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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Special Issue



p -ISSN 1582-2168
e –ISSN 2344-3693
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Marius NECULĂEȘ, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,

Beatrice ABALAȘEI, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports,
ROMANIA, e-mail:
Adrian COJOCARIU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports,
ROMANIA, e-mail:
Paula DROSESCU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,

Alexandru OPREAN, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,
Rareș PUNI, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA, e-mail:

Alexandru OPREAN, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,
Raluca HODORCĂ, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,
Veronica POPESCU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, ROMANIA,

Bernard MASSIERA, "Sophia Antipolis" University of Nice, FRANCE
Diethelm BLECKING, "Albert Ludwigs" University, Freiburg, GERMANY
Denis PARISOT, "Sophia Antipolis" University of Nice, FRANCE
Claude SOBRY, University of Lille 2, FRANCE
Marin CHIRAZI, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Chairat CHOOSAKUL, Health and Sport Science Department, Mahasarakham University, THAILAND
Leon Gomboș, ” Babeș-Bolyai” of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Alin Marius BACIU, ” Babeș-Bolyai” of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Nicolae Horațiu POP, ” Babeș-Bolyai” of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Iuliana BOROȘ-BALINT , ” Babeș-Bolyai” of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Veronica BĂLTEANU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Tatiana DOBRESCU, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, ROMANIA
Ion APOSTOL, "Grigore T. Popa" University of Iași, ROMANIA
Alexandru ACSINTE, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, ROMANIA
Doina MÂRZA-DĂNILĂ, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, ROMANIA
Cezar HONCERIU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Lucian POPESCU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Iulian DUMITRU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Oana RUSU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi,ROMANIA,
Cristina MORARU, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA
Alexandru OPREAN, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA,
Marius NECULĂEȘ, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, ROMANIA

Faculty of of Physical Education and Sports, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi
Str. Toma Cozma 3, 700554 Iaşi – ROMANIA
Phone: 0040 232 20 12 91; Fax: 0040 232 20 11 26
Printed in 150 copies
Printed on Acid-Free Paper

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Mehmet ACET 1, Osman GUMUSGUL 2, Utku ISIK 3

Associated Prof. Dr. Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan
Kampusu/ Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/123 E-mail:,
Research Assistant Dr., Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan
Kampusu / Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/152 E-mail:
Research Assistant, Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan Kampusu
/ Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/119

Abstract. In this study, the aim was to investigate leadership characteristics of football coaches who was member of
Turkish Football Coach Association according to some variables. With this aim, Leadership Scale for Sport was applied
to 144 football coaches in coach development seminar which was organized by Turkish Football Coach Association.
Leadership Scale for Sport developed by Chelladurai and Saleh (1980) to evaluate athletes’ perception of coaches’
behaviors, their leadership style or how athletes perceive their behaviors in 5 subscales. According to the data collected
from research group, there were not significant differences on age and coaching certificate variables (p>0,05); but there
were significant differences on coaches’ education situation and their experiences. With reference to this, in educational
and teaching subscale coaches graduated from high school had significantly higher scores than bachelor graduated
coaches (p<0,05;t=1,852). Additionally, it was observed that less experienced coaches had significantly higher scores in
autocratic behavior than more experienced coaches (p<0,05; F=2,305). As a result, it is necessary that coaches giving
direction to country football, should have leadership characteristics. There were not significant differences on age and
coaching certificate variables on leadership subscales, but it could be observed high school graduated coaches could
have more educational and teaching behaviors. The reason could be high school graduated coaches was feeling more
need to improve themselves. Also, it was expected result that younger coaches have been more autocratic than more
experienced coaches, because they have been into effort to prove themselves.
Keywords: Football, leadership, coach

