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As far as who's going to win, I have no clue...but let's take a vote.


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Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price 99 $799
Resolution 1500ppi 447ppi
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Customizable Comfortable Design

Integrated VR Audio
Game availibility
Name: Rishi Mohan Jha
Date: 9/13/2017
HTC Vive Samsung Gear Playstation VR Oculus Rift
Price 600$$ 130$$ 350$$ 500$$
Resolution HTC Vive
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Access Media Files on other devices

Voice Control as Move Left,Right, Stop, Start
VC calling feature
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung Gear VR Google Cardboard Google Day Dream Oculus Rift HTC Vive Helpful comparison chart,
Price 129 $20 $79 $529 $799
Resolution ? ? ? ?
Memory Size of phone Size of phone Size of phone 8 GB
OS Android Android and iOS Android and iOS Windows
Graphics Card Phone Graphics Phone Graphics Phone Graphics Nvidia GTX 1060
CPU Phone processor Phone processor Phone processor Intel i5
Sound? Headset Headset Headset Headset
Reliability ? Cardboard....... App is good because
Much you
your phone
has headset ? - Reddit says support? sucks
- Reddit says support sucks
Library of Content Same as oculus Good. android and iOS llkll Seems limited but a large number of big game 2nd party groups appear to be producing versions - Has non game content as well
Available APIs
Drawback No head strap Expensive Really expensive
HTV Vive PSVR Daydream Oculus Rift Hololens Gear VR Playstatiion VR
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Shrew
Date: 4/9/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $$ $ $$$
Resolution $$
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Customizable Comfortable Design

Integrated VR Audio
Game availibility
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Price $7
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Customizable Comfortable Design

Integrated VR Audio
Game availibility
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 10/17/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: William
Date: 7/21/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $ $$$$
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Customizable Comfortable Design

Integrated VR Audio
Game availibility
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $$ $ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $$
Resolution Med Med High
Sound Quality Average Low High
Reliability Average Low High
Library of Content None None Present
Available APIs Available None Available
Interfaces Available Phone Available
Game availability Available Minimum Available
Compatibility None Phone PC
Weight Med Light Med
Size Med Small Average
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
LG 360 VR Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price 99 95 $15 $599 $799 629
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
More versions, with lower costs, installed some basic pc hardware in it, so it does not require always to by connected to a pc, maybe a combination with inserting a mobile phone
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s MorpheusOculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 06/22/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Native/Built in Apps
Name: David
Date: 6/20/2017
Competition Stack
Features Samsung GR Google Cardboard HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus Oculus Rift
Price (headset only) 100 $15 $800 $105 N/A 400 500
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Name: Name:
Date: 11/4/2017 Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift Sony’s Morpheus
Price Price
Resolution Resolution
Sound Quality Sound Quality
Reliability Reliability
Library of Content Library of Content
Available APIs Available APIs
Interfaces Interfaces
Game availability Game availability
Compatibility Compatibility
Weight Weight
Size Size
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors? What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below. Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Google Cardboard Samsung GR HTC Vive Playstation VR Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/6/2017
Samsung Gear VR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Sony’s Morpheus
Price $143 $15 $499 $799 $557
Resolution 1440*1280 per eye 1200*1080 per eye
Sound Quality
Reliability Moderate Low High
Library of Content High High HIgh
Available APIs
Game availability
Compatibility Galaxy Smartphone Windows
Weight 345 gm 475 gm
Size 208*123*99 mm 184*114*89 mm
Build Quality Plastic Fabric Plastic
Wireless Yes No
Positional Tracking No Yes
Refresh Rate 60 Hz 90 Hz
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Prashant Chourasia
Date: 8/6/2017
Playstation VR
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE
Price 129 79 $499 $800 400
Resolution Phone Native Phone Native 10/10 10/10 9/10
Sound Quality 7/10 7/10 9/10 9/10 9/10
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Name: Name:
Date: 11/4/2017 Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price Price
Resolution Resolution
Sound Quality Sound Quality
Reliability Reliability
Library of Content Library of Content
Available APIs Available APIs
Interfaces Interfaces
Game availability Game availability
Compatibility Compatibility
Weight Weight
Size Size
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors? What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below. Provide your answer below.

Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Bojan Dimitrovski
Date: 31/5/2017
Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR
Price $599 $800 $99 (plus cost of phone)
Competitor type Direct Indirect
Right and left 3.62-inch OLED display rendering 1200 x 1080 pixels.
Two HTC controllers, two base stations, a link box, two distance knobs,
a microphone, status light, touchpad, and operational buttons.
What's inside? Headset, an Oculus Remote, a standalone sensor, an Xbox One controller w/USB dongle, and all the necessary USB cables 5-megapixel CMOS camera and a 960-mAh Li-Polymer battery. Headset
Resolution 2160 x 1200 pixel, 90Hz built-in OLED displays 2160 x 1200 2560 x 1440 pixel Super AMOLED
Sound Quality **** *** ***
Library of Content Oculus Store, external sources Viveport Oculus librarty, apps.
Available APIs Mobile, PC, Web VR, Unity, SDKs.. HTC Vive SteamVR SDK Unity, Unreal engine, Gear VR framework
Interfaces Cable, positional tracker, headset, Oculus touch StreamVR headset Gear VR Controller,
Game availability ***** **** ****
Intel™ Core™ i5-4590 or AMD FX™ 8350, equivalent or better.
Compatibility Intel i5-4590+, 8GB+ RAM, GTX 970 / AMD R9 290+ NVIDIA GeForce™ GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480, equivalent or better Samsung phones, tablets.
Weight <380 grams 470 g 310 grams
Optical lens 110 degrees or greater 110 degrees 96° field of view
Size TBA, 1.3 x 14.7 x 7 inches for Dk2 dev kit 520 x 190 x 320 mm 207.8 x 122.5 x 98.6 mm

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Introduce smaller, more compact units that work with other platforms. Oculus's competitive edge is that they were developer friendly right from the start, however, they
should introduce a more streamlined development process which can deploy on multiple platforms at the same time. The pricing should probably be more affordable to
beat the PS4/Xbox market.
Name: Adhish Patel
Date: 05/22/2017
Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $$ $ $$$
Resolution ** * ****
Sound Quality * * ***
Reliability *** ** ****
Library of Content *** *** ***
Available APIs
Game availability
Compatibility ** **** *
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Alex C.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus Google Cardboard
Price $649 $15
Sound Quality
Library of Content Yes
Available APIs
Game availability Yes Yes
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: John
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $$$ $ $$$$$$
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Gloves and shoes which can be linked and compatible wepons e.g guns, swoards
a linked threadmill so you can walk wthout moving
Name: Madhulika G.Sharda
Date: 17/5/2017

HTC VIVE Samsung VR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift PSVR Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Price $800 $130 $15 $800
Resolution 2160×1200 (1080×1200 per eye)
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Weight 1.036 lbs 0.76 LBS
Competipetion type Direct Indirect Indirect

