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DOCUMENT NO. 240K-C2-OT-05-002


28 FEBRUARY 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. Document No. 240K-C2-OT-05-002
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion Revision C
Project No. A6CV


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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0000
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Title Revision Date
Procedure No.

000 509 0000 Table of Contents / Date Revision Page 28 Feb 12

000 509 0010 Foreword 28 Feb 12
000 509 0020 Manual Preparation and Maintenance 28 Feb 12
000 509 0040 Organization and Responsibilities 28 Feb 12
000 509 0050 Document Control 28 Feb 12
000 509 0090 Process Control 28 Feb 12
000 509 0110 Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment 28 Feb 12
000 509 0130 Control of Nonconformances 28 Feb 12
000 509 0140 Corrective Action 28 Feb 12
000 509 0150 Preventive Action 28 Feb 12
000 509 0160 Quality Records 28 Feb 12
000 509 0170 Quality Audits 28 Feb 12
000 509 0180 Personnel Training and Qualification 28 Feb 12
000 509 0200 Site Subcontractor Qualification 28 Feb 12
000 509 0210 Contractor Quality Requirements 28 Feb 12
000 509 0220 Surveillance of Construction Activities 28 Feb 12
000 509 0230 Field Receiving Inspection 28 Feb 12
000 509 0240 Turnover 28 Feb 12
000 509 0250 Material & Equipment Storage & Maintenance 28 Feb 12
000 509 5100 Activity Plan for Construction 28 Feb 12

Inspection and
Test Procedure Title Revision Date
000 509 7000 Inspection and Testing 28 Feb 12
000 509 7010 Soils 28 Feb 12
000 509 7020 Bituminous Concrete Paving 28 Feb 12
000 509 7030 Pilling - Steel H - Piles 28 Feb 12
000 509 7040 Piling – Pre-Cast Concrete Piles 28 Feb 12
000 509 7050 Piling - Timber Piles VOID
000 509 7060 Piling - Closed End Concrete Filled Pipe Piles VOID
000 509 7070 Piling - Concrete Filled Thin Shell Pipe Piles VOID
000 509 7080 Drilled Caissons VOID
000 509 7090 Augered Cast-In-Place Piles 28 Feb 12
000 509 7100 Concrete and Grout 28 Feb 12
000 509 7200 Structural Steel 28 Feb 12
000 509 7300 Buildings 28 Feb 12
000 509 7310 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning 28 Feb 12
000 509 7320 Roofing Inspection 28 Feb 12
000 509 7400 Equipment 28 Feb 12

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0000
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Inspection and
Test Procedure Title Revision Date
000 509 7410 Field Fabricated Tanks 28 Feb 12
000 509 7420 Cooling Tower VOID
000 509 7430 Refractory Concrete VOID
ITP 509 7440 Gas Turbine/Generator VOID
ITP 509 7460 Steam Turbine/Generator VOID
ITP 509 7470 Generator Testing VOID
000 509 7500 Underground Piping 28 Feb 12
000 509 7510 Aboveground Piping 28 Feb 12
000 509 7520 Pressure Testing 28 Feb 12
000 509 7550 Hygienic Tubing VOID
000 509 7560 Chemical Cleaning of Pipe 28 Feb 12
000 509 7570 Steam Tracing for Pipe and Equipment VOID
000 509 7600 Electrical Inspection 28 Feb 12
000 509 7610 Electrical Testing 28 Feb 12
000 509 7620 Electrical Equipment 28 Feb 12
000 509 7640 Electrical Heat Tracing VOID
000 509 7700 Control Systems Instrumentation 28 Feb 12
000 509 7710 Control System Calibration 28 Feb 12
000 509 7800 Coatings and Linings 28 Feb 12
000 509 7810 Insulation 28 Feb 12
000 509 7820 Fireproofing Inspection 28 Feb 12
000 509 7830 Cathodic Protection 28 Feb 12
000 509 7910 Welding Inspection 28 Feb 12
000 509 7920 Nondestructive Examination 28 Feb 12
000 509 7930 Positive Material Identification 28 Feb 12
000 509 7950 Hardness Testing 28 Feb 12
000 509 F0000 Quality Control Forms 28 Feb 12

The Fluor Site Quality Program for this Project is described and documented in this Site Quality Manual.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0010
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


The objective of the site quality program for this project is to ensure that construction is performed in
accordance with the drawings, specifications, applicable local, state and federal standards and Codes. A
further objective is to provide documented evidence that confirms that the primary objective has been
met. The site quality control program as delineated in this manual, is tailored to meet the quality
surveillance, inspection, testing, and documentation requirements for construction/installation performed
by subcontractors and Fluor self-perform construction.
The site quality program is based upon the principals stated in the Operating System Requirements
(OSR) and any applicable Operating System Implementation Plan (OSIP). It is designed to cover quality
aspects related to construction, construction management and maintenance activities.
The Site Quality Manager will coordinate the construction quality surveillance, inspection, testing, and
documentation activities. He will monitor construction and quality activities to the extent necessary to
provide construction management with adequate confidence that appropriate measures are being taken
to control and achieve quality. The quality activity will emphasize preventing nonconformance to
drawings and specifications but detecting and correcting it if it occurs.

When Fluor performs construction activities using our own labor force, the quality control responsibility
remains with Fluor. The Fluor construction supervision and construction engineering staffs are primarily
responsible for the attainment of the quality requirements established by the drawings, specifications and
contract. The supervisory, construction engineering and quality staffs will perform quality control
inspection, testing, surveillance and documentation activities as outlined in this manual. The primary
responsibility for performing quality workmanship rests with those actually performing the work under the
supervision of the Fluor construction staff.

When an element of construction is subcontracted, the quality control responsibilities governing the
subcontractor's work are usually delegated to the subcontractor. The overall responsibility for verifying
quality in construction remains with Fluor. This is done by surveillance and audits when the responsibility
for quality activities has been delegated to the subcontractor. The subcontractors are to provide the
measures required to achieve the contract quality requirements. The subcontractor's quality control
responsibility is established by procedure 000.509.0210 and is stated in their contract.

This site specific Quality Manual is the governing document for the Fluor quality system and will be
maintained current to achieve project quality objectives.

This Manual is not applicable to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code work. The Fluor "Quality
Control System Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Work" will be applied to ASME and National
Board Inspection Code Work certified by Fluor.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0010
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

The Project Procedures Manual (PPM), used in conjunction with the Site Quality Manual, contain or
identify approved procedures used to identify, document and verify the appropriate reviews and approvals
of changes to design documents that are requested by field organizations and provide requirements for
document control.

The Fluor Construction Technology staff will conduct independent audits of project compliance to this
manual. The audits are conducted to provide the Project Manager, Site Manager, and Client with a
project independent evaluation of the site quality program status and adequacy. The initial audit will be
conducted at approximately 10% mechanical completion and additional audits on a periodic basis
throughout construction.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure provides guidance for converting the 509 series of Corporate Site Quality procedures from
Knowledge OnLine to a Site Quality Manual for a specific project. It is applicable to Construction,
Construction Management, Maintenance, or projects with any of these combinations.


The initial draft of the project specific Site Quality Manual is initiated by Construction Technology's
Corporate Quality Manager. It is to be based on reference procedures of the 509 series of Site Quality
procedures from the Construction Knowledge Community that are listed in the Table of Contents section
000.509.0000. These reference procedures have been prepared to meet the requirements of
International Standard ISO-9000. The bracket symbols ([::---::]) seen throughout these procedures
identify changes or additions that are to be made in converting them to project specific procedures. Other
changes are to be made as needed to be compatible with the project requirements and scope. The set of
procedures in the 509 series represents the accumulated knowledge and experience gained from many
construction projects. Use of these reference procedures as baseline documents will result in improved
consistency between projects and entities, thus fulfilling the goal of consistency in execution. Proposed
changes to these reference procedures should be communicated to Construction Technology's Corporate
Quality Manager.

Upon assignment of the Site Quality Manager, he/she begins development of the draft Site Quality
Manual (SQM) to assure conformance to the site-specific requirements. The completed and approved
project specific SQM should be in place for usage as soon after contract award as possible. As a
minimum, parts of the manual should be developed for control of construction activities before the
activities are performed. These activities usually begin with qualifying and issuing RFQ's to bidders for
work to be subcontracted (see 000.509.0200and 000.509.0210). If these activities begin prior to
assignment of the Site Quality Manager, Construction Technology's Corporate of Quality Manager will
function as the Site Quality Manager until the assignment is made

Development of Site Specific Quality Manual

Each section/procedure identified by 000.509.0000 is reviewed for consistency and applicability with
project scope. Changes or additions will be required of the following sections as noted:

- Inspection and Test Procedures (7000 - 7999); Select the procedures that are
applicable to the contracted work scope. Select the applicable forms from the
procedures if all are not needed. Review the "Responsibilities" Section and modify,
if needed, to suit the project organization. Also delete either the "Self-Perform" or
"Subcontracted" Section, if not applicable.

- Table of Contents / Date Revision Page (0000); Under "Procedure Number" and "Title"
change to include only those procedures used in the project manual.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Under "Revision Date." enter the date, month and year for all initially approved
procedures. Enter appropriate dates for each project revision it undergoes after
initial project approval.

Revision dates for all pages of all procedures in the project specific manual should match
the dates in this Table of Contents.

Revisions to the Site Quality Manual shall not waiver or negate OSR requirements or
mandatory construction codes.

Revision of Site Specific Manual

The Site Quality Manager controls the site issue and revision of the Site Specific Quality Manual. The
manual is to be revised by procedure. A vertical line in the margin shall identify the revised portions. The
revision status shall be shown on the Title page of the manual. The Table of Contents shall show the
revision date of each revised procedure and shall be reissued for each revision.

The Corporate Quality Control Manager in each of the respective offices shall review and approve the
“Issued for Construction” Site Quality Manual prior to the approval signatures being obtained.
Each subsequent revision to the Site Quality Manual shall also be approved by the Corporate Quality
Control Manager.

The Site Quality Manager, Construction Engineering Manager, and Site Manager should approve each
revision by signing the Approval Page. The Client should also be given the opportunity for approval of the
Site Quality Manual.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


This section describes the site quality organization for performing activities described by this manual. It
also provides a general description of responsibilities. Specific responsibilities are described in the
individual procedures of this manual.

The Site Manager is responsible for the execution of the project construction activities which includes
construction quality. The delegation of authority to the Site Quality Manager for the direction and
coordination of quality activities is made with the objective of maintaining the effectiveness of this quality

The Site Manager shall provide adequate resources and assign sufficient trained personnel to manage
the work and effectively carry out these verification activities, including internal quality audits. The
personnel assigned to these verification activities shall be independent of those having direct
responsibility for the work being performed.


The project organization for site quality personnel are shown on the Site Organizational Chart
maintained by the Site Manager.


Quality related activities are conducted by Site Quality and other groups. The activities and persons
conducting them will be under the functional control of the Site Quality Manager for the execution of the
activity. Attachment 1- Quality Responsibility Matrix summarizes the activities and the persons
responsible for execution. Primary responsibility for execution and verification of quality-related activities
will be established on the Inspection/Test Plan or procedures.

Site Quality Manager

The Site Quality Manager has the responsibility, authority, and organizational freedom to audit, inspect
and witness construction activities and to verify compliance to contract quality requirements. This
responsibility includes actions such as assist the construction staff in prevention of quality problems,
identification of quality-related problems should they occur, initiation or recommendation of solutions and
verification of corrective action. In addition, he/she is responsible for coordination of quality-related
activities within the Construction staff and with the site Client quality representatives. He/she maintains
the construction quality control procedures and provides technical assistance and training to construction
supervision. He/she will have an active role in assisting with the prevention of quality problems.

The Site Quality Manager reports directly to the Site Manager with a technical supervision channel to
Construction Technology's Corporate Quality Manager.

The Construction staff includes a Construction Engineering organization to ensure prompt engineering
interpretations and decisions, review of drawings, certificates and other data to be submitted to the Client,
and to actively participate in the surveillance of field construction, and to verify compliance to

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

design/engineer requirements. Construction Engineering will provide assistance to the Site Quality
Manager as necessary to assist in achieving quality objectives.

NOTE: Construction Engineers report to the Site Quality Manager when they are
executing inspection/surveillance activities.


The subcontractor quality organization will be in accordance with the contract requirements and described
in their approved equivalent Site Quality Manual.


Attachments 1 - Quality Responsibility Matrix

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 0040
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Quality Responsibility Matrix

Section 1 - CIVIL
1.1 Construction Surveying RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review the construction surveying methods used by the Contractor. X
Check established reference points . X
Check control points established for construction layout on a periodic basis. X
Check the construction layout of the contractor's work. X
Review and file completed survey notes prepared by the contractor. X
Perform periodic surveillance on survey activities and documentation. X


ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in-process soils work, including cut and fill elevations, spoil and fill
material, compaction methods and equipment.
Perform formal audit of Soils Testing Laboratory X
Monitor Contractor's work to verify conformance to requirements. X S
Monitor Soil Testing Laboratory activities for soils testing frequency, test
identification and completeness.
Verify the documentation of deficiencies and test failure and follow up to assure
corrective action is taken and documented.
Audit the soils documentation to verify correctness, completeness of coverage,
retrievability as filed and inspection results.
Perform and document soils testing TEST LAB S
Inspect excavations for unstable and unsuitable soils TEST LAB S
Verify the insitu soils are suitable to support foundation loads TEST LAB S
Verify backfill material is satisfactory TEST LAB S
Verify placement of the fill complies with contract specifications TEST LAB S

1.3 Contracted Piling RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Qualify Pile Supplier X
Review and approve concrete mix design and mix trials X (1)
Technically monitor the indicator pile testing program X
Check final pile locations. X S
Monitor in-process pile driving. X S
Monitor and test pile concreting activities. X

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ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review asphalt mix designs X (1)
Monitor in-process asphalt construction including preparation of subgrade or previous
course, asphaltic materials, spreading equipment, compaction equipment, materials X S
and testing.
Perform formal audit using Asphalt Test Laboratory Evaluation Record X
Monitor Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to requirements for
asphalt testing frequency, test identification and traceability and the documentation of X
inspection and testing
Review the documentation of the asphalt inspection and testing activities for accuracy
and completeness.
Verify the documentation of deficiencies and test failures and follow up to assure
corrective action is taken and documented.
Audit the asphalt documentation to verify correctness, completeness of coverage,
review ability as filed and inspection results.
Conduct asphalt testing and asphalt materials testing TEST LAB S

1.5 Structural Concrete RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review and approve mix designs X (1) S
Perform formal audit of Concrete Testing Laboratory. X
Audit batch plant facilities. X
Inspect formwork, reinforcing steel and impediments prior to concrete placement. X S
Monitor in process concreting activities. X S
Monitor Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to requirements for
concrete testing frequency, test identification and traceability, and the documentation X
of inspection and testing.
Monitor post-concreting activities such as concrete curing, stripping, visual
examination for line, form and surface defects and checks for anchor bolt locations. X S
Verify that 28-day strength tests are acceptable.
Conduct concrete testing at the point of placement TEST LAB S

1.6 Grouting of Machinery and Structural Steel Base Plates RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review and approve mix design. Check materials prior to start of work to verify that
X (1) S
the materials have not deteriorated or that shelf life has not been exceeded.
Monitor in-process grouting. The inspections shall include base preparation,materials,
forming, placing, curing and hammer void test.
Witness grout testing by Contractor. X
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to placement
procedures and documentation requirement.
Conduct grout testing at site TEST LAB S

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2.1 Structural Steel RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in process steel erection to verify fabrication is correct and erection is in
accordance with drawings. Document fabrication errors on a NCR.
Witness bolting procedure including calibration of torque wrenches and load indicating
Maintain documentation X
Inspect the erected steel structure. X
Ensure that erected steel structures have coatings installed i.a.w. drawings X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality activities to verify conformance to requirements for bolt
tensioning procedures.
Schedule final acceptance inspection activities between Contractor and Field Engineering
or construction.
Audit the structural steel documentation to verify correctness of data. X

Section 3 - BUILDINGS
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review all Contractor proposed building materials prior to use. X (1)
Verify that the building location level and position are correct prior to construction. X
Inspect the entire building upon completion and document deficiencies. X S
Document building acceptance X
Monitor the in process construction to verify that the work is i.a.w. drawings. X S
Schedule final acceptance activities X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify test frequency, identification and
Audit building documentation X

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Section 4 - EQUIPMENT
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Inspect installed equipment for acceptance upon completion, including attachments to
the equipment, e.g. foundations, sheds, buildings, auxiliaries, etc. which comprise the X
entire assembled unit.
Initiate action to acquire vendor representative as required. PM
Coordinate with engineering for participation of mechanical discipline engineers, if
Monitor the in-process installation of each equipment unit. X S
Coordinate with vendor representative who technically supervises equipment
Verify vendor representative's checklists and acceptance records are signed and
attached to appropriate construction documents.
Verify the equipment requirements are being satisfied by the Contractor. X S
Monitor equipment preservation i.a.w. Site requirements. X
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to inspection,
testing and documentation requirements.

4.2 Field Fabricated Tanks RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor the foundation construction including soils, asphalt and concrete work. X S
Check elevation dimensions of tank shells. X
Check the erected dimensions of tank shells. X S
Inspect fabricated tank structure upon completion. X S
Check the settlement and rebound of the foundation during and after hydrotest. X S
Verify welder performance qualifications. S X
Verify welding procedure testing has been accomplished and procedures are
Monitor in-process welding X S
Witness in-process examination as performed by the NDE contractor, including
reviewing radiographs, witnessing PT, MT, vacuum box and leak testing
Verify that equipment and components associated with tankage have been correctly
installed, adjusted, tested, confirmed for proper function and inspected.
Inspect the tested tank prior to closing, including final clean-up. X S
Verify that the Contractor has affixed a nameplate listing the required data. X S
Verify that the Contractor has submitted the required certification. X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance inspection,
testing and documentation requirements.
Witness hydrostatic testing S X

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Section 5 - PIPING
5.1 Underground Piping RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in-process excavation and backfill. X S
Inspect installed underground pipelines for acceptance. X S
Color code the lines, indicated as punched and accepted, on a copy of the
underground piping plan.
Verify that the Testing Lab is performing the required soils testing of backfill. X S
Monitor in-process coating and wrapping, including surface preparation, coating and
wrapping methods and materials and arrangement for intermediate storage and X S
stockpiling of coasted pipes.
Inspect in-process pipe fabrication and installation i.a.w. drawings. X S
Perform a final inspection of the line, when the underground piping is complete, but
prior to the coating and wrapping of joints and fittings.
Verify the Contractor has completed coating and wrapping of joints and fittings on
tested line.
Witness holiday testing of the coating and wrapping. Contractor shall document tests. X S
Verify that required NDE is complete on the lines to be inspected. X
Witness the pressure test. S X
Inspect the tested system to ensure that all items have been properly completed
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to testing and
documentation requirements.

5.2 Site Shop Fabrication RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Segregate and store pipe fittings, upon receipt, according to size and material.
Identify storage location with commodity code number.
Pipe will be marked full length with commodity code number. MM
Maintain documentation MM
Issue piping materials to Contractors MM
Inspect special flange faces for correct finish and face protection. X S
Monitor in-process pipe fabrication activities. X S
Verify latest edition of piping drawings is being used. X S
Random check on base material ID on pipe, fittings and spools. Spools shall be
clearly identified in two locations.
Monitor storage of completed spools at pipe shop including preservations. X S
Monitor pipe identification, documentation and timely performance of NDE. X

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5.3 Aboveground Piping Erection RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Pipe will be marked full length with commodity code number. Alloy pipe and fittings
shall be additionally color coded. Alloy storage areas shall be clearly identified.
Maintain piping spool identity markings of piping spools fabricated off site. MM
Verify MTR's are received and that heat numbers correspond. Maintain
Verify PMI requirements are satisfied prior to placement in stock. MM S
Verify correct pipe is issued to Contractor. MM
Monitor in-process erection I.a.w. drawings. Classify and record spool fit problems. X S
Ensure face flange protection is maintained. X S
Monitor proper bolt tensioning. X S
Monitor correct gasket installed. X S
Monitor erection to ensure that pipe installations are not subjected to undesirable
Check pipe drawings to assure latest revision in the field. X S
Assist Contractor to maintain current piping test status. S X
Monitor Contractor's activities to established quality control practices. X
Monitor in process pipe erection and transfer of heat numbers. Verify that NDE is
performed in a timely manner. Monitor pipe and welding traceability including PWHT, X
PMI and Hardness Testing.

5.4 Piping Inspection - Punching RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Flag deficiencies when not visually obvious. X
Enter punch lists into data base. X
Check work, noted as complete, on punch lists to assure items were corrected. X
Initiate action with Contractor on punching results. Add additional discrepancies to
punch list. Initial and date punch list for each item corrected.
Monitor the Contractor's punching activities. X
Verify that punching deficiencies are identified, documented and follow up to verify
corrective action is taken.
Verify that measures are taken to assure NDE, PWHT, PMI and traceability is
completed prior to pressure testing.

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5.5 Pressure Testing of Piping RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor pressure testing performed by Contractor. X S
Review drawings and specifications to verify pressure test package limits, equipment
to be included or excluded, valves opened or closed and test blind locations.
Verify that the maximum allowable test pressure of the weakest component within the
system is not exceeded.
Verify (through NEWS) that all NDE is complete prior to testing. S X
Verify that shop spool/cut sheets are included in test packages and all NDE, PWHT
and welder info is recorded.
Review Contractor's pressure test package, including marked up isometric drawings
indicating test blind locations, valve position (open/closed) and other information X S
relating to test.
Monitor preparation of test system against test package. X
Monitor restoration of the tested system. X
Monitor Contractor's pressure testing and documentation activities. S X
Review test package for completion S X
Inspect the system prior to testing notifying Contractor of deficiencies. Mark Pressure
Test Record, "Ready to Test". Notify client when acceptable for test. Give permission X S
to proceed with test.
Inspect system under pressure. Verify test pressure and duration of test. Procure test
acceptance signatures from Contractor and QIB.
When equipment is included in the test, verify that pressure test does not exceed

5.6 Piping Internal Cleaning RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Review and approve the cleaning and preservation procedures and the limits agree
with drawings.
Establish hold points for witnessing tests. X
Monitor preparatory and in-process cleaning activities for compliance with procedures
and specs.
Coordinate the monitoring of Contractor inspection and testing activities. X S
Verify the Contractor is preparing documentation as inspections and tests are being
Verify that internal cleaning has been accomplished. X
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. X

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Section 6 - ELECTRICAL
6.1 Underground Electrical RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in-process installation of the grounding system including, grounding rod
installation, backfilling. Color coding of drawings to track progress.
Witness resistance to earth tests. X S
Monitor in-process duct bank and electrical manhole installations. X
Witness initial testing of shielded cable, i.e,. insulation resistance test of power cable
on reels, continuity test of reeled instrument cable.
Inspect cable trench prior to installation of cable. X
Monitor in-process installation of underground cable. Inspect in-process cable pulling. X S
Inspect in-process cable splicing. X S
Witness random testing of installed underground cable, i.e. insulation resistance test
(megger) cables and DC hypot medium and high voltage cables prior to termination.
Inspect installation of cables upon completion of each layer to ensure spacing,
labeling, etc. is correct.
Inspect sand backfill per lift for quality of materials, depth and compaction. X S
Verify the Contractor final as-built drawings are in conformance. X S
Verify that the Contractor is preparing documentation concurrent with construction as
inspection and testing are performed.
Monitor the Contractors' quality control activities. X

6.2 Aboveground Electrical RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in-process installation of electrical conduit and cable tray, including welding of
Witness initial testing of shielded cable, i.e., insulation resistance test of power cable
on reels, continuity test of reeled instrument cable and resistance and continuity on X S
electrical heat tracing cables.
Monitor in-process cable pulling and installation. X
Witness random testing of installed cable, i.e., insulation resistance test on power and
instrumentation cables, continuity and insulation resistance testing on heat tracing and X S
hypot of medium and high voltage cables.
Verify client is being notified in advance of tests that require witness. X S
Verify terminal to terminal checks to ensure continuity and correctness of installation. X S
Verify conduit seals have been poured. X S
Inspect installation upon completion. X S
Verify that the Contractor is preparing documentation concurrent with construction as
inspection and testing are performed.
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. X

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6.3 Electrical Equipment RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor in-process installation of equipment. X S
Monitor equipment preservation activities X S
Witness testing of installed equipment. X S
Coordinate with vendor representative who will technically supervise installation.
Ensure documentation is complete.
Verify QIB is being notified in advance of tests requiring witnessing. X S
Inspect electrical installation when complete. X S
Verify that the Contractor is preparing documentation concurrent with construction as
inspection and testing are performed.
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. X


7.1 Control Systems Site Shop Operations RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Notify construction upon receipt of each instrument shipment for inspection. MM
For nonconforming items, issue a Damage Report or NCR. MM
Issue instruments to Contractor. MM
Inspect each instrument shipment. Deficiencies shall be reported to the Material
Inspect instrument materials i.a.w.sec.10 & project procedures X
Document the receiving inspection. X

7.2 Control Systems Field Operations RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor the Contractor's in-process instrument installation including racks, panels,
consoles, locations,mounting,process pipe connections, Instrument air X S
tubing,pneumatic signal tubing,heat tracing and instrument wiring
Witness pressure testing of the instrument piping and tubing documentation. X S
Witness calibration of test guages. X S
Monitor continuity tests of instrument cables.Verify that cable terminations are correct. X S
Witness checks of control system loops. Establish notification system for IMT. X S
Witness all loop checks X S
Assure all instrument installation inspections and meggar tests are complete X S
Inspect instrument installations upon completion. X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. S X
Verify documentation procedures are being followed. X S

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ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Ensure that the paint system is i.a.w. specifications. X S
Monitor performance of materials preservation activities. X S
Monitor surface preparation.Verify inspection documentation. X S
Monitor in-process coatings applications. X S
Check dry film thickness of applied coatings. X S
Inspect the workmanship of completed finishes. X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. S X
Verify the Contractor has prepared the QC documentation. S X
Audit coating documentation. X


ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor performance of material preservation activities. X
Monitor in-process installation of the insulation materials. X S
Verify the Contractor has prepared the quality control documentation X S
Inspect the completed work. X S
Document acceptance. S X


ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor performance of material preservation activities. X S
Monitor surface preparation. X S
Verify Contractor is performing temperature and humidity checks for tank linings. X S
Monitor in-process lining application. X S
Test applied linings to verify proper surface profile, thickness, and lining continuity. X S
Monitor Contractor's tank lining holiday inspections. X S
Observe tank lining curing activities. X S
Inspect the workmanship of the completed lining. X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities. S X
Audit coating documentation. X
Verify that lining materials comply with specs. Ensure that manufacture test
certificates correspond with filed batch number records.
Monitor storage facilities. X
Ensure refractory applicators are experienced and qualified. X S
Monitor to ensure materials are properly mixed. X S
Monitor surface preparation to ensure mounting studs and reinforcements are
correctly installed.
Ensure that test plates,cubes,etc,from refractory applications are taken at the required

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8.4 Cathodic Protection - Underground Structures. RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Submit data to Engineering for determination of anode spacing X (1)
Establish a procedure to assure work is not started prior to acceptance of previous
Monitor the survey after each cathodic protection system is energized. X S
Verify materials being installed. X
Monitor installation activities. X S
Monitor deep well preparation activities including data logs. X
Monitor anode backfill operation. X
Witness hammer testing of thermite welds X S
Witness electrical test used to determine current flow when the anode is backfilled
with coke breeze.
Monitor testing and commissioning activities. X S
Inspect the completed work. X S
Audit cathodic protection documentation. X

8.5 Cathodic Protection - Tanks and Vessels RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Verify materials are within specification and are properly protected from damage. X
Verify the vessel cathodic protection materials were installed. X
Monitor installation activities X S
Verify personnel use of protective clothing (when reg's) X
Inspect the completed workmanship. X S
Monitor testing and commissioning activities. X S
Audit cathodic protection documentation. X

Section 9 - WELDING
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Verify the WPS's have been approved by the Welding Engineer. X (1) S
Monitor qualification tests of Contractor's welders. X
Ensure that welder ID badges have been issued and displayed. X S
Check Contractors control of welder symbols. X S
Check Contractor's control of welding consumables. X S
Monitor in-process welding including consumables, joint preparation,fit-up preheat,
interpass heat, WPS variables and final visual
Verify Contractor is documenting welds on the Daily Welding Report. X S
Verify completed welds are being documented on piping drawings. X S
Monitor in-process post weld heart treatment. X S
Audit welding documentation. X
Verify transfer of piping material heat numbers. X S

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9.2 Structural and Reinforcing Steel Welding RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Verify the WPS's have been approved by the Welding Engineer. X (1)
Monitor qualification tests of welders. X
Monitor in-process welding including consumables, joint preparation and final visual
Audit welding documentation. X

9.3 Piping Nondestructive Examination (NDE) RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Pre-qualify NDE Contractor X
Verify that the NDE Contractor has established procedures that comply with project
Daily entry of weld data to NEWS program. S X
Establish and maintain NDE documentation files. X
Review Contractor NDE personnel certifications. X
Verify approval of NDE Contractor and procedures. X
Verify NDE Contractor's procedure to provide visual status of welds requiring NDE. X
Select welds for examination S X
Perform Nondestructive examinations CONTRACTOR
Review radiographic film, Contractor's interpretation and reports. X
Verify code compliance for rejected welds. X
Maintain a tickler file of rejected welds. X
Verify, through audit, welding and NDE records are traceable to the weld. X
Verify through NEWS that NDE is completed prior to pressure testing. X
Audit the NDE lab X
Monitor the NDE Contractor's production to verify that welds are examined within 48
hours of notification.
Verify all field welds are numbered and identified on drawings. X
Ensure that weld number and welder's symbols are low stress stamped or otherwise
marked on pipe.
Ensure that an accurate Daily Welding Report is maintained. S X

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9.4 Pipe hardness Testing RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor the Contractor to verify weld identity system and compliance to specification. X
Establish confidence that tests are being preformed i.a.w. test equipment instructions. X
Verify the Contractor's compliance with hardness testing and documentation. X
Verify Contractor's procedure for visual identification of rejected welds. X
Maintain a PWHT tickler file for rejected welds. X
Verify hardness testing is complete prior to pressure testing. X
Witness tests required by the specifications as performed by Contractor. X
Schedule final acceptance inspection activities between the Contractor and the Field
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to requirements
for test frequency, identification and traceability.


10.1 Field Receiving (IMT) RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Control receiving operations including ID of item to purchase order, verification of
quantity and size examination for shipping protection and damage, maintenance of MM
inspection documentation.
Issuance of periodic receiving reports to Construction Superintendents when technical
assistance is required.
Inspect received material/equipment, providing technical assistance, when requested. S X

10.2 Field Receiving -Contractor RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Receive all contractor purchased equipment and materials MM
Review material test reports against received materials and maintain on file MM S
Issue equipment and materials to the Contractor MM
Inspect received material/equipment, providing technical assistance when requested X S
Assure that the contractor performs the equipment and material protection as required
by manufacturers instruction or specification requirements

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10.3 Positive Material Identification (PMI) RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Notify QA of receipt of material requiring PMI. MM
Maintain PMI test results with receiving documentation. MM
Verify receipt of PMI reports from suppliers and fabricators, MM
Verify Contractor has established a system to maintain material ID through receiving,
storage, issue, fabrication and election.
Implement procedures for PMI. X
Monitor contractor's maintenance of piping material identification. X S
Perform PMI as required by specification. X
Verify ID marking are accomplished per specification. X S
Verify controls have been established to prevent the in advertent use of materials failing
Verify the filing, maintenance and retention of documentation. X
Assure that PMI equipment is calibrated. X


11.1 Equipment and Material Protection RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor equipment and material preservation in storage and document. MM S

11.2 Equipment and Material Protection (Contractor) RESPONSIBILITY

ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Monitor Contractors in-process equipment and material protection/preservation
Check Contractors in-process equipment and material X S
Audit the Contractor Material and equipment protection activities. X


12.1 Masterpiece Program RESPONSIBILITY
ACTIVITY Construction QA/QC
Develop Masterpiece List X S
Ensure Contractor is using correct materials, drawings and specifications X S
Advise contractor when a Masterpiece is required X S
Inspect Masterpiece prior to QA notification X S
Request client's presence during inspection S X
Document acceptance of the Masterpiece S X
Notify client of accepted Masterpiece S X
Maintain the Masterpiece log X
Maintain Masterpiece model as reference standard X S
Monitor the Contractor's quality control activities to verify conformance to drawings and

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This procedure describes the Document Control system to be used by site construction personnel.


Engineering Documents

- Design Engineering documents such as specifications and drawings that are issued to
Construction are controlled and issued on site in accordance with this procedure. Construction
Engineering maintains an up-to-date register of drawings and specifications. This procedure is
designed to ensure that the latest drawings issued to construction, including shop drawings,
specifications and instructions, as well as authorized changes thereto, are delivered to the
proper locations and personnel responsible for performance of the work.

- This procedure also provides for the prompt removal of obsolete documents from all points of
issue or use.

- The Construction Engineering staff reviews engineering documents for adequacy and
completeness to perform the work and coordinates site needs for clarification with the designer.
Subcontractors obtain clarification through the Fluor Construction Engineering Manager.
Construction Engineering maintains drawings and specification control records, processes all
design document changes, ensures proper authority for the changes, and prompt removal of
obsolete documents from the field.

- The Construction Engineering Manager is responsible for control of shop drawing submittals
and certifications to include assuring that submittals are received and/or distributed.

- The Construction Engineering Manager will maintain as-built marked-up drawings. These
drawings will be maintained in a current condition. The as-built data will be submitted to Design
Engineering in accordance with this procedure. Subcontractors will submit as-built information
through the Fluor Construction Engineering Manager.

Request For Information

- When field conditions dictate changes to the design specifications and/or drawings, a Request
For Information (RFI), Form 000.509.F00501, will be submitted for approval to ensure proper
control and documentation. RFIs will be initiated by the Construction Engineering Manager
who will maintain a RFI Log, Form 000.509.F00502. RFIs will be forwarded to the Design
Engineer for approval and/or action. Subcontractor submittals will be sent to the Fluor
Contracts Manager for submittal to the Fluor Construction Engineering Manager for evaluation
and processing.

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- The Construction Engineer shall describe the condition or design change requested in terms
that can be easily understood by those who review it, including appropriate references, specific
drawings and specifications to illustrate the recommended change.

- To minimize delay in construction, authority for deviation from specifications and drawings may
be acquired by direct communication with the Design Engineer and the Client pending
processing of the RFI. A copy of the Record of Telephone Conversation will accompany the
RFI transmitted to the Design Engineer and the Client. Approval of the Client’s construction
site representative should be acquired, if possible.

- The Design Engineer and the Client portion of the RFI indicate approval or disapproval of the
field recommended change or recommends alternatives. The signed original will be returned to
the Site Manager for disposition or authority to proceed.

- The Construction Engineering Manager shall maintain a file that contains a full history of the
action and data supporting the approval of each Request For Information.

Subcontractor Documents

- The subcontractors are responsible for procedures necessary to assure that all documents
provided for construction are maintained to the most up-to-date revisions. Documents include
procedures, letters, telexes, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, design drawings,
specifications, reference drawings, vendor drawings, field sketches, test reports, etc.
Documents affecting individual subcontractor's work are forwarded to the subcontractor by the
Contracts Manager.

- Subcontractor prepared field sketches and "as-built" drawings originating at the construction
site shall be documented and controlled in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI)
requirements described in this procedure.

Submittals - Field Contracts

- Submittals are reviewed under the direction of the Construction Engineering Manager.
Subcontractor technical submittals are forwarded to Construction Engineering Manager. A
submittals list shall be maintained reflecting the specification reference, description, date
received, and the status of acceptance through Construction Engineering approval. The Site
Quality Manager shall review submittals related to quality control requirements.

Material/Equipment Documents

- Documents related to materials, materials receiving and issue are controlled in accordance to
procurement procedures.

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Quality Control Documents

- Documents and data identified as quality records are processed, retained and protected as
described in 000.509.0160 "Quality Records". Primary responsibility for ensuring adequate
control of quality related documents rests with the Site Quality Manager.


- Procedures issued by site personnel are controlled as described by this procedure.

Vendor Documents

- Vendor document supplied by Fluor Engineering Document Control to the Fluor Site Document
Control for filing and distribution will be in accordance with the Project File Index and the
Distribution Matrix System.


- The Construction Engineering Manager shall establish a standard distribution for design
documents drawings and specifications with the Client.

- Document Control shall provide document inventory control and receipt, and distribution
accountability. This is accomplished making distribution in accordance with the Distribution
Matrix System. Distribution is by individual document holder. These documents will be
stamped in red with the Site Document Control stamp indicating date received. The Site
Document Control stamp will be used to identify drawings, ISO, Instrumentation Specification
Data Sheets, specifications, etc.

Distribution of manuals will be by name and numbered copy.

- A document transmittal record will be utilized for the distribution and issue of all controlled
documents. The document recipient must sign the transmittal record and return it to Document
Control within 10 days of issue.

- Document recipients shall be responsible for control of documents upon receipt. Document
Control will periodically (minimum quarterly) audit document recipients to ensure proper
documents are available for use and that superseded documents have been removed from the
field. Should a superseded document be required to be retained for inspection or historical
data, the document will be identified as "VOID" or "SUPERSEDED" to prevent inadvertent use
of the document for fabrication/installation activities.

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Construction Engineering Manager

- Establish document control log system for receipt of documents and provided standard
distribution as indicated on the Distribution Matrix System.

Document Control - Drawings (design, vendor and field sketch), specifications

- Review receipt transmittal and enter date received in the Electronic Tracking System.

- Review distribution list and reproduce copies as required.

- Prepare distribution transmittals and distribute documents accordingly.

Document Control - Manuals

- Based on input from Site Manager, determine distribution for each type manual. Maintain a
"Master" manual in Document Control and reproduce copies as required.

- Assign individuals numbered manuals, prepare distribution transmittals and distribute


Document Recipient

- Sign transmittal acknowledging receipt of documents and return signed transmittal Document
Control within 10 days.

- Replace superseded documents as required with the new documents. Destroy or return the
superseded documents (except for inspection or historical record) to Document Control. The
document recipient is responsible for maintaining documents current.

Document Control

- Destroy returned superseded documents.



- Fill out document request form and present to Document Control.

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Document Control

- Reproduce documents requested and obtain receipt acknowledgement from requester upon


Construction Engineering Manager

- Determine document audit plan and schedule audits. A minimum of 5% of documents issued
to the document holder will be randomly selected for the audit sample. The number of
document holders to be audited will be determined by the Construction Engineering Manager.

Document Control

- Using a printout or list of documents and current revisions, compare documents and revisions
held by document holders and note any discrepancies. Notify the Construction Engineering
Manager of major discrepancies.

Construction Engineering Manager

- For major discrepancies identified by Document Control audits of documents, investigate and
provide recommended resolution.

Revision Control of the Site Quality Manual

- Site Quality Manager

- Revision dates for all pages of all procedures in the manual should match the dates in the
Table of Contents.

- The Site Quality Manager, Construction Engineering Manager, Site Manager and the Client
(optional) will approve each revision by signing the "Approval Page".

- Forward the approved revision and affected documents to Document Control for maintenance
and distribution to all manual holders.

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Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F00501 - Request For Information

000.509.F00502 - Request For Information Log


Attachment 1 – Request For Information (RFI) Form Instructions

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Attachment 1 – Request For Information (RFI) Form Instructions

Project Name: The Project Name (i.e. Butanol)

Project #: The Project Number (i.e. 00662255)
Date: The date the Request is originated.
RFI #: Unique number given to each individual RFI Form.
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure unique to the Project, if applicable
Work Package No.: Construction Work Package number, if applicable.
Turnover/Startup System No.: Turnover/Startup system number, if applicable.
Discipline: Primary discipline affected by the Request (Civil, Structural, Piping etc.)
Request To: Enter Name of Individual submitted to (John Doe)
Company/Location Enter Name of Company and its location of the requested organization (Fluor-
Phone Number/Email Enter phone number of the individual submitted to and/or email address
Subject Enter the subject of the request
Specifications/Documents: List all issued drawings, documents, and specifications impacted by the request.
Questions/Description/Conflict: Detail the missing information, discrepancies, questions or conflicts that must be
resolved prior to construction activities continuing in the affected areas. Attach
additional sheets, drawings, or sketches, if further explanation is required.
Recommended Solution: Indicate the action that the requestor believes is required to provide an
acceptable solution to resolve the discrepancies and conflicts indicated on the
request. Additional sheets, sketches, digital photos or drawings may be attached
to provide a clear explanation of the intended resolution.
Originated By: The person originating the request and provided recommended action.
Title: List the current position of the originator on the project.
Date: The date the request is submitted for approval.
Originator’s Company Name List Company name of the originator
Approval For Originator By List name of Fluor person approving the request for submission to the Engineer
of Record (Generally, the Fluor Site Engineering Manager will receive the
request and approve it’s submission to the Design Engineer.)
Title: List the current position of the approver.
Date: The date the request is approved for submission
Date Reply Required: Enter the date in which the resolution of the request must be made in order not to
delay the activities in question

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Response The respondent’s resolution (generally the Design Engineer, Project Engineering
Manager, CM, or Fluor’s Construction Engineering Manager) to the question,
information, discrepancy, or conflict.
Respondent: The signature of the person making the response. (Lead Construction Discipline
Engineer, Construction Engineering Manager or Design Lead Discipline
Engineer, etc.)
Title: List the current position of the Approver on the project.
Date: The date the request is approved for transmittal to the Design Engineer.
Approval for Respondent: The signature of the person reviewing and approving the request prior to
implementation. (This action might require Client approval. If the response
changes the design (AFC Drawings or Specifications) the Engineer of Record
must approve the resolution.)
Title: List the current position of the Approver on the project.
Date: The date the request is approved for implementation by the Client or Project
Engineering Manager or designee.
Adequate Closure? Indicate using the checkbox if the RFI response is acceptable for closure of the
RFI. Generally, the Construction Engineering Manage must respond to this

Cost Impact? Indicate using the checkbox if the RFI response has a cost impact that will
require an estimate or a request for contractor pricing. If the answer is yes,
indicate the requirement for a SI to be issued to the Contractor.

Schedule Impact? Indicate using the checkbox if the RFI response has a schedule impact that will
require an adjustment in the contract schedule or a request for contractor pricing.
If the answer is yes, indicate the requirement for a SI to be issued to the

Closed RFI and Date Verified: Inter the name and date the RFI was closed and verified.

Distribution: List all parties requiring a copy of the completed request once the response has
been received.

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This procedure identifies construction work processes that require process control.


For most site production activities, the drawings and specifications provide adequate work instruction.
These may be supplemented with additional instructions to control work sequencing, recording of
installation data, material selection, etc. However, certain construction work processes require special
instructions to establish the controls necessary to achieve acceptable quality, of the completed work, for
the following reasons:

• Quality results of the completed work cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and/or

• Quality deficiencies may only become apparent after the item has entered service or operation.

Special Processes

"Special processes" are highly dependent on the control of process parameters or the skill of the operator
or both and are characterized by the need for one or more of the following control measures.

 Written Method Statement or Procedure

 Procedure Qualification
 Operator Qualification
 In-Process Inspection

Special processes encountered on sites include, but may not be limited to:

 Welding and Post Weld Heat Treatment

 Welder Qualification
 Nondestructive Examination (including radiography, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant,
ultrasonic, and positive material identification – VT, RT, MT, PT, UT, and PMI)
 Other processes needing procedural control as determined by Project Management.

Special processes identified must be accomplished and documented under controlled conditions
by appropriately qualified personnel using approved procedures and equipment in accordance
with the governing specifications and the associated referenced codes and standards.

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Site Quality Manager

The Site Quality Manager shall coordinate with the Construction Engineering Manager, to
research the project contract work scope and specifications in order to identify the special
processes that will be utilized. If the processes are to be contracted, ensure that the required
control mechanisms, i.e. procedures, qualifications, etc. are specified in the RFP and
implemented before the start of work. Process control measures and responsibilities shall be
identified on the applicable procedures or ITPs.

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This procedure describes the methods to be used for the control, calibration, maintenance and recall of
inspection, measuring and test equipment (IMTE) used to demonstrate conformance of construction work
activities to the specified requirements. It is not applicable to calibration of permanent plant devices.


Inspection, measuring and test equipment (IMTE), including test software, shall be selected, calibrated
and controlled in a manner which is consistent with the required inspection, testing and examination

Environmental conditions shall be suitable for the calibrations, inspections, measurements and tests
being carried out.

All IMTE shall be uniquely identified. This unique identification may consist of a manufacturer's unique
serial number along with model number and/or the assignment and application of a unique Inventory
Control Number (ICN).

The handling, preservation, and storage of inspection, measuring and test equipment shall be such that
the accuracy and fitness for use is maintained.

All calibrations shall be performed using certified equipment having a known valid relationship to
nationally recognized standards; where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration shall be

"Conformance check" means the operations required to ensure that an item of measuring equipment is in
a state of compliance with requirements for its intended use.

Non-adjustable measuring and test equipment is not considered as calibrated equipment. Equipment of
this nature (e.g. cube and proctor molds, measuring tapes, rulers, chains) is subject to a "conformance
check" to dimensional, volumetric or other requirements and does not require any further verification
unless apparent damage or other factors require reverification.

It is the responsibility of the end-user to comply with the requirements of this section.

IMTE shall be selected utilizing Attachment I "Criteria for the Selection of Inspection, Measuring and
Testing Equipment" and Attachment II shall be used for guidance in procurement of calibration equipment
and/or services.

All IMTE calibration requirements shall be identified, on Attachment 3 - IM & TE Calibration Requirements
List. This attachment is used to list the various types of IMTE in use and their associated calibration
frequencies, calibration procedures and tolerances. Calibration procedures, frequencies, and tolerances
may be obtained in conjunction with obtaining the services of an outside calibration vendor or from

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manufacturers. A procedure number shall be assigned. If the manufacturer has an assigned number, this
should be used. Calibration procedures are quality records and shall be maintained in site files.

Procedures such as published standards, practices (e.g., ASTM) or written calibration instructions from
the manufacturer may be used. In the absence of either a published standards practice or an adequate
manufacturer's procedure, a written procedure for the calibration method shall be written and approved
for use.

In addition to the above, calibration procedures should include at least the following basic information:

 Identity of the item to be calibrated using the procedure.

 Calibration comparison standards and calibration support equipment to be used.

 Provisions to obtain and record "as-found" accuracy measurement prior to any adjustments.

 Sequence of operations.

 Checks, tests and measurements instructions.

 Calibration acceptance tolerances.

 Calibration adjustment instructions.

 Safety considerations.

 Special instructions (when applicable).

 Documentation and labeling instructions related to the specific item to be calibrated.

Perform and record (Form 000.509.F01104) the calibration in accordance with the above established
calibration procedures and/or contract the services of an outside calibration services vendor.

Upon completion of initial calibration, enter the equipment in the Calibration Assignment Log
(Form 000.509.F01101) and record other data required by this log.

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History of Use

The end user shall maintain a history of use for IMTE to enable an assessment of the validity of previous
calibrations, inspections, measurements and test results when calibration as-found data reveals out-of-
tolerance data points.

The history shall be documented using IMTE Sign In/Out-History of Use Log (Form 000.509.F01102) and
keep current to record each usage of the IMTE.

If out of tolerance conditions are found, a Nonconformance Report shall be prepared in accordance with

If out-of-tolerance conditions are found during recalibrations an evaluation shall be conducted to

determine if inspection, measurement, test or calibration results obtained with the out-of-tolerance
instrument are still valid.

Evaluations shall be documented, and where required, repetitions of readings shall be compared to
original results.

It is the responsibility of the end user to use calibrated equipment within the environmental operating
range(s) or restrictions/limitations specified by the instrument manufacturer.

NOTE: Temperature or other compensating calculations shall be applied to any inspection,

measurement, test or calibration results when such compensations are specified by the
instrument manufacturer and/or when they can affect the basis of the results obtained.

Upon satisfactory completion of calibrations, and after the recalibration due date has been determined
(calculated), the end user shall make entries on the "Calibrations Tickler File" (Form 000.509.F01103) to
aid in the tracking and recall of items for scheduled recalibration.


Electronic recording of the information that is required by the documentation in this procedure is
permissible. All documents (except labels) generated in accordance with this procedure should be
maintained in appropriate protected files throughout the construction phase of the project, and for the
period of time there after specified (if any) or turned over to the Client if required.

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Quality Support Forms:

000.509.F01101 - Calibration Assignment Log and Record

000.509.F01102 - IMTE Sign In/Out-History of Use Log
000.509.F01103 - Calibration Tickler File
000.509.F01104 - Calibration Data Sheet


Attachment 1 - Criteria for the Selection of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE)

Attachment 2 - Criteria for Procuring Calibration Services

Attachment 3 - IM & TE Calibration Requirements List

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Attachment 1

Criteria for the Selection of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE)

1. IMTE includes inspection, measurement and/or testing equipment used to determine final

2. IMTE shall have a manufacturer's stated accuracy (and precision, where applicable)
that exceeds the construction installation inspection, measurement and/or testing tolerance(s).

3. IMTE shall have the durability, stability and appropriate measurement ranges
consistent with the intended use(s).

4. Calibration standards that will be required for the initial and subsequent recalibrations
shall be identified when selecting IMTE. Such calibration standards shall be
requisitioned or the services of a calibration facility with the calibration standards shall be

NOTE: Obtaining calibration standards or services can usually require more time to procure
than the time required to select and procure the needed IMTE.

5. Purchase requisitions for IMTE, calibration standards, and calibration facility services
should clearly state the requirements for accuracy, precision (where applicable), range, durability
and/or stability, environmental, handling, other applicable technical requirements.

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Attachment 2 - Criteria for Procuring Calibration Services

The following are recommended guidelines for preparing a purchase order for obtaining the services of
a calibration supplier to calibrate Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IM&TE).

1. The following information should be provided to the supplier:

a) description and unique identification of each piece of IM&TE;

b) assigned calibration interval;
c) calibration accuracy required;
d) any relevant environmental requirements of use or calibration.

2. The calibration supplier must provide the following information as part of their calibration

a) source of calibration equipment used and current certificate(s) of traceability to a recognized

national standard;
b) identification of the calibration procedure(s) used (if the procedure is produced by the
calibration supplier, a copy must be furnished, if a recognizable standard i.e. ASTM,
ANSI/ASME, is used no copy is needed).

3. The calibration records supplied by the calibration supplier for each item of IM&TE calibrated must

a) item identification number;

b) date of calibration;
c) the records of the "before", "as received" or "as found" condition including actual values and
the "as calibrated" or "as left" values;
d) identification of the calibration procedure used;
e) limits of permissible error;
f) calibration standard used (including serial numbers and certificates) and traceability;
g) details of any maintenance, servicing, adjustment, repairs or modifications carried out;
h) identification of person performing the calibration;
i) identification of person responsible for the correctness of the information provided.

4. The calibration supplier shall seal, using a unique, tamper-resistant system, all adjustment access
points after calibration, where practical. The system used shall provide visual evidence of

5. The calibration supplier shall immediately notify the purchaser of any IM&TE discovered to be out of
calibration by more than the stated accuracy tolerance or any piece of IM&TE that shows indication
of tampering. The purchaser shall determine if the calibration process should continue.

6. The calibration supplier shall package and ship each piece of IM&TE in such a manner to preclude
damage and to preserve the calibrated condition.

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Attachment 3 - IM & TE Calibration Requirements List


Surveyor Chain Initial Conformance Visual* ±1/8” (0.32cm) (2)

Surveyor Level 6 Months Per Procedure
Surveyor Transit 6 Months Per Procedure
Surveyor Tape Initial Conformance Visual* ±1/8” (0.32cm) (2)
Surveyor Distamat 6 Months Per Procedure
Mechanical Pressure Gauges 6 Months ±5% (2)
Mechanical Torque Wrenches 6 Months ±5% (2)
Electrical Meggars 6 Months ±3% (2)
Electrical Simpson Mulit-Meter 6 Months ±3% (2)
Electrical Digital Mulit-Meter 6 Months ±3% (2)
Millwrights Calipers 3 Months ±.02MM (2)
Millwrights Dial Indicators 3 Months ±.02MM (2)
Millwrights Micrometers 3 Months ±.02MM (2)
Welding Rod Oven Thermostat 6 Months ±5°F (15°C) (2)






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Equipment/Instrument Item Description Manufacturer Model Date Calibration
Manufacturer Serial No Calibration Frequency Calibration Tolerance
Identification No. Size-Range No. Calibrated Due Date

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I M T E Description: I M T E No.:

Name Badge No. Date Out Date In Area/System/PKG No.

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Month Year

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Area/Location Unit No. Project Job No.

Tag No. Manufacturer Description

Model No. Serial No. Type Action

Direct Reserve Size Fail Position

Calibration Range

Calibration Procedure

As Found Calibration

Input Output Input Output

0% 0%

25% 25%

75% 75%

100% 100%

Mounted Accessories


Calibrated By Date

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This procedure describes the methods and responsibilities for controlling nonconforming items to prevent
their inadvertent use or installation when other control methods, inspection reports, surveillance reports
(000.509.0220), etc. are considered inadequate. This procedure provides for the identification,
documentation, evaluation, disposition, notification, segregation (prevention of inadvertent
use/installation), and reinspection of these nonconforming items (excluding ASME Code items).


Types of NCRs

Nonconformances are classified as:

Use as Is- Permission to use an item that does not conform to specified requirements.

Rework- Action taken on a nonconforming item to make it conform to specified


Repair-Action taken on a nonconforming item to make it acceptable for use.

Items Requiring an NCR

Nonconformance Reports are issued when there are:

 Deficiencies in materials, finished work or work processes that result in a

condition that does not conform to the specifications and for which there are
no existing procedures or standard trade practices which describe methods of
correction and therefore require engineering disposition.
 Deficiencies of a serious or repetitive nonconforming nature as determined by
the Site Quality Manager
 Construction damage has occurred to existing or turned over plant property.

Nonconformances shall be documented using Form 000.509.F01301

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Responsibility for Identifying Nonconformances

- Fluor will issue Nonconformance Reports on self-perform work, when applicable.

- The Construction Subcontractors have the first responsibility for the identification, control,
and disposition of nonconforming items within their Scope of Work. Fluor will issue a
Nonconformance Report when the Construction Subcontractor has not issued one. It is
not necessary to have more than one Nonconformance Report active on the identical
nonconforming condition.

- Inspection personnel usually initiate Nonconformance Reports; however, anyone may

initiate an NCR.

Control of Nonconforming Items

- The Construction Manager will take measures to provide holding areas or other methods
for segregating nonconforming items to prevent unauthorized use, mixing with conforming
items or incorporating into future construction. Where physical segregation is not
practical, tagging, marking, or other positive means of identification is acceptable. The
Site Quality Manager may elect to use "HOLD" tags/stickers (Form 000.509.F01303) for
additional assurance.


Documentation of Nonconformance

- For materials and equipment identified as nonconforming (per the descriptions in the
"General" section of this procedure), generate a Nonconformance Report (Form
000.509.F01301) to document the nonconforming item(s). The report is to be processed
as follows:


• Enter the date the nonconformance is documented.

• Enter either Fluor, the name of the Subcontractor or Vendor to identify organization
responsible for the nonconforming work.

• Use the entries in the header of the form to provide unique traceability and
identification to the nonconforming item.

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• Enter a complete description of the nonconforming condition.

• The initiator may propose a disposition, but it is not required.

 Enter the root cause of the nonconforming condition.

The initiator provides the NCR completed as noted above to the Site Quality

Site Quality Manager

NOTE: Evaluate the report to determine that the described condition is a valid
nonconformance. It is not necessary to have more than one Nonconformance
Report active on the identical nonconforming condition. If a Construction
Subcontractor has issued the NCR, it should not be duplicated by Fluor.

• Assign a unique number to the report and enter the number on the report and on
the "Nonconformance Report Log" (Form 000.509.F01302).

• If a hold tag is needed, enter the hold tag number and have the hold tag installed
on the item. The hold tag number should be the same as the NCR number. If a
hold tag is not to be used, enter NA.

The Site Quality Manager provides the NCR completed as noted above to the
Construction Engineering Manager. Also send a copy to the Fluor Shop Inspection
Coordinator for nonconformances attributed to a vendor.

Construction Engineering Manager

• Evaluate the proposed disposition, modify if necessary, or enter the disposition.

• If the nonconforming condition will not be corrected in full conformance with the
applicable specification, the Project Design Engineer shall accept the disposition.
In this case, check "yes" and obtain the Project Design Engineer approval. Any
documentation provided by the Design Engineer that supports the disposition
should be attached to the NCR original. For subcontractor NCR's, this approval is
obtained through the Fluor Construction Engineering Manager.

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If the disposition corrects the nonconformance to full compliance with the

applicable specification, check "no".

• After completing the disposition instructions and obtaining the required approvals,
sign and date.

Send the original NCR to the Site Quality Manager and copy to the Site Manager.

Site Manager

Upon receipt of the approved NCR disposition, perform the applicable construction
actions specified in the NCR disposition. (Request removal of QC hold tag prior to
performing work, if one has been applied.)

Site Quality Manager (or Inspector)

NOTE: The Site Quality Manager or Fluor Subcontractors or subtier subcontractor

initiating NCR's that require Project Design Engineer approval should send a copy
of the approved NCR to the Fluor Site Quality Manager (prior to performing the
actions specified in the NCR disposition, if possible).

• Upon verification of satisfactory completion of the disposition, sign and date.

• Obtain other required approvals as required.


The Site Quality Manager shall retain all NCR’s and the NCR log in the Quality Files.


Quality Forms:

000.509.F01301 - Nonconformance Report

000.509.F01302 - Nonconformance Report Log
000.509.F01303 - Hold Tag/Sticker


Attachment 1 - Instruction for completion of Non-Conformance Report

Attachment 2 - Nonconformance Routing Chart

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Attachment 1 - Instruction for completion of Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

1 Description of Non-conformance:
The initiator shall describe the requirements that were not met and a detailed description of the Non-conformance.

2 Root Cause:
The underlying reason(s) for the occurrence of the reported nonconformity will be evaluated and the cause code(s)
including and explanation will be stated.

Cause Code Description

C01 Client Driven
C02 Communication Driven
C03 Equipment or Material
C04 External Phenomenon
C05 Location Driven
C06 Management Driven
C07 Procedure (except procedure not followed)
C08 Procedure/Work Process not followed - select from below
C08a Not Aware of Procedure (includes not trained)
C08b Ignored Procedure (includes no time / low priority / not important)
C08c Misapplied Procedure (includes not understood / thought not to apply)
C08d Not Effective (needs update / improvement / is inappropriate) / incorrect
C08e Incorrect Reference to Procedure (includes incorrectly specified)
C08f Procedure Not in Native Language
C09 People Driven
C10 Systems Driven
C11 Work Environment
C99 Other

NOTE: If codes 7 or 8 are used, list the procedure(s) identified as the root cause.
Refer to 000.042.1000 Att. 2 in KOL for a definition of each cause code.

3 Disposition
Use-as-is Requires design Engineer and Client approval.
Re-work Restore to original Specification, does not require Design Engineer or Client approved.
Repair Does not meet original specification, correct (repair) for “fit-for-use” condition.
Requires approval from design engineer and may require approval of client.
Provide instructions for implementation or justification of the selected disposition.
Once implementation is satisfactorily implemented, sign the “Disposition Completed” block.

4 Action verified and Non-Conformance Closed

The Fluor inspector shall indicate the method used for verification of corrective action. Sign the signature block
indicating acceptance of corrective action.

5 The Fluor Site Quality Manager shall review the NCR for completeness and acceptance of the corrective action.

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Attachment 2 - Nonconformance Routing Chart

Site Quality
Lead Field Engineer
Nonconform ance NCR Manager
Recomm ended Disposition/
Discovered Initiated Review/Confirm s/

Site Quality
Manager Site Quality
Assigns Num ber Manager
for Routing

Corrective Action:

1) Remove/Replace Corrective
Rework to Action
Full Design Intent Approved

Corrective NOTE 1 2) Repair

Action Applicable
Design Authority
Review Disposition
3) Use As Is Approve or Disapprove


Accepts Quality
Execution of Manager
Corrective Action Closes


Quality Manager
Closed NCR

Note 1: If corrective action is 2 or 3, distribution to be same as that shown when NCR closed. If corrective action
is 1, exclude area EPCM from distribution until NCR is closed.

Note 2: For NCR’s on Activities within Regulating Authority Scope, they need to Review/Accept

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Initiated by: Date: Hold Tag NCR No.
Yes No
Area/Location Unit/Equip No. Discipline/Responsibility:

DWG. No./Rev. Spec./Rev. Audit No. (If Applicable)



DISPOSITION Use as is Rework Repair Other

DISPOSITION BY Design Eng. Approval Req.

Construction Engineer Date
Yes No
Contractor Date
Design Engineer Date






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Page _______of _______

NCR No. Discipline Date Opened Date Closed Description of Nonconformance

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Hold Tag No._____________________


NCR Number_____________________


(Recommended Color: Red with Green Letters)

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This procedure establishes the method of obtaining and documenting corrective actions for significant
conditions which are adverse to quality, such as failure to properly implement procedures,
programmatic failure due to inadequate procedures or failure to correct repetitive problems.

The corrective action process involves:

 Reviewing nonconformities
 Determining their cause
 Evaluating the action necessary to ensure that nonconformities do not recur
 Determining and implementing the action needed
 Recording the results of actions taken
 Reviewing corrective action taken



Nonconformity – The non-fulfillment of specified requirements. Also referred to as a


Correction – The correction (fixing) of a nonconforming item to make it acceptable. When

correcting an item, consideration should be given to whether other work is also affected.

Corrective Action – The action taken to eliminate the cause(s) of nonconformities. Corrective
Action should be appropriate to the magnitude of the problem and commensurate with the risks

Root Cause – Underlying reason(s) for occurrence of a nonconformity. A root cause is determined
by through analysis, (e.g. asking the question “why?” until the underlying reason has been

Responsible Person – The individual responsible for the group of system where a nonconformity
is identified. They would be responsible for ensuring its timely correction.

Significant Condition – operating system and/or procedural deficiencies evaluated by

management (as to the magnitude of the problem and commensurate to the risks encountered) and
judged to warrant a Corrective Action Report (CAR). This may also include where a trend is noted
(ie the same nonconforming condition occurs three or more times).

The need for a Corrective Action Report is usually identified by the Site Quality Manager or inspection
personnel; however, any one may identify the need for a CAR.

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A nonconformity may be identified through activities such as internal audit, surveillance, management
review, or external audit finding.

A nonconformity is evaluated (based on severity) to determine the appropriate level of corrective action
needed to prevent recurrence. Consideration is given to the impact of the nonconformity on project
cost, schedule or quality issues.

Not all nonconformities require root cause analysis and/or corrective action. It is acceptable for
management to determine that only correction is necessary. Root cause analysis and corrective action
are applied where the reward is greater than the effort.

Corrective action is documented on the CAR (Corrective Action Report) form: 000.509.F01401

Coordination of CARs is the responsibility of the Site Quality Manager.

The Site Quality Manager reviews identified nonconformities to determine if a CAR is appropriate. If so,
Sections 1 and 2 of the CAR form are completed and the CAR is recorded on a status log
(000.509.F01402). Equivalent forms and logs are permitted providing the essential elements of the
example form and log are addressed.

The CAR is transmitted to the Responsible Person for further action. The Responsible Person
completes Section 3 and 4 of the CAR form (refer to Attachment 01 – Corrective Action Response
Instructions) and returns it to the Site Quality Manager.

Should it become necessary to void or cancel a CAR during the initiation cycle (upon discovery that no
nonconformity actually exists, or a CAR covering this condition already exists), and explanation will be
written on the original report. The report will be signed and dated by the responsible person and copies
provided to appropriate distribution including the person who identified the deficiency/condition.

The Site Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring that the nonconformity has been corrected and
that the corrective action taken to eliminate the cause of nonconformity is effective. The Site Quality
Manger will also ensure completion of Section 5 of the CAR form and update the Status Log. A
completed copy of the CAR form will be retained.

In cases where an activity (that is the subject of CAR) occurs infrequently, or where root cause analysis
is determined to be not necessary, the CAR may be closed following correction of the nonconformity
without verifying effectiveness of the corrective action.

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The Corrective Action Report and associated attachments shall be retained in the Quality Control Files
by the Site Quality Manager. The status of open CAR’s will be reviewed with Site Management on a
periodic basis to ensure timely close out of the CAR’s.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F01401 - Corrective Action Report

000.509.F01402 - Corrective Action Report Log

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Attachment 1 - Corrective Action Response Instructions

Corrective Action Report (CAR)

The Responsible Person is required to respond to each CAR within a target of 30 days after the
issue of the CAR. Responses may be provided on the CAR form, or by other written means.
Responses are required to address the following points:

CAR Section 3 – Correction of Nonconformity

Provide a detailed explanation of the action that will be taken to resolve the specific problem
identified on the CAR. State when the action has been or will be completed. Identify other work
affected and if additional actions or controls are needed.

CAR Section 4 – Corrective Action Section

In addition to correcting the nonconformity, the Responsible Person needs to assess it’s
severity/impact to see if further analysis is warranted (i.e. determine the root cause and develop
a plan to prevent recurrence).

When evaluating the severity of the nonconformity consideration should be given to its impact
on project cost, schedule or quality issues (e.g. resulting in excessive rework). This decision is
indicated by marking yes or no in section 4 or the CAR.

Root Cause: The underlying reason(s) for the occurrence of the reported nonconformity will be
evaluated and the cause code(s) including an explanation will be stated.

Cause Code Description

C01 Client Driven
C02 Communication Driven
C03 Equipment or Material
C04 External Phenomenon
C05 Location Driven
C06 Management Driven
C07 Procedure (except procedure not followed)
C08 Procedure/Work Process not followed - select from below
C08a Not Aware of Procedure (includes not trained)
C08b Ignored Procedure (includes no time / low priority / not important)
C08c Misapplied Procedure (includes not understood / thought not to apply)
C08d Not Effective (needs update / improvement / is inappropriate) / incorrect
C08e Incorrect Reference to Procedure (includes incorrectly specified)

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Cause Code Description

C08f Procedure Not in Native Language
C09 People Driven
C10 Systems Driven
C11 Work Environment
C99 Other

Refer to 000.042.1000 Att. 2 in KOL for a definition of each cause code

Plan To Prevent Recurrence: Provide details of corrective actions that have been taken or will
be taken to prevent recurrence of the condition (root cause) that led to the reported
Nonconformity. State when the corrective actions to prevent recurrence have been or will be

Upon completion, sign and date. If issued electronically, name and date may be typed.

Response Coordination and Processing

Upon completion of sections 3 & 4 of the above reports, route to the Site Quality Manager. The
Site Quality Manager, upon receipt of all responses, provides for follow-up and close-out where
applicable. Closed out CAR’s (Section 5 Completed) are to be copied to the Construction
Technology Quality Manager.