Human beings who are limited today in meeting all their needs like they were limited in the
past have to cooperate with others to overcome this constraint. Therefore it has become an essential
requirement for individuals with different goals to act in cooperation and hierarchy of responsibility
for tasks and division of labor [1]. Leadership which is the sum of skills and knowledge that allows
one “to gather a group of people around specific goals and to activate them for identified purposes”
directly affects group productivity and achievement. In this respect, leaders should be able to
analyze appropriate behaviors necessary for organizational success and productivity and present
these behaviors [2].
Leadership is the procedure of influencing an organization toward achieving its goals [11].
Transformational leaders possess excellent visioning, rhetorical, and emotion management skills
which are used to build close emotional bonds with subordinates, and they tend to be more
successful in handling organizational change due to subordinates’ improved emotional levels and
their efforts to achieve the leader’s vision [4].
Coach is an educated leader who directs people that works for a goal (sportsmen) to this aim
intelligently [12]. Coaches’ leadership skills are crucial to obtain successful results. Successful
coaches bring the potential of footballers into open, allow them to realize themselves and enjoy
what they do [3]. Coaching is an executive action creates the suitable conditions and environment
that empowers, develops and encourages footballers and teams to good results. The task of side
management in football is organizing in-field activities and ensuring cooperation among footballers.
Coaches handle that organization and cooperation [7]. Elements that are important in leadership in
sports are not different from the roles in leadership in general. Sports leaders are also expected to
have group members experience pleasure of being a member, helping them get satisfaction from
membership, directing members to specific activities, guiding and influencing them [9]. Ensuring
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

effective and productive sports management and achieving the expected results from sports
organizations are possible with sports managers that know tendencies, carry leadership qualities and
have sports education.
Coaching is a type of leadership that is done face to face. It connects individuals with
various past experiences, skills and experiences. As a leader, coaches help sportsmen take
responsibility and experience success. Coaching is not having footballers memorize technical skills
or finding the perfect game plans. Coaching involves caring for people, believing in them, getting
close to them and valuing them for real.
Coaches with perfect leadership skills provide their teams with ideas and they have the
know-how to transform these views into reality. As leaders, coaches have the planning and
organization skills to maximize each player’s skills and to combine players’ collective skills to
maximize the success of the team. Conscious of physical, psychological and social support
environments, leaders are successful in using them.
Coaches who are successful leaders in sports accept that relationships between the
environment and themselves positively affect the performance of sportsmen. Leadership in sports is
a field that requires mastering many personal and technical skills. It is not an easy task to affect the
actions and behaviors of different players in the team. Especially in the last years, due to changes in
the nature of sports, coaches have started to interact with various people and groups.
Importance of leadership approaches in the fast growing football industry is an indicator that
shows how harmony between coaches and football teams can be used effectively. Knowing the
leadership qualities that effective coaches have will help us present the general profile of successful
coaches. As a matter of fact, success comes with the communication between the coach and players,
style of the coach and most importantly coach’s skill in managing players. Which characteristics are
used in management and whether this situation affects the general success of the team should be
studied since these points are significant for the whole sports community.
In this context, this study aimed to present how leadership qualities of coaches differ based on some
variables and understand coaches’ leadership qualities based on the obtained results.

Material and Method

The descriptive study was undertaken as a survey.

Study Group
Universe of the study was composed of active coaches who are members of Association of
Turkish Football Coaches (TÜFAD). The association has 55 branches throughout Turkey. Sample
of the group was composed of 114 coaches that regularly attended the Annual Coach Development
Seminars organized by the Association. Surveys were distributed during the seminar and after the
necessary explanations; the surveys were filled with participants who volunteered to take part in the
study. It took about 20 minutes to fill in the surveys. Researcher himself collected the completed
survey forms.

Data Collection Tools

Leadership for Sport Scale (LSS) (Chelladurai and Saleh, 1980) developed by Chelladurai
and Saleh in 1980 [6] was used in the study that aimed to identify the leadership qualities of
coaches. Many researchers have investigated the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of
the scale [13]. LSS is 5-point Likert type scale with 40 items and 5 sub scales (Training and
Instruction Behavior, Democratic Behavior, Autocratic Behavior, Social Support Behavior,
Positive Feedback Behavior (Rewarding) that aim to identify which leadership style the coaches
follow. The options and numerical values change from 5 to 1 representing behavior types that the
participants rate as “completely agree”, “agree”, “unsure”, “disagree” and “completely disagree”.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Data Analysis
SPSS statistical package program was used in data analysis. Arithmetic means, percentages
(%) and frequencies (f) were used in analyzing the data. T-test for independent groups and one way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for parametric values to determine the extent of influence
on coach views by demographical variables. In the present study, internal consistency coefficient
Cronbach Alpha value was found to be = 0.85 in the reliability test conducted on the study group
whereas internal consistency coefficients for the sub scales were as follows: Training and
Instruction Behavior= 0.79, Democratic Behavior= 0.80, Autocratic Behavior= 0.53, Social Support
Behavior= 0.83, Positive Feedback Behavior (rewarding) = 0.63.


