One Perfect Life Reading Plan 2018

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One Perfect Life – 2018

January 2018

Week 1 Reading Page

1 Monday 1. Jesus Christ the preexistent Creator and Savior 17
2 Tuesday 2. The fall of the human race into sin 19
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday 3. The curse upon creation 21
5 Friday 4. Mankind's need for a Savior 23
Week 2
8 Monday 5. The promised seed of Abraham 25
9 Tuesday 6. The coming Messiah as Prophet and King 27
10 Wednesday
11 Thursday 7. The coming Messiah as the suffering Servant 30
12 Friday 8. Introducing the history of Jesus Christ 33
Week 3
15 Monday 9. The royal lineage of Jesus Christ through Joseph 37
16 Tuesday 10. The physical lineage of Jesus Christ through 39
17 Wednesday
18 Thursday 11. The coming of Christ's forerunner, John the 41
19 Friday 12. Gabriel announces the coming of Jesus Christ 45
Week 4
22 Monday 13. Mary rejoices with Elizabeth 47
23 Tuesday 14. John the Baptist is born 49
24 Wednesday
25 Thursday 15. Jesus' miraculous birth explained to Joseph 51
26 Friday 16. The Messiah is born in Bethlehem 53
Week 5
29 Monday 17. Shepherds pay homage to the Lord Jesus 56
30 Tuesday 18. Jesus is presented in the temple 58
31 Wednesday 19. The magi pay homage to Israel's true King 61
One Perfect Life – 2018
February 2018

Week 5 Reading Page

1 Thursday 20. The flight to Egypt and return to Nazareth 63
2 Friday 21. Jesus visits the temple at age twelve 65
Week 6
5 Monday
6 Tuesday 22. John the Baptist begins his ministry 67
7 Wednesday 23. John baptizes Jesus 72
8 Thursday 24. Jesus is tempted in the wilderness 74
9 Friday 25. John further testifies about Jesus 77
Week 7
12 Monday 26. The disciples of John meet Jesus 80
13 Tuesday 27. Jesus' first miracle: water into wine 83
14 Wednesday 28. Jesus' first cleansing of the temple 85
15 Thursday 29. Jesus meets with Nicodemus 88
16 Friday 30. Jesus' ministry supersedes John's 92
Week 8
19 Monday 31. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well 94
20 Tuesday 32. Jesus evangelizes the village of Sychar 98
21 Wednesday 33. Jesus heals a nobleman's son 100
22 Thursday 34. Jesus is rejected at Nazareth 102
23 Friday 35. Jesus' first call of the four 104
Week 9
26 Monday 36. Jesus heals in the synagogue in Capernaum 106
27 Tuesday 37. Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law 108
28 Wednesday
One Perfect Life – 2018
March 2018

Week 9 Reading Page

1 Thursday 38. Jesus ministers throughout Galilee 110
2 Friday 39. Jesus' second call of the four 111
Week 10
5 Monday 40. Jesus heals a leperous man 112
6 Tuesday 41. Jesus heals and forgives a paralytic 114
7 Wednesday
8 Thursday 42. Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him 117
9 Friday 43. Jesus answers the disciples of John 119
Week 11
12 Monday 44. Jesus heals a lame man on the Sabbath 121
13 Tuesday 45. Jesus defends His equality with the Father 124
14 Wednesday
15 Thursday 46. The disciples pick grain on the Sabbath 127
16 Friday 47. Jesus heals a man's hand on the Sabbath 129
Week 12
19 Monday 48. Jesus withdraws to the Sea of Galilee 132
20 Tuesday 49. Jesus appoints the twelve 134
21 Wednesday
22 Thursday 50. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 136
and divine blessing
23 Friday 51. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 139
and external morality
Week 13
26 Monday 52. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 144
and practical religion
27 Tuesday 53. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 146
and mundane things
28 Wednesday
29 Thursday 54. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 148
and human relationships
30 Friday 55. The sermon on the Mount: True righteousness 150
and salvation
One Perfect Life – 2018
April 2018

Week 14 Reading Page

2 Monday 56. Jesus heals a centurion's servant 152
3 Tuesday 57. Jesus raises a widow's dead son 154
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday 58. Jesus replies to John the Baptist 155
6 Friday 59. Woe upon Chorazin and Bethsaida 158
Week 15
9 Monday 60. A repentant woman anoints Jesus' feet 160
10 Tuesday 61. The Pharisees make blasphemous claims 162
11 Wednesday 62. Jesus refuses to perform a sign 165
12 Thursday 63. Jesus describes His spiritual family 167
13 Friday 64. The parable of the soils 168
Week 16
16 Monday 65. The parable of the soils explained 170
17 Tuesday 66. Four Kingdom parables 174
18 Wednesday
19 Thursday 67. Jesus explains the parable of the tares 176
20 Friday 68. Additional Kingdom parables 177
Week 17
23 Monday 69. Jesus calms the storm 178
24 Tuesday 70. Jesus casts out demons into swine 180
25 Wednesday
26 Thursday 71. Jesus heals a woman and raises a girl 183
27 Friday 72. Additional miracles in Galilee 187
Week 18
30 Monday 73. Final visit to unbelieving Nazareth 188
One Perfect Life – 2018
May 2018

