Problem Sheet IV - Testing of Hypothesis

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1. A company packages detergent powder in 2-kilogram boxes. If the mean weight

could be lowered the company could save a substantial amount of money every
year. Adjustments were made in the filling equipment. Then a random sample of
size 25 boxes yielded an average weight of 2.045 kilograms with a standard
deviation of 0.0213 kilogram.

a. Formulate and test at 5% level of significance the appropriate null and

alternative hypotheses.
b. If you were to write the rejection region as “Reject H 0 if x ≤k”, what
value of k would you use?
c. If you had a sample of size 50 with sample statistics as above, would your
analysis and conclusion be different?

2. Let X be N(µ,  2 ) is the hypothesis H0:  2 =0.04 rejected at 5% level of

significance in favour of the two-sided alternative H1:  2 =0.04 if a random
sample of size n=13 yielded s2 = 0.058?

3. The Board of Examinations of a University considers that the variation of marks

in any subject should not be too high not should it be too low. It has decided that
the standard deviation of marks in any subject should be around 10. To check if
there is any violation of this norm, it has decided to carry out a test on the basis of
a simple random sample of 20 answer books. For one subject, the sample mean
and standard deviation are 60 and 7 respectively. What is your conclusion
regarding the stipulation of the Board for this subject?

4. The marketing manager of a company carries out a survey by taking a simple

random sample from the user population of a particular product which has several
competing brands in the market to estimate the market share of this company’s
brand. He finds that out of 1000 selected in the sample only 247 use his
company’s brand. Not satisfied with his company’s performance he decides, after
extensive discussions with his colleagues, to launch a promotion campaign for a
month. After one month, he carries out a second survey in which he finds that
512 out of 1500 users of the product use his company’s brand. On the basis of the
data can the marketing manager conclude that the promotion campaign
undertaken by his company has yielded the desired result?

5. A potential buyer wants to decide which of two brands of electric bulbs he should
buy as he has to buy them in bulk. As a specimen, he buys 100 bulbs of each of
the two brands – A and B. On using these bulbs, he finds that Brand A has a mean
life of 1000 hours with a standard deviation of 30 and Brand B has a mean life of
1050 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours. Do the two brands differ
significantly in quality?

6. Two salespersons, A and B, are employed by a company. Recently, it has
conducted a sample survey yielding the following data

Salesperson A Salesperson B

No. of sales 20 22
Average sales (Rs.) 800 780
Standard Deviation (Rs.) 70 60

Is there any significant difference between the average sales of the two

7. The packaging division of a company having considered several alternative

package designs for the company’s new product has finally brought down their
choices to two designs of which only one has to be selected. For the final
selection it has selected a group of 14 persons and has obtained their ratings on a
number of parameters on a 10-point scale. The following table summarizes the
overall ratings averaged across parameters for the two designs by the group.
Which design seems to be superior?

6.3 6.0 5.6 6.2 5.4 6.2 5.5 6.3 5.4 6.5 5.8 5.4 5.2 6
4.1 4.5 5.6 5.5 3.3 5.2 5.3 5.3 4.8 4.2 5.0 6.0 3.7 4

8. An advertising agency wishes to determine if any dependence exists between age

and preference for type of TV programme. If there is dependence, subsequent
advertisements will be directed towards the respective age groups. At an a level
of 0.01, determine if there is dependency.

Television Programme Age Categories

Less than 21-40 41 and Total
21 over
Quiz 10 16 24 50
Sports 19 21 35 75
Movie 25 51 74 150
News 21 87 17 125
75 175 150 400

9. A sales manager wants to determine if dependency exists between preference for

his product and geographic location. If so, subsequent advertisements will be
focused to take advantage of this information. Use the following random sample
of 500 to make the necessary test at the 0.01 level.

