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Microprocessor in medical equipment (pacemaker)

Sheikh Abdul Mohsin, Waseem Zaheer, Rana Aban, Abdullah Javaid

Department of computer science and IT,University of lahore
Abstract—this paper presents the role o
f microprocessor in medical equipment cal
led pacemaker. We focused deeply on effe
cts, installation and features of 895c1 micr
oprocessor and pacemaker .Also how its w
orking inside the human body after transpl
ant. A pacemaker operational characteristi
cs include pacing modes, parametric Progr
ammability and rate responsive pacing

1. INTRODUCTION Fig 1.1 pacemaker working in human body

Pacemakers are often installed in people
3. Features of 89c51 microprocessor
who are suffering from irregular heart rhyt
hms.when the heart beat is slow or irregul  4 k-bytes of on-chip flash
ar then its very usefull. When we add an el programmable memory
ectrical impulse to the heart muscle the h  Programmable clock output
eart rate is restored and blood circulates t  Second DPTP register
hroughout the body properly. It can compl  Asynchronous port reset
etely remove the symptoms of bradycardi  Wake up from power down by
a, breath chronic fatigue and relieving shor an external interrupt
tness of breath.  Speed up to 33 MHz
 Ram expandable externally up
2. Working of pacemaker
to 64kbytes
Modern day pacemakers consist of
 4 interrupts priority levels
4 parts, being the battery, the leads
 6 interrupts sources
, the motherboard, and the casing it
 Four 8-bit I/O ports
self. They weigh less than an ounce,
 Full-duplex enhanced UART
are slightly larger than the face of a
 Three 16-bit timers/counters
wristwatch, and have the ability to
 Power control modes
monitor the heart’s natural electrica
o Clock can be stopped and
l activity
o Idle mode
o Power down mode
4. Inside Pacemaker: e accessed in BCD code and the selected fu
nction is to be programmed in a specified
numeric value.
Fig 4.2 diagram of pacemaker control system
5. Advantages & Disadvantages of

Fig 4.1 Block diagram of microprocesso

r(89c51) in pacemaker

Compared to the 8-bit data typ

e of the 89C5 1 single-chip micr
oprocessor, the 16-bit instructi
on sets and stack registers are used in pacemaker
our developed processor to access th Advantages:
e data and programming parameters 1. Relief is nearly immediate when the su
efficiently. Temperature Sensing Circu rgery has been completed.
itry In order to simulate the rate resp People who are affected by arrhythmia a
onsive pacing with blood temperature rea unit typically beneath a great deal of p
changing, the temperature sensing ci hysical stress attributable to their conditio
rcuit were built, by using AD590 temp n. The pacemaker permits them to induce
erature sensor, 89C5 1 controller, ADC their lives back heading not off promptly a
0804 converter, and two 741 OP ampl s a result of relief is skilled from the instan
ifiers. The base temperature is set to t they awaken in the hospital room.
37"C, While the temperature varies, t 2.Pacemakers will be designed in an exce
he "int" pin of 89C51 controller will b edingly range of various ways that.
e enabled and the output control si-4 Pacemakers will be programmed to regul
will be sent to the rate control logic fo ate a good form of heartbeat problems tha
r adaptive pacing. The rate responsive t occur. they'll facilitate to beat the highest
change is +/-4OOms/ "C. Off-chip Pro heart chambers solely, very cheap chamb
grammer ers, or both. Some pacemakers will even b
For programming key pacemaker's param e programmed to stimulate each the left a
eters, a 89C5 1 EPROM single-chip controll nd right ventricles of the center along.
er has been applied to implement this pur they're a long device.
pose. The function keys include keys for pr
ogramming the pulse rate, the refiactory p 3. Most pacemakers area unit ready to giv
eriod and the pulse width. Numeric keys ar e their required medical care while not ma
intenance for long periods of your time. M may additionally result in infection. while n
ost of the risks that escort a pacemaker ar ot treatment, these infections have the po
ea unit thanks to the implantation surgery tential to be serious.
whereas the pacemaker is being placed. If
that happens with success, most of the res
t of the risks area unit just about eliminate 3. The pacemaker might not work properly
d. .