Table 1. Distribution of Personal Information for the Study Group

TFF C 92 63.9
Coaching Certificate UEFA B 52 36.1
Total 144 100.0
18-24 6 4.2
25-35 26 18.1
Age 36-45 62 43.1
45 and higher 50 34.7
Total 144 100.0
1-5 74 51.4
6-10 26 18.1
11-15 18 12.5
Seniority 16 and higher 26 18.1

Total 144 100.0

High School 82 56.9
Level of Education Undergraduate 62 43.1
Total 144 100.0

Table 1 presents personal information about the coaches that took part in the study. Based on
the data, 63.9% of the participants in the sample had “TFF C” coaching certificate while 36,1% had
“UEFA B” certificate. Variable related to seniority in coaching shows that years spent in coaching
mostly changed between 1 and 5 years (51.4%). Age range for the coaches shows that the coaches
in the sample were mostly distributed between the age bracket of “36-45” (43.1%).

Table 2. Leadership Type Analysis Results Based On Level of Education

Level of
Leadership type N X Ss t p
Training and Instruction High school 82 1,8954 ,428
1,852 ,040*
Behavior Undergraduate 62 1,6078 ,421
High school 82 1,9350 ,554
Democratic Behavior ,588 ,652
Undergraduate 62 1,8603 ,503
High school 82 2,6293 ,720
Autocratic Behavior ,093 ,773
Undergraduate 62 2,6129 ,755
High school 82 1,6463 ,404
Social Support Behavior ,050 ,368
Undergraduate 62 1,6411 ,474
High school 82 1,9268 ,653
Positive Feedback Behavior ,865 ,328
Undergraduate 62 1,8000 ,560

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 2 shows that in Training and Instruction Behavior subscale, coaches that graduated
from high school obtained significantly higher means compared to coaches that had undergraduate
degrees (p<0,05;t=1,852). In other words, coaches that graduated from high school were found to
present more training and instruction behaviors and related leadership behaviors than coaches that
had undergraduate degrees.

Table 3. Leadership Type Analysis Results Based On Coaching Certificate

Leadership type Certificate N X Ss t p
TFF C 92 1,7457 ,46316
Training and Instruction Behavior ,807 ,370
UEFA B 52 1,6598 ,37570
TFF C 92 1,8575 ,42724
Democratic Behavior -,964 ,461
UEFA B 52 1,9830 ,67886
TFF C 92 2,6565 ,73595
Autocratic Behavior ,527 ,861
UEFA B 52 2,5615 ,73107
TFF C 92 1,6603 ,46148
Social Support Behavior ,421 ,330
UEFA B 52 1,6154 ,38393
TFF C 92 1,8957 ,65420
Positive Feedback Behavior ,428 ,219
UEFA B 52 1,8308 ,54755

Independent-t test was used to present the relationship between coaching certificates held by
the coaches and their leadership behaviors. Analyses point to no statistically significant
relationships between leadership approaches of coaches and their coaching certificates (p>0,05).

Table 4. Leadership Type Analysis Based on Age

Age n X F p Difference
18-24 6 1,8462
Training and Instruction 25-35 26 1,8284
,819 0,48
Behavior 36-45 62 1,6301
45and higher 50 1,7446
18-24 6 1,8519
25-35 26 2,0940
Democratic Behavior ,719 0,54
36-45 62 1,8388
45and higher 50 1,8889
18-24 6 3,1333
25-35 26 2,8615
Autocratic Behavior 2,727 0,08
36-45 62 2,6903
45and higher 50 2,3520
18-24 6 1,7083
25-35 26 1,7115
Social Support Behavior ,158 0,92
36-45 62 1,6250
45and higher 50 1,6250
18-24 6 1,8000
25-35 26 1,9846 ,495 0,68
Positive Feedback Behavior
36-45 62 1,9226
45and higher 50 1,7600

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 4 compares leadership types based on age. According to analyses, there was no statistically
significant relationship between age distribution and leadership types. (p>0,05).

