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SECT MATERIALS AND MATERIAL TESTING ve {601.01 Descrintion, Materials and material testing for storm water drainage systems shall be as indicated on the Drawings, a8 spevified herein and as ditected by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing, installing and completing all oom water drainage system work 2s indicated on the Drawings, as required by site conditions and as directed by the Enginect. {601.02 Materials, General. Goods and materials shall comply with the requirements of the latest published issue (sith up-to-date amendmen) of the relevant standard ofthe American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), British Standard Specifications (B.S.), of other intemational standard specifications approved bythe Engineer ‘Where the ltrs ASTM are used, they denet standards published by: ‘American Society for Testing end Materials 1916 Race Steet Philadelphia, Pennsyivanis 19103, USA Telephone: "(215) 299-5450 ‘Whore the letters AASHTO are used, they denote Americen Association of State Highway and Transporation Officials Specifications as published by: AASHTO ‘444 N. Capitol St.N.W,, Suite 249 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001, USA Where the leters B.S. or B.S.S ate used, they denote British Standards Speifiation as published by. British Standards Institution British Standards Howse 2 Park Scot London WIA 28S, UK. Telegrams: STANDARDS LONDON WI Telephone: LONDON 629-9000 Telex 266933, ‘Where the letters ISO are used, they denote International Orgenization for Standard published by. Inernationsl Orgenization for Standardization 1, Rue de Veuembe, Case Postale 56, CH-I2I1, Geneva 20, Switzerland The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the names of the respective manutactuers and supplies from ‘whoa he propascs to obtain the various goods and materials required for the construction of the Works. All {goods and materials shall be fusnished by au established and reputable manufvetner or supplier. All goods fnd materiels shall be new and shall be of first-class ingredients and constuction, designed and guaranteed 10 perform the service required Samples of goces and materials, in the quantities indicated elsewhere within these Standard Specifications, shall be provided by the Contactar to the Enginee’s ste office, as direced, and when so directed by the Engineer S112 o790seT ‘The Engineer will approve the sources of goods end materials and will supervise the necessry tests on Fepresentative samples thereof to ascertain thei compliance with the requirements sperified herein, prior 10 delivery to the Site of Works. Goods and materials rejected by the Engineer shall be removed from the Site at the Contractar’s expense ‘The Contractor shall be solely responsible fr securing all the materials required forthe project regarding quantity, types and quality from any source unless otherwise specified end the Department does not guarantee the availabilty of such materials on the lal market ‘The Contractor, when directed by the Engineer, shall engage and pay forthe services ofa insependent testing Inboratery to inspest the fabrication of pipe during major production runs in the manulcturer’s plant. The pipe menufscturer shall cer and the independent testing laboratory shall verity that the pipe meets ‘prescribed specifications for esch piece manufactured prio to delivery o he ob site. The pipe manufacturer Shall provide three (3) copies of such certification with each shipment plus two copies of the cetification mailed or hend delivered tothe Engineer. Tae Contactor shall submit the name and qualifications of the independent testing laboratory to the Engineer foe approval pric to engaging their sevice, Before shipping from the pipe manufacturer's works, all pipes and fittings shall be adequately protected against Aeteiortion and accidental damage forthe whole period of transit and delivery. The Contractor shall be held responsible fr all pipes and fitings so packed and/or protected to ensure that they reach the ste intact and undamaged. Ali pipes and fitings shall be packed to withetand rough handling in transit and all packages shal be suitable for storage including possible delays in delivery. ‘The bells of pipes and Stings shall be proteced by wooden discs or by other approved means. “Me ends of ‘spigot and socket pipes shall be protected by wrapping in burlap ce by other approved means. ‘Marking. All pipes (including cut Ieugths) and Sings prior o delivery shall be indelibly marked with the ‘ellowing information 1 The manufacturer's name, initials, o¢ identification mark, 2 The nominal intemal diameter in millimeters, 3. Where applicsble, the classification, i. pressin rating stiffues (10 aveid confusion, pipe rated at 2.5 F 12.5 bars shall be marked 21/2 cr 12 /2and not 2S er 12.5), 4. ‘The date of manufacture, and 5. A suitable stomp to indicate that they have satisfactorily passed the required inspection and hydraulic tests atthe manufaerner's works. ‘The Contractor's atenion is directed to the nature of the conditions in which pipes, fittings, manholes and ‘other structures are to operate. ILis advised that all vesine and similar materials wed shall be of types resistant to sulphuric sid and high salinity Resins used for Iinings in contact with concrete shall be of types baving high resstance to alkalis. Ail materials shall be solecte for resistance to corosion fur the environment they wall be used in, as otherwise directed or approved bythe Engineer All conerete work shall comply with all requirements of Section V, Conerete Works, of these Standard Specificatiens, All cement used in the conect items specified hercin shall be Type V cement complying with ASIM C150. All i@nforcement steel for concrete structures and other related works shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated, tnd shall comply with the requirements for fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcenient steel as specified in Sestion V, Concrete Werks, ofthese Standard Specitiations Ga MF “n ‘Storage’ All storm water drainage materials shall be propery stored and protected after delivery to site, prior to installation, In