Level of Sector
Preference Northern Southern Eastern Western
Low 20 14 56 60
Medium 69 35 55 41
High 11 101 14 24
Total 100 150 125 125

10. A manufacturer of electrical components has marketed his products at four

different levels of quality and would like to know if the size of order is influenced
by quality of product bought. He took a sample size of 300 and obtained the
following count of order sizes by quality level. Test whether order size is
independent of quality at the 0.01 level.

Level of 0-5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 20000 & Total

Quality above
A 25 21 18 11 75
B 12 6 19 13 50
C 9 13 22 31 75
D 4 10 41 45 100
50 50 100 100 300

11. A sample of 200 randomly selected undergraduates from various disciplines was
asked about their preferences for future jobs they would like to be in. The
following table summarizes the opinions of these undergraduates. On the basis of
the data would you conclude that job preference is dependent on the educational

Jobs Civil Services Banking Corporate Others

Services Management
Science 8 8 10 4
Humanities 5 11 15 11
Commerce 6 7 20 14
Engineering 3 5 22 23
Others 1 3 11 12

12. A marketing researcher has assembled data on brand loyalty by consumers of a

particular product class and also data on occupational status – white collar, blue
collar, and unemployed/retired. The data for his problem appear in the table
below. Use a significance level of 0.05 to test the hypothesis of independence
between the characteristics loyalty status and occupational status.

Loyalty Highly Moderately Brand
Status Loyal Loyal Switchers

White Collar 30 42 18
Blue Collar 14 20 31
Unemployed/Retired 34 25 16

13. In order to estimate the additional number of tellers a big branch of a private
bank would require, a study was conducted to find the average number of
customers arriving per quarter –hour at the branch during the working hours.
The following table summarizes the data for 30 quarter-hour intervals:
# of Customers: 14 16 14 13 15 20 11 14 16 13 18 14 13 18
13 16 13 15 17 10 15 18 15 12 19 14 14 16
10 17

Fit a suitable distribution to the data and test the goodness of fit using the K-S statistic.

14. In order to estimate the number of additional telephone lines a company would
need, the following data relating to the inter –arrival time (i.e. the time between
two consecutive arriving calls) of 100 calls (with sample mean = 2.5 min.) have
been collected. Using the Chi–squared statistic test if the distribution of inter–
arrival time can be assumed to be exponential.

Inter-arrival LT 1 1–3 3–5 5–7 7–9 0 – 11 GT 11

Time (min.)
No. of Calls 32 40 16 6 3 1 2

15. There was a persistent complaint by the users of a facility that the waiting time
had been excessively high. This group of users of the facility could not afford an
average waiting time of more than ten minutes. In order to reduce the waiting
time an additional server was provided and the waiting time in the nearest integer
minutes experienced by 30 randomly selected customers in the modified facility
was noted as below:

Waiting Time (in minutes)

9 2 14 6 0 14 2 1 20 6
7 0 0 14 39 10 4 24 4 6
2 16 9 4 21 0 11 0 1 2

a) Test if the waiting time distribution can be assumed to be normal by a

suitable method and then,

b) Depending on the conclusion in (a) test if the average waiting time in the
modified system has come down below ten minutes or not at 5% level of

16. A random sample of 36 drinks from a soft-drink machine has an average content
of 21.9 deciliters with a standard deviation of 1.42 deciliters. Test the hypothesis
that µ = 22.2 deciliters against the alternative hypothesis µ < 22.2 at the 0.05 level
of significance.

17. The average height of males in the freshman class of a certain college has been
174.5 centimeters with a standard deviation of 6.9 centimeters. Is there reason to
believe that there has been a change in the average height if a random sample of
50 males in the present freshman class has an average height of 177.2
centimeters? Use a 0.02 level of significance.

18. It is claimed that an automobile is driven on the average less than 20,000
kilometers per year. To test this claim, a random sample of 100 automobile
owners is asked to keep a record of the kilometers they travel. Would you agree
with this claim if the random sample showed an average of 23,500 kilometers and
a standard deviation of 3900 kilometers? Use a 0.01 level of significance.

