organization to remain in competitive market environment and was
stronger. Aremu and Lawal (2012), sees strategy as a pattern of resource allocation decisions made throughout an organization. These
strategies include focus, cost leadership and differentiation.

Inspite of these strategies many banks in Somalia are so difficult to adopt and to remain competitive. Cost leadership strategy uses in
these banks may limit their bank’s ability to attain optimal efficiency and large numbers of untrained employees. The size of banks
increase cause in complexity in Somali banks. Changing market growth rates and shifting market shares are key determinants of the
competitive environment in somalia

The banking industry in Somalia faces the challenges of fluctuating demand and high costs of foreign products. The competitive
environment in the banking industry is widely recognized as being complex and highly segmented which makes customers unsatisfied.
Increasingly banking companies are competing directly with one another in the same locations (Walshy and Libinski, 2009). The
banking industry in somalia is characterized by price competition and cost leadership.

I propose to examine the effects of marketing strategies on sales performance of banks in Somalia these strategies are cost leadership
strategy, focus strategy and differentiation strategy by focusing on cost leadership strategy includes profit margins and market shares.
Then I will investigate how to affect cost leadership on sales performance of Somali banks.

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