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung VR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC Vive Playstation VR
Price 650$ 15$ 1,376$ 1,500$ 800$
Display Super AmoLED Phone dependent OLED OLED OLED
Resolution 1440*2560 Dependent on Device and App 2160*1200 2160*1200 1920*1080
Sound Quality Moderate Spatial audio(varies) High low High
Reliability High Low High High Moderate
Library of Content High High High Low Medium
Available APIs Low High High Low Low
Interfaces Low High High Low Low
Game availability High Medium Highest High High
Compatibility Medium (mostly samsung)
Low Highest(Any) High Low
Weight 0.9 lbs 0.1 lbs 1.03 lbs 1.22 lbs 1.34 lbs
360 degree head tracking No No Yes Yes Yes
Refresh rate 60 Hz 60 Hz 90Hz 90 Hz 120Hz
Field of View 101 101 110 100 100
Accelerometer, Accelerometer, Accelerometer,
gyrometer, gyroscope, gyroscope, Accelerometer,
Sensors proximity sensor magnetometer magnetometer gyroscope
Ease of Usage easy Easiest Easy Moderate Moderate to Difficult
Material quality Plastic Mix Plastic Fabric Plastic Plastic
After Sales Service
Markets available 150 countries 100 countries 21 countries 52 countries 26 countries
Laguages supported 39+

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Recording capabilitiy
This will be a game changer..when youtube allowed users to create video and upload it became and instant hit. The VR's usage is now a monologue. The manufactures deploy the VR Game/video and the consumer sees it. Its never from consumer to consumer. Thats wh
Sharing feature This is similar to the above feature, rather it will work like a complement to the above feature. Customers can Share their VR experience at realtime with remote VR sets. Of course this will demand high data transmission rate at both sender and receiver end. Imagine you
Audio systems Provide port to integrate with external audio system for best quality sound (HDMI port to connect to 7.1 surround sound device
Foldable make it pocket size foldable
Library Notifications
Add Notifications when any new album is added to your favourite category.
Name: Andres Rodriguez PC Mag comparison:
Date: 5/16/2017
Direct Indirect Potential
Google Daydream
HTC Vive Sony PS VR Oculus Rift View Samsung Gear VR Cast AR
Price $800 $400 $500-$700 $80 $130
Resolution 1080x1200 960x1080 1080x1200 Native to phone Native to phone
Refresh rate (Hz) 90 120 90 60 Native to phone
Field of view (deg 110 100 110 96 101
Platform High-end PC PS4 High-end PC smartphones Samsung Galaxy
Realism of control input High Med High Low Low
Barrier to entry Very High Med High-Very High Low Low
User base size Low High Low High Med
Experience Room-scale Standing Standing Seated Seated
Small, but with
Game library Large exclusives Large Med Med

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
The Oculus' most direct competitor is the Vive. The biggest advantage it has is it's slightly lower barrier to entry. They
could work to try to lower it even further. Partnering with Xbox was a good step, since by doing so, they were able to
keep the price lower by not including the tracking controllers and including an Xbox controller. In order to set itself apart,
Oculus could consider partnering with game developers to build system-exclusives games like Sony has done with the
PSVR. Perhaps also partnering with other media companies in order to branch out to other audiences - professional VR
training, VR tourism, VR meetings, etc.
Name:Tammy Kalinsky
Date: 11/5/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Playstation VR
Price $130 $25 $598 $799 $359
Depends on users PC- NVIDIA GeForce™
Depends on users PC- GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480,
Depends on the phone recomended NVIDIA GTX 1060 / equivalent or better. For additional graphics
Resolution 15000 PPI inserted AMD Radeon RX 480 or greater card options 960*1080
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
HTC Vive Samsung GR Sony Playstation VR Oculus Rift
Price $$$ $ $$ $$
Resolution 2160x1200
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Moran Azati
Date: 27/4/2017
PlayStation VR Google DayDream Samsung Gear HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 400/500$ 79$ 99$ 799$ 599$
Resolution 1920 X 1080 1440 X 1280 2560X1440 2,160 x 1,200 2,160 x 1,200
Sound Quality OK OK OK OK Good
Field of View 100 degree 90 degree 96 degree 110 degree 110 degree
Reliability Strong Medium Strong Strong Strong
Library of Content Medium Small High High High
Available APIs V V V V V
Interfaces Low Medium Low High High
Game availability High High High High Highest
Compatibility PS4 Google Pixel Phone (mostly) Galaxi Smartphone PC PC
Size Mobile Only Mobile Only Mobile Only Full-Room Full-Room
Weight 600 gr 220 gr 310 gr 555b gr 470 gr

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Wireless Connection This is the most important thing!

Voice Command This will free the users from the hand stick (at least part of it)
Lighter the weight Maybe this will fix the dizziness users feel
Cut the price There's a lot of cheaper competitors...
Share feature The users will be able to share games for example
Make Rift fit for Smartphones Will make more users interest this device
Date: 11/4/2017
HTC Vive Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Competition type Direct Indirect Indirect Reference
Price $800 $100 $79 $598v(Rift+touch)
2100X1200 Pentile Display of inserted Display of inserted 2160X1200 PenTile OLED (lower power consumption and
OLED smartphone smartphone high resolution HD as lower cost)
3D audio with integrated Integrated 3D audio headphones (removable+optional
Sound Quality NA NA
headstrap headphone jack)
Reliability NA NA High
Google TV, Photos, Movies,
Library of Content 200+ games 700+ apps 120+games
Apps, Games
openware software
Available APIs development kit, Android SDK Android SDK Rift Developer Kit 2
steamworks api
Front facing camera to
remote controller,
Interfaces view external world, remote controller Windows PC, xbox controller, oculus touch
colors available
motion controller
120+ games, 360 deg 3D videos, VR movies, social
Game availability Google play store games
application like altspace VR, VR TV series
Samsung Flagship Mobiles based, OS Android PC (high end pc configuration required) Graphics card nVidia
Compatibility windows pc
mobilephones N and above 1050x, i3 processor, 8GB ram and windows 8 or above
318g + mobile
Weight 470g light weight+mobile weight 470g
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Oculus requires high configuration windows PC, they should focus on creating different variants considering the unit price (like google cardboard)and the pc configuration required
light weight
already have games, videos, movies, TV and social space, they should keep adding more features like sharing screens, mutable voice chat, voice search, search for similar experiences like pinterest(take screenshot and search web for similiar games
should come up with mobile compatiblity to reach larger audience
Date: 5/1/2017
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dreamOculus Rift
Price 499 399 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from depends
the PS on phone
depends on phone
Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of ContentExtensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads
no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus
android and google
and oculus
Size similar similar similar bigger
Wireless yes yes yes No
Name: Jerry Huang
Date: 29/4/2017
HTC Vive Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift
Price $799.99 $129 $5~$29 $648.00
Resolution 2160x1200 2560x1440 based on the mobile
Refresh rate 90hz 60hz 60hz 90hz
Library of Content
Available APIs Y
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Gabriella Flom
Date: 04/28/2017
Samsung Google
HTC Vive Gear VR Daydream Oculus Rift
Price $799 $129 $79 $499
Resolution 447 ppi -1,000 ppi 441 ppi 441 ppi
Field of View 110 Degrees 96 degrees 90 degrees degrees
Refresh Rate 90 Hz 90 Hz 60 Hz 90 Hz
Sound Quality Low/Nominal Low/Nominal Low/Nominal Good
Reliability Strong Low Strong Strong
Library of Content High Medium Small High
Unreal, or
Google VR
Available APIs Unity or Unreal Unity or Unreal SDK Unity or Unreal
Game availability Viveport GearVR/Steam Google Play Steam
Windows 7 Samsung phones, but
SP1, Windows phones: mostly, just the
8.1 or Later, Galaxy S6, and Google Pixel Windows 81. or
Compatibility Windows 10 up phone newer
Weight 1.036 lbs
Size Full-Room Mobile-Only Mobile-Only Full-room
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

User Accessories (Oculus Touch)