particuaz all plastic pipes, GRP pipes, coal tar epoxy coated items, and other materials subject to UY degradation shall be kept under cover from diret expose to the sun. All temperature and hhuniity sensitive materials suchas pants and coatings shall be hep in AC conttolled warehouses. Reinforced Plastic Fines (RPMI 601.03 Gi General. Glass Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe wall also be classified within these specifications under ‘he general term "Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Pipes” Speciicatons covering machine-made glas rcnferced plastic mortar pipe with flexible gasketed joints and Brings for use in gravityflow systems for conveying storm water, shall be in accordance with ASTM Designations D3262 and D3840._Clessfication of reinforced plastic mortar pipes and fittings shall be determined by laminating resin (Type) and reinforcement (Grade). The resin sytem used shall ‘comply with the requirements of the above-feferenced specifications for ASTM Type I and Grade I (BS. 352) for polyester thermosetting resins and with ASTM Type 2 ané Grade 2 (B.S. 3534) for epoxy fesin systcms, The specification for epoxy sesin materials shall comply wit the requirements ASTM DI768. Joins, couplings and fittings shall be ofthe bell snd spigot, or Danged type. Elastemeric seals (gaskets) ‘hal be in accordance with ASTM F477, or approved manufacturer's recommendations Installation procedures including trenching, jointing, pipe installation, back and deflection limits shall be in compliance with ASTM Designations D3262 and D3839. Deflection limits shall not exceed five percent. GRP pipe used under teflc areas shall be fully conczete encased otherwise directed by the Engineer The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the pipe supplies complete and detailed installation instructions for the laying of pipes and fittings in open wench and their connections to structures. The insrictons sball cover the means of assembly, joint testing and subsequent backfilling. ‘The Contractor shall submit the detailed design of the GRP pipes and GRP tings that he proposes to supply including calculations and all design parameters used. Al pipes and fitings shall be capable of| vvihstanding the working presses, tests pressures and loadings expeced to be encountered in the field Pipes and fittings shall be designed for projected factor of safety of not less than 1S after a 60-year working life ‘The pipe shall be designed for the ground conditions end depth below final prade, nnd inno case shall « pipe bave a stiffness less than the pipe stifiess required by ASTM 2262. All pipes shall be manufactured utilizing the filament winding process unless an alternative rmansfecturing process is approved in writing by the Engineer. Specific details of proposed alternatives shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. The devision ofthe Engincer will be fina, ‘The resin, reinforcements snd aggregates when combined as a composite structure shal produce pipes and fitings that satisfy the performance requirements ofthese Stendard Specifications. Pues and Fitings. The pipes and Sings shall be suitable for canying stormwater at a constant temperature of 40°C for a projected life of 60 years and resist any corrosive action of the soil surrounding them for tht duration of time. ‘GRP pipes and Stings long term specific stittness shall be as shown on the drawings, indicalagin the BOQ, of as otherwise directed by the Engineer, but inno case shall the GRP pipes and fittings have less thar minimum initial specific stiffness of 2.500 NIM2 as determined by test method described in BS ‘3480 and ASTM D2412 sz.97 mal sLazoTMoseT The internal sucfuces of the pipes and fittings shall be smooth and both the internal and external surfaces shall be clean and fice fiom defets such as protruding Abbers, voids, pis, bubbles, eracks, blisters, tackines and foreign mater hat would impair thir performance in service The resin shall be ofthe polyester type but consideration will be given to altemative resus such as epoxy or vinylester types. The Contractor sball submit to the Engineer for approval the resin ‘manvfacture’s name, the catalogue name and number of each resin end the fllowing information on the properties ofeach liquid resin he proposes to we: ‘Acid value ‘Viscosity at 25°C (MPA.S.) Spevitieeravity Styrene contet(%) ‘Curing egents,lexibilizers and other additives {m addition, the following information on the fully cured resin shall be provide! 1. Heat distortion temperature (°C) 2. Glass tanstion temperature, ISO 75 (°C) 3. Tensile strength (Nmm2) 4. Flexural strength (Nimm2) 5. Ukimate elongation (26) 6 Bercol hardness 7. Wateesbsorpticn (%) {All esns to be use shall have been tested in accordance with ASTM DSB, Al pipes and fitings shall have a resin sich liner of approved vinyester resin having an approximate ‘hikness of 2.5 men comprising an innermest layer (Le. that in contact with the liquid) of 0.6 mm ‘minimum to 08 mm maximum thickness incorporating two layers of °C” lass. The remainder of the liner construction shall consist of at least two layers of 450 g/in? power bound "E" glass chepped strand ‘mat having # glass content between 2S percent and 35 percent by weight ofthe equivalent of chopped sirund "E” glass depending on the method of manufacture. No chopped strand or sind ace allows in the inner face layer ofthe resin rich Tne. Al resin eysteme adopted shall be st least cquel to the requirements of BS 3532 for polyester thermoseting resins and BS 3534 for epoxy resin systems. Substantating tet results ffom an independent laboratory ot testing house shall be submitted tothe Engineer to verify thatthe proposed system meets these requements Pigment additives in the resins will not be permited for these pipes and fiings unless otherwise approved by the Engineer All fiber reinforcements used shall be of "E" type glass nd shel] comply with the appropriste standard listed below and shall have esurfice treatment compatible wit the resi, BS.369] “Glass iber roving forthe reinforcement of polyester and eponde resin stems” BS3496 “E gas fiber chepped strand mat for the reinforcement of polyester resin gysere” S336 “Woven glass fiber fabrics fr pli reinforsancnt* S3749 "Woven coving fics of glass fer forthe reinforcement of polyester resin’ Rovings used inthe structural wall shall not exceed 2400 Tex the use of ageregates, fillers, and similar materials, is proposed by the Contractor in the manufacture of composite pipes and fitings, the specific desi shall be submited to the Engineer for approval prior to manufacturing the pipe The dimeter of pipe has been designated by the nominal internal diameter. The manufacturing tolerance onthe internal diameter shall be: for pipes over 300 mm diameter up to and including 600 mm diameter, + 1? percent of the diameter for pipes over 600 mm diemeter All deviations from roundness with the exception of pipe deformation due to its own weight shall be contained within these tolerances. Deviations inthe diameters of bell and spigots shall be kept tothe shsolute minimum and shall be such that the seal a the joints isnot affected. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all pipes shall be supplied in straight length of not more ‘han 12.m effective length. The permitted tolerance onthe effective length shall be 450 tam. ‘The deviation from straighiness of the bore of the pipe shall not exceed 0-3 percent of the effective length of the pipe for pipes up to S m effective length to a maximum of 1S mum for pipes having an effective length greater than Sm. [At no positon shal the wall thickness ofthe pipes and fittings he les thar the minimum quoted by the Contractor in the design ofthe pipe All fittings such as bends, tees, junctions, and reducers shall be equal or superior in performance to pipe ofthe same classification Bends, tees, and junctions shall be of miter construction and the se of ste] {oe any pat of these fitings will not be permitted. ‘The tolerance for the stated value onthe angle of| cuunge of direction ofa bend, tee, or junction shall be + 10 on nominal sizes wp to 600 mm and +0.50 for larger diameters, The tolerance onthe efletve length of itings quoted by the Contracior shall be + 5 mm. The Contracter shall submit detailed shop drawings of all pipes, specials, and fittings to the Engineer for approval ‘The weight ofall pipes and fiings shall be given by the Contractor on forms prepared by the Contractor nd submited with his shop drawings. Joints. Except where otherwise detailed on the Drawings, all pipes and fittings shall have exible Joints Joins shall be of the bell and spigot "ype having a rubber “o" rings) or flexible elastomeric ‘gaskets. All joints shall be cpable of withstanding the various tests specified for the appropriate class of pipe and shall withstand a deflection of nt less than the manufsctuer’s permissible deletion angle in any direction while maintaining the specified test pressures, ‘Where it is found necessary to eat or turn down a pipe in order to form a joint, the exposed surfaces shall be fll sealed by overwrapping witha continuoos coating of fully cured, vin ete resin-saturated lass mat at least equal to ove times the pipe thickness. ‘The Contractor shall submit with his Tender 0 detailed shop drawing clearly dimensioned showing the ype of int thar e i proposing. kets. Minimum requirements forthe rubber gaskets (") rings shall comply with ASTM F477, ‘The Contractor shall ensure that the joint gaskets and joint rings ae suitable for use in the prevailing imate, sol, groundvater and stormwater conditiens. Testing GRP pipes and fitngs shall be tested in accordance with Section GOI, 12, Materials Testing, of these Standard Specifics inforeed si Ps 14 Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe willbe als classified within these specications under the general tem, "Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe." and shell meet the general requsements inluded in Section 601.03, Glass Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipe and Fittings, ofthese Sundard Specifications. Standard classification of ‘machine-made reinforeed thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP) shall be determined by method of manufacturing (ype, raw materials in body (Grade), lier material (Class) and pressure strengths in socordance with ASTM. 'D2310. Types of pipe areas follows: 1 Filament Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (Iype 1-ASTM 12996 2. Centrfugally Cast Reinforced Thermoseting Resin Pipe (Type ID-ASTM D2997 3. Custom Contac-Pressure Moulded Glase-Fiber Reinforced Thermesctting Resin onds (Type U)= ASTM D398 ‘GRP pipes and fivings long term specific stthess shall be as shown on the drawings, indicated in the BOQ, or as otherwise ciected by the Engineer bat in no case shall GRP pipes and fittings have less than a minimum inital specific sitnes of 2,500 N/M" as determined by tet method described in BS 5480 Joints, couplings, and ftings shall be ofthe bell and spigot, or langed type. Elastomeric seals (gaskets) shall bbe in accordance with ASTM C433, ASTM F477, or manufacturers recommendations 2s approved by the Engineer. Dimensions of reinforced thermosetting resin pipe and fitings shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D3567._ Installation procedures including trenching, jointing, pipe installation, back! and deflection limits shall be in compliance with ASTM Designations D3262 and D339. Deflection limit shall not exceed § percent, Filament Wound Reinforced Thermoseting Resin Pipe (Type 1) shall be manufactured by Glament winding prestresed, preimpregnated continuous glass fiber rovings in pre-determined dual Helix Angle Winding pattem, The internal sucfice of the pipe and fittings shall be smooth apd both the intemal and exerral surfices shall be clean and fee ffom defeets such as protrading fibers, voids, bubbles, cracks, blisters, tackiness and foreign matenals. The structural wall of Filament Wound Reinforced Thermesetting Resin pipes shall be manufactured by winding continuous glass rovings in a pre-determined winding patter. No chopped ‘las filaments shall be used in the structural wall Sond shall not be incorporated inthe structural wall. The ‘winding angle for circumferential layers shall be about 800 and fo the helical layers, it should be between 550 ‘and 650, measured from the axis