Table 5. Leadership Type Analysis Based on Seniority

Years N X F p Difference
1-5 74 1,7732
Training and Instruction 6-10 26 1,5383
1,913 0,13
Behavior 11-15 18 1,5385
16and higher 26 1,8462
1-5 74 1,9550
6-10 26 1,8806
Democratic Behavior ,893 0,45
11-15 18 1,6420
16and higher 26 1,9573
1-5 74 2,7459 2-4
6-10 26 2,8462
Autocratic Behavior 2,305 0,049*
11-15 18 2,4222
16and higher 26 2,1846
1-5 74 1,6554
6-10 26 1,6731
Social Support Behavior ,101 0,96
11-15 18 1,6389
16and higher 26 1,5865
1-5 74 1,9135
6-10 26 1,8000 ,362 0,78
Positive Feedback Behavior
11-15 18 1,7111
16and higher 26 1,9385

Table 5 presents the results of ANOVA conducted to determine the relationship between seniority
and leadership types for coaches. It was found that young and therefore less experienced coaches had
significantly higher means in Autocratic Behavior sub scale compared to more experienced coaches
(p<0,05; F=2,305).

Discussion and Result

This study aimed to present leadership qualities of the coaches that work in Turkey in terms
of different variables.
Table 2 presents the results regarding the influence of coaches’ educational levels on their
leadership qualities. Results show that significant differences were only observed in Training and
Instruction Behavior sub scale. Coaches that graduated from high school obtained higher means in
this sub scale compared to coaches that had undergraduate degrees. In their study, Gökçe et. al.
(2008) [8] found no statistically significant relationships between sports managers’ level of
education and relevant leadership dimensions. As it is known, in leadership trait theory, leaders are
believed to have inborn characteristics and qualities and it is supposed that leaders are not trained
but born. However, in the present study it was found that coaches with high school degrees obtained
higher scores in Training and Instruction Behavior and according to this finding, it can be claimed
that coaches with high school degrees have the tendency to develop themselves in the field of
training and instruction. Coaches who did not have the opportunity to attend university may have

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

developed themselves with their own means and may have filled the gap by self development and
providing leadership to their sportsmen in the field of training and instruction.
Table 3 presents leadership qualities base on coaching certificates held by the coaches.
Based on analyses, it was found that coaching certificates did not influence leadership qualities. The
study conducted by Canbaz et. al. (2016) examined coaches’ conflict management based on their
levels and found that conflict management skills improve by level [5]. Conflict management is a
skill that can be obtained and developed with experience but leadership is an innate skill and does
not have any relationship with self development and experience. It is known that, if need be,
inexperienced coaches can display model behaviors in terms of leadership qualities.
Table 4 presents the results related to leadership qualities of coaches based on age. Analyses
pointed to no significant relationships between leadership qualities of coaches and their ages.
Konter’s (2009) study, on the contrary, identified that some leadership qualities may change based
on age [10]. Younger coaches obtained higher scores in some leadership qualities. Current finding
that points to lack of influence of age on leadership qualities may be related to time spent on
coaching. Leadership qualities of coaches may be related to time spent on coaching rather than the
ages of coaches.
Table 5 presents the results related to leadership qualities of coaches based on seniority.
Based on the analyses, significant differences were found in autocratic leadership based on
seniority. Less experienced coaches have more autocratic leadership qualities compared to more
experienced coaches. Study by Toros (2013) examined coaches’ leadership styles based on
seniority [14]. According to findings of the study, more experienced coaches obtained higher scores
in Training and Instruction Behavior sub scale compared to less experienced coaches. Similar to the
present study, it was also found that less experienced coaches obtained higher scores in autocratic
leadership qualities compared to ore experienced coaches. As it is well known, autocratic leadership
is a single sided communication model and based on following and carrying out orders. Therefore,
less experienced coaches may believe that they will have higher power of sanction on sportsmen
when they display autocratic leadership qualities. This finding may have been resulted from the
need of less experienced coaches to prove themselves.
This study aimed to present how leadership qualities of coaches differ based on some
variables and understand coaches’ leadership qualities based on the obtained results. It is important
to understand coaches’ leadership qualities and grasp which variables change these qualities since
they have significant impact on the performance of teams and sportsmen they coach. The results of
the present study show that coaches’ leadership qualities differ according to seniority and level of
education whereas they do not change based on age or coaching certificate they held. Future
studies can compare leadership qualities of coaches with different characteristics, examine coaches
in different sports branches and study the direct influence of leadership types on sportsmen’s

