Creid Justificationdomaine

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TED 690 Capstone: Justification for Domain E

Carrie Reid

National University

Instructor: Clifton Johnson

December 21, 2017



Domain E of the California Teaching Performance Expectations focuses on creating and

maintaining effective environments for student learning. Within this domain, we find TPE 10,

Instructional Time, and TPE 11, Social Environment. As all other domains, showing

competency in this domain is very important to a teaching candidate being an effective

teacher. In this paper, I will discuss artifacts that I chose for this domain, as well as explain how

they demonstrate that I am showing progress towards competency in Domain E.


Creating and maintaining an effective environment for student learning is another crucial

aspect of being an effective teacher. One phrase that sticks out to me from the credentialing

program is rules, regulations, and routines. These are the key factors in classroom

management. Without management, a classroom is bound to fall apart. TPE 10 focuses on

instructional time, and TPE 11 focuses on the social environment. Throughout our credentialing

program, we learn how important classroom culture and environment is to student

learning. Students must feel safe and comfortable to take chances in their classroom. If they are

more concerned about their peers and what they think of them, they will not want to be a part of

the class.

The first artifact I chose to include is a copy of our daily schedule. I have this schedule

displayed on the board at all times for the students to view. This not only holds me accountable

for maintaining consistency and routines, but allows students to know what is going on in the

classroom each day. “Candidates recognize and articulate the critical importance of time

management in their instructional planning, and of the effects of class scheduling on planning the

most effective use of instructional time” (CTC, 2013). As teachers, it is important to ensure we

use our time wisely for each content area, and students have an idea of what to expect next. If

students know what is coming up next, the transition will be smoother. CTC states, “they

(candidates) establish procedures for routine tasks and manage transitions to maximize

instructional time” (2013). With clear, regular transition periods, students have less time to be

off task. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the schedule as much as possible in order to

be consistent.

The second artifact I chose to include in this domain is two photos to represent our school-

wide positive behavior intervention program we have recently implemented. The first picture is

of a positive office referral slip. If we feel students are going above and beyond to show good

character, or we just want to acknowledge them in a positive way, we write up this slip, which

they turn into the office for a weekly raffle. Every Monday, three tickets from each grade level

are drawn for students to be recognized. Those students get to come up and get a corresponding

pin to what they were recognized for. The second picture shows these pins. Since TPE 11

directly relates to creating a positive classroom environment for learning, I felt this intervention

system would show what we are doing as a school to promote positive behavior with all

students. PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. “One of the

foremost advances in school-wide discipline is the emphasis on school-wide systems of support

that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student

behaviors to create positive school environments” (PBIS, 2017). Focusing on the positive helps

to create a social environment where appropriate behavior is not only expected, but the norm,

which is the purpose of PBIS.



Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2013). The California Teaching Performance

Expectations. Retrieved from:


Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. (2017). Retrieved from:

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