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1 - Identification
Supplier Name: Contract/P.O. No.: Date:

CAR Number: Originator:

Personnel contracted: Discipline:

2 - Nonconformity


Contributing Cause(s): [List code number(s) see Att. 1 of 000 509 0140]

3 – Correction of Nonconformity (By Responsible Person)

Plan to address the Nonconformity (e.g. correct/repair/waiver) Estimated Completion Date:

4 – Corrective Action Section (By Responsible Person)

In the judgement of the Responsible Person, is an analysis of the root cause(s) of this nonconformity
required (including determining a plan to prevent recurrence) in light of the magnitude of the problem and
the risk involved? (If Yes, continue: if no, mark N/A below). Yes / No
Root Cause(s): List code number(s) see 000.509.0140.att. 1, and explain underlying reason why
nonconformity occurred

Plan to Prevent Recurrence: Estimated Completion Date:

Responsible Person: Date:

5 – Closeout Verification
Correction of Nonconformity:

Verifier: Date:

Corrective Action Implemented and Effective: (only completed when a root cause was determined see
4 above)
Evaluator: Date:

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Date Response Date
CAR No. Description of CAR Contractor/Supplier Contract/P.O. No. Responsible Person
Initiated Received Date Closed

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This procedure provides guidance on methods to identify conditions (or circumstances) which have the
potential to cause nonconformities



Preventive Action: The action taken to eliminate the cause of potential nonconformities. Preventive
action will be appropriate to the magnitude of the potential nonconformity and commensurate with
the potential risks that may be encountered.

Nonconformities: The non-fulfillment of specified requirements.

Preventive action involves the detection and elimination or modification of work performance
conditions (or circumstances) which have a potential to cause nonconformities. Each employee
should continually evaluate his/her work process to identify potential nonconformities.


Project Personnel

Review appropriate sources of information that may be used to identify potential

nonconformities such as:

 Surveillance Reports
 Internal Quality Audits
 Client Feedback
 Lessons Learned
 Analysis and improvement of work process and operations
 Value Awareness Suggestion
 Monthly Project Reviews
 Employee Suggestions
 Registrar Feedback

The Site Quality Manager is aware of the various sources of potential nonconformities listed
above and, as appropriate, will determine if an identified item should be considered for
preventive action. Consideration should be based on the item’s potential impact on project cost,
schedule or quality.

NOTE: Note all potential nonconformities require preventive action.

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Potential nonconformities that could adversely affect the Project will have the following steps

 Determine cause of the potential nonconformity and record it on the log. Refer to
cause codes listed below.
 Determine what action is required to prevent occurrence of nonconformity (i.e. issue
surveillance or audit observations, revision of a work process or procedure) and add
the appropriate Elimination Code number to the log (See Attachment 1).
 Confirm that action was taken to prevent the potential nonconformity from occurring
and record this information in the preventive action log.

Preventive Actions that eliminate potential nonconformities will be submitted for management

A log is to be maintained that records a description of the potential nonconformity, the

contributing cause (see Cause Code table below), the action determine necessary to eliminate
the cause (see Elimination Code table below).

NOTE: Any log is permitted provided it contains the same basic information as Attachment 1.

Code Description
C01 Client Driven
C02 Communication Driven
C03 Equipment or Material
C04 External Phenomenon
C05 Location Driven
C06 Management Driven
C07 Procedure (except procedure not followed)
C08 Procedure/Work Process not followed - select from below
C08a Not Aware of Procedure (includes not trained)
C08b Ignored Procedure (includes no time / low priority / not important)
C08c Misapplied Procedure (includes not understood / thought not to apply)
C08d Not Effective (needs update / improvement / is inappropriate) / incorrect
C08e Incorrect Reference to Procedure (includes incorrectly specified)
C08f Procedure Not in Native Language
C09 People Driven
C10 Systems Driven
C11 Work Environment
C99 Other
Refer to 000.042.1000 Att. 2 in KOL for a definition of each cause code

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Code Description
E01 Revision/modification of work process/document
E02 Issuance of QA/QC report to affected personnel
E03 Issuance of document/procedure
E04 Training/orientation of affected personnel
E05 Verbally advising affected personnel
E99 Other


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02201 - Surveillance Report

000.509.F01501 - Preventive Action log

000.509.F01701 - Audit Finding

000.509.F01702 - Audit Summary

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Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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Project Name : Project Number:
Issue Cause Elimination Date
PA No. Source Description Confirmation of Action Verified by
Date Code Code Closed

Description Cause Code Description Elimination Code Description
C01 Client Driven C07 Procedure (except procedure not followed) E01 Revision/modification of work process/document
C02 Communication Driven C08 Procedure/Work Process not followed E02 Issuance of QA/QC report to affected personnel
C03 Equipment or Material C09 People Driven E03 Issuance of document/procedure
C04 External Phenomenon C10 Systems Driven E04 Training/orientation of affected personnel
C05 Location Driven C11 Work Environment E05 Verbally advising affected personnel
C06 Management Driven C99 Other E99 Other

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Project/Contract Number: Finding Number:
Project Name: Audit Date:
Auditee Personnel Contacted:

A. Reference:

B. Requirement:

Continued on back

Continued on back
Proposed Disposition:

Expected Completion Date:

Corrective Action Evaluation, and Response:

Disposition (Action taken to correct deficiency) Completion Date:

Auditee Signature: Date:
Auditor Concurrence with disposition: Date:

Continued on back
Auditor Follow-up and Close-out Verification:

Auditor Signature: Date Deficiency closed:

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Project: Construction Audit Number:

Client: Audit Dates:

Project Number: Report Date:

Audit Location:

Audit Scope:

Summary of Audit Results:

Entry Meeting Date: Exit Meeting Date:

The entry & exit meeting were conducted with:

A summary of the audit results is as follows:

Quality Manual Principles assessed. Quality Manual Principles found to be satisfactory.

Deficiencies reported. Observations for improvement.

Previous Findings and Action Follow-up:

Finding Number Status – (Open or Closed) Date Closed

Lead Auditor Signature: Date:

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This procedure describes maintenance of Quality Records generated for and/or by construction.


Quality Records are documented evidence that construction conformed to requirements of the Design
Specifications. Quality Records include:

• Test and inspection reports

• Radiographs
• Material and equipment certificates required by specification
• Equipment maintenance/preservation records
• As-built drawings

Designated construction staff are responsible for the preparation of Quality Records and are usually
responsible for maintenance and retrievability of the records.

Records that are identified as “Confidential” in any confidentiality agreement shall be controlled in
accordance with specific procedures established by that agreement.


• Site Quality Manager

- In coordination with the Construction Engineering Manager and any other group manager
who receives or generates quality records, identify the quality records that will be retained
during construction and identify the record custodian by job title. Record this information
on Form 000.509.F01601 (Quality Records Control).

- Reference the Project File Index and Record Retention Schedule Practice 000.037.1182.

In coordination with the client and other record custodians, define the Quality Records that
are to be submitted to the client upon completion of work and identify this on the Quality
Records Control form.

The Fluor Site Quality Manager in coordination with the Site Manager will identify all
Quality Records (or copies of records) that will be retained in the Records Retention
Center. Identify this on the Quality Records Control form.

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NOTE: Reference Attachment 1 for a sample of Site Specific Quality Records Control
form. [:: Attachment 1 should be made site specific ::]

Maintain the Quality Records Control form current and, if possible, before records
are received on site or generated.

• Custodian

- Establish and maintain a filing system for inspection, testing, and other Quality Control
records. The system shall ensure that records are readily retrievable and protected. The
system shall allow the records required for turnover to be easily separated by turnover
packages. The system is to be identified on the Quality Records Control Form.

Prior to filing the record the custodian shall review the documents to verify the following:

- Documents are appropriate

- Documents are complete
- Entries are correct
- Documents are legible
- Documents signed/initialed by authorized person
- Review vendor generated documents to verify the records are
complete and legible.

The custodian shall resolve any discrepancies noted during the document review with the
originator or originator's supervisor. Resolve any discrepancies with vendor documents
through the Fluor purchasing department.

Corrections to records are accomplished by authorized personnel (i.e. record originator or

originator's supervisor) by striking a single line through the erroneous entry, entering the
correct information and initialing and dating the change.


Maintain the records until they are requested by project turnover and/or assigned to the
Records Retention Center.

NOTE: Subcontractors will retain their records until they are requested by Fluor.

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The Site Quality Manager will generate a checklist and verify that all required quality
records have been completed and those designated for turnover are included in the
Turnover Package.

All supporting documentation relating to mechanical completion/system turnover will be

retained by Fluor until system acceptance by Client. After system acceptance by Client,
this documentation will be transferred to Client under separate correspondence.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F01601- Quality Records Control


Attachment 1 - Sample of Site Specific Quality Records Control Form

Note: List all forms and designate if they are to be turned over.

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Attachment 1 - Sample of Site Specific Quality Records Control Form

System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F00501 Request For Information
000 509 F00502 Request For Information Log
000 509 F01101 Calibration Assignment Log and Record
000 509 F01102 I.M.T.E. Sign In/Out History of Use Log
000 509 F01103 Calibrations Tickler File
000 509 F01104 Calibration Data Sheet
000 509 F01301 Nonconformance Report
000 509 F01302 Nonconformance Report Log
000 509 F01303 Hold Tag/Sticker
000 509 F01401 Corrective Action Report
000 509 F01402 Corrective Action Status Log
000 509 F01501 Preventive Action Log
000 509 F01601 Quality Records Control
000 509 F01701 Audit Finding
000 509 F01702 Audit Summary
000 509 F01801 Project Specific Quality Training
000 509 F02001 Site Subcontractor Qualification
000 509 F02002 Soil Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000 509 F02003 Asphalt Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000 509 F02004 Concrete Batch Plant Evaluation Record
000 509 F02005 Concrete Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000 509 F02006 NDE Subcontractor Evaluation Record
000 509 F02201 Surveillance Report
000 509 F02202 Surveillance Report Log
000 509 F02301 Receiving Inspection Checklist
Transfer of Care, Custody and Control (Turnover
000 509 F02401
000 509 F02402 System Walkdown Notice
000 509 F02403 Mechanical Completion Civil Checklist
Mechanical Completion Electrical/Instrumentation
000 509 F02404
000 509 F02405 Mechanical Completion/Mechanical Checklist
000 509 F02406 Mechanical Completion/Quality Control Checklist
000 509 F02407 Master Punch List Record
000 509 F02408 Interim Turnover Notice
000 509 F02409 Mechanical Completion Certificate

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F02501 Storage Inspection Checklist
Equipment Protection Preservation and Inspection
000 509 F02502
000 509 F70001 Inspection and Test Plan
000 509 F70002 Inspection and Test Plan
000 509 F70101 Soil Inspection Checklist
000 509 F70102 Field Compaction Test Record
Density of Soil Place by the Sand-Cone Method
000 509 F70103
ASTM D-1566 AASHTO-T-191
000 509 F70104 Nuclear Moisture-Density Test Report
000 509 F70105 Soil Density Test Log
000 509 F70201 Bituminous Concrete Paving Inspection Checklist
000 509 F70202 Bulk Specific Gravity
000 509 F70203 Bituminous Concrete Compaction
Nuclear Density Test Report – Bituminous
000 509 F70204
000 509 F70301 Pile Driving Inspection Record
000 509 F70302 Pile Driving Record
000 509 F70303 Record of Pile Driving
000 509 F70801 Caisson Inspection Record
000 509 F70901 Augered Cast-In-Place Pile Record
000 509 F71001 Pre-Concrete Inspection Checklist
000 509 F71002 Concrete Inspection Record
000 509 F71003 Concrete Pour Card
000 509 F71004 Cementitious Grout Inspection Record
000 509 F71005 Cementitious Grout Testing Record
000 509 F71006 Epoxy Resin Grout Inspection Record
000 509 F71007 Concrete Compression Strength Test Record
000 509 F71008 Concrete Placement Log
000 509 F71009 Grout Placement Log
000 509 F71010 Concrete Batch Plant Inspection Record
000 509 F72002 Structural Steel Inspection
000 509 F72003 Torque Wrench Calibration Log
000 509 F73001 Building Inspection and Test Checklist
000 509 F73002 Final Building Inspection Summary
000 509 F73003 Carpentry Checklist
000 509 F73004 Painting Checklist
000 509 F73005 Plumbing Checklist

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F73006 Ceramic Tile Checklist
000 509 F73007 Concrete Checklist
000 509 F73008 Structural Steel Checklist
000 509 F73009 Masonry (Brickwork) Checklist
000 509 F73010 Plaster Checklist
000 509 F73011 Doors, Windows, Hardware, Glazing Checklist
000 509 F73012 Computer (Raised) Floors Checklist
000 509 F73013 Prefab Wall Element Systems Checklist
000 509 F73014 Building Metal Siding And Roofing Checklist
Buildings Water Proofing And Damp Proofing
000 509 F73015
000 509 F73016 Suspended Ceiling Checklist
000 509 F73101 HVAC Inspection Record
000 509 F73102 Buildings Air Conditioning Checklist
000 509 F73201 Roofing Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74001 Equipment Installation Checklist
000 509 F74002 Heat Exchangers & Reboilers Installation Record
000 509 F74003 Electrostatic Precipitator Checklist
000 509 F74004 Inspection Record Static Equipment
000 509 F74005 Tray Installation Inspection Record
000 509 F74006 Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74007 Air Cooler Run In Test Report
000 509 F74008 Reciprocating Compressor Inspection Record
000 509 F74009 Fan Installation Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74010 Furnaces Inspection Record
000 509 F74011 Fuel Gas Steam Generator Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74012 Steam Turbine Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74013 Agitators/Mixers Inspection Checklist
Equipment/Piping Strain and Alignment Inspection
000 509 F74014
000 509 F74015 Installation Checklist Travelling Cranes
000 509 F74016 Package Equipment Installation Checklist
000 509 F74017 Desuperheaters/Ejectors Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74018 Filters/Strainers Installation Record
000 509 F74019 Centrifugal Compressor Inspection Record
000 509 F74020 Rotating Equipment Inspection Record
000 509 F74021 Rotating Equipment Alignment Record
000 509 F74022 Belt Driven Equipment Alignment Record

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
Inspection Record For Draw Off Tray Leak Test
000 509 F74024
000 509 F74025 Inspection Record For Air Coolers
000 509 F74026 Final Closing Authorization Record
API 686 Baseplate Installation Checklist (Prior to
000 509 F74027
000 509 F74028 API 686 Equipment Grouting Checklist
000 509 F74029 API 686 Alignment Check Sheet
000 509 F74030 Baseplate Leveling Record
000 509 F74031 Reverse Dial Alignment Record
000 509 F74032 Piping Alignment Data Sheet
000 509 F74033 Rotating Equipment (Face-Rim) Alignment Record
000 509 F74101 Tank Elevation Tolerances Record
000 509 F74102 Inspection Record Field Erected Tank
Tank Plate Dimensional Control Record Field
000 509 F74103
Erected Tank
Water Filling And Settlement Record Field Erected
000 509 F74104
000 509 F74105 Tank Leak Test Record
000 509 F74106 Tank Test Certificate
000 509 F74201 Inspection Record Cooling Tower
000 509 F74301 Field Installed Refactory Record
000 509 F74401 Gas Turbine/Generator Gear Inspection Checklist
000 509 F74402 Gas Turbine Inspection Record
Shop-Fabricated Field-Erected Stack Inspection
000 509 F74405
000 509 F74406 Heat Recovery Steam Generator Inspection Record
000 509 F74407 Breeching And Duct Work Inspection Record
Equipment Protection Activities Record – Gas
000 509F74408
000 509 F74601 Site Daily Activities Log
000 509 F74602 Stg Foundation Settlement Record
000 509 F74603 Stg Fixators
000 509 F74604 Stg Sole Plates
000 509 F74605 Stg Front Standard Base Plate Assembly
000 509 F74606 Exhaust Hood Horizontal Joint Levelness
000 509 F74607 Stg Shell/Casing Load Test
000 509 F74608 Stg Piping Attachment
000 509 F74609 Stg Foundation Top of Concrete Elevations
000 509 F74701 Generator Test Checklist

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F74702 Generator Cold Resistance Test Record
000 509 F75001 Underground Pipe Inspection Record
Insulation Resistance (Insulated Flanges-
000 509 F75002
Underground Piping) Test Record
000 509 F75003 Holiday (Spark) Test Record
000 509 F75101 Aboveground Pipe Inspection Record
000 509 F75102 Visual Inspection of Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting
000 509 F75103 Weld Map Record
000 509 F75201 Pressure Test Report
000 509 F75501 Hygienic Drawing Revision Log
000 509 F75502 Hygienic Material Receiving Log
000 509 F75503 Hygienic Valve Receiving Inspection Report
Hygienic Vessel Nozzle Receiving Inspection
000 509 F75504
000 509 F75505 Hygienic Tube/Fitting Receiving Inspection Report
000 509 F75506 Hygienic Pre-weld Inspection Checklist
000 509 F75507 Hygienic Welder Qualification Report
000 509 F75508 Hygienic Orbital Weld Log
000 509 F75509 Hygienic Post Installation Checklist
000 509 F75601 Pipe Cleaning and Verification Checklist
000 509 F75701 Mechanical Heat Tracing Inspection Record
000 509 F76001 Conduit And Cable Tray Checklist
000 509 F76002 Electrical Manhole Inspection Checklist
Medium & High Voltage Underground Cable
000 509 F76003
Splice Inspection Record
Medium and High Voltage Cable Termination
000 509 F76004
000 509 F76005 Cable Pulling Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76006 Fan/Speed Reducer/Motor Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76007 Switch House Inspection Checklist
Lighting Receptacle, Instrument Distribution
000 509 F76008
Panels Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76009 Electrical Motor Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76010 Aboveground Conduit Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76011 Lighting Panelboard Inspection Record
000 509 F76012 Underground Conduit (Duct Bank) Inspection
Grounding/Earthing System (Grid or Loop)
000 509 F76013
Inspection Record
000 509 F76014 Cable Termination Checklist

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
Grounding/Earthing Resistance Reading
000 509 F76101 (Resistance-to-Earth and Loop Continuity) Test
Insulation Resistance (Power, Control Wire And
000 509 F76102
Cable) Test Record
Insulation Resistance (Instrument Wire And Cable)
000 509 F76103
Test Record
DC High Potential Test (Medium Voltage Cable)
000 509 F76104
000 509 F76105 Current Transformer (And Ammeter) Test Record
LV Over-current And Earth/Ground-Fault Protection
000 509 F76106
Relay Test
Over-current/Ground Fault Protection Relay
000 509 F76107
(Induction Type) Test
Over-current/Ground Fault Protection Relay
000 509 F76108
(Thermal Type) Test
Switching Units HV Switchgear Inspection And
000 509 F76109
Test Record

Ground Electrode Resistance Inspection Test

000 509 F76110
Ground Fault Protection Relay Induction
000 509 F76111
Inspection and Test Record
000 509 F76112 Grounding Continuity Inspection and Test Record
000 509 F76113 Grounding Rod Inspection and Test Record
000 509 F76114 Bus Bar Assemblies LV Switchgear Test Record
000 509 F76115 Neutral Grounding/Earthing Resistor Test Record
Ground Continuity (Non Electrical)
000 509 F76116
Equipment/Structures Test Record
Ground Continuity (Electrical Equipment and
000 509 F76117
Ground Test Bars) Test Record
000 509 F76118 Insulation Resistance (Equipment) Test Record
000 509 F76119 Insulation Resistance (Transformer) Test Record
000 509 F76120 Liquid Dielectric Strength Test Record
000 509 F76121 DC Proof Test Record for Motors
000 509 F76122 Feeder Breaker (480V MCC) Test Record
000 509 F76123 Breaker/Contractor (480V MCC) Test Record
000 509 F76124 460V Motor Circuit (480V MCC) Test Record
000 509 F76125 Medium Voltage Motor Circuit Test Record
Equipment Absorption Ration and Polarization
000 509 F76126
Index Test Record (Megger)
Insulation Resistance (Medium Voltage Power
000 509 F76127
Cables) Test Record
000 509 F76128 Bus Throat Insulation and Ductor Reports
000 509 F76129 Circuit Breaker Contract Timing Test Report

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F76130 Vacuum Circuit Breaker Ductor Insulation Report
000 509 F76131 Drawout Vacuum Breaker Inspection Test
000 509 F76132 Main Bus Insulation and Ductor Report
000 509 F76133 Electric Motor Run-In Test Record
000 509 F76134 Drawout Air Circuit Breaker Inspection Record
Insulation Resistance (Rotating Equipment) Test
000 509 F76135
000 509 F76201 Emergency Generators Inspection Checklist
Inspection of Switchgear Bus-Bar Continuity
000 509 F76202
(Including Incoming and Sectionalizer Units)
Inspection LV Switchgear (Including Incoming and
000 509 F76203
Sectionalizer Units)
000 509 F76204 Inspection of Outgoing – LV Switchgear
000 509 F76205 Inspection of Static Supply Unit (UPS)
000 509 F76206 Motor Control Centers Inspection Checklist
Motor Control Centers (Motors and Starters)
000 509 F76207
Inspection Record
000 509 F76208 High Voltage Motors and Starters
000 509 F76209 Motors Checklist
000 509 F76210 Control and Relay Panels Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76211 Electronic Equipment Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76212 Power Panel Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76213 Switchgear Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76214 Low Voltage Feeders Inspection Record
000 509 F76215 High Voltage Cable Inspection and Test Record
000 509 F76216 Electrical Equipment Inspection Record
000 509 F76217 Control Scheme Inspection Checklist
000 509 F76218 Power Transformer Inspection Checklist
Switching Units – HV Switchgear Inspection and
000 509 F76219
Test Record
Switching Units – HV Switchgear Inspection
000 509 F76220
000 509 F76221 Liquid – Filled Transformer Inspection Record
000 509 F76222 Busway Inspection Record
000 509 F76223 Switchgear Inspection Record
000 509 F76224 Motor Control Center Inspection Record
000 509 F76225 Battery and Battery Charger Inspection Record
Liquid Immersed Medium Voltage Disconnect
000 509 F76226
Switch Inspection Record
Electric Motor – Electrical Activities Inspection
000 509 F76227

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
Electric Motor – Mechanical Activities Inspection
000 509 F76228
Electric Motor for Compressor Installation
000 509 F76229
000 509 F76230 Compressor Vibration Checklist
000 509 F76231 Vibration Probe Record
Dry Type Lighting, Receptacle & Instrument
000 509 F76232
Transformers Checklist
Instrument Wire and Cables Continuity Checks
000 509 F76233
000 509 F76401 Heat Trace Test Log
000 509 F76402 Electrical Heat Trace Inspection Record
000 509 F77001 Instrumentation Inspection Checklist
000 509 F77002 Instrument Loop Checklist Inspection
000 509 F77003 Impulse Line Pressure Test Sheet
000 509 F77004 Instrument Grounding System Check Sheet
000 509 F77005 Installation Check Sheet (Local Instruments)
000 509 F77006 Orifice Plate Specification Check Report
000 509 F77007 Control Systems Quality
000 509 F77008 Loop Check Record
000 509 F77101 Instrument Calibration Sheet
000 509 F77102 Safety Valve Tracking Sheet
000 509 F77103 Relief Valve Inspection and Final Acceptance
000 509 F77104 Switch Calibration Data Record
000 509 F77105 Valve Calibration Data Record
000 509 F77106 Control System Test Equipment Calibration Log
Loop Mechanical Completions and Acceptance
000 509 F77107
000 509 F78001 Coating Inspection Record
000 509 F78002 Lining Inspection Record
000 509 F78101 Equipment Thermal Insulation Inspection
000 509 F78102 Piping Thermal Insulation Record
Release For Application/Inspection Of Fireproofing
000 509 F78201
000 509 F78202 Fireproofing Inspection Preconstruction Checklist
000 509 F78301 Cathodic Protection Inspection Report
000 509 F79001 Daily Welding Report
000 509 F79002 Post Weld Heat Treatment Log
000 509 F79201 Welder B31.3 Random Radiography Control Log
000 509 F79202 Nondestructive Examination Request/Record

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System Records Records

Record Identification Custodian Turnover Retention Retention File
Package Center Center Locator
Job Title or Y = Yes Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No N = No (Years)
000 509 F79203 Radiographic Rejectable Defects Statistics
000 509 F79204 Welding/NDE Status Log
000 509 F79205 Ferrite Test Report
000 509 F79206 Welding/NDE Double Joints Status Log
000 509 F79301 PMI Inspection Record
Bulk Material Positive Material Identification
000 509 F79302
Pipe Spool Positive Material Identification Record
000 509 F79303
“Point” Sheet
000 509 F79304 Weekly PMI Log
000 509 F79501 Verification Of Training For Hardness Testing
000 509 F79502 Report Of Vision Test
000 509 F79503 Hardness Testing Report


Note #1 If the NDE Reports contain data on more than one line, copies of the report shall be placed in each line file to which it applies.
Note #2 If radiographs are turned over to the Client, maintain the transmittal letter.
Note #3 A copy of the radiographic rejectable defects statistics are to be sent to the applicable Construction Technology Regional Welding
Engineer as they are generated.
Note #4 Reference the Project File Index for Fluor file numbers and retention periods.


R1 System No. R2 Form No. (by date of completion or alphabetical)
R3 Equipment No. R4 Pour No.
R5 By FCR No. R6 Drawing No.
R7 Line and Sheet

CEM Construction Engineering Manager SQM Site Quality Control Manager
CA Contracts Administrator DE Discipline Engineer
NDEC NDE Coordinator RRC Record Retention Center

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Record Identification Custodian Turnover File
Retention Center
Job Title or Y = Yes Retention Code
Form # Title
Sub Name N = No Period

Note #1 If the NDE Reports contain data on more than one line, copies of the report shall be placed in each line file to
which it applies.
Note #2 If radiographs are turned over to the client, maintain the transmittal letter.
Note #3 Copies of these records are to be sent to the applicable Construction Technology Welding Engineer as they are
Note #4 Reference the Project File Index for Fluor Daniel files numbers.
Note #5 Maintain by Equip. Tag. Number.


R1 = System No. R2 = Form No. (by date of completion or alphabetical)
R3 = Equipment No. R4 = Pour No.
R5 = By FDCR No. R6 = Drawing No.
R7 = Line and Sheet

CEM = Construction Engineering Manager CQM = Site Quality Control Manager
CA = Contracts Administrator DE = Discipline Engineer
NDEC = NDE Coordinator RRC = Records Retention Center

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This procedure describes the responsibilities and activities for performing quality audits of construction
quality-related activities. Audits are performed to determine the effectiveness of the Fluor Site Quality
Manual implementation as well as verifying compliance with established requirements.


Audits described by this procedure are directed at Fluor self-perform and subcontractor quality impacting
activities that are not under the direct control of the Site Quality Manager.

This procedure requires that audits be documented and tracked using the Quality Management System
(QMS) tool. This is an established program used by Fluor across the company for management of quality
audits. The program is Lotus Notes based. It can be found by going in to FDNet and typing in the URL bar at the top of the screen. Projects
that do not have access to FDNet or projects that are experiencing connectivity issues with the Fluor
network may be allowed to use the alternative forms noted in this procedure.

The Site Quality Manager is responsible for performing these audits. He may self-perform or designate
others to perform or assist him. The procedure section below is based on the audit being performed by an
auditor designated by the Site Quality Manager.

An audit is a planned and documented activity performed to determine, by evaluation of objective

evidence, compliance with established requirements. These requirements can include the Site Quality
Manual, drawings, specifications, codes, standards, plans and procedures


Site Quality Manager

- Ensure, if using QMS, that at least one person has been qualified as a lead auditor. This person
will be responsible for all audits entered in to the QMS program. Qualification as a lead auditor will
be in accordance with Section 2 of the QA Procedures Manual 000.042.1000 which is available in
Knowledge On Line.

- Establish a schedule for conducting Quality Audits. Refer to Attachments I for schedule
examples. It is preferred that the schedule in QMS be used, however other formats may be used.
The schedule should show the audit dates for all subcontractors or internal activities to be
assessed. Performance on previous audits should influence re-audit schedule.

- Request a copy of the QA Project Audit schedule to see when site audits are planned from the
engineering office.

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- Ensure that personnel performing audits using QMS have obtained access rights and have taken
the necessary training to be able to work in QMS. Access rights can be obtained from Barry
Rittberg. His e-mail address is His phone number is 949-349-2356.
QMS and auditor training material are available and can be found in the Quality knowledge
community in Knowledge On Line (KOL). The courses required to be taken for auditing are:

 QA020 – Training For Discipline Auditors (this is available in Fluor University)

 QA025 – How To Use Discipline Audit Checklists (this is available in Fluor University)

Personnel who wish to become certified as lead auditors will be required to take the above
training, perform three audits (as required by the QA Procedures Manual), and take a test. The
test is to be coordinated with Barry Rittberg once the person has obtain certificates from Fluor
University attesting that the above training courses have been successfully completed.

The following training material is recommended if the above does not provide enough information
to perform audits.

 QA004 – Using QMS (this is considered required reading)

 QA021 – Internal Auditing Basics (this is a video to be watched)

- Develop an audit plan by reviewing the Quality Program (contractor's and/or Fluor’s) and
identifying the items to be verified. This may be done by marking up an uncontrolled copy of the
procedures, development of a checklist or other methods. This audit does not need to include
activities that are subjected to surveillance (reference 000 509 0220). Previous audit results
should be considered. It is recommended that personnel review the on-line training class QA-031
How To Create A Project Audit Plan if they are looking for guidance on how to develop an audit
plan. This class is available in the quality community in Knowledge On Line.

- Review and concur with the plan, checklist, marked up procedures or other acceptable method of
identifying items to be verified.

- Provide a copy of the audit log to the regional quality manager on a monthly basis if the project is
not using QMS.


- Ensure that the required QMS and auditor training, as detailed above, have been taken prior to
starting an audit.

- Execute the audit in accordance with the established checklist. There is a detailed procedure
000.042.1000 in the quality knowledge community that describes the Fluor audit process.
Personnel conducting construction audits are advised to review this document.

- Audit findings are to be created, issued and tracked in the QMS program.

- For projects that are not able to use QMS then a nonconformance or corrective action report (see
procedures 000.509.0130 & 000.509.0140) is to be issued when an activity or action is found to

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not comply with a written requirement. Recommendations are to be treated as observations and
will be noted in the narrative audit report.

- An audit summary report from QMS will summarize the audit results and can be used to manage
the audit work process on the project. The audit report, and any associated findings, is to be
issued to the Site Quality Manager (SQM) for processing (unless this task has been delegated by
the SQM to another person)

- Projects that are not able to use QMS are to ensure that audits, nonconformances and corrective
actions are logged. Sample log formats for nonconformances and corrective actions are
referenced in procedures 000.509.0130 & 000.509.0140.

Root Cause Analysis

Identify significant findings and conduct and document a root cause analysis of each. The root
cause analysis method that may be used that includes the following steps:

1. Identify the problem

2. Determine the significance of the problem
3. Identify the causes (conditions or actions) immediately preceding and
surrounding the problem.
4. Identify the reasons why the causes in the preceding step existed, working
back to the root cause (the fundamental reason which, if corrected, will
prevent recurrence of these and similar occurrences throughout the facility).

The primary objective is to determine the direct, contributing and root causes
so that effective corrective actions can be taken that will prevent recurrence.

Site Quality Manager

- Review and, upon concurrence, sign the audit summary report (and any associated audit findings)
and issue to the Site Manager. Review results of the audit with the Site Manager. A copy of the
report is to be sent to the Construction Technology's Regional Quality Manager. Additional
distribution should be as requested by the Site Manager.

- Maintain files of all audits. These files should include:

 Audit Summary with attached Audit Finding Reports and checklist/marked up procedure.
 Copies of objective evidence obtained during the Audit.
 Copies of Audit Finding Reports closed upon completion of disposition and verification and
acceptance by an auditor.

- Keep track of outstanding audit findings and report this to the Site Manager on a regular basis.
Frequency of reports is to be agreed between the Site Manager and the Site Quality Manager.

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Site Quality Manager / Auditee

- Assign responsibility for disposition of deficiency and record in QMS. Findings raised in QMS are
then e-mailed to the person responsible for correcting the finding.

- For projects that are not using QMS the person responsible for disposition is to be given a copy of
the nonconformance report, along with follow-up reminders, via e-mail until the deficiency has
been properly dispositioned.


Assist the Site Quality Manager with identifying any required root causes and following up on close out of


- QMS Audit summary with attached Audit Findings. Note, for projects not using QMS the audit
report and summary are to be maintained by audit number in a file system

· Copy of closed audit findings

- Root Cause Analysis if required


Quality Control Forms:

- 000 509 F01702 - Audit Summary (if not using QMS)


Attachment 1 - Audit Schedule (Fluor) – if not using schedule in QMS

Attachment 2 -Audit Schedule (Subcontractor(s)) – if not using schedule in QMS

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AUDIT SCHEDULE (Fluor Activities)

Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Fluor Activities
(1) (3) (2)


1. Enter the name of all site subcontractors.

2. Draw a bar between the dates the subcontractor is expected to be on site.
3. Draw a box at the date an audit is anticipated and write the scheduled audit date in the box.

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AUDIT SCHEDULE (Subcontractors)

Subcontractors Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
| | | | | | | | | | | |

(1) (3) (2)


1. Enter the name of all site subcontractors.

2. Draw a bar between the dates the subcontractor is expected to be on site.
3. Draw a box at the date an audit is anticipated and write the scheduled audit date in the box.

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Project: Construction Audit Number:

Client: Audit Dates:

Project Number: Report Date:

Audit Location:

Audit Scope:

Summary of Audit Results:

Entry Meeting Date: Exit Meeting Date:

The entry & exit meeting were conducted with:

A summary of the audit results is as follows:

Quality Manual Principles assessed. Quality Manual Principles found to be satisfactory.

Deficiencies reported. Observations for improvement.

Previous Findings and Action Follow-up:

Finding Number Status – (Open or Closed) Date Closed

Lead Auditor Signature: Date:

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This procedure identifies training in the field quality system requirements for personnel
performing construction activities affecting quality. It covers the methods used for the analysis
of supplemental training needs. The procedure also makes provisions for subsequent qualifications and
certification (when required).


Training and orientation are important due to the need for clear definition, communication and
understanding of work requirements that are essential to all construction work processes.

This training is in addition to the routine orientation of quality requirements provided through daily contact
and periodic meetings such as construction planning/review meetings.


Project Training Plans:

• Site Quality Manager

- Coordinate training targeted at site management personnel for orientation to this site
quality program.

Notes: This target group should include the Site Manager, the Construction Manager, the
Construction Engineering Manager, Site Discipline Engineers, Area Managers,
Superintendents and others as determined by the Site Manager. The Site
Manager may elect to invite Client representatives, especially those having a direct
interface with the site quality program.

Training for the site management group should provide an overview of Inspection
and Testing Procedures for all disciplines and in depth training in all other sections
of this Site Quality Manual.

- Coordinate training by discipline, targeted at craft personnel for orientation to this site
quality program.

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Notes: The target group should include the craftsmen, Foremen, General Foremen, and

Training for the group should provide in depth training in the Inspection and
Testing procedures. It should provide an overview of the other sections of this Site
Quality Manual.

- Determine the training needed for site personnel requiring certifications.

Note: Construction Technology provides training and certification of NDE

personnel and inspection personnel needing certification to ASME B31.1
and ASME B31.3.

• Site Quality Manager/Technical Supervisor

- Coordinate training, when needed, for special processes identified in Procedure


Note: The target group should include the individuals responsible for performing the
special processes and their foremen.

• Site Quality Manager/Construction Engineering Manager

- Coordinate training when training needs are identified by procedure 000.509.0140

"Corrective Action”, and 000.509.0150 “Preventive Action".


• Site Quality Manager

- Coordinate site training schedule

- Ensure Site Manager’s approval of training schedule. Reschedule training session,

as needed, as additional personnel are assigned to the project.

- Provide for instructor, facilities and equipment support.

Note: Instructors will usually be the Site Quality Manager, the Construction Engineering
Manager and/or discipline engineers.
Training needed for certification will usually be provided by Construction

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• Instructor

- Document the personnel receiving training on Form 000 509 F01801, or other suitable


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F01801 - Project Specific Quality Training

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Training Subject:




Attendees Member Number Job Title

Note: Attach Training Outline Instructor Signature:

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This procedure describes the initial qualification of site subcontractors. This procedure does not apply to
subcontractors that have been previously approved by Fluor or the Owner.


When qualifications of site subcontractors include an evaluation of the Quality capabilities of the
subcontractor, the evaluation shall be done in accordance with this procedure.


• Qualification of Subcontractors

• Contracts Administrator

- Upon selection of a proposed subcontractor, the Contracts Administrator shall notify the
Site Quality Manager and request a subcontractor qualification be performed. When
construction has designated someone to technically supervise the proposed
subcontractor, he shall also be notified.

NOTE: The Contracts Administrator shall contact the subcontractor relative to the
obtaining of documents, arranging of communication or establishment of
meetings and/or visits.

• Site Quality Manager/Technical Supervisor

- Upon notification (including receipt of subcontractor quality programs), review the

qualifications of the proposed subcontractor based upon the quality requirements to be
included in the Fluor subcontract. This review may include meetings and/or visits with the
subcontractor candidate. The Site Quality Manager may use the "Site Subcontractor
Qualification" guidelines (Form 000.509.F02001); however, this guide does not necessarily
represent the quality requirements to the subcontractor and therefore should be used only
as an aid to the evaluation. The Technical Supervisor should use the applicable
"Evaluation Record" (Forms 000.509.F02002 and 000.509.F02006).

- Upon completion of the subcontractor qualification review, notify the Contracts

Administrator of the results of the review and perform the actions stated below (as

 If the subcontractor is not qualified, write a memo to the Contracts Administrator fully
explaining the exact deficiencies that are required to be corrected along with the
specific recommendations.

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 If the subcontractor is qualified, complete the "Site Subcontractor Qualification" form

and evaluation record and forward to the Contracts Administrator.

 If the subcontractor is "conditionally" qualified, complete and forward the "Site

Subcontractor Qualification" form as above, however include the specific limitations
and/or actions that will be required.

• Site Quality Manager/Technical Supervisor

- Process contractor qualification documents in accordance with the Document Control

Section in the SPM and procedure 000.509.0160 (Quality Records).


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02001 - Site Subcontractor Qualification

000.509.F02002 - Soil Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000.509.F02003 - Asphalt Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000.509.F02004 - Concrete Batch Plant Evaluation Record
000.509.F02005 - Concrete Testing Laboratory Evaluation Record
000.509.F02006 - NDE Subcontractor Evaluation Record

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Project Name Project Number

Subcontractor RFP Number


City, State, Zip PO Number

Scope of subcontracted work

Subcontractor Quality Representative Title Phone

(1st in charge)
Subcontractor Quality Representative Title Phone
(2nd in charge)
Quality Management Reports To Title

Qualification Approval
Approved “Conditionally” Approved Not Approved

Required additional actions

Explain “Conditional Approval” here. Consider especially the additional cost if the subcontractor will need assistance in
operation of the quality program.

Site Quality Manager Date Site Contracts Administrator Date

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1.0 Organization
1.1 Does the subcontractor have a quality control organization:
1.2 Is an organization chart available:
1.3 Does inspection have sufficient authority within the overall organization?
1.4 Is inspection adequately organized and staffed to exercise its responsibilities:
1.5 Are inspection reporting channels adequate:
2.0 Quality Program
2.1 Does the subcontractor have a quality manual?
2.2 Is the quality manual approved and signed by management?
2.3 Does the subcontractor’s management periodically review their Quality program for
2.4 Are the written procedures or instructions other than the Quality Manual?
2.5 Does the subcontractor have an established and adequate training program for their
2.6 Is the program compliant with international quality standards?
3.0 Design Control
3.1 Does the subcontractor have a design plan or procedure that:
1. Provides for consideration of the design criteria and requirements?
2. Lists all design document required, e.g., drawings and specifications?
3. Identifies design responsibilities?
4. Provides for the inclusion of acceptance criteria?
3.2 Does the subcontractor have a procedure for the review and control of design documents
1. Designates responsibility for design review?
2. Provides a method of design change control?
3. Provides for the review of design changes and field changes by responsible
3.3 Is design reviewed for suitability of material and processes?
3.4 Are the current revisions of the design documents known and available to engineering?
3.5 Is the results of the design verification resolved according to a controlled and operative
3.6 Do design changes and corresponding document changes receive an adequate design
3.7 Is there a mechanism to incorporate field operations and requirement changes into the
design documents?
3.8 Is the design document release to purchasing and/or construction/manufacturing,
controlled and adequate?
3.9 Are required subcontractor documents clearly identified?
3.10 Is the review of required subcontractor documents formalized as a procedure?

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4.0 Procurement Document Control

4.1 Does the subcontractor have an adequate procedure in use for Procurement Document
4.2 Is each procurement document reviewed for the following:
1. Subcontractor’s Quality requirements to their vendors?
2. Customer’s Quality requirements to contractor’s vendors?
3. A check for latest revision of drawings, specification, codes, etc.?
4. Special packaging and preservation requirements?
5. Special tests or certifications?
6. Provisions for audits by subcontractor and/or customer?
7. A check for the inclusion of design criteria of basis?
8. Source Inspection requirements?
5.0 Instructions, Procedures and Drawings
5.1 Does subcontractor have a documented system of instructions, procedures and drawings?
5.2 Do instructions, procedures and drawings identify all documents necessary to perform
the work, i.e., codes, standards, etc.?
5.3 What is the approval plan for deviations? Describe

5.4 Do instructions and procedures provide hold points where the documentation of
conformance is provided?
5.5 Do instructions, procedures and drawings exist at work locations?
6.0 Document Control
6.1 Does subcontractor have a procedure for approval and issue?
6.2 Does document control include:
1. Drawings?
2. Specifications?
3. Instructions?
4. Procedures?
6.3 Is distribution of documents controlled by procedures?
6.4 Are revisions to documents controlled by procedures?
6.5 Are mark-up documents used?
7.0 Control or Purchased Material, Equipment and Services
7.1 Does subcontractor evaluate sub-tier suppliers?
1. Are there adequate procedures in use to define sub-tier supplier requirements?
7.2 Is a survey performed before qualifying a new supplier?
7.3 Does the system provide for audits of supplier’s inspection program?

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7.4 Is there an approved supplier’s list?

7.5 Does subcontractor require his sub-tier suppliers to furnish material certification and/or
inspection reports?
7.6 Does subcontractor perform receiving inspection activity?
8.0 Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components
8.1 Does the subcontractor have procedures for identification of materials, parts and
8.2 Does the program provide controls to prevent mix of materials?
8.3 Are materials in process traceable to manufacturer’s heat treatment number, lot number
or other material where required?
8.4 Does the program provide for specific traceability to piece, part or component?
8.5 Is the inspection status of material, part of component easily identified?
9.0 Control or Special Processes
9.1 Does subcontractor have an adequate procedure in use to control qualification of special
9.2 Are procedures available and adequate for the qualification of special process
9.3 Do procedures identify methods by which measurements will be made, e.g., current,
temperature, etc.?
9.4 Do procedures provide for documentation of parameters?
9.5 Are the procedures available at work locations for special processes?
10.0 Inspection
10.1 Does subcontractor have general procedures written for:
1. Receiving Inspection?
2. In-Process Inspection?
3. Final Inspection?
10.2 Do written inspection instructions provide inspection personnel with:
1. Measuring equipment required?
2. Parameters to be inspected?
3. Criteria for determining quality conformance or rejection?
4. Specification of the environment for the inspections
(E.g., temperature controlled, etc.)?
5. Identification of inspection holds points?
10.3 Are purchase orders, drawings, specifications, etc. available to inspection personnel?
10.4 Is inspection documented by work order, shop traveler, history record, etc.?
10.5 Is nonconforming material properly identified and segregated to prevent unauthorized
10.6 Are provisions adequate to permit the customer to designate hold points for inspections?
10.7 Do source and receiving inspection procedures provide for the proper handling, storage
and preservation of materials and equipment?

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10.8 Is adequate inspection and test equipment available?

10.9 Are inspection procedures and/or instructions reviewed and approved by higher authority
than initiator prior to release?
10.10 Are personnel performing inspections different than those that performed the activity
being inspected?
11.0 Test Control
11.1 Does subcontractor have written test procedures in existence and used?
11.2 Are accept-reject criteria specified in the test procedure?
11.3 Does procedure provide a list of test instruments to be used?
11.4 Are test results documented and maintained?
11.5 Does inspection perform testing?
11.6 Are there provisions in procedures to permit customer to witness test?
12.0 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
12.1 Does the subcontractor have a program for calibration of inspection and test instruments?
12.2 Does subcontractor have a calibration laboratory or approved source for calibration of
inspection and test instruments?
12.3 Are all inspection and test instruments uniquely identified?
12.4 Are calibration dates and re-calibration due dates marked on tools and instruments?
12.5 Are tool and instrument record cards maintained?
12.6 Are calibration standards traceable to the N.I.S.T.?
12.7 Does the program assure removal from service of equipment that has exceeded
calibration period?
12.8 Are inspection equipment and calibration standards properly handled and protected?
13.0 Handling Storage and Shipping
13.1 Does subcontractor have written procedures that describe proper handling of material?
13.2 Are their written procedures that describe proper storage of materials?
1. Do the procedures specify preservation and environmental conditions to be
maintained during storage?
2. Are materials stored in such a manner as to prevent damage?
3. Are storage facilities adequate for the type of materials stored?
4. Is material, having service life, properly dated, stored and rotated in stock for
control of shelf life?
5. Are obsolete items purged from the stock area periodically?
6. Are corrosive, toxic or flammable materials properly stored and segregated?
13.3 Is their adequate procedure in use, which controls shipping activity?
14.0 Inspection and Test Status
14.1 Does subcontractor have controls that permit determination of inspection and test status?
14.2 Are shop travelers or tags used to show status of inspection or tests?
14.3 Do shop travelers or tags have sign offs at each inspection station?
14.4 Are inspection stamps used?
14.5 Does inspection and test status information become part of final quality documentation?

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15.0 Nonconforming Materials, Parts or Components

15.1 Does subcontractor have written procedure(s) available for the identification and control
of nonconforming items?
15.2 Does procedure(s) specify the identification to be used on item?
15.3 Are nonconforming items segregated and adequately controlled to prevent their use?
15.4 Is there a procedure for advising customer of all nonconformances that are applicable to
the customer’s orders?
16.0 Corrective Action
16.1 Does subcontractor have an adequate procedure in use for control of the corrective action
16.2 Are causes of deficiencies identified?
16.3 Is there approved documentation for the disposition of the item, scrap, repair acceptance,
16.4 Is there a follow-up system to assure expedient response to corrective action requests?
16.5 Are corrective action summaries reported to management?
16.6 Are records of nonconformity and approved disposition traceable to the item?
16.7 Are provisions made for the prompt action on customer’s comments resulting from
inspections and audits?
17.0 Quality Records
17.1 Does subcontractor have a procedure/system identifying what records are to be
17.2 Are records maintained covering:
1. Supplier Surveys?
2. Inspection (Receiving, In-Process, Final)?
3. Material (plus certification)?
4. Audits?
5. Inspection Reports?
6. Inspection Instructions?
7. Test Records?
8. Test Logs?
9. Failure Reports?
10. Special Process Certification?
11. Procedure Qualifications?
12. Personnel Qualification (NDE, etc.)?
13. Personnel Qualification – Welding?
14. Other
17.3 Does the system provide for review of final data packages prior to shipment of
17.4 Are record locations defined?

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17.5 Are retention periods defined?

17.6 Is disposition of records defined?
17.7 Does the system provide for storage of radiograph film to prevent deterioration and loss?
17.8 Is customer release obtained before Quality records are destroyed?
18.0 Audits
18.1 Does subcontractor have an adequate procedure/system defining the audit program?
18.2 Is there a planned schedule?
18.3 Is there a checklist provided for each audit?
18.4 Is there a detailed report required for each audit?
18.5 Is follow-up action prescribed (i.e., re-audit or deficient areas)?
18.6 Are there internal quality system audits of:
1. Receiving Inspection?
2. In-Process Inspections?
3. Final Inspections?
4. Quality Control Records?
5. Nonconforming Material Control?
6. Corrective Action Systems?
7. Calibration of Inspection Tools and Instruments?
8. Materials Control?
9. Drawing and Procedure Control?
10. Design Control?
11. Special Processes?
12. Packaging and Shipping Inspections?
13. Other
18.7 Does management review audit reports?

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1.1 This evaluation can only be made by the assigned Construction Engineer or others
qualified to review soil testing laboratories.

1.2 The space to the right of each statement in this document should be completed with
one, two, or three word answers, such as: Yes, No, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or,
Does Not Apply, etc.

1.3 If any part of the testing laboratory has not been inspected, indicate to the right of the
appropriate statement by N.R. (Not Reviewed).

1.4 If additional comments are necessary, use the space available under each individual

1.5 The conclusions drawn by the Inspector should be based only upon observations and
documentation noted in the body of the report.

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2.1 Laboratory Testing Equipment

2.1.1 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1140-54 "Amount of

Material In Soils Finer Than The No. 200 Sieve?"

2.1.2 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1883-73 "Bearing Ratio

of Laboratory-Compacted Soils?"

2.1.3 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 423-66 "Liquid Limit of


2.1.4 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 3017-78 "Moisture

Content of Soils, and Soil Aggregate in Place By Nuclear Methods
(Shallow Depth)?"

2.1.5 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2216-80 "Moisture

Content of Soil, Laboratory?"

2.1.6 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 698-78 "Moisture-Density

Relations of Soils, Using 5.5 LB. (2.5kg) Rammer, and 12-inch
(304.8 mm) Drop?"

2.1.7 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1557-78 "Moisture-

Density Relations of Soils Using 10-LB (4.5kg) Rammer, and 18-
inch (457.8 mm) Drop?"

2.1.8 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 424-59 "Plastic Limit and

Plasticity Index of Soils?"

2.1.9 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2049-69 "Relative

Density of Cohesion-less Soils?"

2.1.10 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2166-66 "Unconfined

Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soils?"

2.1.11 Is there and additional equipment required for this contract?

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2.2 Field Testing Equipment

2.2.1 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2922-78 "Density of Soil

and Soil Aggregates in Place of Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)?"

2.2.2 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2937-71 "Density of soil

in Place By The Drive-Cylinder Method?"

2.2.3 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2167-66 "Density of Soil

in Place By The Rubber Balloon Method?"

2.2.4 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1556-64 "Density of Soil

in Place By The Sand-Cone Method?"

2.2.5 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1194-72 "Bearing

Capacity of soils for Static Load on Spread Footings?"

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3.1 Is the Agency under the direction of a person charged with engineering
managerial responsibility?

3.2 Does that peson have a Masters Degree in Soils from an accredited College
or University, and is he/she a full time employee of the Agency?

3.3 Does he/she have at least five years of engineering experience in inspection
and testing of soils?

3.4 Does the Supervising Laboratory Technician have at least five years
experience performing tests on soils?

3.5 Does he/she demonstrate an ability to perform the tests normally required in
the manner stipulated under ASTM or other governing procedures?

3.6 Does the Supervising Field Technician have at least five years experience in
the kind of work involved on construction projects?

3.7 Does that person demonstrate either by oral or written examination, or both,
the ability to perform correctly the duties required?

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The Agency does have adequate facilities and qualified personnel to perform the work required by
Fluor in accordance with contract specifications:


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1.1 This evaluation can only be made by the assigned Construction Engineer or others
qualified to inspect Asphalt Testing Laboratories.

1.2 The space to the right of each statement in this document should be completed with
one, two, or three word answers, such as: Yes, No, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or,
Does Not Apply, etc.

1.3 If any part of the testing laboratory has not been inspected, indicate to the right of the
appropriate statement by N.R. (Not Reviewed).

1.4 If additional comments are necessary, use the space available under each individual

1.5 The conclusions drawn by the Inspector should be based only upon observations and
documentation noted in the body of the report.

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2.1 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D-5 test for penetration of

bituminous materials?

2.2 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D-92 test for flash and fire points
by Cleveland open cup?

2.3 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D-113 test for ductility of

bituminous materials?

2.4 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D-1754 test for effect of heat and
air on asphalt materials (thin film oven test)?

2.5 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2042 test for solubility of asphalt
materials in trichlorethylene?

2.6 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM C-127 test for specific gravity and
absorption of coarse aggregate?

2.7 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM C-128 test for specific gravity and
absorption of fine aggregate?

2.8 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM C-136 test for sieve or screen
analysis of fine and coarse aggregates?

2.9 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 2172 test for quantitative

extraction of bitumen form bituminous paving mixtures?

2.10 Is equipment available to satisfy ASTM D 1559 test for resistance to

plastic flow of bituminous mixture using Marshall apparatus?

2.11 Is there any additional equipment required for this contract?

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3.1 Is the Agency under the direction of a person charged with engineering
managerial responsibility?

3.2 Does that person a Bachelors Degree of Science or Engineering from an

accredited College or University, and is he/she a full time employee of the

3.3 Does he/she have at least five years of engineering experience in inspection
and testing of asphalt?

3.4 Does the Supervising Laboratory Technician have at least five years
experience performing tests on asphalt?

3.5 Does he/she demonstrate an ability to perform the tests normally required in
the manner stipulated under ASTM or other governing procedures?

3.6 Does the Supervising Field Technician have at least five years experience in
the kind of work involved on construction projects?

3.7 Does he/she demonstrate either by oral or written examination, or both, the
ability to perform correctly the duties required?

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The Agency does have adequate facilities and qualified personnel to perform the work required by
Fluor in accordance with contract specifications:


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1.1 This evaluation can only be made by the assigned Construction Engineer or others
qualified to inspect Batch Plants.

1.2 The space to the right of each statement in this document should be completed with
one, two, or three word answers, such as: Yes, No, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or,
Does Not Apply, etc.

1.3 If any part of the testing laboratory has not been inspected, indicate to the right of the
appropriate statement by N.R. (Not Reviewed).

1.4 If additional comments are necessary, use the space available under each individual

1.5 If additional test equipment is required for a specific contract, other than that listed in
this form, add to the list.

1.6 The conclusions drawn by the Inspector should be based only upon observations and
documentation noted in the body of the report.

NOTE: Is this plant certified to ASTM specification C94-80 (or

equivalent international standard)?

Is the plant National Ready Mix Certified?

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2.1 Cement

2.1.1 Suitability of silos: water tight and constructed to allow free

movement to discharge openings.

2.1.2 Are facilities adequate to provide for separation of different cement

and cementious materials required for the project.

2.2 Aggregates

2.2.1 Is the unloading of transports and the building of stockpiles

adequate to prevent segregation.

2.2.2 Will stockpile areas prevent contamination and allow for free

2.3 Water

2.3.1 Is an adequate clean supply of water available?

2.3.2 Are cold weather and hot weather facilities adequate?

2.4 Admixtures

2.4.1 Are storage and handling systems for admixtures sufficient to

prevent freezing?

2.4.2 Are the automatic measurement devices in working order?

2.4.3 Are measuring devices in plain view of the operator?

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3.1 Scales

3.1.1 Is there a sticker on face of scales indicating date of the latest


3.1.2 Are test weights available for checking scale accuracy?

3.2 Weight Batchers

3.2.1 Are the batchers for weighing materials freely suspended from a
scale, and equipped with necessary charging and discharging

3.2.2 Is the cement weighed on scales or in weigh hoppers not used for
weighing other concrete materials?

3.2.3 Are batchers large enough to receive the rated load with our
making contact with the charging mechanism?

3.2.4 Are provisions made for removal of overload from batchers?

3.2.5 Are cement batchers provided with dust seals between charging
mechanism hopper?

3.2.6 Is the weigh hopper vented to permit escape of air?

3.2.7 Is the hopper self-cleaning and fitted with means to assure

complete discharge?

3.2.8 Are vibrators or other appurtenances installed in such a way as not

to affect accuracy of weighing?

3.2.9 Is wind protection sufficient to prevent interference with weighing


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3.3 Water Meters

3.3.1 Are the meters equipped with a cut off device capable of stopping
the flow within specified tolerance?

3.3.2 Does the operator have a visual indication of the volume of water
used, at any time during the batching operation?

3.4 Dispensers for Liquid Admixture

3.4.1 Is there a separate dispenser for each liquid admixture in regular use?

3.4.2 Is the piping free of leaks and properly valved to prevent backflow or
siphoning to insure that the measured amount is discharged?

3.4.3 Is each volumetric dispenser provided with an accurately calibrated

container in which the admixture may be collected when it is desired
to check the accuracy of measurement?

3.4.4 Do the volumetric admixture dispensers provide visual indication, or

interlock cut off, when liquid admixture supply is not available to the
dispenser? (This is to prevent the dispensing of air instead of

3.5 Accuracy of Plant Batching

3.5.1 Have the cement and aggregate scale been calibrated, and is the
calibration documentation on file?

3.5.2 Have the water meters been calibrated, and is the calibration
documentation on file?

3.5.3 Have the admixture dispensers been calibrated, and is the calibration
documentation on file?

3.5.4 Does the producer have compensation control for the free moisture
on aggregate?

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3.6 Batching Systems

3.6.1 Weight Batcher Controls Manual Control: Are the batching devices actuated by hand,

hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical power assists?
(circle one) Semiautomatic Control:: Doe the semiautomatic weigh

batcher control start the weighing operation of the material,
and stop the flow automatically when the designated weight
has been reached? Does the semiautomatic interlocked weigh batcher control

start the weighing operation of the material, and stop the
flow automatically when the designated mass has been
reached? Is the system interlocked to assure that the discharge

mechanism cannot be opened until the mass is within the
allowable tolerance? Automatic Control: Does the automatic weigh batcher

control start the weighing operation of cement, aggregate,
water or admixture, then stop the flow automatically when
the designated mass has been reached? Is the system interlocked to assure that:

(a) The charging gate or valve cannot be opened until the

scale has returned to zero balance;

(b) The charging gate or valve cannot be opened if the

discharge mechanism is open;

(c) The discharge mechanism cannot be actuated until the

mass of materials is within the allowable tolerance.

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3.6 Batching Systems (Cont’d)

3.6.2 Volumetric Batching Device Controls Manual Control: Manual volumetric control for or

admixture exists when the volumetric measuring device is
actuated manually with the accuracy of the measuring
operation being dependent on the operator's visual
observation of a volumetric indicator (such as, a digital
meter display or a sight gage and his manual cut off of the
flow at the desired volume.)

Is the flow of water or admixture controlled by hand,

pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical power assists?
(circle one) Automatic Control: When actuated by a single starting

signal, does an automatic volumetric control start the
measuring operation and stop the flow automatically when
the designated volume has been reached?

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3.7 Recorders

3.7.1 Are permanent records of the quantity of cement, aggregate and water
measured into a particular batch of concrete provided?

3.7.2 Are the recorders properly protected and capable of being locked?

3.7.3 Are provisions made for identifying the particular batch with the
corresponding delivery ticket?

3.7.4 Do the recorders register empty balance?

3.7.5 Are the batched quantities of ingredients recorded?

3.7.6 Do the recorders register the scale readings within the limits specified by
ASTM-C 94-80?

3.7.7 Are the recorders used for all ingredients?

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4.1 Is the plant capable of producing uniform concrete in the mixing time
designated in ASTM specification C-94-80 for ready mixed concrete?

4.2 Is the plant equipped with timing devices that will not permit batches to be
discharged before the predetermined mixing time has elapsed?

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5.1 Does the delivery ticket provide the following information?

(Attach a sample of the ticket to this report.)

5.1.1 Name of Ready Mixed Concrete Company.

5.1.2 Ready mixed plant designation if more than one plant is used.

5.1.3 Serial number of ticket.

5.1.4 Truck number of designation.

5.1.5 Name of purchaser.

5.1.6 Name and Location of job.

5.1.7 Specific class or designation of concrete in conformance with job


5.1.8 Volume of concrete.

5.1.9 Date.

5.1.10 Time when batch was loaded.

5.1.11 Extra water added at the request of the receiver of the concrete,
and his signature or initials.

5.1.12 Type and name of admixture and amount batched.

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6.1 Truck Mixers

6.1.1 Is the interior condition satisfactory with no appreciable

accumulation of hardened concrete, or blades with excessive wear?

(Blade wear shall be checked at the point of maximum drum

diameter nearest to the drum head. When the height of the blade at
this point, measured from the drum shell, is less than 90 percent of
the original radial height, the blade is considered excessively worn.
The manufacturer of the mixer will furnish original blade dimensions
on request.)

6.1.2 Are the charging, discharge openings and chute is good condition;
free from appreciable accumulations of cement or concrete; with
surface clean and smooth?

6.1.3 Is the drum or container of such size, that the rating as a mixer (in
volume of mixed concrete) does not exceed 63 percent of the gross
volume of the mixer, disregarding blades? (This requirement is met
by all mixers carrying a rating plate of the Truck Mixer
Manufacturers Bureau.)

6.1.4 Is the mixer provided with a plate showing the manufacturers

recommended operating speed for mixing? (The range must not be
less than four or more than 18 r/min. to operate satisfactorily at
recommended speed.)

6.1.5 Is the mixer provided with a counter to indicate the number of

revolutions of the drum or blades?

6.1.6 On units equipped to batch the mixing water, is the equipment in

proper working condition with gage glasses or water meters clean
and legibly graduated; water pump or injection system in good
working order with nozzles unobstructed, and without leakage into

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6.2 Summary of Fleet Conditions

Total number of units available for use:

Number of units checked and found acceptable:

Number of units checked and found unacceptable:







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7.1 Are the Quality Control personnel independent of plant line personnel, and
do they report directly to top management?

7.2 Do the Quality Control personnel have adequate experience and training to
supervise concrete production of plant being inspected?

7.3 Are the test facilities adequate to perform physical tests of cement?

7.4 Are the test facilities adequate to perform physical test of aggregates?

7.5 Has the plant and/or trucks been approved for use by any inspecting bodies
of governmental agencies or private institutions?

7.6 Are these inspection records on record?

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The Agency does have adequate facilities and qualified personnel to perform the work required by Fluor
in accordance with contract specifications:


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1.1 This evaluation can only be made by the assigned Construction Engineer or others
qualified to inspect Concrete Testing Laboratories.

1.2 The space to the right of each statement in this document should be completed with
one, two, or three word answers, such as: Yes, No, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or,
Does Not Apply, etc.

1.3 If any part of the testing laboratory has not been inspected, indicate to the right of the
appropriate statement by N.R. (Not Reviewed).

1.4 If additional comments are necessary, use the space available under each individual

1.5 The conclusions drawn by the Inspector should be based only upon observations and
documentation noted in the body of the report.

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2.1 Laboratory Equipment

2.1.1 Does the compression testing machine perform to ASTM E4-79

"Verification of Testing Machines", and ASTM C39-80 "Test for
Compressive Strength of Cylindrical concrete Specimens?"

2.1.2 Has the testing machine been calibrated and is the calibration
documentation on file?

2.1.3 Are the facilities for preparing concrete test specimens in accordance
with ASTM C192-81 "Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens
in the Laboratory?"

2.1.4 Are the facilities for curing concrete specimens in accordance with
ASTM C511-76.

2.1.5 Are the facilities for capping concrete specimens in accordance with
ASTM C617-76.

2.1.6 Does the equipment for testing concreting materials conforming to

the following ASTM methods? C136-81 Test for sieve or screen analysis of fine and coarse
aggregate. C127-80 Test for specific gravity absorption of fire

aggregate. C128-79 Test for specific gravity and absorption of fine

aggregate. C566-78 Test for total moisture content aggregate by drying. C29-78 Test for unit weight of aggregate.

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2.1 Laboratory Equipment (Cont’d)

2.1.7 Are the facilities for physical and chemical analysis of cement in
accordance with ASTM C150-81?

2.1.8 Are the facilities for testing admixtures and related materials in
accordance with ASTM?

2.1.9 Is there any additional equipment required for this contract?

2.2 Field Inspection Equipment

2.2.1 Are pocket thermometers available?

2.2.2 Is the equipment required by C231-81 "Test for Air Content of

freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method," available?

2.2.3 Is the equipment required by C31-69, "Making and Curing

concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test Specimens, in
the field"?

2.2.4 Is the equipment required by ASTM C143-78 "Sampling Fresh

Concrete," available?

2.2.5 Is the equipment required by ASTM C143-78, "Test for Slump of

Portland Cement Concrete," available?

2.2.6 Is the equipment required by ASTM C138-77 "Test for Unit

Weight, Yield and Air Content of Concrete," available?

2.2.7 Is there any additional equipment required for this contract?

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3.1 Has the Agency had its laboratory equipment and procedures inspected at
intervals of not more than three years by a qualified national authority, as
evidence of its competence to perform the required tests?

3.2 Has the Agency had its laboratory equipment and procedures inspected at
intervals of not more than three years by a local jurisdictional body as
evidence of its competence to perform the required test?

3.3 Are the Field Technicians certified to ACI 301 or other acceptable
international recognized standard.

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4.1 Is the Agency under the direction of a person charged with engineering
managerial responsibility?

4.2 Is that person a registered professional engineer and a full time employee
of that Agency?

4.3 Does he/she have at least five years of engineering experience in inspection
and testing of construction materials?

4.4 Does the Supervising Laboratory Technician have at least five years
experience performing tests on construction materials? (He/she shall be
able to perform the tests normally required in the manner stipulated under
ASTM or other governing procedures.)

4.5 Does the supervising Field Technician have at least five years inspection
experience in the kind of work involved on construction projects? (He/she
shall be able to demonstrate either by written or oral examination, or both,
the ability to perform correctly the duties required.)

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The Agency does have adequate facilities and qualified personnel to perform the work required by
Fluor in accordance with contract specifications:


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3.1 NDE METHOD ____________________________________



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1.1 This evaluation may only be made by the site nondestructure examination
coordinator, or others qualified to review nondestructive examination contractors.

1.2 The space to the right of each statement in this document should be completed with
one, two, or three word answers, such as: Yes, No, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or,
Does Not Apply, etc.

1.3 If any function of the NDE contractor has not been inspected, indicate to the right of
the appropriate statement by N.R. (Not Reviewed).

1.4 If additional comments are necessary, use the space available under each individual

1.5 The conclusions drawn by the examiner should be based only upon observations and
documentation noted in the body of the report.

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2.1 NDE Method Capabilities

Radiography Magnetic Particle PMI

Ultrasonics Visual (CW) Time of Flight UT
Liquid Penetrant Eddy Current Other

2.2 Personnel Training and Certification

2.2.1 Does subcontractor have a written practice for the qualification and
certification of NDE personnel?

2.2.2 Does written practice utilize SNT-TC-1A as the basis for the

2.2.3 Does written practice properly address examinations required for

each level of certification?

2.2.4 Does initial experience fulfill the requirements of SNT-TC-1A?

2.2.5 Does initial training fulfill the requirements of SNT-TC-1A?

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2.0 GENERAL (Cont’d)

2.3 Management

2.3.1 List key management/supervisory personnel and areas of


2.3.2 List NDE Level III personnel certified by examination. Add

ASNT certificate number if applicable.

2.3.3 Does subcontractor have records of specific examinations

administered to level III personnel certified on the basis of ASNT

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2.0 GENERAL (Cont’d)

2.4 NDE Procedures

2.4.1 Does subcontractor have written procedures for all NDE methods
which he performs?

2.4.2 How does subcontractor ensure that procedures are updated to

reflect the latest code requirements?

2.4.3 Do procedures allow interpretation for acceptance by Level I


2.4.4 List codes/standards that subcontractor's procedures reference.

2.4.5 Will subcontractor agree to submit all applicable NDE procedures

and report forms to Fluor for review and authorization?

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2.0 GENERAL (Cont’d)

2.5 Experience History

2.5.1 List all past and present work in NDE (include summary of
methods performed).

2.5.1a Nuclear:

2.5.1b Non-Nuclear:

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3.1 Indicate NDE Method:


3.1.1 Indicate number of Certified Level II


3.1.2 Indicate number of Certified Level I


3.1.3 List all applicable equipment (Type, MFG and QTY) used to
perform examinations, obtain results and verify adequacy of test

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3.0 SPECIFIC (Cont’d)

3.1 NDE Method: ____________________________________________


3.1.4 Describe general condition of test equipment.

3.1.5 Additional

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The Agency does have adequate facilities and qualified personnel to perform the work required by
Fluor in accordance with contract specifications:


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This procedure establishes the quality requirements for Site Contractors and is to be used for all site
contracts that involve engineering, procurement and/or construction activities.