Wireless compatability
Cross-Platform Usability
The fact that FB owns this platform, really puts them a leg ahead of the competition
Drop in Price
Dizziness: Fix the dizziness, and you will gain more usership
Name: Melissa M
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Price 599
Resolution 1080×1200.
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Ducky
Date: 16/4/2017
Samsung GR Google CardboardOculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name:Shrikanth Nimmakayala
Date: 11/4/2017
HTC Vive Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Price $$$$$ $$ $ $$
Resolution 1080×1200
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Palak Jajoo
Date: 4/4/2017
Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Voice Command
Virtual meetings
Name: Palak Jajoo
Date: 4/4/2017
Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Voice Command
Virtual meetings
Name: Parinit Girde
Date: 03/30/2017
Google Daydream Gear VR HTC Vive Playstation Oculus Rift
Price $ $ $$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$
Resolution Phone 2560x1440 1080p 960x1080 1080p
Sound Quality Depends on phone Depends on phone High High High
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Introduce Occulus Rift Mini which will work with mobile (instead of teethering)
Increase the library of content
Build partnerships and market aggresively
Increase device access to potential customers
Gear VR (samsung) Cardboard (google) Playstation VR (sony) Oculus Rift (microsoft)
Price Low Low High High
Resolution 960x1080 1080x1200
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Weight 345 1.34lbs.(610g) 1.03lbs(470g)
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Google Cardboard HTC Vive Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Cardboard Gear VR HTC Vive PS VR Oculus Rift
Price $ $$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$
Resolution bad great great good great
Head Tracking bad great
Refresh Rate good great good
Sound Quality n/a
Reliability bad
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Compatibility bad
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Clemens
Date: 03-19-17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dreamOculus Rift HTC VIve Gear VR
Price 499 399 79 599 799
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200 1080x1200 1440x1280
Sound Quality Better as its from depends
the PS on phone
depends on phone
Better as its from depend
PC on the eardepend
phoneson ear phones
Reliability very good ok ok very good good good
Library of ContentExtensive ok ok Extensive yes
Available APIs yes Support game pads
no yes yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus
android and google
and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470 312
Size similar similar similar similar similar similar
Wireless yes yes yes No Yes
Headphones yes yes phone No Yes Yes
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compared to Play station
Voice Assistant (Does it have already?)
Social Features, Adding friends, maybe an aplication that make video calls with someone else's phone where he can through his phone camera show you what he's seeing
Connection to add other user simultanesously
Wireless Connection
Reduce Weight
Make it portable
Name: Andrei Tit
Date: 03-18-17
Playstation VR Samsung Gear VR2 HTC Vive Oculus Rift
$799.99 (accessories
Price $599.00 $100.00 included) $499.00
Resolution 2160x960 2540x1440 2160x1200 2160x1200
Refresh rate 90-120Hz 60Hz 90Hz 90Hz
Platform Playstation 4 Samsung Smartphone Windows PC Windows PC
Field of view 100 degrees 96-101 degrees 110 degrees 110 degrees
Vive controller, any PC Oculus Touch, Xbox
Controller no no compatible gamepad One controller
Connections HDMI, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 HDMI, USB 2.0, USB 3.0
Audio yes no yes yes
Mic yes no yes yes
Weight 590g 325g (without phone) 555g 470g

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. Night/Day switch button
2. Extended field of view (130 degrees)
3. Mini boom boxes as accessories
4. Better life battery
5. Possiblity to record during VR sessions and replay the video
Name: Samir
Date: 03-20-17
HTC Vive PlayStation VR Samsung Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price $799 $399 $99 $499
Resolution 21600 x 1200
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Choose your own adventure Put yourself in the game

Voice assistant
Create your own visuals
Name: Shwetha Bhat
Date: 16/03/2016
PlayStation Oculus Rift HTC Vive Gear VR Day Dream View
Build Plastic Plastic fibre Plastic Plastic fabric
Base station PS4 PC PC galaxy smartphone Day dream smartphone
Starting Price 299 500 800 550 649
Positional Tracking yes yes yes no no
Motion controllers
Controller price
Tracking system
TS price
360 degree trackin
Room scale boundries
Built in camera
Game pad support
Bundled gamepad
Display resolution
Display Type
Field of view
Refresh rate
glasses support
focus adjustment
IPD adjustment
Lens distance adjustment
builtin headphones
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name:Elad Tavor
Date: 03-08-17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Physical build - less bulcky

set of contorollers
Better content - taking the rift to a more usable day to day position

Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dreamOculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from depends
the PS on phone
depends on phone
Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of ContentExtensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads
no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus
android and google
and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution
Virtual Reality
3D experience
Visual effects
Mood enhancer
One can teach something new
Travel anywhere
Experience anything
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
ease of use easy more complex easy more complex
Game availability yes no depends on phone Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compare
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Unmatched experience
position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream.
Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compared to Play station
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compare
Date: 27-02-17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Better Customer Experience (in temrs of delivery of the product), Partnerships with theme parks and historical sites.
Compatibility with more gaming platform and mobile
Communication with other players.
Making it context aware. e.g if a person is playing too long then making him/her aware about eating and other appointments.
A future case could be a live feed of any place i.e home
Name: Elazer
Date: 2/26/17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compare
Name: Fernando Lima
Date: 02-15-17
PlayStation VR Samsumg Gear VR HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price (Excluding assessories) $399.00 $99.00 $800.00 $600.00
Resolution 1920x1980 2560x1440 2160x1200 2160x1200
Easy Setup Poor Great Poor Good
Platform requirement Playstation vg 4 Note5, S6, S6 Edge PC (core i5, 4 GB RAM, GTX 960) PC (core i5, 8 GB RAM, GTX 960)
Audio Built-in 3d Audio No Yes Built-in 3d Audio
Mic Yes No Yes Yes
Weight 610 gr 310 gr 555 gr 470 gr
Field of view 110 96 110 110
Refresh Rate 90 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 90 Hz

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compare
Allow oculus users to interact with each other
Feature to have the users decide the time of the day(morning or afternoon or night)
Feature to have the users check in with reality - something like a timer or a button
Comaptibility with Android and Apple devices
Provide feature option for cost competitiveness
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dreamOculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from depends
the PS on phone
depends on phone
Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of ContentExtensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads
no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus
android and google
and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution

1. Improve its compatibiltiy by integrating to other OS to widen their user base

2. Improve social interactions through voice/video to provide greater user experience
3. Improve the design to make it light weight
4. Improve quality of video and audio.
Date: February 11, 2017
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

* The ability to communicate with the other person/people

* Make it less bulky
* Make it to be able to interact with other products
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compare
Name: Shikhar Srivastava
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dreamOculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from
the PS on phone
depends on phone
Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of ContentExtensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads
no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus
android and google
and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. Body sensors/motion sensors for arms and legs to enhance virtual experience.
2 Integrated OS and processor to remove device dependency(mobile/PC) and improve portability.
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Based on the table it looks like the only real negative with Oculus Rift is the price. I could see them upping the resolution at some point as the two less expensive competitors have us beat there.
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. Video Conferencing
2. Friends meeting with Avatars in virtual space
3. Speed of processor for seamless pictures and connectivity
4. Automactic thethering switch between phone and computer and wifi
5. Eye motion detection for mouse-like motion to be able to click or to zoom into it
6. Smaller size model for kids as well
7. An emergency mode in case someone is calling or phone is ringing
8. A time limit to set up in order to take some breaks while in the VR

