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Apply Project Risk-management Techniques

Student Name
Student ID

Course Name
Certificate IV in Project Management Practice

Subject/module Project Risk

Assessment method Question and Answer

Due date Session 5

20/02/2017 for Monday Classes

Weighting 50%

Units of Competency
Apply Project Risk-management Techniques

1. Assessments will be provided by your trainer.
2. Assessments should be completed as per trainer’s instruction.
3. The assessment must be submitted by the session mentioned above in
the due date.
4. Your assessment should be presented as a word-processed document
addressing all elements of the assessment.
5. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own.
Any plagiarism will result in a mark of zero.
6. A list of references must be included.
7. All the assessments must be digitally uploaded into Google
Assessment 1

Question and Answer

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your
organisational requirements for each one.
1. What risk management methods and standards are best to use for the
following low level risk situations? Explain why.
a. Dehydration

b. Getting a flu

c. Getting a paper cut in the office

d. Hit by a meteor

e. Hit by lightning on the beach flying a kite during a storm

f. Not submitting your assignment in time

2. How can you calculate total risk?

3. How might you go about performing risk control?

4. How might you visualise risk likelihood and consequence rankings using a

5. Give four examples of risk records.

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