This procedure is to be applied in preparation of the RFP (Request for Proposal) when documented test
results and/or in-process inspection results of Contractor's Work are required, as determined by the Site
Manager or representative. It utilizes the standard Attachment E (form 000.430.F0176) which is available
in the Contract Management knowledge community in Knowledge On Line (KOL).


Contractor is responsible for providing services and performing work in accordance with the design and
quality requirements as required by their contract. Company’s approach to construction management
contracting normally requires each Contractor to staff and perform the inspection activities, with Company
performing surveillance over the Contractor activities.

Based on the capability of Contractor, information obtained during pre-qualifications of Bidders, and
project management preference, Company may elect to either provide the QC procedures to the
Contractor or require the Contractor to provide the procedures for Company approval. However, since
Fluor utilizes a turnover software program, it is ideal if the Contractors use Fluor’s forms. This allows for
consistency between Contractors in how they document their inspection and testing activities and it
makes it easier to manage the turnover completion process. In some rare instances, the Company
may also elect to perform the inspection – but this is not the preferred method when dealing with a
construction contractor.

The Contracts Management group has a standard Standard Contract Attachment E - Quality
Management Requirements form 000 430 F0176 that is available in Knowledge On Line. This
Attachment E is to be developed so that it is scope-specific for the contract RFP package it is to be
included in. It needs to be scope specific so that it excludes requirements and references to forms that
are not applicable to the contractors’ scope of work.

The Site Quality Manager is to contact the Project Contracts Manager to request input to the contract
RFP packages. This duty can be performed by the Regional Construction Quality Manager (RCQM) if a
Site Quality Manager is not yet assigned to the project. The Construction Technical Services group can
advise who the RCQM is for a particular area.

Contractor quality requirements are to be monitored by either performing quality audits (refer to 000
509 0170) or by performing quality surveillances (refer to 000 509 0220.

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This procedure describes the responsibilities and activities for quality surveillance of construction


The Site Quality Manager is responsible for the quality program at the construction/installation site is
responsible for implementing and managing a program of quality surveillance.

This procedure requires that surveillances be documented and tracked using the Quality Management
System (QMS) tool. This is an established program used by Fluor across the company for management
of quality audits and surveillances. The program is Lotus Notes based. Go in to FDNet and type in the URL bar at the top of the screen to access
the QMS program. Projects that do not have access to FDNet or are experiencing connectivity issues with
the Fluor network may be allowed to use the alternative forms noted in this procedure.

Surveillance is the monitoring by witnessing and observation of the Quality Program implementation
during construction/installation work activities. This can involve verifying that a work process or procedure
is being performed in accordance with a written requirement.

Surveillance is performed to the extent necessary to provide adequate confidence that appropriate
measures are taken to control and achieve quality.

The responsible Construction Engineering Manager shall be contacted for final resolution/interpretation of
design specifications or drawing requirements, when a conflict develops between interpretation of
requirements and that of Quality Surveillance personnel.


Site Quality Manager

- Will assign surveillance responsibilities to inspection personnel.

- Ensure that personnel performing surveillances using QMS have obtained access rights and have
taken the necessary training to be able to work in QMS. Access rights can be obtained from Barry
Rittberg. His e-mail address is His phone number is 949-349-2356.
QMS for Contractor Surveillance training is available in the Quality knowledge community in
Knowledge On Line (KOL). The course required to be taken for performing surveillances is:

- QA012 – QMS For Contractor Surveillance

Reading material on using QMS is available (course QA-004) in the Quality community for those
who want more information on using the QMS program.

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NOTE: Scope, duration, and intensity of surveillance activities shall be determined by the Site
Quality Manager through an evaluation of the scope of the activities being performed and
the quality history of the workers or contractors.

Surveillance Personnel

- Ensure that the required QMS training has been taken as described above.

- Perform periodic surveillance of work activities.

NOTE: Surveillance personnel should refer to the applicable inspection/test plans (ITP’s) or
procedures and use them for determining surveillance activities. When surveillance is
performed on self-performed or subcontracted activities not addressed by inspection/test
procedures; the work process instructions (usually drawings and specifications) should be
used to guide the inspector.

- Indicate the results of the surveillance verification activity in the QMS program. Projects that are
not able to use QMS can use Form 000 509 F02201.

Record on the Surveillance Report those areas or items monitored or reviewed. If no
deficiencies are found during this surveillance, so state (satisfactory) and forward to the
Site Quality Manager for his review.

NOTE: The “Inspector” may recommend a nonconformance or corrective action to be

taken to correct the condition or deficiency. Refer to procedures 000.509.0130 and

When a deficiency is found and will need a follow-up inspection to verify conformity,
identify it in the QMS program. For projects that are not able to use QMS the deficiency
will be noted on the Surveillance Report in the “Observation / Deficiency” section. Notify
the responsible person of the deficiency and record the action being taken. For projects
that are not able to use QMS the surveillance report is to be signed and forward to the Site
Quality Manager for his review.

The “Inspector” shall follow-up the deficiency to ensure the corrective action is completed.
Corrective action should then be recorded in QMS for close out. For projects that are not
able to use QMS the corrective action space in the surveillance report is to have the
corrective action recorded and the “Inspector” shall then sign and date to indicate
acceptance / completion and the report is considered closed.

QMS will automatically log all surveillance reports raised within the QMS program. For
projects that are not able to use QMS the Surveillance Report information is to be
recorded on the log provided. The log will serve as a record of site surveillance reports as
well as to status the reports as “Open” or “Closed”.

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If corrective action is not initiated to resolve the deficiency within fourteen (14) calendar
days, notify the Site Quality Manager. The Site Quality Manager may initiate and process
a nonconformance or corrective action report if needed.

Nonconformance Reports are issued when there are:

 Deficiencies in materials, finished work or work processes that result in a

condition that does not conform to the specifications and for which there are no
existing procedures or standard trade practices which describe methods of
correction and therefore require engineering disposition.

 Deficiencies of a serious or repetitive nonconforming nature as determined by the

Site Quality Manager

 Construction damage has occurred to existing or turned over plant property.

Nonconformances shall be documented by recording them within the QMS program. For
projects that are not able to use QMS nonconformances are to be documented using
Form 000 509 F01301.

Site Quality Manager

- Review the results of the surveillance and/or verification activities recorded in QMS or on the
Surveillance Report (if project is unable to use QMS). Signify review and concurrence by signing
and dating the surveillance report (only if project is unable to use QMS).

- Advise the Site Manager of serious quality problems.


All Surveillance Reports shall be retained in the QMS program. Projects that are not able to use QMS are
to retain copies in the Quality Control files.


Quality Control Form:

000 509 F02201 - Surveillance Report (only used if project is unable to use QMS)
000 509 F02202 – Surveillance Report Log (only used if project is unable to use QMS)

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Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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This procedure describes the practice and methods to perform receiving inspection of permanent plant
material and equipment.


Warehouse receipt of Warehouse Per shipment
O, S, and D
material/items Personnel received
Determine inspection and
Construction (000 509 0230) As project
storage level
Engineer Attachment 1 progresses
Perform quality receipt Site Quality As required by
inspection Manager project

Responsibilities - Subcontracted Work

Warehouse receipt of Per shipment
Subcontractor O, S, and D
material/items received
Determine inspection and
(000 509 0230) As project
storage level Subcontractor
Attachment 1 progresses
Perform quality receipt As required by
Subcontractor 000.509.F02301
inspection project
Site Quality Per Procedure
Surveillance Form 000.509.F02201
Manager 000.509.0220


• Receipt of Material/Items:

- Warehouse personnel shall perform the initial visual inspection of the materials/items for
obvious shipping damage. If there has been shipping damage, initiate an O, S, and D
Report in accordance with Warehouse Procedures. Forward a copy of the O, S, and D
Report to the Site Quality Manager for information. The warehouse staff shall notify the
Quality Manager upon receipt of items listed on the Permanent Plant Material and
Equipment Inspection List or items where receipt inspection by the Quality Inspector is
indicated on the ITP.

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• Determine Inspection and Storage Requirements:

- Early in the project and continuing throughout the life of the project, the Construction
Engineering Manager shall determine which items of permanent plant material and
equipment that will require quality receiving inspection. The list shall be provided to the
Site Quality Manager with a list of items to be inspected, along with any specific inspection
and storage requirements. A typical list is provided as Attachment 2. Permanent Plant
Material and Equipment Inspection List.

• Quality Receipt Inspection:

- Prior to receipt of materials/equipment, the quality inspector shall research the purchase
order, change orders, and specifications to determine the inspections and/or verifications
to be performed. Prepare a Receiving Inspection Checklist, (000.509.F02301) for each
item with the attributes to be inspected or verified, Reference Attachment 1 for attributes of

- Upon receipt of material/equipment, perform receipt inspection prior to unloading of the

material/equipment, if possible. If material cannot be inspected prior to unloading, material
should be unloaded and segregated from other material until receiving inspection can be

- Inspect the material/equipment and associated vendor documentation for compliance with
the requirements and document the results on the receiving inspection checklist

- If the material/equipment is found to be nonconforming, attach a Hold Tag

(000.509.F01303) and initiate a Non-conformance Report (000.509.F01301).


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F01301 - Nonconformance Report

000.509.F01303 - Hold Tag
000.509.F02301 - Receiving Inspection Checklist


Attachment 1 Attributes for Receiving Inspection

Attachment 2 Typical Permanent Plant Material and Equipment Inspection List

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Attachment 1 Attributes for Receiving Inspection

INSTRUCTIONS: Field Receiving Inspection Reference

This inspection is to be performed after Receiving Operations performed by the Material Manager which
have already confirmed identification of item per Purchase Order, identification of parts shipped
separately, quantity and size of item, condition of shipping protection and damage.
Damage Damage Identification Tags appropriately affixed
Corrosion Cleanliness and marked
Fit of Nut & Bolt Corrosion Damage
Size Check Flange & Opening Protection Corrosion
REINFORCING STEEL Shipping Protection Flange & Opening Protections
Damage Temporary Supports Moving Parts
Corrosion Fan Blades Valve Markings
Deformations Motors Positive Material Identification, if required
Mill Markings Gears FITTINGS, Alloy
Mill Certifications Dessicants Damage
STRUCTURAL STEEL Vendor Instructions Corrosion
Damage Name Plate Data Piece Markings
Corrosion Shaft Rotation Positive Material Identification
Piece Marking Damage Damage
Connectors Corrosion Corrosion
Dimensional Checks Flange & Opening Protection Name Plate Data
FIELD FABRICATED TANKS Edges Prepared for Welding Accessories
Damage Mill Certifications Dimensional Checks
Corrosion Dimensional Checks Shipping Protection
Edges Prepared for Welding Name Plate Data Temporary Supports
Mill Certifications Welding ELECTRICAL MATERIAL
Dimensional Checks Accessories Damage
SHOP FABRICATED TANKS & Refractory Corrosion
Corrosion Damage INSTRUMENTS
Accessories Corrosion Damage
Flange & Opening Protection Flange & Opening Protection Corrosion
Temporary Supports Edges Prepared for Welding Shipping Protection
Dessicants Dimensional Checks Item Markings
Shop Coatings Name Plate Data Accessories
Dimensional Checks Welding COATINGS
Name Plate Data Accessories Damage
MACHINERY PIPE Deterioration
Damage Cleanliness Shipping Prep Cap Markings
Accessories Corrosion Damage
Shipping Protection Shop Coatings Properly Identified
Temporary Supports Pipe Markings Mill Certifications
Vendor Instructions Color Coding and/or PMI if applicable
Flange & Opening Protection
Name Plate Data
Shaft Rotation

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Attachment 2 Typical Permanent Plant Material and Equipment Inspection List


Civil materials such as:

Structural steel components Protective coatings

Load indicating bolts/washers Specialty grouts


All mechanical equipment that has an equipment tag number, such as:

Pumps Cyclones
Heat Exchangers Flares
Vessels (Including Filters & Scrubbers) Boilers
Trays API Tanks

Piping materials such as:

Alloy Pipe
Specialty piping components
Weld Rod


All electrical equipment that has an equipment tag number, such as:

Motors Control Centers

Switchgear Circuit Breakers
Wire & Cable rated 5kV and higher (Hi-pot test prior to storage)


All Hygienic equipment and materials such as:

Tubing Vessels
Valves Fittings
Nozzles Weld Rod


Construction Engineering Manager__________________________________ Date:

Quality Manager__________________________________ Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Initiated by: Date: Hold Tag NCR No.
Yes No
Area/Location Unit/Equip No. Discipline/Responsibility:

DWG. No./Rev. Spec./Rev. Audit No. (If Applicable)



DISPOSITION Use as is Rework Repair Other

DISPOSITION BY Design Eng. Approval Req.

Construction Engineer Date
Yes No
Contractor Date
Design Engineer Date






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Hold Tag No._____________________


NCR Number_____________________


(Recommended Color: Red with Green Letters)

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P.O. Number Supplier Date Received Project Number

Receiving Hold Tag Attached Mark No. Heat No. Material Test Reports Required
 Yes  No  Yes  No Item #'S _______

Description Of Material/Equipment

Item No. Inspection Attributes* Quantity Accept Reject Hold Tag No.

Nonconformance Report Number(s)

Storage Requirements


* Inspection Attributes are identified in Attachment 1 for certain items

Prepared By/Date Inspector/Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure establishes the sequence of events leading up to the transfer of care, custody and control
of completed systems or areas from Fluor to The Client. Fluor will request The Client's acceptance of
buildings, systems or areas for care, custody, and control.

Determine scope of Scoped drawings
Turnover Engineer Prior to start of work
system and Form 000 509 FXXXX
Establish alphanumeric
Turnover Engineer Turnover master listing Prior to start of work
number and brief scope
Commissioning/Start-up, Three weeks before
Establish mechanical
engineering, construction Form 000.509.F02401 mechanical completion
completion dates
management, and The Client date
Two weeks before
Turnover Coordinator /
Issue walk-down notice Form 000.509.F02402 mechanical completion
CompleteIt Administrator
Generate master Turnover Coordinator / Prior to mechanical
Form 000.509.F02407
punchlist CompleteIt Administrator completion date
Turnover Coordinator / Exceptions list format -
Generate exceptions list
CompleteIt Administrator site specific
Form 000.509.F02403
Generate discipline Turnover Coordinator/ Form 000.509.F02404 Prior to mechanical
checklist CompleteIt Administrator Form 000.509.F02405 completion
Form 000.509.F02406
Generate care, custody, Turnover Coordinator / Transfer of care custody Prior to turnover of
and control package CompleteIt Administrator and control letter system or area
Form 000.509.F02401
Form 000.509.F02402
Form 000.509.F02403
Form 000.509.F02404
Form 000.509.F02405
Form 000.509.F02406
System scoping drawings,
elementary or one line
Hydro test report.
Equipment list.
Instrument list.
Exceptions list.
Loop list.
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspector Form 000.509.F02201

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Responsibilities - Subcontracted Work


Determine scope of Turnover Engineer /

Scoped drawings Prior to start of work
system Subcontractor
Establish alphanumeric Turnover Engineer /
Turnover master listing Prior to start of work
number and brief scope Subcontractor
Three weeks before
Establish mechanical Engineering / Construction
Form 000.509.F02401 mechanical completion
completion dates Management / and The
Turnover Coordinator/
Two weeks before
Issue walk-down notice CompleteIt Administrator / Form 000.509.F02402
mechanical date
Generate master Prior to mechanical
Turnover Coordinator / Form 000.509.F02407
punchlist completion date
CompleteIt Administrator
Form 000.509.F02403
Generate discipline Form 000.509.F02404 Prior to mechanical
Turnover Coordinator /
checklist Form 000.509.F02405 completion
CompleteIt Administrator
Form 000.509.F02406
Transfer of care, custody,
and control letter
Form 000.509.F02401
Form 000.509.F02402
Form 000.509.F02403
Form 000.509.F02404
Form 000.509.F02405
Subcontractor/ Form 000.509.F02406
Generate care, custody,
Turnover Coordinator /
and control package
CompleteIt Administrator System scoping drawings,
elementary or one line
Hydrotest Report
Equipment List
Instrument List
Exceptions List
Loop List
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspector Form 000.509.F02201

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• Determine Scope of System:

- Determine the areas and process units that make up a system scope boundary.

- Once system scoping has been determined, each system will be assigned a name and an alpha-
numeric number. A brief description of scope boundary will be generated. This information will
be compiled into a master list and distribution made. Scoped drawing will be prepared to indicate
system boundaries. Identify content of turnover package and initiate package index.

• Establish Mechanical Completion dates:

- Mechanical completion dates for systems will be established with input from The Client
Management and Fluor Commissioning / Startup, Construction, and Engineering. These dates
will be used for tracking and scheduling.

• Issue Walkdown Notice:

- Approximately three (3) weeks before the established mechanical completion date for a system, a
walkdown notice for Fluor will be issued (Form 000.509.F02402)

• Generate Discipline Checklist:

- Each discipline Manager will generate a checklist to verify all work has been completed as
required by drawings and specifications. The Commissioning / Startup Administrator will generate
a checklist to verify that all required quality records have been completed and those designated
for turnover are included in the Turnover Package.

• Generate Master Punchlist:

- When the Fluor walkdown has been completed, a master punchlist will be compiled (Form
CompleteIt will be used to track and status the master punchlist.

- The master punchlist will identify any incomplete items of work and/or errors in design or
installation. The master punchlist will be issued to construction and engineering for corrective

- Approximately two (2) weeks before the established mechanical completion date, the turnover
coordinator will notify The Client that the system is ready for their walkdown. A copy of the open
items from the master punchlist will be attached to the walkdown notice.

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• Generate the Exception List:

- After The Client walkdown has been completed, the CompleteIt Administrator will schedule a joint
meeting between The Client and Fluor. The purpose of this meeting will be to reconcile the punch
list. Any items that will impede pre-commissioning/commissioning or cannot be completed after
commissioning/start-up shall be completed prior to the mechanical completion date. These items
will be coded Category 1. Any remaining incomplete items will become items on the exceptions
list and be included as part of the transfer of care, custody, and control package.

- The items on the exceptions list will be categorized as 2, 3, 4 or 5. Category 2 items may be
completed anytime with the approval of The Client. Category 3 items are generated by the
client/operations. Category 4 items are added scope. Category 5 items are other issues.

• Generate Care, Custody, and Control Package:

- The turnover coordinator will assemble the transfer of care, custody, and control package. The
package will contain, as applicable, the following documents:

a) Transfer of Care, Custody, and Control Letter

b) Discipline Managers Checklist
c) System Scoping Drawings
d) Elementary or One-Line Diagrams
e) Hydrostatic Test Report
f) Equipment List
g) Instrument List
h) Exceptions List
i) Loop List

- The Client management has ten (10) calendar days to respond to the transfer of care, custody,
and control letter. At time of acceptance, The Client should tag equipment to indicate their control
of that system.

- The Client shall install lockout-type devices on all isolation equipment such as breakers, valves,
etc. Fluor may also install lockout devices on system boundary isolation equipment. This action
will be necessary to make safe any equipment or system that has not been completed and
custody transferred to The Client.

- All supporting documentation relating to mechanical completion/system turnover will be retained

by Fluor until system acceptance by The Client. After system acceptance by The Client, this
documentation will be transferred to The Client under separate correspondence.

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Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02401 Transfer of Care, Custody and Control (Turnover Notice)

000.509.F02402 System Walkdown Notice
000.509.F02403 Mechanical Completion Civil Checklist
000.509.F02404 Mechanical Completion Electrical/Instrumentation Checklist
000.509.F02405 Mechanical Completion/Mechanical Checklist
000.509.F02406 Mechanical Completion/Quality Control Checklist
000.509.F02407 Master Punch List Record
000.509.F02408 Interim Turnover Notice
000.509.F02409 Mechanical Completion Certificate

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This letter is to advise you that except as set forth below all work is essentially complete as of _____________and
is ready for commissioning and start-up operations on this system. The respective equipment has been tested and
operation will be under supervision of your representative upon your acceptance.

Upon the date of your acceptance hereof, it is provided that mechanical completion and care, custody and control of
the facilities described, hereby excepting those items on the attached Exception List, will be passed to The Client.
Responsibility for loss or damage, excepting those items on the attached Exceptions List, is assumed by The Client
and subrogation waived against Fluor under which The Client may hereafter carry in force on the facilities herewith

Nothing herein contained shall be construed as relieving Fluor of any of its guarantees under the contract covering
the facilities hereby transferred, except that the guarantee period with respect to the workmanship of Fluor subject
to this Transfer shall commence to run upon your signed acceptance.

Kindly acknowledge your acceptance and approval of the foregoing by signing and returning two of the enclosed
copies of this letter, or advise in what respect the above described facilities are not ready for commissioning and
initial start-up operations.


Fluor Site Manager

Accepted by: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________


Accepted by: __________________________________ _ Date: _____________________


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The Client:



Fluor The Client

* Participation in this system walkdown is required by these persons or their designee. The others are notified for
information only.

The system is scheduled for a joint Fluor/The Client walkdown on ______________.

The walkdown and punchlist must be complete within two (2) days. Punchlist items will be entered into MCPlus
by designated punch entrants to produce the “Master System Punchlist” (MSP) to assist Fluor and The Client in
establishing Category 2, 3, 4 & 5 items and tracing their acceptance and closure.

Please notify me if your discipline can not perform the walkdown as scheduled.

Systems Coordinator ____________________________________

Ext. ___________

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The Client:



1. All paving is installed and properly sealed in accordance with the drawings and
2. All structural steel, stairs, and grating is installed in accordance with the drawings and

3. All structural steel base plates are grouted in accordance with the drawings and

4. All structural steel requiring concrete fire proofing is installed in accordance with drawings
and specifications.

5. All approved gates and other safety devices are installed in accordance with drawings and

6. All bollard posts are installed in appropriate locations in accordance with drawings and

7. All construction debris are removed and the area is in a broom clean condition.

8. All architectural work, which includes but is not limited to roofing, windows, and doors,
etc., is in accordance with drawings and specifications.

9. All structural steel, pipes, equipment, and other structures are painted in accordance with
drawings and specifications.

10. All civil related NCR’s that affect this system have been closed.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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The Client: Contract No.:



1. All electrical/instrumentation installations have been installed in accordance with

design and vendor documents.

2. All electrical cables have been meggered (and DC hi-pot tested if over 1000v rating)

3. All associated switchgear, breakers, transformers, relays, busway, and distribution

equipment has been inspected and/or tested in accordance with project specifications.

4. All motors and air cooler fans have been meggered and bumped to check direction of

5. All associated instruments have been calibrated, function tested and/or loop tested as
required by project specifications .

6. Instruments are calibrated and installed in accordance with design documents.

7. Instruments and instrumentation tubing are tested as required by code and


8. All electrical/instrumentation related NCR’s that affect his system have been closed.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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The Client:



1. Piping is installed in accordance with design documents. Hydrotests have been


2. Pipe supports; hangers, guides, anchors, spring cans, etc., have been installed in
accordance with design documents. Travel stops on spring hangers for water filled
piping are to be removed after the applicable piping system has been filled with water.
At this time "cold load setting" shall be verified. Travel stops on spring hangers for
steam or gas filled piping have been removed by construction and cold load settings
have been verified.
3. Rotating equipment is installed in compliance with vendor and specification
requirements. Cold alignment has been performed and base plates are grouted.

4. Maintenance on applicable equipment has been performed.

5. Temporary lubricants and rust inhibitors have been removed and initial lubrication is
complete .

6. All vessel internals, packing and desiccants are installed and Fluor's final closures are

7. Mechanical related NCRs that affect this system have been closed.

8. Coatings; paint and insulation complete.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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The Client:



1. Turnover notice and the supporting documentation has been received.

2. Hydrostatic test packages for this system are complete, accepted, and are included in
this system package.

3. Quality control records for this system are complete and are included in this system
package as required.

4. All NCR’s, that affect this system, are closed and are on file.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Page: of
Punch List TO System:

TO System Description: Print Date:

Priority ‘1’ Items to be completed before handover of the Package to the next phase Priority ‘5’ Other Issues Groups: VE – Vendor
Priority ‘2’ Items may be completed anytime at the approval of Client CC – Construction
Priority ‘3’ Items generated by the client/operations CM – Commissioning
Priority ‘4’ Added scope SU – Start Up

Group Cleared Verified

PL Raised
Tag/Line/Cable Pri Status PL Item Description & Comments Resp. Mat Eng Req’d by Date
No. By/On
(Disc) By Date By Date

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INTERIM TURNOVER NOTICE ___________________

As The Client's Project Manager and duly authorized representative, I hereby issue in accordance
with Article 19 - Completion and Acceptance - of the Principal Document, this INTERIM
TURNOVER NOTICE for: _________________.

Interim Turnover Package _________________

Under the terms and conditions of:

Contract Number ___________

Dated _________

Between The Client and Fluor, Inc.

and certify that Mechanical Completion of the above portion of Work was achieved on

A Master Punchlist is attached indicating items which are still incomplete or known to be deficient and
the dates such items are to be finished or corrected. It shall remain as Fluor's responsibility to finish and
correct this work by the dates so indicated, as well as correcting any deficiencies which are uncovered
during the startup operations.

The issuance of this TURNOVER NOTICE does not in any way denote The Client's concurrence that the
Facility, or any part thereof, fully conforms to Job Specification nor relieve Fluor from its obligations
under Article 20 - Warranties and Guarantees. It does constitute The Client's assumption of care, custody,
control and responsibility for the above mentioned portion of the work.

Notwithstanding, all conditions and terms of Contract No. _________ (Amended) are still valid.

The Client/Date Fluor/Date

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Project No. MCC No. Date

This documents the turnover to and acceptance by The Client for equipment and/or systems listed below
as being mechanically complete in accordance with the established system boundaries.
Component, System or Subsystem Number Description

Exceptions to the above scope

See Attached Punchlist

Process Consistency Check

By The Client

Released By Fluor Date Accepted by The Client Date

Mechanical Coordinator

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This procedure defines the requirements for periodic inspection of the storage and maintenance of
designated materials and equipment.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Self-Perform / Subcontracted

Develop a Subcontractor/
material/equipment Construction See Attachment 1 Prior to receipt of
storage requirement Engineer or Project for "Sample" list material & equipment
list Engineer
Generate the storage Subcontractor/Site Form: Prior to receipt of
inspection checklist Quality Manager 000.509.F02501 material & equipment
Inspect storage & Subcontractor/Site Form: Monthly during the
maintenance Quality Manager 000.509.F02501 life of the activity
Perform Preservation Subcontractor/Site Form:
Each Item
Activities Quality Manager 000.509.F02502
Resolve discrepancies Subcontractor/Site Form: As required to resolve
as appropriate Quality Manager 000.509.F02501 discrepancies
Site Quality Manager Form: Per procedure
(*Note 1) 000.509.F02501 000.509.0220

*Note 1: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor Quality Representative is performing the


• Storage Requirement List

- Develop a material/equipment storage requirement list (see Attachment 1 for a sample list)
consisting of protective measures to prevent damage, deterioration, or contamination of
material and equipment.

• Storage Inspection Checklist

- Using the material/equipment storage requirement list as a guide, generate a storage

inspection checklist (refer to Form 000.509.F02501for a sample of the storage inspection

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• Inspection of Storage and Maintenance

- Perform inspections of storage areas, including items stored "In-Place", on a monthly


- Document any discrepancies noted during inspections.

• Discrepancy Resolution

- Resolve any noted discrepancies with the appropriate parties.

- Perform re-inspection(s) to verify that the noted discrepancies have been corrected.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F02501 - Storage Inspection Checklist

000.509.F02502 - Equipment Protection Preservation and Inspection Record


Attachment 1 - Material/Equipment Storage Requirement List (Sample)

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Attachment 1 - Material/Equipment Storage Requirement List

The requirements for storage are divided into four levels with respect to protective measures to prevent
damage, deterioration or contamination of items and materials based upon important physical
characteristics, the ambient conditions during construction installation and operation of the item or

Level A - Items classified to Level A are those that are exceptionally sensitive to environmental
conditions and require special measures for protection from one or more of the following effects:
temperatures outside required limits; sudden temperature changes; humidity and vapors; gravitational (g)
forces; physical damage and air-borne contamination (e.g., rain, snow, dust, slat spray, fumes). The
following shall be used as a guide for classifying items intended for Level A classification:

a. Special electronic equipment and instrumentation.

b. Special materials, such as chemicals that are sensitive to environment.

c. Computers

Level B - Items classified to Level B are those that are sensitive to environmental conditions and require
measures for protection from the damaging effects of one or more of the following: temperature
extremes, humidity and vapors, gravitational forces, physical damage and airborne contamination but do
not require the special protection required for Level A items. The following shall be used as a guide for
classifying items intended for Level B classification:

a. Instrumentation

b. Electrical penetrations

c. Batteries

d. Welding electrode and wire

e. Motor control centers, switchgear, and control panels

f. Motors and generators

g. Precision-machined parts

h. Erection spares, such as gaskets, "O" rings

i. Air-handling filters

Level C - Items classified to Level C are those that require protection from exposure to the environment,
air-borne contaminants, gravitational forces, and physical damage. Protection from water vapor and
condensation is not so important as that for Level B items.

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The following shall be used as a guide for classifying items intended for Level C classification:

a. Pumps

b. Valves

c. Fluid Filters

d. Compressors

e. Turbines

f. Instrument cable

g. Thermal insulation

h. Fans and blowers

Level D - Items classified to Level D are those that are less sensitive to the environment than Level C.
These items require protection against the elements, air-borne contamination, and physical damage.

The following shall be used as a guide for classifying items intended for Level D classification:

a. Tanks

b. Heat exchangers and parts

c. Accumulators

d. Demineralizers

e. Evaporators

f. Piping

g. Electrical cable

h. Structural items

i. Reinforcing steel

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Items assigned a level of storage shall be maintained at this level of storage until they are removed from
storage. Items removed from storage and installed, but not operating, shall have the assigned level of
storage maintained.

Levels of Storage

Environmental conditions for items classified as levels A, B, C, and D described in this procedure shall
meet the following requirements:

Level A - Items shall be stored under those conditions described for Level B items but with any additional
requirements detailed by the manufacturer and/or engineering representative.

Level B - Items shall be stored within a fire-resistant, tear-resistant, weathertight, and well-ventilated
building or equivalent enclosure. Precautions shall be taken against vandalism. This area shall be
situated and constructed so that it will not be subjected to flooding; the floor shall be paved, or equal, and
well-drained. Items shall be placed on pallets or shoring to permit air circulation. The area shall be
provided with uniform heating and temperature control, or its equivalent, to prevent condensation and
corrosion. Minimum temperature shall be 40°F (4C)and maximum shall be 140F (60C) or less if so
stipulated by the manufacturer.

Level C - Items shall be stored indoors, or equivalent, with all provisions and requirements as set forth in
Level B items except that heat and temperature control is not required.

Level D - Items may be stored outdoors in well-drained areas marked and designated for storage,
preferable gravel-covered or paved, and reasonable removed from the actual construction and traffic so
that possibility of damage from construction equipment is minimized. Items shall be stored in 4-inch
(100mm) cribbing or equivalent to allow for air circulation and to avoid trapping water.

Care of Stored Items

Care of items in storage shall be exercised in accordance with the following:

a. Items in storage shall have all covers, caps, plugs, or other closures intact. When it is necessary
to remove a cover for access purposes, it shall be immediately replaced and properly resealed

b. Temporary preservatives shall be left intact during storage. Should reapplication of preservatives
be required at the site, only those previously approved shall be used.

c. Desiccant humidity indicators shall also be monitored, and desiccants shall be changed or
reprocessed when specified.

d. Instrumentation racks shall be energized as specified by the manufacturer.

e. Space heaters enclosed in electrical items shall be energized.

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f. Rotating electrical equipment shall be given insulation resistance tests on a scheduled basis.

g. The shafts of rotating equipment shall be rotated on a periodic basis. The degree of turn shall be
1 1/4 turn so that the parts receive a coating of lubrication where applicable, and so that the shaft
does not come to rest in a previous position.

h. Implement special instructions issued by the vendor or manufacturer for a particular piece of

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Storage Area/Item Date

Storage Level

1. Are identifications and markings intact?
2. Are covers, plugs, and caps intact?
3. Are temporary preservatives and coatings intact?
4. Is desiccant saturated?
5. Any evidence of physical damage?
6. Is proper cleanliness being maintained?
7. Are instrument racks energized as specified?
8. Are space heaters energized as specified?
9. Has rotating equipment been rotated as specified?
10. Has rotating equipment been tested as specified?
11. Evidence of damage to items hit by a forklift or truck?
12. Any water damage?
13. Is dust and dirt excessive?
14. Are items and materials on cribbing as specified?
15. Any container items broken or leaking?
16. Has storage level been maintained?

Is Reinspection Required? Yes No



Inspector/ Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Initial Preservation Upon Receipt: Manufacturer:
 Store on free draining ground or
foundations. Corrosion Inhibitors/Lubricants
 Inspect equipment protection by (Note Type And Where Used):
 Tag and store accessory items.
Date Performed
Reference Section For Additional Details Initials
Indicate One:
Days Weeks Months
STD. Preservation Operations:
 Rotate Shaft 2-1/4 turns. Date Performed
Reference Section For Additional Details
Date Performed
STD. Preservation Operations: Indicate One:
 Storage Conditions Frequency
Days Weeks Months
 Damage
 Corrosion Date Performed
 Flange Protection Initials
 Accessory Conditions Date Performed
Reference Section For Additional Details Initials
Days Weeks Months


Special Instruction:
Date Performed
Date Performed
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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This practice establishes instructions for the preparation of a project specific Activity Plan for Construction
(inclusive of Construction Management and Maintenance).



• The Activity Plan is intended to:

- List the main activities to be performed in order to meet quality system requirements.

- Identify the work instructions for performing these activities.

- Assign responsibility for verification, and authorization of listed activities.

- Identify deviations from established minimum requirement work instructions provided by the
Construction Operating Company.

- Provide for Operating Company acceptance of those deviations.

• The Activity Plan - Construction - Reference Guide (Appendix I), is intended to provide guidance for
development of a project specific Activity Plan - Construction. The following guidance is provided by
the Reference Guide:

- Activity Description - This is a listing of primary activities performed on a construction project,

except those activities for which Construction is not responsible (i.e., Project Management, Project
Controls, Procurement, etc.).

- Work Instruction - This identifies the work instruction, procedure, practice, specification, or other
guidance provided or referred to by Construction for performing the work activity.

- Basis of Check - This identifies either the checklist(s) or procedure used as a guide for checking the

- Inter-discipline Review - The individual(s) normally responsible for ensuring no conflicts between
disciplines/departments exist.

- Independent Verification - This block is reserved for the entry of third party verification, (i.e., Testing
Laboratory, Client, etc.), when applicable.

- Performed By - The title of the individual who is normally responsible for performing the work

- Checked By - The title of the individual responsible for checking and documenting activity

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compliance to work instructions, utilizing appropriate basis of check as required. This is normally
someone other than the individual performing or directing the work.

- Approved by Construction - The title of the individual responsible for approving from a construction
standpoint, that the work is accomplished and acceptable.

- Approved by Project - Usually reserved for project manager review and approval that the work
performance and verification meets project and contract requirements.

- Approved by Client - to be used when the work performed requires the Client’s approval (usually
specified by contract).

NOTE: For subcontracted work, refer to the “Subcontractor Control” Section 1 of

Appendix I for typical "Go-By".


• Site Manager or Designee

- Refer to Appendix I and revise as follows to develop the project specific AP - Construction.

NOTE: The project specific "AP - Construction" may be developed by marking up the
"AP - Construction - Reference Guide" (Appendix I) to indicate changes.

 Activity Description - Delete and add primary project specific activities as required. This should
include activities Fluor is responsible for even though they may be performed by a Sub-contractor.
Activities for which Fluor has no responsibility should not be listed on AP.

 Work instruction - Identify the work instruction, procedure, practice or specification for performing
the Work Activity.

 If the work instruction is to be used without deviation from the Fluor Corporate Standard, the
Fluor Corporate Descriptor as listed in the Reference Guide will be used.

 If a deviation to the Corporate Standard is made by project personnel, indicate the deviation
by dropping the first three zero's of the Corporate Descriptor (e.g. 509 7031).

 If the work instruction is from a source outside Fluor (e.g., Client procedure or specifications),
list the source document description.

NOTE: Title descriptors noted in blocks of the Activity Plan - Construction may differ from
those used in locations other than United States. Where this situation exists, use
the Descriptors common to the location.

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 Basis of check - Enter the checklist number or designation used as a guide for checking the work.

 Interdisciplinary Review - Specify the person responsible for reviewing and ensuring, thru cross-
discipline review, that no discipline or department conflicts exist.

 Independent Verification - enter a designator for any third party verification authority. This can
apply to a Quality Control sub-contractor, testing subcontractor, Client, etc.

 Performed by - Enter the title of the person responsible for performing the activity.

 Checked By - Enter the title of the person responsible for checking and documenting activity
compliance to work instruction utilizing appropriate basis of check as required.

NOTE: "Checked By" in certain locations other than the United States will be performed by others
disciplines that perform the Quality Control function and shall be so indicated as applicable.

 Approved by Construction - Enter the responsible individual (e.g., "CM" for Construction Manager)
signifying that the work, has been accomplished and accepted per the listed instructions.

 Approved by Project - Enter the responsible individual (e.g., "PM" - for Project Manager or "OM"
for Operations Manager) that has project function responsibility for approving the work. Usually
involves contractual, administrative, engineering, and construction activities overview and
responsibility. Intended to be the highest level of project activity approval.

 Approved by Client - Enter the Client representative (e.g., "Client PM"), when required by project
contract or Project Procedures Manual that the work be approved.

• Site Manager

- Sign and print name to indicate approval.

• Operating Company Representative

- Sign and print name to indicate approval.

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• Site Manager

- After approval by the Operating Company Representative, if there are changes to the Work
Instruction that result in deviations or if activities are added, notify the Operating Company
Representative of these changes in writing.


Approved "Activity Plan - Construction" shall be maintained by the Site Manager until project completion.


Appendix I - Activity Plan - Construction (Reference Guide)

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Appendix I - Activity Plan – Construction

Client Name
Project Name
Project Number


Project Const. Plan 000.506.1300 N/A N/A SM N/A N/A PM
 Const. Org. 000.506.1201 N/A N/A SM N/A N/A PM
 Constructability N/A PM PM N/A N/A PM
 Construction
000.505.1601 N/A CEM DCE N/A SM N/A
 Human Resource
000.505.2701 N/A N/A FHRM N/A SM N/A
 Construction
000.505.3201 000 509 0240 SM CM SQM N/A PM
Project Safety
 Project Safety Plan in
Program Compliance with
 Industrial
Relations 000.505.2801 N/A N/A SM IRRM N/A PM
 Construction Corporate QC
Quality Control 000.505.1701 Manual 000 509 SQM DCE CEM CM N/A
Plan xxxx
 Administrative
000.505.2401 N/A CEM SVM N/A N/A PM
Fluor-B-PV Code FD-B-PV Code
ASME Code Work Manual Manual DQW CEM SQM N/A PM
000 510 xxxx 000 510 xxxx
000.509.0050 000.509.0050
Document Control CEM SM SQM N/A PM
000.505.1601 000.509.0160
Personnel Training
000.509.0180 N/A CEM CM SQM N/A PM
and Qualification
Field Design
000.505.1400 000.509.0150 CEM DCE SQM N/A PM
Change Control
000.509.0090 000.509.0090 CEM DCE SQM CM N/A
Process Control
Site Preparation
Geotechnical 000.210.02010 000.509.7010 DCE CM SQM SM N/A
Excavation and 000.210.02222
000.509.7010 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Backfill 000.210.02224
000.215.03360 000.509.7820 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Pile Installation 000.509.7080 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
000.215.03300 000.509.7100 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Grout Installation 000.509.7100 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Structural Steel 000.215.05120
000.509.7200 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Installation 000.215.05130
Coatings and
Wrapping of Steel 000.509.7800 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Hot Insulation 000.285.86110 DCE CM SQM CM N/A

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Internal Linings 000.285.86310 DCE CM SQM CM
Raceway and 000.265.65051
000.509.7600 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Supports Installation 000.265.65052
000.265.65123 000.509.7600
Cable Installation DCE CM SQM CM N/A
000.265.65126 000.509.7610
Equipment 000.265.65320
000.509.7620 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Installation 000.265.65382
Meggering and Hi-
000.265.65053 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Pot Testing
000.265.65053 000.509.7600
Grounding 000.265.65640 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
000.265.16111 000.509.7620
Meggering and 000.509.7600
Maintenance of 000.265.65053 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Electric Motors 000.509.7620
Electrical Heat Trace 000.270.01851 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Receiving and
warehousing of 000.270.70952 DCE WM SQM SM
000.270.70002 000.509.7600
Electrical Instrument
000.270.70003 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
000.270.70007 000.509.7620
Construction Testing 000.265.65053 * DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Piping, Cement
000.250.31003 000.509.7510 DCE CM SQM CM
Plastic and Plastic 000.509.7500
000.250.31004 DCE CM SQM CM
Lined Pipe 111.509.7510
Mechanical Piping 000.250.03713 000.509.7500
Installation 000.250.03711 000.509.7510
Flanged Joints, 000.509.7500
000.255.03161 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Gaskets and Bolting 000.509.7510
Pipe Winterization 000.250.50008 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Installation of 000.256.56002
000.509.7400 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Rotating Equipment 000.256.56003
Installation of Tanks, 000.258.58061 000.509.7610
Vessels - Heat 000.258.58140 000.509.7500 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Exchangers, Flares 000.257.07041 000.509.7510
Mechanical 000.270.70002
Instrument 000.270.70950 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
000.270.70951 000.509.7710

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Pipe Cleaning 000.250.18801 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Piping Heat Tracing 000.250.50300 000.509.7610 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Firewater Systems 000.245.00323 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Fireproofing 000.245.01431 000.509.7820 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Sewer Systems 000.250.50007 000.509.0220 DCE CM SQM CM N/A
Maintaining Quality
000.509.0160 000.509.0160 SQM CM SQM CM N/A
Material Equipment
FD Inspection
000.509.7000 & Test WM
Traceability and SQM SQM CM N/A
000.509.0230 Procedures CM
Inspection Test
000 509 7xxx
000.509.0130 000.509.0130 SQM SQM SQM SM N/A
Corrective Action 000.509.0140 000.509.0140 SQM CEM CM SM N/A
Site Supplier Quality
Control System, 000.509.0210 000.509.0200
Requirement 000.509.0200 000.509.0210 SQM CEM SQM SM N/A
Qualification and 000.509.0220 000.509.0220
Material and
Equipment Receipt 000.509.0230 000.509.0230 SQM SQM CM N/A
Material and
Equipment Storage WM
000.509.0250 000.509.0250 SQM SQM CM N/A
Handling CEM
Measuring Test 000.509.0110 000.509.0110 SQM CEM SQM CM N/A
Surveillance of
Construction 000.509.0220 000.509.0220 SQM SQM SQM CM N/A
Welding Metallurgy 000.509.7950 CEM CM SQM CM N/A
Fluor Welding
Nondestructive Subcontractor’s 000.509.0220
Testing NDE Procedures 000.509.7920
Fireproofing 000.245.01431 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Drilled Piers, 000.509.7080
000.215.02380 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Caissons Contract
Auger Cast Piles 000.215.02370 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
000.285.86210 000.509.7800
Painting & Linings CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
000.285.86310 Contract
Hot Insulation 000.285.86110 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
000.258.58040 Contract CEM SUB SQM CM N/A
Vessel Work
000.257.18032 000.509.7400 SQM
Fired Heaters CEM SUB CM N/A
000.257.19033 Contract DCE
Field Fabricated
API 650 000.509.7400 SQM
Tank Retrofit (TK – CEM SUB CM N/A
Appendix H Contract DCE
Cool Tower
000.257.57011 000.509 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Piping Tie-ins 000.250.50027 Contract CEM Client SUB DCE CM N/A

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Protection/Sprinkler 000.245.00323 Contract CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Substation 000.245.65301
Equipment 000.265.65303 Contract CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Modification 000.265.65320
Electrical Equipment
Testing Hi-Pot and 000.265.65053 CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Acceptance Testing
Electrical Heat 000.265.50300
Tracing 000.270.01851
Reactor Flex-R
Instrumentation 000.270.01511 Contract CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Field Machining Contract Contract CEM SUB SQC CM N/A
000.210.02010 Contract CEM SUB DCE CM N/A
Mechanical/ 000.250.18801
000.509.7560 CEM SUB DCE/SQM CM N/A
Chemical Cleaning 000.250.50026
Post-Weld Heat 000.509.0220
Fluor Welding CEM SQM SUB SQM CM N/A
Treatment (PWHT) 000.509.7920
Soil & Concrete 000.509.7010 DCE
000.210.02224 CEM SQM SUB CM N/A
Testing 000.509.7100 SQM
Underground Piping 000.245.00323 000.509.7500 CEM SUB CM N/A

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_________________________________________ ______________________________________


_________________________________________ ______________________________________
N/A NOT APPLICABLE Print Signature Print Signature












* These checklists are provided in the "Discipline QC Functions" section (000.509.7xxx).

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Inspection and tests are defined as follows:

 "Inspection" being visual checks of a qualitative nature but also including dimensional measurements.
 "Tests" being measured verifications of one or more characteristics or of performance, both being
carried out to ascertain whether or not the specified requirements have been met.

Inspection and Testing Procedures

Inspection and test measures to be applied are presented in this section (7XXX). These procedures
provide for the inspections and tests necessary to determine that the product is acceptable and for the
documentation to record compliance with the established acceptance criteria. The inspection scope and
frequency will be determined on a case-by-case basis with guidance provided in the "Responsibilities"
section of each procedure.

If specifications, vendor manuals, test procedures, codes/standards, or other such documents required by
specifications to be used as acceptance criteria are not readily available to inspection personnel, the Site
Quality Manager may include this information as attachments to these procedures. Attachments may also
be used to list the source documents providing acceptance criteria for tests and inspections within the
scope of each procedure.

Inspection and Test Plans

An Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) is a document used to list the quality related activities that pertain to a
distinct scope of work or process.

The ITP shall consist of the following features:

 a list of the inspection and test points presented in sequence in the order in which they are to be
 for each activity, reference to a document stating the acceptance criteria;
 for each activity, the "verification document" i.e. the document to be checked or the one used to
record the result of the inspection or test;
 for each activity for both Contractor and FLUOR, where required, an indication of the scope of
inspection as follows:

I - Inspect
T - Test
W - Witness Point This indicates an Inspection/Text Activity on the ITP that requires a request
for the presence of the Fluor Representative.

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R - Review
H - Hold Point This indicates an inspection or test which is considered vital to the quality,
integrity and safe functioning of the material or services and which can only
be achieved at this point. It is an Inspection/Test Activity on the ITP that
requires the presence of the Fluor Representative. The Production/Erection
Process cannot proceed beyond this point until it has been cleared by the
Inspection Fluor Representative.

ITPs may be used to record completion of activities, indicated by sign-off (acceptance). This is normally
applicable to scopes of work encompassing a relatively self-contained unit such as a steam turbine or
cooling tower. When this is the case ITP form 000.509.F70002shall be used. Otherwise for processes
such as concrete placement or piping installation, Inspection and Test Plans shall be documented on
form 000.509.F70001.

ITPs may be used in lieu of or in conjunction with Inspection and Test Procedures.

Inspection Cycles
Adequate inspection will be performed to cover required construction operations. The inspection cycle
normally includes preparatory, initial, follow-up and final inspection. This cycle is described below:

- Preparatory - Performed prior to beginning work to ensure the prerequisites are satisfied and
requirements understood by those who perform the work. It includes a review of requirements; a
check to assure that all materials and/or equipment are on hand and are approved and that all
preliminary work has been completed.

- Initial - Performed at the outset of segments of work to get the work off to a proper start in full
compliance with contract requirements.

- Follow-up - Performed daily or as frequently as necessary to assure continuing compliance with

contract requirements.

- Final - Inspections that verify the acceptance of completed items. This occurs throughout
fabrication and installation. Acceptance is indicated by use of the inspection checklist referenced
by procedures of this section.

The inspection status of constructed or installed items is normally determined by reference to the
inspection or test reports/checklists included as referenced forms to these procedures. These forms are
completed concurrently with the construction /installation activities.

Deficiencies that are found during inspection, and cannot be corrected at that time, are to be documented
on Surveillance Reports (000.509.F02201), so that they can be tracked to closure. In special cases that
are described by 000.509.0130where a NCR is needed, that documentation does not need to be
duplicated by a Surveillance Report.

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Quality Control Form:

000.509.F70001 - Inspection and Test Plan Form

000.509.F70002 - Inspection and Test Plan/Activity Completion From


Attachment 1 - Instructions for completion of the ITP form

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Attachment 1 - Instructions for completion of the ITP form

Field Name Description

Activity Identify the general activity or scope of work for the ITP

Description Identify the specific activity that applies to the ITP

Project Name/Number Enter project name and number

Client Enter Client name

Contractor Enter contractor name (if subcontracted)

Contract Number Enter contract or subcontract number as applicable

ITP Number Uniquely Identify the ITP, ITP 509 7XXXX

Issue Date/Revision Number Enter the current issue date and revision

Item Number Used to identify the sequence of the quality-related activity

Quality-Related Activity Enter a description of the quality-related activity

Requirement and
Acceptance Criteria Enter the acceptance criteria or reference to the specification or other
standard where the acceptance criteria may be found.

Responsibility Enter the Fluor position primarily responsible for executing Fluor’s
participation in the activity. Use the code legend on the bottom of the ITP
form to represent the entities.

Scope of Inspection Use these fields to specify the level of participation required by the various

Inspection Record If an inspection record is to be used to document the inspection results,

enter the form or record number.

CompleteIt Input If the activity is recorded in CompleteIt indicate with a “Yes”

Completion Sign-off Indicate if Fluor and/or Client signatures are required.

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Inspection and Test Plan
Description Project Name Project Location Project Number

Client Contractor Contract Number Document Number Issue Date

Revision X
Requirement and Scope of Inspection Inspection CompleteIT
Item Inspection/Test Stage Responsibility
Acceptance Criteria Sub Fluor Client Record Input

Inspection Legend: Responsibility Legend:

P = Perform CS = Fluor Construction Supervision
I = Inspection CEM = Fluor Construction Engineering Manager
T = Test QI = Fluor Quality Inspector
R = Review and Approve CWI = Fluor Certified Welding Inspector
W = Witness (Notification of authorized inspection personnel required) RI = Fluor Receiving Inspector
H = Hold (Mandatory, do not proceed without presence of authorized inspection personnel or signed waiver) NDE = Certified NDE Examiner

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Inspection and Test Plan
Description Project Name Project Location Project Number

Client Contractor Contract Number Document Number Issue Date

Revision 0
Scope of Inspection Completion
Requirement and Inspection/Test Sign-Off
Item Inspection/Test Stage Responsibility
Acceptance Criteria Sub Fluor Client Record
Fluor Client

Inspection Legend: Responsibility Legend:

P = Perform CS = Fluor Construction Supervision
I = Inspection CEM = Fluor Construction Engineering Manager
T = Test QI = Fluor Quality Inspector
R = Review and Approve CWI = Fluor Certified Welding Inspector
W = Witness (Notification of authorized inspection personnel required) RI = Fluor Receiving Inspector
H = Hold (Mandatory, do not proceed without presence of authorized inspection personnel or signed waiver) NDE = Certified NDE Examiner

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This procedure applies to inspection and testing of soils work.

Perform soils work Self-Perform
Inspect in-process soils Daily during life of
QC Inspector 000.509.F70101
work activity
Test Lab contracted to
Test Soils Work 000.509.F70104 As Directed
(Note 1)
Technically Supervise Civil Construction Daily during life of
Test Agency Engineer activity
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspection (Note 2) 000.509.F02201

NOTE 1: Approved test agency reports on their letterhead is preferred over the use of forms for
documenting soils tests, but it must contain at least the information provided by Forms
000.509.F70102, 000.509.F70103, 000.509.F70104.

NOTE 2: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
Inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Perform soils work Subcontractor
Inspect in-process soils Daily during life of
Subcontractor 000.509.F70101
work activity
Test Lab contracted to
Test Soils Work 000.509.F70104 As directed
(Note 1)
Technically Supervise Daily during life of
Test Agency activity
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspector Form 000.509.F02201

NOTE 1: Approved test agency reports on their letterhead is preferred over the use of forms for documenting
soils tests, but it must contain at least the information provided by Forms 000.509.F70102,
000.509.F70103, 000.509.F70104.

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NOTE 2: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
Inspection forms by the Fluor Quality.

• Inspection

- Inspection will include the items on the Soil Inspection Checklist Inspection Reference
(Form 000.509.F70101).

- As a minimum, there will be a Soils Inspection Checklist for each location represented by
the Field Compaction Test Record (Form 000.509.F70102).

- Monitor on-site testing for compliance to approved test procedures and schedule. The soil density
test shall be given unique numbers starting with number 1 and running consecutively until the last

• Technical supervision of the test agency will include:

- Establishing that the test agency is qualified to perform the testing required.

- Schedule soils testing with the testing laboratory as required by the specifications.

- Review of personnel qualifications, procedures, test equipment, and job performance.

- Keeping the Contracts Manager informed on the laboratory's performance.

- Verify that results and test frequency conform to specification requirements and are traceable to
work. Failing tests are to be backed up by acceptable tests or a NCR.

- Maintaining soils test and/or inspection records received from the test agency. This includes
retention of failed tests. Retests shall be the same test number as the failed test using suffix R1,
R2, etc.

• Refer to Attachment I for test and inspection acceptance criteria.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F70101- Soil Inspection Checklist

000.509.F70102- Field Compaction Test Record
000.509.F70103- Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method
000.509.F70104- Nuclear Moisture - Density Test Report
000.509.F70105- Soil Density Test Log


Attachment 01 - Acceptance Criteria

[::This appendix is optional. It may list test procedures and specifications for soils work. It may also contain the
detailed criteria from these documents that will be needed by the inspector for determining acceptability.::]

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Drawing No.:

Specification No.:

Inspection Reference Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1. Excavation cleared of foreign and loose material.

2. Slopes shored or correctly stepped.

3. Fill Material cleans and conforms to requirements.

4. Lift thickness and compaction procedures in accordance with specifications.
5. Final elevation in accordance to drawings.
6. Moisture control acceptable.

7. Compaction Method and Equipment.

8. Soil Density Test Reports filed.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Drawing No. Specification No. Test Date

Type of Subgrade Type Compactor

Type Fill Lift Thickness Min. Compaction Required: %

Laboratory Standard:
Type Date Max. Density Optimum Moisture

Field Test Equip:

Type S/N Correction Factor

Test Elevation/ Moisture Dry Compaction Acc/

Location Sketch No. Depth % Density % Rej


Tested By Approved By

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ID C70103A
ASTM D-1566 - AASHTO-T-191

Standard Sand Density ___________ kg/m³
Minimum Compaction Required (Standard Proctor) _____________%
Fill Material Identification
Location of Sample
Maximum Dry Density kg/m³
Optimum Moisture __________ % Method of Test
Original Weight Sand + Container
Final Weight Sand + Container
Total Weight Sand Used
Sand Contained in Cone
Total Sand in
Volume of Hole
Weight Wet Soil + Tare
Weight Dry Soil + Tare
Weight Water
Weight Tare
Weight Dry Soil
Moisture Content %
Weight Wet Soil + Tare
Weight Tare
Weight Wet Soil
Weight Dry Soil
Dry Density kg/m³
Percent Compaction

Inspector: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F70104
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Test Number
Average Elevation: From
Mode & Depth
Proctor Number
Maximum Dry Density
Optimum Moisture
Density Count
Density Count Ratio
Wet Density PCF
Moisture Count
Moisture Count Ratio
Moisture PCF
Dry Density
% Moisture
% Compaction
Required Minimum

Standard Count
Machine Number Density Moisture


Inspector: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

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% %

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



The purpose of this procedure is to establish and define the inspection and testing necessary to verify
conformance to design requirements for bituminous concrete paving.

000 509 F70201 and
Verify Subgrade Prior to installing
QC Inspector 000 509 F70103 or
acceptable base
000 509 F70104
Accept base and
Prior to start of base
paving material Construction Engineer _____
and paving work
Inspect in-process
base preparation and QC Inspector 000 509 F70201 Daily during activity
paving activities
000 509 F70201 and
000 509 F70103 or As required by project
Perform test for base Testing Agency
000 509 F70104 specifications
(Note 1)
000 509 F70202 and
Perform test for As required by project
Testing Agency 000 509 F70204
paving specifications
(Note 1)
Technically supervise
Construction Engineer _____ Daily during activity
Test Agency
QC Inspection Form Per Procedure
(Note 2) 000 509 F02201 000 509 0220

NOTE (1): Approved test agency reports on their letterhead is preferred for documenting tests
but they must contain at least the information provided by these forms.

NOTE (2): Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on
other inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Install base and
Subcontractor _____ _____
Form 000 509
Verify Subgrade F70201 and Prior to installing
acceptable 000 509 F70103 or base
000 509 F70104
Accept base and Subcontractor/
Prior to start of base
paving material Construction _____
and paving work
qualifications Engineer
Inspect in-process
base preparation and Subcontractor Daily during activity
000 509 F70201
paving activities
Form 000 509
F70201 and 000 509
Perform testing for As required by project
Subcontractor F70103 or
base specifications
000 509 F70104
(Note 1)
Form 000 509
Perform testing for As required by project
Subcontractor F70202 and 000 509
paving specifications
F70204 (Note 1)
Technically supervise
Subcontractor _____ Daily during activity
test agency
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspector 000 509 F02201
000 509 0220

NOTE (1): Fluor approved test agency reports on their letterhead is preferred for documenting
tests but they must contain at least the information provided by these forms.


• Accept Base and Paving Materials Qualification:

- Prior to placing any bituminous paving, perform necessary tests to assure material
compliance to project requirements.

a) Verify that material qualification tests for the subgrade have been performed.

b) Verify that material qualification test for the bituminous concrete paving have been
performed and approved.

c) Verify that proposed mix formulas have been tested and approved for use.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

• Verify Subgrade Is Acceptable:

a) That soft unstable or unsuitable material is removed and replaced with suitable

b) That the subgrade conforms to the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the

c) That the specified compaction has been obtained.

Document these inspections on the "Bituminous Concrete Paving Inspection Checklist" 000 509
F70201 on a daily basis.

• Inspect In-process Base Preparation and Paving Activities:

- Prior to and during base preparation and paving operations, perform the following
verifications and inspections. Document findings on 000 509 F70201.

a) Verify that paving and compaction equipment is in good working condition and is of
the type and size specified by design.

b) Verify that layer thickness and total thickness of base and paving is as specified.

c) Verify that smoothness of base and paving is as specified.

d) Verify that the prime coat is spread at the specified rate on the compacted base and
allowed to cure and dry.

e) Verify that no bituminous paving is placed during periods of unsuitable weather


f) Verify the temperature of the bituminous concrete mix at time of spreading to assure
conformance to specification requirements.

g) Verify that the mix is placed to specified thickness for the surface course.

h) Verify that paving mix is placed to specified width, overlapping strips at edges.

i) Verify that pavement is periodically checked for proper line and grade and conforms
to specified tolerances.

j) Verify that construction joints between old and new pavements or between
successive day's work have a continuous bond between adjoining work with same
texture, density, and smoothness as other sections of bituminous paving.

k) Verify that rolling is accomplished in accordance with requirements and continued

until required density is obtained and no roller marks remain.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

l) Verify that defective areas in new pavement are removed and replaced with fresh mix
material and compacted to required density and smoothness.

m) Verify that base course has been cleared of loose material and dust, and that a tack
coat has been applied at the specified rate.

- Prior to paving over existing bituminous surfaces, perform the following inspections and
document the results on 000 509 F70201.

a) Verify that the surface to receive paving is patched, broomed, and free from dust and
foreign material.

b) Verify that the tack coat is applied to contact surfaces of previously constructed
bituminous paving or surfaces abutting or projecting into pavement area at the
specified rate of application.

• Perform Test:

- Perform applicable test at frequency required in specifications, and record results on

applicable forms.

- Appropriate testing standards are:

[:: a) Density of soil-in-place by the Sand Cone Method - ASTM-D-1556, AASHTO-T-

191. (F70103)

b) Density of soil and soil-aggregate in place by Nuclear Method - ASTM-D-2922.


c) Bulk specific gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures - AASHTO-T166.


d) Bulk specific gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures using Paraffin -

Coated Specimens - ASTM-D-1188.

e) Bulk specific gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures using Saturated

Surface Dry Specimens - ASTM-D-2726.

f) Degree of pavement compaction of Bituminous Aggregate Mixtures - AASHTO-


g) Density of bituminous concrete in place by Nuclear Method - ASTM-D-2950. ::]

- Report failing or unsatisfactory test results to the paving contractor immediately for rework
or corrective action.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Quality Control Forms:

000 509 F70103 - Density Of Soil In Place By The Sand Cone Method ASTM D-1556-
000 509 F70104 - Nuclear Moisture - Density Test Report
000 509 F70201 - Bituminous Concrete Paving Inspection Checklist
000 509 F70202 - Bulk Specific Gravity
000 509 F70204 - Nuclear Density - Bituminous Concrete


Attachment 1 - Acceptance Criteria

[::This appendix is optional. It may list test procedures and specifications for soils work.

It may also contain the detailed criteria from these documents that will be needed by the
inspector for determining acceptability.::]

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F70103
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID C70103A
ASTM D-1566 - AASHTO-T-191

Standard Sand Density ___________ kg/m³
Minimum Compaction Required (Standard Proctor) _____________%
Fill Material Identification
Location of Sample
Maximum Dry Density kg/m³
Optimum Moisture __________ % Method of Test
Original Weight Sand + Container
Final Weight Sand + Container
Total Weight Sand Used
Sand Contained in Cone
Total Sand in
Volume of Hole
Weight Wet Soil + Tare
Weight Dry Soil + Tare
Weight Water
Weight Tare
Weight Dry Soil
Moisture Content %
Weight Wet Soil + Tare
Weight Tare
Weight Wet Soil
Weight Dry Soil
Dry Density kg/m³
Percent Compaction

Inspector: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F70104
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Test Number
Average Elevation: From
Mode & Depth
Proctor Number
Maximum Dry Density
Optimum Moisture
Density Count
Density Count Ratio
Wet Density PCF
Moisture Count
Moisture Count Ratio
Moisture PCF
Dry Density
% Moisture
% Compaction
Required Minimum

Standard Count
Machine Number Density Moisture


Inspector: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F70202
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Date Type Mixture

Location of Sample Sample #


Bulk SP gr. = = = SP gr.
D-E - (D-A)

A = Mass of dry specimen in air, g,

D = Mass of dry specimen plus paraffin coating in air, g,
E = Mass of dry specimen plus paraffin coating in water, g,
F = Specific gravity of the paraffin at 25oC (77oF) + 2oF

Method Used: AASHTO T 166 ASTM D 1188


A = =
Bulk SP gr. = SP gr.

A = Mass in grams of sample in air.

B = Mass in grams of surface dry specimen in air.
C = Mass in grams of sample in water.

Method Used: AASHTO T 166 ASTM D 2726

Inspector: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:

Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Date
Location – Sta. To

1. Subgrade acceptable
Compaction QC Inspector/Eng.
Line/grade per drawing

2. Base Preparation acceptable

Equipment QC Inspector/Eng.
Layer thickness/total thickness

3. Paving acceptable
Weather conditions QC Inspector/Eng.
Mix temperature
Layer thickness/total thickness
Tack coat
Prime coat
Finish surface smoothness

4. Testing complete and acceptable

Const. Eng.

Inspector/Eng.: Date:
Reviewed by: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F70204
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Test Number
Drawing Number
Mode & Depth
Marshell Test Number
Maximum Density
Density Count
Density Count Ratio
Wet Density
% Compaction
Specified Minimum Compaction

Standard Count Remarks:

Machine Number Density

Draw Sketch

Inspector: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7030
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure prescribes the installation, inspection, and testing of Steel H Piles.

Civil Construction
Monitor pile load test _____ As required
Inspect in-process Civil Construction Daily during life of
pile driving Engineer activity
Check final pile Civil Construction
Survey field books As required
locations/installation Engineer
QC Inspection
Surveillance 000.509.F02201 As required
(Note 2)

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Perform pile load test As required by project
Subcontractor _____
(See Note 1) specification
Civil Construction
Monitor pile load test _____ As required
Inspect in-process 000.509.F70301
Daily during life of
pile driving Subcontractor 000.509.F70302
(See Note 1) 000.509.F70303
Check final pile
Civil Construction Survey Field Books As required

NOTE 1: Approved testing agency reports on their letterhead is acceptable for documenting
pile information, but it must contain at least the information provided by Form(s)
000.509.F70301, 000.509.F70302, and 000.509.F70303

NOTE 2: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented
on other inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7030
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


• Monitor Pile Load Tests:

- Conduct tests under the direct supervision of the Civil Construction Engineer or their
representative. The engineer or their representative is responsible for the following:

a) Approve the general plan and equipment to be used for the test.
b) Observe the driving of test and reaction piles.
c) Observe the application of loading apparatus.
d) Record test data.
e) Prepare reports in accordance with ASTM D 1143, D 3689, or D 3966 as

- Drive test piles in accordance with design specifications, using the same equipment to be
used for production piles. Locate cribbing or reaction piles in accordance with ASTM D
1143, D 3698, or D 3966 as applicable. Install reaction and test piles at least seven (7)
days prior to commencing load tests. Provide test piles from the same manufacturer as
production piles.

Axial Compression

- Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D 1143. Apply loads by employing both calibrated
hydraulic jacks and load cells. Do not leave loaded jacks unattended.

- Use two (2) dial gages mounted independently on supported reference beams as primary
system for measuring movement. Do not cross-connect reference beams. Use surveyor's
level as a secondary measurement system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D 1143, Section 5.2.

- Take and record readings of time, load, and pile movement immediately before and after
the application of each load increment or the removal of a load decrement. Take and
record additional readings after each increase in load at the following intervals: 2, 4, 8, 15,
30, 45, 60, 80, 100, and 120 minutes.

- During periods, when the load is held constant for more than 120 minutes, take and record
reading at 60 minute intervals after the first 120 minutes. During unloading, take and
record readings at 10 minute intervals between decrease in loads. Take final rebound
readings at 1, 2, and 12 hours after all load has been removed.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Axial Tension Load Test

- Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D 3689 except as modified below.

- Apply loads by employing both calibrated hydraulic jack and load cell. Do not leave loaded
jack unattended.

- Use two (2) dial gages mounted on independently supported reference beams as primary
system for measuring movement. Do not cross connect reference beams. Use surveyor's
level as secondary system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D 3689, Section 7.3.

- Take and record reading of time, load and pile movement immediately before and after the
application of each load increment or the removal of a load decrement. Take and record
additional readings after each increase in load at the following intervals: 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 45,
60, 80, 100, and 120 minutes.

- During periods when the load is held constant for more than 120 minutes, take and record
readings at 60 minute intervals after the first 120 minutes. During unloading, take and
record readings at 10 minute intervals between decrease in loads. Take final rebound
readings at 1, 2, and 12 hours after all load has been removed.