19. Test the hypothesis that the average content of containers of a particular lubricant
is 10 liters if the contents of a random sample of 10 containers are 10.2, 9.7, 10.1,
10.3, 10.1, 9.8, 9.9, 10.4, 10.3 and 9.8 liters. Use a 0.01 level of significance and
assume that the distribution of contents is normal.

20. A random sample of size 20 from a normal distribution has a mean x = 32.8 and
a standard deviation s = 4.51 .Does this suggest, at the 0.05 level of significance
that the population mean is greater than 30?

21. A random sample of eight cigarettes of a certain brand has an average tar content
of 18.6 milligrams and a standard deviation of 2.4 milligrams. Is this in line with
the manufacturer claim that the average tar content does not exceed 17.5

22. A male student will spend on the average $8.00 for a Saturday evening fraternity
party. Test the hypothesis at the 0.1 level of significance that µ = $8.00 against
the alternative µ  $8.00 if a random sample of 12 male students attending a
homecoming party showed an average expenditure of $8.90 with a standard
deviation of $1.75. Assume that the expenses are approximately normally

23. A random sample of size n1 = 25 taken from a normal population with a standard
deviation  1 =5.2 has a mean x 1= 81. A second random sample of size n 2 = 36
taken from a different normal population with a standard deviation  2 =3.4 has a

mean x 2 = 76. Test the hypothesis at the 0.06 level of significance that µ 1=µ2
against the alternative µ1  µ2.

24. A manufacturer claims that the average tensile strength of thread A exceeds the
average tensile strength of thread B by at least 12 kilograms. To test his claim 50
pieces of each type of thread are tested under similar conditions. Type A thread
had an average tensile strength of 86.7 kilograms with a standard deviation of
6.28 kilograms while type B thread had an average tensile strength of 77.8
kilograms with a standard deviation of 5.61 kilograms. Test the manufacturer’s
claim using a 0.05 level of significance.

25. A study was made to estimate the difference in salaries of college professors in
the private and state colleges of Virginia. A random sample of 100 professors in
private colleges showed an average 9-month salary of $15,000 with a standard
deviation of $1300. A random sample of 200 professors in state colleges showed
an average salary of $15,900 with a standard deviation of $1400. Test the
hypothesis that the average salary for professors teaching in state colleges exceeds
the average salary for professors teaching in private colleges by $500 against the
alternative that it exceeds by more than $500. Use a 0.02 level of significance.

26. Given two random samples of size n1 = 11 and n2 = 14 from two independent
normal populations with x 1= 75, x 2 = 60, s1 = 6.1 and s2 = 5.3. Test the
hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance that µ1=µ2 against the alternative that
µ1  µ2. Assume that the population variances are equal.

27. A study is made to see if increasing the substrate concentration has an appreciable
effect on the velocity of a chemical reaction. With the substrate concentration of
1.5 moles per liter, the reaction was run 15 times with an average velocity of 7.5
micromoles per 30 minutes and a standard deviation of 1.5. With a substrate
concentration of 2.0 moles per liter, 12 runs were made yielding an average
velocity of 8.8 micromoles per 30 minutes and a sample standard deviation of 1.2.
Would you say that the increase in substrate concentration increases the mean
velocity by as much as 0.5 micromole per 30 minutes? Use a 0.01 level of
significance and assume the populations to be approximately normally distributed
with equal variances.

28. A large automobile manufacturing company is trying to decide whether to

purchase brand A or brand B tires for its new models. To help arrive at a decision
an experiment is conducted using 12 of each brand. The tires are run until they
wear out. The results are

Brand A: x 1= 37,900 kilometers, s1 = 5,100 kilometers

Brand B: x 2 = 39,800 kilometers, s2 = 5,900 kilometers

Test the hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance that there is no difference in
the two brands of tires. Assume the populations to be approximately normally

29. The following data represent the running times of films produced by two motion
picture companies:

Time (minutes)
Company 1 102 86 98 109 92
Company 2 81 165 97 134 92 87 114

Test the hypothesis that the average running time of films produced by company 2
exceeds the average running time of films produced by company 1 by 10 minutes
against the one-sided alternative that the difference is more than 10 minutes. Use
a 0.1 level of significance and assume the distributions of times to be
approximately normal.