Name:Prikshit Gupta
Date: 31-01-2017
--- Oculus Rift Htc Vive PSVR
Price $600 + $1000 $800 $400
Setup Easy Hard Hard
Commercialised YES YES YES
Asthetics & Comfort **** *** ****
Wireless NO NO NO
Motion Sensors NO Remote/Xbox Controllers Controllers with Lag
Camera/Tracking Stations 1 2 1
Sickness YES NO YES
Integrated Headphones YES NO NO
Immersive Wide Field of View YES YES YES
Custom Optics YES NO NO
Xbox/PS Integration YES - YES
Games Available **** ** *****
Mac Support NO NO NA
Display 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200 1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate 90FPS 90FPS 120FPS
Walk around NO YES YES
Eye Tracking NO NO YES
Sound 3D HD + Bad Noise Cancelation 3D

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Walk around
Date: 02-05-17
Sony PlayStation VR Samsung Gear VR (2016) Google Daydream View HTC Vive Microsoft HoloLens Fove 0 Razer OSVR HDK 2 Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Unmatched experience, position tracking and remote control as compared to VR and google day dream. Light weight, better resolution and great experience as compared to Play station
Name: Marcus Vinson
Date: 02-08-17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift
Price 499 99 79 599
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. Compatibility with Mac iOS
2. Integration with Android and Apple smartphones to receive calls, messages, and other alerts
3. Parental settings to screen content and control use by children
4. Enable voice commands for apps and games
5. Microphone for in-game chat, VoIP calls, voice commands
6. Support virtual world applications like Google Street View, Second Life
Name: Amit Ghodke
Date: 01-30-17
HTC Vive Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price 800 600 + 300 for accessories
Built in Camera Yes No
Size similar similar similar similar
Build Plastic Plastic Plastic Fabric
Base Station PC Smart phone PC
Motion Control Yes No Yes
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

1. Move away from being tethered to a PC, hence being compatible with different SmartPhones and thereby apps
2. Video conferencing apps, camera
Name: Vidushi Sandhir
Date: 01/21/2017
Sony PlayStation VR Samsung Gear VR google day dream HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 578 99.99 79 799 599
Refresh Rate 120 Hz 60 Hz Not specified - depends on device 90 Hz 90 Hz
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200 2160*1200
Tethered? Yes No No Yes Yes
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone Better as its from Better
PC as its from PC
Reliability very good ok ok very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes
Game availability yes no Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 1.344 0.687+phone 0.485+phone 1.224 Lbs 1.036 lbs
Size similar similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Comparins Oculus primarily to its closest direct competitor - HTV Vive

1. Improve refresh rate to improve user experience and reduce probability of the users feeling dizzy
2. Eye controller/sensor / Better motion sensor that can sense when you point at something specific
3. Maybe voice control to manage some controls?
4. Better design of the hand controller to something wearable on the hand like a glove - emulating real life functions such as pointing, grabbing - better
5. More than just games? Abiluity for users to view their emails. updates, zoomed in maps from the PC into thin air - view FB updates. This can be through PC or using wifi
integration intot the glasses (Snap Glasses format)
6. Some form of mobile support? though this seems like a large diversion from what they are planning to do right now
Name: Dallas
Date: 01-24-17
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 560 50-100 50 800 600
Resolution 960 x 1080 at 120 Hz 2,560 x 1,440 2,160 x 1,200 combined resolution 1,200 x 1,080 pixels per eye
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability X - 200 games X - 50 games X - 50 games/apps
Weight 21.5 oz 12.2 oz 7.8 oz 19.6 oz 16.6 oz
Size similar similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

More universal compatibility. Low-end version to capture more of the market.

Name: Adva Ben Dov
Date: 19 Jan 17

HTC Vive Oculus Rift PlayStation VR Samsung Gear Google Daydream Google Cardboard
Competitor Type Direct Direct Indirect Indirect Substitute
Release Date Apr/5/2016 Mar/28/2016 Oct/13/2016 Nov/27/2015 Nov/10/2016 Jun/25/2014
Price $799 $599 $499 $99 $79 $15
What's in the box Headset, 2 Motion Headset, Sensor, Xbox Headset, Processor unit, Headset Headset & Wireless Headset
Controllers, 2 Base One controller, Remote Camera & Controllers Controller
Stations, Link Box, & Cables
Earbuds, Alternate Face
Cushion, Cleaning cloth,
Cables & Mounts
Requirements A beefy PC $999 $199 for Touch PS4 4 / Pro $399 Samsung smartphone: Goolge Pixel/XL/Moto Smartphone
(NVIDIA GTX 970/ AMD controllers + A beefy PC Galaxy S7 series / S6 Z/Droid/Force Droid
R9 290 equiv or greater, $999 (NVIDIA GTX 960 series / Note 5
Intel i5-4590/AMD FX equiv or greater, Intel i3- $600-$850 & Gamepads
8350 equiv or greater, 6100 /AMD FX4350
4GB+ RAM Video equiv or greater, 8GB+
Output: HDMI 1.4 or DDR3 RAM, HDMI 1.3
DisplayPort 1.2 or newer video output, 1 USB 3.0
1x USB 2.0 or greater port + 2 USB 2.0 ports)
Sensors Accelerometer, Accelerometer, Accelerometer, Accelerometer, None None
Gyroscope, Lighthouse Gyroscope, Gyroscope, Gyroscope & Proximity
Laser, Front-facing Magnetometer & Optical Magnetometer PS Eye
Camera for peripheral space Tracking
Controllers Vive controller or PC Oculus Touch & Xbox DualShock 4, PS Move Touchpad & Back button Wireless controller None
compatible gamepad One
Resolution (each eye) 1200×1080 OLED 1200×1080 OLED 1080×960 OLED 1,440 x 1,280 Super 1280×720 AMOLED (Phone Dependable)
AMOLED (Phone (Phone Dependable)
Refresh Rate 90Hz 90Hz 120Hz 60Hz TBA -
Audio 3.5mm audio jack for Integrated over-ear 3D Audio Effect, 3.5mm Smartphone's Speaker Smartphone's Speaker Smartphone's Speaker
headphones & headphones w/3D Audio audio jack for
Integrated microphone Effect & Integrated headphones &
microphone Integrated microphone
Field of View 110° 110° ~100° 101° - -
Lens Spacing 60.2-74.5mm 58-72mm (adjustable) 54-70mm (fixed) - -
Interfaces Platform SteamVR, Windows Oculus, Windows PS 4, PS VR Android Android iOS / Android
Weight 555 g (excluding cable) 470g (excluding cable) 610 g (excluding cable) 312g (w/out phone, 220 g (w/out phone) 96 g (w/out phone)
w+151-171 g)
Required Area Room: 1.5m x 2m Desk / Sofa Large Room: 3m x 1.9m - - -
Wireless No No No Yes Yes Yes
Setting up A bit complex Takes an age Easiest of tethered No Cables No Cables Requires assembly
Comfort Uncomfortable Relatively Comfortable Most Comfortable Relatively Comfortable Most Uncomfortable
Reliability Glitches Good Some motion sickness Controller needs It's a cardboard
possible & Tracking isn’t constant centring, On
perfect smaller Pixel noticeable
black bars & whereas on
the XL, it's practically
Library of Content Games, Wrappers, & Games, Exclusive Games, Exclusive Apps, App-Games, 360° Apps, App-Games,
Apps Games, Oculus Cinema, Games, Cinema, 360° images, 180° Events, Youtube VR controlled
360° 3D videos, VR 3D videos & 360° photos VR Movies & TV VR w/Google Assistant,
Movies, Social VR series Google Photos, Street
platform/worlds, 180° View & Netflix
Events & TV VR series
Included Games Job Simulator, Fantastic Lucky's Tale & Eve Demo Disc w/18 Titles - -
Contraption & Tiltbrush Valkyrie (EU 8 Titles)
Available APIs & Game PC, & Audio SDKs, PC, WebVR & Audio PSVR SDK registered Mobile & Audio SDKs, WebVR & Mobile SDKs, WebVR & Mobile SDKs,
Engines Unity 5, Unreal Engine SDKs, Unity 5, Unreal developrs only & Unity 5 Unity 5 & Unreal Engine Unity, Unreal Engine Unity, Unreal Engine
4, & OpenVR Engine 4, CryEngine, &