ofthe pipe to ensure high rigidity and hoop siength. (601,05 Concrete Pipe and Fittings General. Concrete pipe, Fitings end appectenances of the dimensions indicated on the Drawings shell be as specified erein and as directed by the Engineer. The pipe to be installed atthe vaicus locations is denied by the internal diameter in mm. All concrete pipe and fitings shall be reinforced concrete pipe and fitings complying with the requsements of ASTM C 76M. All coneret pipe, fittings, and appurtenances shall comply with ezcular reinforcement minimum wall thickness B, and Gonerete with ‘minimum cement content of 400 Ke per cubie meter. The pipe class and type shall comply withthe requirements shown on the Drawings, or identified inthe Bills of Quantities, or as diected by the Engineer Flexible watertight joints fr cicular cenerete slorm water druinage and culvet pipe using rubber ‘gaskets fo sealing the joints shall comply with ASTM Designation C36IM. STM. AGISM or wire fabric Reinforcement shall consist of bars of Grade 40 steel, eomplying with be fasion bonded epoxy’ ceomplying with ASTM Specificatims ALBS or A497. All reinforcement sh coated as otherwise specified sLazenoosd The teatment must be able to resist salt penetration as measured by AASHTO 1-259 and T-260. ‘Afler 90 days of salt ponding the treated samples will absorb les than 0.7 kg eblocide per cubic Yard atthe I mm to 12 mm depth and no more then 0.35 kg chloride per cabie yard at the 12mm level compared toan untrented sample with 2.7 kg/0.76ms respectively. Pipe End Piugs or Stub Caps. Stubbed pipe end caps shall be precast, reinforced concrete plugs a8 indiated on the Drawings. Concrete shall be clase K250 complying with the requirements of Section V ‘ofthese Standard Specifications. Reinforcing bars shall be fusion bonded epoxy costed, complying with the requirements of ASTM A-615, Grade 60. The upstream and downstream pipe eaps shall mah the particular pipe joint configuration and be supplied with a rubber gasket as necessary. The inner and outer surfaces of the precast plug shall be coated with coal tar epoxy as specified in Section 601.10, Material for Storm Water Drainage Structures, Pact j, Protective Coatings and Sealants, of these Standard Specifications. The pipe stub end shall be wrapped with two layers of 025 ma thick polyethylene sheeting before backfilling. As en option, the Contactor may use manufactured end caps, -mesting the same join and material requtements as specified for the associated pipe, as approved by the Engines. (601.11 Pavement Subbase Drainage System. All pavement subbase drainage pipe shall meet the material requirements for heavy wall PVC perforated pips as spesified in Section 601.08, Plastic Pipe, ofthese Standard Specifications, The gravel filter envelope shall be pervious backfill material, Type’ Il, meeting the requirements of Section IL-9, Pervious Back, ofthese Standard Specifications. Materials for the agaregate ‘subbase material shall met the requirements of Section 1-2, Aggregate Subbase and Base Courses, ofthese Standard Speciicaons. Geotextile fabri shall meet the requirements of Clause 207.05, Geotexile Feeic, of these Standard Specifications. ‘1.12 Material Testing. The Conteactr’s attention is directed tothe provisions of Article (21), Materials and Manufactured Goods, ofthe Special Conditions of the Contract, and Sceton 102.10, Materials, Equipment and ‘Supplies, of these Standard Specifications requiring the inspection and testing of materials by an independent testing laboratry engaged and pu for by the Conicactr. All materials to be incorporated inthe coasruction of storm water drainage lines shall be subject o inspection and tests as follows 8 Glass i set Pipe (RTRP) an 1. Hydraulic Tests. Each and every pipe and fing shall be subjected to an intemal hydraulic ressure 63 a Une manulacturec'e works peor to delivery. The test sball be applied to e pressure ‘equal 1 1~ 1/2 times the working pressure for each clasification of pipe. The test pressure shall be plied fora minimum period of 5 minutes without signs of leakage. “The fet pipe and every thirtieth therafier of each diameter shall be maintained at the est pressure {for + minimum of four hous without signs of leakage One pipe in every 60 manufactured of each diameter shal be subjected to an external pressure test to 150 KPa for a minieau period of four hours without signs of leakage. 2, Dimensions The inside dismeter, length, wall thickness and squareness foreach pipe shall be ‘measured in accordance with ASTM D3262 and ASTM D3867 3. Silfhess A minimum of one pipe for every 30 pipes manufactured shall be tested for sifhess in veordance with ASIM D2412, "Standard Test Method for Extemel Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Parallel Plate, Landing” or BS $480. A minimum of one pipe for euch size of pipe shall be tested 3 b 4. Long Term Strin Corrsion Resistance: Control testing shall be done on cach lass and diamcter curred out by the manufacture in accordance with BS S880, Appendix F, on at least three specimens at each of two strains. These stain levels shall he the strain levels at which faiure ie predicted from the stain corrosion type test results to occur at 100 hours and at 1000 hours. No failue shall be below the lower 95% confidence limit of the type test regression lie and atleast one specimen at each stain level shall have failure time above the type test regression line. The failure strains at 60 years shall be calculated ffom the results of this quality catro test using the least ‘squares method. The value must nt be less than 1%, S. Longitudinal Tensile Suensth A minimum of one pipe for every 100 pipes manufactured shall undergo a beam fest in accordance with ASTM D3262, ‘Stndard Specifcation for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer Pipe. A minimum of one pipe foreach size of pipe shall be texted, Pipes shall have an initial ultimate resistance to longituinal tensile force per unit of circumference of not less than the following Up t and including 600 mm nominal diameter 130 Nom, Greater than 600 mm upto and including 1200 mm nominal diameter 200 N/mm Greater than 1200 mam up to and Including 2400 mm nominal diemeter_ 300 N/mm 6 Curing. A minimum of ane pipe for every 30 pipes manufactured shall undergo ® Barcol hardness test in accordance with ASTM D2583, A minimum of one pipe fer each sizeof pipe shal be tested. The sample pipe shell also. withstand a commercial acetone test on the internal portion of the laminate 7. Loss of Jaition, A minimum of one pipe for every 30 pipes manufactured shall be tested in sccerdance with ASTM D2584, “Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins” 8. Joint Tests. A minimum of two pipes in every 100 pipes manufactured shall be joined and tested in accordance with Seaton 65 of ASTM D3262. 