Lateral Load Tests

- Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D 3966 except as modified below.

- Apply loads employing both calibrated hydraulic jack and load cell. Do not leave loaded
jacks unattended.

- Use a dial gage mounted on independently supported reference beams as primary system
for measuring movement. Use surveyor's transit and scale as secondary system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D 3966 standard measuring

• Inspect in-process pile driving:

- Drive each pile continuously and without interruption, to refusal or until the required
penetration and driving resistance as determined by load test is attained. Defined refusal
as ____ blows per foot. Contact the engineer if driving is interrupted or driving resistance
has not been attained before the pile reaches final penetration.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

- Use one specific model of pile driving hammer for driving all Steel H Piles.

- Operate pile driving hammer at the speed and conditions recommended by the

- Protect piles during driving with cushioned caps that do not absorb hammer

- Use leads to secure the piles against lateral movement during driving.

- Drive piles in such an order as to prevent distortion or damage to existing structures and
previously driven piles. Make observations to check for any uplift of previously driven
piles. Redrive uplifted piles to at least the original final driving resistance and tip elevation.

- The center of the pile at the cutoff elevation shall not deviate more than ___ inches from
the location on the design drawings. Plumb pile alignment shall not deviate more than ___
inches per foot of pile length from the batter line on design drawings.

- Splice piles as detailed on design drawings.

- Cut tops of piles off and level within inches of the elevation shown on drawings.

- Provide uplift connection at locations and as described on design drawings.

- Prebored pilot holes are prohibited.

• Check Final Pile Location/Installation:

- Reject piles that do not meet all the requirements of design specifications including those
that are damaged, cracked, misplaced, or driven out of alignment tolerances.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F70301 - Pile Driving Inspection Record

000.509.F70302 - Pile Driving Record
000.509.F70303 - Record of Pile Driving

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Driving Formula Date
Weight Of Hammer Drop Type Of Hammer

Foundation Number

Depth in Blows Depth in Blows Per Depth in Blows Per

m Per m m m m m Pile Data

1 27 53 Pile Number

2 28 54 Dia: Tip

3 29 55 Head

4 30 56 Length of

5 31 57
6 32 58
7 33 59
8 34 60
9 35 61
10 36 62
11 37 63
12 38 64
13 39 65
14 40 66 Cut Off

15 41 67 Bottom of Pile

16 42 68 Overburden

17 43 69 Design Length

18 44 70
19 45 71 Kind of Pile

20 46 72 Starting Time

21 47 73 Stopping Time

22 48 74
23 49 75
24 50 76
25 51 77
26 52 78

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Project: Driver Type:

Location: Ramweight:
Pile Capacity: Freefall Height:
Pile Size: Pile Type:
Weather Condition: Pile Manufacturer:
Horizontal Point Cut-Off Blowcount
Pile Number Length Date Driven
7,5 cm Maximum Elevation Elevation Last m/cm

Redriven Record:

General Remarks:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Job Number: Required Blows:


Pile Type: Pile Size:

Specified Capacity:

Pile Number
Orig. Length
Date Driven
Jetting Depth
Pile Data

Surface Elev.
Driving Time
Cut-Off Elev.
Tip Elevation
Cut-Off Length

Blows Blows Blows Blows Blows Blows

Hammer Data Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per
cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm.
Penetration Resistance

Ram Weight:
Rated Energy:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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This procedure prescribes the installation, inspection and testing of precast prestressed concrete piles.

Civil Construction
Monitor pile load test _____ As required
Inspect in-process Civil Construction Daily during life of
piling installation Engineer activity
Check final pile
Senior Field Engineer Survey Field Books As required
QC Inspection Per Procedure
Surveillance 000.509.F02201
(Note 2) 000 509 0220

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Perform pile load test As required by project
Subcontractor _____
(See Note 1) specification
Civil Construction
Monitor pile load test _____ As required

Inspect in-process 000.509.F70301

Daily during life of
pile driving Subcontractor 000.509.F70302
(See Note 1) 000.509.F70303

Check final pile
Civil Construction Survey Field Books As required

NOTE 1: Approved testing agency reports on their letterhead is acceptable for documenting
pile information, but it must contain at least the information provided by Form(s)
000.509.F70301, 000.509.F70302, and 000.509.F70303

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NOTE 2: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented
on other inspection forms by Fluor Quality.


• Monitor Pile Load Tests:

- Conduct tests under the direct supervision of the Senior Field Engineer or their
representative. The Engineer or their representative is responsible for the following:

a) Approve the general plan and equipment to be used for the test.

b) Observe the driving of test and reaction piles.

c) Observe the application of loading apparatus.

d) Record test data

e) Prepare reports in accordance with ASTM D1143, D3689 or D3966 as applicable.

- Drive test piles in accordance with design specifications, using the same equipment to be
used for production piles. Locate cribbing on reaction piles in accordance with ASTM
D1143, D3698 or D 3966 as applicable. Install reaction and test piles at least (7) days
prior to commencing load tests. Provide test piles from the same manufacturer as
production piles.

- Axial Compression - Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D1143. Apply loads by
employing both calibrated hydraulic jacks and load cells. Do not leave loaded jacks

- Use two dial gages mounted independently on supported reference beams as primary
system for measuring movement. Do not cross connect reference beams. Use surveyor's
level as a secondary measurement system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D1143, Section 5.2.

- Take and record readings of time, load and pile movement immediately before and after
the application of each load increment or the removal of a load decrement. Take and
record additional readings after each increase in load at the following intervals: 2, 4, 8, 15,
30, 45, 60, 80, 100 and 120 minutes. During periods when the load is held constant for
more than 120 minutes, take and record readings at 60 minute intervals after the first 120
minutes. During unloading, take and record reading at 10 minute intervals between
decrease in loads. Take final rebound readings at 1, 2 and 12 hours after all load has
been removed.

- Axial Tension Load Test - Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D3689 except as
modified below.

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- Apply loads by employing both calibrated hydraulic jack and load cell. Do not leave
loaded jack unattended.

- Use 2 dial gages mounted on independently supported reference beams as primary

system for measuring movement. Do not cross connect reference beams. Use surveyor's
level as secondary system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D3689, Section 7.3.

- Take and record reading of time, load and pile movement immediately before and after the
application of each load increment or the removal of a load decrement. Take and record
additional readings after each increase in load at the following intervals: 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 45,
60, 80, 100 and 120 minutes.

- During periods when the load is held constant for more than 120 minutes, take and record
readings at 60 minute intervals after the first 120 minutes. During unloading, take and
record readings at 10 minute intervals between decrease in loads. Take final rebound
readings at 1, 2, and 12 hours after all load has been removed.

- Lateral Load Tests - Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D3966 except as modified

- Apply loads employing both calibrated hydraulic jack and load cell. Do not leave loaded
jacks unattended.

- Use a dial gage mounted on independently supported reference beam as primary system
for measuring movement. Use surveyor's transit and scale as secondary system.

- Use cyclic loading procedure in accordance with ASTM D3966, Section 6.3.

- Take and record readings to time, load, and pile movement in accordance with ASTM
D3966 Standard Measuring Procedures.

• Inspect In-process Pile Driving:

- Prebored pilot holes are prohibited unless specified on the design drawings or approved
by the Engineer.

- Do no drive piles prior to attainment of the minimum 28 day strength.

- Drive each pile continuously and without interruption, to refusal or until the required
penetration and driving resistance as determined by load test is attained. Defined refusal
as _____ blows per foot. Contact the Engineer if driving is interrupted or driving resistance
has not been attained before the pile reaches final penetration.

- Use one specific model of pile driving hammer for driving all precast concrete piles.

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- Operate pile driving hammer at the speed and conditions recommended by the

- Protect piles during driving with cushioned caps that does not absorb hammer energy.

- Use loads to secure the piles against lateral movement during driving.

- Drive piles in such an order as to prevent distortion or damage to existing structures and
previously driven piles. Make observations to check for any uplift of previously driven
piles. Redrive uplifted piles to at least the original final driving resistance and tip elevation.

- The center of the pile at the cutoff elevation shall not deviate more than _____ inches from
the location on the design drawings. Plumb pile alignment shall not deviate more than
_____ inch per foot of pile length from the batter line on design drawings.

- Drive top of piles to within _____ inch of the elevation on drawings.

- Provide uplift connection at locations and as described on design drawings.

• Check Final Pile Location/Installation:

- Retest piles that do not meet all the requirements of design specifications including those
that are damaged, cracked, misplaced, or driven out of alignment tolerances.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F70301 - Pile Driving Inspection Record

000.509.F70302 - Pile Driving Record
000.509.F70303 - Record of Pile Driving

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Driving Formula Date
Weight Of Hammer Drop Type Of Hammer

Foundation Number

Depth in Blows Depth in Blows Per Depth in Blows Per

m Per m m m m m Pile Data

1 27 53 Pile Number

2 28 54 Dia: Tip

3 29 55 Head

4 30 56 Length of

5 31 57
6 32 58
7 33 59
8 34 60
9 35 61
10 36 62
11 37 63
12 38 64
13 39 65
14 40 66 Cut Off

15 41 67 Bottom of Pile

16 42 68 Overburden

17 43 69 Design Length

18 44 70
19 45 71 Kind of Pile

20 46 72 Starting Time

21 47 73 Stopping Time

22 48 74
23 49 75
24 50 76
25 51 77
26 52 78

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Project: Driver Type:

Location: Ramweight:
Pile Capacity: Freefall Height:
Pile Size: Pile Type:
Weather Condition: Pile Manufacturer:
Horizontal Point Cut-Off Blowcount
Pile Number Length Date Driven
7,5 cm Maximum Elevation Elevation Last m/cm

Redriven Record:

General Remarks:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Job Number: Required Blows:


Pile Type: Pile Size:

Specified Capacity:

Pile Number
Orig. Length
Date Driven
Jetting Depth
Pile Data

Surface Elev.
Driving Time
Cut-Off Elev.
Tip Elevation
Cut-Off Length

Blows Blows Blows Blows Blows Blows

Hammer Data Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per Depth Per
cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm.
Penetration Resistance

Ram Weight:
Rated Energy:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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This procedure prescribes the inspection and testing of Augered Cast-In-Place Piles.

RESPONSIBILITIES – Subcontractor Work

Install Pile Subcontractor 000.509.F70901 Each Pile
Grouting Subcontractor 000.509.F70901 Each Pile
Install Reinforcing
Subcontractor 000.509.F70901 Each Pile
Sonic Logging Each Pile or as required
Subcontractor 000.509.F70901
PVC in Project Specification
Spoils Removal Subcontractor Each Pile
Inspect Pile Quality Control
Per 000.509.0220
Installation Inspector


 Subcontractor shall use instrumentation to monitor pile installation, and shall make an electronic
recording of acquired data. Data shall include grout pressure and grout volume vs. both depth
and time, and angle of pile installation. A readout device shall be supplied so data may be
monitored by Subcontractor and Fluor during installation of each pile. Data shall also be stored
in an electronic format and both a printed and electronic copy shall be provided to Fluor for
documentation of each pile’s installation record.


 All Subcontractor supplied materials and proprietary items shall be subject to Fluor’s approval
and shall be installed in accordance with the Contract Documents.

 All chemical admixtures which contain chloride are prohibited for use on this project.


Portland Cement

 Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, type of cement as specified in the Contract

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Mineral Admixture

 Mineral admixtures, if used, shall conform to ASTM C618 Class C or Class F, as specified in the
Contract Documents.


 Fluidifier shall conform to ASTM C937


 Water shall meet requirements of ASTM C94.

Fine Aggregates

 Fine aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33.

Reinforcing Bars

 Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTME A615.

 High strength reinforcing bars shall conform to requirements of ASTM A722 Grade 150.

 Methods acceptable to Fluor shall be provided to facilitate proper centering of any steel cores or
tension reinforcing installed in the piles.

Grout Mixes

 The grout shall be a mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate, pozzolanic material (when
used), Fluidifier, and water, proportioned and mixed to produce a grout capable of being
pumped. The grout shall be capable of maintaining the solids in suspension. The grout shall
have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4000 psi unless noted other wise in the
Contract Documents.

 Grout materials shall be accurately measured to meet design proportions. Grout shall be
accurately measured to meet design proportions. Grout shall be mixed at the site for a
minimum of 2 minutes. Maximum holding time in the mixer shall be as follows:

Temperature of Grout oF Maximum Holding Time Hours

Less than 70 (21oC) 2.5
From 70 to 90 (70-90oC) 2.0
Greater than 90 (90oC) Shall not be used

 Grout shall be protected from low temperatures in accordance with ACI 306R and from high
temperatures in accordance with ACI 305R.

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 Grout test cubes shall be made, cured and tested in accordance with ASTM C942. At least six
2-inch cubes shall be made for each 4 hours (or portion thereof) during which piles are placed,
for each pile rig. Test each set of 6 cubes as follows: 2 cubes at 7 days, 2 cubes at 28 days
and 2 cubes held in reserve.

 Test the flow of grout each time cubes are made and any time inconsistencies are observed per
ASTM C939, except that the cone shall be modified to provide a ¾ - inch (19 mm) opening.
Flow rates shall be between 10 and 25 seconds. The flow cone shall be provided by the

Construction Tolerances

 Pile centers shall be located within a tolerance of +/- 3 inches (75 mm) of the locations shown in
the Contract Documents, unless directed otherwise by the Fluor or otherwise specified. Vertical
piles shall be plumb within 2%.

Adjacent Piles

 No piles shall be placed within 5 pile diameters, center to center, of adjacent piles containing
grout that has set for less then 12 hours.

Installation Procedures

 The length, drilling criteria, and installation procedures of production piles may be modified by
Fluor from information obtained during the installation of the probe piles, reaction piles, test piles
and the pile load test. Production piles shall be installed with the same equipment and identical
procedures used for installation of probe piles and test piles, unless modified by Fluor.

 Drill at a continuous rate appropriate for the soil conditions until the required depth or refusal is
reached. If refusal is reach prior to the required depth, notify Fluor immediately.

 Auger refusal is defined as a rate of auger penetration of less than 1 foot (30 cm) per minute of
drilling with maximum torque and weight applied to the auger.

 Provide a plug in the bottom of the auger during drilling to prevent entry of soil or water into the
hollow stem of the auger.

 When the auger reaches its specified depth, raise the auger 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) and
begin grout pumping. Re-drill the auger to the previously established tip elevation before
commencing auger withdrawal, after the grout pressure builds up.

 Continuously maintain a grout head of a least 5 feet (1.5 m) above the injection point during
raising of the auger. If the auger jumps upward during withdrawal, if there is a decreased grout
pressure, or if grouting is interrupted for any reason, reinsert the auger to 5 (1.5 m) feet below
the tip of the auger when the interruption occurred or to the bottom of the pile, whichever is less
and decrease the rate of withdrawal to prevent further jumping or pressure decreases. Rotate

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the auger slowly during withdrawal. Counter clockwise rotation shall not be allowed at any time.
After grout is flowing at the ground surface from the auger flighting, the rate of grout injection
and auger withdrawal shall be coordinated so that there is a constant grout flow at the surface.

 Place at least 115% of the theoretical grout volume in each 5-foot (1.5 m) increment of pile. If
any 5-foot (1.5 m) increment is deficient, reinstall the pile by advancing the auger 10 feet (3 m)
below the deficient grout interval or to the bottom of the pile, whichever is less and re-grout pile
with a reduced rate of auger withdrawal.

 No pile shall be left partially completed overnight. All piles must be completely grouted and
protected at the termination of each day’s operation.

 Reinforcing steel shall conform to the Contract Documents, shall be placed while the grout is
still fluid and shall have centering fins, spacers or other devices to assure minimum grout cover
as shown on the drawings or if not shown, at least 3 inches (7.5 cm) of cover. If the reinforcing
steel cannot be placed to design elevation, the reinforcing steel shall be removed and the pile
reinstalled. The cost for reinstalling the pile shall be borne by the subcontractor.

Promptly clear the spoil that accumulates around the auger during augering and injection of the
grout. Dispose of spoils as directed by Fluor.


If obstructions causing auger refusal are encountered above the desired tip elevation, complete the pile
to the refusal depth in accordance with the specifications, unless directed otherwise by Fluor. Install
additional adjacent piles as required by Fluor.

Cutting Off

Piles shall be cut off by removing fresh grout from the top of the pile or by cutting off hardened grout
down to the final cut-off point. Adding grout after the pile has reached its initial set in order to raise the
pile cut-off elevation shall not be permitted.

Sleeves or casings shall be placed around the pile top when the pile cut-off elevations are above the
surrounding ground surface elevation.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F70901 Augered Cast-In-Place Pile Record

000.509.F71005 Cementitious Grout Testing Record

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

1. Grout consistency as measured by Corps of Engineers flow cone (CRD-79) was Grout
consistency is:

Fluid Flowable Plastic Stiff

2. Temperature was measured and is in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation for

materials, mixing, placing and curing.

Outside Ambient °C Mixing Water °C

Inside Ambient °C Grout Bags °C

Equipment Plates °C Foundations °C

Mixed Grout °C In-Place (1 Hr.)

3. Test cubes were sampled for this placement location.

Test cubes sampled: Number

Tag No. to


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Contract No. Pile No.

Project: Meets Specs.
Owner: Observed By:
Engineer: Date Installed:
Contractor: Weather:

Grout Sampling/Testing Grout Cube Data

Grout Truck Arrival Load Time
Ticket No. Batch Time Added On Time Time
No Time (m) Initial Flowcone Set No.
Site (1) Sampled Made

DWG No. Grouting Summary Re-Grouting Summary

Initial Re- Pump Grout Pump Depth Pump Grout
Pile No Depth
Installation Grout Strokes Factor Pres. (cm) Strokes factor
Ground Elev. (cm)
Auger Dia. (mm)
Depth (cm)
Pile Tip Elev. (cm)
Theor. Grout Vol. (cm)
Avg. Pump Pres. (kg/cm²)
Grout Return (cm)

Total Pump Before:

Strokes After:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Grouting Summary Re-Grouting Summary

Initial Re- Pump Grout Pump Depth Pump
Pile No Depth Grout factor
Installation Grout Strokes Factor Pres. (cm) Strokes
Total Grout Vol. (cm)
Overall Grout Factor
Tension Steel Placed
Lap Splice
Sonic Logging PVC
Cage Steel Piaced
Lap Splice
Grout Loss Drilling
Adjacent Pile


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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to inspection and testing of structural concrete and grouting.

Supplier Batch Ticket As required
Concrete 000.509.F71003 As required
Batch Plant 000.509.F02004 (Concrete Batch Plant
Civil Construction Initially then
Technical Evaluation Record) and
Engineer random
Supervision 000.509.F71010
000.509.F71001 & 000.509.F71002 for
Structural Concrete For individual
Concrete Civil Construction 000.509.F71004 for Cementitious Grout placements as
Inspection Engineer 000.509.F71006 for Epoxy Resin Grout required by
000.509.F71007, 000.509.F71008 specification.
000.509.F71010 for Batch Plant
Coordination Civil Construction 000.509.F71003
Each placement
of Placement Engineer (Concrete Pour Card)
Each set of
F71007 (Note 1)
Test Test Agency cylinders/cubes
(plus 000.509.F71005 for cementitious
Concrete (Note 1) as required by
QC Inspection Per Procedure
Surveillance 000.509.F02201
(Note 2) 000.509.0220

NOTE 1: Approved Test Agency Reports on their letterhead is preferred over the use of Form
000.509.F71007 and 000.509.F71005 for documenting concrete tests, but it must contain
at least the information provided by these forms.

NOTE 2: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Supplier Batch Ticket As required
Concrete Subcontractor 000.509.F71003 As required
Batch Plant
Civil Construction 000.509.F02004 Initially then
Engineer 000.509.F71010 random
Concrete 000.509.F71004
Subcontractor Each placement
Inspection 000.509.F71006
Civil Construction
Engineer/ 000.509.F71003 As required
of Placement
Test Approved test agency form in compliance As required by
Test Lab
Concrete with 000.509.F71007 and 000.509.F71005 specification
Site Quality Initially then
Supervise 000.509.F02005
Manager random
Test Lab
QC Inspection Per Procedure
Surveillance 000.509.F02201
(Note 2) 000.509.0220

NOTE 1: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.


• Concrete Inspection:

- Inspection will include the items on the applicable checklist (Forms 000.509.F71001
and 000.509.F71002, 000.509.F71004 or 000.509.F71006) depending on the type of
concrete. Form 000.509.F71001 is completed before ordering concrete.

- Inspection is performed continuously during placement.

- Batch plant inspection is performed for individual placements in excess of 200 cubic yards
and periodically. These inspections are recorded on Form 000.509.F71010.

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- Monitoring of water addition to assure maximum allowable is not exceeded and verify that
an additional minimum of 30 revolutions at mixing speed has been applied to the load.

- Monitoring on site inspection/testing for compliance to approved test procedures and


• Batch Plant Technical Supervision

- Establishing that the concrete supplier is capable of performing the contracted scope.

- Review and acceptance of the concrete suppliers mix design and retain copy on site.

- Schedule the concrete testing, with the Testing Agency, as required by specifications.

- Keeping the Contracts Manager informed of the batch plants performance.

• Coordination of the placement will include:

- Obtaining agreement among the disciplines and/or subcontractors that concrete

placement is ready to be performed. This agreement is documented on Form
000.509.F71003. Concrete placement shall not commence until all "sign offs" have been

• Technical supervision of the Test Agency will include:

- Establishing that the Testing Agency is qualified to perform the work required.

- Schedule testing as required by specification. Schedule the Testing Agency to periodically

sample the concrete materials at the batch plant and verify compliance with specification.

- Review of personnel qualifications, procedures, test equipment and job performance.

- Keeping the Contracts Manager informed of the Test Agency's performance.

- Verify that results and test frequency conform to specification requirements and are
traceable to work. Failing tests are to be backed up by acceptable tests or an NCR.
Maintain compression test summary on the "Concrete Placement Log" Form

- Maintain test and/or inspection records received from the Test Agency.

• Refer to Attachment I for test and inspection acceptance criteria.

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Quality Support Forms:

000.509.F71010 - Batch Plant Inspection

000.509.F71001 - Pre-Concrete Inspection
000.509.F71003 - Concrete Pour Card
000.509.F71004 - Cementitious Grout Inspection Record
000.509.F71005 - Cementitious Grout Testing Record
000.509.F71006 - Epoxy Resin Grout Inspection Record
000.509.F71007 - Concrete Compression Strength Test Record
000.509.F71008 - Concrete Placement Log
000.509.F71009 - Grout Placement Log


Attachment I - Acceptance Criteria

[::This appendix is optional. It may list the test procedures and specifications for concrete
work including grouting of structural steel and equipment base plates. It may also contain
the detailed criteria from these documents that will be needed by the inspector for
determining acceptability.

For grout, when the specifications invoke the grout material manufacturer's instructions,
and/or the supplier equipment installation instructions and specifications, the
requirements from these documents will be stated in this appendix.::]

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Concrete Structure/Location: Equipment/Structural Steel Drawing No.

Referenced Drawings: U/G Electrical Drawing No.
Concrete Rebar & Embed. Drawings No. U/G Mechanical Drawing No.
1. Forms 3. Sub-Foundation Conduits
Survey Checked Piles Ground Wire/Earthing
Orientation Compaction Water Stop
Location (Coord) Cleanliness 5. Misc.
Size Moisture Keyways
Elevation Blinding Layer Blockouts
Clean And Oiled Elevation Surface Roughened
Chamfer U/G Mech. & Elect Bonding Agent
Straight, Level, Plumb 4. Embedments Type Of Finish
Adequate Bracing Anchor Bolts (Diameter, Length, Type) Sets/Test Specimen
2. Re-Bar Anchor Bolts (Location, Projection) Per Survey Book Hot/Cold Weather Protection
Grade Anchor Bolt Sleeves Joints
Size Anchor Bolt Grounding Special Placing Equip. Required (Tremies, Pumps,
Splices Thread Projection Form Vibrators Screeds)
Spacing Weld Pads Leakage System In Place
Clearance Angle Iron Finished Slope
Cleanliness Inserts
Adequate Support Pipes
6. Order Concrete To The Following Specifications:
Mix Design Quantity Delivery Per Hour
Max. Aggregate Size No. Of Test Cylinders/Set
Slump No. Sets Required

Fluor Concrete Pour Release Fluor QA

Civil Superintendant
Name: Electrical FE Name:
Mechanical FE
Signature: Civil FE Signature:
Fluor QA
Date: Date Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F71003
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Planning Information

Originator Date

Pour Number Quantity m³

Location Elevation

Design Mix Placing Temperature

Required Finish/Curing Air Content

Special Instructions Slump

Pre Pour Release

Civil Date

Mechanical Date

Electrical Date

Survey Date

Quality Control Date



Placement Started Date Time

Placement Completed Date Time

Cu. Yards Placed


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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
GROUTING (Indicate Type): TYPE A - Cement Based Non-shrink
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1.1 Shimplates installed according to specification, not protruding baseplate.

1.2 Base concrete was cleaned, roughened and pre-saturated for __________ hours.

1.3 Baseplate Size:_____________ Vertical Clear: ____________

Horizontal Clear:___________

1.4 Vent holes in baseplates checked and are sufficient or additional holes were drilled.
1.5 Hold point for rotating equipment.
Name:__________________________________ Date:________________


2.1 Specified materials did not exceed shelf life recommended by vendor.
Grout Brand:______________________________________

2.2 The mix procedure used was in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Mixer Type:___________________________ Capacity:________________
Mix Time/Batch:_______________________
Parts of Water/Bag:_____________________ Bags/Batch:_____________

2.3 Curing according to manufacturer’s recommended _____________ hours.

2.4 Temperature measured, see manufacturer’s recommendations.
Outside ambient: ____________ °C Inside ambient:____________ °C
Mixing water: ____________ °C Mixed grout: ____________ °C
3.1 Grout formwork removed.

3.2 Grout fixed to concrete base.

3.3 Grout finishing according to specification.

3.4 Grout coating applied.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

1. Grout consistency as measured by Corps of Engineers flow cone (CRD-79) was Grout
consistency is:

Fluid Flowable Plastic Stiff

2. Temperature was measured and is in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation for

materials, mixing, placing and curing.

Outside Ambient °C Mixing Water °C

Inside Ambient °C Grout Bags °C

Equipment Plates °C Foundations °C

Mixed Grout °C In-Place (1 Hr.)

3. Test cubes were sampled for this placement location.

Test cubes sampled: Number

Tag No. to


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Specified materials did not exceed shelf life recommended by vendor.

2. The materials were temperature stabilized 24 hours prior to mixing, and the
aggregate was dry prior to mixing.
(Indicate: ) Resin brand_________________ Catalyst brand_________________

3. The mix procedure is in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

4. The concrete is at least 14 days old prior to grouting.
5. The concrete bond surface is clean, roughened and dry.
6. Metal surfaces to be embedded in grout are clean.
7. Metal surfaces to be kept free of grout are caulked or covered with plastic tape.
8. Formwork sealed, watertight and coated to prevent bonding.
9. Anchor bolt holes sealed (if not to be grouted) or dried.
10. Foundation adequately protected against sunlight, rain or sudden temperature
changes during grout placement.
11. Final cleaning of metal surfaces completed just prior to grouting.
12. Formwork checked for leaks during placement.
13. Placement complete within manufacturer's recommended time.
14. Foundation adequately protected against sunlight, rain or sudden temperature
changes during grout curing.
15. Curing of grout was in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
16. The temperature was measured and is in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations for mixing, placing and curing.
Outside Ambient: Aggregate:
Inside Ambient: Mixed Grout:
Resin: Equipment Plates:
Catalyst: Foundation:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Concrete Supplier:
Mix Design No.:
Mix Proportions Identity Batch Wt. Contract No.:
Cement, brand and type Date:
Fine agg., source Weather: Air Temp.:
Course agg., source Required Strength
Water, source Unit Weight
Admixture, brand Slump Range
Admixture, brand Air Content Range

Admixture, brand

Test Data
Specimen Truck Slump WT. Air Temp. Test Test Strength
Location and Volume Presented
Identity No. (cm) (kg) % (°C) Days (kg/cm²)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F1008
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:

P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:

Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:

Fluor Other Location:

Location of Pour Represented
Pour 7 Day 28 Day Other
en m³ en m³ Placed
Placed Number Results Results Results Placed To Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
En m³
Date Placement 7 Day 28 Day Other En m³
Placement Represented ACC. REJ. Placed To
Placed Number Results Results Results Placed

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F71010
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Concrete Supplier Batch Plant Operator Class Of Concrete

To: QC Department Contract No.:

Report Date: Report No.
CC: Construction Contractor(s)
Construction Manager(s) Contracts:
QC Supervisor(s)
Civil Supervisor(s) Location:

Description Remarks
1. Cement silos are watertight and adequate to provide separate types of cement.
2. Aggregate stockpiles are free draining and adequate to provide separate types of aggregates.
3. Water supply is clean and adequate for all weather conditions.
4. Admixtures storage is prevented from freezing and suitable for separate types of admixtures.
5. On batching equipment the latest calibration is indicated and calibration documents are available.
6. Batching system: Manual Control Semi-Automatic Control
Visual Control Automatic Control
7. Recording system: Manual Computer Print-Out
8. Quality control: Manual Computer Print-Out
9. Approved Material Used
10. Approved Mix Design Used

Conclusion /Recommendations:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7200
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure describes the functions to be performed in the inspection of the erection of structural steel.

Verify acceptability of Civil Construction
000.509.F72002 Once for each structure
Interface Structures Engineer
Erect Structural Steel Civil Superintendent _____ _____
Inspect In-process
Civil Construction Daily during life of
Structural Steel 000.509.F72002
Engineer activity
Perform Final Civil Construction
000.509.F72002 Once per structure
Inspection Engineer

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Verify acceptability of Civil Construction
000.509.F72002 Once for each structure
Interface Structures Engineer
Erect Structural Steel Subcontractor _____ _____
Inspect In-process
Daily during life of
Structural Steel Subcontractor 000.509.F72002
Subcontractor /
Perform Final
Civil Construction 000.509.F72002 Once per structure
Per Procedure
Surveillance Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201


• Verify Interface Structures:

- Prior to structural steel being erected, verify that all interface work such as foundation
elevations, and size and location of anchor bolts conform to the applicable drawings.
Verify that concrete has attained adequate compressive strength before loading.

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• Erection of Structural Steel:

- Structural steel shall be erected in accordance with the applicable project specifications.

- Assure structures are not loaded prior to sufficient progression of erection and completed
boltup has been accepted.

- Welding shall be performed by AWS (or other approved recognized standards) qualified
welders in accordance with weld procedure specifications approved by Fluor Manager
Welding Technology or his representative.

- Modifications to steel member shall only take place upon issuance of direction from
Construction Engineering.

• In-Process Inspection of Structural Steel Erection:

- Inspect the in-process steel erection to verify that fabrication is correct and erection is in
accordance with the drawings. Inspection shall include checking for plumbness,
rectangularity, field welds, bolt tensioning and touch-up painting.

- Visual weld examination shall be performed in accordance with 000.509.7910, Welding


- Document inspections on Form 000.509.F72002, Structural Steel Inspection Checklist.

Highlighted steel erection drawings may be used in conjunction with checklist to provide a
clear picture of sequence of events with dates of when areas, floors, and buildings have
been accepted for workmanship.

- When a calibrated impact wrench is used for erection, the calibration shall be verify by the
Civil Construction Engineer or QC Inspector and documented on Form 000.509.F72003,
Torque Wrench Calibration Log.

- When bolting inspection by impact is required, it shall be performed with a separate

calibrated inspection wrench.

- When “twist-off” type tension control structural bolt/nut/washer assemblies are specified
they shall conform to ASTM F1852-98 and shall be, installed in accordance with the
manufacturer'’ published specifications.

- When load indicating washers (LIW) are specified, installation inspection will be performed
in accordance with the sample rate specified.

- Inspect bolts installed by turn-of-nut method in accordance with AISC Section 6,

Specification or other approved recognized standard for Structural Joints using ASTM
A325 or A490 bolts.

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- The number of checklist completed should be a sufficient number to clearly indicate full
coverage of all portions of the work on the project as work progresses.

- Each checklist generated should represent a well defined piece of work, i.e., building line,
floor, run of pipe rack, etc.

• Perform Final Inspection:

- Perform final inspection, in part, or on the total structure. Document on Form

000.509.F72002, Structural Steel Inspection.

- Document deficiencies, for tracking purposes, on Form 000.509.F02201, Surveillance



Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F72002 - Structural Steel Inspection Checklist

000.509.F72003 - Torque Wrench Calibration Log

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Drawing No.: Specification No.:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
01 Foundation inspections and tests complete.
Piles Soils Concrete
02 Leveling plate or billet plate grouting complete and checked.
03 Grade and elevation
04 Anchor bolts condition
05 Base plate condition
06 Bearings surface cleaned and protected
07 Shimming of base plates
08 Correct numbers location, and size

09 Survey Group checks alignment, plumbness, spacing, and elevation for conformance to erection tolerances

10 Match of member
11 Members free of distortion
12 Mating surfaces free of paint
13 Correct grade
14 Correct length
15 Correct size
16 All bolts visually inspected to verify evidence of tightening
17 Connections marked indicating statues
18 Bolt tightening method used:
Calibrated Wrench Turn-of-Nut
Load Indicating Washers Snap-Off Fasteners
19 Welds approved by welding inspector
20 Field coatings checked
21 Fireproofing inspections and tests complete
22 Final inspection complete
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Minimum Fastener Tension (Kips) for:

Dia. inches A325 Bolts A490 Bolts
1/2 12.6 Kips 15.8 Kips Bolt Tightening Equipment Used:
5/8 20.0 Kips 26.2 Kips
3/4 29.4 Kips 36.8 Kips
7/8 41.0 Kips 51.5 Kips
1 53.6 Kips 67.2 Kips Calibrated Equipment Used:
1 1/8 58.8 Kips 84.0 Kips
1 1/4 74.6 Kips 107.1 Kips
1 3/8 89.3 Kips 127.1 Kips
1 1/2 108.2 Kips 165.4 Kips
Bolt Tension Reading* Tension Reading*
Date Signature
Size Before Adjustment After Adjustment

* Each tension reading shall be the average of three bolts.

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This procedure describes the inspection and testing activities to be performed for buildings that are
constructed by Fluor.

Verify foundations Civil Construction Daily during life of
complete Engineer activity
Review structural steel Civil Construction
_____ Prior to steel erection
documents Engineer
Monitor in-process Civil Construction Daily during life of
building construction Engineer activity
Civil Construction 000.509.F73003 -
Inspect completed work Each Item
Engineer 000.509.F73016
Civil Construction
Verify building complete Procedure 000.509.7300 Once per building
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspection (Note 1) 000.509.F02201

NOTE 1: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor Quality representative is performing inspections.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Inspect in-process
Subcontractor 000.509.F73001 Daily during life of activity
Inspect in-process
Subcontractor 000.509.F02201 Daily during life of activity
building superstructure
Civil Construction
Witness HVAC Test Engineer/ 000.509.F73101 Each test
Site Quality Manager
Inspect completed
Discipline Engineer 000.509.F73002 Once per building
Site Quality Manager
Coordinate resolution of Civil Construction As required to close open
deficiencies Engineer/ items
Site Quality Manager
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspection 000.509.F02201

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Attachments 1 through 9 are provided as inspection references to aid the inspector.

• Verify Foundations are Complete:

- Check the elevations and locations of foundations, floor slabs, inserts and interior
partitions. Document these checks on Form 000.509.F73001, Building Inspection

- When tests and inspection activities are complete, document using Form 000.509.F73001,
Building Inspection Record.

• Review of Structural Steel Documents:

- Verify structural steel certified mill test reports and certificates of compliance have been
received have been reviewed.

- If applicable, verify the subcontractors have submitted required shop drawings,

diagrams, schedules, etc., and are marked as authorized to proceed.

• Monitor In-Process Building Construction:

- The attachments contained in this procedure are intended to be used as guidelines for
implementing this procedure.

- Using the applicable design drawings, inspect the in-process building superstructure
construction activities to verify acceptability of work.

- Inspect membrane roofing system construction for strict compliance with drawings and
specifications to include materials, substrate preparation, membrane installation and
splicing, perimeter nailing, flashing and roof walkways.

- Verify completion of applicable tests, performance tests and test data records as
required by specifications: electrical, plumbing system, fire protection system.

- Monitor subcontractor's HVAC duct, duct insulation, and equipment installation for
compliance with drawings and specifications.

• Witness HVAC Tests:

- Witness HVAC testing is performed in accordance with the requirements of Form


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• Verify Building Complete:

- Verify the proper operations of the specific keying systems is demonstrated satisfactorily.

- Inspect the building when construction is complete. Deficiencies shall be documented on

Form 000.509.F02407, Master Punch List.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F73001 - Building Inspection and Test Checklist

000.509.F73002 - Final Building Inspection Summary
000.509.F73003 - Carpentry Checklist
000.509.F73004 - Painting Checklist
000.509.F73005 - Plumbing Checklist
000.509.F73006 - Ceramic Tile Checklist
000.509.F73007 - Concrete Checklist
000.509.F73008 - Structural Steel Checklist
000.509.F73009 - Masonry (Brickwork) Checklist
000.509.F73010 - Plaster Checklist
000.509.F73011 - Doors, Windows, Hardware, Glazing Checklist
000.509.F73012 - Computer (Raised) Floors, Checklist
000.509.F73013 - Prefab Wall Element Systems Checklist
000.509.F73014 - Building Metal Siding and Roofing Checklist
000.509.F73015 - Buildings Water Proofing and Damp Proofing Checklist
000.509.F73016 - Suspended Ceiling Checklist


Attachment 1 - Buildings Masonry Inspection Reference

Attachment 2 - Buildings Waterproofing and Dampproofing Inspection Reference
Attachment 3 - Buildings Plaster Inspection Reference
Attachment 4 - Buildings, Metal Doors and Windows Inspection Reference
Attachment 5 - Buildings Drywall Construction Inspection Reference
Attachment 6 - Buildings Resilient Floor Covering Inspection Reference
Attachment 7 - Buildings Carpentry Inspection Reference
Attachment 8 - Buildings Built-up Roofing Inspection Reference
Attachment 9 - Buildings Ceramic Tile Inspection Reference

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Attachment 1



1. Approved panels and/or material samples
2. Materials certifications
3. Masonry units, color, texture, grade, size, defect tolerance
4. Masonry mortar, cement, aggregate, lime, water
5. Mortar cube tests, if required
6. Anchors, ties, flashing - type, size, shape and material
1. Ambient temperature above minimum
2. Masonry layout fits structural framing
3. Embedded items
4. Control joint type and location
5. Caulked joints
6. Openings framed, anchored, filled with mortar
7. Weep holes
8. Anchors, ties, joint reinforcing
9. Flashing installation
10. Foundation waterproofing or damp proofing
1. Bond pattern, visual appearance
2. Mortar joints, visual appearance
3. Brick work plumb and true, all in one plane
4. Pointing
5. Cleaning

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Attachment 2



1. Bitumen roofing felt

2. Tar or asphalt damp proofing

3. Mastic asphalt

4. Hot application asphalt

5. Bituminous adhesives

6. Bituminous roofing

7. Polyethylene sheet


1. Surface preparation for cleanliness, smoothness, dryness

2. Ambient temperature above 40F (4C)

3. Material temperatures

4. Prime coat

5. Coats, laps, and thicknesses

6. Waterproofing details at flashing or wall penetrations

7. Waterproofing membrane type, application, reinforcing strips

8. Waterproofing membrane protection against backfill

9. Waterproofing reinforcing plies where required


1. Damp proof coating free of breaks, surface air voids in monolithic concrete

2. Waterproof coating free of wrinkles and buckles

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Attachment 3



1. Approved material samples
2. Metal stud partitions
3. Metal lath
4. Plaster materials


1. Stud spacing and anchorage
2. Studs properly anchored to adjoining walls
3. Studs galvanized or protectively coated
4. Studs attachment at openings as detailed on drawings
5. Lath type, lapping, joints
6. Lath screeds and grounds have a true, level and plane surface.
7. Lath corner beads provided for external corners
8. Lath installed at internal corners, where required
9. Lath properly secured to studs
10. Plaster area ambient temperature maintained above 55F (13oC)
11. Plaster mix proportions, set characteristics as specified
12. Plaster base surfaces properly prepared
13. Plaster coats checked for thickness, density, uniformity
14. Plaster base coat moistened before applying finish coats
15. Plaster curing adequate

1. Each plaster coat, smooth, plumb, true, all in one plane
2. White plaster coat free from cracks, crazing, blisters, pits, checks, discoloration

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Attachment 4



1. Approved material samples
2. Guarantees, for electric power operators
3. Doors, door bucks
4. Window sashes and liners
5. Hardware
6. Window glass and glazing
7. Caulking materials
8. Electrical components for power operated doors
9. Guides and panel sections for telescoping doors


1. Frames anchored, plumb, square and level
2. All clearances adequate
3. Caulking provided where required
4. Weather stripping installed where required
5. Hardware properly adjusted
6. Glazing installation adequate
7. Lubricants provided where needed

1. Each unit operates smoothly and easily
2. Doors, flush and snug with jams
3. Window frames, flush and snug with sashes
4. Units with tension adjustment mechanisms are in proper adjustment
5. Painted surfaces cosmetically pleasing
6. Clean up is satisfactory

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Attachment 5



1. Gypsum board

2. Joint cement

3. Joint tape

4. Nails


1. Gypsum board is stored in a dry, ventilated, enclosed building.

2. Ambient temperature is above freezing at time of joint cement application.

3. Surfaces to receive drywall conform to line and grade.

4. Gypsum board held tight against supports with nailing starting at center and progressing
toward perimeter.

5. Paper surface torn around nail head has additional nail driven two inches away.

6. Cut and fit gypsum board is not forced into place.

7. Thin coats of cement applied immediately after taping.

8. Coats of cement on joint and nail depressions have 24 hours between applications.

9. Final cement coat feathered 12" to 16" (30-40 cm) each side of joint and is sanded



1. Installed gypsum board free from damage.

2. All cemented joints and nail depressions will present smooth and uniform appearance
when wall is painted.

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Attachment 6



1. Approved material samples

2. Tile color, type, size, thickness

3. Molding color, type, size

4. Primer

5. Adhesive or cement


1. Sub-floor preparation

2. Felt lining or under-layment

3. Temperature of stored material and laying area

4. Layout pattern of cut tiles at wall line and wall openings

5. Application of adhesives


1. Tiles laid point to point

2. Tile joints tight

3. Tile pattern as specified

4. Tile cuts at wall base or wall opening correct

5. Tiles cleaned and waxed after completion

6. Tiles protected after waxing with construction paper

*Includes asphalt, vinyl-asbestos, vinyl and rubber tile and floor covering.

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Attachment 7



1. Specifies, grade, grade stamp

2. Defect tolerance for checks, splits, shakes, pockets, decay, grain structure,
knots, % heart wood or sapwood, bark, warp

3. Moisture content checks

4. Storage conditions

5. Preservative treatment


1. Stud spacing

2. Double of top plates, when required

3. Horizontal blocking

4. Continuous blocking between joints and studs, for fastening wall materials

5. Stud to plate nailing adequate

6. Diagonal wind bracing, when required

7. Solid blocking for fixtures and attachments

8. Doubling of studs at openings

9. Headers as detailed on drawings

10. Soundproof partitions as required

11. Vertical alignment of studs to form one plane for wall surface

12. Framing fabrication line, level and fit

13. Anchorage to concrete and masonry

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Attachment 8



1. Asphalt
2. Nails and fasteners
3. Insulation
4. Vapor barrier
5. Roofing felt
6. Flashing
7. Aggregate
8. Installed roof samples, if required
9. Roof guarantees, if specified


1. Surface to be roofed is dry, smooth, firm and dirt free
2. Vapor barrier installation, provides complete seal of deck
3. If insulation required, place by specified method immediately preceding placing
of roofing felt - avoid wetting
4. Maintain roofing felts above 50F (10C) for 24 hours prior to use
5. Ambient temperature is 40F (4C) and rising for hot mopping of felt
6. Felt is laid immediately behind mopping
7. Temperature of bitumen is as required
8. Extra plies installed where required, such as at eaves, rakes and flashing
9. Roofing aggregates are as specified

1. Roofing felt plies free of air pockets, wrinkles and buckles
2. Roofing felt laps are uniform and even
3. Aggregate distribution is uniform
4. Flashing detailing acceptable

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Attachment 9



1. Approved material samples
2. Tile type, size and color pattern
3. Mortar type and color


1. Wall tile, location and anchorage of studs or furring
2. Wall tile lath, placement, lap and support
3. Wall tile scratch coat and float coat applied and cured properly
4. Wall tile soaked and free water removed prior to application
5. Wall tile accessories are as required
6. Wall tile firmly set
7. Wall tile wetted before grouting
8. Wall tile grout, placing, tooling, curing and cleaning
9. Floor tile installed after wall tile
10. Floor tile setting bed preparation as specified
11. Floor tile setting bed mix satisfactory
12. Floor tile solidly bedded
13. Floor tile layout acceptable
14. Floor tile waterproofing and reinforcement when required
15. Floor tile cuts as wall base and openings acceptable

1. Tiles free of chips or cracks
2. Grout joints uniformly tooled
3. Grout tiles all in one plane
4. Tile pattern uniform and consistent
5. Tile cuts at baseline, corners or openings are satisfactory

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Building Description __________________________________ Bldg. No._________
1. Receiving operations/inspections performed on the following building materials and/or equipment.

2. Equipment and material protection program performed on the following materials or equipment.

3. Foundation inspections and tests complete.

Piles Soils Concrete

4. Foundation checked for location, elevation and orientation prior to starting superstructure.
5. Superstructure inspections complete.
6. Building tests complete. Building tests performed for this building:
Electrical Heating Plumbing
Air Conditioning Ventilation Other

7. Final inspection complete.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Receiving: Inspection Performed (See Attached List) Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Separate completion packages:
 Structural Steel  Piling  Electrical
 Civil / Concrete  HVAC
2. Masonry Checklist
3. Roof Metal Sliding and Roofing Checklist
4. Plaster Checklist
5. Doors/Windows/Hardware/Glazing/Keyplan Checklist
6. Insulation Checklist
7. Ceiling Checklist
8. Plumbing Checklist
9. Ceramic Tiles Checklist
10. Computer (Raised) Floors Checklist
11. Fire-Fighting System Checklist
12. Automatic Operated Components Checklist
13. Furniture / Kitchen Checklist
14. Surface Preparation / Finish Concrete Checklist
15. Sheeting / Cladding Checklist
16. Structural Steel Checklist
17. Carpentry Checklist
18. Painting Checklist
19. Pre Fab Wall Element Systems Checklist
20. Building Inspection and Test Checklist
21. Building water proofing and damp proofing Checklist


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Verify correct grade of materials used for all timber.

02 Verify correct species of timber used.
03 Verify use of correct preservative treatment.
04 Verify compliance with priming requirements.
05 Inspect timber construction dimensions.
06 Inspect fabrication quality.
07 Inspect joints.
08 Inspect blocking.
09 Studs aligned.
10 Door lintels and frames per design requirements.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73003 Rev C Carpentry Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73004
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify use of correct painting materials:
01 Trade name and manufacturer
02 Grade
03 Manufacturer's data sheets
04 Protection for applied paint
05 Guarantees
06 Pot or shelf life
07 Correct colors
Inspect painting application:
08 Surface preparation
09 Method of application
10 Number of coats
11 Thickness of dry film
Ascertain workmanship:
12 Evenness of applied coat
13 Brush marks, sags, runs, etc.
14 Cleanliness of area upon completion


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73004 Rev C Painting Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73005
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of check Subcontractor
Verify the use of correct plumbing materials
01 Sanitary waste and vent system
02 Acid waste and vent system
03 Potable water system
04 Instrument air system
05 Plumbing fixtures and equipment
Verify plumbing installation per design documents
06 Hangers and supports
07 Piping
08 Joints
09 Valves
10 Fixtures
11 Hydrotesting
12 Correctness to codes, regulations


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73005 Rev C Plumbing Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73005
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73006
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Type and color of tile per design documents
02 Type and color of mortar per design documents
03 Inspection of substrate
04 Proportioning of mortar mixtures per design
05 Application procedures acceptable per specifications
06 Subsurface preparation per design
07 Grout procedure, pointing acceptable per specifications
08 Tile face plumb and in place, dividing over floor and wall surface
09 Inspect for cracks, misalignment
10 Grout joints uniform


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73006 Rev C Ceramic Tile Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73007
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Concrete test specimen reports filed
02 Concrete mix designs approved
03 Patching and repairs complete
04 Embedments in place and correct location
Verify correct floor finishes:
05 Floated
06 Trowelled
07 Floor slab hardener
Verify correct use of granolithic concrete topping:
08 Material sources
09 Material proportions
10 Application method
11 Workmanship


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73007 Rev C Concrete Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73008
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Structural elements (main structure, bulkheads, decks, platforms/
walkways, grating, roof)- installed and checked against drawings
02 Structural elements - plumb, level, aligned
03 All structural supports installed per design and all temporary aids/
brackets removed
04 All temporary aids/ brackets/ steel removed

05 Anchor bolt nuts tight

06 Column base grouted

07 Bolted connections checked

08 Welded connections checked

09 Stairs, handrails, ladders, floor plates in place and per design

10 All penetrations installed, with sleeves/ kick plates of specified size
complete with drain holes as required
11 All welding and NDT work completed and cleared

12 Coatings applied, touch-up complete


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73008 Rev C Structural Steel Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73009
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify use of correct materials:
01 Engineering brick, face brick, common brick
02 Cement, fine aggregate, water
03 Wall ties, reinforcing, flashing
Inspect construction of brickwork:
04 Coursing and wythes
05 Application of mortar
06 Inserts
07 Tie-ins and anchoring
Ascertain workmanship:
08 Alignment of bond
09 Brickwork is plumb and true
10 Mortar joints uniformly struck or tooled
11 Cleanliness upon completion
12 Pointing to masonry work
13 Expansion joints in masonry work


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73009 Rev C Masonry Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73010
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the correct use of plaster materials:
01 Cement
02 Lime
03 Sand
04 Water
Inspect application of plaster:
05 Proportioning of plaster mixtures per design
06 Application technique per design
07 Subsurface preparation per design
08 Thickness of application per design
09 Installations of accessories like corner beads, etc. per design
Ascertain workmanship:
10 Plaster face plumb and in one plane
11 Plaster flush with inserts
12 Troweled surface uniform
13 No defects, such as cracks and blisters


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73010 Rev C Plaster Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73010
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73011
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Correct materials used for doors, door bucks
02 Correct materials used for window sash and liners
03 Correct materials used for hardware
04 Correct materials used for window glass and putty
05 Correct materials used for electrical components for power operated doors
06 Correct materials used for guides and panel sections for telescoping doors
07 Verify the general operation of the doors
08 Frames anchored plumb and level
09 Doors and sashes not inhibited or bound from normal movement
10 Hardware in good mechanical operation
11 Glass well bedded and putty neatly trimmed
12 Operation of overhead or telescoping doors (controls, smoothness and
13 Telescoping door guides installed, secured and aligned
14 Installation hardware is correct


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73011 Rev C Doors Windows Hardware Glazing Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73012
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Correct materials used for floor panels/elements.
02 Correct materials used for floor supports.
03 Correct materials used for floor finishing.
04 Verify completion of installation per design.
05 Verify system level and square.
06 Floor system clean and free of damage.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73012 Rev C Raised Floors Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73013
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the use of correct materials:
01 Frames
02 Panels
03 Glass
04 Doors
Inspect per design:
05 General operation
06 Hardware
07 Installation of panels and glass
08 Wall finishing/paint system
09 Wall panels anchored in accordance with design documents
Ascertain workmanship:
10 Systems free of damage


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73013 Rev C Prefab Wall Element Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73013
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73014
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the use of correct materials:
01 Correct siding profile
02 Correct roofing profile
03 Fasteners, flashing, closer strips and caulking
04 Wall insulation
Inspect installation of siding and roof panels per design:
05 Correct spacing of fasteners
06 Insulation
07 Supports for roof insulation
08 Placement of closer strips
09 Flashing
Ascertain workmanship:
10 Alignment of seams and fasteners
11 Tightness of joints
12 Repair of damage to panels or finish
13 Cleanliness upon completion
14 Manufacturer’s warranty intact
15 Systems free of damage


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73014 Rev C Building Metal Roofing and Siding Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73015
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify use of correct asphalt material:
01 Bitumen roofing felt
02 Horizontal damp proofing
03 Mastic asphalt
04 Hot application asphalt
05 Bituminous adhesives
06 Bituminous roofing
07 Polyethylene sheet
08 Insulation material
09 Roof slope falls to roof drains
Inspect application of asphaltic materials per design:
10 Surface preparation
11 Coats, laps and thickness
12 Methods of application
13 Temperature of material and surface
14 Manufacturer’s warranty intact


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73015 Rev C Buildings Waterproofing and Dampproofing Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73015
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73016
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify correct materials per design:
01 Ceiling board
02 Joint cover strips
03 Suspension system / exposed metal "T" system
04 Timber brandering
Inspect suspended ceiling construction:
05 Completion of all work above the ceiling, prior to start of work
06 Suspension system (e.g., set level and square, prior to installation of
ceiling board)
07 Ceiling board fixed correctly to timber brandering
08 Adoption for recessed lighting fixtures
Ascertain workmanship:
09 Tightness of joints
10 Cut boards at ceiling line
11 Boards free of discoloration or damage


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F73016 Rev C Suspended Ceiling Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7310
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure establishes the method for inspection and verification that construction work on HVAC
ductwork systems and sub-systems are acceptable.

Verify ductwork Construction 000.509.F73001 Upon completion of
configuration Engineer 000.509.F73002 work
Verify ductwork Construction 000.509.F73001 Prior to turnover of
integrity Engineer 000.509.F73002 system
Verify leak testing Construction 000.509.F73001 Prior to turnover of
performed Engineer 000.509.F73002 system
Verify connections to Electrical/Mechanical 000.509.F73001 Prior to turnover of
equipment Engineer 000.509.F73002 system
QC Inspector Per Procedure
Surveillance 000.509.F02201
(Note 1) 000.509.0220

NOTE 1: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor quality representative is performing


RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Verify ductwork 000.509.F73101 Upon completion of
configuration 000.509.F73102 work
Verify ductwork 000.509.F73101 Prior to turnover of
integrity 000.509.F73102 system
000.509.F73101 Prior to turnover of
Perform leak test Subcontractor
000.509.F73102 system
Connect duct to 000.509.F73101 Prior to turnover of
equipment 000.509.F73102 system
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspector 000.509.F02201

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7310
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


• Verify Ductwork Configuration:

- Identify the specific limits of the system/sub-system to be inspected. Obtain the latest
approved revision of the drawings of the system/sub-system for verification of the work to
be inspected.

- Verify that the installed configuration of the ductwork and hangers conforms to the
drawings. Hangers and supports should be observed to assure the presence of all
members. Ductwork should be observed to assure installation is within allowable
tolerances for line and elevation. If there are any field "trim joints" that have not been
previously inspected for acceptable completion and welding, they should be checked at
this time.

• Verify Ductwork Integrity:

- Ductwork should be checked internally by means of the access doors to assure that it is
free of obstructions such as construction debris, scrap, etc. which is to include the
checking of fire dampers for obstruction. When this has been determined, the door shall
be closed and sealed with an acceptance tag, in a manner that will require the tag to be
broken to gain access. Use of the tag seal is intended to provide protection against
unauthorized access to the ducts.

- Verify that any internal field-installed accessories, such as dampers, are in place.
Inspections prior to release for testing shall verify that openings in the ductwork are closed
or fitted with temporary blank-offs as required to establish the pressure boundaries for leak

• Verify Leak Testing Performed:

- Verify that leak testing has been performed and that leakage rates are within allowable
limits. The integrity of duct joints shall be confirmed via leak testing. After leak testing,
verify that all temporary blank-offs are removed.

• Verify Connections to Equipment:

- Verify that all external field-installed accessories, such as registers, grills and diffusers are
in place. Verify that any required connections to equipment are complete and in
accordance with the drawings.


Quality Control Forms

000.509.F73101 - HVAC Inspection Checklist

000.509.F73102 - Buildings Air Conditioning Checklist

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73101
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Drawing No.:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/ QA

Inspection/Verification Checkpoints:
1. Materials are in accordance with Design Documents.
2. Air conditioning checklist complete.
3. Internal accessories complete.
4. Leak testing complete.
5. Temporary blank-offs removed.
6. Connections between duct and equipment complete/acceptable.
7. All Non-conformance Reports are closed.
8. Walkdown is complete.
9. Test/Performance runs according to specification:
Type of Run Date

10. Other Inspection/Verification Activities performed as follows:


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73101
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73102
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1.0 Equipment
1.1 Specified equipment installed in accordance with manufacturer’s drawings and specifications.
1.2 Coolers.
1.3 Blowers/Ventilators.
1.4 Filters.
1.5 Heaters.
1.6 Dryers.
2.0 Ductwork
2.1 Duct supports installed per specifications.
2.2 Joints airtight.
2.3 Insulation installed per drawings.
2.4 Volume extractors or balancing dampers installed.
2.5 Sheet metal closing angles installed.
2.6 Dampers installed.
2.7 Ceiling diffusers checked.
2.8 Ductwork interior clean of debris.
2.9 Check for rattles and excessive noise.
3.0 Piping
3.1 Punched and tested.
3.2 Insulation installed as per drawings and specifications.
3.3 Valve director furnished.
4.0 Control Systems
4.1 Systems checked for completeness.
4.2 Clean filters installed.
4.3 Fan rotation checked.
4.4 Balancing completed and controls systems adjusted.
4.5 Balance position of balancing dampers marked.
4.6 Test data recorded and verified.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7320
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure prescribes the roofing system inspection activities to be performed.

Install Roofing Subcontractor
Roofing Installation
Civil Construction
General 000.509.F73201 Daily during activity
Inspect Roofing
Civil Construction
Installation of 000.509.F73201 Daily during activity
Adhered Membrane


• Inspect Roofing installation

- Develop plan for frequency of roofing installation inspections to be performed.

- Document results using Quality Control Form 000.509.F73201.

- Inform contractor daily of problems encountered to avoid rework or coverup.

- Coordinate manufacturer representative inspections and respond to his findings.

- Notify appropriate craft supervision when his work, overhead or adjacent to roofing contractors
work, impact the quality aspect of the roofing system.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F73201 - Roofing Daily Inspection Checklist

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012




WEATHER: Sunny Cloudy Rainy Foggy


Inspection Attribute Acceptable Remarks

General Requirements

1. Decking in the field of the roof,

secured through ribs to supports at
30,5 cm on center. Inspector Date
2. Decking at corners (0,92 m²) and
perimeters (1,8 width, or two deck
panels, what ever is less) secured
through ribs to supports at 15,24 cm
on center. Inspector Date
3. Decking side laps attached to
supports, and secured between
supports at 91,4 cm on center
maximum. Inspector Date

4. All penetrating elements, nailers,

parapets and curbs installed.
Inspector Date

5. All receiving surfaces free of

splinters and protruberant fasteners.
Inspector Date

6. Deck is free of moisture and debris.

Inspector Date

7. Verify drains are unblocked.

Inspector Date

Adhered Membrane

8. Insulation boards are not crushed. Inspector Date

9. Install tapered edge strips to form

Inspector Date

10. Insulation boards to be half width or

Inspector Date
11. Insulation boards with 1,9 cm
minimum edge bearing along upper
flanges of the metal deck. Inspector Date

12. Insulation boards butted together.

Inspector Date

13. Fill insulation joints greater than 0.6

Inspector Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


14. Isocyanurate boards are glass
Inspector Date

15. Insulation boards are FM approved

with membrane.
Inspector Date

16. Insulation fasteners installed every

0,18 m².
Inspector Date

17. Insulation fasteners through metal

deck upper flanges.
Inspector Date

18. Sumps formed about drain.

Inspector Date
19. Insulation fasteners driven flush to
the top of the insulation without
crushing or breaking the insulation
surface. Inspector Date
20. Along perimeters and corners,
insulation fasteners increased by 50
percent. Inspector Date

21. Loose lay sheet without stretching.

Inspector Date

22. Sheets allowed to relax 30 minutes

Inspector Date

23. Sheet seams 10,15 cm minimum.

Inspector Date

24. Temperature of liquid adhesives

and sealants 15,5°C minimum.
Inspector Date

25. Fold EPDM sheet back 3 m without

wrinkles or buckles.
Inspector Date
26. Bonding adhesive stirred 5 minutes
minimum (scrapping sides and
bottom). Inspector Date

27. Surfaces to be bonded are clean

and dry.
Inspector Date
28. Bonding adhesives applied evenly
without globs or puddles with
mechanical roller dispenser.
Bonding adhesive applied to both
insulation and sheet at 11,15 m² to
each surface. (Do not apply to
seam surfaces). Inspector Date

29. Operation discontinued if

condensation forms on adhesives.
Inspector Date

30. Roll coated sheet on to coated

substrate without wrinkles.
Inspector Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


31. Bonded half of sheet brushed with a
soft bristle broom.
Inspector Date

32. Fold back unbonded half of sheet

and repeat bonding process.
Inspector Date
33. Install adjoining sheets in the same
manner, edges overlapped 10/15
cm minimum, and formed with the
flow of water. Inspector Date

34. Seams formed outside of sump.

Inspector Date
35. Splice area cleaned by scrubbing
with Sure-Seal HP splice wipe or
clean natural rags saturated with
Sure-Seal splice cleaner. Extra
cleaning required at factory seams. Inspector Date

36. Cleaned material solid black in color

with no streaking.
Inspector Date

37. Top sheet held back during cleaning

Inspector Date
38. Splicing cement stirred for 5
minutes minimum, scrapping sides
and bottom. Inspector Date
39. Splicing cement applied to both
mating surfaces with 11,5 cm
medium nap roller. Adhesive
applied smoothly, continuously, and
uniformly to achieve a heavy coat.
Adhesive not allowed to glob or
puddle. Inspector Date
40. At corners and angles, splicing
cement applied with 1,25 cm thick
paint brush to achieve a smooth
surface without brush marks. Inspector Date

41. Splicing cement applied at the rate

of 9,29 m²/ per gallon.
Inspector Date
42. Splicing cement allowed to dry until
it is tacky, but will not stick or string
to a dry finger touch and will not be
moved when pushed with a dry
finger. Inspector Date
43. If splicing cement over dried, fresh
coat of splicing cement applied at
half the rate. Inspector Date
44. Just before closing splice, bead of
In-Seam Sealant between 0,3 and
0,6 cm applied a minimum of 1,2 cm
from the inside edge of bottom
sheet and a minimum of 5 cm from
the lead edge of the top sheet.
Inspector Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


45. Sure-Seal HP splice wipes or

Natural cloths contaminated by In-
Seam Sealant not reused for
application of splice cleaner. Inspector Date
46. Top sheet rolled onto mating
surfaces without stretching or
buckling. Inspector Date

47. Seam wiped with hand toward

Inspector Date
48. Splice immediately rolled with a 5
cm wide steel roller with positive
pressure toward outer edge. Roller
not run parallel to seam. In-Seam
Sealant remains evident and
sensitive to the touch. Inspector Date

49. Wait two hours minimum, but before

end of work day, probe seam.
Inspector Date
50. Sure-Seal HP splice wipe or clean
cloth dampened with splice cleaner
used to clean the dry splice edge at
least 0,02 cm beyond both sides of
seam edge. Inspector Date

51. 0,7 cm bead of lap sealant applied

to completely cover splice edge.
Inspector Date

52. Lap sealant feathered with Carlisle

Inspector Date
53. RUSS (EPDM 0,11 cm minimum
wide reinforced 15,24 cm EPDM)
installed along perimeter, sections,
expansion joints, curbs, and rising
walls with gaps between strips not
exceeding 2,5 cm. Inspector Date
54. RUSS fastened with Carlisle
fasteners - through seam fastening
plates to metal deck at 30 cm on
center maximum, and pre-drilled
holes in 15,2 to 22,8 cm from
corners. Inspector Date

55. RUSS cleaned in accordance with

membrane splices.
Inspector Date

56. Membrane spliced to RUSS in

accordance to membrane splices.
Inspector Date
57. Vertical field seams at curbs and
walls overlaid with 15,2 cm wide
uncured Elastoform flashing.

Inspector Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F73201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7400
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure defines the inspection, testing and documentation requirements for installation activities
for equipment erection and installation.

Implement storage,
Construction Engineer/ As required by the
handling and maintenance _____
Craft Supervision controlling documents
Check anchor bolt Prior to setting
Construction Engineer Survey Field Books
surveying equipment
Check level, alignment Prior to setting
Construction Engineer Survey Field Books
and plumbness equipment
Mechanical Once for each piece
Install/Erect equipment 000 509 F740XX
Superintendent of equipment
Monitor In-process 000 509 F740XX Daily during the life of
Site Quality Manager
Installation Activities 000.509.F02201 the activity
Witness final alignment of Once during final
Millwright Superintendent 000 509 F740XX
rotating equipment alignment
Coordinate vendor As required by
Construction Engineer Vendor Reports
activities purchase order
Review guarantee Construction Engineer As required by
requirements purchase order
Perform final inspection of Once after installation
Site Quality Manager 000 509 F740XX
installed equipment completed
Resolve any discrepancies Construction Engineer/ As required to resolve
000 509 F740XX
identified Site Quality Manager discrepancies

NOTE 1: Surveillance is not required is not required if the Fluor Quality representative is performing

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Implement storage,
As required by the
handling and maintenance Subcontractor _____
controlling documents
Check anchor bolt Subcontractor Prior to setting
Survey Field Books
surveying equipment
Check level, alignment and Prior to setting
Subcontractor Survey Field Books
plumbness equipment
Once for each piece
Install/Erect equipment Subcontractor 000 509 F740XX
of equipment
Monitor In-process Subcontractor/ Daily during the life of
000 509 F740XX
Installation Activities Site Quality Manager the activity
Witness final alignment of Subcontractor/ Once during final
000 509 F740XX
rotating equipment Site Quality Manager alignment
Coordinate vendor As required by
Discipline Engineer Vendor Reports
activities purchase order
Review guarantee Subcontractor/ As required by
requirements Discipline Engineer purchase order
As required by
Coordinate discipline
Subcontractor _____ specifications/
Perform final inspection of Subcontractor/ Once after installation
000 509 F740XX
installed equipment Site Quality Manager completed
Resolve any discrepancies As required to resolve
Discipline Engineer 000 509 F740XX
identified discrepancies
Site Quality Manager
Per Procedure
Surveillance Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201


Client involvement in the witnessing of key aspects of erection, installation and checkout shall be carefully
adhered to and documented by Client signature and date.

Client notification of upcoming witness points will be given in writing a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours
prior to the event.

If required, notify the Client's Representative that final alignment is scheduled.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7400
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

• Implementation of Storage, Handling and Maintenance Requirements:

- The Construction Engineering Manager shall define the storage, handling and
maintenance requirements for each type of equipment for implementation by site
personnel. These requirements apply from receipt until turnover whether in lay down
storage or set in place.

- Inspect/monitor prescribed equipment preservation activities. Document on Form


- Verify that storage, handling and maintenance requirements are defined and implemented
for each piece of equipment. Monitor these activities on a periodic basis or as required by

• Verification of Anchor Bolts, Level, Alignment and Plumbness:

- Verify/check the anchor bolt locations and elevation, prior to setting the equipment on the

• Installation/Erection of Equipment:

- The Mechanical Superintendent shall install/erect the equipment in accordance with the
applicable drawings and specifications.