30. At a certain college it is estimated that fewer than 25% of the students have cars
on campus. Does this seem to be a valid estimate if in a random sample of 90
college students, 28 are found to have cars? Use a 0.05 level of significance.
31. A cigarette manufacturing firm distributes two brands of cigarettes. If it is found
that 56 of 200 smokers prefer brand A and that 29 of 150 smokers prefer brand B.
Can we conclude at the 0.06 level of significance that brand A outsells brand B?

32. A random sample of 100 men and 100 women at a southern college is asked if
they have an automobile on campus. If 31 of the men and 24 of the women have
cars, can we conclude that more men than women have cars on campus? Use a
0.01 level of significance.

33. A study is made to determine if a cold climate contributes more to absenteeism

from school during a semester than a warmer climate. Two groups of students are
selected at random, one group from Maine and the other from Alabama. Of the
300 students from Maine, 72 were absent at least 1 day during the semester, and
of the 400 students from Alabama, 70 were absent 1 or more days. Can we
conclude that a colder climate results in a greater number of students being absent
from school at least 1 day during the semester? Use a 0.05 level of significance.

34. A die is tossed 180 times with the following results:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
f 28 36 36 30 27 23

Is this balanced die? Use a 0.01 level of significance.

35. In 100 tosses of a coin, 63 heads and 37 tails are observed. Is this a balanced
coin? Use a 0.05 level of significance.

36. Three marbles are selected from an urn containing five red marbles and three
green marbles. After recording the number X of red marbles, the marbles are
replaced in the urn and the experiment repeated 112 times. The results obtained
are as follows:

x 0 1 2 3
f 1 31 55 25

Test the hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance that the recorded data may be
fitted by the hyper geometric distribution h(x: 8, 3, 5). X = 0, 1, 2, 3.

37. A random sample of 200 married men, all retired, were classified according to
education and number of children:

Education Number of children

0–1 2–3 Over 3
Elementary 14 37 32
Secondary 19 42 17
College 12 17 10
Test the hypothesis, at the 0.05 level of significance that the size of a family is
independent of the level of education attained by the father.

38. In a shop study, a set of data was collected to determine whether or not the
proportion of defectives produced by workers was the same for the day, evening
or night shift worked. The following data were collected on the items produced:

Day Evening Midnight
Defective 45 55 70
Non-defective 905 890 870

What is your conclusion? Use ά = 0.025 as level of significance.

39. A salesman for a shoe company claimed runners would record quicker times, on
the average, with the company’s brand of sneaker. A track coach decided to test
the claim. The coach selected eight runners. Each runner ran two 100 m. dashes
on different days. In one 100 m. dash, the runners wore the sneakers supplied by
the school and in the other, the sneakers supplied by the salesman. Each runner
was randomly assigned the sneakers to wear for the first run. Their times,
measured in seconds, are presented below:

Supplied Runners
by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
School 11.4 12.5 10.8 11.7 10.9 11.8 12.2 11.7
Shoe Co., 10.8 12.3 10.7 12.0 10.6 11.5 12.1 11.2

Test the claim of the company at 1% and 5% level of significance by using a
suitable parametric test.

40. A marketing manager has drawn random samples of 500 customers from each of
the five sales territories to find out how many of them use the product
manufactured by his company. In the five territories, the number of customers
using the product was found to be 200, 150, 320, 180 and 230. On the basis of this
information, can it be concluded at 5% significance level that there is significant
difference in the proportion of customers using the company’s product in the five
sales territories.


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