Week 18 Reading Page

1 Tuesday 74. Jesus commissions the twelve disciples: the 190
2 Wednesday 75. Jesus commissions the twelve disciples: the 192
3 Thursday
4 Friday 76. John the Baptist is killed 196
Week 19
7 Monday 77. Jesus feeds the 5,000 199
8 Tuesday 78. Jesus walks on the water 203
9 Wednesday 79. Jesus is the bread of life 206
10 Thursday 80. Reaction to Jesus' claim to be the bread of life 209
11 Friday 81. Jesus confronts the traditions on men 213
Week 20
14 Monday 82. Jesus ministers to a Syro-Phoenician woman 217
15 Tuesday 83. Jesus heals in Decapolis 219
16 Wednesday
17 Thursday 84. Jesus feeds 4,000 in Decapolis 220
18 Friday 85. The leaven of the Pharisees 222
Week 21
21 Monday 86. Jesus heals a blind man 224
22 Tuesday 87. Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah 225
23 Wednesday 88. Jesus foretells His future suffering and glory 227
24 Thursday 89. Jesus is gloriously transfigured 230
25 Friday 90. Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy 233
Week 22
28 Monday 91. Jesus predicts His resurrection a second time 236
29 Tuesday 92. Jesus pays the temple tax 237
30 Wednesday
31 Thursday 93. Jesus confronts the disciples' rivalry 238
One Perfect Life – 2018
June 2018

Week 22 Reading Page

1 Friday 94. Jesus warns against stumbling blocks 240
Week 23
4 Monday 95. Jesus teaches about forgiveness 243
5 Tuesday 96. Jesus is ridiculed by His half-brothers 246
6 Wednesday
7 Thursday 97. Jesus journeys to Jerusalem 248
8 Friday 98. Jesus teaches at the feast of tabernacles 250
Week 24
11 Monday 99. The Jewish leaders try to arrest Jesus 254
12 Tuesday 100. Jesus forgives an adulterous woman 256
13 Wednesday
14 Thursday 101. Jesus is the light of the world 258
15 Friday 102. Jesus' relationship to Abraham 261
Week 25
18 Monday 103. Jesus commissions the seventy 265
19 Tuesday 104. The seventy return 267
20 Wednesday
21 Thursday 105. The story about a good Samaritan 268
22 Friday 106. Jesus visits Mary and Martha 270
Week 26
25 Monday 107. Jesus teaches about prayer 271
26 Tuesday 108. The Pharisees again make blasphemous claims 272
27 Wednesday
28 Thursday 109. Jesus warns the Scribes and Pharisees 275
29 Friday 110. Jesus warns against hypocrisy 277
One Perfect Life – 2018
July 2018

Week 27 Reading Page

2 Monday 111. Jesus teaches about true wealth 279
3 Tuesday 112. Warning to be ready for the Master's return 281
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday 113. Coming division and a call to readiness 283
6 Friday 114. Repent or perish 284
Week 28
9 Monday 115. Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath 286
10 Tuesday 116. Jesus heals a man born blind 288
11 Wednesday
12 Thursday 117. The Pharisees excommunicate the formerly 290
blind man
13 Friday 118. The formerly blind man receives spiritual sight 292
Week 29
16 Monday 119. Jesus is the good Shepherd 293
17 Tuesday 120. The Jews attempt to stone Jesus 296
18 Wednesday
19 Thursday 121. Jesus ministers in Judea and Perea 298
20 Friday 122. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem 300
Week 30
23 Monday 123. Jesus heals a man with dropsy on the Sabbath 302
24 Tuesday 124. The cost of following Christ 305
25 Wednesday
26 Thursday 125. The lost sheep and the lost coin 306
27 Friday 126. The parable of the prodigal son 308
Week 31
30 Monday 127. The parable of the unjust steward 311
31 Tuesday 128. The rich man and Lazarus 313
One Perfect Life – 2018
August 2018

Week 31 Reading Page

1 Wednesday
2 Thursday 129. Forgiveness, faith, and faithfulness 316
3 Friday 130. Lazarus becomes sick and dies 317
Week 32
6 Monday 131. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead 319
7 Tuesday 132. The Jewish leaders plot to kill Jesus 322
8 Wednesday 133. Jesus heals ten lepers 324
9 Thursday 134. Jesus teaches about His second coming 326
10 Friday 135. The unjust judge and the justified tax collector 328
Week 33
13 Monday 136. Jesus teaches about divorce 330
14 Tuesday 137. Jesus teaches about the Kingdom 333
15 Wednesday
16 Thursday 138. The parable of the equal wages 337
17 Friday 139. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection 339
Week 34
20 Monday 140. Jesus warns against selfish ambition 340
21 Tuesday 141. Jesus heals two blind men 342
22 Wednesday 142. Zacchaeus encounters the Savior 344
23 Thursday 143. A parable about the Kingdom's delay 346
24 Friday 144. Jesus arrives in Bethany 348
Week 35
27 Monday 145. The presentation of the King 351
28 Tuesday 146. Jesus cleanses the temple a second time 355
29 Wednesday
30 Thursday 147. The Son of man must be lifted up 358
31 Friday 148. The unbelief of the Jews 360
One Perfect Life – 2018
September 2018