- Verify/check the plumb, alignment and orientation of equipment as well as the openings for
elevation and location, immediately after installation.

• Monitor In-process Equipment Installation Activities:

- Initiate on Equipment Installation Checklist, Form 000 509 F740XX for each piece of
equipment. Document the applicable in-process inspections as they are acceptably

- Monitor/inspect the in-process installation of each equipment unit. Document inspection

as it is completed on the applicable Equipment Inspection Record.

- Inspect for grouting of equipment as required by specification and drawings.

• Final Alignment of Rotating Equipment

- Witness the final alignment process and complete Form 000 509 F740XX to document this

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

• Coordination of Vendor Activities:

- The Construction Engineering Manager shall coordinate activities involving site vendors.
Vendor schedules and purpose for site visits should be shared with site personnel for

- Quality control will interface with the Vendor's Representative on matters of inspection and
testing. Vendor checklists and acceptance records should be obtained for inclusion in
turnover packages as project quality records.

• Review Guarantee Requirements:

- Inspect the equipment for guarantee requirements, when requirements are a part of the
purchase order.

• Final Inspection of Installed Equipment:

- Perform final equipment inspection at the completion of installation activities.

• Resolve Discrepancies:

- Resolve exceptions and correct, deficiencies, with Client in-put as required.

Perform/coordinate reinspections.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F74001 Equipment Installation Checklist

000.509.F74002 Heat Exchangers & Reboilers Installation Record
000.509.F74003 Electrostatic Precipitator Checklist
000.509.F74004 Inspection Record Static Equipment
000.509.F74005 Tray Installation Inspection Record
000.509.F74006 Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Inspection Checklist
000.509.F74007 Air Cooler Run In Test Report
000.509.F74008 Reciprocating Compressor Inspection Record
000.509.F74009 Fan Installation Inspection Checklist
000.509.F74010 Furnaces Inspection Record
000.509.F74011 Fuel Gas Steam Generator Inspection Checklist
000.509.F74012 Steam Turbine Inspection Checklist
000.509.F74013 Agitators/Mixers Inspection Checklist
000.509.F74014 Equipment/Piping Strain and Alignment Inspection Form
000.509.F74015 Installation Checklist Travelling Cranes
000.509.F74016 Package Equipment Installation Checklist

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000.509.F74017 Desuperheaters/Ejectors Inspection Checklist

000.509.F74018 Filters/Strainers Installation Record
000.509.F74019 Centrifugal Compressor Inspection Record
000.509.F74020 Rotating Equipment Inspection Record
000.509.F74021 Rotating Equipment Alignment Record
000.509.F74022 Belt Driven Equipment Alignment Record
000.509.F74024 Inspection Record For Draw Off Tray Leak Test Report
000.509.F74025 Inspection Record For Air Coolers
000.509.F74026 Final Closing Authorization Record
000.509.F74027 API 686 Baseplate Installation Checklist (Prior to Grouting)
000.509.F74028 API 686 Equipment Grouting Checklist
000.509.F74029 API 686 Alignment Check Sheet
000.509.F74030 Baseplate Leveling Record
000.509.F74031 Reverse Dial Alignment Record
000.509.F74032 Piping Alignment Data Sheet
000.509.F74033 Rotating Equipment (Face-Rim) Alignment Record


Attachment 1 - Equipment Inspection Reference

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Attachment 1


General Requirements – Ductwork installed.

– Stack erected.
– Name plate data correct. – Refractory installed and documented.
– Equipment protection program in place and – Vendor representative provided service,
documented. and reports are on file.
– Anchor bolts checked for location, elevation
and orientation. Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
– Jackscrews removed and anchor bolt nuts
tightened. – Slide plates installed and lubricated.
– Pressure test documented. – Nipples in re-pads of insulated exchangers.
– Baseplate grouting complete and – Ladders and platforms installed.
– Field coatings checked. Air-cooled heat exchangers
– Correct gaskets installed.
– Correct stud bolts installed. – Fan shaft centered and plumbed.
– Final inspection performed and punch list – Fan blades installed, set to proper angle,
items cleared. and clearance checked.
– Final closing authorization complete. – Fan & driver checked for freedom of
Steam Turbines – Belts installed or coupling lubricated.
– Vibration switches checked.
– Alignment checked and documented. – Final alignment checked.
– Freedom of movement and direction of – Belt or coupling guard in place.
rotation checked. – Electrical driver checks complete.
– Bearing housing flushed and relubricated.
– Carbon seals checked. Compressors
– Governor mechanism free, set and
operable. – Lube and seal oil system flushed.
– Overspeed mechanism checked and trip- – Suction piping cleaned as per spec.
out verified. – Alignment checked and documented.
– Temporary suction screen installed.
Fired Heaters – Coupling lubricated and closed.
– Pulsation dampening system checked.
– Welding to tubes is complete and accepted.
– Driver activities complete.
– Burner, snuffing steam and soot blower
– Vendor representative provided service,
piping installed and accepted.
and reports are on file.
– Convection sections team coil installed.

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– Bearing housing flushed and lubricated.

– Temporary suction screen installed.
– Driver activities complete.
– Coupling lubricated and closed.
– Packing installed.
– Vendor representative provided service,
and reports are on file.
– Alignment checked and documented.


– Slideplates installed and lubricated.

– Ladders and platforms erected.
– Internal shipping braces removed.
– Tray installation and orientation checked.
– Downcomers installation checked.
– Demisters checked.
– Packing and filter medium checked.
– Tray leak and level test complete.
– Refractory checked.
– Catalyst installed.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74001
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:

Equipment Description:

Drawing No.
Specification No.
Vendor Drawing No.
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Shimming and Grouting
Final Alignment and Rotation
Bolting and Anchoring
Vessel Closure Permit (Attach Closure Permit)
Rigging and Handling (Attach Rigging Plan)
Cleaning, Lubrication, Adjustment, Packings
Vessel Internals Check
Horizontal & All Parts
Item No. Tightness Cleanliness Remarks
Plumb Operable

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74001 Rev C Equipment Insptallation Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74001
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74004
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Verify nameplate data meets description.
2. Verify preservation integrity (if applicable).
3. Verify foundation and foundation bolts meet specified requirements.
4. Verify installation tolerances have been met.
5. Verify grouting meet specifications.
6. Verify all internals are correctly installed.
7. Verify all shipping devices have been removed.
8. Verify all vents, drains, and instruments con. etc. are installed in ACC. with
equipment trim isometrics.
9. Verify alignments of piping connections are correct.
10. Verify coating system meets specified requirements.
11. Verify insulation meets specified equipment.
12. Verify prior to final closing for internal cleanliness.
13. Verify all ladders, platforms, stairways and walkways on correctly installed.
14. Orientation correct
15. Correct shimming installed
16. Tightness of anchor bolts nuts
17. Grouting completed
18. Sliding plate free (for horizontal vessels only ) & lubricated
19. Trays/down comers/support rings
20. Davits installed (Where applicable )
21. Ready for closure
22. Closure certificate signed
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74004 Rev C Inspection Record Static Equipment.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74004
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74005
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

1 1

2 2 C C

3 3
4 4


Design Dim’s Below Actual Dimensions Working

Tray No. Horizontally
Overflow A B C D E F Value

Contractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74005 Rev C Tray Installation Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74005
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74008
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Receive operations/inspection complete
2. Equipment protection program instituted and documented
3. Anchor bolts checked for location, elevation and orientation, prior to
setting equipment.
4. Equipment set: checked for location, elevation and orientation
5. Nameplate data verified
6. Preliminary alignment completed and documented. (Belt sheave
alignment requires no documentation).
7. Jackscrews removed and anchor bolt nuts tightened.
8. Base grouting completed and documented
9. Lube oil system flushed.
10. Suction piping cleaned in accordance with specifications and
11. Final cold alignment set to manufacturer’s tolerances and documented
(belt sheave alignment requires no documentation).
12. Temporary suction screen installed
13. Compressor and driver checked for freedom of measurement
14. Driver activities completed and documented.
15. Pulsation dampening system checked
16. Belts installed, or coupling lubricated and closed.
17. Belt or coupling guard in place and secured.
18. Compressor and driver dowelled (when specified).
19. Field coatings/insulation checked.
20. Vendor representative provided service/supervision for the equipment.
Vendor reports attached to this inspection record.
21. Equipment protection program completed and documented.
22. Final inspection complete. Punch items cleared.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74008 Rev C Reciprocating Compresor Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74008
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74009
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Verify baseplate level and correctly grouted.
02 Verify jackscrews removed and anchor bolts tightened.
03 Verify temporary shipping preservatives/oils removed.
04 Verify lubrication applied (where required).
05 Verify excess piping strain alleviated.
06 Verify final alignment as per specification.
07 Verify blower driver checked for rotation.
08 Verify gear unit checked (where applicable).
09 Verify bearing lube system cleaned, flushed and operable.
10 Verify belts installed or coupling connected.
11 Verify packing installed.
12 Verify blower and driver dowelled (where applicable).
13 Verify casing drained.
14 Verify inlet vanes set correctly and operable.
15 Verify air filtration system correct.
16 Verify all controls, protection devices and auxiliary systems
17 Verify all pipe supports correctly supported.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74009 Rev C Fan Installation Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74009
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74013
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA Remarks

01 Verify mounting flange level (or plumb).
02 Verify driver direction of rotation.
03 Verify shaft plumb (or level).
04 Verify shaft straightness.
05 Verify alignment of drive shafts end clearance.
06 Verify concentric parallel
1/4 Turn
1/2 Turn
3/4 Turn
Full Turn
07 Verify mechanical seal or packing in coupling
cleaned, closed and lubed.
Important: Do not start
08 Verify shaft turns freely by hand.
with dry mechanical seal.
09 Verify bearing house flushed and relubed.
10 Verify seal fluid system operable.
11 Verify lubricator operable.
12 Verify driver doweled in place.
13 Verify coupling guard in place.
14 Verify grounding strap installed.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74013 Rev C Agitators-Mixers Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74013
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74014
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Report No.:

Flange Misalignments: Nozzle No.: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Vertical bolt hole offset cm cm
Horizontal bolt hole offset cm cm
Rotational offset cm cm
Flange face parallelism cm cm
Flange face separation cm cm

Flange Misalignments: Nozzle No.: Subcontractor FluorFE/QA

Vertical bolt hole offset cm cm
Horizontal bolt hole offset cm cm
Rotational offset cm cm
Flange face parallelism cm cm
Flange face separation cm cm

Flange Misalignments: Nozzle No.: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Vertical bolt hole offset cm cm
Horizontal bolt hole offset cm cm
Rotational offset cm cm
Flange face parallelism cm cm
Flange face separation cm cm


Calibration Due Date:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74014 Rev C Equipment-Pipe Strain and Alignment Inspection Form.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74014
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74015
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Note: * Indicate Correct One

01 Verify configuration: fixed monorail/underhung bridge/overhead

bridge/other .................................. (*)

02 Verify marking safe working load: Beam

03 Verify marking safe working load: Crane

Verify type of drive

04 Hoist: manual/electric/pneumatic (*)
05 Longitudinal: manual/electric/pneumatic (*)
06 Transversal manual/electric/pneumatic (*)
Type of lift: cable/chain (*)
Verify fixed parts

07 i.e. runway beams, rails: Verify dimensions, positions, levels, fixing to

structures, parallelism of rails / runway beams (if applicable), end
stops, interlocks

Verify moving parts

08 i.e., bridge, end carriages, drives, hoists, etc., for conformity and
correct mechanical assembly
09 Verify certification is complete, if required


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74015 Rev C Installation Checklist Travelling Cranes.doc Page 1 of 2

Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74015
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74016
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 All shipping stops, bracing and packaging removed.

02 Unit installed according to vendor instructions, undamaged,

with skid location and orientation correct, holding down
arrangement complete and secure.

03 Check vibration mountings are secure and set correctly.

04 Check equipment is level and shim material is to the correct


05 Nameplate details correct and in accordance with the

datasheet. Nameplate securely attached, readable not

06 Purchased equipment release note available.

07 All shipped loose knocked down items re-installed in

accordance with vendor’s installation instructions.

08 Where preservation materials are installed, equipment is

suitably marked “PRESERVATION INSIDE”.

09 Unit clean and free from external damage and all paint work in
good condition.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74016 Rev C Package Equipment Intallation Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74016
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74018
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Nameplate details are in accordance with data sheet.

02 Check location is correct.

03 Check filter is level and supports are correct.

04 Check holding down bolts are fitted and torque settings are

05 Check external condition of filter.

06 Check external fittings are correctly installed on filter.

07 Check earthing is correctly fitted and to specification.

08 Check vent / drain valves are fitted correctly.

09 Check crossover valve is fitted correctly.

10 Check balance line is fitted correctly.

11 Check filter is internally clean.

12 Check all filter elements are fitted correctly.

13 Check all filter elements condition.

14 Check all filter element types are correct.

15 Check filter access lid is fitted correctly.

16 Check access lid securing bolts are fitted and torque settings are

17 Check inlet and outlet pipework supports are secured / adequate.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74018 Rev C Filters Strainers Installation Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74018
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74019
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Verify receipt operations/inspection complete.
02 Verify equipment protection program instituted and documented.
03 Verify anchor bolts checked for location, elevation and orientation, prior
to setting equipment.
04 Verify equipment set; checked for location, elevation and orientation.
05 Verify nameplate data.
06 Verify preliminary alignment completed and documented.
07 Verify jackscrews removed and anchor bolt nuts tightened.
08 Verify base plate grouting completed and documented when
manufactured grouts are required.
09 Verify lube and seal oil systems flushed.
10 Verify suction piping cleaned in accordance with specifications and
11 Verify final cold alignment set to manufacturer's tolerances and
12 Verify temporary suction screen installed.
13 Verify compressor and driver checked for freedom of measurement.
14 Verify driver activities completed and documented.
15 Verify coupling lubricated and closed.
16 Verify coupling guard in place and secured.
17 Verify compressor and driver doweled.
18 Verify field coatings/insulation checked.
19 Verify vendor representative provided service/supervision for this
equipment. Vendor reports attached to this inspection record.
20 Verify equipment protection program completed and documented.
21 Verify final inspection complete.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74019 Rev C Centrifugal Compressor Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74019
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Verify nameplate data.
02 Verify preservation integrity.
03 Verify foundation and foundation bolts meet specified requirements.
04 Verify installation tolerance have been met.

05 Verify grouting meet specifications.

06 Verify all internals are correctly installed.
07 Verify all shipping devices have been removed.

08 Verify all vents, drains, instrument connections, etc., are installed in

accordance with equipment trim isometrics.
09 Verify alignments of piping connections are correct.
10 Verify coating system meets specified requirements.
11 Verify insulation meets specified equipment.

12 Verify prior to final closing for internal cleanliness.

13 Verify all ladders, platforms, stairways, and walkways are correctly
14 Verify all shafts for freedom of movement.
15 Verify coupling alignment and installation.
16 Verify direction of rotation.
17 Verify electric motor.
18 Verify installed coupling guard gives adequate protection.
19 Verify correct quality and quantities of lubricants have been installed.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74020 Rev C Rotating Equipment Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74020
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Manual No. : Phase :

Platform : Create Date :


Manufacturer Type Serial No
Test Equipment Used Type Serial No. Calibration Expiry Date

Note : Indicate contents of completed report by the deletion of either “ Y “ of “ n/a “ as applicable.

Page No. Record Sheet Description

2 of 6 Flange Alignment Data Sheet Y n/a
3 of 6 Alignment Data Sheet - Uncoupled Y n/a
4 of 6 Alignment Data Sheet - Pipework Loose Y n/a
5 of 6 Alignment Data Sheet - Pipework Tight Y n/a
6 of 6 Uncoupled / Coupled Motor Run Data Sheet Y n/a


\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74021 Rev C Rotating Equipment Alignment Record.doc Page 1 of 6

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Manual No. : Phase :

Inner Ring
No. Description Line No. A B C Gasket Type 1 Yes No


(1) Spiral Wound / CAF / RTJ / Graylock

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74021 Rev C Rotating Equipment Alignment Record.doc Page 2 of 6

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Manual No. : Phase :




Fig 1


0 90 180 270



Fig 2


For face and periphery use clock C only.
For reverse alignment use clock C and D.
Fig 3

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Manual No. : Phase :


For instructions of method of alignment including
completion of alignment data sheet. See section 2.9 1 6
of Code of Practice “ Mechanical Commissioning “
METHOD OF ALIGNMENT EMPLOYED ...........................................
LOOKING IN DIRECTION OF ............................................................ 4
PIPEWORK FREE ..............................................................................
LENGH OF COUPLER SPACER ....................................................... 5 7 2


(Use for face/periphery and reverse alignment.)
mm mm
mm mm mm mm

mm mm


(Use only for face/periphery method.)






(Use only for face/periphery and reverse alignment.)


mm mm mm mm

mm mm

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74021 Rev C Rotating Equipment Alignment Record.doc Page 4 of 6

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Manual No. : Phase :


For instructions of method of alignment including
completion of alignment data sheet. See section 2.9 1 6
of Code of Practice “ Mechanical Commissioning “
METHOD OF ALIGNMENT EMPLOYED ...........................................
LOOKING IN DIRECTION OF ............................................................ 4
PIPEWORK FREE ..............................................................................
LENGH OF COUPLER SPACER ....................................................... 5 7 2


(Use for face/periphery and reverse alignment.)
mm mm
mm mm mm mm

mm mm


(Use only for face/periphery method.)






(Use only for face/periphery and reverse alignment.)


mm mm mm mm

mm mm

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74021 Rev C Rotating Equipment Alignment Record.doc Page 5 of 6

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F74021
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Manual No. : Phase :


1. Uncoupled Motor Run

Time (mins) LV 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30
HV 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Amb Temp °C
Fan Casing temp °C
Bearing temp DE °C
Bearing temp NDE °C
Vibration monitoring mm/s
Remarks :

2. Coupled Motor Run

Time (mins) LV 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30
HV 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Amb Temp °C
Fan Casing temp °C
Bearing temp DE °C
Bearing temp NDE °C
Vibration monitoring mm/s
Remarks :

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Description of Check Subcontractor
Pulley alignment
Feeler gauge/straight edge on pulley faces.

A1 A2 A3 A4

View from top

A1..............................................… .000 cm
A2..............................................… .000 cm
A3..............................................… .000 cm
A4..............................................… .000 cm
Belt tension

Adjust C to vendor’s recommendation.



Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1.0 Number of trays to be tested
2.0 Gaskets installed
3.0 Volume of water in trays before test

Depth cm

4.0 Volume of water in trays after 30 minutes.

Depth cm

5.0 Test acceptable

General Notes:

Reason for failure:

Corrective action required:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74024 Rev C Inspection Record for Draw Off Tray Leak Test.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1.0 Verify motor rotation
2.0 Install V-belts and adjust
3.0 Auto – variable pitch fan. Operation check:
3.1 Apply _______ psi air to diaphram & adjust blade for maximum
blade angle of ________.
3.2 Adjust for minimum blade pitch angle of
3.3 Verify fan rotation
3.4 Motor amps, fan pitch under load conditions
4.0 Start fan & record motor ammeter reading:

4.1 Verify vibration

5.0 4 hour test run:
5.1 Verify bearings
5.2 Retighten belts
5.3 Adjust blade pitch
6.0 Restart motor :
6.1 Verify motor amps if blade pitch changed

7.0 Vibration switch test:

7.1 Trip simulation acceptable


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F74025 Rev C Inspection Record For Air Coolers.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

1. The above equipment has been supplied, erected and internally fitted in accordance with the
applicable drawings, specifications and manufacturer's standard and is certified to be
mechanically acceptable. Equipment has been inspected for cleanliness and is free of all


2. Authorization is hereby granted to effect final closing or sealing of this equipment.


3. Final closing has been effected.


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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Reference Anchor bolts checked for: Subcont
Clean and dry sleeves filled with a nonbonding moldable material such as spray
Undamaged threads wrapped with duct tape for protection during chipping and
grouting operation
Foundation checked for:
Breaks in aggregate to show that top of foundation has been chipped off to remove
low-strength, high porosity concrete (laitance)
3.6.4 Concrete grout areas clean and free of oil, dust and moisture
Baseplate (or soleplate) checked for:
3.8.2 (5 cm) minimum radiused corners
3.8.6 Sufficient grout and air vent holes in each compartment
3.8.9 Continuous welds that are free or cracks
Stencil stating underside pre-coated with an epoxy primer
Coupling guard bolts greased and installed to full depth.
Elevation adjustment checked for:
3.8.7 Adjustment nuts not used on anchor bolts Jackscrews liberally coated with paste wax or grease
3.8.8 Jackscrews provided with stainless steel leveling pads Anchor bolts snug tight to hold baseplate in place Baseplate (or soleplate) raised to proper height per construction drawings
Each machined mounting pads level to within 0,002 cm and centers are within 0,005 cm separation of each other (i.e., two pads three feet apart shall be a maximum of
0,015 cm from the correct elevation). Data Sheet for level record completed
API 686 Chapter 5 paragraph number is referenced preceding each item. Proceed to
‘Baseplate Grouting Checklist’ (000 509 F74028) when all of the above items have
been accepted.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:


Referenc Fluor
e Anchor Bolt Preparation Subcont FE/QA
Anchor bolt sleeves are clean and dry and filled with a nonbonding moldable
Anchor bolts are not tilted or bolt-bond and are perpendicular with respect to the
bottom of the baseplate/soleplate
3.5.3 Foundation anchor bolt threads are undamaged.
3.5.3 Foundation anchor bolt threads have been wrapped with duct tape for protection.
3.5.4 All anchor bolt locations and projections have been verified.
Foundation preparation
An adequate weather-protective cover has been constructed over the areas to be
Concrete foundation is roughened up and all laitance removed for a good grout
The minimum grout thickness under any portion of the baseplate/soleplate will be
2,5-5 cm.
3.6.2 Foundation is free of structural cracks.
All grout forms have been provided with 2,5 cm 45-degree chamfer strips at
vertical corners and horizontal edges.
3.6.4 Concrete grout areas are clean and free of oil, dust, and moisture.
Grout Forms
3.7.1 Grout forms are of adequate strength to support the grout.
3.7.3 Inside surfaces of grout have three coats of paste wax applied.
3.7.4 Grout forms have been sealed to the foundation to prevent leaks.
Grout forms have 2,5 cm, 45-degree chamfer strips at all vertical corners and at
the horizontal surface of the grout.
Mounting Plate Design Verification
3.8.2 Baseplate/soleplate has 5 cm minimum radiused corners.
3.8.3 Anchor bolts have 0,3 cm annular clearance in baseplate or soleplate holes.
All pump and other small baseplates have been provided with vertical leveling
Baseplates have been provided with one 5 cm minimum grout filling hole in the
center of each bulkhead section and one 1,25 cm vent hole.
Baseplates have sufficient grout and air vent holes in each compartment to allow
for proper grouting.
3.8.7 Elevation adjustment nuts will not be permanently grouted.

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Baseplate leveling jackscrews have been provided with stainless steel leveling
3.8.9 Baseplate welds are continuous and free of cracks.
3.8.10 All grout pour and vent holes are accessible.
Mounting Plate Preparation
Baseplate/soleplate has been blasted and all grouting surfaces prepared in
accordance with the grout manufacturer’s recommendations.
Three coats of paste wax have been applied to all surfaces where grout bond is not
desired. These surfaces include jackscrews, grout forms and coupling guard bolts.
All miscellaneous mounting plate holes are plugged to prevent the entrance of
Equipment to be grouted is isolated and in a strain-free condition with all piping,
conduit and so forth, disconnected.
Expansion Joints Expansion joints placed on 1,2 to 1,8 meter intervals.
Expansion joints fixed into position such that they will not move when grout is
Soleplate Installation and Leveling
The elevation to the top of equipment baseplate or soleplate referenced to the civil
benchmark is in agreement with the construction grout drawing. All shims used in sub soleplates are AISI Standard type 300 stainless steel.
All machined baseplate or soleplate surfaces are level in accordance with the
specification and signed-off Data Sheets for level record have been completed. All baseplate elevations set in accordance with the construction drawings. A preliminary equipment alignment check has been made.
All baseplate surfaces are level in accordance with the specification and signed-
off Data Sheets for level record have been completed.
Pregrout Setup
3.12.1 All surfaces in contact with grout are clean, dry and oil free.
Anchor bolt nuts have been “snugged” into position to prevent baseplate/soleplate
3.12.3 Anchor bolt sleeves have been filled with flexible mastic material.
3.12.3 Top of anchor bolt sleeve has been packed with a soft moldable material.
3.12.4 Grout form elevation agrees with the construction drawings.
Grouting material is in clean, dry, unopened containers and has been stored at a
temperature of approximately 23,8˚C for 48 hours prior to grouting.
3.12.9 All foundation and metal surfaces are within the temperature range of 18,3-32,2˚C
Sufficient quantity of grouting materials are on hand at the jobsite to complete the
job (15-25 percent extra).
3.12.11 Clean tools, mixing equipment and safety supplies are on hand at the jobsite.
Material Safety Data Sheets and personnel protection requirements have been
reviewed with all grouting personnel.

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Ambient temperature at beginning of grout pour _______˚C .

Pre-grout meeting has been completed and all personnel understand the grout plan
and individual responsibilities.
Grout Mixing
Resin and hardener are mixed at 200-250 rpm for the specified time and no air
entrainment is indicated.
Full bags of aggregate are slowly added to blended resin/hardener liquid and
mixed to completely wet-out the aggregate.
3.13.3 No partial units of epoxy, resins, hardener or aggregate used.
Grout mixed in a clean, slow-speed (15-20 r.p.m) portable mortar mixer (or in a
wheelbarrow for small pours).
Mounting Plate Grouting
Grout is placed within its pot life.
Time at beginning of pour: (AM) (PM)
Time at end of pour: (AM) (PM)

3.14.2 No vibrator is used to facilitate grout placement.

3.14.2 Grout pour rate is slow enough to permit air to escape.
3.14.3 The grout volume used agrees with the estimated cavity volume.
3.14.4 No grout leaks are observed.
For special purpose equipment, a grout sample is obtained for each batch mixture
3.14.5 (polystyrene cup full) for compressive strength testing. All samples are to be
labeled and their batch placement location noted.
3.14.7 All grout surface air bubbles are removed.
3.14.9 Grout holes and vent holes filled with grout.
Ambient temperature at end of grout pour _______ ˚C


3.15.1 Grout is of sufficient hardness to remove forms.
3.15.1 Grout forms remained in place after grouting for 48-36 hours.
Mounting plate jackscrew holes are filled with a flexible material such as RTV
silicone rubber.
Grout is checked for “softness” with a dial indicator. Baseplate/soleplate checked
3.15.4 for soft foot at each anchor bolt location with a magnetic base dial indicator as
anchor bolts are torqued. Base movement does not exceed 0,025 mm.
3.15.5 Expansion joints sealed with elastic epoxy seam sealant.
Top of machinery foundation painted with a grout-compatible nonskid protective

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Lubricate all anchor bolt threads liberally and torque anchor bolts in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.15.7 Anchor bolt size:
Torque specification:
Installed torque:

Ensure that all anchor bolts have full penetration of the anchor bolt nut and a
minimum of 2 ½ threads protrude above the anchor bolt nut.
Filling Grout Voids

3.16.1 Baseplate “sounded” for voids and all voids repaired. Indicate number of voids
found, their size and their location:

Void areas have NPT 0,3 cm holes installed in opposite corners of void with
grease fitting installed in one of the holes.
3.16.3 Grout void fill and vent holes are in “communication”.
Dial indicator used on mounting plate to monitor plate movement while filling
grout void.
3.16.4 All spilled grout is cleaned up with manufacturer’s approved solvent.
3.16.5 Recheck baseplate to ensure that all voids are filled with grout.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Reference Subcont
5.1.1 Prealignment meeting held
 Roles & Responsibilities
 Contract and Back up Phone Numbers
 Alignment Table complete and available
 Taper Gauges available for checking piping flange alignment
 Shims SSTL or better material, not laminated and flat to 1/1000. At least 0,3cm
thick but not more than 1,2 cm under movable machine foot. No more than one
0,3 cm thick shim under any foot.
 Sag of alignment fixture recorded (<0.8 mm/m)
Alignment Checklist
5.1.3 Equipment installed and fixed machine centered on holes
5.1.12 Fixed and movable machines shafts free to turn
 Pump seal locking devices disengaged
 Packing or blocking material removed
 Lubrication provided for bearings
5.1.4 Coupling hubs runout rim and face readings is ≤0,005cm” or the manufacturer’s
requirement, whichever is less.
5.1.5 Check for Bolt-Bound condition
5.1.11 All piping is disconnected
Movable and fixed machine rotors DBSE or coupling spacer gap length acceptable
when set to running position Minimize number of shims (Max 5 shims under any support) Shims are full bearing where practical (use largest pre-cut shim)
5.4.4 Confirm Pump & Motor soft foot is not more than 0,005 cm” Sag of alignment fixture recorded (<0.8 mm/m)
5.4.5 Alignment within tolerance before pipes and conduit attached
5.4.5. Pipe strain confirmed to be within 0.005 cm shaft end deflection
5.4.5 Alignment within tolerance after pipes and conduit attached

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor  Client  Sub – System:
Fluor  Other  Location:

Z=____ Z=____ Z=____

Z=____ Z=____


+ Each pad level to within 0,002 cm/m (record reading and note direction with arrow)

▻ Slope between pads less than 0,005 cm/m (record reading and note direction with arrow)

Z Soft foot less than 0,005 cm (record reading after grouting baseplate with equipment set)

Before/After Grout (circle one)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor  Client  Sub – System:
Fluor  Other  Location:

A (0)

Fixed Machine B
(Driven) (0)



DBSE = _ _ _ _
Movable Machine

Fixed Machine Movable Machine
(Driven) (Driver)

______ ______

Before/After Piping (circle one)

Thermal Growth (Motor) ______

Thermal Growth (Pump) ______

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor  Client  Sub – System:
Fluor  Other  Location:

Machinery Installer: Machinery Identification:

Feeler Gauge Readings Between Gasket Faces

Flange Size: ______________________ Flange Size: ______________________

1. _______ 1. _______

_______ 8. Top or 2. _______ _______ 8. Top or 2. _______

North North

_______ 7. 3. _______ _______ 7. 3. _______


_______ 6. 4. _______ _______ 6. 4. _______

_______ 5. _______ 5.

Pipe Strain Measurement

Equipment nozzle and mating flange alignment tolerances shall be within the following maximum permissible limits:
a. For steam turbines and compressors other than reciprocating types, 0,4mm (1/64 in. in.) for all alignment categories listed in
Subpar. b. below. [For nozzles greater than NPS 24 (600 mm) (24 in.), the machinery vendor shall supply matting flanges.]
b. For centrifugal pumps and other rotating machinery:
Maximum Permissible Misalignment of Flanged Joints. In.
Alignment Detail
NPS  12 NPS  22 NPS  24
1. Vertical bolt hole offset 1/8 1/16 1/64
2. Horizontal bolt hole offset 1/8 1/16 1/64
3. Rotational offset 1/8 1/16 1/64
4. Flange face parallelism (across diameter) 1/64 1/64 1/64
5. Flange face separation, plus space required for gasket  1/8  1/16  1/64
Pipe Strain Readings
Note:  For horizontal machinery – Dial indicator readings on coupling hub flange.
 For vertical machinery – Dial indicator readings on driver-mount flange.
Net Indicator Readings Inlet Flange Bolt-Up Outlet Flange Bolt-Up
Horizontal Orientation (1) = or - μm. or cm. = or - μm. or cm.
Vertical Orientation (2) = or - μm. or cm. = or - μm. or cm.
(1) For vertical machinery, the horizontal orientation is perpendicular to pipe centerline when viewed from top.
(2) For vertical machinery, the vertical orientation is parallel to pipe centerline when viewed from top.
(3) Maximum shaft movement in either direction is 50 micrometers (0,005 cm).
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:

Equipment Tag No.: ______________



Piping Disconnected Piping Connected

Notes: Nominal Coupling Gap: ________________

For Face-Rim Alignment Method:

Record Readings on either driver or driven hub.
Use the inner lines for face readings for that hub.
For Reverse Alignment Method:
Record the rim readings on both driver and driven hubs.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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This procedure defines the inspection, testing and documentation requirements for installation activities
for field fabricated tanks.


Verify foundation
Construction Engineer Survey Field Books Prior to start of erection

Inspect foundation
Site Quality Manager Per 000.509.7100 Prior to start of erection

Review and approve Approval from Corporate Prior to start of welding

Welding Engineering
welding procedures Welding Engineering activities

Review and approve Approval from Corporate Prior to start of NDE

Corporate NDE Level III
NDE procedures Level III activities
Monitor in-process
Daily during life of
welding and NDE Site Quality Manager Per 000.509.7910
Check dimensions of Periodically during life
Site Quality Manager 000.509.F74103
tank shell of activity

Inspect completed tank Site Quality Manager 000.509.F74102 Each tank

Witness testing Site Quality Manager Each tank

Inspect tested tank prior

Site Quality Manager 000.509.F74026 Each tank
to closing

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Verify foundation
Construction Engineer Survey Field Books Prior to start of erection
Inspect foundation
Subcontractor 000.509.F02201 Prior to start of erection
Review and approve Approval from
Prior to start of welding
contractor's welding Welding Engineering Corporate Welding
procedures Engineering
Review and approve
Approval from Prior to start of NDE
contractor's NDE Corporate NDE Level III
Corporate Level III activities
Check dimensions of 000.509.F74103 Periodically during life of
tank shell 000.509.F02201 activity
Surveillance of weld and Site Quality Manager/ Daily during life of
NDE activities. Subcontractor activity
Site Quality Manager/
Inspect completed tank 000.509.F74102 Each tank
Site Quality Manager/
Witness testing 000.509.F74105 Each tank
Inspect tested tank prior Site Quality Manager/
000.509.F74026 Each tank
to closing Subcontractor


• Foundation Surveying:

- Verify that the foundation surveying is complete.

• Foundation Construction:

- Verify the foundation construction is complete and released for the tank erection. For
subcontracted work ensure the erector has accepted the foundation prior to start of tank
erection activities.

• Review and Approval of Welding Procedure:

- Verify the welding procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Corporate Welding
Manager or his representative.

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• Review and Approval of NDE Procedures:

- Verify the NDE Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Corporate NDE Level III.

• Dimension Checks of Tank:

- Monitor the in-process fabrication activities. Utilize From 000.509.F74102 to document the
dimension checks.

- Verify the first course shell plates have been surveyed for levelness, circularity, and plumbness
prior to setting the second course. Contractor must submit the results immediately after each
survey has been completed.

• Completed tank Inspection:

- Verify that a final survey has been performed of the erected dimensions of the tank after all
roof framing has been installed.

- Verify the tolerances for plumbness of roof columns and stilling wells, tank nozzles and
modules are within those established by the specification.

• Witness Testing of Tank:

- Witness the hydrostatic test on the completed tank in accordance with the project
specifications and applicable code requirements.

- Check the settlement and rebound of the foundation during and after the hydrotest. Excessive
settlement data shall be referred immediately to the Site Engineering Manager.

- Obtain a copy of the tank test for inclusion in the permanent file.

• Inspection of Tested Tank Prior to Closing:

- Inspect the tested tank prior to closing, including final cleanup. Document the approval to close
the tank using From 000.509.F74026.

- Verify that a nameplate according to code and the Manufacturer's Certification Letter and the
as-built data has been provided as required by the specifications.

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Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F74101 Tank Elevation Tolerances Record

000.509.F74102 Inspection Record Field Erected Tank
000.509.F74103 Tank Plate Dimensional Control Record Field Erected Tank
000.509.F74104 Water Filling And Settlement Record Field Erected Tank
000.509.F74105 Tank Leak Test Record
000.509.F74106 Tank Test Certificate
000.509.F74026 Final Closing Authorization Record
000.509.F02201 Surveillance Report

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

0 + 00 1 + 00 2 + 00 3 + 00 4 + 00 5 + 00 6 + 00 7+00 8+ 00
Note: Show vertical scale and units.
TANK FOUNDATION DESIGN ELEV.____________________________ FOUNDATION DESIGN CROWN ELEV._________________________________________________


TANK FOUNDATION TOLERANCE Foundation elevation tolerances in accordance with applicable specifications and drawings.

Establish tank foundation tolerances and obtain tank fabricator acceptance before the start of tank erection. Starting at North Centerline
with Station 0+00, and moving clockwise, establish stations at approximately half-sheet intervals around the tank. Do this by
establishing the tank shell outline on the foundation and marking off the half-sheet intervals. Take level readings at each station and Senior Field Engineer Date
record on this form. Unless otherwise specified by the contract, the initial tolerance of foundations shall be in accordance with API-650. Foundation elevation tolerances checked and accepted.

This exhibit may also be used to record shell and roof elevation tolerances, as well as settlement data, during and after signature
of the Fabricator's Representative.
Area Superintendent Date

Fabricator's Representative Date

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Subject Subcontractor
1.0 Inspection-Bottom
1.1 Bottom annulare plates level.
2.0 Inspection-Shell
2.1 Shell diameter checked at bottom, mid-height, top.
2.2 Shell height checked.
2.3 Shell banding checked. /Shell peaking checked.
2.4 Wind girder erection checked.
2.5 Location nozzle’s, manhole and stairway checked.
3.0 Inspection-Roof
3.1 Support columns for roof in place and plumb.
3.2 Roof fittings locations checked.
3.3 Roof seals installed and checked.
3.4 Stairway and ladder locations checked.
3.5 Fire extinguishing systems installed and checked.
3.6 Internal spray and distributor piping and fittings checked.
4.0 Testing
4.1 Hydrotest water quality and temperature checked.
4.2 Operation of vents and liquid gauges checked.
4.3 Tank cleaned.
4.4 Corner weld tested.
4.5 Bottom seams vacuum tested.
5.0 Arrangement
5.1 Foundation correct
5.2 Dimension in accordance with design data
5.3 Peaking/banding/Verticality & Roundness
5.4 Nozzle Sizing, orientation & standouts
5.5 Bottom drain location correct
5.6 Arrangement traceability weld maps accepted
5.7 Temporary attachments removed

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Subject Subcontractor
6.0 Testing
6.1 All NDE completed and verified
6.2 Floor Vacuum Test
6.3 Nozzle reinforcing pad air test
6.4 Fixed roof tightness test
6.5 Hydrostatic Test
6.6 Settlement under hydrotest recorded
7.0 Attachments
7.1 Ladders & platforms installed correctly
7.2 Foam piping installed (where applicable)
7.3 Sprinkler system installed (where applicable)
7.4 Breather valves/Air vents installed
7.5 Level gauges/ stilling wells installed
7.6 Earthing
8.0 Surface Protection
8.1 Internal coatings
8.2 External coatings
9.0 Final Acceptance
9.1 Tank calibration carried out
9.2 Nameplate data correct
9.3 Tank cleaned out & ready for closure
9.4 QC documentation reviewed & accepted
9.5 Closure certificate signed

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Type of Tank: Diameter cm. Height: cm. Volume: m3

Dimension check for: ( ) Roundness (HP) ( ) Peaking/Banding(HP) ( ) Verticality(HP)

Weld/Plate Weld/Plate
No. Tolerance Difference Acceptable No. Tolerance Difference Acceptable
No. No.
1 11

2 12

3 13

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 17

8 18

9 19

10 20


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Type of Tank: Diameter: cm Height: cm Volume: cm3

Water Filling
Time Holding
No. Increment Height Rate Remarks
From To Time
1 cm cm .hrs
2 cm cm .hrs
3 cm cm .hrs
4 Full cm cm .hrs

Tank Settlement Record

Section to be checked (degrees )
No. Stage
0 - 45 45 - 90 90 - 135 135 - 180 180 - 225 225 - 270 270 - 315 215 - 360 Remarks
1 Before Fill HP
4 Full HP

5 Empty HP

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Type of Tank: Diameter: cm Height:: cm Volume: cm

Leak Test for: ( ) Vacuum Box (HP) ( ) Oil (HP) ( ) Air (HP)

Test Area / Test Area /

No. Test Date Result No. Test date Result
Portion Portion

Subcontractor Fluor Client

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subject Subcontractor

Bottom - Vacuum Test Numbers

Fittings - Air Test Numbers

Roof - Vacuum Test Numbers

Shell - Hydrostatic Test Numbers

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

1. The above equipment has been supplied, erected and internally fitted in accordance with the
applicable drawings, specifications and manufacturer's standard and is certified to be
mechanically acceptable. Equipment has been inspected for cleanliness and is free of all


2. Authorization is hereby granted to effect final closing or sealing of this equipment.


3. Final closing has been effected.


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Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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This procedure applies to the activities associated with inspection and testing of underground piping.

RESPONSIBILITY - Self-Perform Pipe Installation

Request Excavation Mechanical Supt. 000.509.F75001 Each excavation
Coordinate Excavation Const. Engineer/
000.509.F75001 Each excavation
Release Mechanical
Daily during life of activity
Inspect Excavation Site Quality Manager 000.509.F75001
and prior to laying pipe.
Welding Inspection and
Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910
Inspect on-site pipe
Site Quality Manager 000.509.F75001 Each installation
fabrication & installation
Cleaning of Pipe Per 000.509.7560 Per 000.509.F75601 Per 000.509.7560
Pressure Test Per 000.509.7520 Per 000.509.F75201 Per 000.509.7520
Coordinate Backfill Construction Engr./
000.509.F75001 Each backfill.
Request/Release Mechanical
Backfill Inspection Site Quality Manager 000.509.F75001 Each backfill
Surveillance Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201 During life of activity

RESPONSIBILITY - Subcontracted Pipe Installation

Request Excavation Subcontractor 000.509.F75001 Each excavation
Coordinate Excavation Const. Engineer/
000.509.F75001 Each excavation
Release Mechanical
Daily during life of activity
Inspect Excavation Subcontractor 000.509.F75001
and prior to laying pipe.
Welding Inspection and
Subcontractor Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910
Inspect/Test On-Site
Subcontractor 000.509.F75001 During life of activity
Fabrication and Installation
Cleaning of Pipe Subcontractor Per 000.509.F75601 Per 000.509.7560
Pressure Test Subcontractor Per 000.509.F75201 Per 000.509.7520
Inspect Coating, Wrapping,
Cathodic Protection, Holiday Subcontractor Daily during life of activity.
Test, Insulation Resistance
Backfill Request/Release Subcontractor 000.509.F75001 Each backfill.
Backfill Inspection Subcontractor 000.509.F75001 Each installation.
Mechanical Supt. Not Required Daily during life of activity.
Site Quality Manager Form 000.509.F02201 Daily during life of activity.

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• Excavation

- Excavation Release will be signed off prior to the excavation. At this time the location that
has been laid out for excavation will be accepted by the Construction Engineer and the

- The Form 000.509.F75001 shall represent only the piping that the excavation release is
approved for (or piping within a single pressure test boundary), whichever is more
restrictive. Additional forms are used as needed so that all underground piping is

- Use Attachment 1 as a guide in performing inspections for inspection attributes.

• Welding Inspection and Testing

- Reference procedure 000.509.7910 for the welding inspection and testing requirements.

• Pipe Fabrication and Installation

- Verify that pipe fabrication and installation activities are performed in accordance with the
requirements documented in the applicable drawings and specifications.

- Use Attachment 1 (Underground Pipe Inspection Reference) as a guide in performing


- Use Form 000.509.F75001 to document inspection results.

• Cleaning of Pipe

- Reference Procedure 000.509.7560 for the cleaning of pipe inspection and testing

• Pressure Testing of Piping Systems

- Verify that required pressure testing has been performed and documented in accordance
with Procedure 000.509.7520.

• Insulated Flanges - Insulation Resistance Test

- Insulation resistance testing of insulated flanges, should be performed in accordance with

manufacturer instructions and the specifications and this test is documented on form

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• Coating and Wrapping of Pipe

- Contact Quality Representative when coating and wrapping activities are to be performed
so those activities can be monitored and required inspections and testing can be

- Verify that piping fabrication meets all applicable requirements and that all installed pipe is
ready for coating and wrapping. Coating and wrapping shall proceed only after completion
of all NDE, successful pressure test, cathodic protection, and testing, including insulation
resistance (insulated flanges) testing, Form 000.509.F75002.

- Monitor the coat and wrap work performance for compliance to specification. Identify, by
marking on the surface of the wrapping, any areas found to be defective. Notify the pipe
superintendent of any repair areas needing rework.

- Use Form 000.509.F75001 to document verification activities.

• Holiday Testing

- Holiday testing should be performed in accordance with the equipment manufacturer

instructions and the specifications, which may include:

- Testing of coated and wrapped pipe will be performed with an electric holiday detector, set
at a maximum of 2400 volts D.C. for each 1/32" (0.8 cm) of coating thickness. Calibration
and usage of the holiday detector instrument shall be in accordance with manufacturer's

- Rework any areas identified as defective and reschedule inspection and test of repaired

- Document holiday test results in the appropriate section of the Underground Pipe
Inspection Record (000.509.F75001).

- Notify Piping Superintendent of the sections of accepted coated and wrapped piping which
are ready for backfill.

• Backfill Request/Release

- Backfill Release Form 000.509.F75001, will be signed off prior to backfilling. At this time,
all work will be verified as complete, including punchlist items and holiday tests before
filling over piping. Before filling over welded joints the pressure test must be complete.

- If the Backfill Release is for only a part of the piping represented by the Excavation
Release, additional "Underground Pipe Inspection Records" should be prepared with the
boundaries being released identified on the form. Inspection/Test acceptance and Backfill
Release should be approved on the additional forms.

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Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F75001 - Underground Pipe Inspection Checklist

000.509.F75002 - Insulation Resistance (Insulated Flanges - Underground Piping) Test
000.509.F75003 - Holiday (Spark) Test Record
000.509.F75201 - Pressure Test Report


Attachment 1 - Underground Pipe Inspection Reference

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Attachment 1


Pipe Fabrication and Installation • Excavation

• General - Slope per drawing

- Dimensions per drawing
- Line size correct - Compaction test before laying
- Material correct pipe
- Line slopes per drawing - Bedding
- Branches located correctly
- High point vents installed • Coating and Wrapping
- Reducers located correctly
- Reducer type correct - Surface preparation
- Gouges, nicks, surface damage - Application per specification
- Materials per specification
• Valves - Repairs per specification
- Holiday Testing
- Flow direction correct
- Item code number correct • Cathodic Protection
- Bolts or studs correct
- Bypass installed (if required) - Electrical connections
- Extensions installed - Flange insulating kit
- Insulated Flanges-Insulation
• Flanged Connections Resistance Test
- Sacrificial material buried
- Flange type, material, rating - Rectification equipment
- Flange face preparation and installed
- Gasket type and condition
- Bolting type, size, length
- Torque sequence and values

• Pipe Supports

- Thrust blocks
- Sufficient supports
- Anchors installed

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
01 System complies with P and ID's and isometric drawings.
02 Piping fabrication ITR complete and accepted.
03 All field weld inspection and NDE, traceability and history records complete and
04 All NDT/stress relieving requirements performed in accordance with
requirements and documented.
05 Correct bolts and gaskets are installed at all mechanical joints. (Optional: Use
form P75102A)
06 All vents and drains are installed, including vents and drains for testing and are
of correct pressure rating.
07 Piping of correct material, schedule and type.
08 Rating of all forged steel fittings is correct.
09 Check valve materials - (use spec ref. in piping material specification, tags and
10 Branch reinforcements are correct.
11 Compound on screwed connections in accordance with specifications.
12 All pressure connections as per specification.
13 Correct direction of flow through filters and strainers traps, check valves, globe
valves and control valves.
14 All instrument connections installed and any delicate instruments are isolated/
removed from test.
15 All relief valves, bursting disks, and specified control valves have been removed.
16 Check orifice valve tap orientation correct, taps and plugs have been seal
welded and unused. Tapped holes are plugged and welded.
17 Check orifice flanges have required upstream and downstream clearances, that
bores have been ground and orifice plates have been removed.
18 All thermowells are installed.
19 All pipe supports installed according to drawings and specifications.
20 Gags on spring supports and expansion joints are in position.
21 Check that system is adequately supported such that no spring in pipework
causes stress on pumps or vessel nozzles.
22 All chainwheels and extended spindles installed.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75101 Rev C Aboveground Pipe Inpsection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Line/Drawing No. Line Class Sheet No. Rev. No.

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Flange type and rating
02 Flange preparation and cleaning
03 Flange condition
04 Gasket type
05 Gasket condition and rating
06 Bolting type
07 Bolting size
08 Lubrication
09 Torque sequence correct
10 Torque values verified
11 Identification of torqued connection
12 Rejected items flagged

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75102 Rev C Visual Inspections of Flanges Gaskets and Bolting.doc Page 1 of 2
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Iso No.:

Welder RT RT Report Welder RT RT Report

Weld No. Date Made PMI PWHT Weld No. Date Made PMI PWHT
Stencil ACC REJ No. Stencil ACC REJ No.

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75103 Rev C Weld Map Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Test Package No.: ___________________ Description: _____________________________________________________

Test Boundaries
P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R

ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R

Vessels or Equipment in test boundary:

Test Conditions
Test Medium _______________________________ Chlorine Content __________________
Test Media/Metal Temp Min._____________ Max.__________________ Actual______________
Ambient Temp. Min.____________________ Actual_________________
Test Pressure Min.________________ Max.______________ Actual_____________ Relief Valve Setting_______________
Holding Time: Min. ______________ Actual_____________

Test Gage M.T.E.________ Date Last ______________ Test Gage Low_______ High_______
Number: M.T.E.________ Calibrated: ______________ Range: Low_______ High_______

Pre-Test Inspections/Release
Pre-Test Walkdown Complete: Pipe Field Eng Date
NDE, PWHT, PMI (if required) Complete/Accepted: QA Inspector Date

Verification of Satisfactory Test Results

QC Inspector Date
QA Inspector Date

Verification of Line Restoration

Pipe Field Engineer Date
QA Inspector Date


For coordinate boundaried system such as oil water sewer, test beginning and ending coordinates shall be indicated on the attached

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to the activities associated with inspection and testing of aboveground piping.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Self-Perform Pipe Installation

Welding Inspection and
Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910
Inspect on-site pipe 000.509.F75102
Site Quality Manager Each installation
fabrication and installation 000.509.F75103
Cleaning of Pipe Per 000.509.7560 Per 000.509.F75601 Per 000.509.7560
Inspect Insulation Per 000.509.7810 Per 000.509.F78102 Per 000.509.7810
Pressure Test Per 000.509.7520 Per 000.509.F75201 Per 000.509.7520

Responsibilities - Subcontracted Pipe Installation

Welding Inspection & Testing Subcontractor Per 000.509.7910 Per 000.509.7910
Inspect on-site pipe 000.509.F75102
Subcontractor Each installation
fabrication and installation 000.509.F75103
Cleaning of Pipe Subcontractor Per 000.509.F75601 Per 000.509.7560
Inspect Insulation Subcontractor Per 000.509.F78102 Per 000.509.7810
Pressure Test Subcontractor Per 000.509.F75201 Per 000.509.7520
Surveillances Site Quality Manager Form 000.509.F02201 During life of activity


• Welding Inspection and Testing

- Reference Procedure 000.509.7910 for the welding inspection and testing requirements.

- The Fluor Quality Control System Manual, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Work shall be
invoked for self-perform work that will require ASME or National Board Code stamping. If
the work is subcontracted and will require code stamping by the subcontractor, the
subcontractor's Code program shall be invoked. Prior to the start of any work that will
require Code Stamping, contact Scott Fincher, Corporate Code Specialist at 864 -281-

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

• Pipe Fabrication and Installation

- Verify that pipe fabrication and installation activities are performed in accordance with the
requirements documented in the applicable drawings and specifications.

- Use Attachment 1 (Aboveground Pipe Inspection Reference) as a guide in performing


- Use Form(s) 000.509.F75101, 000.509.F75102, 000.509.F75103 and 000.509.F79001 to

document inspection and examination results.

• Cleaning of Pipe

- Reference Procedure 000.509.7560 for the cleaning of pipe inspection and testing

• Insulation Inspection

- Reference Procedure 000.509.7810 for the insulation inspection requirements.

• Pressure Testing of Piping Systems

- Verify that required pressure testing has been performed and documented in accordance
with Procedure 000.509.7520.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F75101 - Aboveground Pipe Inspection Checklist

000.509.F75102 - Visual Inspection of Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting
000.509.F75103 - Weld Map Record

000.509.F75201 - Pressure Test Report

000.509.F75601 - Pipe Cleaning and Verification Checklist

000.509.F79001 - Daily Welding Report


Attachment 1 - Aboveground Pipe Inspection References

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Attachment 1



Line size correct. Field supports installed.

Material correct. Sufficient supports.
Gouges, nicks, surface damage Anchors installed.
Installation straight and plumb. Guides installed.
Line slopes per drawing. Proper shoes installed and welded.
Branches located correctly. Spring hangers properly installed.
Branches reinforced.
Weepholes in reinforcing pad.
High point vents installed. INSTRUMENTS
Low point drains installed.
Reducers located correctly. PSV's tested (correct item number).
Reducer type correct Correct control valves installed.
Cold spring or prespring per drawing. Meter runs properly installed (jacking screws
Clearance for expansion. included).
Exposure to contaminants. Valves at meter runs installed.
Pressure gage valves installed.
VALVES Pressure gages properly oriented.
Temperature connections properly oriented.
Flow direction correct. Sample connections installed.
Item code number correct.
Bolts or stud correct.
Bypass installed (if required).
Chain wheel installed.
Extension installed.
Stem oriented properly.
Drain, flush, connections installed.


Flange material, type, and rating.

Flange face preparation, condition, cleaning.
Gasket type, thickness, condition, rating.
Bolt type, size, length, lubrication.
Torque sequence, values.

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
01 System complies with P and ID's and isometric drawings.
02 Piping fabrication ITR complete and accepted.
03 All field weld inspection and NDE, traceability and history records complete and
04 All NDT/stress relieving requirements performed in accordance with
requirements and documented.
05 Correct bolts and gaskets are installed at all mechanical joints. (Optional: Use
form P75102A)
06 All vents and drains are installed, including vents and drains for testing and are
of correct pressure rating.
07 Piping of correct material, schedule and type.
08 Rating of all forged steel fittings is correct.
09 Check valve materials - (use spec ref. in piping material specification, tags and
10 Branch reinforcements are correct.
11 Compound on screwed connections in accordance with specifications.
12 All pressure connections as per specification.
13 Correct direction of flow through filters and strainers traps, check valves, globe
valves and control valves.
14 All instrument connections installed and any delicate instruments are isolated/
removed from test.
15 All relief valves, bursting disks, and specified control valves have been removed.
16 Check orifice valve tap orientation correct, taps and plugs have been seal
welded and unused. Tapped holes are plugged and welded.
17 Check orifice flanges have required upstream and downstream clearances, that
bores have been ground and orifice plates have been removed.
18 All thermowells are installed.
19 All pipe supports installed according to drawings and specifications.
20 Gags on spring supports and expansion joints are in position.
21 Check that system is adequately supported such that no spring in pipework
causes stress on pumps or vessel nozzles.
22 All chainwheels and extended spindles installed.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75101 Rev C Aboveground Pipe Inpsection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Line/Drawing No. Line Class Sheet No. Rev. No.

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Flange type and rating
02 Flange preparation and cleaning
03 Flange condition
04 Gasket type
05 Gasket condition and rating
06 Bolting type
07 Bolting size
08 Lubrication
09 Torque sequence correct
10 Torque values verified
11 Identification of torqued connection
12 Rejected items flagged

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75102 Rev C Visual Inspections of Flanges Gaskets and Bolting.doc Page 1 of 2
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Iso No.:

Welder RT RT Report Welder RT RT Report

Weld No. Date Made PMI PWHT Weld No. Date Made PMI PWHT
Stencil ACC REJ No. Stencil ACC REJ No.

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75103 Rev C Weld Map Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Test Package No.: ___________________ Description: _____________________________________________________

Test Boundaries
P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R

ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R

Vessels or Equipment in test boundary:

Test Conditions
Test Medium _______________________________ Chlorine Content __________________
Test Media/Metal Temp Min._____________ Max.__________________ Actual______________
Ambient Temp. Min.____________________ Actual_________________
Test Pressure Min.________________ Max.______________ Actual_____________ Relief Valve Setting_______________
Holding Time: Min. ______________ Actual_____________

Test Gage M.T.E.________ Date Last ______________ Test Gage Low_______ High_______
Number: M.T.E.________ Calibrated: ______________ Range: Low_______ High_______

Pre-Test Inspections/Release
Pre-Test Walkdown Complete: Pipe Field Eng Date
NDE, PWHT, PMI (if required) Complete/Accepted: QA Inspector Date

Verification of Satisfactory Test Results

QC Inspector Date
QA Inspector Date

Verification of Line Restoration

Pipe Field Engineer Date
QA Inspector Date


For coordinate boundaried system such as oil water sewer, test beginning and ending coordinates shall be indicated on the attached

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75201 Rev C Pressure Test Report.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F75601
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P.O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Piping Services Group Q.C.

Identification No. Code Class Matl. System Cleanliness Level Verified By Date

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75601 Rev C Pipe Cleaning and Verification Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Subcontractor Area
Process Fit-Up
Line Sheet Type Wall Welder
Unit Line No. Weld No. Size Visual Remarks
Class No. Weld Thick. Symbol Root Bal Inspected

Foreman Date

Welding Inspector Date

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This procedure applies to pressure testing of installed piping systems.

Install Piping Self Perform _____ _____
Pipe Const. Engr.
Define Test Boundaries 000.509.F75201 Each Test Package
and Mech. Supt.
Provide Preparation /
Pipe Const. Engr. 000 509 F75201 Each Test Package
Test Instructions
Prepare the System for Mechanical
_____ _____
Testing Superintendent
Perform Pre-Test Pipe Const. Engr. 000 509 F75201 Prior to Test
Inspections/Release Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Prior to Test
Perform Test _____ _____
Verification of Satisfactory Pipe Const. Engr. 000 509 F75201 Test Completion
Test Results Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Test Completion
Provide Restoration
Pipe Const. Engr. _____ _____
Verify Completion of Pipe Const. Engr. 000 509 F75201 Each Test
Restoration Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Each Test
Surveillance of Testing and
Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201 Daily

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Install Piping Subcontractor _____ _____
Define Test Boundaries Subcontractor 000.509.F75201 Each Test Package
Provide Preparation /
Pipe Const. Engr. 000 509 F75201 Each Test Package
Test Instructions
Prepare the System for
Subcontractor _____ _____
Perform Pre-Test Subcontractor 000 509 F75201 Prior to Test
Inspections/Release Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Prior to Test
Perform Test Subcontractor _____ _____
Verification of Satisfactory Subcontractor 000 509 F75201 Test Completion
Test Results Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Test Completion
Provide Restoration
Pipe Const. Engr. _____ _____
Verify Completion of Subcontractor 000 509 F75201 Each Test
Restoration Site Quality Manager 000 509 F75201 Each Test


• Define Test Boundaries and Provide Preparation/Test Instructions:

Boundaries and instructions in accordance with 000 250 3707 should be prepared and provided
or made available to those responsible for Preparing the System for Testing, Performing Pre-test
Inspection Release, Performing Test, and Verifying Satisfactory Test Results - Information should
be included in pressure test packages. These packages are, as much as possible, to be
assembled so that they comprise a portion or all of a piping system. This is required to facilitate
system turnover at the end of the job. Each pressure test package shall contain the following:

• Marked up P&IDs indicating extent of test; location and type of blinds; and
equipment or instrumentation to be included or excluded from test.

• Piping isometrics for lines included in the test. Isometrics are to indicate location of
blinds, valves open or closed, fill point, vent locations, equipment or
instrumentation excluded from test and locations of required temporary supports.

- Instruction items are on Form 000.509.F75201. Initiate this form and complete the
instructions through "Test Conditions".

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- Notes for special test situations.

- Instructions for marking temporary test materials for verifying line restoration.

- Special instructions and safety precautions when the test medium is a gas or

- Instructions for preventing air entrapment.

- Venting instructions.

- Test gage location.

- Identify all required "witnesses" of test.

- Require all joints including welds to be uninsulated and exposed for examination during
the pressure test.

- Provide retest instructions after repair of leaks detected by the pressure test.

• Prepare the System for Testing:

- Make preparation for testing as required by test instructions, 000 250 3707 and 000 250

• Perform Pre-test Inspections/Release:

- Verify completion (by walkdown) and acceptance of any required inspection, post-weld
heat treatment, NDE, hardness testing, PMI, and any other required test/inspections.

- Verify piping system has been completely checked (punched out) and preparations for
testing as required by test instructions are complete.

• Perform Test:

- Perform the test in accordance with test instructions.

• Verification of Satisfactory Test Results:

- Upon the attainment of the required hydrostatic test pressure, for at least the minimum
specified time, an inspection shall be made of all joints and connections. The inspection
shall be made while the system is at the required test pressure.

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- Following the application of the pneumatic test pressure and reduction to the design
pressure the entire line should be walked to determine if there is any audible evidence of
leakage. Any leaks found at the time shall be marked and repaired after first depressuring
the line.

After this walkdown, all joints and welds shall be covered with a soap solution in order to
detect any leakage. Soap shall be commercial preparation specifically for leak detection.

- If leaks are found by pressure testing, mark their locations.

- Complete the Pressure Test Report actual test conditions for Test Media/Metal
temperature, Test Pressure Test Gage Number and Calibration information.

• Provide Restoration Instructions:

Instructions to comply with restoration requirements of 000 250 50050 should be provided or
made available to those responsible for restoring the system after pressure testing and for
verifying completion of restoration. Information should include:

- Instructions for removal of temporary test material (blanks, blinds).

- Positioning of operating blinds.

- Draining instructions.

- Installation of equipment excluded from field test (valves, orifice plates, expansion joints,
short pieces of pipe, new gaskets, bolts, vessel internals, etc.).

- Instructions for removal of temporary supports.

- Resetting spring hangers.

- Drying of instruments.

- Treatment of vent and drain connections.

- Cleaning of strainers.

- Painting and insulation.

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• Verification of Line Restoration:

Verify that all restoration activities have been completed and the system(s) or partial system
represented by this pressure test report is complete.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F75201 – Pressure Test Record

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Test Package No.: ___________________ Description: _____________________________________________________

Test Boundaries
P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R P. &I.D. No.(s) R

ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R ISO No.(s) Sht R

Vessels or Equipment in test boundary:

Test Conditions
Test Medium _______________________________ Chlorine Content __________________
Test Media/Metal Temp Min._____________ Max.__________________ Actual______________
Ambient Temp. Min.____________________ Actual_________________
Test Pressure Min.________________ Max.______________ Actual_____________ Relief Valve Setting_______________
Holding Time: Min. ______________ Actual_____________

Test Gage M.T.E.________ Date Last ______________ Test Gage Low_______ High_______
Number: M.T.E.________ Calibrated: ______________ Range: Low_______ High_______

Pre-Test Inspections/Release
Pre-Test Walkdown Complete: Pipe Field Eng Date
NDE, PWHT, PMI (if required) Complete/Accepted: QA Inspector Date

Verification of Satisfactory Test Results

QC Inspector Date
QA Inspector Date

Verification of Line Restoration

Pipe Field Engineer Date
QA Inspector Date


For coordinate boundaried system such as oil water sewer, test beginning and ending coordinates shall be indicated on the attached

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The purpose of this procedure is to establish the inspection activities necessary to verify the process of
cleaning the interior surface of piping is performed in accordance with approved requirements.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Self-Perform/Subcontracted
Verify that all pressure
testing & NDE are QC Inspector Prior to release for cleaning
Commence cleaning Construction Supt./
000.509.F75601 As required by project specs
operation Subcontractor
Monitor chemical
QC Inspector 000.509.F75601 Daily during activity
cleaning process


• Inspection Pre-Requisites

- Verify that pressure testing and NDE are complete prior to release for cleaning.

• Inspection

- Monitor chemical cleaning process verifying that it is performed in accordance with

approved project specifications and document on the pipe cleaning and verification
checklist (000.509.F75601).

- Retain water test report and certificate of conformance and attach to the pipe cleaning and
verification checklist (000.509.F75601).


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F75601- Pipe Cleaning and Verification Checklist

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P.O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Piping Services Group Q.C.

Identification No. Code Class Matl. System Cleanliness Level Verified By Date

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F75601 Rev C Pipe Cleaning and Verification Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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This procedure applies to inspection of electrical installations. Refer to procedure 000.509.7010 and
000.509.7100 for work involving excavation, backfill, and concrete.

Install electrical items Electrical Superintendent Each electrical item

Inspect in-process Site Quality Manager/ Daily during life of

000 509 F760XX
electrical installation Construction Engineer activity
Check final electrical Site Quality Manager/ Each installation at
000 509 F760XX
installation Construction Engineer completion
Daily during life of
Site Quality Manager
Surveillance 000 509 F02201 activity and at
(Note 1)

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Install electrical items Subcontractor Each electrical item

Inspect in-process Subcontractor/ Daily during life of

000 509 F760XX
electrical installation Site Quality Manager activity
Check final electrical Subcontractor/ Each installation at
000 509 F760XX
installation Site Quality Manager completion
Daily during life of
Site Quality Manager
Surveillance 000.509.F02201 activity and at
(Note 1)

NOTE 1: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor Quality representative is performing


\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Procedures\509-7600 Rev C Electrical Inspection.doc Page 1 of 2

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• Inspect in-process electrical installation activities in accordance with the applicable specifications
and drawings. The appropriate checklist should be initiated and completed to document inspection

• Perform final installation checks in accordance with the applicable specifications and drawings.
The final inspections should be completed on the applicable checklist.

• Perform surveillances daily during the life of electrical activities. Document results on Form


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F76001 Conduit And Cable Tray Checklist

000.509.F76002 Electrical Manhole Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76003 Medium & High Voltage Underground Cable Splice Inspection Record
000.509.F76004 Medium and High Voltage Cable Termination Checklist
000.509.F76005 Cable Pulling Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76006 Fan/Speed Reducer/Motor Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76007 Switch House Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76008 Lighting Receptacle, Instrument Distribution Panels Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76009 Electrical Motor Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76010 Aboveground Conduit Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76011 Lighting Panelboard Inspection Record
000.509.F76012 Underground Conduit (Duct Bank) Inspection
000.509.F76013 Grounding/Earthing System (Grid or Loop) Inspection Record
000.509.F76014 Cable Termination Checklist

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Cable Tray
Verify the following are in accordance with design documents
01 Supports
02 Grounding
03 Cable spacing
04 Cable tie down
05 Barriers
06 Splice Plates
07 Wall penetrations
08 High voltage labels
Verify the following are in accordance with design documents
09 Workmanship
10 Supports
11 Pull joints
12 Expansion joints
13 Bonding jumpers
14 Seals and drains
15 High voltage labels
16 Fittings


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Location Drawing Number

Inspection Prior to Concrete Pour or Dry Packing

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Verify opening size and location for compliance with

drawings and specifications.

02 Grounding/earthing in place and secure.

03 Pulling eyes and ladder rungs in place.

04 Verify conduit size, orientation, type, location, adequate

support and plugs/caps for compliance with drawings and

05 Sump or drain provided in accordance with drawings.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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ID E76003AR
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Note: This Inspection Record is for cables rated greater than 2000 volts. When this work is
contracted, inspection may be documented on Contractor's detailed Inspection Record. Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Reference Dwg.: Splice No.:

Splice Kit Manufacturer:

Kit No.:

Circuit No.:

From: To:

Cable Rated Voltage:

Cable Type:

01 Coordinates (Surveyor Complete And Initial/Date At Right)

Trench Number:

 A West/East: South/North
 B West/East: South/North
 C West/East: South/North

Manhole Number: Pull Box Number

02 Splice Make-up:
 A Acceptable

 B Acceptable

 C Acceptable

Neutral Acceptable

03 Document DC High Potential (hypot) Test on 000 509 F76008, or obtain appropriate
documentation from testing contractor.

