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Aim of the project is to analyse the brand

BRAND association and customer feelings for the brand.

Identify brand gap and develop a sustainable
brand strategy.


Crafting Brand Strategy

VIJAY KABRA 2013H149251P
SUHAS JOHN 2013H149288P
Product Brand Matrix

Product Brand Matrix

Company Brands Products
Kraft Cadbury Oreo
Biscuits Mcvitie's Mcvitie's Digestive
Dark Sunfeast
ITC Sunfeast BOUNCE Fantasy Delishus Glucose
McVitie’s Mental Map

Value Cover
for Freebies

Crunchy Sweet

Break- 10Rs
time Mental Map Biscuit


Brand Exploratory Survey:

The purpose of survey is to understand the perception of our brand Mcvitie’s in the eyes of our
customers. How they perceive the brand and their responses to get insights about the product and
their feelings, affection. We also try to look, how they judge our brand, where our brand stands in
terms of “performance” and finally what he carries with our brand.

Methods adopted for Data collection:

 Online Questionnaire
 Focus Group Survey (Interview)
 Website and Social Groups

Keller Brand Equity Model – Customer Based Brand Equity Model

Step 1: Brand Identity

Mcvitie’s target customers are mid to high income, health conscious people.

After careful analysis, we think that it is marketing in the correct category, but it should realizes that
its marketing efforts aren't fully addressing customer needs and can extended to children. Its message
is ‘healthy and digestive biscuits’, now, it should change ‘delicious and tasty healthy biscuits' which is
more relevant and meaningful to her target market.

Step 2: Brand Meaning

Now we examine the product's meaning, and looks at how the company communicates that meaning
to its customers.

The performance of the biscuit moderately high, in this price range it trades at higher quality than the
competition's product. After assessing the organization's service effectiveness, In terms of
performance when compared to other competitive brands, it is disappointing to find that many of its
customer find it low on quality and it is not even recognised within customers. People cannot recollect
about the brand and they even told that they have heard it for the 1st time. Company portray as if this
biscuits are only for health conscious people, which we think is hampering it targeted market.

In focus survey, we asked couple of students to tell us, why they don’t eat this biscuits?

So, they told that, we are not even aware about such a product.
Step 3: Brand Response

After going over the four brand response judgments, we realized that marketing communication might
be an issue. The Mcvitie’s Digestive biscuit itself is moderate high quality, within the price range.
Mcvitie’s offers freebies with the product instead of lower price, as lowering the price might affect
how customers assess quality, so it decides to offer more value with each product sold to surpass
customer expectations.

Step 4: Brand Resonance

Mcvitie’s Digestive biscuit knows that its target customers care deeply about product quality and fair

Mcvitie’s Digestive biscuit sets up a social networking framework to involve customers in the
organization's fair trade efforts. She commits to championing the efforts of other fair trade
organizations by providing best quality biscuits.
Points of Parity & Points of Difference:

Points of difference (PODs), are attributes or benefits that consumers strongly associate with a
brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with a
competitive brand.

For Mcvitie’s Digestive PODs are:

 Wheat Flour
 Oatmeal
 Healthy
 Freebies


 Sugar
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Energy
 Crispy and Crunchy
 Tasty
 Economical

Points of parity associations (POPs), are not necessarily unique to the brand but may in fact be
shared with other brands.

There are two types: category and competitive.

Product Line Extension:

A product line extension is the use of an established product’s brand name for a new item in the same
product category. Line Extensions occur when a company introduces additional items in the same
product category under the same brand name such as new flavours, forms, colours, added ingredients,
package sizes. This is as opposed to brand extension which is a new product in a totally different
product category. Line extension occurs when the company lengthens its product line beyond its
current range. The company can extend its product line down-market stretch, up-market stretch, or
both ways.

We as Mcvitie’s biscuits are extending our product range for children, as studies on consumer
behaviour has shown that young/ small kids are more prone to chocolates and biscuits. Hence we
introduce a product which is a combination of chocolate and healthy biscuit. It is Kids Cookies: Sweet
and Flavoured cookies.

Mcvitie’s Kids Cookies ingredients:

Similar to our other healthy biscuits offered by company but with a suitable amount of chocolate
mixed with them. It will be like Hide & Seek in combination with upper layer of biscuit brown and
Marketing Communication

We will develop a complete a marketing plan.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning


Market Segmentation divides a market into well-defined slices. A market segment consists of a
group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.

The complexity of the Indian Market due to a host of factors has reduced the validity of any single
segmentation variable as a good predictor of consumption preferences and habits.

Segmenting Criteria’s:

Segmentation Based on Health Report

India is presently home to 62 million diabetics.

Out of Which 98% are believed to be Type 2 Diabetics.