9. Omer Works Tess Quality contrl testing shall inchude through checks ofall raw materials to ‘ensure tht they comply withthe relevant Standards. Each pipe and fitting shall also be subjected to u complete visual inspection before shipment. Records of all tests and inspcctons shell be maintained by the manufacturer and Contractor and cwo copies of all tet certificates shall be ‘delivered o the Engine. 10, Test Failue, Any pipe filing any one of the above tests shall be reected An aditionl ive pipes ‘manufictued either side of the fad pipe sill es be tested, and if any of these ten pipes fail, then every pipe shall be tested Only pipes passing al of the preceding tests shall be accepted. Ezch pipe and fting shall be subjected to # visual inspection afer off landing at Site, Any pipes or fitings which have been damaged during delivery shall be replaced by the Contactor ec the pipe shall be subjected to further hydevlic tests which shall be cteied out by the Contractor in Aacordance with the previous clauses. Concrete gu Reig orced Concrete Pape and SECTION VIS ‘COMPLETION OF STORM WATER DRAINAGE WORK 608.01 Cleanup & General. Before the final inspection and acceptance of underground storm water drsinage system ‘works, all pipes and storm water druinage structures shall be cleaned of any silt, debris and foreign material of ny kind. ‘Afterall backfill has been completed, the ground surface shall be shaped to cenferm to the ecatour of acjacent surfaces. General cleanup of the entire construction area shall comply with applicable requirements specified elenhere in these Stndard Specifications. ‘The Contractor shell restore all paved surfices, curing, sidewalks or other surfaces to their original condition in such # manner as to meet the requirements of applicable Sections of these Standard Specifications. Al surplus materials and all tols and temporary structures shall be removed from the fe hy the Contractor All dirt, rubbish and excess ewth from excavation shall be hauled to a dump ‘provided by the Contractor and the construction site shall be left in a clean and restored condition aceeplable to the Engineer atthe earliest posible date 2 Test General The testing of storm water drsinage pipes for acceptability may include the following methods ‘conducted by the Contractor Infiltration of water of air under pressure Deflection testing fr thin walled GRP, plastic and corugated metalic pipe [Lamping (Al lnes subject to this test) TV inspection Testing techniques shall be as specified hercinafle At a minimum, cither (1), @), o¢ G), oF ¢ combination thereof shall be acceptable. In addition, Dexible pipe materials sball be tested in the fel for deflection. All lines shall he cleaned of debris and fused clean prio to testing. Detrs shall not be Ausbed into existing sewers Storm water drainage structures shall be tested separately for water tightness prior to application of ‘external and internal protective liners, membranes and coatings, as per the requirements of Clause 60403, paragraph C13, Scture Leakage Testing bb Test Socios. Unless otherwise specified or dizeced by the Engineer, the firs section of siorm water ‘rainage pipe constructed, oF approximately 300 meters in length or the entite ength ofthe pipe if tis less than 300 meters, shall be tested by the infiltration, exfilration or air testing method before additional excavation is permitted. Fleuble pipe materials Shall be tested fer deflection not sooner than ‘seven (7) days no later than thirty (30) days afer backfling is completed The Cantiactr spay, at his option, divide the fst section of the storm water drainage systema into subsections of more convenient lengths for testing. Ifthe section & subsection tested does not pass the esis, it shall be repuired and the test repeated until a satisfactory test is obiained. Excavation shall not proceed beyond the first 300-meter section until test results forthe entire 300 meters ae stisictory Inthe event the fn 390-peter section ofthe system does not pass the tes on the first trial (or i tested in subsections, {or each ofthe subsections), the next section of approximately 300 meters fe length sh fei The Engineer will designate additional sctions for testing as conditions warrant in his opinion. The Engineer reserves the right to selec the location and lengths of additional test sections when construction operations or material change, or where construction difficulties indicate leakage or pipe deflection may be present, o in sections selected at random. “The Engineer shall notify the Contractor ofthe location where tet isto be required not later than 15 days afer the installation has been completed. Unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arange to commence the test within 15 days after installation or 15 days after notification by the Engincer, whichever date slate. All tests shell be conducted in @ manner to minimize interference with the Contractar’s work of progress. Personnel for reading messuring devices will be fornished by the Engineer, but all other labor, ‘equipment, material and water, including plugs, gauges and meters, shall be furnished by the Contractor ‘The Contractor shall no be allowed to use underground contaminated water for conducting the test The Contractor shall bear all costs for furnishing suitable water used in the tests, flushing, and satisfactory disporl thereof ‘The Contractor will be responsible for any damage tothe pipe lines or structures du fo testing Testing of reinforced concrete pipe shall be dane price tthe sealing ofthe inner PVC liner a he joints. © Testing