Levelling Zones PDF

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Noteworthy quests:

• Otomai Disciples Camp (While area levelling)

• Environmental Quests (While area levelling. Avoid defeat the horde)
• Mercenary Quests
• Huppermage 1st Questline (Lv 30)
• Kelba Questline (lv 65) – 60,000 kama relic reward
• Huppermage 2nd Questline (Lv 80)
• Chillberg Questline (Lv 100) – Icy costume
• Ohwymi Questline (Lv 115) - 360,000 kama relic reward
• Wa Wabbit Questline (Lv 120) - 550,000 kama relic reward
• Huppermage 3rd Questline (level 130) – Mass Charm
• Srambad Questline (Lv 140)
• Enurado Questline (Lv 145) – 600,000 kama relic reward
• Xelor Past (Lv 155)
• Xelor Present (Lv 160) – Free Sidekick, new artifact
• Nyl Story (Lv 178) – Lilye Tstrong ring

Levelling areas:

Up to Lv 30

• Sewer mobs (Astrub)

• Tofus (Astrub, for ranged)
• Gobballs (Astrub Plains, Tainela, for melee)
• Skeletons (Astrub Cemetary)
o Gobball Pastures Dungeon (Tainela, Lv 12)
o Tofuhouse Dungeon (Astrub Fields, Lv 12)
o The Raised Vault Dungeon (Astrub Cemetary, Lv 21)

Lv 30-40

• Moskitos (Cania Swamps)

• Mushds (Cania Swamps)
• Chafers (Brakmar)
o Morbax Neplopolis Dungeon (Brakmar, Lv 36)

Lv 40-65

• Treechnids (Thicket of yurbet)

• Sharks (Steamulating Shore)
• Pirates, Exotics (Calamar)
• Wild Gobballs (Wild Estate)
o Shark Slipway Dungeon (Steamulating Shore, Lv 36)
o Dark Hurl Docks Dungeon (Calamar, Lv 51)
o Treechnid Dungeon (Thicket of Yurbut, Emelka, Lv 51)
Lv 65-80 (Infernal set gives great wisdom in this bracket)

• Boowolves, Boowerewolves (Sadida Kingdom)

• Arachnoshimas (Sadida Kingdom, high fire resistances)
• Crobaks (Kelba)
• Kroapules (Kelba)
• Zoogeymen (Forfut)
• Rats (Monk Island)
• Monks (Monk Island)
o Royal Puddly Dungeon (Amakna, Lv 66)
o Lunar Altar Dungeon (Sadida Kingdom, Lv 66)
o The Ratatombs Dungeon (Monk Island, Lv 66)
o The Cro-Cave Dungeon (Kelba, Lv 67)

Lv 80-100

• Icikles (Chillberg)
• Ghouls (Forfut)
• Whisperers (Shhuudoku’s Kingdom)
• Bliboys (Bilbiza, Special mechanic to fight these, advise to youtube it)
• Polar Cracklers (Chillberg, Requires fire damage)
o The Undieworld Dungeon (Monk Island, Lv 81)
o Mussly Hammam Dungeon (Bilbiza, Lv 81)
o Whisper Crisper Dungeon (Shhhudoku’s Kingdom, Lv 96)
o Crackapult Range Dungeon (Shhhudoku’s Kingdom, Lv 96)
o The Rock Dungeon (Shhhudoku’s Kingdom, Lv 96)

Lv 100-120

• Northern chafers (Snowbound village)

o Tormentor Dungeon (lv 100) – Level of monsters adjusts to the highest character in the group.
o Ambassador’s Wing Dungeon (Ruins of Asparah Gorge, Lv 111)
o The Frozen Tower Dungeon (Harebourg County, Lv 111) - Solomonk fragments

Lv 120-140

• Castucs (Ohwymi)
• Wabbits (Wabbit Island)
• Lenalds (Wabbit Island)
• Blackspore (Fungopole)
• Shushu (Shustuft Crust)
o Castuc Dungeon (Ohwymi, Lv 111) - Harry boot fragments
o Flaxhid Dungeon (Lv 125) – Level of monsters adjusts to the highest character in the group.
o Blackspore Dungeon (Fungopole, Lv 126)
o Black Wabbit Dungeon (Wabbit Island, Lv 126)
o Wabbit Dungeon (Wabbit Island, Lv 126)
Lv 140 - 160

• Wabbit Guawd (Wabbit Island)

• Srambadians, preferably Sramvas (Srambad)
• Enutreasures (Enurado)
• Xelots, preferably Lapse (Xelorium past)
o Abandoned Cawwot Stowewoom Dungeon (Wabbit Tunnels, Lv 141)
o Wa Wabbit’s Castle Dungeon (Wabbit Island, Lv 141)
o Srambad Dungeon (Srambad, Lv 141)
o Enurado Dungeon (Enurado, Lv 141)
o Mecha Factory Dungeon (Xelorium Past, Lv 156)

Level 160 – 180

• Hulors (Xelorium Present)

• Crocodyls (Moon, most efficient moon monster)
• Tropikokos, Kanniballs, Kannivores (Moon)
o Ow El Dungeon (Xelorium Present, Lv 156)
o Crocodyl Dungeon (Moon, Lv 171, Most efficient moon dungeon)
o Tropike Dungeon (Moon, Lv 171)
o Kanniball Dungeon (Moon, Lv 171)
o Kannivore Dungeon (Moon, Lv 171)

Additional Notes:

Monster experience is apparently distributed equally amongst participants. 1 Monster per player seems
to be the recommended ratio, but can vary depending on the AOE of the group, as well as the map
grouping of mobs. Staying within 10 levels of the monster yields 100% EXP without any penalties, but it’s
possible to still get decent EXP up to 30 levels of difference.

The Trapper profession can be levelled to replant monsters, speeding up the levelling process by
reducing travel time (should be kept near player level).

I’ve also noticed that a lot of people on the forums seem to be running Tormentor and Flax dungeons
daily. They claim it’s a very efficient way to gain EXP in higher level brackets.

Lost some of the links to the earlier source material I looked at, but it seems to be the general consensus
that the aforementioned areas are some of the best ones to level in. Hope it helps!

Source material: (For more info)

1. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/143-guides/185289-guide-leveling-guide-new-player-
2. https://www.reddit.com/r/wakfu/comments/2k8obp/official_levelingquest_and_general_res
3. http://methodwakfu.com/en/
4. https://trello.com/c/KvH2o32H/29-how-to-level-quickly-mangos-powerlevelling-route
5. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/8-general-discussion/168099-wakfu-progression-
6. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/8-general-discussion/205126-how-do-you-powerlevel-
7. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/8-general-discussion/206779-tips-leveling-hero-fast
8. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/44-osamodas/183317-leveling-spots-high-level-osas-help
9. https://www.wakfu.com/en/forum/8-general-discussion/200745-leveling-175-200

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