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
HTC, PS VR, and Oculus are going high end, Google and Samsung more lower end.
Oculus and HTC are PC which has a larger global install base, however, current target is hardcore gamers, and among those, one can assume they have a PS4 (40+ million have it).
The PS VR is lower price and FAR less fiddling to set up, really just plug and play, while Oculus and HTC need lots of fiddling and PC upgrading to make them work, so PS4 will
capture a larger portion of the initial hardcore gamer target market, because it’s highly unlikely people will be buying two VR sets.
Gear, Daydream, Cardboard target a completely different market, immersive short term with small apps you play with for 5 min versus full titles with interactive long term experiences
on Oculucs, HTC ans PS.
Oculus competitive advantage: they were on the DEVELOPER side of the market first, Game devs had years of playing around with Oculus dev kits, Oculus support is built in the
major development platforms, Unity, Unreal, CryEngine, and those are program once, publish anywhere, So it's significantly easier for developers to develop for Oculus/ALSO develop
for Oculus (which makes it a less risky investment for them), Plus Oculus has been heavily investing in exclusive games, So they basically play a content play: they currently have and
continue to build out a larger, better, more exclusive content library of games. And they have a good head start in titles, dev relations, dev tools, and dev adoption.
Unity is the most widely used game dev platform by a margin, ONLY supports Oculus out of the box right now and Unity is: develop once, compile for iOS, Mac, Android, PC, Linux,
Xbox, PS, While PS VR needs you to develop bespoke to their platform, which is high risk for a dev, In Unity *in theory*, also publish to Oculus is minimal customization effort, It's a
two sided markets, devs and players, You want devs to publish to your platform so users are attracted to it and vice versa, That's the strength of Oculus as a platform/ecosystem
Long-term, Facebook as backing org means an opportunity to pivot into a business/consumer remote meeting/presence market, Here, PC install base beats PS4 install base, And
lower required specs and less fiddling means higher adoption.
Name: Pritesh BHEEMANEE
Date: 20/01/2017, Answer is in below table

Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
Size similar similar similar similar
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

FreeflyVR Google CardboardSamsung

V2 Gear VRCarl Zeiss VR 1 Homido Google cardboard v1 Destek Fibrum Pro Oculus Rift Merge VR Wearality Durovis Dive 5 View Master Powis Viewr Noon VR
Price (Amazon) in US$ 79 20 100 129 99.95 12.99 44.58 149 1598 99 49 79.99 29.99 29.99 89
Horizontal field of view 120° 80° 96° 100° 100° 90° 90° 110° 110° 90° 150° 90° 90° 90° 95°
Iphone 6+ compatible yes yes no no no no no no n/a yes yes no yes no yes
Phone lock mechanism
One click release for easy access
velcro all-round clips Phone specific trayone tension clip velcro magnets horizontal clips n/a none (slides in to pocket)vertical clips horizontal clip vertical clips velcro velcro
Screen size compatibility 4.7″ – 6.1″ <6″ Note5, S6 edge+, s6, s6 edge
4.7″ – 5.2″ 4″ – 5.7″ 4.7″ – 5.7″ 4″ – 6″ 4.5″ – 5.5″ ~5.7 4.5″ – 5.5″ 5″ or 6″ 4″ – 5″ 5″ – 6″ 4″ – 6.5″ 4.7″ – 5.7″
Weight 295g 80g 318g 410g 250g 141g 300g 120g 380g 340g 90g 150g 635g ~150g 230g
Controller yes no no no sold seperately no yes yes yes no no no no no no
Case Hard case no no no soft wace no no no hard case no no no no no no
Access to audio ports yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes
Wearing comfort Soft faux leather none foam foam foam none foam rubber foam foam none foam none none none
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Samsung VR google day dream Oculus Rift HTC Vive
Price 499 99 79 599 800
Resolution 960*1080 2560*1440 2560*1440 2160*1200 similar
External Tracking Yes, camera No No Yes, camera Yes, lighthouse room scale
Sound Quality Better as its from the PS depends on phone depends on phone 3d audio
Reliability very good ok ok very good very good
Library of Content Extensive ok ok Extensive Good
Available APIs yes Support game pads no yes Yes
Interfaces Move button on side no touch yes
Game availability yes no Yes Yes
Compatibility PS4 android and oculus android and google cardboard windows and oculus
Weight 610 312+phone 220+phone 470 >
Size similar similar similar similar larger
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

What's missing is that the graphics, hence the sense of presence within VR is much higher in Oculus, They'll be adding more Social interaction, Wireless, hand tracking & mor
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Price $399 $799 $57.99 $599.99
Resolution Okay Good Okay Good
Sound Quality Yes No No Yes
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Samsung Gear Google Daydream Oculus Rift
Price $399 $799 $99 (aprox 550 including phone) $79 (aprox 649 with phone) $599
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 Phone Phone 2160 x 1200
Audio Buid in 3D None None None Buid in 3D
Refresh Rate 120 90 N/A 60 90
Feald of view 100 110 n/a n/a 110
Sensors Motion/External visual positioning Motion/Camera/Ext Motion TRacking Motion Motion Motion/External Visual Positioning
Harware PS4 PC Androind Google Daydream PC
Software PS4 Steam VR Samsung Gear VR by Oculus Android 7.0 Oculus
Controler DualShock 4/PS move HTC vive motion controlers Onboard touchpad Remote Oculus Touch/Xbox Game pad
Aestethic Futuristic Futuristic Plastic looks Casual Casual

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

1 Compatibility with other OS. 2 Eye tracking function 3 Non Gaming library 4 Low end version
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

I would like new ideas to be implemented in 3 phases 1) Most headsets, just have a slot to put in phone, make it compatible with PC and Mac, so that we can have much better content. Even Xbox one integration would
2) Most headsets are bulky, honestly not sure that they ned to be, make the headsets more aesthetically pleasing, something on the lines of sunglasses but obviously bulkd up version
3) Add sensors to the hand so that the headset can be made interactive, so games among other thigns willb e a good sell
4) I got a chance to put on the oculus gear, so one thing that stood out and needs to be added is, quality of the video, SHOULD BE HD
5) IF we can add better quality headphone, over the ear better than the ear plugs, makes for a better feel.
6) On a side note the immersive experience the sounds and the HD videos create could disrupt the cinemas theatre industry, again by just being toatlly immersive
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Google Daydream Oculus Rift