Type 2: 60760000,

Type 1: 1240000

The prevalence of hypertension ranges from 20-40% in urban adults and 12-17% among rural adults.
India is presently home to 120 million numbers of people with hypertension

Overlap of Diabetes &

(35% of 62M Diabetes)
Out of 62 Million 35% Has Diabetes (18% of 120M Hypertension)



About 25% of people with Type 1 diabetes and 80% of people with Type 2 diabetes have high blood

And research study shows that, all diabetes patient should keep eating something in an interval of
2 hours.

We will also target kids/students.


Different methods via which promotion is carried out are:

Co-branding: School fest, College events, public gatherings, corporate meeting tie-ups with
Advertising: 2 different Marketing Campaign using media like newspapers (national) and television
channels like Pogo/ CN etc. Also, business news channels and family channel.
Online: Free Promotion on Classified Sites. Online sales through Flipkart etc.

Advertising: 5 M’s

 Mission: To create awareness of the product among the target segment. To inform and
persuade people to further use and buy our product.

 Message:” Tasty-Healthy biscuits, khao anytime”

 Media: Newspapers Ads and Television

 Newspapers: Through these mediums, the necessary awareness can be created. For
newspapers, the national newspaper Times of India.

 Television: During Prime time and Morning Hours.

 Measurement: TTL Promotions: Through the Line including Below and Above the Line
Promotions. Using both traditional and non-traditional medium, we try to create awareness
about our product.

BUDGET DISTRIBUTION : Channels used: TIMES Now(Prime Time),CNBC

TV18(Morning Slot), Kids channels Noon to
Time Line: Quarterly

Time Line: 1 year

Newspapers: Times of India Reach:

Cities Targeted: TIMES Now: 50mil

Metros: Delhi, Kolkata , CNBC TV 18 : 27 mil

Mumbai ,Chennai

Times OF India : 24,83,637 Frequency= 10

No of months the ad is printed=4 Length of the ad = 30 secs

Size of AD=461 sq cm Rate for Times Now = 3500/10 secs

Rate of coloured ad on first Rate for CNBC TV 18 = 415/10 secs

page=2395/sq cm
No of months it is shown = 12

Printing Ads Coloured Rates: Nick, CN & CNBC TV 18 : 415*3*10*12

TOI: 2395* 4 times*461 =1,49,400*3

TOTAL COST: 41 lakhs Disney & Times NOW= 3500* 3*10 *6


Total Cost: 1,40,09,400



Sponsoring various events, conferences, fest, and college functions.

According to the data present on the net, there are various rates at which the sponsorship fees are
charges at these events. Such conferences are held at various places and cities in our country and
abroad. Main cities where these conferences have been held in the past- Bangalore, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur to name a few.

Such Institutes also offer membership where in the company can display their ads or sponsor a
particular event. Thus keeping in mind that our main purpose is to spread awareness of the product.


Total Promotions budget on hand is 10,00,00,000

Media Budget(Newspapers +Television) 1,81,09,400

Conference Budget (approx.) 9-20 lakhs

Total spending on Promotions 8 Crore

Advertisement and Promotion:

Setting Objectives:

Goal of our advertisement is aware our customers and at the same time convince them to buy the
product. We will aim to inform more and more about the health issues and associated problems.

Thus we will be using Persuasive Advertising Strategy.

Through persuasive advertising aims to create liking, preference, conviction and purchase of our

Developing Ad Campaign

3 Main Stages:

 Message Generation and Evaluation.

 A good ad focuses on one or two core selling propositions.

 Thus, we will conduct a market research, to determine which appeal works

best for our product.

 Creative Development and Execution.

 It is important for an advertisement that what message it says and how it


 To convey our message via different medium, we will analyse the different
media options available, and thus after to reach the outcome we will target
Print Ads and Film Ads.

 Legal and Social Issues.

 Our ad to follow norms and social issues.

According to portals like we get the implication that, it is very tough to get
reliable response rate statistics for different advertising media, and possible reasons could be No
direct correlation between dollars invested and results gained.

Also Results increase with repetition, i.e. with the same ad, the sales with double in next year and
may triple in 3rd year, but it may flatten as well. As par the Wharton study Magazines are Expensive,
but high-impact with tight targeting, little waste. So, we will give our ad in mid pages of famous top5
We will have variety of ads,

 A questionnaire with points for each specific answer and then total score range suggest the
probable health measure one should take. And in the end our biscuit logo to engage.

 Kids entering into a biscuit island and they start loving it.

Good Advertisement Strategy using a famous Celebrity like Hritik Roshan showing professional
who is health conscious and Rabbit loving cookies i.e. Mcvitie’s biscuits.

Campaign for professionals:

Campaign for Kids:

Budget: 5 Crore (mentioned earlier)


Mcvitie’s is an upcoming brand in India, with aggressive promotion it can obtain a better place in the
mind of its customers. In initial years, it need to boost its promotion activities.

The brand gap identified by us, was with respect to its marketing and promotional activities. People
consuming the product are satisfied with its performance but to attract more customers and
increase the revenue we need to boost our efforts on winning the heart share of the customers.


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