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In order to make the benefits of IEEE membership more readily available to the international
engineering community the Board of Directors of the IEEE has recently approved an amend-
ment to the Bylaws reducing the number of references required on applications for admis-
sion or transfer to Member and Senior Member grades.
For the Member grade - 3 references are required of either
Fellow, Senior Member or Member grade.
For the Senior Member grade - 3 references are required of
either Fellow or Senior Member grade.
For the grade of Associate, the number of references required continues to be only one, of
either Member, Senior Member or Fellow grade.
Student membership privileges are now extended to any student enrolled in an institutional
course of study related to IEEE fields of interest, provided he is carrying at least 30% of a
normal full-time program.
* Monthly receipt of IEEE SPECTRUM as a part of dues. (Students have the option of
receiving either SPECTRUM or the STUDENT JOURNAL.)
* Eligibility to join one or more of the 31 IEEE Groups and receive their TRANSACTIONS
* Conference Records, Standards, Translated Journals and Membership Directory at special
* Attendance at conferences and technical meetings in many countries.
* Participation in local IEEE Section meetings and activities.
* For Students, participation in Student Branch activities and student paper prize contests.
For the convenience of engineers outside the United States and Canada, arrangements have
been made for payment of the annual IEEE dues in local currency in the following countries:
France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. For membership application and
payment details write to your local Section Secretaries:
Per A. Bergstad Leonardo Gomez J. R. Costa De Lacerda
AND NORTH AFRICA Norwegian Def. Res. Est, Apartado Nacional 5149 I. E. F. Controles Automaticos SA
BENELUX Postboke 25 Bogota, Colombia, S. A. Caixa Postal 1044
Frederik Valster Kjeller, Norway MEXICO Sao Paulo, Brazil
c/o N. V. Philips SPAIN Carlos A. Maigler
Gloeilampenfabrieken Rogelio T. Segovia Av. Cuauhtemoc 1203
BibliotheekCentrale Arturo Soria 98 Department 1
Eindhoven, Netherlands Madrid, Spain Mexico City 13, Mexico ASIA
Abdel-Latif I. Ahmed Bo Stjernberg Guillermo Castillo Prof. H. K. Kesavan (Chairman)
Electric & Electronics Industries Co. Telefonaktiebolaget Laboratorio De Electricidad Indian Institute of Technology
Research & Planning L. M. Ericsson Box S 100 Apartado 1301-UNI Dept. of Electrical Engineering
26 Adly Street 7th Floor Postfack Lima, Peru Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
FRANCE SWITZERLAND Carlos R. Rivera Robert Adams (Chairman)
Alain J. Profit Eric Bernhardt 1799 San Alejandro 20 Coronation Road
C. N. E. T. c/o Brown Boveri Co. URB San Ignacio Mangere Bridge
3, Avenue De La Republique Sales Directorate San Juan, Puerto Rico Auckland, New Zealand
92 Issy Les Moulineaux, France Baden, Switzerland RIO DE JANEIRO TOKYO
GERMANY (WEST) UNITED KINGDOM Joao A. Wiltgen Yukimatsu Takeda
Hans H. Burghoff & REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Rua Barao De Juguaribe 145 840 Seijo-Machi
Stresemann Allee 21 VDE-HAUS Robert C. Winton Ipanema Setagayaku
6 Frankfurt M 70 FR, Germany Mullard House Rio de Janeiro 2C-37, Brazil Tokyo, Japan
ISRAEL Torrington Place or to: Miss Emily Sirjane
Mordechai Weissenstern London, W. C. 1, England IEEE, 345 E. 47 Street
Elta Electronics New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A.
Lqd, Israel
Valario R. CimagalliAVIN AMERICA
Via Andrea Busiri BUenOySetaIrES ELECTRICAL AND
Rome, Italy Julian Alvarez 2838 ELECTRONICS
NORTH ITALY Buenos Aires, Argentina @ ENGINEERS, INC.
Gianfranco Cariolaro CHILE
Instituto Di Electtrotecnica Victor G. Gutierrez
Via Marzolo 9 Casilla 16 0
Padua, Venetia, Italy Santiago, Chile