$79 (requires cellphone -

Price $399 (includes console) $799 no lenses included) $849
1920x1080 - Based on the
1920 × RGB × 1080 (960 × RGB 2160x1200 (1080x1200 small version of Google 2160 × 1200 (1080 ×
Resolution × 1080 per eye) per eye) Pixel 1200 per eye)
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Raghavendra Harish
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Google Daydream Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Price $379 ( + PS4 bundle - *$981) $800 $79 $99 $600 + $200 ($80 for third sensor)
Resolution 960 x 1080 1080 x 1200 1920 x 1080 (based on phone) 2560 x 1440 1080 x 1200
Reliability Motion tracking hiccups High NA Overheating/ Slow audio High
Library of Content Close to 50 titles 107 games 185 apps at oculus store Games + cinemas + social applicatoins + industrial applicatio
Available APIs PS VR + Unity Opensense SDK Android SDKs Android SDKs PC/MAC SDKs
Headset weight 610 gm 555gm
Controls Dual shock 4, playstation move HTC vive motion controllers Handheld remote Onboard touch pad, Bluetooth controllers
Oculus toch, Xbox one game pad
Refresh Rate (Hz) 120 90 60 NA 90
Headset type / Interface Tethered Tethered Mobile Mobile Tethered
Hardware & software Playstation 4 PC/ Stream VR VR / android 7.0 BR by oculus/ Android PC/ Oculus

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. When other VRs are mostly focusing on gaming niche, Oculus has moved to other markets. They should continue to create more developer initiatives to create a positive network effect.
2. More developers = more apps = more markets = more users. Focus on 'winner takes all' strategy'
3. Sony poses a threat to Oculus in cinema/tv market as they already have production house. Oculus should work on onboarding other production houses to counter sony.
4. Oculus should expand its mobile vr experience from Samsung devices to more devices (iphone + other android devices to counter google)
5. Oculus should explore full body virtual reality experience market. Technology experience and backing backing from Facebook gives them an edge to experiment on more markets.
Name: Miguel
Date: 20-12-16
PlayStation Samsung VR Oculus Rift
Price EUR 466,21 EUR 64,99
Resolution Full HD
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Interfaces Android, Samsung, Gear 360, (micro usb)
Weight 345 g / 312 g without front cover
Sensors Gyrometer, Accelerator, Proximity

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Google Cardboard Samsung Gear VR Google Daydream Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
Sony Morpheus HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 399 799 599
Resolution 960 x 1080 1080x1200 1080x1200
bundled ear buds
Sound Quality Built in headphones / mic
Refresh Rate 120 110 110
Display OLED 2x OLED 2x OLED
Playstation 4 High end PC High end PC
Weight 555g 470g
User Friendliness
Low High High end PC
Screen Size 5.7 5.7

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Paola Valli
Date: 05- Dec-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Nick Ludlow
Date: 11-30-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Samsung Gear Google Daydream Oculus Rift
Competitor Type Direct Direct Indirect Indirect
Price $400 $800 $60 $80 $600
Resolution 1920 x RGB x 1080 2160 x 1200 2560 x 1440 Depends on device 2160 x 1200
Refresh Rate 90Hz/120Hz cinema mode 90Hz 60Hz Depends on device 90Hz
Sound Quality Earbuds 3D sound Headphones Phone audio earbuds Phone audio + 3rd party headsets Inbuilt 3D sound
Reliability Screen drifting issues Good Some battery & slow audio issues Unknown as yet Good
Library of Content 70 games at launch 107 games Game + Non game partners e.g. Imax 100 games
Available APIs PS VR + Unity HTC Opensense SDK, Partnership with Valve Unity + Andoid SDKs + Some Oculus Google VR & Unity + Andoid SDKs Platform, Pc & Mac SDKs
Interfaces PS4 PC Galaxy Note / Android Google Pixel PC
Weight 365g 555g 345g 220g 470g
Motion Controller PS Move (included) Included None Included Oculus Touch (sold seperately $200)
Comments... Need to buy PS Camera Need high end GPU Need Samsung Phone Fabric Construction for comfort Need high spec PC

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Great Motion Control marrying with headset is key with haptic feedback from motion controller & headset
Developers need to buy into OR over competitors
Need non game content to be the first to drive non gamer consumers and businesses to VR
Name: Amit Singh
Date: 12-08-16

HTC VIVE Samsung Gear VR Sony's Morpheus Google Daydream Oculus Rift
Resolution 2160 x 1200 phone 1920 x 1080 phone 2160 x 1200
Immersivity(Field of View) 110 96 100 90 110
Refresh Rate 90 Hz 60 Hz 90 Hz, 120 Hz 60 Hz 90 Hz
Head Tracking(Latency) ~11 ms ~ 20 ms ~18 ms >75ms ~13 ms
High(mobile content
Library of Content High only) High Low High
Reliability High Low Low High High
Interfaces PC Samsung Phones PS4 Nexus, Moto phones PC
345g+average phone 220g+average phone
Weight 555g weight(298g) 610g weight(298g) 470g
Price $799 $99 $399 $79 $599

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
1. Compatibility with other PC OS like Mac.
2. Additional Non-gaming content could be included.
3. Possibly a low end version for less-awesome PCs and smartphones.
Jenna Cirimele
Moose Jaw Google Samsung Oculus Rift
Price $ $ $$ $$$
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Kingsley McGowan
Date: 11/27/2016
Play Station VR Google Day Dream HTC Vive Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Price $3,000.00 $79.00 $799.00 $550.00 $599.00
Equipment Needed/Accessibility Yes/Gaming System Yes/Pixel Phone Yes/Phone Yes/Phone Yes/PC Specific
Resolution 1920x1080 1440x1280 2160x1200 1440x1280 1200x1080
Library of Content High Low High Low High
Available APIs No No Yes No Yes
Gesture and Voice Recognition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

I think a focus on design will be vital to Oculus's efforts to differentiate themselves. The overall VR market is still very early and the volume of content is not there, but I think initial efforts to make the product more beautiful will increase conusmer adoption for
Name: Muhammed Sheikh
Date: 02-07-16
Sony PlayStation HTC VIVE Sulon Q Oculus Rift
Price $400
Resolution 1920 x 1080
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Sam Chan
Date: 27-11-16
PlayStation Samsung Gear Google Card Board Oculus Rift

$$ $ $ $$$

Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200

Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Ben Michael
Date: 22-11-16
PlayStation VR HTC VIVE Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Price 399 $899 550 599
Resolution 1080x960 1200x1080 1440x1280 1200x20180
Sound Quality 3D sound N/A N/A Good

Library of Content
Available APIs
Weight 1.34lbs. 1.21lbs 1.03lbs
Positional tracking Yes Yes No Yes
Motion controllers yes yes no yes

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

A shift away from gaming and geared toward the everyday user. Wireless headsets
Name: Evan Kaverman
Date: 11/20/2016
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Samsung Gear Google DaydreamOculus Rift
Price $400 -$500 799+ $550+ $649 $500+
Resolution 1920x1080 2160x1200 1440x1280 1440x1280 1200x1080
Sound Quality Good (3D sound) None N/A N/A Good (built in)
Reliability Medium High Medium Medium High
Library of Content High High Low Low High
Available APIs N Y N N Y
Interfaces 3 3 0 0 2
Weight 610 g 555g 318g + phone 220g + phone 470g

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Self Contained
Position Tracking
Field of View
Name: Esosa Igbinosun
Date: 21-11-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Price £350 £680 £80 £550
Resolution 1920 x 1080 *** ** 2160 x 1200
Sound Quality Very Good Good Average Very Good
Reliability N/A
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Force feedback
Wireless connectivity
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Samsung Gear VR
Price $400 $800 $100 $830
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200
Sound Quality Good Very Good
Library of Content High
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Jeff Kuwaye
Date: 11-09-2016
Samsung Gear Playstation VR Oculus Rift
Price 99.99 399.99 599.99
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Interfaces OLED
Weight 1 oz
Integrated Audo

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: James Tuckett
Date: 07-11-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Google Card Oculus Rift
Price £349 £689 £3 £499
Setup challenges Low High Low High
Quality/Availability of content Good Good Ok Ok
Quality/Fidelity/Resolution High High Low High
Controllers/Interfaces Good Good Poor Ok
Aesthetic Good Ok Poor Ok

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name Mike Roche
Date 1/11/2016

PlayStation Gear VR HTC Hive Oculus Rift

Price 399 249 1149 549
Resolution 1920 × RGB × 1080 1920×1080 2160 x 1200 2160 × 1200
Sound Quality
Market Visability
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
Sony PlayStation HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
No heavy Eye Set,
instead a thin light
weight sphere as light
as possible, which
can be wore by user
and he doesnt feel
any different than
when he is not
wearing it. As soon as
they wear sphere,
they can experience
VR. Ut would be
definately more
Physical Design of convenient to use and
Eye set less dizzy.