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scale, Journal of Sport Psychology, 2, p. 34-45 1980.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

[7] Erdem K. Futbolda Kenar Yönetimi Yönetsel Beceriler-Strateji-Taktik, Morpa Publishing,

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[13] Toros T, Tiryaki S. Sporda liderlik ölceği’nin futbolcuların antrenor davranislarini algilamasi
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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Osman GUMUSGUL 1, Utku IŞIK 2, Mehmet ACET 3, Ramazan KONAK 4

Research Assistant Dr., Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan
Kampusu / Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/152 E-mail:
Research Assistant, Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan Kampusu
/ Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/119
Associated Prof. Dr. Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports - Germiyan
Kampusu/ Kutahya, Tel: +902742270458/123 E-mail:,
Graduate Student, Dumlupinar University, Health Sciences Institute of Physical Education and Sports, E-

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to research the impact of sports year and spent time with coach on coaches’
communication levels among the professional badminton players. In total, 66 athletes (33 female and 33 male) who
were players of the different university teams during the 2015 Intercollegiate Sport Season, participated to this research.
Within the scope of this study, The Coach Communication Scale (Abakay and Kuru, 2009) was applied to the
participants. The Scale was applied to the participants in groups at the places they had been camping for the seasons or
before group exercises. The data gathered from the participants was entered into the SPSS program (version 22.0)
package and multiple linear regression was applied (p<0.05). According to statistical analysis, sports time and spending
time with coach were evaluated together, there was significant correlation between the scores of communication coach
(R=0.712, R2=478, p<0,05).Name the two variables together explained us the total variance of communication of the
coach was approximately 48%. According to the standardized regression coefficient (β), the order of importance of
predictive variables on the contact point of the coaches, sports time, in the way that time together. The significance of
regression coefficients t-test results were analysed, it was observed that only the duration of the sport the coach was a
significant predictive of the variable on the communication. Spending time with the coach did not have a significant
effect. Consequently, the number of years they spent with their coaches for athletes did not mean that good
communication was established with the coaches. It was not about the time they spent with them but it was associated
with sports years. This study had a same result of which had been done by Abakay and Kuru in 2009. Thus, athletes’
establish good communication with their coaches not related their coaches’ approaches, it was probably related with
their sport age and professionalism levels of the sport.
Keywords: sport age, badminton, coach’s communication levels

Communication between athletes and coaches has been very important determiner for both
sides’ success during their carriers. It is not only during the competition but also before and after. It
can be said the communication is obligatory between athletes and coaches for success and
Communication plays an important role in satisfying psychological needs of human beings.
These needs can be primary needs (such as shelter, food) or secondary needs (love, trust,
development of self-respect, friendship). Both primary and secondary needs focus on the battle to
survive and desire to have own existence perceived by others, to learn about the self, to express
oneself and to develop skills play important roles in communication [2,4].
Communication can be defined as the transfer of knowledge, thoughts, attitudes or feelings
from one individual or group to another or others usually via symbols. In addition to being mutual
transaction undertaken through words or symbols to inform, teach and impose; communication is
 An event that provides opportunities to establish required relationships among societal units
and allow the continuation of social life,
 The transaction of knowledge, meanings, thoughts and feelings among societal units,
 The cement of social structure [10].
Sports activities in various branches contribute to social communication and solidarity [9].
Stress filled competition sports force coaches to monitor the content and feelings included in their
communication. However, coaches may develop the deficiencies in their communication by
working on it and making necessary efforts [11].
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