Technigues . All Testing Methods: All wes, tees and stubs shall be plugged with fexible jointed caps, or by acceptable alternative methods, securely fastened to withstand the infernal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall be readily removable, This the intent of these Standard Specifications to secure pipe lines witha minimum amount of leakage All gravity pipe lines shall be tested for infiltration andlor exéitrtion, if leakage is wppazent and/or, in the Engineer's opinion, such testing is waranted 1 Infiltration Tests. To check the amouat of infiltration, the Contractor shall firish, install and ‘amtain a V-notch sharp eres weir in @ wood frame tightly secured a the invert of each pipe lateral and at locations on the main system directed bythe Engineer. ‘The inGltation shall not exceed 14 liters per twenty-four (24) hour day per mun of pipe diameter per Milimeter, and no individual leak will he permitted that, in the opinion of the Engineer, might endanger the pipe line or the backfill around it. Ifthe infiltration exceeds the maximum permitted, the Contractor shall immediately make all repairs and replacements tha, in the opinion of the Engineer. are necessary to secure the required wate tightness. ‘Aftr all repairs are made tothe satisicton of the Enginesr, the Contracor shall again make an infiltration test and this procedure shall be repeated until a satisfictory testis made, if and when ordered by the Engineer, ‘When infiltration is demonstrated to be within the allowable limits, the Contractor sich weirs 31.12 9790847 To check the amount of exiltraton, the ends of each section oF the pipeline between manholes shall be plugged with watertight bulkheads. Inserted in each bulkhead atthe top of the pipe shall bea $ em pipe, with an elbow, extending 1.2 mets vertically sn the upper manhole and to the same elevation in the lower manhole. Air inthe drainage pipe shall he exhausted by filling the 3 em ‘upper manhole pipe toa height of .2 meters of water. Using measured containers, the water shall be poured into the upper $ cm pipe as needed to maintain a constant hea of 12 meters inthe upper pipe and a constant level in the lower pipe lor # period of thirty minutes, not allowing the lower pipe to overflow. ‘The rate of flow required to keep this required head shall be the exitration. The exfiltration shall not exceed 14 liters per twenty-four (24) hour day per mm of pipeline someter per kilometer, and no individual lesk will be permitted that, in the opinion of the Engineer, might endanger the pipe line or the hackfil around it if the exflation exceeds the ‘maximum permite, the Contactor shall immediately make all repirs and replacements tha, in ‘the opinion ofthe Engineer, are necessary to secur the required waterighiness. ‘Afterall repairs are made to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Contractor shall again meke an cexfiltration test and this procedure shall be repeated until a satisfactory testis made, if and when ordered by the Engineer. When exéltration is demonsrated to be within the allowable limite, the Contractor shall remove bulktends, tet pipes and equipment used in sich testing operations Low Pressure Air Tests. As an alternative to the infiltration and exfitation tests described under () and @) above, the Contracter may perform a low pressure sir test in accordance with the following specifications ‘The Contractor shall Furish snd install all necessary material, equipment, sir supply, water, and Similar materials to nan the low pressure air test 2s hereinafler described. The Contactor may ‘desire to make an air test prior to backfling for his owm purposes, However, te accepance sr test shall be made after backfilling has been completed and compacted All yes, tees and pipe stubs shall be plugged, with Dexible-joint caps, or by acceptable alierna ‘methods, securely fastened to withstand the intemal test pressures. Sch plugs or caps shall be readily removable, and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making e flexible jointed lateal connection or extension, Prior fo testing for acespance, the pipe shall be cleaned by passing through the pipe a fill gauge squeegee. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to have the pipe clean Inmecitely following the pipe cleaning, the pie installation shall be tested with low-pressure oir. Ait shal be slowly supplied fo the plugged pipe installation until the internal ar pressure reaches 2 kPa prnter than the average back presure of any ground water that my submerge the pipe At least vo minutes shall be allowed fir temperature stabiizaiot bene proceeding farther. ‘The pipe tne shall be considered acceplable, when tested alan average pressure of 20 kPa an the average tack pressure ofany ground water that may sutmerge the pipe. if (1) the ‘of ei loss fiom any section tested in is entizery between manhole structares doesnot ex (oF, @) the section under test does not lose sir a arate greater than 0.001 cubic meter po per square meter of internal pipe surface ‘The requirements of this Specification shall be considered satisfied ifthe time required in my {or the peowsye tp deetease from 24 to 17 KP (greater than the average back presite of any goa rerge the pipe) is not less than test times derived from formulas contained | Juncus to ASTM C828 vis eu | fhe pipe installation fils to meet the preceding test requirements, the Contractor shall determine at his owm expense the souree of souees of leakage, and he shall repair (ithe extent and type of repsits proposed by the Contractor appears reasonable to the Engincer) or replace all defective ‘materials ox workmanship. The completed pipe installation shall meet the requiremenis of the ait test procedures, othe allerative water tests, before being considered accepable 4, Deflection Testing for GRP, Plastic and Corugated Mesllic Pipe The pipe shall be tested for ‘excess deflection by pling & go ~no go’ mandrel through the pipe fiom manbole to manhole. A. “deflestoaeter” may also be used to check and record deflection. ‘Where posible and practical, the testing shall initiate atthe downstream lines and proceed towerds ‘he upsiream lines. Where deflection is found to be