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Name: Siddharth Vijayaraghavan
Date: 10-26-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price $500 $799 $600
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200
Sound Quality Attached headphone
quality 3D audio
Reliability High Low High
Library of Content 18 4 2
Available APIs
Interfaces PS4 PC PC
Weight (gms) 610 555
Refresh Rate upto 120 Hz 90 90
Field Of View (degrees) 100 110 110
Setup and Installation

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Hedieh Ekhlasi
Date: 10-13-2016
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Samsung Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price $$ $$$ $ $$$
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 2600 x 1440 2160 x 1200
Refresh rate 120Hz 90Hz 60Hz 90Hz
Library of Content
Wireless Yes No
Host device Sony Play StationWindows PC Galaxy note/edge Windows PC
Weight heavy medium light light
Comfort High High Medium

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Brigitta Devenyi
Date: 10-12-16
Sony PlayStation VR (Project Morpheus) HTC Vive Oculus Rift
$579 = $399+$180(necessary motion camera
Price (USD)
and controls) $799 $600
Resolution (total) 1920x1080 (960x1080 per eye) 2160x1200 (1080x1200 per eye) 2160x1200 (1080x1200 per eye)
Field of View 100 degrees 110 degrees 110 degrees
Latency 18ms 22ms 20ms
Refresh Rate 120FPS 90FPS 90FPS
Accelerometer Accelerometer
Gyroscope Gyroscope
Laser position sensor Magnetometer
360-degree tracking, 9 LEDs Front-facing camera 360-degree positional tracking
Front-facing camera:
stop user from crashing into objects in the
Important Extras
Controls are NOT included Controls come in pack Controls are NOT included
Space Requirements Large Room Closet Sized Room Desk
Good, but could do with better resolution &
Overall Fun Factor
latency Very good and can walk around: real-life Very good, but cannot walk around
Compatibility PlayStation 4 PC PC, XBox
Setup Many cables, not so easy to set up HDMI, USB, easy to set up HDMI, 2 USBs, easy to set up
Minimum HW Specs? Yes: PS4 Yes: Graphics, RAM, CPU Yes: Graphics, RAM, CPU
Comfort OK Good Best
Weight 1.1lbs 1lbs 0.97lbs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Rift could possibly add haptic feedback features. Haptic feedback could be via the headpiece and/or the controls. I assume the PS4 controls and the Vive controls probably have some kind of feedback
in their controls, but not in the headpiece itself. I have not tried any of these devices myself though.
Also, they could think about incorporating voice control (similar to Siri) that could be used to change settings in the beginning of the game, so there would be no need of pushing buttons. There could be
other benefits of voice control, such as opening conversations with others while playing the game, etc.
Name: Shannon Fleming
Date: 10/14/2015
Sony’s Morpheus (PlayStation VR) Vive Oculus Rift
Price $399 (w/o PS4) $949 $600
Weight 610 grams 555 grams 470 grams
Display 5.7 inch 7 inch
Warranty 12 mo warranty"does not cover accidental damage" 24 mo; only viable for the original purchaser
View Range 100 degrees 90 degrees horizonal. 110 degrees diag
Games Avail 90 107 20
Sound earbuds- can be tangled, but inline buttons
Resolution 1920x1080 2160x1200 2160x1200
Platform PS4 PC PC

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Elisabeth Dijkgraaf
Date: 17-10-2016
HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Samsung Gear VR
Price 799 99,99 599
Resolution 2160 x 1200 2560 x 1440 1,200 x 1,080
app store size 50 <200 50
refresh rate 90 60 60
controller yes no yes
VR sickness You can get sick You can get sick You can get sick
Touch controllers yes yes No

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Utilizing a new software process to prevent VR sickness

make touch controllers
Name: Manohar S
Date: 11-27-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Oculus Rift
$600 + $200 (+$80 for
Price USD 400 USD 800 third sesnor)
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200
Sound Quality Attached headphone
quality 3D audio
Reliability High Low High
Library of Content
Available APIs
Weight 2.1 kg
Platform TV SteamVR, VivePort
Oculus Home

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Less consumption of space
Light in weight
Name: Naser Haman
Date: 9/29/2016
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Price $400 $800 $4 (ebay) $600
Resolution 1920x1080 2160x1200 Phone's resolution 2160x1200
Platform PS4 PC Android / iOS PC
Field of View 100 deg. 110 deg. 90 deg. 110 deg.
Controller PS Move Touch motion Xbox 360
Accelerometer Accelerometer Accelerometer
Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope
Playstation ETS Laser Position Sensor Magnetometer
Sensors Front Facing Camera External CTSA
Weight 400g 555g 50g + 130g (phone) 550g

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Easier set up
Smaller headset
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 399 799 599
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Price $400 $950 (not including pc
Resolution 4K
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Stephen Lee
Date: 9/27/2016
PlayStation HTC VIVE Oculus Rift
Price $799 600
Weight 555g 470g
PC or console ready
Camera none

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Poornima Seetharaman
Date: 09-24-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Johanna Bassetti
Date: 09-21-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Boohoo Samsung Gear Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Gear VR Vive Oculus Rift
Price 349 99 799 799
Resolution 2160*1200 2160*1200
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Robert Sillery
Date: 16-09-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Samsung Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price $399 $799 $79.99 $599
Resolution 1920×1080 2160x1200 1440 x 2560 2160x1200
Built in Audio No Yes No Yes
Library of Content High Mid Very High High
Available APIs - - - -
Interfaces NA NA NA NA
Weight High Mid Low Low

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

I think the largest issue with all VR right now is usability. A high percentage of users feel dizzy and even sick after or during use.
The primary task for Rift is to resolve this issue to ensure mass market success.

The second thing that might be a game changer is to release different versions of the hardware, one which is high speck and has
additional hardware which is not currently in the sales kit and another which is low on hardware, perhaps not as sleek but much
cheaper to challenge the lower cost competitors and appeal to a more broad customer market.