IEEE spectrum NOVEMBER 1968 29

Nominations of candidates for IEEE Fellow grade

April 30, 1969, has been established as the deadline others have followed the excellent plan of monitoring
date for completed nominations of candidates for Fellow the responses by requesting those named as references
grade of the IEEE. to indicate, on a postal card supplied by the sponsor,
The IEEE Bylaws define the qualifications for this the date when the form was completed and mailed to
grade as follows: "The grade of Fellow is one of unusual the Fellow Committee. All qualified reference forms sub-
professional distinction and shall be conferred only by mitted on behalf of a Fellow grade candidate are con-
invitation of the Board of Directors upon a person of sidered by the Fellow Committee.
outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and ex- When the nomination has the formal support of a
perience in the fields of electrical engineering, elec- Section, Group, committee, or organization of equiv-
tronics, radio, allied branches of engineering or the alent standing (or more than one of these), the candi-
related arts and sciences, who meets the requirements date's competitive position will be enhanced only if
for Senior Member as stated in these Bylaws and who such additional support is documented by a separate
has been a member in any grade for a period of seven written statement from each entity to the Fellow Com-
years preceding the year of nomination, except that the mittee, signed by an appropriate officer. The state ment
seven-year provision in any individual case may be (which is in addition to the five reference forms) should
waived for cause by the Board of Directors." be concise and yet provide all relevant facts in support
A Fellow grade nomination form and a minimum of of the nominee; it must be received by the Fellow Com-
five confidential Fellow grade reference forms must be mittee by the April 30 deadline.
submitted by the deadline date of April 30, 1969. Ap- Should a sponsor of a candidate outside the United
praisal of candidates to determine their order of qualifi- States and Canada (i.e., Region 8, 9, or 10) certify that
cation is based solely upon the information submitted. he is unable to furnish the names of five Fellow grade
This makes careful and complete preparation of all references on the nomination, the Fellow Committee
forms essential if each candidate is to receive the highest may, in its discretion, accept references from other IEEE
appraisal to which he is entitled. The duty of the Fellow members, preferably Senior Members, who are engineers
Committee is to recommend to the Board of Directors, or scientists of recognized standing.
from those presented to it, the most deserving candi- The number of nominations received each year far
dates (up to a maximum number allowed under the exceeds the number of new Fellows permitted by the
IEEE Bylaws). To assure objectivity, the accomplish- IEEE Bylaws. Inevitably, favorable action on a large
ments of each candidate are appraised in a number of number of nominations is impossible. In these cases
reasonably well-defined categories (more fully described the proposer (not the nominee) is notified. Such candi-
in the next paragraph). dates are not reconsidered in a subsequent year unless
It is of prime importance to read the leaflet "IEEE a new, updated nomination form is submitted by the
Fellow Grade Nominations" before serious considera- regular deadline date. Likewise, new written statements
tion of possible nominees. This brief publication has of support by a Section, Group, committee, etc., must
just been revised in an effort to assist in the effective be filed by the regular deadline date. Reference forms
preparation of nominations. Following are the criteria submitted on behalf of a candidate are acceptable to
upon which nominations are appraised-all are im- the Fellow Committee for a period of three consecutive
portant; those of primary emphasis are listed first: years, including the year of original submission. How-
technical contributions, theoretical or practical; per- ever, new reference forms may be submitted. All quali-
sonal distinction earned, as evidenced by positions held, fied reference forms submitted on behalf of a can-
operational as well as technical; output of technical didate are considered. Members of the Board of Di-
papers and patents; evaluations by confidential ref- rectors, the IEEE staff, or the Fellow Committee are
erences; duration of particularly distinguished profes- not eligible to serve as references on a Fellow grade
sional activity in positions of major responsibility; nomination.
duration of active participation in the profession; service All information furnished on behalf of a candidate
to IEEE and its predecessor societies; additional sup- must be typewritten so that legible copies can be dupli-
port of the nomination by an IEEE organizational unit, cated and furnished to all members of the Fellow Com-
such as Section, Group, Committee, etc.; and service mittee.
to the engineering community, broadly interpreted, Fellow grade nomination kits are available from Miss
other than through IEEE. Emily Sirjane, IEEE Staff Secretary of the Fellow Com-
To insure receipt of the required number of references mittee. These kits contain an FC-l Form, seven ref-
by the April 30 deadline, some sponsors have found it erence forms, seven reference envelopes, and a copy of
desirable to solicit as many as seven or eight references; "IEEE Fellow Grade Nominations."

30 News of the IEEE

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