in excess of Allowable Vesting Limits per ASTM D3262 and 13839, o limits therwise specified, whichever isthe more stringent, the Contractor shall excavate to the point of excess deflection and cerefilly repair and replace pipe bedding and pipe surround materials around the point where excess deflection was found. The line shall then be retested for deflection, In the event that defection beyond the Allowable Testing Limits contained within the preceding specification occurs in any section of 10 percent or more of the pipeline tested, the entre system shall be tested 5. Lamping, Vieual Inspection, Vertical Alignment and Structural Defies Tests. All pipelines wath dimensions varying fem 300 1 800 mam diameter shall be checked by a miror test. All pipelines, manioles and other suuctures exceeding 800 rm diameter shall be visually inspected fom the inside of such structures. This checking and inspcction shal he done by the Centrator at is own expense. The result of these investigations shall be recorded on special forms and submitted tothe Engineer for approval, ‘Stocm water drainage pipelines shall fe bull so as to remain true to ine and grade. The inelining grade of the bottom ofthe pipeline after completion shall be such that fer flooding wath clean ‘water, the water shall drain off so that no remaining poddle of water shall be deeper than S perceat ‘of the nominal pipe diameter(r + 2.5% of pipe diameter laying tolerance fem grade). Any section ‘of pipe that doesnot comply with these specifications at eny time previus to inl acceptance ofthe ‘work shall be replaced of relayed a the Contractor's expense ‘The Contractor shall be held strictly responsible that all parts ofthe work shall ear the load of the backfill If cracks 0.25 mm-wsde or greater, develop in the reinforced concrete pipe during coastracton o within ene year from the date of final acceptance of the work, the Contractor will be Tequired to replace, at his own expense, all such cracked pipe. The Contractor is advised to purchase pipe with a guarantee ftom the manufwcturer, guaranteeing proper service of pipe under Conditions established by the Drawings, Contract Documents, and local conditions al the Sit. Altcrately, if flexible walled ORP, plastic and corrugated metalic pipes develop long term deflection, greater than the allowable as otherwise speciied, the Contactor will be required to replace at his oun expente. dl 0 ws Upon completion of cor ielevision (TV) inspection shall be peviormed only cn the sections or partons of the repair andor replacement of pipe was deemed necessary by the Engineer beca deflection, setlement, cracks, leaks, improperly seated joints and departures from apy and aligninent. Video tapes and a written report ofall television inspections shall b the Engineer prior to the final inspection. The form of the report and type and format ‘pe shal be approved bythe Engineer. Fees and costs connected with television inspections shall be paid for by the Contactor 31129790547 All defects including, but not by way of limitation, dips, cracks, leaks, improperly sealed joints, excessive deletion limits and departures fom eppeoved grades and aligninent shall be repaited by removing and replacing the defective sections of pipe. All defect repnrs and corrective work requited as the result ofthe television inepection shall be performed by the Contractor without delay and at no cost to the Department. Upon completion ‘hereof, the system shal be resested and such further inspection made a directed by the Fagineet 13 Tools. All special tools recommended by the pipe manufacturers for installation and repair of piping shall be provided by the Contractor and he shall ensure that he has a sufficient numberof each tool such that ‘the work is not delayed by the lack of any such tol. On competion of the Work, these tools shal be handed ‘over fo the Engineer for use by the Department. Extra patching materials for reinforeed concrete pipe inner PVC liners shall be supplicd equivalent to one square meter of potching material per kilometer of installed Pipe One prying and iting tol of approved design shal be supplied to the Department bythe Contractor with each thirty ductile ron covers, flush grates and frames or @ minimum of one foreach iype wed in the Warks as specified in Seation 601,10, Materials for Stcem Water Drainage Sietures, ofthese Standerd Specifications 605.04 Depuinueus Accepiance Inspection After ll work on the Sterra Water Drainage System has been ‘complied, including final clean-up, testing, and delivery of tols, as approved by the Engineer. Department acceptance inspestion will be made. This inspection will be made by Departzient Representatives price to the preliminary handing over ofthe storm water drainage works tothe Department. ‘Thiny days prioe to the proposed date f inspection, the Contractor shall deliver six complete sets of approved form water drainage record drawings, two sets of which will be forwarded to the responsible Municipality Seetion and two seis of which will be forwarded tothe Deparznent by the Engincer The Engineer wail al include the proposed dete and schedule for the acceptance inspection with the forwarded sets of record Arawings o the responsible Municipality Section, During the Department accepiance inspection, the Contractor shall assist with the inspection by having epresentative at sl inspections; supplying transportation, passes, permits and access to all newly eonsiructed Stocm water drainage works; supplying manpower to sc up access ladders and open manhole coves, ele supplying lighting and ventilation; operating any mechanical equipment or dewatering necessery for access 0 any of the works: supplying safety lines and harnesses, hard hars, compressed breathing air, emergency Fesuscilalion oxygen equipment and a fst aid kit, setting up temporary detoue and barricades; end any ether assistance required by the Engineer forthe proper conduct ofthe aseeptaneeinspeetcn. ‘Any deficiencies noted during the Depertment acceptance inspection shall be corecied by the Contractor, as ected and approved by the Engineer. After the Contrctr’s corrections ate approved by the Engineer, second acceptance inspection of all such