Adding a social aspect to the Rift would open it up for a wide audience also. To do this there could be an incorporation of
cameras. Some uses for this could be not just for gaming but industry. This could alleviate the need for, lets say, architects to
travel and see possible construction sites, people who can't decide on where to go on holiday - simply strap a camera to a tour
guide in each location and make your decision.
Name: Sachin Gaikwad
Date: 09-09-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Google Glass Oculus Rift
Designs/look and feel
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

A high percentage of users feel dizzy and even sick after or during use. Rift has to improve first thing. Also noticed in video one of user was s
second thing they have to increase the durability of such devices to stand in market.
Name: Kirill
Date: 22-08-16
Oculus Rift HTC Vive
Resolution 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200
Refresh Rate 90Hz 90Hz
Field of view 110 degrees 110 degrees
Tracking area 5 x 11 feet 15 x 15 feet
gyroscope, Accelerometer,
magnetometer, gyroscope,
360-degree laser position
positional sensor, front-
Sensors tracking facing camera
Price $600 $800

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

- ease of set up
- realibility and quality
- smooth picture
- plenty of content
- development tools for software companies
- attractive partnership progamme for 3rd party content providers
- monthly rent fee with included game content
Name: Alex Benner
Date: 03-08-16 (3rd of August)
PlayStation HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price $599
Resolution 1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200
Field of View 100' 110' 110'
Platform PS4 PC PC
GFX Card min. n/a GTX 970/AMD 290 GTX 970/AMD 290
Xbox 360 (Touch
Compatible with PS Move Touch Controllers for controllers not yet
Controller controllers environmental interaction released)
Room scale Lighthouse (15-by-
Additional Features 15-foot space)

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
As long as Rift ships it's Touch controllers to even up the playing field with the Vive in terms of roomscale, I think the future differentiators could be:

-A feature that deals with the motion sickness drawbacks

-A wireless headset, opening up the potential for more engaging physical gameplay
Name: J.C. Park
Date: 08-15-16
PlayStation HTC Vive Samsung Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price $$ $$$$ $ $$$
Resolution Good Great Poor Great
Sound Quality Great Good Good Good
Reliability Good Great Good Good
Library of Content Strong Poor Acceptable Great
Available APIs Light Light Multiple Light
Interfaces NA NA NA NA
Weight Medium Heavy Light Heavy

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

I think what could make any of these the one true console in terms of VR to go to since all of their specs are so common in terms of resoloution, tech and sound is the overall games th
Name: Zach L
Date: 02-07-16
HTC VR Google Cardboard Samsung Gear VR Oculus Rift
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

FB integration
Augmented Reality Using Camera
Battery Life
Wireless functionality
Haptic Feedback
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation vr google cardboard Oculus Rift
Price 250 25 60
Weight 400g 50g 550g
Number of games 4 110 6
Plays movies? Yes Yes Yes

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Sean Cramer
Date: 20-07-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Price 399
Game play
Multi-platform PC only
Comfort YES
Optic Quality needs improvmnt
Refresh rate
Titles available Good selection
accesories incl NO
can cause
serious motion
Illness? sickness

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Alok Tare
Date: 12/07/16

PlayStation HTC Vive Oculus Rift

$399 $799 $599

Sitting/Moving around Sitting
User position around
4 GB + 1 USB 2.0 or
PS4 + Camera 8GB + 2 USB 3.0 ports
PC RAM requirement + USB higher

1920 x 1080 2160 x 1200 2160 x 1200


100 degrees 110 degrees 110 degrees

Field of view

120 fps 90 fps 90 fps

Refresh rate

No Yes No
External sensors

2 2 - one for each hand 1


What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

I think the Rift can be updated by adding Base stations like in HTC Vive for a better 360 degree experience. As the specs required for both are similar, the
price difference is not that large. For $200 difference, the Oculus Rift falls short of providing the rich elite experience the HTC Vive does. Reading some
reviews, the delay in shipping is another issue that has to be fixed.
Name: Amanda Guidi Ribeiro
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation google cardboardsamsung gear HTC Vive Oculus Rift

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Simon Hoye
Date: 25-08-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Google Cardboard Oculus Rift
Price (USD) $399 $800 Free (make yourself) $599.00
Resolution 1920x1080 2160x1200 Phone Resolution 2160x1200
Built in Audio No Yes no Yes
Library of Content (App Store) Playstation Store SteamVR Google Play/App Store Oculus Home
Field of View 100 degrees 110 Degrees 110 degrees
Refresh Rate 120hz,90Hz 90Hz
- Accelerometer - Accelerometer
- Accelerometer - Gyroscope - Gyroscope
- Gyroscope - Laser position sensor - Magnetometer
Sensors - Playstation eye tracking system - Front facing camera - External constellation tracking sensor array
Limited 1 year Warranty
Warranty - Limited 12 month warranty None (2 years in EU)
Platform Playstation 4 Windows Only Android Phone/iPhone Windows Only

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
- Cross platform Windows/Mac support
- Exclusive VR content
Name: Aaron Li
Date: 10-4-16
Oculus Rift PS VR Google Cardboard HTC Vive Samsung Gear VR
Refresh rate 5 5 3 5 4
Price 2 3 5 3 5
Apps on the platform 3 4 3 4 3
Adaptability of VR content 3 3 5 3 3
Weight 3 3 4 3 3

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

- Drive down the cost to accomodate a larger user base

- Give incentives to encourage app development on Oculus platform
Name: Amanda Girish Rawat
Date: 02-07-16
PlayStation VR Google Cardboard HTC Vive Oculus Rift Samsung VR
Price $$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ $$
Resolution *** * **** **** **
Library of Content ### # ### #### ##
User Position Moving Around Sitting Moving Around Sitting Sitting
Comfort ### #### ## #### ###
Name: Sabhay Tandon
Date: 13-11-16
HTC Vive Gear VR Oculus Rift
Price $799 $99.90 $599
Resolution Medium High Low
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Name: Artem Kriuchkov
Date: 12-09-16
PlayStation VR HTC Vive Sulon Q Oculus Rift
Price $$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$
Type Tethered Tethered Untethered Tethered
Resolution 1920×RGB×1080 2160 x 1200 2560x1440 2160 x 1200
Sound Quality 3D audio HD 3D spatial audio HD
FOV (degrees) 100 110 110 110
wireless keyboard
DualShock 4 Wireless Controller Vive controller wireless mouse Oculus Touch
Controls PS Move any PC compatible gamepad other Windows 10-compatible controllers and joysticks Xbox One controller
Wi-Fi 802.11ac
HDMI HDMI Bluetooth 4.0 HDMI
USB USB 2.0 USB 3.0 USB 2.0
Interfaces AUX USB 3.0 Mini HDMI USB 3.0
Platform Console, PS4 PC, Windows, Steam PC, Windows 10 PC, Windows, Oculus store
PS4 devkit Unity Oculus SDKs
Unity UE 4 Unity
Available APIs UE 4 Viewport SDK Sulton SDK UE 4
Gyroscope Accelerometer Accelerometer
Lighthouse laser tracking Gyroscope Gyroscope
Six-axis motion sensing system system Magnetometer Magnetometer,
Sensors (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer) Front-facing camera Spatial mapping and tracking Constellation tracking camera.
Weight 610g 555g n/a 470g

What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

Facebook integrated services

Motion sickness problem solution
Name: Prasanna Tolasati
Date: December 26, 2016

Playstation VR Oculus Rift HTC ViVe Samsung Gear Google Daydream

Compatibility PS4 PC PC Samsung flagship devices Pixel Phones only
Positional tracking Yes Yes Yes No No
Gamepad support Yes Yes Yes Yes No
1440x1280 or
Resolution (per eye) 1080x960 1200x1080 1200x1080 1440x1280
(depending on the
phone used)
Focus adjustment No No No Yes No
Inter-pupiliary distance (IPD)
Yes Yes Yes No No
Use with glasses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Refresh rate 90-120 Hz 90 Hz 90 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz
Field of View 100 degrees 110 degrees 110 degrees 100 degrees N/A
Mobility No No No Yes Yes
$399 $599 $799 $99 $79
Name: Gloria Abiodun
Date: 07/19/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.
Date: 11/4/2017
Samsung GR Google Cardboard Oculus Rift HTC VIVE Gear VR Cast AR Sony’s Morpheus
Sound Quality
Library of Content
Available APIs
Game availability
What additional features do you think the Rift will add to stand apart from its competitors?
Provide your answer below.

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