Week 36 Reading Page

3 Monday 149. The withered fig tree 361
4 Tuesday 150. The Jewish leaders confront Jesus 363
5 Wednesday 151. The parable of the landowner 365
6 Thursday 152. The parable of the wedding invitation 368
7 Friday 153. The Pharisees and Herodians test Jesus 370
Week 37
10 Monday 154. The Sadducees question Jesus 372
11 Tuesday 155. A scribe of the Pharisees questions Jesus 374
12 Wednesday
13 Thursday 156. Jesus is both David's Son and David's Lord 376
14 Friday 157. Woe to the Pharisees 378
Week 38
17 Monday 158. The widow's mite 382
18 Tuesday
19 Wednesday 159. The Olivet Discourse: Beginning of birth pangs 383
20 Thursday 160. The Olivet Discourse: the coming of the Son of 387
21 Friday 161. The Olivet Discourse: Watch and pray 391
Week 39
24 Monday 162. The Olivet Discourse: The ten virgins 394
25 Tuesday 163. The Olivet Discourse: The parable of talents 395
26 Wednesday 164. The Olivet Discourse: The Son of man's 397
27 Thursday
28 Friday 165. Judas agrees to betray Jesus 399
One Perfect Life – 2018
October 2018

Week 40 Reading Page

1 Monday 166. The beginning of the final Passover 401
2 Tuesday 167. Jesus washes the disciples' feet 403
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday 168. Jesus identifies His betrayer 405
5 Friday 169. More rivalry among the disciples 407
Week 41
8 Monday 170. Jesus predicts that Peter will deny Him 408
9 Tuesday 171. Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper 410
10 Wednesday
11 Thursday 172. Jesus comforts His disciples 412
12 Friday 173. The promised Helper 414
Week 42
15 Monday 174. The vine en the branches 417
16 Tuesday 175. Hatred from the world 420
17 Wednesday
18 Thursday 176. Jesus reiterates that the Helper is coming 421
19 Friday 177. Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection 424
Week 43
22 Monday 178. The High Priestly prayer of Christ 426
23 Tuesday 179. Peter's denial predicted a second time 429
24 Wednesday
25 Thursday 180. Jesus prays in Gethsemane 430
26 Friday 181. Jesus is arrested 433
Week 44
29 Monday 182. Jesus' trial before Annas; Peter's first denial 437
30 Tuesday 183. Jesus' trial before Caiaphas 440
31 Wednesday 184. Peter's second and third denial 443
One Perfect Life – 2018
November 2018

Week 44 Reading Page

1 Thursday
2 Friday 185. The Sanhedrin confirms the verdict 445
Week 45
5 Monday 186. Judas regrets his treachery 446
6 Tuesday 187. Jesus' trial before Pilate 447
7 Wednesday
8 Thursday 188. Jesus' trial before Herod Antipas 450
9 Friday 189. Jesus sentenced before Pilate 451
Week 46
12 Monday 190. Further mockery from the Roman soldiers 455
13 Tuesday 191. Jesus' journey to Golgotha 456
14 Wednesday
15 Thursday 192. The first three hours on the cross 458
16 Friday 193. The final three hours on the cross 462
Week 47
19 Monday 194. Witnesses to Jesus' death 464
20 Tuesday 195. Jesus' body removed from the cross 466
21 Wednesday
22 Thursday 196. Jesus' body placed in the tomb 468
23 Friday 197. On Sunday morning, the tomb is empty 470
Week 48
26 Monday 198. Peter and John see the empty tomb 473
27 Tuesday 199. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene 474
28 Wednesday
29 Thursday 200. Jesus appears to the other women 476
30 Friday
One Perfect Life – 2018
December 2018

Week 49 Reading Page

3 Monday 201. The Soldiers report to the Jewish authorities 477
4 Tuesday 202. The Road to Emmaus 478
5 Wednesday
6 Thursday 203. The upper room with Thomas absent 481
7 Friday 204. The upper room with Thomas present 482
Week 50
10 Monday 205. Jesus appears to the disciples while fishing 483
11 Tuesday 206. Jesus restores Peter to ministry 485
12 Wednesday
13 Thursday 207. Jesus appears to many disciples in Galilee 487
14 Friday 208. Jesus appears to the disciples back in 489
Week 51
17 Monday 209. The ascension of Christ 491
18 Tuesday 210. The centrality of Christ's death 493
19 Wednesday
20 Thursday 211. The victory of Christ's resurrection 497
21 Friday 212. The wonder of Christ's ascended glory 500
Week 52
24 Monday 213. The certainty of Christ's return 504
25 Tuesday 214. Salvation: by grace alone, faith alone, Christ 508
26 Wednesday
27 Thursday 215. Today is the day of Salvation 513
28 Friday

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