To Achieve Satisfactory Human Relations in Project Setting

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To achieve satisfactory human relations in project setting, project manager has to handle

successfully problems relating to:

1. Authority
2. Orientation
3. Motivation
4. Group Functioning

Management of Authority • A project manager usually receives very little formal authority
between functional lines of command. • He has to co-ordinate the efforts of various functional
groups consisting of professionals and supervisory personnel. • In order to gain authority he
should be able to: 1. Develop a rapport with the project personnel. 2. Resolve conflicts among
various people working on the project. 3. Have good professional reputation and stature, good
communication and persuasion skills. 4. Ability to act as buffer between technical, engineering,
financial and commercial people. 3

Management Of Orientation
The efficient achievement of project targets with in given time and budget requires the project
manager to strengthen his managerial orientation. • Usually a project manager is an engineer
having technical knowledge and outlook to problem handling, but for this he needs to become
engineer-manager. • He needs to: 1. Perform tasks of planning, organizing, directing and
controlling resources of the firm. 2. Adopt a creative approach to unstructured problem solving.
3. Attach greater importance to efficient utilization of resources and resolution of human relation

Management Of Motivation
The project manager while working within given socio- technical system can influence the
motivation level of the project personnel. • For this he should remember that 1. Every human
being has different needs with differing importance attached to them. 2. Behavioral research
reveals that pressure to work is only functional to an extent. 3. Motivation level is strong with
challenging, achievable goal setting. 4. Expectation of reward rather than fear of punishment has
a greater bearing.
Management Of Motivation • To motivate project personnel, project manager must: 1.Be a
perceptive observer of human beings. 2.Have the ability to appreciate the variable needs of
human beings. 3.Be sensitive to the reactions of people and act supportively rather than
threatening them. 4.Have the skill of several styles of management suitable to different
situations. 6

Management Of Group Functioning • A project manager should strive to build a mixed group. •
A mixed group consists of people drawn from different levels from various functions,
departments and companies. • A mixed group promotes cohesion, is conducive to creating a
project attitude and develops commitment for project. • ‘Participative ‘ style of management
should be pursued by the management. 7

Management Of Group Functioning • The project manager should: 1.Facilitate the development
of mutual trust and acceptance, open communication, co- operation, and project attitude. 2.Have
leadership capabilities, sensitivity to human nature, perceptiveness, maturity, impartial approach,
concern for welfare of others. 8

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