4. Some models have magnetic attraction r Pacemakers area unit terribly reliable once
esistance engineered into them. they’ve been put in and work systematical
ly well for a majority of patients. there's a
Some of the most recent models of pacem
minority, however, that finds their pacema
akers have countered the magnetic issues
ker isn't delivering the therapies that area
that have usually overrun this device. thou unit needed for correct health. once this h
gh there area unit continuously about to b appens, a second surgery is critical to switc
e restrictions in situ once the pacemaker h h the pacemaker that the correct medical
as been put in, there area unit some devic aid is administered.
es that area unit safe in tomography machi
nes and around sure appliances that woul
d not be achieved within the past. 4. It doesn't treat cardiovascular disease.
The pacemaker isn't a one-size-fits-all treat
1. People should avoid themselves to go ne ment resolution for all heart issues. specifi
ar field areas. cally it'll not facilitate to treat cardiovascul
i.e magnetic field .Because when pacemak ar disease. Pacemakers could also be put i
er is installed into the body it should be pr n once a coronary failure to assist manage
otect against that areas as they may effect ment the rhythm of the center muscle, ho
the proper working of pacemaker. A perso wever that won’t treat any underlying illne
ss problems that will have contributed to t
n may not allowed to use some of devices
he center attack within the 1st place
after the installation of pacemaker.
2. Infection will happen once the surgery h
as been flourishing.
At the end,we came into conclusion that It
The surgery itself could also be the reason will not prevent heart attack in future and
for associate infection that sets in round th also doesn’t improves health. It’s only pu
e pacemaker.Associate infection can even rpose is to cure an arrhythmia which occu
develop at the surgical web site within the rr’s with the heart beat interval. it may eff
post-operation part of recovery so unfold ective, but there are certain conditions to
elsewhere within the body. A sensitivity to o that can’t be treated through this device
the materials that created the pacemaker
. That’s why it is so important to knowho [7]Private communication with National
w the advantages/diadvantages of pacem Taiwan
aker before installation in your body University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1

Sheikh Abdul Mohsin, Waseem Zaheer,

Rana Aban, Abdullah Javaid are the stude
I would like to acknowledge IEEE society nts of computer science and IT departmen
for providing sufficient data to be work on t in university of Lahore,Pakistan.
and makes this research possible. A special
thanks to Sir khurram Bajwa for providing
a way to relative search papers and create
our own. Sheik h Abdul Mohsin
Re (Bcs02153290)
Iw as born in Lahore, Pakistan.Pla
yvide ogames, martialartist ,sketche
Youtu ber. Almost tried everything a
8. REFERENCES nd motive is to do or create something that nobody ha
s ever done.
[1]Shea, Julie B. "Pacemaker Insertion an
d Long-term Follow-up." Brigham and Wo Waseem zaheer
men's. Brigham and Women's Hospital, 18 (Bcs02153225)
Sept. 2015. He was born in Lahore,Pakistan, lov
es to play videogames, watch movie
[2]Chan, Vivian. "Engineering Heartbeats
s and do programming ,rapist.
: The Evolution of Artificial Pacemakers." Ill
umin. University of Southern California, 6 Abdullah Javaid
May 2013.
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y football,video games n traveling.
e. 1998. 5 Oct. 2015
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a High-Performance Microprocessor a Sys 40)
tems Perspec-tive”, IEEE Computer Society He was born in La hore, Pakistan. Pl
Press (Los Alamitos, California, 2010 ay games, outing with friends, in lo
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ng .want to beco me rich
ctures: From VLIW to TTA”, John Wiley & S
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[6]R. S. Sanders, et. al., "Implantable pac
Proceedings of the IEEE, pp.480-486, Marc
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