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Module 5 and 6

Name and surname_________________________________________________

1. Put the words in correct table:
Classical News Cartoon Jazz Reggae Gospel
Documentary Sport Comedy Hip Hop
Tv programmes Types of music

2. Read and circle the correct answer:
_______I have some water? A. Would B. Will C. Could
_______ like an ice-cream, please. A. I’d B. I’ll c. Could I
What________ like to drink? A. you B. could you c. would you 3/____

3. Find and circle adverbs of manner in the sentences:

1. They were walking fast. 2. She speaks loudly. 3. We run slowly. 3/____

4. Change these adjectives into adverbs of manner:

Difficult________________ Hard_____________ Good____________
Easy_____________ Angry___________ 5/____

5. Complete the sentences with Some or Any:

I want ___________ juice Are there ___________ good books in the library?
There´s ___________ meat in the plate There isn´t ___________ time left.
Have you got ___________ money? She eats ___________ bananas for breakfast.
6. Underline the correct answer: A few/A little
Sally writes a few/a little letters. Robert has got a few/a little friends.
Tom drinks a few/a little coke. They have got a few/a little money.
I’ve got a few/a little books. I saw him a few/a little minutes ago. 6/___

7. Complete the sentences with Much or Many:

How ____________players are in a team?
Do you buy __________bread?
How ___________money do you get?
How __________books are on the table?
Are there ___________big houses in London?
How __________sugar do you want in your tea? 6/____
Module 5 and 6

8. Complete the sentences with Must or Mustn’t:

It is 11 p.m.! You ____________go to bed
You _____________ eat fruit and vegetables. It is good for you!
He is sick. He _____________ go to the doctor’s.
You _____________ make noise in a church. You ________ ___be quiet
You ________ brush your teeth before going to bed! 6/___

9. Match the problems with the advice:

10. Read the problem and write an advice:


Total 55 Points_________
0-19 (1) 20-29 (2) 30-38 (3) 39-47 (4) 48-55 (5)

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