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Site Characteristics TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL, ‘TopOGRAPHY PROXIMITY OF POTENTIAL HAZARDS ACCESS. GEOLOGY METEOROLOGY HYDROLOGY SEISMICITY QUALITY OF RAW WATER SUPPLY wy ExhibitA-9 RRR YNKHNHH A-9 SITE CHARACTERISTICS A.9.1 GENERAL The Project is located at Mabu’un Village, MurungPudak District, Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan Province in Indonesia, about185km northeast of Banjarmasin. The topography of the site is rugged with elevation ranging from 70m to 85m. The public road leading from Banjarmasin Port to the Site is not suitable for transporting oversized and heavy equipment. Therefore,suchequipment will have to be delivered by barge up the Barito River to the Kelanis coal loading port where there is an unloading ramp that ean be used for well-planned unloading, and the equipment will be transported along the private haul road to the Site. This arrangement has been agreed in principalwith the owner of the facilities. 9.2. TOPOGRAPHY The current topography is a slightly undulating terrain with elevation between 70 and 85m above MSL. A uniform leveled platform shall be created by cut & fill. The cut material can be used to fill the low spots. Before the construction start,Site preparation works will be carried out, including cutting the trees, clearing and grubbing and preparing a uniform level between 75 and 80m above MSL. A-9.3. PROXIMITY OF POTENTIAL HAZARDS Due to the remote location of the Site, it is relatively free of potential for hazards, with the ‘exception of those hazards associated with natural phenomena such as wind, rain, earthquake etc. The Site is located in an area of low seismicity as indicated in publicly available documents published by the Governmental Instrumentalities. Safety against natural hazards will be provided by codes and the exercise of sound engineering judgment. Proximity to the village of Mabu’un in general and to housing relatively close to the Site requires special care to be applied to traffic management, control of noise and management of the interface between construction workers and the local community. A-9.4 ACCESS A narrow local public road passes along the west side of the Site from which a short two carriageway connecting road enters the area of land controlled by the Owner. The Site can be accessed by vehicles from this road when the Contractor has prepared a spur road into the Site. This provides the only direct access from public roads into the Site. PT Adaro Indonesia has constructed a more substantial road on the east side of the Site that will be used to deliver coal to the Plant and another existing facility. When the linking of this road to the coal mine haul roads has been completed this will provide a possible route to deliver large and heavy loads from Kelaniscoal port directly into the Site. There is no railroad access to the Site. ‘The nearest sea port facility is at Banjarmasin. The public road from Banjarmasin to Tabalong Regency is a heavily trafficked and relatively narrow two-lane highway. This road passes through many villages where there are often width restrictions. There are also several crossings of waterways with difficult approach ramps including some tight bends and bridge restrictions, 2 A-9.5 GEOLOGY The site is located on Warukin Formation, consisted of quartz. sandstone and claystone with intercalations of coal, deposited in the fluvial environment, 400m thick and Middle Miocen to late Miocene in age. A-9.6 METEOROLOGY Kalimantan has an equatorial climate characterized by uniformly high temperature and rainfall throughout the year. Rainfall may exceed 4,000mm per annum in many parts of the region. The annual rainfall intensity is high, ranging between 2,000 and 4,000mm. ‘The mean number of rainy days per year is 120. Relative humidity is invariably over 70 percent, and air temperatures fluctuate between 20~40 degrees Celsius, Although not very distinct, the generally drier season lasts from June to October and the more ‘wet season from November to May. Data obtained from MuaraUlya Climatology Station (the closest station of the Board of Meteorology and Geophysics) over the period from January 1990 to December 2003 has been used to assess the site conditions. Table | lists the design meteorological conditions for the Site. Table 1 Design Conditions Altitude : Final grade level can be adjusted at the detailed design stage based on topographic survey and soil investigation. Plant Area EL.G) 78.0m Coal Storage Yard EL.+) 80.0m Atmospheric Pressure : 1,013 hpa Ambient Temperature : Temperature Range 10.0°C to 35°C Design Temp 30.0° Monthly Average Relative Humidity Maximum 100% Guarantee Point Relative Humidity 80% Wind Speed: Basic wind velocity for design 100 km/h Design code ASCE 7-10 Seismic Design Criteria:The seismic design shall meet or exceed the requirements in compliance with Indonesian seismic code(SNI 1726 2012) and approximately equivalent to UBC and ASCE 7 seismic standard. At the detail design stage, seismic design load will be verified and seismic zone at this stage will be Zone 2(SNI 1726 2002) and approximately equivalent to UBC 97 Zone 2A respectively. wes Storm Drainage: Storm Frequency 50 years Rainfall intensity 100 mm/h Design Annual Rainfall: Average 1,828mm Max. recorded in 1998 2,234mm A-9.7 HYDROLOGY A971 ‘Surface Water To ensure easy drainage of rain water runoff from the Plant area, drainage ditches shall be constructed along the proposed road, around the buildings, the edges of the embankment or excavation onto slopes. TheSite should be graded to provide positive drainage to reduce storm water infiltration, A972 Groundwater ‘The elevation of ground water level in the bore holes on land varies from 3.10 to 21.0 m below the existing ground surface. The ground water conditions will fluctuate with the wet and dry season. A-9.8 SEISMICITY ‘The Site is located in the zone with peak acceleration in bed lock for the probability of 2% exeeedance in 50 years. A-9.9 QUALITY OF RAWWATER SUPPLY The quality of rawwater that will be supplied to the Plant is as follows: Physical&é Chemical Physical Chemical - unit — | Quality Quality Characteristies Characteristics Colour prco |5~48 | Electroconductivity [mel | 10~15 Odor - Odoriess | pH LE 6~8 Total Dissolved Solids Toial Suspended Solids | i met | 110~192 | BR, met |1~65 Calcium Hardness as | ~ agg | Magnessium Hardness 3 CaCOs mel | 249-474 | CaCO; mol | 55.4 Total Hardness as CaCO; | mg | 60~103 | Turbidity NTU | 226~90 ‘Alkalinity Bicarbonate as Alkalinity Carbonate as | | CaCO mel |21~43 | Caco, mel ' Chloride, cr mel |05~1 | Fluoride, F met [216 ~ > > 029 4 Free Co2 mg [1~46 | Sulfate, SO” mel | 66~93 Sulphite, SO, mgl | <2 Total Cyanide, CN | mel | < 0.005 Free Ammonia, NHy-N- [mg | <0.02_| Nitrate, NOs-N mgt [048 ~ Nitrite, yorN mel |<0.001 | Total PhosphorusasP | mg | 0007 ~ 0005 ~ Cobalt, Co mgt |

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