04 Sheath grounded/earthed, as required.

05 Field changes recorded on "as-built" drawings.

06 Splice markers installed, when required.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

NOTE: This Inspection checklist is for terminations rated greater than 2000 Volts

Circuit Number KIT Number

Drawing Number KIT Manufacturer

Verify the following are acceptable in accordance with design documents: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Cable size type, location, installation and routing
2. Cable bend radius IAW specifications and cable jacket free of kinks
3. Cable termination supports and support spacing IAW drawings and
4. Cable installation neat and evenly spaced
5. Cable free of surface damage
6. Termination Kit/Materials installed IAW Manufacturer’s instructions
7. Document DC High Potential Test (hypot) on 000 509 F76104
8. Cable Terminated IAW equipment manufacturer’s instructions, including torquing
of bolted connections.
Torque Wrench Number:
Cal Date:
Torqued at: inch/foot lbs
9. Check phase location and marking: Left to Right
Top to Bottom
Front to Rear
IAW Specification requirements
ΦA Acceptable
ΦB Acceptable
ΦC Acceptable

10. Metallic Sheaths/Shields/Armor grounded/earthed IAW termination detail drawings

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Drawing Number:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify the applicable attributes listed below:

01 Underground conduit has been swabbed-out

02 Cable tray is free of sharp edges

03 Verify number of bends between pulling points does not exceed specification
04 Verify cable reel assignment and cutting schedule
05 Verify cable voltage rating, minimum pulling temperature and type of pulling
06 Verify arrows on high voltage cable reels for direction of pulling off reel

07 Megger metal clad cables before pulling

08 Verify instrument cable for continuity and isolation from drain wire before pulling

09 Verify maximum permitted pulling tension not exceeded

10 Megger power and control cable after installation (Record test results on
11 Megger instrument wire and cable after installation (Record test results on
12 Hypot medium and high voltage cable (Record test results on E76008A)

13 Continuity check instrument wire after installation

14 Bend radius of trained cable in accordance with specifications

15 Cable is free of kinks, neat and cablelay is in accordance with drawings

16 Spacing between instrument cable and power cable in accordance with design

17 Cables identified per specification and drawings

18 Cable ends sealed after cutting


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor

Check name plates

Make Model Serial No
01 Fan
02 Speed Reducer
03 Gearbox
04 Shafts
05 Coupling
06 Motor
07 Equipment installation report completed
08 Shaft / coupling torqued to requirements
09 Coupling alignment report completed
10 Fan blades ‘U’-bolts torqued to requirements
11 Initial blade angle set correctly
12 Check linkages and freedom of rotation
13 Correct oil grade and level in speed reducer
14 Fan housing fixed
15 Installation acceptable


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76006 Rev C Fan Motor Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Tidiness and general condition of station and yard in satisfactory condition.
Verify the following items:
01 Station exterior:
Has the station been numbered and fire fighting instructions and danger
signs been provided?
02 Is the station equipment complete with:
First aid/electrical shock treatment directions
03 Verify instructions required by local authority.
04 Key diagram of main power system
05 Single line diagrams of switchgear
06 Schematic/wiring diagrams of switchgear
07 Blackboard and/or log book
08 Sufficient caution and danger notices and spare fuses
09 If a telephone is provided:
10 Fire extinguisher State type: CO2/BCF
11 Special operating tools/grounding equipment
12 Proper operation of:
Safety locks
13 Doors, door locks and panic bars
14 Lighting, socket outlets, emergency lighting
15 H. V. A. C.
16 Verify appropriate and in operating condition.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76007 Rev C Switch House Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76008
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76008A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Verify the following are acceptable:
01 Ground bus in panel
02 Panel equipment ground bond
03 Wire markers (feeder)
04 Directory complete
05 Equipment number on nameplate
06 Phase meter test ABC
07 Touch-up painting complete
08 Receptacle Panel
Volt test all receptacles for standard HNG Orientation.
09 All receptacles identified by circuit number on nameplate
10 Lighting Panel
With all lights on, compare branch circuit. “Hot” amps to branch neutral
11 Covers complete
12 Provide the data and complete the following:
12.1 Main breaker amps
12.2 Feeder Size
12.3 Neutral underground at panel
12.4 Ground wire size
12.5 Megger at 1000V 0-0
12.6 Megger at 1000V 0-Gnd


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76008 Rev C Lighting Receptacle, Iinstrument Distribution Panel Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76009
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Verify motors nameplate data ratings and verify against motor list.
02 Verify damage and missing parts.
03 Verify foundation and foundation bolts meet specified requirements.
04 Verify installation tolerance has been met.
05 Verify all internals are correctly installed.
06 Verify all shipping devices have been removed and check for
07 Verify all vents, drains, instruments connection etc., are installed in
accordance with equipment trim isometrics.
08 Verify screens, guards and other personnel protective design
features are correctly installed where applicable.
Verify if the location and orientation is correct.
09 Mounting
10 Baseplate
11 Level
12 Grouting
13 Junction box location
14 Verify mounting bolts for tightness.
15 Wired for proper rotation and rotation checked.
16 Couplings/pulleys installed.
17 Frame and casing sound and free of debris.
18 Paint finish checked.
19 Verify lubrication.
20 Verify vibration.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76009 Rev C Electrical Motor Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Supports and spacing in accordance with specification and drawings
2. Supports adjacent to terminal fittings
3. Conduits clean, stub-ups protected, open ends plugged, damage during
construction repaired
4. Field bend radius correct in accordance with specifications and codes.
Bends free of deformities
5. Expansion joints as shown on drawings
6. Installation neat and evenly spaced
7. Spacing between instrument and power conduit in accordance with project
8. Spacing from hot pipes and hot surfaces maintained in accordance with
project specifications
9. Conduit permanently and effectively grounded, unless specifications permit
otherwise. Bonding jumpers installed around expansion joints
10. Proper fittings installed with threads fully engaged, no wrench cuts, conduit
ends have bushings and covers installed
11. Seals and drains installed in accordance with drawings
12. Flexible conduit installed with proper bending radius and with standard
13. Junction boxes leveled and supported with proper hubs, locknuts and
bushings installed, in accordance with drawings. Junction boxes properly
14. Adequate number of pulling points
Conduits seals, as shown on the following drawings, poured and marked by Construction. (List drawing number or
attached drawings):

Additional conduit seals, recorded on as-build drawings, poured and marked by Construction for the following:
equipment, analyzer housing, local control panels, etc. (List Tag Numbers):

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76010 Rev C Aboveground Conduit Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76011
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Building: Area/Unit Panelboard Tag:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Check assembly for any missing parts
4. Enclosure approved for area classification
5. Panelboard circuit schedule filled out
6. Correct circuit breaker, fuse size and location
7. Neutral wire correctly color coded
8. Grounding/earthing installed and connected. Test Record, Form:
000 509 F76117: Ground Continuity Test Record (Electrical Equipment
and Ground Test Bars), completed
9. Seals installed (if required)
10. Check for breather and drain
11. Check panel load balance
12. Check color coding of branch circuit conductors
13. Clean out
14. Check mounting and supports
15. Fixtures and receptacles are correct type and installed as per drawings
16. Fixtures and receptacles on correct circuit
17. Nameplate, number of circuits and panelboard location per drawing
18. Correct glands installed (i.e., flameproof glands on explosionproof
19. Megger buses including neutral. Record results on Form: 000 509
F76035: Insulation Resistance (Equipment) Test Record. Main
disconnect and outgoing circuits should be open
20. Equipment protection program completed and documented
21. Final inspection complete. Punch List Record, cleared.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76011 Rev C Lighting Panelboard Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76012
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Location Drawing No.

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Trenching checked for location, elevation and forming. Check for conflicts with
other under ground construction
2. Conduit size, type and location checked for conformance to specifications and
drawings, conduit sloped to drain into manholes.
3. Rigid steel elbows used for all stub-ups, including PVC runs.
4. Conduit seals installed in accordance with drawings.
5. Minimum concrete coverage will be in accordance with specifications on all sides
on conduits
6. Conduit Spacing, Supports and Tie-downs correct.
7. Field bend radius correct per drawings/specifications. Bends free of deformities.
8. Pipe caps on all ends.
9. All conduit connection tightly made.
10. Reinforcing bars installed when specified.
11. All field changes recorded on as-built drawings
12. Trench/forms free of debris
13. Concrete coverage adequate; spaces not left exposed.
14. Concrete color in accordance with specifications
15. Stub-up concrete encasement correct
16. Stub-up dimensions and location checked.
17. Backfill and compaction correct
18. Conduits free of such things as stop pages and grout leakage
19. PVC conduit just above grade, plus elbow
20. Conduit blown and pull strings installed.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76012 Rev C Underground Conduit - Duct Bank Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76013
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Note!!! This Inspection Record is for the (Check One):
1. Main Grounding/Earthing System: Cal Date:
2. Dedicated Instrument System:
Reference Drawing:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
3. Primary conductor is correct size and type in accordance with drawings
4. Ground/earthing conductor burial depth and routing per drawings and specifications
5. Thermal/compression connections checks (no cold joints or burnouts)
6. Thermal/compression connection insulation checked
7. Ground/earthing anode locations and installation per drawings
8. Ground/earthing anode connections checked
9. Location, type, size and insulation color of equipment taps per drawings and
protected during construction
10. System ground/earthing anode resistance-to-earth checked and recorded on Form:
000 509 F76101. Ground/Earthing Resistance Reading (Resistance to Earth and
Loop Continuity) Test Record.
11. All field Revisions recorded on as-build drawings
12. Maximum allowable system ground resistance not to exceed 1 ohm. For dedicated
instrument systems (i.e. – TDC 3000), the maximum allowable ground resistance is 1


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76013 Rev C Grounding Earthing System Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Cable I. D. Number

Drawing Number

Verify the following are acceptable inaccordance with design documents: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Cable length adequate
2. Cable preparation proper
3. Termination lug correct Size/type
4. Crimping tool correct
5. Permanent cable I.D. correct
6. Terminals torqued per specification
7. Wire size, type, and color correct
8. Crimping tool correct


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76014 Rev C Cable Termination Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7610
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to testing of electrical installation.

Electrical Construction
Define Test Boundaries _____ Each Test Package
Provide Preparation Test Electrical Construction
_____ Each Test Package
Instructions Engineer
Perform Electrical Test Electrical Superintendent _____ Each Test Package
Site Quality Manager/
000 509 F761XX
Verify Test Results Electrical Construction Test Completion
Applicable Form
Provide Restoration Electrical Construction
_____ Each Test Package
Instructions Engineer
Verify Completion of Site Quality Manager 000 509 F761XX
Each Test
Restoration Electrical Supervisor Applicable Form

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Define Test Boundaries Subcontractor _____ Each Test Package
Provide Preparation Test
Subcontractor _____ Each Test Package
Perform Electrical Test Subcontractor _____ Each Test Package
Verify Test Results Applicable Form Test Completion
Site Quality Manager
Provide Restoration
Discipline Engineer _____ Each Test Package
Verify Completion of Subcontractor/
_____ Each Test
Restoration Site Quality Manager
Site Quality Manager
Surveillance 000.509.F02201 Each Test
(*Note 1)

NOTE 1 - Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented
on other inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Procedures\509-7610 Rev C Electrical Testing.doc Page 1 of 4

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7610
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


• Define Test Boundaries and Provide Preparation Test Instruction:

- Boundaries and test instructions provided by construction Electrical Construction Engineer

shall be reviewed by inspection personnel prior to any testing activities.

- Notify the Fluor/Client of testing/inspections for their involvement which they have
requested/required to witness.

• Test Field Installed Equipment:

- Perform test in accordance with the test instruction provided by Electrical Construction

• Verification of Test Results:

- Utilizing the test instructions and/or drawing(s) required, verify the acceptance of the test.
Document the satisfactory results using the applicable forms referenced in this procedure.

• Provide Restoration Instructions:

- Instructions to comply with restoration requirement of the applicable specification and/or

drawing should be provided by Electrical Construction Engineering.

• Verification of System Restoration:

- Verify that all restoration activities have been completed and the system(s) or partial system
represented by this test package is complete.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F76101 Grounding/Earthing Resistance Reading (Resistance-to-Earth and

Loop Continuity) Test Record
000.509.F76102 Insulation Resistance (Power, Control Wire And Cable) Test Record
000.509.F76103 Insulation Resistance (Instrument Wire And Cable) Test Record
000.509.F76104 DC High Potential Test (Medium Voltage Cable) Record
000.509.F76105 Current Transformer (And Ammeter) Test Record
000.509.F76106 LV Over-current And Earth/Ground-Fault Protection Relay Test
000.509.F76107 Over-current/Ground Fault Protection Relay (Induction Type) Test
000.509.F76108 Over-current/Ground Fault Protection Relay (Thermal Type) Test
000.509.F76109 Switching Units HV Switchgear Inspection And Test Record

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7610
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

000.509.F76110 Ground Electrode Resistance Inspection Test Record

000.509.F76111 Ground Fault Protection Relay Induction Inspection and Test Record
000.509.F76112 Grounding Continuity Inspection and Test Record
000.509.F76113 Grounding Rod Inspection and Test Record
000.509.F76114 Bus Bar Assemblies LV Switchgear Test Record
000.509.F76115 Neutral Grounding/Earthing Resistor Test Record
000.509.F76116 Ground Continuity (Non Electrical) Equipment/Structures Test Record
000.509.F76117 Ground Continuity (Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars) Test
000.509.F76118 Insulation Resistance (Equipment) Test Record
000.509.F76119 Insulation Resistance (Transformer) Test Record
000.509.F76120 Liquid Dielectric Strength Test Record
000.509.F76121 DC Proof Test Record for Motors
000.509.F76122 Feeder Breaker (480V MCC) Test Record
000.509.F76123 Breaker/Contractor (480V MCC) Test Record
000.509.F76124 460V Motor Circuit (480V MCC) Test Record
000.509.F76125 Medium Voltage Motor Circuit Test Record
000.509.F76126 Equipment Absorption Ration and Polarization Index Test Record
000.509.F76127 Insulation Resistance (Medium Voltage Power Cables) Test Record
000.509.F76128 Bus Throat Insulation and Ductor Reports
000.509.F76129 Circuit Breaker Contract Timing Test Report
000.509.F76130 Vacuum Circuit Breaker Ductor Insulation Report
000.509.F76131 Drawout Vacuum Breaker Inspection Test
000.509.F76132 Main Bus Insulation and Ductor Report
000.509.F76133 Electric Motor Run-In Test Record
000.509.F76134 Drawout Air Circuit Breaker Inspection Record
000.509.F76135 Insulation Resistance (Rotating Equipment) Test Record

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76101
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76101AR
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Test Equipment:
(Note 1) (Note 2)

Reference Drawing:

Notes: 1. Record resistance-to-earth for each rod (or group of rods) with all other conductors disconnected. When a foundation is
used for grounding/earthing, measure resistance from anchor bolt to earth. Resistance not to exceed: ohms for any
single rod, designated group of rods or foundation, when tested in accordance with test method designated in

2. Check continuity from each equipment ground/earthing tap to ground/earthing loop bus or rod. If all taps between any two
rods (indicate rod numbers below) or all taps connected to bus measure less than ohms, indicate check mark in "tap"

Rod Number Or Resistance To Ambient Temp.

Weather Taps (  ) Initials/Date
Foundation Earth (Ohms) (C-F)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76101 Rev C Grounding earthing Resistance Reading Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76102
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76102A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:

Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:

Fluor Other Location:

Test Equipment: Test Voltage:

Test Equipment: Test Voltage:
Ambient Temperature: C F Date
Notes: 1. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) between each conductor and all other conductors and metallic sheath
for cables with nonshielded conductors. Test between each conductor and shield for multiconductor cables with
shielded conductors. Record lowest reading for each cable.
2. Use 500V test set for cables rated 300 to 600 volts and 2500V test set for cable rated over 600 volts.
3. Readings will vary inversely with temperature, and cable length. When Project specifies use of temperature
correction factors, attach 2nd sheet with computed values. Indicate on each sheet "Measured" or "Temperature
Panel No. Wire Or Cable Insulation
Wire Cable Rated
Circuit No. Resistance Initials
Tagging Voltage
Feeder No. Quantity Size From To (Megohms)*

*Minimum acceptable Project values Resistance For Resistance When Cable

Cable Rated Test Cable Only Cable/Wire Size Connected to Equip
Voltage Duration (Megohms) Or Amperage (Ohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76102 Rev C Insulation Resistance Power Control Wire Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76103AR
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Test Equipment:
Ambient Temperature:
Test Voltage:
Notes: 1. Record only the lowest value.
2. MP - multi-pair cable, SP - single pair cable.
3. Megger with instruments disconnected.
4. Use 250 volt (or lower voltage, when specified) range on DC test set.
5. Readings will vary with temperature and cable length.*

(multipair cables only)

Overall Shield to lead
conduit (single pair
instrument number

Indicate MP or SP

(single pair cables

Shield to Conduit
Cable number or

(multipair cables
Shield to Shield
Conductor to


Conductor to

Conductor to






and armor







*Minimum Acceptable Project Values

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76103 Rev C Insulation Resistance Instrument Wire Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Circuit Number: Ref. Dwg.:

Cable Size: (SQ.MM.) (MCM) From: To:
Number Of Conductors: No. Of Splices:
Cable Length: Manufacturer:
Insulation Type: Thickness:
Jacket Material:
Weather: Temp.: C F Humidity: Date:
Test Equipment Used:
Note: 1. The test voltage shown below shall be reached in 10 equal voltage increments.
2. After each voltage increase, the leakage current shall be allowed to stabilize during a 1-minute interval. If 1-minute intervals are
insufficient to stabilize the current, the cable shall be discharged, and the test repeated with new time intervals of greater, but still equal,
3. Record the stabilized leakage current, in microamps, at the end of each time interval.
4. Allow the voltage to remain constant at the full test voltage and record the leakage current for 5 minutes for unshielded cables and 15
minutes for shielded cables.*
5. Read test equipment instruction manual prior to testing cable.
6. When Project specifies the plotting of test results, attach 2ND sheet with separate plot for each phase. Note leakage current, in
microamps, on "y" axis. Note step-voltage increase on "x" axis, followed by time, in minutes, for the dielectric absorption portion of the
Voltage Hold
Time At Each
Sec. kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV kV
Phase A3
Phase B3
Phase C4
(Record Leakage Current In Microampers)
Time At Sec Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min
kV 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Phase A3
Phase B3
Phase C4
*Maximum acceptable Project Values: (leakage current at end of 5 or 15 minutes). Maximum Acceptable
Cable Rated Voltage Test Voltage Leakage Current
(Kilovolts) (Kilovolts) (Microampers)
All Other Phases and Shields to be grounded
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76104 Rev C DC High Potential Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Location: Switchgear No: Panel No.:
Current transformer: Function: Serial No.:
Class: Type: bar/wound
Ratio: VA rating:
1.0 Verify the following items:
1.1 Mechanical Damage
1.2 Tight Connections
1.3 Star-Point Connection and Ground Link

2.0 Insulation resistance test,

secondary winding at 500 V:
phase to ground

L1-G L2-G L3-G MΩ

3.0 Resistance test secondary circuit (C) (including transformer winding and all
secondary loads)
L1 L2 L3

4.0 Test CT polarity by battery flick test (C)

L1 L2 L3 Ω

5.0 Ratio test (C)

(to be combined with relay testing, if required)
Phase L1 L2 L3
5.1 Primary current A
5.2 Secondary current A
5.3 Ammeter reading A


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76105 Rev C Current Transformer Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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ID E76106A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Location: Switchgear No.: Panel No.:

Relay: Motor protection relay
Manufacturer: Type: Contractor rating: ______ A
Trip setting range: ______A Motor FLC:_____A

1.0 Primary injection test

at selected trip setting ______ A
all three phases connected in series
2.0 Test current in % setting 300 300 120 105
Current, A
3.0 Relay Condition Cold Warm Warm Warm
Relay Time, Seconds No Trip After
4.0 Curve Time, Seconds
______ Min
(Supplied By Manufacturer)
5.0 Ground-fault relay
Setting ______ A
Measured pick-up current ______ A

6.0 Relay setting after test:

6.1 Thermal relay ______ A
6.2 Earth-fault relay ______ A
6.3 Setting sealed ______


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76106 Rev C LV Over Current and Earth Fault Protection Relay Test.doc Page 1 of 2
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ID E76107A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Switchgear No.: Panel No.

Relay: Overcurrent Inverse Time.
Manufacturer: Type: CT Ratio:
Current Setting Range: Selected Setting: A
Time Setting Range: Selected Setting: %

Test Setting Injection Current Trip Time Seconds Remarks

Current A Time % Is Primary A Secondary A Curve 2) Actual Phase
Secondary Injection Measure and inject
S 100 1) NA NA NA Minimum relay
S 100 1.3x NA Operating current at 1)
S 100 2x NA NOTE:
S 100 4x NA The trip time curve will be supplied
by the manufacturer 2)
Primary Injection
S S 1.3x For pre-commissioning
S S 2x Inspection only
Check correct reset action
Check correct trip action
Check correct flag operation
NOTES: S = preferably at selected setting NA = not applicable
Values to be filled in for each overcurrent and earth-fault element
Relay setting after test:
Instantaneous element ______________A
Current setting _______________A
Time setting _______________%
Adhesive label provided____________

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76107 Rev C Over Current & Earth FP -Indn Type- Relay Test.doc Page 1 of 2
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ID E76108A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Switchgear No.: Panel No:
Relay: Overcurrent inverse time Relay:
Manufacturer: Type: Rated current:
Trip setting range: Selected setting: %
Tap setting: Selected setting: %
Motor FLC: A CT ratio:

1.0 Secondary injection test

Nominal injection current Is = tap setting x rated current = A
2.0 Injection current Operating Trip time All three phases
x ls A Temperature Curve Actual connected in series
4x cold
2x warm load to trip
4x warm setting 105%
1x warm running load indication %

3.0 Primary injection test (for pre-commissioning inspection only)

Injection current = 100% FLC = A
Running load indication = %

4.0 Relay setting after the test:

Tap setting % Adhesive label provided
Load to trip %
Inst. setting x In
NOTE: Trip time curve will be supplied by the manufacturer


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76108 Rev C Over Current GFP -Thermal Type- Relay Test.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Manufacturer: Switching device: Type
Function: Panel No.:
Switchgear No.: Reference Document:

Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1.0 Record the reading of the operations counter
1.1 Check the following items and report any deviations/defects under
1.2 Circuit labelling correct
1.3 Operation of safety shutters
1.4 Padlocking facilities
1.5 Interlocking facilities, mechanical/electrical
1.6 Mechanical position indicators, indicating lights
1.7 Insulating bushings and barriers
1.8 Cable box and terminations
1.9 Alignment of main and auxiliary contacts
1.10 Mechanical closing and tripping
1.11 Electrical closing local/remote
1.12 Electrical tripping local/remote
1.13 Alarm indications local/remote
1.14 Anti-condensation heater
1.15 Test insulation resistance at 500 V ..............................megaohms
2.0 Secondary and auxiliary wiring
2.1 Test insulation resistance at 500 V ..............................megaohms

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76109 Rev C Switching Units HV Switchgear Inspect & Test Records.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

3.0 Earthing:
3.1 Verify the conditions of earthing bar and connections
3.2 Test the earthing bar continuity ...............................microohms
3.3 Record fuse type/rating ....................
3.4 HV pressure test - circuit breaker (for pre-commissioning inspection
Test voltage DC Leakage Current - MA
kV A B C
kV A B C
Tester used:

4.0 Insulation resistance - circuit braker:

Test voltage V DC
Phase A B C Megaohms
Tester used:

5.0 Conductivity test - circuit braker:

Phase R S T Ohm
Ducter used:

Current transformer test completed

Sheet no.:

Protection relay test completed

Sheet no.:
Remedial action required:


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76109 Rev C Switching Units HV Switchgear Inspect & Test Records.doc Page 2 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Additional Information: Vendor:

Reference Document: Test Method
Tests of individual electrodes
No. Length cm Section cm2 Resistance Ohms Remarks

Test grid system

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76110 Rev C Ground Electrode Resistance Inspection Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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ID E76111A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Additional Information: Current setting range: CT ratio:

Manufacturer: Selected setting: A
Time setting range: Relay:
Selected setting:: %: Type:
Switchgear No.: Panel No.: Reference Document:

Check correct trip action

Check correct flag operation

S = preferably at selected setting NA = Not Applicable
Values to be filled in for each overcurrent and ground/fault element

Relay setting after test:

Instantaneous element A

Current setting A

Time setting %

Adhesive label provided


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76111 Rev C GFP Induction Relay Inspection and Test Report.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Check earth bosses installed are welded correctly.

02 Check conductor tape is jointed correctly.

03 Check and confirm all cables are correctly sized.

04 Check that the equipment is bonded to the main earth.

05 Check all cables lugs are fitted correctly.

06 Confirm maximum two cables are terminated to each earth boss.

07 Confirm all contact points are clean and greased with the
approved compound.

08 Check all washers are of vibration proof type.

09 Confirm cable protective measures (kick plates) are installed.

10 For IS equipment ensure that a separate insulated earth bar has

been installed and is earthed in accordance with project

11 Test earth continuity resistance from main earthing point to the

final earth point of the sub-system. Maximum 1.0 ohms.

12 Ductor test across all tape joints. Maximum 1.0 ohms.

This procedure should be used for major items of equipment (i.e., vendor’s skids, switchboards, etc.). Small
power and equipment earthing will be confirmed correct on the respective check sheets.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76112 Rev C Grounding Continuity Inspection and Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Drawing No.: Ground Temperature:
Earth Test Rating: Manufacturer:
1.0 Test each ground rod with the earth tester and record reading in the following table.
Ground Ground Ground
Ground Rod Ground Rod Ground Rod
Resistance In Resistance In Resistance In
No. No. No.
Ohms Ohms Ohms

2.0 Area Grounding Resistance (with all rods installed and connected) _____________ OHMS


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76113 Rev C Grounding Rod Inspection and Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Manufacturer: Rating:
Reference Document: Section:
System voltage: Switchgear No.:
Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1.0 Insulation resistance test - bus-bar system at 500 V CC
Phase A B C Megaohms

2.0 Tester used: Cal Date:

2.1 Conductivity test - bus-bar system (C)

Spout to spout Megaohms

Unit # Incomer 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 Incomer 7


3.0 Ducter used:

Grounding system
3.1 Check the continuity of the grounding bar and connections ....................... ohms
3.2 Measure continuity of switchboard to main ground ......................... ohms
3.3 Current transformer test (include. ammeter) completed
Sheet no. ...........
3.4 After energizing
3.5 Check voltmeter reading: ............
3.6 Check phase rotation (C) .............
Remedial action completed:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76114 Rev C Busbar Assembly LV Swithcgear Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment Test Voltage: Cal. Date:
Test Equipment Test Voltage: Cal. Date:
1. Use 500 volt test set for 600 volt equipment and below, 2500 volt tests set for equipment rated over 600 volts.

2. Resistor must be disconnected from ground/earth and neutral during Insulation Resistance (megger) and DC Overpotential Tests.

3. Resistor must be disconnected from neutral during Cold Resistance Test.

4. Apply DC Overpotential Test between terminals and ground for the complete device. (The voltage applied between the terminals of
each assembly and its grounded enclosure shall be twice the rated AC voltage plus 1000 V when rated 600 V or less, or 2.25 times the
rated AC voltage plus 2000 V when rated over 600 V for 1 Minute.) This test is a Pass/Fail test based purely on withstand alone.

5. Inspect assembly for damage and missing parts.

6. Check to assure that the center tap ratio is correct, when CT is supplied with resistor.

7. Verify resistor reterminated.

Cold Resistance Overpotential CT Ratio Reterm
Tag Number Resistance Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
(ohms) () Pri-Sec ()

*Minimum acceptable Project Values:

Voltage Class Insulation Resistance (megaohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76115 Rev C Neutral Grounding Resistor Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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ID E76116A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment Used: Weather
Cal. Date:
1. Vessels, tanks and structural steel bonded to the main grounding/earthing system, dedicated ground/earthing rod or
foundation, as indicated on drawings listed below.

2. Measure resistance from ground/earthing wire tap (or anchor bolt) to tagged equipment frame or structural steel.
Resistance not to exceed ohms.
Equipment Tag No. or Measured Resistance
Drawings Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Structure (ohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76116 Rev CGround Continuity Equipment-Structure Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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ID E76117A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment Used: Weather
Cal. Date:

1. Electrical equipment bonded to the main grounding/earthing system or dedicated ground/earthing rod, as indicated on
drawings listed below.

2. Measure resistance from ground/earthing wire tap to tagged equipment bus bars, tagged equipment enclosures, and any
other points indicated on the drawings. Resistance not to exceed _______ ohms.

Electrical Equipment Measured Resistance

Drawing Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Tag No. (ohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76117 Rev C Grnd Continuity Equipment-Grnd Test Bars Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76118
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76118A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment: Substation:
o o
Ambient Temperature: C F Ref. Spec.:
Reference Drawing:
Cal. Date:
1. Use 500 Volt test set for 600 Volt equipment and below, 2500/5000 Volt test set for equipment rated over 600

2. For equipment with solid state control circuits, consult manufacturer’s literature for maximum test voltages.

Switchgear Insulation Resistance (megaohms)* Rated Test

Voltage Fluor
MCC Voltage Subcontractor
ФA to G ФB to G ФC to G ФA to ФB ФB to ФC ФC to ФA (kV) FE/QA
(other) (kV)

*Minimum acceptable Project values:

Equipment Voltage Class Resistance (megaohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76118 Rev C Equipment Insulation Resistance Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76118
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76119
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Substation No. Test Equipment:

Cal Date:
1. Use 500 volt test set for 600 volt equipment and below, 2500 volt test set for equipment rated 601-5000 volts and 5000 volt test
set for equipment rated over 5000 volts

2. Test voltage to be applied for 1 minute duration and reading taken

3. Neutral must be disconnected from ground during test

4. Record temperature of insulating liquid for liquid-immersed transformers and surrounding air temperature for dry type

5. Readings will vary inversely with temperature. When Project specifies use of temperature correction factors, attach 2nd sheet with
computed values. Indicate on each sheet “measured” or “temperature corrected.”
Insulation Resistance (megaohms)* Rated
Equipment Voltage Pri-Sec Liquid Temp.
Primary Secondary Pri To Sec
Tag No. Rating (kV) Or Air (0C/0F)
ФA to G ФB to G ФC to G ФA to G ФB to G ФC to G

*Minimum acceptable Project values:

Voltage Class Resistance (megaohms)

Tester’s Name/Date
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76119 Rev C Transformer Insulation Resistance Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76119
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76120
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
1. Minimum acceptable breakdown voltage determined in accordance with the following:
ANSI standard

2. Test performed:
At laboratory and test results attached.
In the field to test procedure:
Test equipment: Cal Date:

Liquid Type and Spec. Actual Breakdown Voltage

Equipment Tag No. Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Minimum (kilovolts) Reading (kilovolts)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76120 Rev C Liquid Dielectric Strength Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76120
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76121
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment: Cal Date:
0 0
Ambient Temperature: C F
1. Equipment must meet minimum PI (Polarization Index) values prior to conducting this test. Complete Form: 000 509 F76053
Equipment Absorption Ration and Polarization Index Test Record.
2. Isolate each phase winding, whenever practical. If not practical, test of entire winding is acceptable.
3. Increase voltage at rate indicated below, until full test voltage is reached. This test is a Pass/Fail test based purely on withstand
4. Test duration at full test voltage shall be: * minutes.
5. Read instruction manual prior to using test equipment
6. All other phases to be grounded/earthed
Rated AC Equipment Test () OK
Tag No. PI Subcontractor Fluor FE/ QA
Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) ФA ФB ФC

*Project requirements as follows:

Equipment Minimum PI Time to Reach
Rated Voltage Prior Test Voltage
(kilovolts) To Test DC Test Voltage (seonds)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76121 Rev C DC Proof Test Record for Motors.doc Page 1 of 2

Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76121
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76122
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment Designation:

Load Designation:

Load (kW/kVA): Voltage: F.L.A:

Circuit Breaker MFR: Rating: Setting:

Conductor Size: Power: Ground:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1. Check nameplate data of breaker against approved supplier drawings

2. Check breaker components for cleanliness

3. Check mechanical function of breaker

4. Check wiring for proper identification

5. Check conduits/cables for tagging

6. Check components for identification

7. Check equipment for conformance to area classification

8. Check installation for seals, breathers and drains

9. Verify power conductor continuity

10. Check that power cable Insulation Resistance Test (megger) is completed and that Form: 000
509 F76102: Insulation Resistance Test Record (Power, Control Wire and Cable), is on file

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76122 Rev C Feeder Breaker 480 V Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76122
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76123
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment Designation:
Load Designation:
Load (kW/kVA): Voltage: F.L.A.:
Circuit Breaker Mfr.: Rating: Setting
Contactor Mfr.: Size:
Conductor Size: Power: Control: Ground:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Check nameplate data of breaker, contactor fuses and relays against approved supplier
2. Check main and auxiliary contacts
3. Check contactor/breaker components for cleanliness
4. Check control fuses, CPT rating and coil voltage
5. Check mechanical function of contactor and breaker
6. Check wiring for proper identification
7. Check conduits/cables for tagging
8. Check components for identification
9. Check equipment for conformance to area classification
10. Check installation for seals, breathers and drains
11. Verify continuity of all power and control leads
12. Check that power cable Insulation Resistance Test (megger) is completed and that Form:
000 509 F76102
13. Complete functional operation check of the control circuit using contract drawings and
approved supplier drawings. Close and open the contactor using all control devices.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76123 Rev C Breaker Contactor 480 V Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76123
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76124
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment Designation:
Motor Tag No.: Voltage: F.L.A.:
kW/HP: RPM: S.F.:
Circuit Breaker Mfr.: Rating: Setting:
Starter Mfr.: Size: O/L HTR. Size:
Conductor Size: Power: Control: Ground:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Check motor starter for cleanliness
2. Check nameplate data and tagging of motor starter components for conformance to
approved supplier drawings
3. Check conduits and/or cables for correct tagging
4. Check equipment and installation for conformance to area classification
5. Check installation for seals, breathers and drains
6. Check main and auxiliary contacts of breaker and contactors
7. Manual check mechanical operation of breaker, contactor, O/L relay and O/L reset device
8. Check continuity of power and control cables
9. Complete functional operations check of the motor control circuit using the contract
drawings and approved supplier drawings. Close and open the starter using all control
10. Verify completion of activities on Form: 000 509 F76227: Electric Motor-Electrical
Activities Inspection Record, and Form: 000 509 F76228: Electric Motor Mechanical
Activities Inspection Record, prior to motor bump and run-in, in accordance with Form:
000 509 F76133: Electric Motor Run-in Test Record


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76124 Rev C 460V Motor Circuit Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2

Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76124
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76125
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment Designation:
Motor Tag No.: Serial No.:
Manufacturer: Service Factor:
KW/HP: F.L.A.: Rated Voltage:
Started Description:
Manufacturer: CT Ratio:
Contactor Rating: Type:
Rated Current: Fuse Size: Rated Voltage:
O/L Relay Setting:
Conductor Size: Power: Control: Ground:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Check motor starter for cleanliness
2. Check nameplates data and tagging of motor starter components for conformance to approved
Supplier drawings
3. Check conduits and/or cables for correct tagging
4. Check equipment and installation for conformance to area classification
5. Check installation for seals, breathers and drains
6. Check main and auxiliary contacts of breaker and contactors
7. Check mechanical operation of breakers, contactors and relay and O/L reset devices
8. Check continuity of power and control cables
9. Verify calibration and setting of protective relays
10. Check wiring to surge arrestors, capacitors, stator RTDs and current transformers
11. Complete functional operations check of the motor control circuit using the contract drawings
and approved Supplier drawings. Check to see that motor space heaters are fuctional. Close
and open the starter using all control devices.
12. Verify completion of activities on Form: 000 509 F76227: Electric Motor-Electrical Activities
Inspection Record and Form: 000 509 F76228: Electric Motor Mechanical Activities
Inspection Record, prior to motor bump and run-in, in accordance with Form: 000 509
F76133: Electric Motor Run-in Test Record

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76125 Rev C Medium Voltage Motor Circuit Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76126
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76126A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment Tag No.: Test Equipment:
o o
Test Voltage: Ambient Temperature: C F
Rel. Humidity: Equipment Temperature:


1. Perform test as indicated on Test Records for each individual equipment type. Reference the following forms:

Transformers: 000 509 F76119 Insulation Resistance (Transformer) Test Record

Equipment: 000 509 F76118 Insulation Resistance (Equipment) Test Record
Motors and Generators 000 509 F76135 Insulation Resistance (Rotating Equipment) Test Record

2. Absorption Raito = 1 Min. Resistance Value

30 Sec. Resistance Value

3. Polarization Index = 10 Min. Resistance Value

1 Min. Resistance Value

Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground Dielectric

30 Sec. Reading 1 Min. Reading 10 Min. Reading Absorption
ΦA to Ground ΦA to Ground ΦA to Ground Ration

Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground

Dielectric Absorption Polarization
30 sec. Reading 1 Min. Reading 10 Min. Reading
Ratio Index
ΦB to Ground ΦB to Ground ΦB to Ground

Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground Ohms to Ground Dielectric

30 Sec. Reading 1 Min. Reading 10 Min. Reading Absorption
ΦC to Ground ΦC to Ground ΦC to Ground Ratio

Tester’s Name/Date
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76127
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76127A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Test Equipment: Test Voltage:
Test Equipment: Test Voltage:
o o
Ambient Temperature: C F Date

Notes: 1. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) between each conductor and all other conductors and metallic sheath for cables
with nonshielded conductors. Test between each conductor and shield for multiconductor cables with shielded conductors.
Record lowest reading for each cable.

2. Use 2500V test set for cable rated over 600 volts.

3. Reading will vary inversely with temperature and cable length. When Project specifies use of temperature correction factors,
attach 2nd sheet with computed values. Indicate on each sheet “Measured” or “Temperature corrected”.

4. For Medium Voltage cables, perform megger test after final Hi-Pot Test.

Panel No. Insulation Resistance

Cable Rated Wire Or Cable
Circuit No. Wire Tagging (Megaohms)* Initials
Feeder No. Quantity Size From To A to Gnd B to Gnd C to Gnd

*Minimum acceptable Project values:

Resistance For Resistance When Cable
Cable Rated Test Cable Only Cable/Wire Size Connected to Equip
Voltage Duration (Megaohms) Or Amperage (Ohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76127 Rev C Insulation Resistance -Med V Power Cables- Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76127
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76128
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Date: Station & Transformer No.: Temperature:

By: Test Set /Manuf/Model: Humidity:
Calibration Date:
Bus: WIN# Insulation Resistance Insulation Resistance Ductor in Micro-ohms =

Paint in Good
A or B P-G in Megaohms P-P in Megaohms < 50 minimum

Clean Bus

Clean Bus


Inspect &

Inspect &

Inspect &



Same as Main

N-S-E-W Bus (Condition of Equipment)

Notify immediate supervisor if any readings are not within acceptable limits. Infrared bolts connection points: Yes No
Comments: Results:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76128 Rev C Bus Throat Insulation and Ductor Report.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76129
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Date: Station:
By: Manufacturer:
Breaker WIN No. Cubicle No.: Test set mfg., model & S.N.:
Cal. Date:
Closing Time Opening Time
Time/ms as Delta Closing Time/ms as Delta Closing
Accept. Max/ms Pass/Fail Accept. Max/ms Pass/Fail
found/as left Time* found/as left Time *
Contact 1 / /
Contact 2 / /
Contact 3 / /
Note: Maximum acceptable time can be found in the Manufacturers instruction manual. If test fails; notify your Supervisor
*This is the biggest difference between contacts


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76129 Rev C Circuit Breaker Contact timing Test Report.doc Page 1 of 2
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76129
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76130
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Date: Station: Temperature:

By: Test Set (Model & Mtg.): Humidity:
Cal Date:
Contact Resistance In Micro-ohms Vacuum Bottle

Operated at

Tripod with
Insulation of Breaker In Megohms


each relay
S.N. of (50 maximum) * Integrity Test


least 5
WIN Counter Condition of Equipment
Breaker/ Before After Phase-Ground Phase-Phase Good/Bad
# Reading (parts replaced etc.)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76130 Rev C Vacuum Circuit Breaker Ductor Insulation Report.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76130
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76131
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Switchgear Tag No.: Serial No.:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
One at a time, insert breakers into their respective cubicles and check the following:
1. Roll breaker into TEST position.
(The spring charging mechanism should operate and charge spring)
2. Withdraw breaker to DISCONNECTED position
3. Roll breaker into the TEST position. Close breaker using door switch and check indication
light for operation. Close breaker from remote control station where applicable
4. Trip breaker and check indication light. Trip from door switch and remote control station
5. Trip each breaker from each protection device and check relay targets for operation. Test
proper operation of lockout device in closing circuit
6. Trip each breaker with its mechanical trip device
7. Measure insulation resistance between phases and between phase-to-ground with breaker
withdrawn and closed. Record below
8. Perform contract resistance test and record below
9. Perform circuit breaker contract Timing test. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76129
10. Perform Ductor Tests. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76130
11. Perform DC Proof Test on vacuum bottles and record below
12. Roll breaker into CONNECTED position and test operation of latch check switch, if
13. Verify nameplate data (such as continuous amperes, interrupting amperes, etc.) is in
accordance with supplier drawings

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Date: Station: Temperature:

By: Test Set /Manuf/Model: Humidity:
Calibration Date:
Bus: Insulation Ductor in

Source Breaker
Insulation Resistance

Pressure Relay
Transfer Made

Paint in Good
Resistance Micro-ohms = < 50

(Both Ways)

Clips Clean
Clean Bush
A or B P-P in Megaohms

made with

made with

Clean Bus
Auto Xter

Auto Xter


Inspect &

Inspect &

Inspect &

PT Leads
WIN# P-G in Megaohms minimum





(Condition of Equipment)

Notify immediate supervisor if any readings are not within acceptable limits. Infrared bolts connection points: Yes No
Comments: Results:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Reference Drawing: Test Equipment:

Calibration Date: _______________________________
NOTES 1. Duration of tests to comply with project specifications.

2. Complete Form 000 509 F76227; Electric Motor – Electrical Activities Inspection Record.

Test Remarks Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Actual voltage measured at motor control center ______Volts
Rotation Check
Bump motor to verify rotation motor must be uncoupled.
No Load Current
At beginning of test: _______ AMPS.
At end of test: ________ AMPS.
Temperature of Bearing
Check bearing for high temperature:

Before Start

15 Minutes after start

30 Minutes after start

1 Hour after start

2 Hours after start

3 Hours after start

Make visual inspection during run; test and record any unusual
vibration in remarks column.
Record any unusual noise in remarks column.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76133 Rev C Electric Motor Run-in Test Report.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76134
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Switchgear Tag No.: Serial No.:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
One at a time, insert breakers into their respective cubicles and check the following:
1. Roll breaker into TEST position. (The spring charging mechanism should operate and charge
2. Withdraw breaker to DISCONNECTED position
3. Roll breaker into the TEST position. Close breaker using door switch and check indication
light for operation. Close breaker from remote control station where applicable
4. Trip breaker and check indication light. Trip from door switch and remote control station
5. Trip each breaker from each protection device and check relay targets for operation. Test
proper operation of lockout device in closing circuit
6. Trip each breaker with its mechanical trip device
7. Check contact alignment and wipe (air break only)
8. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) between each phase and to ground with breaker
withdrawn and closed. Record on 000 509 F76127
9. Perform Contract Resistance Test and record below
10. Perform circuit breaker contact timing tests. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76129
11. Perform Ductor Tests. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76130
12. Roll breaker into CONNECTED position and test operation of latch check switch, if
13. Verify nameplate data (such as continuous amperes, interrupting amperes, etc.) is in
accordance with supplier drawings

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76134 Rev C Drawout Air Circuit Breaker Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76134
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76135
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Motor Tag No.:
Test Equipment: Test Voltage: Cal Date:
o o o o
Ambient Temperature: C F Equip. Temp., If Know: C F
How Known: Cal. Date
Notes!!! 1. Use 500 Volt test set for 600 Volt equipment and below, 2500/5000 Volt test set for equipment rated over 600 Volts.

2. Test duration shall be 1 minute; note if otherwise:

3. Disconnect each phase winding from neutral, wherever practical. If not practical, test may be made on entire winding.

4. Document testing of low voltage and medium voltage equipment on separate sheets.

5. Reading will vary inversely with temperature. When Project specifies use of temperature correction factors, attach 2nd sheet
with computed values. Indicate on each sheet “Measured” or “Temperature Corrected”.

Equipment Insulation Resistance (megohms)* Equipment

Rated Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Tag No. ФA to G ФB to G ФC to G ФA to ФB ФB to ФC ФC to ФA Voltage

*Minimum acceptable Project values:

Voltage Class Resistance (megohms)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7620
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to inspection and testing of electrical equipment.


Install Equipment Self Perform _____ _____

Inspect in-process Site Quality Manager/ Daily during life of

000 509 F762XX
Equipment Installation Construction Engineer activity
Site Quality Manager/
000 509 F02201 Periodically
Inspect/Perform Construction Engineer
Equipment Protection
Electrical Supervisor 000 509 F02201 Periodically

Define Test Boundaries Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package

Provide Preparation
Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package
Test Instructions
Test Field Installed
Electrical Superintendent _____ Each Test Package
Site Quality Manager/
Verify Test Results 000 509 F762XX Test Completion
Construction Engineer
Provide Restoration
Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package
Verify Completion Site Quality Manager/
_____ Each Test
of Restoration Construction Engineer
Site Quality Manager
Surveillance 000.509.F02201 Each Test
(Note 1)

NOTE 1: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

\\Vappfil007\va_a6cv_ng\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Procedures\509-7620 Rev C Electrical Equipment.doc Page 1 of 4

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7620
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work


Install Equipment Subcontractor _____ _____

Inspect in-process Subcontractor/ Daily during life

000 509 F762XX
Equipment Installation Site Quality Manager of activity

Inspect/Perform Subcontractor/
000 509 F02201 Periodically
Equipment Protection Site Quality Manager

Define Test Boundaries Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package

Provide Preparation
Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package
Test Instructions

Test Field Installed

Subcontractor _____ Each Test Package

Verify Test Results 000 509 F762XX Test Completion
Site Quality Manager

Provide Restoration
Construction Engineer _____ Each Test Package
Verify Completion of
Construction Engineer _____ Each Test
Site Quality Manager
Site Quality Manager
Surveillance 000.509.F02201 Each Test
(Note 1)

NOTE 1: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.


• Inspect In-process Equipment Installation:

- Perform inspection of equipment installations in accordance with the applicable

specifications and drawings. The appropriate check-list should be initiated and completed
to document inspection and testing activities.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7620
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

• Inspect/Perform Equipment Protection:

- Verify the equipment preservation and protection is adequately implemented in

accordance with the requirements established by Construction Electrical Engineering.
Document the verification process using 000.509.F02201.

• Define Test Boundaries and Provide Preparation Test Instruction:

- Boundaries and test instructions provided by Construction Engineering shall be reviewed

by inspection personnel prior to any testing activities.
- Notify the Client of testing/inspections for their involvement which they have
requested/required to witness.
• Test Field Installed Equipment:

- Perform test in accordance with the test instruction provided by Construction Engineering.
• Verification of Test Results:

- Utilizing the test instructions and/or drawing(s) required, verify the acceptance of the test.
Document the satisfactory results using the applicable forms contained in this manual.
• Provide Restoration Instructions:
- Instructions to comply with restoration requirement of the applicable specification and/or
drawing should be provided by Construction Engineering.
• Verification of System Restoration:
- Verify that all restoration activities have been completed and the system(s) or partial
system represented by this test package is complete.

Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02201 Surveillance Report

000.509.F76201 Emergency Generators Inspection Checklist
Inspection of Switchgear Bus-Bar Continuity (Including Incoming and
000.509.F76202 Sectionalizer Units)
000.509.F76203 Inspection LV Switchgear (Including Incoming and Sectionalizer Units)
000.509.F76204 Inspection of Outgoing – LV Switchgear
000.509.F76205 Inspection of Static Supply Unit (UPS)
000.509.F76206 Motor Control Centers Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76207 Motor Control Centers (Motors and Starters) Inspection Record
000.509.F76208 High Voltage Motors and Starters
000.509.F76209 Motors Checklist

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

000.509.F76210 Control and Relay Panels Inspection Checklist

000.509.F76211 Electronic Equipment Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76212 Power Panel Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76213 Switchgear Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76214 Low Voltage Feeders Inspection Record
000.509.F76215 High Voltage Cable Inspection and Test Record
000.509.F76216 Electrical Equipment Inspection Record
000.509.F76217 Control Scheme Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76218 Power Transformer Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76219 Switching Units – HV Switchgear Inspection and Test Record
000.509.F76220 Switching Units – HV Switchgear Inspection Checklist
000.509.F76221 Liquid – Filled Transformer Inspection Record
000.509.F76222 Busway Inspection Record
000.509.F76223 Switchgear Inspection Record
000.509.F76224 Motor Control Center Inspection Record
000.509.F76225 Battery and Battery Charger Inspection Record
000.509.F76226 Liquid Immersed Medium Voltage Disconnect Switch Inspection Record
000.509.F76227 Electric Motor – Electrical Activities Inspection Record
000.509.F76228 Electric Motor – Mechanical Activities Inspection Record
000.509.F76229 Electric Motor for Compressor Installation Checklist
000.509.F76230 Compressor Vibration Checklist
000.509.F76231 Vibration Probe Record
000.509.F76232 Dry Type Lighting, Receptacle & Instrument Transformers Checklist
000.509.F76233 Instrument Wire and Cables Continuity Checks >50VDC

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F02201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:


Reference Document:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Verify nameplate date in accordance with drawings, specifications
and requisitions
02 Location and orientation
03 Access and fixing correct
04 Verify diesel, generator panels and enclosure for any visible signs of
05 Measure insulation resistance prior to starting and record
06 Verify electrical panel labelling
07 Verify pilot lamp test
08 Verify connections are tight
09 Grounding connected and tight
10 Verify make and type of battery
11 Verify load circuit
12 Make visual inspection during test run and record any unusual
vibration and unusual noise in “Notes” space


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76202
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76202A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Busbar Conductivity, MΩ Fluor
Designation Subcontractor
From To L1 L2 L3 N G Ducter #

Conductivity measurements shall be carried out between adjacent outgoers or adjacent outgoer and incomers in order to
verify the entire bus-bar path including 'droppers/risers'.

For identical connections the measured values shall not differ by more than 20% from each other.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76202 Rev C Inspection of Switchgear Bus-bar Continuity.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76203
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

ID E76203A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Switchgear No.: Section:
System voltage: Rating:

1.0 Insulation resistance test - bus-bar system at 500-VTester used:

Phase L1-G............. L2-G L3-G MΩ
Anti-condensation heaters working
Test insulation resistance at 500 V MΩ
2.0 Grounding system
Check the condition of the grounding bar and connections
Measure continuity of switchboard to main earth MΩ

3.0 Current transformer test (incl. ammeter)

Completed Yes No (Sheet F76012) Sheet No.

4.0 After energizing Check voltmeter reading:

Check phase rotation (C):

5.0 Relay setting after the test:

Tap setting ________% Adhesive label provided
Load to trip ________%
Inst. Setting ________x In
NOTE: Trip time curve will be supplied by the manufacturer


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76204
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Location: Switchgear No: Function:
Manufacturer: Switching device type:
Panel No.: Rating:
1.0 Check the following items and note any deviations/defects under remarks:
1.1 Circuit labeling
1.2 Mechanical damage
1.3 Door interlock
1.4 Mechanical position indication
1.5 Electrical closing local/remote
1.6 Electrical tripping local/remote
1.7 Alarm indication local/remote
1.8 Wiring connection and marking
1.9 test insulation resistance wiring at 500 V MΩ

2.0 Grounding; Verify the condition of the grounding bus and connections

3.0 Insulation resistance test - switching device at 500 V

Phase L1-E L2-E L3-E MΩ

4.0 Protection relay test (E76106) Sheet No.

5.0 Restart relay tested result: s

6.0 Verify and record the fuse:

Class Rating Condition


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76204 Rev C Inspection of Outgoi ng LV Switchgear.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:


Circuit Number Value MΩ Date Circuit Number Value MΩ Date

Residual Current Gnd Loop
Circuit Number IR MΩ Polarity Date
Device Impedance

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76205
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Unit No.: Manufacturer
Rectifier/Inverter: Serial No.:
Battery Type: No. Of Cells/Volts:

1.0 AC/DC distribution board

1.1 Check:
Good condition – no mechanical damage
Correct labeling
Correct grounding
Insulation resistance at 500-V
1.2 Test:
Bar 1 – Ground MΩ Bar 1 - Bar 2 MΩ Bar 2 – Earth MΩ
Test ground-fault indication and detection
1.3 Record:
Fuse size: Type: Actual load:

2.0 Verify the following items:

Correct grounding Cable connections
Operating temperature Cleanliness
No abnormal noise No leaking capacitors
All parallel capacitors at same temperature

3.0 Verify correct operation of:

Forced cooling fan Interlock system
Indicating lights/meters Common alarm

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

4.0 Check operating set points

4.1 Rectifier:
Float charge voltage V Boost charge voltage V
(Indicate if trip or alarm function)
AC failure V S
Rectifier failure Low DC voltage V
High DC voltage V Earth fault
Rectifier output oscilloscope check at normal load

4.2 Inverter:
Inverter output voltage & frequency V Hz
Inverter in synchronism
Auto change-over:
A. From inverter to by-pass
B. From by-pass to inverter
C. Inverter output oscilloscope check at normal load
(Indicate if trip or alarm function)
Low DC input V High DC input V
Low AC output V High AC output V
Inverter fail Load on bypass
Fuse failure

5.0 Batteries
5.1 Check that all connections are tight and that anti-corrosive coating is
5.2 Check the liquid level of each cell
5.3 Check the cells for leakage
- Cell voltage and specific gravity tests
- Battery discharge capacity test

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Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
5.4 Battery discharge capacity test

Unit No.: Test Date:

Normal load: A

Time DC Volts DC Amps AC Volts AC Amps Hz

0 min
5 min

Test guidelines:
1. Discharge load current to be equal to normal load current +/- 10%.
2. Simulate a rectifier power failure and discharge to the point of inverter trip or
the specified minimum voltage.
3. Cell voltages may be measured during battery discharge, to detect defects.
4. Upon completion of the test carry out boost charging.

5.5 Battery cell tests

Unit No.: Test Date:

Temperature: °F

Cell No. Volts S.G. Cell No. Volts S.G Cell No. Volts S.G.

Record in coupled condition: - starting time (if over 1 s) s (A)


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check – Record Data on E76207Ar Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the following are acceptable per design drawings:
01 Remote trip installed
02 Ventilation filters
03 Control PNL directory complete
04 All nameplates complete

05 Ground bus continuous

06 Ground bus tied to plant GND
07 Bus joints torqued

08 All mechanical interlocks operational

09 Unused knockouts plugged
10 Floor anchors installed

11 Grouting complete
12 Touch up painting completed


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76206 Rev C Motor Control Center Inspection Checlist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


ID E76207Ar
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Reference E76206A
Incoming Feeder Size
In. Fdr-Conduit or Cable Bus or Bus Duct
Main Disconnect Rating

Control Transformer Kva

Cont Pnl Main Bkr or Fuse Size
Horizontal Bus Rating

Horizontal Bus Type

Vertical Bus Rating
Vertical Bus Type

Megger at 1000v
Megger at 1000v Ground
Ground Bus Type

Ground Bus Rating


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76207 Rev C Motor Control Center Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:


Complete the Motor Checklist, Form F76209, except for electrical test data.


Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the following are acceptable in accordance with design documents:

01 All nameplates complete

02 Ground bus tied to plant ground

03 Unused knockouts plugged

04 Floor anchors installed

05 Grouting complete

06 Touch-up painting complete

07 Maintenance tools available

08 Conduits labeled 4160 volts

09 Control scheme check


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76208 Rev C High Voltage Motors and Starters.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Control Scheme:
1.0 Mechanical As Installed
Acceptable Acceptable
1.01 Motor Equip. No. Nameplate 1.08 Ericson Cplg.
1.02 Belt Drive 1.09 Meyers Hub
1.03 Dowel Pins 1.10 Conduit Brace
1.04 Drain Plug 1.11 Flex Conduit
1.05 Gasket-Cond. Box 1.12 Mtr Rotates Freely
1.06 Weephole-Cond. Box 1.13 Vibration
1.07 Bearing Temp. 1.14 Noise
2.0 Electrical As Installed
2.01 MCC Disc. Switch Size 2.07 Meter CT’s Ratio
2.02 Breaker Size 2.08 Feeder Cable Size
2.03 Fuse Size 2.09 Control XFMR Size
2.04 Starter Size 2.10 Grounding
2.05 OL Heater Size 2.11 Local Disc. Switch
2.06 OL CT’s Ratio 2.12 Motor Space Heater

3.0 Actual Nameplate Data

3.01 MFG 3.06 Volts
3.02 H.P. 3.07 ENCL.
3.03 F.L.A. 3.08 INS. CL.
3.04 S.F. 3.09 Temp. C
3.05 RPM 3.10 Serial No.

4.0 Electrical Test Data

4.01 Megger At 1000 V __________ Meg 4.03 No Load Amps
4.02 Rotation CW __________ CCW __________ 4.04 Two (2) Hour Run YES NO


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

*NOTE: Control and alarm device testing to be done during control scheme and logic checks.

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the following are acceptable in accordance with design documentation

01 Panel ground wire installed

02 Internal cooling fan

03 Forced ventilation

04 Nameplates complete

05 Internal device labels complete

06 Terminal strips labeled

07 NEMA construction (I, 3R, etc.) of enclosure

08 Field wire markers complete

09 Unused knockouts plugged

10 Convenience outlet phased

11 Internal lighting complete

12 Floor entrances sealed

13 Touch up painting completed

14 Annunciator wiring bundled and formed to allow removal of a single
print wiring without shutdown. Future points are not blocked.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76210 Rev C Control and Relay Panels Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Manufacturer: Type: Rating:
Serial No.: Model No.: Style No.:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
01 Inspect for damaged and missing parts
02 Inspect for loose nuts and bolts
03 Inspect for loose wiring connections
04 Inspect for dirt and foreign materials
05 Test per manufacturer’s instructions
06 Record item number of UPS system of which above equipment is a part.*

(* N/A for all components. Complete this item on from covering inverter
portion of UPS as a record of the Complete System Test.)
07 Other:


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76211 Rev C Electronic Equipment Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76211
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76112
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

Verify the following:
01 Remote trip installed
02 Panel directory complete
03 All nameplates complete
04 Ground bus installed
05 Ground bus tied to plant ground grid
06 All mechanical interlocks operational
07 Unused knockouts plugged
08 Floor anchors installed
09 Grouting complete
10 Touch up painting complete
11 Provide the data and complete the following:
11.1 Incoming Feeder Size
11.2 Main Disc. or Fuse Rating
11.3 Vertical Bus Rating
11.4 Vertical Bus Type
11.5 Megger at 1000V
11.6 Megger at 1000v Ground
11.7 Feeder Fuse Type


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76212 Rev C Power Panel Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76112
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76113
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1. Confirm that checks according to the certified equipment procedure have been
performed for certified switchboards.
2. Verify name plate details against data sheet.

3. Visually inspect equipment for external damage.

4. Inspect the switchboard for alignment and secure fixings.

5. Confirm equipment is correctly located as per Switchroom layout drawings.

6. Check all cable entries are correct to design requirements.

7. Check earthing conforms to project specification. Inspect switchboard earth bar and
ensure all earth terminations are correct and secure.
8. Check inside of the switchboard is clean, dry and silica gel, etc., has been removed.

9. Check all cubicle doors can be opened and are not obstructed.

10. Visually inspect the switchboard cubicles for damage.

11. Ensure that torque settings of Busbar shipping joints are in accordance with supplier
requirements / specifications.
12. Check all equipment carries the correct circuit identification.

13. Ensure all Busbars are encapsulated as per specification.

14. Ensure that ducter tests are performed across all bolted shipping joints and readings
are acceptable and recorded, a copy of which to be maintained within the
construction dossiers.
15. On completion of all cable glanding confirm spare entries are correctly plugged.

16. Check gaskets and seals are not damaged.

17. Check all bolts are correct and none missing.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76213 Rev C Swithcgear Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76113
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

1.0 Low Voltage Switchgear to MCC

1.1 Type Installation
1.2 Feeder Size
1.3 Mechanical Installation
1.4 Ground Conductor
1.5 NEMA Standard Phasing
1.6 Megger @ 1000V 0-0
1.7 Megger @ 1000V 0-Gnd
2.0 MCC to Disconnect, Power Panel, or Packaged Equipment
2.1 MCC Disc Switch Size
2.2 Fuse Size
2.3 Fuse Type
2.4 Feeder Cable Size
2.5 Wire Markers - Both Ends
2.6 Ground Conductor
2.7 NEMA Standard Phasing
2.8 Megger @ 1000V 0-0
2.9 Megger @ 1000V 0-Gnd


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76214 Rev C Low Voltage Feeders Inspection Record.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Cable is the correct type and size, see cable schedule.
02 Cable glands are the correct type, and correctly fitted.
03 Ensure IP sealing washers are fitted to gland, where required.
04 Check earth bonding is correct to design drawings.
05 On single core cables, ensure that cables are earthed as shown on the
contract electrical drawings.
06 Confirm cable route and segregation are correct.
07 Check cable supports, cleating and banding are to specification.
08 Check bending radius is within manufacturer’s recommendations.
09 Check cable markers are correct through transits and each end.
10 Confirm protective measures (kick plates) are fitted correctly.
11 Test and confirm conductor continuity.
12 Test and confirm earth wire continuity.
13 Test and confirm drain wire continuity.
14 Measure resistance of gland body to earth. Maximum 0,1 ohms.
15 Test insulation resistance using a 5KV megger for 15 minutes.
Minimum reading Megaohms. Ɯ
16 Discharge all cores to earth for a minimum period of 15 minutes. Ɯ
17 Perform a pressure test and record current leakage. Ɯ
18 Discharge all cores to earth for a minimum period of 15 minutes. Ɯ
19 Stress cones fitted to manufacturer’s instructions. Ɯ
20 Test and record insulation resistance using a 5KV megger for 15 minutes.
Minimum reading Megaohms. Ɯ
21 Discharge all cores to earth for a minimum period of 15 minutes. Ɯ
22 Reconnect all cores.
23 Confirm all cable cores are laid correctly.
24 Confirm correct terminations and fit terminal box cover.
A Test 11 to 13 inclusive. Test results are subject to manufacturer’s permissibles and length of cable. Both
must be checked to confirm acceptable reading.
Ɯ Witness points.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Type Of Equipment:
System Voltage: Unit No.:
Size / Rating: Registration No:
Establish And Record The Length Of Cable:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1.0 Compare nameplate information with equipment record. Note any deviations under remarks.
2.0 Establish and Record the following:
2.1 Equipment/circuit identification.
2.2 Area classification.
2.3 Type of Ex-protection/gas group/temperature class.
2.4 Degree of enclosure protection.
2.5 Electrical protection setting/rating.
2.6 Actual maximum load/amp meter reading.
3.0 Check the following items and report any deviations/defects under remarks:
3.1 Labeling correct.
3.2 No unauthorized modifications.
3.3 Enclosures and glasses satisfactory.
3.4 Seals and gaskets satisfactory.
3.5 Bolts and glands complete and tight.
3.6 No undue accumulation of dust and dirt.
3.7 No leakage of oil/compound.
3.8 No damage to aboveground part of connected cables.
3.9 Adequate protection of equipment and cables against corrosion, the weather, vibration
and other adverse factors.
3.10 Motor fans and couplings not rubbing on cowls/guards.
3.11 Grounding in good condition.
3.12 Oil levels in sight glasses correct.
3.13 Padlock facilities correct.
3.14 Silica gel in breathers satisfactory.
3.15 Pressurization systems correct & tested.
4.0 Suitable for use in areas as classified: YES NO
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Control Scheme
Mtr. Equipment No.
Drawing No./Rev.

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify the following:
01 Motor uncoupled
02 Motor leads dropped (low voltage)
03 Contractor in test position (high voltage)
04 Solenoids disconnected
05 Neutral grounded
06 Wire markers complete

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76218
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Check all equipment is suitable for hazardous area.

02 Verify equipment is suitable for IP rating.

03 Verify name plate details against data sheet.

04 Visually inspect equipment for external damage and leaks.

05 Check equipment fixings and mountings are secure.

06 Check air / water cooling ventilation air inlet / outlets are clear.

07 If transformer is oil filled check level indicator shows correct level.

08 Check terminal box interior for damage, cleanliness and remove packing.

09 Ensure gland plates for outgoing single core feeders are non-magnetic.

10 Check cable boxes for compound leaks.

11 Check gaskets and seals are not damaged.

12 Check all bolts are correct and none are missing.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76218 Rev C Power Transformer Inspection Checklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Manufacturer: Switching device: Type
Function: Panel No.:
Switchgear No.: Reference Document:

Subject: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1.0 Record the reading of the operations counter
1.1 Check the following items and report any deviations/defects under
1.2 Circuit labelling correct
1.3 Operation of safety shutters
1.4 Padlocking facilities
1.5 Interlocking facilities, mechanical/electrical
1.6 Mechanical position indicators, indicating lights
1.7 Insulating bushings and barriers
1.8 Cable box and terminations
1.9 Alignment of main and auxiliary contacts
1.10 Mechanical closing and tripping
1.11 Electrical closing local/remote
1.12 Electrical tripping local/remote
1.13 Alarm indications local/remote
1.14 Anti-condensation heater
1.15 Test insulation resistance at 500 V ..............................Megaohms
2.0 Secondary and auxiliary wiring
2.1 Test insulation resistance at 500 V ..............................Megaohms

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76219 Rev C Switching Units HV Switchgear Insp & Test Record.doc Page 1 of 2
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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Subject Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

3.0 Earthing:
3.1 Verify the conditions of earthing bar and connections
3.2 Test the earthing bar continuity ............................... Micro Ohm
3.3 Record fuse type/rating ....................
3.4 HV pressure test - circuit breaker (for pre-commissioning inspection
Test voltage DC Leakage Current - MA
kV A B C
kV A B C
Tester used:

4.0 Insulation resistance - circuit braker:

Test voltage V DC
Phase A B C Megaohms
Tester used:

5.0 Conductivity test - circuit braker:

Phase R S T Ohm
Ducter used:

Current transformer test completed

Sheet no.:

Protection relay test completed

Sheet no.:
Remedial action required:


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor

01 Confirm certified equipment check sheets are complete.

02 Check all cable check sheets are complete.

03 Verify name plate details against datasheet.

04 Confirm switchboard has been correctly sited.

05 Visually inspect equipment for external damage.

06 Check equipment fixings and mountings are secure.

07 Ensure that torque settings of Busbar shipping joints are in accordance with
supplier requirements / specifications.
08 Check earthing conforms to project specification.
09 Inspect switchboard earth bar and ensure all earth terminations are correct and
10 Ensure gland plates for outgoing single core feeders are non-magnetic.