repairs will be conducted ‘The Contractor shall cooperate in conducting the second and any subsequent acceptance inspections f the deficiency corrections and repairs Aiected by the Engineer ‘The Engincer may clect to condhct the Department scoeptance inspections in stage, ws various sections ofthe project storm water drainage works are completed The Contracter shall cooperate by providing the sme assistance as specified for department zeceptance inspections even when condhicted in stages Departmental secepance inspections and any subsequent astern approvals wl nt constitute ah ofthe work. The Conracior shall be tesenmle for matnenance und oval perormnce of fo fe 3 oe HLAZ97MNSAT [ABU DHABI CITY MUNICIPALITY 6 61 6.2 ROADS AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR (106 NEW RESIDENTIAL PLOTS IN SECTOR SOUTH 25 ‘AL UAGTAA AREA SECTION VI STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM ‘The construction of the storm water drainage and sub base drainage system shall be Performed in accordance with the requirements of Section VI, Storm Water Drainage System, of the Standard Specifications, as indicated in the Drawings and Bill of Quantities and as described herein. Use of uPVC, GRP and RC Pipes in the Construction of the Storm Water Drainage System General The use of uPVC pipes in the construction of the storm water drainage system shall be limited to pipe size less than or equal to 400 mm, GRP pipes in the construction of the storm water drainage system shall be limited to pipe sizes 500mm and 600mm in diameter. For pipes sizes greater than 600mm diameter, the Contractor shall propose either GRP with concrete protection or RC pipe subjected to engineer approval. ‘The Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Engineer for the specific applications where the Contractor proposes the use of pipe material other than GRP, for pipe sizes equal to or less than 600mm diameter, as in the case of matching an existing pipe at the ‘connections or similar special situations. Pipes used for the subsurface drainage are all uPVC perforated pipes PN 10, ISO 161/1, 160mm diameter with an average depth of 1m to 2m. Measurement and Payment ‘Measurement and payment for the pipes used in the construction of the storm water drainage system shall be in accordance with Clause 606.04 of the Standard Specifications. The OilPetro! Interceptors shall be made of reinforced concrete structures as indicated in the ‘Specifications, Bill of Quantities and Tender Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. ‘All Earthworks shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Section It ‘All Concrete works shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Section V and Tender Drawings. The proposed oil interceptor should be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval prior to installation. Measurement and Payment Measurement and payment for the Oil Interceptors will be by Number as included in the Bills of Quantities. Work shall inciude but not limited to, trench excavation including bearing and shoring, dewatering, bedding, backfiling, compacting, supply, installation and connection of inlet and outlet pipes (with fioat cage for the outlet pipe), fitings, covers and all accessories, supervision, testing and commissioning, all civil works related to the construction of the ise = Contaaraars (ABU DHABI CITY MUNICIPALITY 6.4 ‘ROADS AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FOR ($04) NEW RESIDENTIAL PLOTS IN SECTOR SOUTH 25 "ALMAQTARAREA All Earthworks shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Section Il, All Concrete works shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Section V and Tender Drawings ‘The outfall structure shall be incorporated into the proposed revetment. Measurement and Payment ‘Measurement and payment for the Outfall Structures will be by Number as included in the Bills of Quantities. Work shail include but not limited to, trench excavation including bearing ‘and shoring, dewatering, bedding, backfiling, compacting, testing, all civil works related to the construction of the structure including concrete headwalls, reinforcement, waterproofing membrane, supply and installation of pipes, fittings and accessories, flush mount flap gate and all other necessary work in order to achieve a complete functional structure. Removal of existing Storm water drainage pipeline General Measurement of the removal of existing storm water drainage line shail be in linear meters, Payment forthe Item, Removal of existing Storm water drainage pipeline, will be made at the unit rate per linear meter as included in the Bills of Quantities, which payment will be considered as full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment and appurtenances as specified and directed by the Engineer for completion of the removal of existing line including structures, backfiling voids, and transporting covers and frames to the Employer's store. Measurement and Payment Measurement of the "Removal of existing Storm water drainage pipeline" will be measured as linear meters as included in the Bill of Quantities which will be considered 2s full ‘compensation of all labour, materials, equipment and appurtenances necessary to complete the work as specified, Work to be paid for under this item shall include, but not by way of limitation, preparation of ‘shop drawings; coordination with other contractors, consultants and agencies; dewatering; excavation; removal of existing pipeline and structures; backfiling voids; transporting covers and frames to the Employer's store as appropriate and restoration of existing pavement / ‘green areas as appropriate. Cap of existing Storm water drainage pipeline Measurement and Payment Measurement of the supply and installation of cap for existing storm water drainage line diameter not exceeding 300mm shail be in number. Payment for the Iter, will be made at the Unit rate per number of cap as included in considered as full compensation for all labou appurtenances as specified and directed by Concrete Surround Protection The Contractor shall install concrete surrour pavement areas as shown on the Drawings

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