ربارب beraber together هسوب buse kiss گنج cenk war كباچ çabuk quick (ly) Turkic word. هراچ çare solution هرهچ çehre face ربنچ çember circle

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Ottoman Modern spelling of the Modern Turkish Meaning in

Turkish word Ottoman Turkish word equivalent English
‫برابر‬ beraber birlikte together
‫بوسه‬ buse öpücük kiss
‫جنگ‬ cenk savaş war
Çabuk is actually a
‫چابك‬ çabuk ivedi * quick(ly)
Turkic word.
‫چاره‬ çare çözüm solution
‫چهره‬ çehre yüz face
‫چنبر‬ çember yuvarlak circle

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