11 Check gaskets and seals are not damaged.

12 Check all bolts are correct and none missing.

13 Ensure that ducter tests are performed across all bolted shipping joints and
readings are acceptable and recorded, a copy of which to be maintained within
the construction dossiers.
14 Ensure all Busbars are encapsulated as per specification.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Y:\103_PROJ_ADMIN\109_ENG DOCS\109.12R_OT\05-Construction\240K-C2-OT-05-002_SiteQualityManual\Forms\F76220 Rev C Switching Units HV Switchgear Insp Chklist.doc Page 1 of 2

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76221
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Substation: Building: Transformer Tag No.:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Tag number, voltage and kVA rating per plan drawings and one-line
4. Check transformer nameplate against purchase specification
5. Location, mounting and orientation per drawings
6. Visually inspect for cleanliness and no chips, cracks or other apparent damage to
bushings, radiators and tanks
7. Check lubrication and freedom of rotation of cooling fans
8. Check lubrication and freedom of motion of tap changers and other operating
9. Inspect fuses, disconnect switches and surge arrestors
10. Inspect for liquid leakage around tank, radiators and accessories
11. Collect samples of insulating liquid per manufacturer’s instructions and
determine dielectric strength of insulating liquid. Record on Form: 000 509
F76120: Liquid Dielectric Strength Test Record
12. Check for continuity in all windings
13. Measure cold resistance of neutral grounding/earthing resistor and perform
Insulation Resistance Test (megger) and DC Overpotential Test. Record
readings on Form: 000 509 F76115: Neutral Grounding/Earthing Resistor Test
14. Neutral wire size, insulation and color per drawings/schedule
15. Case ground/earth and grounding/earthing resistor correctly installed. Measure
bonding resistance of connections and record on Form: 000 509 F76117:
Ground Continuity Test Record (Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars)
16. Check that incoming feeders have had Insulation Resistance Test (megger)
performed and that Form: 000 509 F76102. Insulation Resistance Test Record
(Power Control Wire and Cable), is on file
17. Check that incoming feeders have had DC High Potential Test (hypot) when
required by specification and that Form: 000 509 F76104: DC High Potential
Test Record (Medium Voltage Cable), is on file
18. Check inert gas pressure gage (pressure should be in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions)
19. Check temperature gage for proper operations
20. Check liquid level gage for proper operation and proper level of liquid in various
21. Check sudden pressure relay and relief device
22. Alarm and control circuits connected and complete

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Substation: Building: Transformer Tag No.:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
23. Primary/secondary cables/bus duct properly supported, insulated and protected
against mechanical damage. Belted connections torqued in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations. Torgue Wrench No. __________________
Cal. Date:_________________________
24. Check conductor size, insulation class and type
25. Check conductor phasing and identification
26. Check conduit connections
27. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) of transformer primary and
secondary windings and record readings on Test Form: 000 509 F76119:
Insulation Resistance (Transformer) Test Record
28. Perform DC High Potential Test (hypot) when required by specification and
record readings on Form: 000 509 F76104: DC High Potential Test Record
29. Perform Insulation Power Factor (Doble) tests, when required by specifications
and document on Project furnished Exhibit
30. Measure primary and secondary voltages with tap changer in each position and
verify that voltages ratios are per transformer nameplate. Apply construction
power to primary transformer connection and measure secondary voltages.
Primary voltage rating shall not be exceeded
31. Record transformer tap setting below (Set at mid-tap unless otherwise indicated
in Engineering Documents.)
32. Check correct operation of control system for fans
33. Check correct rotation of cooling fans
34. Check to assure connections are tight and secure
35. Alarm trip and fans start contact operational. High winding and/or liquid
temperature alarm set at 900 C, or in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
36. Mechanical relief device is reset
37. Spare control/alarm conductors taped or capped
38. Spare hubs or knockouts plugged
39. Paint scratches refinished
40. Handhold covers tightly secured
41. Supplier Representative provided service/supervision for the equipment Supplier
test reports attached to this inspection Record
42. Confirm NDE tests are done after lifting lugs are installed for any defects in
43. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented
44. Final inspection complete. Punch List Record
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76222
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Busway Tag No.: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1. Receiving Operations/Inspection Complete

2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented

3. Using supplier drawings, check entire assembly, including auxiliary equipment, for any
missing parts
4. Torque the connections according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
Torque Wrench Number __________________ Cal Date ______________________
5. Inspect bus insulators for damage and cleanliness

6. Drain holes unplugged

7. Vertical and horizontal support spacing in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions

8. Check for proper clearance, where visible, between busbars and between busbars and
9. Gaskets installed (if required)
10. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) on bus and record on Test Record, Form:
000 509 F76118: Insulation Resistance (Equipment) Test Record
11. Busway housing grounded. Record bonding resistance on Test Record, Form: 000 509
F76117: Ground Continuity Test Record (Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars)
12. Check for proper phasing after installation

13. Perform Ductor Tests. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76128

14. Connect space heaters and check operability (when applicable)

15. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented

16. Final inspection complete. Punch items on Punch List Record


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76223
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Substation: Building: Switchgear Tag No.:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
Note!! #1 Test with circuit breakers withdrawn and with circuit breakers in operating
position and open. All circuit transformer secondaries must be shorted before
testing begins and instrument potential transformers must be racked in, but with
fuses removed.
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Check phasing of buses
4. Remove shipping supports
5. Check and inspect for completeness of all components. Torque bolted joints according to
manufacturer’s recommendations. Torque Wrench Number _________________________
Cal Date_____________________________
6. All devices installed such as: ground fault relays, volt meters, ammeters, breakers, fuses, etc.
Location and type according to supplier drawings
7. Check control wiring (especially Field connections at shipping splits)
8. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) buses and record on Test Record, Form: 000
509 F76118: DC High Potential Test (Hypot) Buses, when required by specification. Record
on Form: 000 509 F76104, DC High Potential Test Record
9. Perform Insulation Resistance Test (megger) control and potential transformer primary
windings and record on Test Record, Form: 000 509 F76119: Insulation Resistance
(Transformer) Test Record
10. Perform Ductor Test. Record on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76130
11. Check control transformer fuses, type and size
12. Check potential transformer fuses, type and size
13. Check primary and secondary ratings of all transformers including control transformers
14. Check for proper grounding/earthing connections at both ends of assembly. Record bonding
resistance on Test Record, Form: 000 509 F76117: Ground Continuity Test Record
(Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars)
15. Check ground/earth bus bar continuity to ensure connection has been made at shipping split
16. Tagging correct
17. Cubicles clean, dry and dust free
18. Instruments zeroed
19. Space heaters are connected and operable
20. Insert and remove breaker of same rating in various units to ensure interchangeability
21. Check continuity of all fuses. Check size and type
22. Perform circuit breaker test

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23. Terminals and connections tight and secure. Torque bolted connections

Torque Wrench Number:

Calibration Date::

24. Mainbus and tapes (size according to supplier drawing)

25. Insulation Resistance Test (megger) the DC and AC control circuits, main and outgoing
control disconnect devices open. Record results on Test Record, Form: 000 509 F76102
26. Check incoming power cables Insulation Resistance Tested (meggered) prior to connection to
switchgear and that results recorded on Form: 000 509 F76102
27. Check DC High Potential Testing (hypot) of incoming power cables completed, when
required by specification and recorded on Form: 000 509 F76104: DC High Potential Test
Record (Medium Voltage Cable)
28. Incoming feeder terminations properly made up
29. Supplier Representative provided service/supervision for this equipment. Supplier test reports
attached to this Inspection Record.
30. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented
31. Final inspection complete. Punch items on Punch List Record


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76224
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Substation: Building: MCC Tag No.:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Check for missing parts using supplier drawings. Inspect each unit or cubicle for proper nameplate in
accordance with approved drawings
4. Inspect main bus and bus taps to switches and potential transformers. Torque bolted joints in accordance
with manufacturer’s recommendations
5. Determine that all terminal block connections are secure and properly identified (especially Field
connections at shipping splits)
6. Manually operate switches and contactors. Check for freedom of all moving parts
7. Check nameplate data for switches, contactors, fuses and relays against approved supplier drawings.
Verify contactor auxiliary contacts, normally open/closed according to drawing
8. Check for correct sizing of overload relay heaters in accordance with approved drawings
9. Protective grounding/earthing is correctly installed and connected to main ground/earth. Verify Test
Record, Form: 000 509 F76117: Ground Continuity Test Record (Electrical Equipment and Ground Test
Bars), completed. Check main ground/earth bus for continuity between shipping sections
10. Record Insulation Resistance (megger) readings on Test Record, Form: 000 509 F76118: Insulation
Resistance (Equipment) Test Record. Test with disconnect switches connected and open. Test with
disconnect switches connected and closed. For the second test, ensure that neutral is disconnected at
starters. Reconnect neutral after second test
11. Check that power and control cables for each cubicle Insulation Resistance Tested (megger) and that
Form: 000 509 F76102: Insulation Resistance Test Record (Power Control Wire and Cable) Test
Record, is on file
12. Perform DC High Potential Test (hypot) when required by specification and record on Form: 000 509
F76104: DC High Potential Test Record (Medium Voltage Cable).
13. Spot check overload relays for trip action by injecting current from relay testing equipment in accordance
with relay sheets
14. Check to see that enclosure space heaters are connected and operable (when applicable), and that
MOTOR space heater circuits are functional
15. Overload reset button free and functional
16. Perform functional check of contactor. Use supplier or Fluor elementary drawing. Observe all Project
safety precautions
17. Check timing relays for correct type, size and time setting in accordance with drawings
18. Check control power transformers for correct size and voltage in accordance with drawings
19. Check main contact pressure, alignment and for full contact area (high voltage contactors, only)
20. Supplier Representative provided service/supervision for this equipment. Supplier test reports attached to
this Inspection Record
21. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented
22. Final inspection complete. Punch items on Punch List Record.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76225
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Substation: Building: Equipment Tag No.:
Note!! When batteries are placed in service while work is still being performed around them, protection
should be provided. Metal objects laid or dropped on them could cause a short or an explosion. Tarpaulin, Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
plastic or similar material, should not be used because batteries in service require ventilation.
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Batteries and racks installed and checked for proper mechanical installation, including connections and
number of cells
4. Batteries filled with electrolyte to proper level and charged in accordance with manufacturer’s
5. Lead acid batteries checked with hydrometer for correct specific gravity, in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications
6. Grounding/earthing connection checked. Record readings on Test Record Form: 000 509 F76117:
Ground Continuity Test Record (Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars)
7. Battery charger checked for proper installation, wiring complete and properly connected
8. Charger operates in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Current output, voltage and
operation of control components checked.
9. Check charger nameplate against approved supplier drawings
10. Accessory equipment such as hydrometer, thermometer, special wrenches and spare electrolyte accounted
11. Batteries, battery racks and charger cleaned. Terminals and interconnectors covered with protective base
12. Test Charger for maximum rated output and correct operation, as required by Project specifications
13. Booster charge in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
14. Set charger for float operation with adjustment of proper float voltage
15. Charger marked with float and boost charge voltage limits
16. Verify proper operations of low DC voltage relay and alarm contacts. Indicate limits
17. Verify proper operation of AC failure relays and alarm contacts
18. Verify ground detection relay or lights operate properly. Verify alarm output relays operate
19. Voltmeters checked, zeroed
20. Ammeters checked, zeroed
21. Fuses and circuit breakers in accordance with supplier drawings
22. Verify operation of charger output failure relay and alarm contacts
23. Supplier Representative provided service/supervision for this equipment. Supplier test reports attached to
this inspection record
24. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented
25. Final inspection complete. Punch items on Punch List Record
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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ID E76226A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

1. Receiving Operations/Inspection Complete

2. Tag Number, Voltage Rating per one line

3. Visually inspect for cleanliness and no chips or cracks or other apparent

damage to bushings

4. Inspect for liquid leakage

5. Collect samples of insulating liquid and determine dielectric strength of
insulation liquid. Record on Form: 000 509 F76120: Liquid Dielectric
Strength Test Record.
6. Check connections and the jumpers at the terminals
7. Final inspection complete. Punch items on punch list record.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F76227
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Motor Tag No.:
Note!!! Inspection of the Mechanical items related to this motor is documented on the appropriate
Mechanical Exhibit for the driven equipment with similar Tag Number.
1. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
2. Nameplate data agrees with motor list, plan drawings and one-line
3. Motor type is suitable for use in area classification
4. Check the power and control cables Insulation Resistance Tested (megger) prior to connection to motor
5. For induction motors, perform the following motor test, as required by the specifications and document
on the appropriate forms. For synchronous motors, test in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
a. Form: 000 509 F76135 Insulation resistance (Rotating Equipment) Test Record (megger)
b. Form: 000 509 F76121 DC Proof Test Record
c. Form: 000 509 F76104 DC High Potential Test Record
d. Insulation Resistance Test of Pedestal (when applicable): ____________ ohms
e. Form 000 509 F76126 Equipment Absorption Ratio and Polarization Index Test Record
6. Grounding/Earthing conductors installed, connected and bonded resistance checked from motor frame to
ground/earth system tap. Record resistance on form: 000 509 F76117: Ground Continuity Test Record
(Electrical Equipment and Ground Test Bars).
7. Motor splices and terminations complete. Spare wires (pigtails) on multiple voltage motors properly
8. Motor electrical accessories are properly connected and functioning such as space heater, thermocouples
and vibrations switches
9. Cable gland properly made up
10. Bonding jumper installed, when required, across flexible conduit
11. Control station nameplate installed
12. Covers are installed, bolts and nuts are tightened
13. Final inspection complete. Items Punch List Record


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Motor Tag No.:
Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1. Receiving Operations/Inspection complete
2. Equipment Protection Program instituted and documented
3. Anchor bolts checked for location, elevation and orientations prior to setting equipment
4. Equipment set and checked for location, elevation and orientation
5. Preliminary alignment completed and documented
6. Jackscrews removed and anchor bolt nuts tightened
7. Baseplate grouting complete and documented when manufactured grouts are required
8. Final cold alignment set to manufacturer’s tolerance and documented
9. Motor electrical activities complete and documented on Form: 000 509 F76227: Electric Motor-
Electrical Activities Inspection Record
10. Grease or oil checked to assure proper filling
11. Field coating checked

12. Verify completion of activities on Form: 000 509 F76124 460 V Motor Circuit (480 V MCC) Test
Record, Form: 000 509 F76125: Medium Voltage Motor Circuit Test Record, prior to motor bump
and run-in, in accordance with Form: 000 509 F76133: Electric Motor Run-in Test record

13. Equipment Protection Program completed and documented

14. Final inspection complete. Mechanical punch items on Punch List


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:



1. Baseplate pads free of dirt and scale, and filed to remove high spots.
2. Motor feet free of dirt and scale, and filed to remove high spots.
3. Drilled and tapped holes in baseplate pads clean and threads undamaged.
4. Motor weight verified, proper rigging and crane for lifting.
5. Motor set on base, bolts snugged and motor checked for soft foot.
6. Align the motor to the driven equipment with the proper offset to allow for thermal growth.
7. Verify the coupling spacing will allow the motor to run on magnetic center when coupled.
8. Connect the inlet and outlet oil lines to the motor bearing housings. Check to see if the lines
have to be insulated from the housings.
9. Commission the lube system and check for any oil leaks.
10. Install the vibration monitoring probes and calibrate to the monitor.
11. Electricians to connect the motor leads, connect the motor heaters and the winding RTD.
12. Electricians to perform the following checks:
- Set and test the protective relays and control devices
- Test wire insulation resistance of power and control circuits
- Test the motor winding insulation resistance
- Test the motor ground connections
13. Secure the motor coupling for a solo run of the motor
14. Run the motor solo for at least in hour or longer until the motor bearing temperatures, motor
winding temperatures, and vibration levels stabalize. Verify the proper rotation of the motor
15. Stop the motor using the emergency shutdown. Time the coast down.
16. Couple the motor to the driven equipment and torque the coupling bolts to the prescribed value.
Install the coupling guard.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:


OB Vert
OB Horz
IB Vert
IB Horz

OB Vert
OB Horz
IB Vert
IB Horz

OB Vert
OB Horz
IB Vert
IB Horz

OB Vert
OB Horz
IB Vert
IB Horz

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012









Temp to Brgs
Temp to Seals

Press to Brgs
DP to Seals

Suction Press
Discharge Press

Suction Temp
Discharge Temp
Motor Amps

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:

P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Bently Nevada Probe: Compressor Number:



5 6 7 8


Axial Probe Gap Voltage

Radial Against Against Monitor
Probe Extension Mid
Bearing Type Probe Proximeter Probe Gap Normal Counter Point
Position Cable Position
Voltage Shoes Shoes Number
No. 1 Vert.
Outboard Axial
Key ø
No. 2 Horiz.
Inboard Vert.

No. 3 Horiz.
Gear H.S. Vert.
No. 4
Gear H.S. Vert.
No. 5
Gear L.S. Vert.

No. 6 Horiz.
Gear L.S. Vert.
No. 7 Horiz.
Inboard Vert.
No. 8 Vert.
Outboard Axial
Key ø
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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ID E76232B
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Equipment No.: System:

Location Drawing: Manufacturer:

For: No-Load Volts

Phase to Phase V
Lighting Rating
Receptacle or Volts
Instrument Tap Setting
Nameplate Insul. Class
Ship. Braces Removed Temp. Rise C
Wire Markers Compl. Windings Cu A1
Neutral Bond Size MCC Disc SW Size
Ground Conductor Size Fuse Size
Equipment Ground Yes No Fuse Type
Phase Meter Test (ABC) Yes No Fuse Type
Feeder Size
Touch-up Paint

Test Equip. Cal. Date Tester AMB. Temp.

Notes: 1) Use 500-volt test set for 600-volt equipment and below, 2500-volt test set for equipment rated over 601-5000 volts and
5000-volt test set for equipment rated over 5000 volts.
2) Test voltage to be applied for one-minute duration and reading taken.
3) Neutral must be disconnected from ground during test.
4) Record surrounding air temperature of transformers.
5) Readings will vary inversely with temperature. When project specifies use of temperature correction factors. Attach
second sheet with computed values. Indicate on each sheet “Measured” or “Temperature Corrected”.
Resistance (MEGOHMS)* Pri-Sec
Pri Voltage Liquid or Temp
Primary Secondary
to Rating Air (oC – oF)
 A to G  B to G  C to G  A to G  B to G  C to G Sec (kV)

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name Name Name
Signature Signature Signature
Date Date Date

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ID E76233
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Reel #: Size Type Length

Cable # Size: Type:

Tester Meter ID # Calibration Date:

Conductor # Continuity Conductor # Continuity Conductor # Continuity

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7700
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to the inspection of installations and loop check of instrumentation.

Inspect received E & I Construction Engineer
_____ Each Instrument
instruments Instrument Superintendent
Inspect in-process Site Quality Manager/ Daily during
000 509 F770XX
instrument installation E & I Construction Engineer life of activity
Inspect completed Site Quality Manager/
000 509 F770XX Each Instrument
instrument installation E & I Construction Engineer
Perform Pressure Each Pressure
Instrumentation Superintendent _____
Testing of Tubing Test Package
Verify Pressure Site Quality Manager/ Each Pressure
000 509 F770XX
Testing of Tubing E & I Construction Engineer Test Package
Test Instrument Cables Electrical Superintendent _____ Each cable
Verify Instrument
Site Quality Manager 000 509 F770XX Each cable
Cable Testing
Perform/ Instrumentation Superintendent/
000 509 F770XX Each loop
Verify Loop Check Site Quality Manager

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Inspect received
Subcontractor _____ Each Instrument
Inspect in-process Daily during
Subcontractor 000 509 F770XX
instrument installation life of activity
Inspect completed Subcontractor/
000 509 F770XX Each Instrument
instrument installation Site Quality Manager
Perform Pressure Each Pressure
Subcontractor _____
Testing on Tubing Test Package
Verify Pressure Subcontractor/ Each Pressure
000 509 F770XX
Testing of Tubing Site Quality Manager Test Package
Test Instrument Cables Subcontractor _____ Each cable
Verify Instrument Subcontractor/
000 509 F770XX Each cable
Cable Testing Site Quality Manager
E & I Construction Engineer 000 509 F770XX Each loop
Verify Loop Check
Site Quality Manager

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• Receipt Inspection of Instruments:

- The E & I Construction Engineer and the Instrument Superintendent shall coordinate the
receipt inspection of instruments to support the construction schedule.

• In-Process and Completed Instrument Installation Inspections:

- Assure the instrument, if required by specification, is calibrated prior to installation.

Inspect the in-process installations.

- Using a Mechanical Flow Diagram and Instrument Specification Data Sheet, perform a
completed inspection prior to pressure testing. Document on
- Form 000.509.F77001.

• Test Equipment Tubing:

- Verify the instrument tubing is properly installed, is not supported from uninsulated hot or
cold pipes and adequately supported. Pressure test shall be conducted in accordance
with specifications and the Instrument Specification Data Sheet.

• Test Instrument Cables:

- Verify the instrument electrical installation inspections and megger tests are complete and

• Loop-Check Verification:

- Verify all installation inspections, pressure testing and continuity checks have been
completed and documented.

- Notify the Client Representative, if requested to do so, prior to the loop check.

- Verify the loop check, which generally consist of operating all instruments in the loop.
Document the final loop check on Form 000.509.F77002.

FORMS (Quality Control Forms):

000.509.F77001 Instrumentation Inspection Checklist
000.509.F77002 Instrument Loop Checklist Inspection
000.509.F77003 Impulse Line Pressure Test Sheet
000.509.F77004 Instrument Grounding System Check Sheet
000.509.F77005 Installation Check Sheet (Local Instruments)
000.509.F77006 Orifice Plate Specification Check Report
000.509.F77007 Control Systems Quality
000.509.F77008 Loop Check Record

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Loop No.:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify the following attributes:
01 Instruments mounted at proper height.
02 Instrument stands secure and vibration free.
03 Correct piping/tubing materials used.
04 All tubing trays and supports per details.
05 All air supply and process tubing connected to proper parts per details.
06 All tubing fitting nuts torqued per specifications.
07 Good workmanship used in tubing installation and neat in appearance.
08 Signal/power leads have proper separation and angle of intersection.
09 Tubing/piping pressure tested prior to heat tracing or insulating.
10 Loop checked per specification.
Punch List Items from Above List Date Cleared

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Cable No.: Junction Box No.:
Cable Type: Color/Loop No.:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
01 Measuring Installation Correct Tappings Position Correct
Element Location Correct Materials Correct
According to Hook-Up Traced
02 Impulse Lines
Pressure Tested Materials Correct
03 Field Local Indicator Working Power Supply Correct
Instrument Air Supply Correct Correct Installation Weather Protected
04 Panel Correct Installation Air Supply Correct
Instrument Power Supply Correct
Correct Installation Limit SW Tested Positioner Checked
05 Control Valve
Size & Type Correct Stroke Tested I/P Transducer Checked
Correct Installation Size & Type Correct
06 Solenoid Valve
Other (indicate) :________________
Correct Installation Blown Clear & Leak Tested
07 Air Supplies
Other (indicate) :________________
Pneumatic Lines Tested Insulation Checked (C-C, C-G)
08 Transmission
Continuity Checked
T/C or RTD Checked Continuity Checked
09 Temperature
Correct Cable Loop Impedance Checked
Support Correct Earthing Correct
10 General
Tagging/Marking Correct

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Instrument Instrument Instrument Instrument

Tag No. Tag No. Tag No. Tag No. Fluor
Item Description of Check Subcontractor

01 Ferrules correctly installed and crimped

02 Slope and supports correct

03 Tubing blow clear

04 Valve block seals correct

05 Test pressure bar


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

Description of accepted items:

Grounding system
Items to check: Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
1 All metal enclosures correctly grounded
2 Cable shields/screens correctly grounded
3 Safety barriers, convertors, etc. Correctly grounded
4 Dedicated ICS ground correct
5 ICS minus and ground correctly connected
6 Isolation of the three ground systems from another correct
7 Grounding cable to central point correct
8 After testing: Three grounding systems connected together correctly
9 Metal tray (trunking, conduits) correctly grounded
10 Computer floor correctly grounded
11 Frames (supports for consoles, cabinets) correctly grounded

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Instrument Tag Instrument Tag
Range Witness Date Range Witness Date Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
No.: No.:

1. Verify correct instrument is installed at correct P.I.D. location, including correct tag number and model number
2. Verify integrity of process installation (no open plugs etc.)
3. Verify all instruments have been calibrated (certificates available, stickers on instruments)
4. Verify accessibility
5. Verify correct gasket materials installed
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA

01 Install orifice with sharp edge upstream
02 Bevel edge, if any, must face downstream
03 Make sure gaskets on each side of orifice do not obstruct orifice bore
04 Identification tab on square edge plates must face upstream
05 Verify correct labelling
06 Verify orientation of pressure taps per specification of process
07 Visually inspect for damage


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:


Spec Loop Diagram Installation Pressure Test Calibration Loop Check

Tag Number Flow Diagram Test Pressure Remarks
Sheet Number Sign-Off Sign-Off Sign-Off Sign-Off

Type Codes: E = Electrical C = Combination (E &P) Location Codes: P = Pipe R = Equipment Rack
P = Piped D = Direct or Mechanical F = Front of Main Control Panel L = Local Panel
B = Back of Main Control Panel H = Control House
Sheet of
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:
Job No./Unit No.: Loop No.:

Record Loop Component Tag No.


System Installation Complete and Required Documents on File

Control/Systems: Date: Electrical: Date:

Loop Function Test

Tested By: Date: Accepted By: Date: Fluor Accepted By: Date:

Start-Up Accepted By: Date:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure applies to calibration of instruments for control systems.


Calibration Technician/
Inspect Instrument 000.509.F77001 Each Instrument
Site Quality Manager
Test and Calibrate Calibration Technician/
000.509.F77102 Each Instrument
Instruments Site Quality Manager
Surveillance Test Periodically throughout
Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201
Equipment life of project

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work


Inspect Instrument Subcontractor 000.509.F77001 Each Instrument

Test and Calibrate
Subcontractor 000.509.F77102 Each Instrument
Surveillance Test Periodically throughout life
Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201
Equipment of project


• Inspect Instrument:

- Inspect each instrument for apparent damage. Verify the tag number, nameplate data,
material, scale, range, etc., against the information contained on the appropriate
Instrument Specification Data Sheet, and enter data on Form 000.509.F77101.

- Damaged or nonconforming instruments shall be segregated and/or tagged to prevent

inadvertent use or installation until acceptable disposition is obtained.

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• Instrument Test and Calibration:

- Based on the requirements in the applicable Design Specifications, applicable

manufacturer's recommendations and client requirements, calibrate the instruments and
document on Form 000.509.F77101.

• Test Equipment Surveillance:

- Perform surveillance of calibration activities on a periodic basis throughout the life of the
project. Verify the Master Equipment used for calibration has calibration stickers on the
instruments that indicate date of last check and date of next check with traceability to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology.


Quality Control Form:

000.509.F77001 – Instrumentation Inspection Checklist

000.509.F77101 - Instrument Calibration Sheet
000.509.F77102 - Safety Valve Tracking Sheet
000.509.F77103 - Relief Valve Inspection and Final Acceptance

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Loop No.:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Verify the following attributes:
01 Instruments mounted at proper height.
02 Instrument stands secure and vibration free.
03 Correct piping/tubing materials used.
04 All tubing trays and supports per details.
05 All air supply and process tubing connected to proper parts per details.
06 All tubing fitting nuts torqued per specifications.
07 Good workmanship used in tubing installation and neat in appearance.
08 Signal/power leads have proper separation and angle of intersection.
09 Tubing/piping pressure tested prior to heat tracing or insulating.
10 Loop checked per specification.
Punch List Items from Above List Date Cleared

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:

Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:

Fluor Other Location:
Instrument Calibration Sheet
Date: Technician: Area:

Tag Number: Loop Service:

Manufacturer: Model: Serial No.:

Process Range and Units: (scfm, gpm, psig, oC , etc.)

Transmitter Input Range and Units: (in H20, psig, etc.)

Transmitter Output Signal

For Flow Instruments: Chart Factor:

Orifice Plate Bore: Chart Scale: (circle one)

Integrator Factor: Linear – Square Root - Combination

For Differential Pressure Instruments: Fill Fluid: For I/P Transducer

Suppression: Fluid Type: Input

Elevation: Specific Gravity: Output

Test Equipment Used Serial No. Manufacturer Model No. Description Calibrated Due Date

Input Standard Output Notes

Percent Input Value As Found As Left % Error
Percent Error Calculation: Percent Error = “As Found” Output – “Correct” Output x 100
Span Output


Acceptance: Date:

Fluor FE/QA Acceptance: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:


Model No. Serial No.

Calibration Tag Verification Date Checked:

Pressure Setting
Calibration Date
System Status Pre-Hydrotest
Reinstatement Complete

Calibration Tag Verification Date Checked:

Pressure Setting
Calibration Date *
System Status Pre-Hydrotest
Reinstatement Complete

Calibration Tag Verification Date Checked:

Pressure Setting
Calibration Date *
System Status Pre-Hydrotest
Reinstatement Complete
* Calibration date at turnover must be within 60 days of System turnover date.
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Fluor Other Sub – System:

Tag Number Orifice Size Inlet Rating Outlet Rating Set Pressure

Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Type

Yes No N/A
Marking in accordance with API 526 and specification.
Connection size and rating in accordance with specification.
Material of construction in accordance with specification.
Center – To – Face Dimension in accordance with API 526.
Set pressure in accordance with specification.
Relief valve complies with ASME code requirements.
Letter Designation of orifice is in accordance with specification.
Relief valve tagged in accordance with Client Practices.

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure describes the inspection, testing, and documentation required to be performed for

Inspect surface Supervisor/Construction
000.509.F78001 Daily during life of activity
preparation Engineer/Site Quality Manager
Verify color/type coatings Supervisor/Construction As required by
000 509 F78001
approved Engineer/ Site Quality Manager applications
Inspect in-process Supervisor/Construction 000 509 F78001
Daily during life of activity
coating/lining Engineer/Site Quality Manager 000.509.F78002
Supervisor/Construction As required to verify
Check Thickness 000 509 F78001
Engineer/Site Quality Manager thickness requirements
Inspect completed Supervisor/Construction
000 509 F78001 _____
coatings Engineer/Site Quality Manager
Follow-up any Supervisor/Construction As required to close-out
deficiencies identities Engineer/Site Quality Manager deficiencies

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Inspect surface Subcontractor/Construction
000.509.F78001 Daily during life of activity
preparation Engineer/Site Quality Manager
Verify color/type coatings Subcontractor/Construction As required by
000 509 F78001
approved Engineer/Site Quality Manager applications
Inspect in-process Subcontractor/Construction 000 509 F78001
Daily during life of activity
coating/lining Engineer/Site Quality Manager 000.509.F78002
Subcontractor/Construction As required to verify
Check Thickness 000 509 F78001
Engineer/Site Quality Manager thickness requirements
Inspect completed Subcontractor/Construction
000 509 F78001 _____
coatings Engineer/Site Quality Manager
Follow-up any deficiencies Subcontractor/Construction As required to close-out
identities Engineer/Site Quality Manager deficiencies

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• Surface Preparation Inspections:

- Verify the surface preparation is in accordance with the applicable specification.

- Protect adjacent areas to coating operations from sandblasting and paint overspray.

• Coating Approval:

- Verify that color/type of coatings has been approved and documented.

- Assure pot life of coating products are not exceeded prior to application.

• In-process Coating/Lining Inspections:

- Coatings application shall not be performed during unacceptable weather conditions that
violate the specification requirements for application.

- Inspect the in-process coating's applications, to verify that the work meets the
requirements in accordance with the specifications.

• Thickness Verification/Final Inspection:

- Check dry film thickness of applied coatings in sufficient locations to verify the required
thickness has been applied. Document the inspections on Form 000.509.F78001,
Coatings Inspection. Perform final coating inspection after acceptable dry film thickness is

- Test applied linings in sufficient locations to verify proper surface profile, thickness or lining
continuity, using test equipment designated in the specifications. Document the
inspections on Form 000.509.F78002.

- When specifications establish application restrictions for temperature and humidity,

perform checks with certified hygrometer and temperature indicator prior to starting each
day's work.

• Follow-up of Deficiencies:

- Inform craft supervision of any discrepancies on a daily basis. Immediate corrective action
should be taken.

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Quality Support Forms:

000.509.F78001 - Coating Inspection Record

000.509.F78002 - Lining Inspection Record


Attachment 1 - Example – Acceptance Criteria

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Coatings Inspection Guidelines

Minimum Weekly Inspection Areas


Environmental conditions per label

Containers undamaged

Shelf life not exceeded

Pre-Cleaning of Metal Surfaces:

Dry and oil free

Sufficient lighting

Blast material dry and oil free

Air Supply clean and dry

Post-Cleaning of Metal Surfaces:

Surface profile adequate

No flash rusting prior to primer

Environmental conditions acceptable

Coating In-Process:

Application equipment acceptable

Pot life limits not exceeded

WFT/DFT measurements acceptable

Repairs made with correct materials

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Type Object: FE/QA
Piping 01 Coating by approved manufacturer
Structural Steel 02 Surface preparation SSPC-SP value
Equipment 03 Surface dry-free from condensation
04 Paint mixed, thinned and applied in accordance with
Tank Exterior manufacturer’s specification
Tank Interior Brush Spray Roller
Object Location: 05 Primer in accordance with specification
Outdoors 06 Finish coat is acceptable
Indoors 07 Workmanship acceptable
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Relative humidity %
Dew Point

Batch No Coat
Brandname Paint FT Application Method DFT Average
A Base B Hardener No


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Item Description of Check Fluor
01 Pressure tests have been satisfactorily completed on equipment to be lined.

02 Internal surfaces to be lined have been visually inspected to verify that fabricated
weldments are acceptable for lining application in accordance with NAC RP-01-78 or
specified standard _______________________.
03 Surface preparation is complete and has been checked with the surface profile
comparator in accordance with SSPC-SP5 or specified method _____________ and
visually examined in accordance with SSPC VIS-1 or specified standard
04 Temperature and humidity of lining area was checked daily with a sling hygromometer
and was found to be in temperature and humidity ranges recommended by the
manufacturer for application of lining.
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Relative humidity %
Dew Point

05 Liquid lining application has been visually inspected and accepted.

06 Sheet or rubber lining installation has been checked with an approved holiday detector
and has been accepted or identified; defects have been repaired.
07 Lining thickness has been checked with a nordsen dry film thickness gage or
________________. Average lining thickness: ________________.
08 Vulcanization has been performed satisfactorily. The lining surface has been checked
for blisters, open seams, lifted edges, surface defects, pinholes and hardness.

09 Completed linings have been marked in accordance with the specifications.


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7810
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure describes the inspection activities for insulation installation.

Coordination of
Discipline Each piece of equipment
Release for Form 000.509.F78101
Construction Engineer line or structure
Each piece of equipment,
Install insulation Civil Superintendent _____
line or structure
Inspect in-process Each piece of equipment,
Site Quality Manager Form 000.509.F78101
installation line or structure
Inspect completed Each piece of equipment,
Site Quality Manager Form 000.509.F78101
installation line or structure
QC Inspection Per Procedure
Surveillance From 000.509.F02201
(Note 1) 000.509.0220

NOTE 1: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor Quality representative is performing


RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Coordination of
Piping Construction Each piece of equipment,
Release for Form 000.509.F78101
Engineer line or structure
Each piece of equipment,
Install insulation Subcontractor _____
line or structure
Inspect in-process Each piece of equipment,
Subcontractor Form 000.509.F78101
installation line or structure
Inspect completed Each piece of equipment,
Subcontractor Form 000.509.F78101
installation line or structure
Per Procedure
Surveillance QC Inspection Form 000.509.F02201

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• Release for Insulation:

- The construction engineer will issue the "Release for Insulation" (Form 000.509.F78101)
to the insulator and QC, for sign-off prior to insulation. At this time all work will be verified
as complete including; hydrostatic tests, and punch list items requiring completion, prior to

• Install Insulation:

- Insulation shall be installed in accordance with the applicable drawings and specifications.

• In-process Inspection for Insulation Activities:

- No insulation shall begin on a vessel, equipment, or piping until released by the

appropriate field supervisor.

- Obtain a copy of the written release, (Form 000.509.F78101), for the insulation to be

- Verify the insulation materials are free from damage and shelf life has not expired.

- Monitor the in-process installation activities to verify that insulation materials are installed
in accordance with drawings, specifications, and manufacturer's recommendations.

• Completed Installation Inspection:

- Inspect the competed insulation for workmanship and damage.

- Verify the installation conforms to applicable drawings and specifications, and document
on Form 000.509.F78101.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F78101 - Equipment Thermal Insulation Inspection Checklist

000.509.F78102 - Piping Thermal Insulation Inspection Checklist

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Verify insulation materials are free from damage

Verify insulation materials shelf-life has not expired
Insulation support clips installed.
Clearances adequate for insulation.
Electrical tracing installed.
Steam tracing installed.
Correct number of tracers.
Tracer size correct.
Tracer length correct.
Trap detail correct.

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Release for Insulation

Engineer: Date

Inspector: Date

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Insulation Materials
01 Proper materials
02 Verify insulation materials are free from damage
03 Verify insulation materials shelf-life has not expired
Hot Vessels and Equipment
04 Proper material thickness used
05 Proper application at stiffener rings
06 Nameplates left exposed
07 Proper banding and breather springs used
08 Proper use of filler and/or mastic materials
Cold Vessels and Equipment
09 Proper material thickness used
10 Proper insulation of attachments
11 Proper contraction joint at support rings
12 Nameplates left exposed
13 Proper banding used
14 Proper use of filler, joints seals and vapor seal
Tank insulation – Hot
15 Proper spacing of welded pins for support
16 Proper banding used (insulation/jacketing)
17 Proper expansion system
18 Proper lapping vertically and horizontally
19 Proper use of “S” clips

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Item Description of Check Subcontractor Fluor FE/QA
20 Vertical support bars used on 50’ diameter and larger
21 Proper flashing used per specification details
22 Proper roof (build up) application over insulation
Weatherproofing Hot Equipment
23 Proper use of weather proofing mastic at fittings
24 Proper banding of metal jacket
25 Proper use of “S” clips on vertical runs
26 Corrugated jacketing on vessel
27 Proper lap and metal screw spacing
28 Proper main shield on vertical vessels
Weatherproofing Cold Equipment
29 Proper use of vapor barrier mastic paint jacketing
30 No use of screws on cold work except on standing seam
Acoustical Lagging
31 Proper material thickness used
32 Proper application at stiffener
33 Nameplates left exposed
34 Proper banding and breather springs used
35 Proper use of filler and/or mastic materials
Removable Covers
36 Proper stenciling or tagging for identification


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:

Release for Insulation

Engineer: Date:
Inspector: Date:

**fill out applicable sections as determined by type of insulation**

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Insulation Materials
01 Proper Materials
02 Verify insulation materials are free from damage
03 Verify insulation materials shelf-life has not expired
Insulating Hot Piping
04 Proper material thickness used
05 Flanges, flanged valve bodies, bonnets and flanged fittings insulated
06 Minimum clearances between insulation and adjacent surfaces
07 45 degrees to vertical runs properly supported
08 Service over 454 °C shall be in two layers
09 Joints staggered and proper wire ties
10 Expansion joints spacing horizontal runs correct
11 Proper clearance at flange breaks
12 Tubing properly insulated
13 Proper use of filler and/or mastic materials
Insulation Cold Piping
14 Proper material thickness used
15 Proper insulation of attachments
16 Contraction joints at specified intervals
17 Proper cradle diameter at supports
18 45 degrees to vertical runs properly supported
19 Proper use of joints sealer for single and multiple layer applications
20 Proper taping or banding used
21 Proper use of filler materials, sealer and/or vapor barriers

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Item Description of Check Subcontractor
Weatherproofing Hot Piping
22 Proper use of weather proofing mastic at fittings
23 Proper banding of metal jacket
24 Proper use of “S” clips on vertical runs
25 Proper lap and metal screw spacing
26 Proper main shield on vertical vessels
Weatherproofing Cold Piping
27 Proper use of vapor barrier mastic paint jacketing
28 No use of screws on cold work except on standing seam systems
Removable Covers
29 Proper stenciling or tagging for identification


Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7820
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure prescribes the quality control methods used to verify conformance to design requirements
during application of fireproofing.

This procedure covers the following classifications of materials:

a) Shotcrete (gunite)
b) Sprayed Fibrous
c) Sprayed Cementitious
d) Magnesium Oxychloride (sprayed or troweled)
e) Intumescent or Subliming Mastic

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Coordinate release for 000.509.F78201
Construction Engineer Daily
fireproofing 000.509.F78202

Install fireproofing Subcontractor ----- -----

Inspect in-process
Subcontractor 000.509.F78201 Each installation

Inspect completed
Subcontractor 000.509.F78201 Each installation

Per procedure
Surveillance Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201

NOTE: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.

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The following steps shall be performed as required by conditions, before preparation, and application of

• Surfaces to be Fireproofed are released as follows:

- The Construction Engineer will initiate a Release for Application of Fireproofing (Form
000.509.F78201) for surfaces to be fireproofed.

- The Construction Engineer shall be responsible for technical oversight, mix design
approval, and qualification of application equipment and crew performance.

• Install Fireproofing:

- Assure that the mix design, equipment type, and crew qualifications have been approved.

- Review the Release for Application of Fireproofing for authorization to start work.

- Fireproofing Subcontractor shall observe recognized safety rules during the work and shall
use safe practices including materials, equipment/tools, and rigging/scaffolding.

Inspections are to be performed and documented on the Fireproofing Inspection Checklist (Form

• Inspect In-Process Installation:

- Inspect surfaces to be fireproofed for cleanliness. Oil, grease, loose rust, scale, dirt, and
other foreign matter shall be removed to assure adequate bonding.

- Inspect areas not to be fireproofed to assure that they are adequately protected.

- Monitor application of fireproofing materials to assure the following:

a) Areas not to receive fireproofing are protected from contamination.

b) Fireproofing materials are applied evenly, without mounds, bald spots, sags, or

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• Inspect completed installation:

- Inspections shall be performed in a timely manner and coordinated with construction and
subcontractor schedules and activities.

a) Cured surfaces contain no cracks, blisters, or delamination.

b) At least once for every 100 square feet (30 m) assure that the dried thickness is as
required for the fire-rated protection as shown on the project drawings.

- Construction supervision shall be kept informed of the inspection/test activity status

including any nonconforming materials or work.

- Nonconformances shall be reported and dispositioned in accordance with 000.509.0130.

• Surveillance of contractor activities:

- Verify that materials delivered/brought to the site meet the requirements of the Project

- Verify that materials are stored in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.

- Verify that equipment to be used is in accordance with the material manufacturers


- Verify that any required samples of each type of fireproofing are applied to representative
surfaces to establish workmanship standards (Form 000.509.F78202).


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02201 - Surveillance Report

000.509.F78201 - Release for Application/Inspection of Fireproofing Checklist
000.509.F78202 - Fireproofing Inspection Preconstruction Checklist

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F02201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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ID F78201A
Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Turnover System:
Work Package: Fluor Other Sub – System:
Area Designation:
From Elevation: To Elevation
Requested By: Date

Discipline Engineering Release Date

Work Inspected:

Item Description of Check Subcontractor
01 Protection of areas not to be fireproofed
02 Area(s) of surface(s) to be fireproofed
03 Surface preparation
Normal Concrete Brickwork
04 Type of fireproofing
Insulating Concrete Proprietary
05 Brand name (if applicable):
Concrete grade:
06 Application method: Gunned Trowelled
(not for brickwork) Formed
07 Skirt fireproofing required: Inside Outside
08 Anchorage/reinforcement
09 Slump test performed
10 Compressive strength cylinders prepared
11 Finished/cured surface
12 Material thickness required
13 Material thickness attained
14 Sealing of joints/seams
15 Cleanliness
Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA
Name: Name: Name:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:

This checklist is to be filled out to document shotcrete panels made for mix design approval and subsequent panels made to
qualify each application crew (i.e. nozzleman, delivery equipment operator and hoseman).

Fireproofing Material and Mix Proportions Used:

Panel Size and Description of Reinforcement:

Positions of Panel as Shot: A- Horizontal B – Vertical C - Overhead

Note: Clearly identify each panel with A, B or C, date completed, material used, nozzleman.
Panel Delivery Equipment Date
Position Nozzleman Material Used
No. Operator Completed

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure outlines the inspection activities for subcontracted installation of cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection is installed for tank internals, vessel internals, underground structures and piping

RESPONSIBILITIES - Subcontracted Work

Verify correct materials are
Construction Engineer ----- Prior to installation
Verify vessel cathodic
Materials Manager / Upon receipt of
protection installed by shop ------
Site Quality Manager materials

Install Cathodic Protection Subcontractor ----- -----

Subcontractor / Daily during life of

Inspect in-process installation 000.509.F78301
Site Quality Manager activity

Witness hammer test of

Site Quality Manager As required
Thermite welds

Witness anode backfill electrical

Site Quality Manager As required

Subcontractor / Once after each

Inspect completed installation
Site Quality Manager installation completed

Monitor testing and

Field Engineering Prior to start-up

At completion of each
Audit documentation Site Quality Manager

Per procedure
Surveillance Site Quality Manager 000.509.F02201

NOTE 1: Fluor QC Surveillance is required for construction activities not being documented on other
inspection forms by Fluor Quality.
NOTE 2: Surveillance is not required if the Fluor Site Quality Manager is performing inspections.

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The Construction Subcontractor is responsible for the quality of the cathodic protection installation and
shall perform his own in-process installation inspection and testing procedures and document the results
as defined in his contract and Quality Control Program.


General Requirements

The following requirements are applicable to underground structures, vessels and tanks.

 Verify materials being installed conform to the specification requirements and are properly
protected from damage.

 Monitor installation activities for compliance with specification.

 Inspect the workmanship of the completed cathodic protection for final acceptance.

 Monitor testing and commissioning activities for compliance with the requirements for inspection
and testing established in specifications.

 Audit cathodic protection documentation to verify completeness, retrievability, timeliness of

scheduled inspections and tests, and actions on results.

Additional Requirements for Underground Structures

 Acquire Subcontractor's deep well electrical log data and strata data and submit to the Fluor
Project Engineer for determination of anode spacing.

 Establish in coordination with the Construction Subcontractor and the Fluor Construction
Supervisor, a procedure to assure work is not started prior to acceptance of previous work.

 Monitor the survey made after each cathodic protection system is energized to determine
whether it satisfies the criteria for protection listed in the specifications.

 Monitor deep well preparation activities and verify preparation of the electrical log data and log
of strata data obtained during drilling.

 Monitor anode backfill operation for compliance with specifications.

 Witness hammer testing of all Thermite weld connections to the structure.

 Witness electrical test used to determine when the anode is backfilled with coke breeze.
Electrical test readings shall be recorded by the subcontractor and copy furnished to Fluor.

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Additional Requirements for Tanks and Vessels

 Verify that vessel cathodic protection materials were installed by the shop fabricator.

 Verify the Subcontractor personnel are wearing protective clothing if required for physical
protection of the linings in tanks and vessels.

 When Cathodic Protection is applied to Equipment, record inspection on 000.509.F78301.


000.509.F02201 - Surveillance Report


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F78301 - Cathodic Protection Inspection Report

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Drawing No.:/P&ID No. Rev.

Tag/Line No. Sheet No.

Tank Other :
Test Station
Origin of Inspection:
Termination of Inspection Point:
Number of Anode Ends Welded:
Test Station No.:
Operation Temperature:
Anode Type:
No. Of Anodes:
Weld Area Cleaned:
Welds Acceptable:
Is the Anode Ribbon secured to the pipe on 10 – 12 feet centers
- Zinc Ribbon Anodes shall be used for Piping systems operating at or below 140f – Low Temperature System
- Magnesium Ribbon Anodes shall be used on Pipes which operate from 141f to 250f
- If more than one Anode is specified, each Anode end shall be welded to the Piping.
- Reference – 414000-0-SP-4-CP-1


Date of Inspection: Witnessed by:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

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This procedure applies to inspection of welds from joint preparation through final acceptance for welding
performed to the following codes/standards:

• ASME Section I, "Power Boilers" (FD "QC System Manual for B&PV Code Work" also applies).

• ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels (FD "QC System Manual for B&PV Code Work"
also applies).

• ASME B31.1, "Power Piping"

• ASME B31.2, "Fuel Gas Piping"

• ASME B31.3, "Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping"

• ASME B31.4, "Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping Systems"

• ASME/ANSI B31.5, "Refrigeration Piping"

• ASME B31.8, "Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems"

• ANSI/ASME B31.9, "Building Services Piping"

• ASME B31.11, "Slurry Transportation Piping Systems"

• ASME B96.1, "Welded Aluminum-Alloy Storage Tanks"

• API 620, "Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large Welded Low Pressure
Storage Tanks"

• API 650, "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage"

• AWWA D100 (identical to AWS D5.2) "Welded Steel Elevated Tanks, Standpipes, and Reservoirs
for Water Storage"

• ANSI/AWS D1.1, "Structural Welding Code, Steel"

• ANSI/AWS D1.6 “Structural Welding Code, Stainless Steel”

• ANSI Z117.1, “Safety Requirements for Working in Tanks and other Confined Spaces”

• Fluor Practice 000 511 0101, “Certification of Nondestructive Personnel”

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• Fluor Welding Manual (Self perform work only)

• Applicable Project Specifications

Assign numbers to Construction Each piping isometric Each isometric requiring
field pipe welds Engineer drawing field welds
Form 000.509.F79001
Daily Welding Report
Welder Foreman Daily
Form 000.509.F79002
Weld Checking and
Weld Heat Treatment Log
Form 000.509.F79001
(Non ASME Code)
Certified Welding Daily Welding Report
Inspector Form 000.509.F79002
Weld Heat Treatment Log
Per Fluor "Quality Control
Weld Checking and Welder Foreman Daily
System Manual for Boiler &
Inspections (ASME
Certified Welding Pressure Vessel Code Work"
Code Stamped) Daily
Inspector 000 510 XXXX
Welder Foreman None Daily
Certified Welding Form 000.509.F02201
See general section
Inspector Form 000.509.F79002

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Responsibilities - Subcontracted Work

Assign numbers to Each piping isometric Each isometric requiring
field pipe welds drawing field welds
Form 000.509.F79001
Subcontractor Daily Welding Report
Welding Foreman Form 000.509.F79002
Weld Checking and
Weld Heat Treatment Log
Form 000.509.F79001
(Non ASME Code) Subcontractor
Daily Welding Report
Certified Welding Daily
Form 000.509.F79002
Weld Heat Treatment Log
Per the subcontractor
Subcontractor approved Quality Control
Weld Checking and Welder Foreman System Manual for Boiler &
Inspections (ASME Pressure Vessel Code Work
Code Stamped) Subcontracor Daily
Certified Welding
Subcontractor None Daily
Welder Foreman
Subcontractor Form 000.509.F02201 Daily
Certified Welding Form 000.509.F79002
Site QC Manager Form 000.509.F02201 Daily


• Assign Numbers to Field Pipe Welds

Develop a weld map by assigning identity numbers to all pipe field welds on the isometric
drawings, including site pipe shop fabrication welds, prior to the start of work. Number the welds
consecutively in the direction of flow, starting with the first weld on each isometric sheet as No. 1,
continuing through the last weld on that sheet. If the drawings break at a weld, and the weld
appears on both drawings, assign the number on the upstream drawing. If additional welds must
be added later to facilitate actual fabrication, the weld locations shall be identified with the next
available consecutive number until all additional welds between design welds are identified. A log
may be used to identify the weld numbers already assigned to insure that no duplication of weld
numbers occur. The inside weld of a slip on flange will carry the suffix "S".

Attachment welds, such as shoes or other supports shall be numbered with the next available
number using the prefix "X". In the case of a reinforcing pad, all welds will refer to the field weld
number joining the branch to header pipe. Use the prefix "PB" and "PH" for pad to branch and
pad to header respectively.

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When straight run pipe is being double jointed on the ground, and it is not certain to which line it
belongs, then use the prefix "DJ' before these field welds. Maintain a separate log of "DJ" welds
and assign unique numbers starting with DJ-1. "DJ" welds are marked at 180 intervals. Weld
maps shall accurately show the final location of all "DJ" welds.

Note: Welder, NDE, PMI, PWHT information/results need not appear on the weld map
but must be readily traceable to the weld map and placed with the weld map at system

Certain things need to be emphasized: Remember that it is of primary importance to assign a

unique weld number to all field welding. Once this number is assigned, do not change it for any
reason. Do not renumber isometrics to keep the weld numbers consecutive in the direction of
flow. Use the next available number for any alterations or additional welds. If a portion of piping
containing assigned welds is cut out of a system and discarded do not reuse these weld numbers
but note on the isometric that these welds are void and show the new welds on the current
isometric revision. Cut shop welds will be assigned field weld numbers.

• Visual Check and Acceptance (By Foreman)

In-process checking and surveillance of fabrication/erection welding is considered part of the

foreman's normal supervisory duties, and includes: welder qualification verification, materials
verification, control of welding consumables, joint preparation, fit-up, preheat, interpass heat, weld
procedure variables, weld condition between passes, and the appearance of all finished welds.
Acceptance criteria is provided by the applicable attachment to this procedure.

For all welds in piping systems and for all other welds requiring post weld heat treatment or NDE,
the foreman will prepare a "Daily Welding Report" (000.509.F79001) for completed welds to
indicate his daily production and to document his visual check and acceptance of each weld. The
foreman's signature on this form indicates his acceptance. The foreman provides these reports
daily to the Certified Welding Inspector.

If a weld is repaired because of rejected radiography, the identity of the repaired weld will maintain
the identification number previously assigned except the designation "R1" shall be added after the
joint number. A suffix shall designate subsequent repairs of the same welds, such as R2 and R3,
until the weld is determined to be acceptable by radiographic examination. If welds are
completely cut out the suffix shall be C1, C2, etc.

The foreman should identify the first two welds made by a new welder, welding on a system
requiring random RT, by noting in the "Remarks" section "1st weld" or "2nd weld" so that these
welds can be examined by radiography to confirm welding proficiency in production.

• Inspection by the Welding Inspector - (Certification Required)

Except as noted below, a minimum of 5% of groove welds shall have fit-up inspection by the
inspector. Each welder's work is to be represented. This percentage is to be increased, if
necessary, to satisfy the inspector that acceptable workmanship is being achieved. The inspector

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should normally be able to achieve adequate fit-up inspections without establishing hold points,
but he may request hold points for fit-up inspection of specific joints.

The "visually inspected" block on the form is initialed by the inspector to indicate joints on which
he performed fit-up/final inspection. The inspector's signature on the Daily Welding Report
indicates his acceptance of the completed weld(s). Acceptance criteria is specified by the
applicable attachment to this procedure.

The inspector should also verify that the Daily Welding Report has been accurately completed and
the listed weld joints have been identified with the welder's stamp. The inspector provides these
reports daily to the NDE Coordinator for scheduling of NDE.

If the inspector considers any of the reported welds to be unacceptable, he will inform the
foreman. If it is not repaired prior to turning in the Daily Welding Report, the unacceptable welds
are lined out and recorded on a Surveillance Report (000.509.F02201) for tracking to closure.

Exceptions to the level of inspection described by this paragraph is provided below:

- Inspection (By Certified Welding Inspector) is not required for welds in B31.3 Category D
piping systems if welds in the system will not be subjected to radiography. Surveillance by
procedure 000.509.0220 is adequate for these welds.

- For ASME B31.3 Category "M", "Severe Cyclic Conditions", longitudinal butt welds and
"High Pressure Piping". In addition to the above, all material shall be verified and all fit-ups
shall be inspected by the Certified Welding Inspector.

• Surveillance

Surveillance as described by procedure 000.509.0220 is to be performed for all welding activities

including postweld heat treatment using the applicable attachments to this procedure and the
approved PWHT procedure. Surveillance Reports (000.509.F02201) will be prepared for all
deficiencies found during surveillance or inspection. Surveillance reports will also be prepared for
welds that were not subjected to the inspection described above by the Certified Welding
Inspector (i.e., category D piping).

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Completion of Post Weld Heat Treatment will be documented on "Post- weld Heat Treatment Log"
(000.509.F79002). The log is to be provided to the NDE Coordinator for scheduling hardness test
if required.

Temporary attachments shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

Welds requiring Code Stamping shall be examined and documented in accordance with "Fluor
Quality Control System Manual, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Work," or the applicable
Subcontractors quality program for boiler and pressure vessel code work.

Certification of Welding Inspectors shall be performed in accordance with Fluor Procedure

000.511.0101 "Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel.", found in the
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Manual – Fluor Enterprises, Inc., 000.511.0000

For welded branch connections, perform final Weld Examination of the branch connection
pressure weld prior to the addition of any reinforcing pad or saddle. For welds that will be
inaccessible for inspection due to the fabrication process (eg; jacketed pipe, etc.) perform a visual
inspection before fabrication renders these welds inaccessible.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F02201 - Surveillance Report
000.509.F79001 - Daily Welding Report
000.509.F79002 - Postweld Heat Treatment Log


Attachment 1 - Frequency of Visual Examinations

Attachment 2 - Weldolet and Sockolet Fittings Attachment
Attachment 3 - ANSI B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings
Attachment 4 - ASME Section I Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 5 - ASME Section VIII, Division I Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 6 - ASME B31.1 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 7 - ASME B31.2 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 8 - ASME B31.3 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 9 - ASME B31.4 - ASME B31.8 - ASME B31.11 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 10 - ASME/ANSI B31.5 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 11 - ANSI/ASME B31.9 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 12 - ASME B96.1 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 13 - API 620 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 14 - API 650 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 15 - AWWA D100 (Identical to AWS D5.2) Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 16 - ANSI/AWS D1.1 / D1.6 Acceptance Criteria
Attachment 17 - Numbering of Pipe Weld Joints

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1.1 Visual examination frequency shall be in accordance with the Fluor Daniel Quality Control
System Manual, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Work.

2.0 ASME B31.1

A. Boiler External Piping

Visual examination frequency shall be in accordance with Fluor Daniel Quality Control
System Manual, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Work.

B. Non Boiler External Piping

All completed welds shall have a visual examination.

3.0 ASME B31.2

3.1 All completed welds shall have a visual examination

4.0 ASME B31.3(1)

A. Category "D" Fluid Service

Visual examination shall be performed to the extent necessary to satisfy the examiner that
components, materials, workmanship and welds conform to the requirements.

B. "Normal Service Conditions"

1. Sufficient welds, materials and components shall be examined to satisfy the

examiner that they conform to specifications and are free from defects and

2. At least 5% of completed welds shall be examined. Each welder's work shall be


3. Examine 100% of completed longitudinal welds, except those in components made

from a listed specification (i.e., A53B welded pipe, A234 welded fillings).

4. Random examination of the assembly of threaded, bolted, and other joints for
conformance to engineering requirements.

5. Random examination of alignment, guides, supports, and cold spring.

6. Examination of erected piping for defects or deviations from engineering design.

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7. When pneumatic testing is performed, all threaded, bolted, and other mechanical
joints shall be examined.

C. "Severe Cyclic Conditions"

Same as #B above except all fabrication shall be examined.

D. "Category "M" Fluid Service

Same as #B above except all fabrication shall be examined.

E. High Pressure Piping

Same as #B above except all fabrication shall be examined.

NOTE(1): In-process weld examination frequency shall be to an extent such that the
examiner is satisfied requirements are being met, except where in process
inspection takes the place of random radiography required by B31.3 for Normal
Fluid Service or Category "M" Fluid Service. The in-process examination in lieu of
random radiography must be approved by the Engineer or Owner and shall include
a final visual examination.

5.0 ASME B31.4

5.1 All piping components shall be examined for damage prior to fabrication.

5.2 All weld joints shall have a fit up, root pass, and final visual examination.

5.3 All completed welds shall be cleaned and examined prior to coating operations.
Irregularities that could damage the pipe coating shall be removed.

6.0 ASME/ANSI B31.5

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

7.0 ASME B31.8

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

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8.0 ANSI/ASME B31.9

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

9.0 ASME B31.11

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

10.0 ASME B96.1

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

11.0 API 620

All completed welds shall have a visual examination.

12.0 API 650

All completed welds shall have a visual examination.

13.0 AWWA D100 (Identical to AWS D5.2)

Sufficient welds, materials, and components shall be examined to satisfy the examiner that they
conform to specifications and are free from defects and damage.

14.0 ANSI/AWS D1.1

All completed welds shall have a visual examination.

15.0 ANSI/AWS D1.6

All completed welds shall have a visual examination.

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Attachment 2 Weldolet and Sockolet Fittings Attachment

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Attachment 3 - ANSI B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings

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Attachment 4 - ASME Section I Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B,
SA516G70,etc.) and per the Quality Control System Manual, B & PV Code Work
(i.e; heat number).

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualification, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

G. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

H. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

I. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

J. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

K. Welding end transitions shall provide for a maximum 30 degree angle across the
weld, with respect to the base metal (diameters, or plate thickness) on each side of
the weld. Additionally where two thick sections taper down to the weld joint, the
minimum angle formed by the O.D. of the base materials shall be 150 degrees.

L. Fit-up, and alignment of butt welds shall be in accordance with the WPS and the
following where "t" is the nominal thickness of the thinner section at the joint
(dimensions in inches).

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Direction of Joints in Cylindrical Shells

Section Thickness (in) Longitudinal Circumferential
Up to 1/2, incl. 1/4t 1/4t
Over 1/2 to 3/4, incl. 1/8 in. 1/4t
Over 3/4 to 1 1/2, incl. 1/8 in. 3/16 in.
Over 1 1/2 to 2, incl. 1/8 in. 1/8t
Over 2 Lesser of 1/16 t or 3/8 in. Lesser of 1/8t or 3/4 in.

Section Thickness (mm) Longitudinal Circumferential
Up to 12, incl. 1/4t 1/4t
Over 12 to 19, incl. 3 1/4t
Over 19 to 38, incl. 3 5
Over 38 to 50, incl. 3 1/8t
Over 50 Lesser of 1/16 t or 9.5 Lesser of 1/8t or 9.5

Note 1: Joints in spherical vessels and within heads and joints between cylindrical shells and
hemispherical heads shall meet the requirements above for longitudinal joints in cylindrical shells.

M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socket or sleeve shall be at least 1/4"
(6.3 cm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance between
the end of the pipe or tube and of the socket; and in the case of a sleeve, there
shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance between the butting ends of the pipe or
tube. The fit between the socket or sleeve and the pipe or tube shall conform to
applicable standards for socket weld fittings, and in no case shall the inside
diameter of the socket or sleeve exceed the outside diameter of the pipe or tube by
more than 0.080" (2 mm).

1.2 Final visual weld examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity allowed.

B. No linear indications such as cracks, lack of fusion, cold laps or incomplete

penetration are allowed.

C. No slag or weld spatter allowed (including base material).

D. No unfilled craters allowed (with or without associated shrinkage defects).

E. No underfilled finished weld areas (outside surface of piping and tubing welds).

F. Root concavity is permitted if the depression does not exceed the lesser of 3/32"
(2.4 mm) or 20% of the thinner of the sections being joined. The contour of the

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concavity shall be smooth and the resulting thickness of the weld, including any
outside reinforcement, shall be at least equal to the required thickness of the
thinner section.

G. Any allowable off-set on a finished weld shall be faired at a 3:1 taper over the width
of the finished section. Additional weld metal may be added beyond edge of weld.

H. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32" (0.8 mm) or 10% of the wall thickness whichever
is less, and shall not encroach upon the required section thickness.

I. As-welded surfaces are permitted, the surface of the welds shall be sufficiently free
from coarse ripples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges, and valleys to allow for
proper interpretations of NDE and to avoid stress raisers.

J. Fillet weld size shall be a specified on the engineering drawing.

K. Each weld joint shall be identified by one of the following methods:

1. The welder may stamp his identification mark adjacent to all welded joints
or he/she may stamp adjacent to a continuous weld or a series of similar
joints at intervals of not greater than three (3) feet (1 m).

2. A record of welded joints, including the identification of the welder making

the joint, may be used in lieu of stamping.

L. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

M. Butt weld reinforcement (internal or external) on each weld face shall meet the

Circumferential Joints Maximum Reinforcement
Nominal Thickness (in)
in Pipe and Tubing (in) (in) Other Welds
Up to 1/8 3/32 3/32
Over 1/8 to 3/16, incl. 1/8 3/32
Over 3/16 to 1/2, incl. 5/32 3/32
Over 1/2 to 1, incl. 3/16 3/32
Over 1 to 2, incl. 1/4 1/8
Over 2 to 3, incl. Note 1 5/32
Over 3 to 4, incl. Note 1 7/32
Over 4 to 5, incl. Note 1 1/4
Over 5 Note 1 5/16

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Circumferential Joints Maximum Reinforcement
Nominal Thickness (in)
in Pipe and Tubing (in) (in) Other Welds
Up to 3 2.4 2.4
Over 3 to 5, incl. 3 2.4
Over 5 to 12, incl. 4 2.4
Over 12 to 25, incl. 5 2.4
Over 25 to 50, incl. 6.3 3
Over 50 to 76, incl. Note 1 4
Over 76 to 101, incl. Note 1 5.5
Over 101 to 127, incl. Note 1 6.3
Over 127 Note 1 8

Note 1: The greater of 1/4 in. (6.3 mm) or 1/8 times the width of the weld in inches.

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Attachment 5 - ASME Section VIII, Division I Acceptance Criteria

1.0 ASME Section VIII Division 1

1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B, SA516
G70, etc.) and per the Quality Control System Manual, B & PV code work (i.e.;
heat number). Non-pressure parts shall be identified as to type and grade.
Review drawing to determine if Charpy Vee Notch testing of base materials
and/or weld materials, and production test plates, is required. CMTR’s required
for plate material and all material requiring CVN testing.

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualification, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS. For ASME Code
Stamped items, filler material shall be traceable to the weld joint by AWS
Classifications as a minimum. Traceability by heat and lot number to the weld
joint is required for CVN vessels and may be required by a site specific
specification for other vessels.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

G. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

H. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

I. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

J. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

K. When pressure parts, such as nozzle reinforcing pads, extend over pressure
retaining welds, such welds shall be ground flush for the portion of the weld to be
covered. Root concavity on the backside of the portion that is ground flush is not

L. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the

WPS. In addition, the edges of butt welds shall be held during welding so that
the following tolerances (internal and external) are not exceeded. When fitted

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girth joints have deviations exceeding the permitted tolerances the joint shall be
re-fit until the errors are within the limits specified. For Shells, the maximum out
of roundness at any cross section shall not exceed 1% of the nominal diameter.

Nominal Thickness (t), inch Joint Categories
A* B,C,D*
Up thru 1/2 1/4t 1/4t
Over 1/2 thru 3/4 1/8 in. 1/4t
Over 3/4 thru 1 1/2 1/8 in. 3/16 in.
Over 1 1/2 thru 2 1/8 in. 1/8t
Over 2 Lesser of 1/16t or 3/8 in. Lesser of 1/8t or 3/8 in.

Nominal Thickness (t), mm Joint Categories
A* B,C,D*
Up thru 12 1/4t 1/4t
Over 12 thru 19 3 1/4t
Over 19 thru 38 3 5
Over 38 thru 50 3 1/8t
Over 50 Lesser of 1/16t or 9.5 Lesser of 1/8t or 9.5

* Category A joints include all longitudinal joints in shells, heads, transitions, spheres, and
circumferential joints connecting hemispherical heads to shells. Category B, C and D
include all other joints.

M. Any offset within the allowable tolerances shall be faired to a 3 to 1 taper over the
width of the finished weld (internally and externally). Additional weld metal may
be added. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be thinner than
the non tapered base material. Where fillet welds are used, the lapped plates
shall fit closely and be kept in contact during welding.

N. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm). clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

1.2 Final visual weld examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. Both sides (ID and O.D.) of butt welds and other full penetration groove welds
shall be inspected. RT examination in lieu of VT of inaccessible I.D. is

B. No porosity allowed.

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C. No linear indications such as cracks, lack of fusion, cold laps or incomplete

penetration are allowed.

D. No slag or weld spatter allowed (including base material).

E. No unfilled craters allowed (with or without associated shrinkage defects).

F. No underfilled finished weld areas (outside surface of piping and tubing welds).

G. Root concavity shall not reduce the weld below the base material thickness.

H. Any allowable off-set on a finished weld shall be faired at a 3:1 taper over the
width of the finished section. Additional weld metal may be added beyond edge
of weld.

I. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 mm), or 10% of the nominal thickness
of the adjoining surface, whichever is less.

J. As-welded surfaces are permitted, the surface of the welds shall be sufficiently
free from coarse ripples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges, and valleys to allow
for proper interpretations of NDE and to avoid stress raisers.

K. Fillet weld size shall be a specified on the engineering drawing.

L. Each weld joint shall be identified by one of the following methods:

1. The welder may stamp his identification mark adjacent to all welded joints
or he/she may stamp adjacent to a continuous weld or a series of similar
joints at intervals of not greater than three (3) feet (1 m).

2. A record of welded joints, including the identification of the welder making

the joint, may be used in lieu of stamping.

M. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

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N. Butt weld reinforcement (internal or external) shall meet the following:

Maximum Reinforcement (in)

Material Nominal Circumferential

Other Welds
Thickness, inch Joints in Pipe/Tube
Less than 3/32 (2.4 mm) 3/32 (2.4 mm) 1/32 (0.8 mm)
3/32" (2.4 mm) thru 3/16 5 mm) 1/8 (3 mm) 1/16 (1.5 mm)
Over 3/16 (5 mm) thru ½ (12 mm) 5/32 (4 mm) 3/32 (2.4 mm)
Over ½ (12 mm) thru 1 (25 mm) 3/16 (5 mm) 3/32 (2.4 mm)
Over 1 thru 2 (25-50 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm) 1/8 (3 mm)
Over 2 thru 3 (50-76 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm) 5/32 (4 mm)
Over 3 thru 4 (76-101 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm) 7/32 (5.5 mm)
Over 4 thru 5 (101-127 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm)
Over 5 (127 mm) 5/16 (8 mm) 5/16 (8 mm)

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Attachment 6 - ASME B31.1 Acceptance Criteria

1.0 ASME B31.1

1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e.; A106B, SA516
G70, etc.) and for Boiler External Piping per the Quality Control System Manual, B
& PV code work (i.e.; heat number). Non-pressure parts shall be identified as to
type and grade.

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualification, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS. For ASME Code
Stamped items, filler materials shall be traceable to the weld joint by AWS
classification as a minimum. Tracing by heat and lot number to the weld joint may
be required by site specific specification.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

Note: For piping of over 3% nominal Chromium content fabricated to B31.1,

visual for cracks after preheat is interrupted and restarted as permitted by
the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Internal misalignment shall not exceed 1/16 (1.5 mm) inch unless the piping design
specifically states a different allowable misalignment, in which case, the
misalignment over 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) shall be tapered to a 1:3 maximum slope.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

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L. Welding end transitions shall provide for a maximum 30 degree angle across the
weld, with respect to the base metal on each side of the weld. Additionally, where
two thick sections taper down to the weld joint, the minimum angle formed by the
O.D. of the base materials shall be 150 degrees.

Note: Longitudinal butt welded joints shall be aligned within 1/16 inch (1.5 mm)
and inside surface shall not be tapered). The resulting weld joint and
tapered areas shall not be thinner than the non tapered base material.

M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.
Gap between O.D. of pipe and socket shall not exceed .040.

1.2 A final visual weld examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity allowed.

B. No linear indications such as cracks, lack of fusion, cold laps or lack of penetration.

C. No slag or weld spatter (including base material).

D. No unfilled craters allowed (with or without associated shrinkage defects).

E. No under filled (weld cap) areas.

F. Root concavity shall not reduce the weld below the base material thickness.

G. As-welded surfaces are permitted, the surface of the welds shall be sufficiently free
from coarse ripples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges, and valleys to allow for
proper interpretations of NDE and to avoid stress raisers.

H. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) and shall not reduce the wall
thickness below minimum wall requirements (i.e., .875 X nominal wall for schedule
pipe, the minimum ordered wall thickness of minimum wall pipe, and nominal wall
minimum, minus .01 inch for nominal wall ordered pipe that is made from rolled
and longitudinally welded plate).

I. Any offset of outside butt welding surfaces shall be faired to a 30 degrees

maximum taper over the width of the weld (excluding reinforcement).
J. Welding end transitions shall be as follows:

1. The wall thickness in the transition region is not less than the minimum wall
thickness of the adjoining pipe.

2. Sharp reentrant angles and abrupt changes in slop in the transition region
are avoided.

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3. There is a gradual transition between the two items. The slope of the
transition to the weld does not exceed 30 degrees. Weld metal may be
added to meet this requirement.

K. Butt weld reinforcement thickness shall meet the following:


Thickness of Base
Metal Inches >750F 350-750F <350F
Up thru 1/8 (3 mm) 1/16 (1.5 mm) 3/32 (2.4 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 1/8 thru 3/16 (3-5 mm) 1/16 (1.5 mm) 1/8 (3 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 3/16 thru ½ (5-12 mm) 1/16 (1.5 mm) 5/32 (4 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 1/2 thru 1 (25-19 mm) 3/32 (2.4 mm) 3/16 (5 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 1 thru 2 (25-50 mm) 1/8 (3 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm)
Over 2 (50 mm) 5/32 (4 mm) See Note 5 See Note 5

Notes: 1. For double welded butt joints, the limitation on reinforcement given
above shall apply separately to both inside and outside surfaces of
the joint.

2. For single welded butt joints, the reinforcement limits given above
shall apply to the outside surface of the joint only. Internal
reinforcement shall not exceed 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) for the GTAW
process nor 3/32 inch (2.4 mm) for the SMAW process.

3. The thickness of weld reinforcement shall be based on the

thickness of the thinner of the materials being joined.

4. The weld reinforcement thicknesses shall be determined from the

higher of the abutting surfaces involved.

5. The greater of 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) or 1/8 times the width of the weld
in inches.

L. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket, slip-
on flanges and socket fittings shall be 1.09 time the pipe wall thickness for the hub
thickness, whichever is less. Weld sizes for branch connections may be found in
Figure A.

N. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

O. Each weld shall be identified with the welders symbol or traceable by


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Attachment 7 - ASME B31.2 Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B, SA516 G70,

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualification, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Any misalignment of butt welds, exceeding the WPS, shall be tapered to a 30
degree maximum angle. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be
thinner than the non tapered base material.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to incorporated into the final weld shall be visually examined
and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal undercut,
excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

L. For branch on pipe connections, the opening through the pipe shall align with the
bore of the branch within 1/8 inch (3 mm) or one-half the branch wall thickness,
whichever is less.

M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" 1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

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1.2 Final visual weld examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity.

B. No linear indications such as cracks or cold laps or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

C. When accessible for visual inspection, the depth of incomplete root penetration or
lack of fusion at the root shall not exceed 1/32 inch or half the thickness of
the weld reinforcement (located above the indication) whichever is smaller.
The total length of such incomplete root penetration or lack of fusion at the
root shall not exceed 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) in any 6 inches (15 cm) of weld

D. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket and
slip on flanges and socket fittings shall be 1.4 times the pipe wall thickness
or the hub thickness whichever is less but no smaller than 1/8 inch (3 mm).

E. Branch connection weld sizes are shown in Figure A.

F. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 mm).

G. *Weld reinforcement shall not exceed the following:

Thickness (in.) Thickness, Max (in.)
1/2" (12 mm) and under 1/8" (3 mm)
Over 1/2" thru 1" (12-25 mm) 5/32" (4 mm)
Over 1" (25 mm) 3/16" (5 mm)

* For double welded joints this limitation or reinforcement shall apply to each
surface of the weld separately.

H. No under filled (weld cap) areas.

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ASME B31.2

NOTES: These sketches show minimum acceptable welds. Welds may be larger than those shown

tc = the smaller of 1/4" (6.3 mm) or .7 x Tb

Tr = nominal thickness of reinforcement, in. Detail (1) w = Tb + tc

tmin = the smaller of Tb or Tr Detail (2) w = Th + tc
Tb = nominal thickness of branch wall Detail (3) w = Tr + tc or Tb + tc
Th = nominal thickness of header wall Detail (4) w = Th + Tr + tc
Detail (5) w = Tb + tc
w = Governing thickness for determining Postweld Heat Treat.

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Attachment 8 - ASME B31.3 Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e., A106B, SA516
G70, etc.) and heat number (if CVN testing required). Review drawing to
determine if Charpy Vee Notch testing of base materials and/or weld materials is
required. CMTR’s are required for all material requiring CVN testing. CMTR’s may
be required for other piping as designated in a site specification.

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS. Tracing by AWS
Classification, heat and lot number to the weld joint is required for CVN piping and
may be required by a site specific specification for other piping.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Any misalignment of butt welds, exceeding the WPS, shall be tapered to a 30
degree maximum angle. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be
thinner than the non tapered base material.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

L. For branch on pipe connections, the opening through the pipe shall align with the
bore of the branch within 1/8 inch (3 mm) or one-half the branch wall thickness,
whichever is less.

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M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

N. When accessible for visual inspection, the internal condition of the root pass shall
meet Figure A, B, or C as applicable.

1.2 Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with Figure A and B for
"Nominal Service Conditions", "Severe Cyclic Conditions" and Category "D" Fluid
Service. Category "M" fluid service shall be inspected to "Normal Service
Conditions" of Figure A and Figure B. "High Pressure Piping shall be examined in
accordance with Figure C.

B. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket and
slip-on flanges shall be a minimum of 1.4 times the pipe wall thickness or the hub
thickness whichever is less.

C. For socket welding fittings, other than flanges, the minimum weld leg lengths shall
be 1.25 times the pipe wall thickness or 1/8 inch, whichever is greater. Weld sizes
for branch connections may be found in Figure D.

D. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

E. Perform Visual Weld Examination prior to other nondestructive examinations and

post weld heat treatment. In addition, piping constructed of P3, P4, or P5 material,
perform a final visual weld examination after postweld heat treatment.

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ASME B31.3

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ASME B31.3

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ASME B31.3

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ASME B31.3

NOTES: These sketches show minimum acceptable welds. Welds may be larger than those shown

tc = the smaller of 1/4" (6.3 mm) or .7 x Tb

Tr = nominal thickness of reinforcement, in. Detail (1) w = Tb + tc

tmin = the smaller of Tb or Tr Detail (2) w = Th + tc
Tb = nominal thickness of branch wall Detail (3) w = Tr + tc or Tb + tc
Th = nominal thickness of header wall Detail (4) w = Th + Tr + tc
Detail (5) w = Tb + tc
w = Governing thickness for determining Postweld Heat Treat.

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Attachment 9 - ASME B31.4 - ASME B31.8 - ASME B31.11 Acceptance Criteria



1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e., A106B, SA516
G70, etc.)

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Any misalignment of butt welds, exceeding the WPS, shall be tapered to a 30
degree maximum angle. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be
thinner than the non tapered base material. Details for unequal wall thickness are
shown in Figure A.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

L. For branch on pipe connections, the opening through the pipe shall align with the
bore of the branch within 1/8 inch (3 mm) or one-half the branch wall thickness,
whichever is less.

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M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

* Shallow crater cracks located at the stopping point of weld beads, and that are
5/32 inch (4 mm) or less in length are acceptable.

1.2 Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. Porosity is unacceptable when:

1. The size of an individual pore exceeds 1/8 inch (3 mm).

2. The size of an individual pore exceeds 25 percent of the thickness of the

thinner member joined.

3. For cluster porosity that occurs in the weld cap, if the diameter exceed 1/2
inch (12 mm) or, the group length in any continuous 12 inch (30 cm) length
of weld exceeds 1/2 inch (12 mm) or, an individual pore within a cluster
exceeds 1/16 inch (1.5 mm).

B. Incomplete penetration and incomplete fusion is unacceptable when:

1. The length of an individual indication exceeds 1 inch (25 mm).

2. The group of indications in any continuous 12 inch (30 cm) length of weld
exceeds 1 inch (25 mm).

3. The group of indications exceed 8 percent of the weld length in any weld
less than 12 inches (30 cm) in length.

C. Incomplete penetration due to high-low fit-up shall be unacceptable when:

1. The length of an individual indication exceeds 2 inches (50 mm).

2. The group of indications in any continuous 12 inch (30 cm) length of weld
exceeds 3 inches (76 mm).

D. Burn through (a portion of the root bead where excessive penetration has caused
the weld puddle to be blown into the pipe) is unacceptable when:

1. The maximum dimension exceeds 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) and the internal root
concavity is less than the thinnest adjacent base metal.

2. The maximum dimension exceeds the thinner of the nominal wall thickness
joined and the internal root concavity is less than the thinnest adjacent
base metal.

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3. If more than one burn-through is present, the sum of the maximum

dimensions of separate burn-through exceeds 1/2 inch (12 mm) in any
continuous 12 inch (30 cm) length of weld or the total weld length,
whichever is less and the internal root concavity is less than the thinnest
adjacent base metal. For pipe with an outside diameter less than 2 3/8 inch
(6 cm), if more than one burn-through is present and the internal root
concavity of more than one of the burn-through exceeds that of the thinnest
adjacent base metal.

E. Undercut adjacent to the weld cap (external) or root pass (internal) is unacceptable

1. The group length of external and internal in combination in any continuous

12 inch (30 cm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).

2. The group length of external and internal in combination exceeds one sixth
of the total weld length.

F. Maximum dimensions of undercutting

1. Undercut depth shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) or 12 1/2% of the pipe
wall thickness whichever is smaller.

2. Undercut depth shall not exceed 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) or 6% to 12.5% of pipe
wall thickness whichever is smaller for a maximum length of 2 inches (50
mm) in a continuous 12 inch (30 cm) weld length or 17% of the weld length,
whichever is smaller.

G. Accumulation of Discontinuities excluding incomplete penetration due to high-low

and undercutting, are unacceptable when:

1. The group length of indications in any continuous 12 inch (30 cm) length of
weld exceeds 2 inches (50 mm).

2. The group length of indications exceed 8 percent of the weld length.

H. The weld cap (weld reinforcement) shall not exceed 1/16 inch 1.5 mm).

I. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket and
slip on flanges and socket fittings shall be 1.4 times the pipe wall thickness or the
hub thickness whichever is less but no smaller than 1/8 inch (3 mm). Branch
connection details and weld sizes are shown in Figures B, C, D, E, and F.

J. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

K. Perform visual weld examination prior to other nondestructive examinations and

postweld heat treatment.

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ASME B31.4 - B31.8 - B31.11


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ASME B31.4 - B31.8 - B31.11


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B31.4 - B31.8 - B31.11

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Attachment 10 - ASME/ANSI B31.5 Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B, SA516 G70,

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Any misalignment of butt welds, exceeding the WPS, shall be tapered to a 30
degree maximum angle. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be
thinner than the non tapered base material.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be back-gouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

L. For branch on pipe connections, the opening through the pipe shall align with the
bore of the branch within 1/8 inch (3 mm) or one-half the branch wall thickness,
whichever is less.

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M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

N. When accessible for visual inspection, the internal condition of the root pass shall
meet Figure A and B "Normal Service Conditions".

1.2 Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with Figure A and B for
"Nominal Service Conditions".

B. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket and
slip-on flanges shall be a minimum of 1.4 times the pipe wall thickness or the hub
thickness whichever is less.

C. For socket welding fittings, other than flanges, the minimum weld leg lengths shall
be 1.25 times the pipe wall thickness or 1/8 inch (3 mm), whichever is greater.
Weld sizes for branch connections may be found in Figure C.

D. For seal welding of threaded joints, the exposed threads shall be entirely covered
by the seal weld.

E. Perform Visual Weld Examination prior to other nondestructive examinations and

postweld heat treatment.

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ASME B31.5

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ASME B31.5

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ASME B31.5

NOTES: These sketches show minimum acceptable welds. Welds may be larger than those shown

tc = the smaller of 1/4" (6.3 mm) or .7 x Tb

Tr = nominal thickness of reinforcement, in. Detail (1) w = Tb + tc

tmin = the smaller of Tb or Tr Detail (2) w = Th + tc
Tb = nominal thickness of branch wall Detail (3) w = Tr + tc or Tb + tc
Th = nominal thickness of header wall Detail (4) w = Th + Tr + tc
Detail (5) w = Tb + tc
w = Governing thickness for determining Postweld Heat Treat.

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Attachment 11 - ANSI/ASME B31.9 Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A53B, A570, etc.).

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.
Any misalignment of butt welds, exceeding the WPS, shall be tapered to a 30
degree maximum angle. The resulting weld joint and tapered areas shall not be
thinner than the non tapered base material.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be back-gouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lag, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

L. For branch on pipe connections, the opening through the pipe shall align with the
bore of the branch within 1/8 inch (3 mm) or one-half the branch wall thickness,
whichever is less.

M. The depth of insertion of a pipe or tube into a socketweld fitting shall be at least
1/4" (6.3 mm). Before welding, there shall be at least 1/16" (1.5 mm) clearance
between the end of the pipe and the internal shoulder of the socketweld fitting.

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1.2 Final Visual Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity.

B. No linear indications such as cracks or cold lap or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

C. Lack of fusion. The length of un-fused areas shall not be more than 20% of the
total length of the weld and no more than 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) in any 6 inch (15
cm) weld length.

D. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements. Weld leg length for socket and
slip on flanges and socket fittings shall be 1.1 times the wall thickness or the hub
thickness whichever is less, but not less than 1/8 inch (3 mm).

E. Branch connection weld sizes are shown in Figure A.

F. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8mm) or 12 1/2% of the wall thickness
whichever is less.

G. Weld reinforcement shall not exceed 3/16 inch (5 mm).

H. When accessible for inspection, inside root penetration shall not exceed 1/8 inch (3

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ASME B31.9

NOTES: These sketches show minimum acceptable welds. Welds may be larger than those shown

tc = the smaller of 1/4" (6.3 mm) or .7 x Tb

Tr = nominal thickness of reinforcement, in. Detail (1) w = Tb + tc

tmin = the smaller of Tb or Tr Detail (2) w = Th + tc
Tb = nominal thickness of branch wall Detail (3) w = Tr + tc or Tb + tc
Th = nominal thickness of header wall Detail (4) w = Th + Tr + tc
Detail (5) w = Tb + tc
w = Governing thickness for determining Postweld Heat Treat.

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Attachment 12 - ASME B96.1 Acceptance Criteria

1.0 ASME B96.1, "Welded Aluminum-Alloy Storage Tanks"

1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e.; 6061, 6063, etc.).

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualification, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, including misalignment of butt welds, shall be in accordance with the WPS.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds that are to be incorporated into the final weld shall be visually
examined and be free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, internal
undercut, excessive penetration, and the ends prepared by grinding.

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

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1.2 Final Visual Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity.

B. No linear indications such as cracks or cold lap or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

C. Undercut shall not exceed 1/32 inch (0.8 mm).

D. Fillet weld sizes shall meet drawing requirements.

E. Perform visual weld examination prior to other nondestructive examinations.

F. Weld reinforcement shall not exceed the following.

3/8 inch (9.5 mm)or less 3/32" (2.4 mm)
Greater than 3/8 inch to 3/4 inch (9.5-19 mm) 1/8" (3 mm)
Greater than 3/4 inch (19 mm) 3/16" (5 mm)

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Attachment 13 - API 620 Acceptance Criteria


1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to thickness, type, and grade (i.e., A53B,
A516 GR70, etc.), and identified by the mill heat number. Prior to cutting, the heat
number shall be transferred by steel stamping. On plates less than 1/4 inch (6.3
mm) thick steel stamping shall not be used. CMTR’s are required for plate
material. Review drawing to determine if CVN testing is required.

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS. Tracing by AWS
Classification, heat and let number to the weld joints is required for CVN

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up, shall be in accordance with the WPS except misalignment of butt welds
shall not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm) for <=1/4” (6.3 mm) and 1/8” (3 mm) (or 25% plate
thickness whichever is less) for plates over ¼” (6.3 mm). Do not taper plate joints.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds in butt joints to be welded manually shall be removed before welding.

I. Tack welds in lap and fillet welded joints need not be removed provided they are
free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap, and the ends prepared by
grinding for incorporated into the next weld pass.

J. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

K. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

L. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

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2.0 Final Visual Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. Surface porosity does not exceed one cluster (one or more pores) in each 4 inches
(10 cm) of length and the maximum diameter of each cluster or pore does not
exceed 3/32 inch (2.4 mm).

B. No linear indications such as cracks or cold lap or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

C. Undercut does not exceed:

1. 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) for longitudinal butt joints and for welds that attach
nozzles, manholes, and clean out openings.

2. 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) for circumferential butt joints.

D. No lack of fusion.

E. No overlaps or abrupt ridges or valleys.

F. No underfilled (weld cap) areas.

G. Weld reinforcement (internal or external), where RT is not required, shall meet the


Vertical Joints Horizontal Joints
1/2 inch (12 mm) or less 3/32 (2.4 mm) 1/8 (3 mm)
Over 1/2 inch to 1 inch (12-25 mm) 1/8 (3 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 1 inch (25 mm) 3/16 (5 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm)

H. Where RT is required, weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm) for
plates <=1/2” (12 mm), 3/32” (2.4 mm) for plates over ½” (12 mm) through 1” (25
mm), and 1/8” (3 mm) for plates over 1” (25 mm) thickness.

I. Weld repairs shall be feathered to a 4:1 taper.

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Attachment 14 - API 650 Acceptance Criteria

1.0 API 650 "Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage"

1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B, SA516 G70,
etc.) and identified by the mill heat number if CMTR’s are required by drawing or
purchase order. Review drawing to determine if CVN testing is required (if so,
CMTR’s are required).

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS. Edges of
Plates to be welded shall not be manually gas cut. Vertical joints shall be
staggered a minimum of five times the plate thickness.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS. Tracing by AWS
Classification heat and lot number to the weld joint is required for CVN

Low Hydrogen electrodes are required for SMAW when welding:

1. Attachment of the first shell course to the bottom or annular plates.

2. For shell courses over ½” (12 mm) thick made from material Groups I – III.

3. For all welds, including temporary and permanent attachments, in shell

courses made of material from Groups IV – VI.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up shall be in accordance with the WPS except misalignment of vertical butt-
welds for plates over 5/8” (16 mm) shall not exceed the lesser of 1/8” (3 mm) or
10% of the plate thickness, and shall not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm) for plates 5/8” (16
mm) or less. For horizontal butt joints, the upper plate shall not project over the
lower plate by more than the lesser of 1/8” (3 mm) or 20% of the plate thickness for
plates 5/16” (8 mm) and over. For plates under 5/16” (8 mm), the projection shall
not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm). Do not taper plate joints.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders.

H. Tack welds in vertical butt joints to be manually welded shall be removed before

I. Tack welds in horizontal butt joints, lap and fillet welded joints need not be
removed. Provided they are free of cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion, cold lap
and the ends prepared by grinding for incorporation into the next weld pass.

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J. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

K. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

L. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

1.2 Final Visual Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity.

B. No linear indications such as cracks or cold lap or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

C. Undercut does not exceed:

1. 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) for vertical butt joints and for welds that attach nozzles,
manholes, clean out openings and permanent attachment.

2. 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) for horizontal butt joints.

D. Surface porosity does not exceed one cluster (one or more pores) in any 4 inches
(10 cm) of length and the diameter of each cluster or pore does not exceed 3/32
inch (2.4 mm).

E. No lack of fusion.

F. No under-filled (weld cap) areas.

G. Weld reinforcement (internal or external) shall meet the following:

Vertical Joints Horizontal Joints
1/2 inch (12 mm) or less 3/32 (2.4 mm) 1/8 (3 mm)
Over 1/2 inch to 1 inch (12-25 mm) 1/8 (3 mm) 3/16 (5 mm)
Over 1 inch (25 mm) 3/16 (5 mm) ¼ (6.3 mm)

H. Where RT is required, weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm) for
plates <= ½” (12 mm), 3/32” (2.4 mm) for plates over ½” (12 mm) through 1” (25
mm), and 1/8” (3 mm) for plates over 1” (25 mm) thickness.

I. Areas where temporary attachments have been removed shall be ground smooth
and visually inspected.

J. Peaking at vertical joints and banding at horizontal joints shall not exceed ½” (12
mm) when using a 36” (1 m) sweep board (for vertical joints, the sweep board
must meet tank curvature).

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Attachment 15 - AWWA D100 (Identical to AWS D5.2) Acceptance Criteria

1.0 AWWA D100 (identical to AWS D5.2) "Welded Steel Elevated Tanks, Standpipes, and Reservoirs
for Water Storage"

1.1 In process examination shall meet the following:

A. All base materials shall be identified as to type and grade (i.e; A106B, SA516 G70,

B. Joint preparation and cleanliness shall be in accordance with the WPS. Straight
edges of plates to be welded shall not be manually cut with oxy-fuel methods.

C. Check welder qualifications, base material for conformance to the WPS.

D. Welding filler materials shall be in accordance with the WPS.

E. Preheating prior to cutting or welding (including tacking) shall be in accordance

with the WPS.

F. Fit-up shall be accordance with WPS except misalignment of vertical (and other
primary stress joints) butt-welds for plates over 5/8” (16 mm) shall not exceed the
lesser of ¼” (6.3 mm) or 10% of the plate thickness, and shall not exceed 1/16”
(1.5 mm) for plates 5/8” (16 mm) or less. For horizontal (and other secondary
stress joints) butt joints for plates over 5/8” (16 mm) shall not exceed the lesser of
3/8” (9.5 mm) or 20% of the plate thickness. And shall not exceed 1/8” (3 mm) for
plates 5/8” (16 mm) and less. Do not taper plates.

G. Tack welds shall be made by qualified welders and visually inspected.

H. The separation between lap joints shall not be greater than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm).
Where separation occurs, the weld size shall be increased by the amount of

I. The backside of double welded joints shall be backgouged to sound metal and
visually examined prior to welding.

J. Each weld pass shall be free of porosity, slag, cold lap, cracks and other
indications that would compromise weld quality.

K. Arc strikes shall be properly removed and areas visually examined.

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1.2 Final Visual Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No cracks.

B. No porosity.

C. Undercut does not exceed:

1. 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) for vertical joints (lap or butt weld).

2. 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) for horizontal joints (lap or butt weld).

D. No lack of fusion.

E. No linear indications such as cracks or cold lap or other indications that would
compromise weld quality.

F. No underfilled (weld cap) areas.

G. Weld reinforcement, internal and external, shall not exceed the following:

Plate Thickness Maximum Thickness of

(Inches) Reinforcement (Inches)
Vertical Joints Horizontal Joints
½ inch (12 mm) and less 3/32” (2.4 mm) 1/8” (3 mm)
Over 1/2/ inch to 1 inch (12-25 mm) 1/8” (3 mm) 3/16” (5 mm)
Over 1 inch (25 mm) 3/16” (5 mm) 1/4” (6.3 mm)

H. Welder’s identification shall be stamp (low stress stamps) adjacent to the weld at
intervals not to exceed 3 feet (1 m)or the constructor may supply a record of
welders employed on each joint.

I. Peaking at vertical joints and banding at horizontal joints shall not exceed ½” (12
mm) when using a 36” (1 m) sweep board (for vertical joints, the sweep board
must meet tank curvature).

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Attachment 16 - ANSI/AWS D1.1 / D1.6 Acceptance Criteria



1.1 In process weld examination shall meet the following:

A. Joint preparation shall be in accordance with the WPS. Full and complete
information regarding location, type, size, and extent of all welds shall be clearly
shown on the drawings. The drawings shall clearly distinguish between shop and
field welds.

B. Fit-up, cleanliness and alignment of butt welds shall be in accordance with the
WPS. Backing bar gap shall not exceed 1/6 inch (1.5 mm).

C. Fillet weld fit-up gap shall meet the WPS unless otherwise specified on the
drawing. If the gap is greater than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm), the leg of the fillet weld
shall be increased by the amount of the root opening.

D. Check welder qualification, filler material for conformance with the WPS.

E. For butt welding parts of unequal thickness, the joint preparation shall provide for a
transition at a taper not-to-exceed 1:2 1/2. Chamfering of the parts shall be a
specified on the drawing, otherwise the taper shall be accomplished across the
weld joint.
F. Parts to be butt welded shall not exceed a mismatch of 10% of the thinner of the
two members being joined, but in no case more than 1/8" (3 mm). In correcting
misalignment, the parts shall be drawn in to a slope not greater than 1/2 inch (12
mm) in 12 inches (30 cm). In addition, where the thicknesses of the two members
being joined differ, the weld and/or base materials are to be tapered to a smooth
transition with slop not-to-exceed 1 inch 2 1/2 inches.

1.2 Final Visual Weld Examination shall be in accordance with the following:

A. No porosity.

B. No linear indications such as cracks, lack of fusion, cold laps.

C. No slag or weld spatter (including base material).

D. No craters except for ends of intermittent fillet welds outside their effective length.

E. No under filled areas.

F. Undercut: AWS D1.1 – For material less than 1” (25 mm) thick, undercut shall not
exceed 1/32” (0.8 mm) except a maximum of 1/16’ (1.5 mm) is permitted for an
accumulated length of 2” (50 mm) in any 12” (30 cm). For material equal to or
greater than 1’ (30 cm), undercut shall not exceed 1/16” (1.5 mm) for any length of
weld. AWS D1.6 – For material less than 3/16” (5 mm), undercut shall not exceed
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.010” (0.25 mm). For material equal to 3/16” (5 mm) and less than 1” (25 mm),
undercut shall not exceed 1/32” (0.8 mm). 1/16” (1.5 mm) undercut is permitted for
an accumulated length of 2” (50 mm) in any 12” (30 cm) for material greater than
½’ (15 cm) thick.

G. Butt weld reinforcement shall not exceed 1/8 inch (3 mm).

H. Convexity of a fillet weld shall not exceed .07 times the actual width, plus .06 inch
(1.5 mm).

I. Any offset of outside surfaces shall be faired to a 1:2 1/2 taper over the width of the

J. In any single continuous fillet weld the actual size may be less than the specified
size by not more than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) provided that the undersize portion does
not exceed 10 percent of the weld length. On web-to-flange welds on girders, no
under-run is permitted at the ends for a length equal to twice the width of the

NOTE: Visual examination for A514 and A517 steels shall be performed not less
than 48 hours after completion of the weld.

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Attachment 17 - Numbering of Pipe Weld Joints

All pressure retaining welds and attachment welds to pressure piping shall be given a unique number
which will serve to identify all data concerning the weld.

1.0 Field Welds - All pressure retaining piping welds and attachment welds shall be numbered. Upon
receipt of the isometric drawings or layout piping plans, the Site Quality Manager shall (if
possible) pre-number all field welds. If this pre-numbering proves impractical, the Welding
Inspector shall assign weld numbers as the welds are made. A Log may be used to identify the
weld numbers already assigned to ensure that no duplication of weld numbers occurs.

Certain things need to be emphasized: Remember that it is of primary importance to assign a

unique weld number to all field welding. Once this number is assigned, do not change it for any
reason. Do not renumber isometrics to keep the weld numbers consecutive in the direction of
flow. Use the next available number for any alterations or additional welds. If a portion of piping
containing assigned welds is cut out of a system and discarded do not reuse these weld numbers
but note on the isometric that these welds are void and show the new welds on the current
isometric revision. Cut shop welds will be assigned field weld numbers. If the shop weld and
mark piece can be identified, note this in the remarks portion of the Daily Welding Report.


All socket welds shall be numbered by isometric drawing. Each sheet shall start with weld
1 and be numbered with the flow. In the event that additional welds are added, use the
next numbers not previously used on each sheet for the new welds. In this manner all
socket welds will have a single digit or two digit weld number.

Half couplings and weldolets (under 2" or 5 cm) shall also have a single digit or two digit weld
number assigned by isometric drawing. In other works, the numbering of a series of half coupling on a
header will be welds 1, 2, 3 etc. on the main header line number which shows these welds. The socket
welds on lines running from these half couplings will be numbered as described above, for each line


All butt welds, mitre welds, branch connections (2" or 5 cm and over), weldolets (2" or 5
cm and over) and slip-on flanges shall have a three digit weld number running
consecutively throughout all lines contained in the modification. Each modification shall
begin with weld 001 and numbered with the flow to the end of the line. Additional lines
should continue with the next number and progress until all such welds are numbered. A
log attached to the field welding isometric package should readily identify the last weld
number used. If additional welds are needed, the next unused numbers will be assigned
and logged. On modifications where it is not practical to pre-number the welds, the next
consecutive number, as determined by the log, shall be used as the welding progresses.


Attachment welds shall be numbered using the nearest (upstream) piping weld as a part of
the weld number with the suffix "X1". In other words, a shoe welded between welds 021
and 022 will be numbered 021X1. Additional attachment welds in this area will be
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numbered 021X2 and 021X3, etc. In the common case of a reinforcing pad, all welds will
refer to the field weld number joining the pipe-to-branch pipe. The pad-to-branch pipe
weld will be "X1". In other words, the stub-in weld will be a three digit weld number, say
007, with the pad-to-branch pipe weld 007X1 and the pad-to-main pipe weld 007X2.


When straight run pipe is being double jointed on the ground, and it is not certain which
line it belongs t, then use the prefix "DJ" before these field welds. Maintain a separate log
of "DJ" welds that is unique to the "DJ" number using Exhibit 9-7R, Welding/NDE Status
Log (Double Joints). In other words, there will only be on DJ-1 on the entire job. Ensure
each "DJ" weld is marked twice at 120 intervals. Weld maps shall accurately show the
final location of all "DJ" welds.

Each isometric drawing shall have Exhibit 9-6R, Welding/NDE Status Log, attached over
the Bill of Material section. This log must be maintained on a daily basis as it will serve as
a complete summary of all NDE/PWHT performed on that portion of the line. This
information is essential when the time comes to provide NDE clearance for test packages.

2.0 Pipe Shop Welding - All welds on piping fabricated in the Site Pipe Shop shall be given a unique
number by the Pipe Shop Supervisor prior to fabrication. All mark pieces shown on an isometric
drawing shall be assigned consecutive numbers beginning with the lowest numbered mark piece
and numbered with the flow until all shop welds on all mark pieces on the isometric have been

Any additional welds on any mark piece shall be given the next unassigned number on the
isometric. In other words the first weld on the first mark piece will be "SW1" and continuing
throughout all mark pieces on the isometric drawing. Thus the unit number, line number sheet
number, mark piece number and weld number will constitute a unique weld identification as

2.1 Double Jointed Welds - All random length piping being welded by the Site Pipe Shop into
double (or triple) lengths for ease in field erection shall be given a unique number. If the
line number and line class are unknown at the time of fabrication these welds shall be
given consecutive four digit weld numbers prefixed by "DJ". A log shall be maintained by
the Pipe Shop Supervisor of the "DJ" weld numbers used to prevent duplication of weld
numbers. All "DJ" weld numbers shall be hard stamped or etched across the weld in two
locations 120 degrees apart, 60 either side of the welders stamp. These "DJ" welds shall
be radiographed 100 % and stockpiled for eventual use. These welds will be tracked as
"Unassigned Welds" and transferred when the actual modification, line number and class
are known.

All random length piping being double (or triple) jointed in the Site Pipe Shop where the
modification number, line number and line class are known at the time of fabrication shall
be given consecutive three digit shop weld numbers beginning with SW100 and numbered
consecutively within that particular modification. These welds will be subject to the normal
shop weld NDE requirements and welder control based on the line class requirements.
These weld numbers shall be hard stamped or etched as described above with the
exception of "DJ" prefix which will be "SW" in this case.

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All random length piping double (or triple) jointed in the field for installation on a particular
modification where the line number and line class are known shall be given consecutive
field weld numbers within the modification. These numbers shall be hard stamped or
etched by the Piping Supervisor for eventual location in the piping system. These welds
shall be subject to the normal NDE and welder control for the line class at the time of

2.1.1 Piping Drawings

All field welds on pressure piping (both pressure retaining and attachment welds)
shall be accurately located on the isometric drawing (or plot plan). Since other
records will show the welder and the date or production (Daily Welding Report,
Line Welding and NDE Record) this information is not necessary to include on the

Double joint ("DS") random length pipe welds shall be accurately shown on the
isometric, rack, or plot plan drawings in relation to the field tie-in welds.

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Location Subcontractor/Activity Date Completed Work Report No.
 Yes  No

Inspection Checklist, Specification, Or Drawing Used As Reference:

RESULTS: Follow-up Required  Satisfactory 

Description Of Item/Work Inspected/Observed:


Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manger/Date

Person Notified Of Deficiency

Name Title
Recommended Corrective Action:

Corrective Actions Implemented/Accepted:

Surveillance Personnel/Date Site Quality Manager/Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79001
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Subcontractor Area
Process Fit-Up
Line Sheet Type Wall Welder
Unit Line No. Weld No. Size Visual Remarks
Class No. Weld Thick. Symbol Root Bal Inspected

Foreman Date

Welding Inspector Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79002
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Sheet Mark Weld Circuit Completion
Log No. Line No. Line Class Weld No. Initials
No. No. Type No. Date

Welding Supervisor: Date:

Inspector: Date:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

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Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. 240K-C2-05-002 Site Quality Manual
Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7920
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure describes the activities and controls for performing nondestructive examination of
weldments when specified by project requirements. Methods within the scope of this procedure include
radiographic testing (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle test (MT), liquid penetrant test (PT),
positive material identification test (PMI) and hardness test (HT).


Report as specified in
Perform RT, UT, MT,
NDE Coordinator the approved NDE Per specifications
NDE Coordinator _____ _____
Supervision of NDE
Welds: 000.509.F79201
Selection for NDE 000.509.F79204
and Status NDE Coordinator or NEWS program. Per specifications
Maintenance Other than welds:
Coordinate Weld
Welding Specialist _____ Each rejected weld

Responsibility - Subcontracted Work

Report as specified in
Perform RT, UT, MT,
Subcontractor the approved NDE Per specification
Subcontractor _____ _____
Supervision of NDE
Welds: 000.509.F79201
Selection for NDE 000.509.F79204
NDE Coordinator
and Status or NEWS program. Per specification
(Note 1)
Maintenance Other than welds:
Coordinate Weld
Subcontractor _____ Each rejected weld
Daily during life of
Surveillance QC Inspector 000.509.F02201
NOTE 1: This activity may be delegated to the Installation Subcontractor

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7920
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


• Fluor personnel performing RT, UT, MT, PT, and PMI are to be qualified and certified to the
requirements of NDE Practice 000.511.0101 "Certification of Nondestructive Examination
Personnel", found in the Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Manual – Fluor Enterprises, Inc.,
000.511.0000. Personnel performing hardness tests must be trained in the use of the equipment
and procedure but do not require certification.

• Fluor self-performed NDE will be performed in accordance with the referenced NDE procedures.

• Perform RT, UT, MT, PT, PMI, HT

- Volumetric Nondestructive Tests should be completed and results reported within 24

hours after the welds are reported as complete. For special circumstances, such as the
start of the welding program, or when the NDE Contractor does not have a jobsite
laboratory, welds requiring radiography may be accumulated, but in these cases there
should not be a backlog of more than ten (10) welds.

- Other NDE methods should be completed as soon after the NDE request as practical.

• Technical Supervision of NDE includes:

- The activities listed under Technical Supervision of procedure 000.509.0090and activities

listed under the NDE Coordinator responsibilities of 000.509.0040.

• Weld Selection and Status Maintenance includes:

- Obtain a weld map (developed by 000.509.7910) and post the status of NDE for line
classes requiring 100% NDE by a specific method or for individual welds requiring NDE by
specification. Also post the status of welds that have been postweld heat treated.
Alternately, Form 000.509.F79204 may also be kept for each isometric sheet. Either of
these documents is to provide for accountability that all welds on the line were examined
and accepted.

- Using the "Daily Welding Report" and the Post Weld Heat Treatment Log
(000.509.F79001 and 000.509.F79002), select the welds for NDE as they are completed.

- Examine the selected welds for surface contour that may interfere with the NDE method.

- Notify the NDE Contractor or the inspector if self-performed, of the required NDE, by
submission of a copy of the Nondestructive Examination Request/Record
(000.509.F79202). Maintain the original to verify completion of NDE.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7920
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

- Maintain a tickler file of rejected welds. The Site NDE Coordinator's copy of the NDE
Report shall remain in the tickler file until the repair for that weld is noted as accepted on a
subsequent report. At that time, the reports of the original and repaired weld and the
radiographic film for both welds, shall all be placed together in the file. The acceptance
date shall be logged on the isometric sheet or line sketch.

- The data on 000.509.F79202, Nondestructive Examination Request /Record, the NDE

Reports (annotated with Fluor Site NDE Coordinator review) and the Radiographic film
shall be traceable to the weld location shown on the spool drawing or pipeline sketch.

• Selection of Welds under a random radiographic program includes:

- Select welds for random radiography to satisfy ASME B31 requirements from individual
welder histories established on the "Welder B31.3 Random Radiography Control Log
"Form 000.509.F79201. Welds to be radiographed for random radiography must be
selected from sample lots established from the data on Form 000.509.F79201. For
simplicity, it is suggested that sample lots be established as 20 welds for 5% radiography.

- Select the first two welds made by a welder on a system requiring random radiography to
confirm the welder's proficiency in production. These two production welds shall not be
counted as part of the random radiography sample lot. This should be waived if other
welds made by the welder were radiographed.

- Identify the welds to be radiographed.

- Notify the Foreman of the welds selected for radiography.

- Log the radiographic examination results for random radiography on Form

000.509.F79201"Welder B31.3 Random Radiography Control Log". Post the completed
welds reported by the foreman, the date reported, and the results of radiography on the
Weld Map. Notify the Foreman and Welding Specialist of the results.

- For random radiography, when a weld is rejected, select two previous similar welds by the
same welder, from a specified sample lot, for additional radiography, in compliance with
ANSI B31.3. The selection shall be made from the welder's history on Form
000.509.F79201 "Welder B-31.3 Random Radiography Control Log. The welds are to be
selected from the sample lot used to select the initial weld.

- Selection of welds and maintenance of status can be performed using the computer
program NEWS. In this case, the forms for manual weld tracking (000.509.F79201and
000.509.F79204) do not need to be maintained. It is recommended that the NEWS
program be used for projects with 200 or more joints to be radiographed.

- Issue periodic weld reject rate reports for welds examined by radiography using Form
000.509.F79203, "Radiographic Rejectable Defects Statistics". When statistical data
indicates high or increasing reject rates, the Site Manager, the Welding Specialist, and the

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Quality Manager shall be informed. A copy of the weld reject rate reports should be sent
to the Construction Technology Welding Engineer.

- This section also applies if UT is substituted for RT.

NOTE: Informative RT shall not be performed on welds that have been capped out.

• Coordination of Weld Repairs includes:

- For those welds which have been rejected, determine the exact location, extent, and
nature of the defect.

- Consult with the welder and foreman on defect cause and prevention and repair

- When the weld has been repaired, have the weld reported on the "Daily Welding Report"
to schedule radiography of the repair. Identify the repaired weld with the identification
number previously assigned, except the subscript R1 shall be added after the designation.
Subscripts shall designate subsequent repairs of the same welds, such as R2 and R3,
until the weld is determined to be acceptable by examination.

Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F79201 - Welder B31.3 Random Radiography Control Log

000.509.F79202 - Nondestructive Examination Request/Record
000.509.F79203 - Radiographic Rejectable Defects Statistics
000.509.F79204 - Welding/NDE Status Log
000.509.F79205 - Ferrite Test Report
000.509.F79001 - Daily Welding Report
000.509.F79002 - Post Weld Heat Treatment Log

Fluor Nondestructive Examination Procedures:

(See the Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Manual – Fluor Enterprises, Inc., 000.511.0000)

Practice: 000 511 0101 Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel

Practice: 000 511 0104 Liquid Penetrant Examination of Weldments and Materials - ASME
Code (Visual Dye/Solvent Removable)
Practice: 000 511 0106 Magnetic Particle Examination of Weldments and Materials (Dry
Particles - Continuous Method)
Practice: 000 511 0108 Radiographic Examination of Weldments
Practice: 000 511 0109 Ultrasonic Examination Methods
Practice: 000 511 0116 Positive Material Identification Testing using X-Ray Diffraction
Practice: 000 511 0117 Hardness Testing of Weldments

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Attachment 1 – ASME B31.3 Random Radiography Requirements Reference

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 7920
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012

Attachment 1 – ASME B31.3 Random Radiography Requirements Reference

If BOTH additional
** Note: The first two pressure piping butt welds radiographed for each welds are
welds in this welder's
welder are not to be included in the welder's lot. ACCEPTABLE,
lot are considered to
consider the balance
be acceptable Radiograph of the welds in this lot
Select weld from 4th Weld to be acceptable.
welder's lot of
welds ** 2nd Weld Radiograph
Acceptable 5th Weld

3rd Weld If EITHER of these

Rejected welds are
REJECTED, all welds
by this welder in this
lot shall be 100%
Radiograph Weld Radiographed.*
Radiograph 2nd Weld
2nd Weld Rejected

Radiograph 3rd Weld

3rd Weld Acceptable Radiograph If ALL FOUR of these
4th Weld welds are
Radiograph consider the balance
5th Weld of the welds in this lot
to be acceptable.
2nd Weld Radiograph
Rejected 6th Weld

3rd Weld Radiograph If ANY of these four

If REJECTED, If BOTH additional Rejected 7th Weld welds are
select two welds are acceptable, REJECTED, all of the
additional welds the balance of welds welds by this welder
from same lot in this welder's lot are in this lot shall be
considered to be 100%
acceptable. Radiographed.*


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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79201
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Weld Identification Examination Data
Cumulative Butt

Welds Selected For

Two B31.3 Tracer
Date Welded

Date Examined
Weld Number

Accepted (A)

Rejected (R)

Each Reject

Defects And
Drawing Number Disposition
(Line And Sheet)

Defects and Disposition Symbols

B31.3 Interpretation Defects Repair Instructions
CK Crack GO Grind Out, remove area with defect
IP Incomplete Penetration GS Grind Surface
LF Lack of Fusion CW Cutout Weld, slice in weld plane
UC Undercutting R1 First Repair
P Porosity R2 Second Repair
S Slag Welder’s Name
CR Concave Root Surface Welder’s Symbol
EL Elongated Indication Prepared By:

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79202
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Type Examination
Radiographic Ultrasonic Date:
Liquid Penetrant Hardness Testing Requested by:
Site NDE Coordinator
Magnetic Partical PMI
Examination Data
Line No./Spool Sheet:
P No./Material:
Pipe Size/Schedule:
Acceptance criteria (code):

Weld Welder P No. / Pipe Size/
Location Line No/Sheet NDE
No. Symbol Material Schedule

Note: The Following Identification Shall Be Plainly And Permanently Included On The Radiographic
Film: Project No., Line No., Weld No., Welder Symbol, Date Of Radiography.

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79203
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Process Reporting Period From To

Rejectable Butt Welds

This Reporting Period Accumulative Job Totals
Number Of Butt Number Of Butt Number Of Butt Number Of Butt
Percent Rejected Percent Rejected
Welds Radiographed Welds Rejected Welds Radiographed Welds Rejected

Rejectable Defect Classification

This Reporting Period Accumulative Job Totals
Lack of Fusion Lack of Fusion
Cracks Cracks
Undercut Undercut
Incomplete Penetration Incomplete Penetration
Concave Root Concave Root
Slag Inclusions Slag Inclusions
Porosity Porosity
Elongated Indication Elongated Indication


General Notes:
1. This exhibit is to be used to track weld quality levels as determined by butt weld radiography.
2. Keep separate records for each weld process, controlling code, random or 100% radiography.
3. Report high or increasing defect rates or repetitive defect types to the Jobsite Welding Specialist and the
Construction Project Manager.

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Line No. Line Class Sheet No. Revision

Welder Date PWHT BH
Weld No. Accept Accept Remarks
Symbol Welded Date Date
Date Date

NDE Technician : Date:

Fluor QA Inspector: Date:

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Acceptable FN No.
Equipment Number or Weld Welder’s ID
Base Material
Isometric Drawing Number Number Stamp 00 900 1800 2700 AVG


NDE Technician/Date Fluor QA Inspector/Date

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Cerro Verde Production Unit Expansion 000 509 F79001
Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012


Subcontractor Area
Process Fit-Up
Line Sheet Type Wall Welder
Unit Line No. Weld No. Size Visual Remarks
Class No. Weld Thick. Symbol Root Bal Inspected

Foreman Date

Welding Inspector Date

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Sheet Mark Weld Circuit Completion
Log No. Line No. Line Class Weld No. Initials
No. No. Type No. Date

Welding Supervisor: Date:

Inspector: Date:

Subcontractor Fluor Field Engineering Fluor QA

Name Name Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Project No. A6CV Revision C, 28 February 2012



This procedure describes the activities and controls for performing Positive Material Identification (PMI)
examination of specified alloy and other special materials in accordance with the requirements of project

RESPONSIBILITY – Materials Supplied by Fluor to Subcontractors

Warehouse Receiving On-going
Receiving Inspection Site Quality Manager _____ On-going
Fluor NDE Coordinator/
Perform PMI Project Specifications Per Specification
Identification Subcontractor _____ On-going
Form 000.509.F79301
Fluor NDE Coordinator/
Document Results Form 000.509.F79302 Each test
Form 000.509.F79304
Technically Supervise
Site Quality Manager _____ _____
Resolve Accept and
Site Quality Manager Project Specifications Per Rejects

RESPONSIBILITY – Subcontractor Supplied Materials and Alloy Welds

Subcontractor Quality
Receiving Inspection _____ On-going

Perform PMI NDE Subcontractor Project Specifications Per Specification

Subcontractor Quality
PMI of Welds Project Specifications Per Specification
Identification Subcontractor _____ On-going
Form 000.509.F79301
Document Results Subcontractor Form 000.509.F79302
Form 000.509.F79304
Technically Supervise Subcontractor Quality
_____ _____
PMI Manager
Resolve Accept and Subcontractor Quality
Project Specifications Per Rejects
Rejects Manager

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• Warehouse Receiving Inspection

- The Warehouse Supervisor shall be responsible for receiving inspection to confirm that all
incoming alloy and special materials are received with the required positive material
identification (PMI) performed, with PMI identification coding in place, and, when specified,
with PMI documentation confirming identity verification conformance. (Note: material test
reports do not satisfy the requirement for PMI documentation.)

- Nonconforming items (alloy or special materials for which the required PMI has not been
performed, items without the required PMI identification coding in place, and/or items
without PMI documentation) shall be placed in a “Quarantine” area or tagged “Hold” until
such time as the nonconformance is resolved. The Material Manager shall be
responsible for obtaining disposition for incoming items found to be nonconforming.

 The Site Quality Manager shall be notified of any alloy or special materials identified at
initial Warehouse Receiving as nonconforming.

NOTE: Do Not release nonconforming or indeterminate materials, components, or

equipment for use in the facilities being constructed.

- Provide notification to the NDE Coordinator when alloy or special materials are received at
the construction site.

- Request PMI analysis for alloy and special materials received at warehouse by notification
to the NDE Coordinator.

- Provide an area in the warehouse for receiving inspection.

- Palletize piping components or other small items for Receiving Inspection and place in a
“Hold” area.

- Identify the location of alloy pipe, plate, or large fabrication and equipment items that have
been received and require Receiving Inspection confirmation of prior PMI.

• Subcontractor Receiving Inspection

Each Subcontractor is responsible to ensure that all items supplied to him by Fluor or the
subcontractor’s own vendors/suppliers meets the requirements of the project specifications.
Nonconforming items (alloys for which the required PMI has not been performed, items without
the required PMI identification coding in place, and/or items without PMI documentation) shall be
placed in a “Quarantine” area until such time as the nonconformance is resolved. The
Subcontractor Quality Manager shall be responsible for obtaining disposition for incoming items
found to be nonconforming.

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• Perform Positive Material Identification

- PMI will be performed by trained personnel whose ability to successfully operate the PMI
test equipment has been documented by test.

- Non-destructive methods used for PMI testing shall be capable of identifying the material

Acceptable test equipment for non-destructive PMI testing is listed below:

Portable x-ray fluorescence analyzers. Use is limited to the following

instruments or their equivalents unless Fluor Engineer gives prior approval. The
Engineer may designate another instrument as equivalent based on demonstrated
and documented performance testing.

TN Technologies Alloy Analyzer 9266, 9277 (The metallurgist XR) or Metallurgist


Metorex – X-MET 880, X-MET 960 or X-MET 2000.

Portable optical emission analyzers. Use is limited to the following instruments

or their equivalent unless Fluor Engineer gives prior approval. Care shall be taken
not to damage critical surfaces (e.g., bearings) when using optical emission

SpectroPORT Model TP-07 or TFO-02, Specto Test F.

Metroex ARC-MET 900 or ARC-MET 930.

- Extent of PMI shall be per the project specifications.

• PMI of Alloy Piping

- All field installed alloy piping will be 100% PMI verified in the “as installed” position. Each
spool and the weld will be verified and results documented on the fabrication spool
drawing/isometric, listed on the PMI point sheet and marked with the appropriate
verification color by the PMI Technician as each point is analyzed. See Attachment 1 for
complete instruction.

• PMI of Welding Wire (Bare)

- Bare wire shall be purchased in unopened manufacturer’s containers.

- Each container must have the AWS Classification, heat and lot number clearly marked.

- Filler metal certification is required.

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- The greatest of 5% or 5 pieces of welding wire shall be PMI checked from each container.

- Coated electrodes do not require PMI checks prior to use. Deposited filler metal (SMAW)
must be PMI checked in the “as welded” condition.

• Identification

- Each item (pipe spool, plate, weld, fitting, valve, etc.) that has been verified shall be
marked using project specifications (See Attachment 2).

- Items which cannot accommodate this identification shall be individually tagged with the

- Paints/Markers used for applying color code for PMIV are controlled by the Site Quality

- Each fabricated spool must have verification marks applied to each component and weld
by the PMI Technician.

- Pipe and fittings should be painted with a stripe that is parallel with the axis of the pipe.

- Welds should be marked along their circumference perpendicular to the axis of the pipe so
that the verification markings will be visible when the pipe spool is installed.

- Small connections and short branches should be painted through their entire length.

• Document Results

- Document PMI test results on the appropriate Positive Material Identification (PMI)
Inspection Reports Form 000.509.F79301, 000.509.F79302 or 000.509.F79303.

• Technically Supervise PMI will include:

- Ensuring that only properly trained personnel conduct PMI testing in accordance with a
procedure which has been reviewed and approved by the Fluor NDE Level III.

- The Site Quality Manager shall have overall responsibilities for the implementation of this
PMI Program.

 Verification of PMI

- A Fluor Quality Representative must witness initial calibration/standardization of the PMI

equipment at the start of each work period and observe PMI testing randomly during the
work period to assure compliance with this procedure. A Fluor Quality Representative
must witness a minimum of 5% of all PMI testing randomly during the work period.

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- These observations must be noted on the PMI isometrics by initialing and dating the
drawing and listing test points that are witnessed by the Fluor Quality Representative. A
Weekly PMI log, Form 000.509.F79304 will be maintained by the Fluor Quality
Representative to verify the percentage of PMI testing observed.

• Resolved Accept and Rejects

- If the PMI test results fall outside of the acceptable ranges, the item will be rejected.

- All rejected materials shall be isolated in a "Quarantine" area, tagged "REJECTED", and a
Nonconformance Report initiated.

- When an item from a representative sample is rejected:

a) 100% of the remaining components from which the sample was taken shall be

b) 100% of the components from the next two lots shall be examined.

c) If no further components are rejected in a) or b), above, the extent of examination shall
return to that specified in project specifications. Rejected items shall be returned to the
original source of supply at no cost to the Fluor.


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F79301 - PMI Inspection Record

000.509.F79302 - Bulk Material Positive Material Identification Record
000.509.F79303 - Pipe Spool Positive Material Identification Record “Point” Sheet
000.509.F79304 - Weekly PMI Log


Attachment 1 PMI Procedure for the Field

Attachment 2 Color Code for Metal Identification

Project Specifications:

000 285 85012 – General Specification for Positive Material Identification (PMI)

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Attachment 1 PMI Procedure for the Field

1.0 Piping:

(a) PMI Verification is dependent on the ability of Inspection to see the verification marking on each
component and to compare visual verification with the listing of each component on a point
sheet and spool drawing or field/shop isometric.

(b) These “point sheets” must be signed by the PMI technician who performed the tests and a Fluor
Quality Representative.

(c) The verification marking should be a color that is not associated with other activities, (i.e.
material color code, dismantling, blinding, etc.).

(d) Attachment 2 has designated colors to be used as verification markings on the most widely
used alloys. These colors shall be listed in the PMI plan as per this attachment. In cases where
an alloy is to be used that is not listed in Attachment 2, the alloy should be assigned a pre-
determined color and included in the PMI plan as such.

(e) All PMI locations must have PMI verification color markings and the PMI Technician must apply
the markings at the time of actual PMI testing. Each component should be marked with a ½”
(12 mm) dot of the appropriate color marking.

(f) The markers used for PMIV are controlled by the Site Quality Manager and shall not be issued
for any other application. The Site Quality Manager representative will issue them to the PMI
technician at the fabrication facility or job site.

1.1 All fabricated alloy spools shall be PMI checked at the time of receipt.

1.2 PMI shall be performed at the, job-site or designated lay-down area by a qualified PMI
Technician under the direct supervision of an the Site Quality Manager.

1.3 Each check must be sequentially recorded, as each point is analyzed, not after the fact. The
procedure for PMI should be as follows:

1. Obtain or make the drawing.

2. Make the point sheet.
3. Compare the drawing to point sheet while performing PMI to verify all components are
listed. (If the PMI technician finds a point not listed on the point sheet, he should PMI
the point and list it on the bottom of the point sheet as a sub-listing of the previous point.
Example: a weld between points 5 and 6 would be numbered 5a).
4. PMI the component and record results on the point sheet.
5. Color-code the component.
6. Repeat sequentially for the next component.

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2.0 Drawings:

2.1 Shop spool drawings of field isometric drawings must indicate all components.

2.2 The spool drawings, isometrics and point sheets must be signed off as follows:

1. PMI Company
2. PMI Technician name in print and date
3. PMI Technician signature
4. Site Quality Representative name in print and date
5. Site Quality Mechanical Representative signature

2.3 Any alteration of shop spools must be noted on as-built shop spool drawings or isometrics and
this information must be recorded on the primary point sheet.

2.4 Completed spool drawings, isometrics and point sheets must be attached to Inspection

3.0 Number of PMI points for Piping Welds:

3.1 Welds requiring PMI shall be inspected according to the following:

1. Automated welding---one sample from each girth or long seam.

2. Manual welding---one sample from each girth seam < 24 in. (60 cm) diameter.
3. Manual welding---two samples from each girth seam equal to or > 24 in. (60 cm)
4. Autogenous welded pipe and fittings---PMI verification of base metal only.
5. Semi-automatic welding in the 1 G (rotated) position---one sample from each girth seam.

4.0 Ring Joint Gaskets:

4.1 Ring joint gaskets (alloy) must be PMI tested and marked prior to installation.

4.2 The PMI Technician should place a single ¼” (6.3 mm) diameter paint mark on each ring
adjacent to the alloy designation of the ring gasket.

4.3 All ring joint gaskets must be checked out of the designated holding facility by the piping job
supervisor or foreman.

4.4 PMI Verification will be dependent upon the placement of the ring gasket in the flange so that
the Inspector can see the paint marking and the alloy designator for the ring.

5.0 Valves:

5.1 All alloy valves will be PMI tested in two (2) locations (Valve body and Bonnet).

5.2 The PMI Technician will mark each location with the designated verification color.

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6.0 Welding Wire (Bare):

6.1 Bare wire shall be purchased in unopened manufacturer’s containers.

6.2 Each container must have the AWS Classification, heat and lot number clearly marked.

6.3 Filler metal certification is required.

6.4 The greatest of 5% or 5 pieces of welding wire shall be PMI checked from each container.

6.5 Coated electrodes do not require PMI checks prior to use. Deposited filler metal (SMAW) must
be PMI checked in the as welded condition.

7.0 Non-Conformances:

7.1 If there is a component in a PMI system that does not meet the necessary chemistry, that
component must be flagged with a color of flagging tape that does not conflict with other colors
designated for NDE or PWHT. The PMI Technician must inform the Site Quality Manager
immediately of any non-conformances and these must be corrected by the fabricator/erector as
a matter of priority.

8.0 Verification/Audit of PMI Procedure

The Site Quality Representative must witness initial calibration/standardization of the PMI
equipment at the start of each work period and observe PMI testing randomly during the work
period to assure compliance with this procedure.

These observations must be noted on the PMI point sheets by initialing the test points that are
witnessed by the Site Quality Representative. The Site Quality Representative during the PMI
operation must witness a minimum of 5% of all PMI testing. A weekly log will be maintained by
the Site Quality Representative to verify the percentage of PMI testing observed.

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Attachment 2 Color Code for Metal Identification

Plain Carbon Steel None Aluminum - All Grades

Carbon Steel for Low-

Temperature Service (Below - Yellow Type 304 (18 Cr - 8 Ni)
20 F)

Carbon-Moly Steel White Type 316 (16 Cr - 10 Ni- 3 Mo)

AISI 4140 Steel Red Alloy 20 (20 Cr - 29 Ni)

1-1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo steel, B-16
Gray Red Brass (85 Cu - 15 Zn)
Incoloy 800 (20 Cr -32 Ni)
2-1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo steel Orange R.A. 330 (19 Cr -35 Ni - 1-1/4
Type 304-L, Low-Carbon
5 Cr - 1/2 Mo steel Green
(16 Cr - 10 Ni - 3 Mo)
Type 316-L Low Carbon
9 Cr - 1 Mo Purple
(16 Cr - 10 Ni - 3 Mo)
12 Cr - 2 Mo Steel, Type 410S,
Black Hastelloy "B: (65 Ni - 30 Mo)
17 Cr Steel, Type 430 Pink Inconel 600 (72 Ni - 15 Cr)

3-1/2 Ni Steel Blue Monel (67 Ni - 30 Cu)

Hastelloy "C"
Ductile, Nodular Iron Brown
(60 Ni - 15 Cr - 17 Mo)

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
PMI Request By: Purchase Order Number: PMI Equipment Used:
PMI Performed By: PMI Performed By: Company Performing PMI:
Signature: Signature:

PMI Will Be/Was Performed At:

Examination Results/By Material Identification
Item Or
Sample Size Material Mill Cert. No. Heat Number Description
Tag No.

Examination Results/Analyzed Material

Item Or Chemical Composition Percentage
Sample Size Material Mill Cert. No. Heat Number
Tag No. Cr Mo Ni Mn Ti V Fe Co Cu Nb W

Address Of Supplier Responsible For Rejection (s)

Additional Information
Manhours And Loss Incurred From Rejections, Etc.

PMI Supervisor

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Calibration/Standardization Chemical Composition Percentage Site Quality Representative:
Cr Mo Ni MN Ti V FE Co Cu Nb W Print Name:
Company: Standard Signature:
Analyzed Date:

Purchase Order Number: PMI Performed by (Print Name):

Fabricator’s Pipe Spool Drawing (s): Signature/Date:
Location Where PMI Performed PMI Analyzer Manufacturer & Model:

Item Line Item Description Type, Size, Material Material Verified PMI
QTY Body Bonnet Stem Remarks
No. Rating Type Accept Reject

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Tag Description: Tag No.:
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Turnover System:
Subcontractor: Subcontractor Client Sub – System:
Fluor Other Location:
Calibration/Standardization Chemical Composition Percentage Site Quality Representative:
Cr Mo Ni MN Ti V FE Co Cu Nb W Print Name:
Company: Standard Signature:
Analyzed Date:
PMI Sheet Rev. PMI Results PMI Technician Site Quality Representative
Line Number and Class MK # Date
Points # #
Accepted Rejected Print Signature Print Signature


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PMI Sheet Rev. PMI Results PMI Technician Site Quality Representative
Line Number and Class MK # Date
Points # #
Accepted Rejected Print Signature Print Signature


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Calibration/Standardization Witnessed Number of Points Site Quality
Date Job # Sketch # PMI Technician
Start of Work Period Witnessed # of # Representative


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This procedure describes the functions to be performed in the performance of hardness testing.

Review Job Specification for
Hardness Testing Site Quality Manager Prior to start of work
Hardness Testing Equipment Site Quality Manager Prior to start of work

Personnel Training & Vision 000.509.F79501 Yearly or each applic.

Site Quality Manager
Test 000.509.F79502 Yearly
Preparation of Surface to be Piping
Each test location
Tested Superintendent
Perform Hardness Testing & QC Inspector/NDE As required by code
Report Results Technician or specification


• Review Job Specification for Hardness Testing Requirements

- Obtain a copy of the Code/Job Specification requirements prior to the start of work.

• Hardness Testing Equipment

- Obtain the hardness testing equipment required or contract with a supplier of hardness
testing services.

• Personnel Training & Vision Test

Assure that the personnel performing the hardness testing have been trained in the use
of the equipment or have used the equipment within one (1) year and have a current
vision test (Jaeger 2 at 12 inches (30 cm) minimum within one (1) year).

• Preparation of the Surface to be Tested

- Assure that the surface to be tested is buffed/filed to a relatively flat smooth texture to
avoid erroneous measurements which may result from a coarse surface. Care must
also be taken to assure that any grinding or other mechanical working does not generate
sufficient heat to affect the material hardness.

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• Perform Hardness Testing & Report Results

- Perform the hardness testing in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's written
procedure as required by the code or job specification. For hardness testing in the weld
heat affected zone (HAZ), the test instrument indenter shall not be greater than three (3)
millimeters across the tip.

- Report hardness testing results. For local hardness testing on welded joints, three tests
shall be conducted at each location required by code or job specification. Each reading
shall be reported and the average for the three shall be computed and reported on Form


Quality Control Forms:

000.509.F79501 - Verification of Training For Hardness Testing

000.509.F79502 - Report of Vision Test
000.509.F79503 - Hardness Testing Report

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This is to verify that has been trained in the use of the Hardness

Testing Equipment described below or has successfully used this equipment within the past year.

Description of Equipment:

Site Manager/Site Quality Manager Date

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Employee Name: Social Security Number:

Type Chart Used:

 Jaeger J1 @ 30 cm min.  Jaeger J2 @ 30 cm min.
 Snellen Equivalent to J1 @ cm min.  Snellen Equivalent to J2 @ 30 cm min.

Near Vision Results:

Left Eye Right Eye
Passed  
Failed  
Corrected  
Uncorrected  


Printed Name, Signature And Title Of Test

Administrator Date Of Test

(Month (Day) (Year)

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Project Project No. Date

Drawing No. Applicable Code/Spec Test Equipment Type/Proc. PWHT

Before  After
Material Size And Hardness Test Results
Weld No. Weld Type
Base Mat'l Weld Metal Thickness Reading #1 #2 #3 Ave.


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