During communication, coaches should transform the thoughts (ideas, feelings, intentions)
that they want to transfer to messages that are appropriate for transmission and they should use a
channel for this. When athletes comprehend the content or intention of the message they will
interpret them correctly and provide the required response [13].
The individual that assumes the position of leadership in the team is normally responsible
from the team atmosphere and plays a significant role in the success of the team. This individual is
usually the coach [19]. Coaches, who are responsible from achievement in the team, should regulate
the relationships among athletes and with themselves and be very sensitive regarding this issue in
order to achieve success [16].
Communication skills that a coach should possess include eloquence and persuasive skills,
empathy, listening, providing feedback, training and teaching (informative), positive approach,
timing and effective use of body language [1].
Types of Communication in Sports
Communication in sports utilizes verbal, non-verbal, written and electronic means of
Verbal communication is the primary type of communication [6,17]. Verbal communication
is divided into two sub classes: “language and beyond language”. Individuals make sense of the
created knowledge by transmitting it to one another when they communicate by using language.
Communication beyond language is related to the quality of the voice: tone of voice, speed and
similar qualities are included in communication that uses characteristics beyond language. “What
one says” is significant when individuals communicate by using language and “How one says
something” is important when individuals communicate using qualities beyond language [7,10,20].
Coaches may give their messages to athletes by having face to face meetings and by
providing presentations and trainings during preparatory periods, at meetings and before, after or
during competitive events.
Effective communication is based on using both verbal and non-verbal messages correctly
and in place. For effective communication it is important for transmitted messages to be correctly
received and perceived [12].
Nonverbal communication is the type of communication that uses body language and
mimics instead of words [8].
While the coaches transmit messages to athletes and athletes transmit messages to their
coaches, they strengthen communication by using both body language and mimics. When the coach
communicates with the athletes by touching them on the shoulder, they may provide more trust and
can be more persuasive.
Written Communication: Starting with their existence, human beings have strived to
communicate by drawing pictures of signs on walls or on the floor [5]. Transmitting messages in
written form is used to transfer feelings, persuade, warn, direct, entertain or for similar reasons. It
can take the form of written texts, books, magazines, leaflets, banners, posters, bulletins, yearbooks,
communiqués, newspapers and electronic mails and is shaped based on purpose [18].
Coaches may regulate their relationships with athletes via contracts that lawfully bind them
to their clubs and with formal correspondence. The performance of athletes and coaches may vary
according to their contracting periods. Athletes and coaches may communicate among themselves,
with administrators or with fans indirectly by using press releases.
Electronic Communication: Individuals have started to communicate by using the elements
of various technologies as a result of rapid advances in electronic and information technologies.
These tools are telephone, fax, radio, television and computers [15].
As a result of rapid advances in today’s technology, almost each sportsman and coach has
social media accounts and substantial number of fans/followers. They can transmit their messages
more rapidly with the help of electronic communication and they may receive immediate feedback.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Material and Method

In total, 66 professional badminton players (33 female and 33 male) who were playing of the
different university teams during the 2015- 2016 Intercollegiate Sport Season, had participated to
this research. Within the scope of this study, The Coach Communication Scale (Abakay and
Kuru,2009) was applied to the participants. The Scale was applied to the participants in groups at
the places they had been camping for the seasons or before group exercises. The data gathered from
the participants was entered into the SPSS program (version 22.0) package and multiple linear
regression was applied to it (p<0.05).

Results and Discussion

Table 1: Demographic Features of Participants

Female 33 50
Gender Male 33 50
Total 66 100
<18 2 3
19-22 44 66,7
23-26 18 27,3
>27 2 3
Total 66 100
1-3 13 19,7
4-6 19 28,8
Sports Age 7-9 13 19,7
10> 21 31,8
Total 66 100
0-1 18 27,3
2-3 25 37,9
Spent Time with Coach
4> 23 34,8
Total 66 100

Table 1 displays the distribution of participants’ personal information. Based on the data,
50% of the students included in the sample were females (N=33) and 50% were males (N=33).
66,7% of the participants (N=44) were in “19-22” age range, 31,8% (N=21) played badminton for
“10 years and more” and 37.9% (N=25) worked with their coaches for “2-3 years.

Table 2: Regression Table

Variables B St. Err. β t p
(Stable) 39,314 6,848 5,741 .000
Sports Age 5,466 2,365 ,326 2.312 ,024*
Spent Time with Coach -,590 3,386 -,025 -.174 ,862
R:,712 ;R2=,478 F:3,349

According to statistical analyses, it was determined that there was statistically significant
relation between sports age, spent time with coach and coaches’ communication scores (R=0.712,
R2=478, p<0,05). These two variables together, explained % 48 of total variance of coach
communication. According to standardised regression coefficient (β), order of importance of
predictor variables on coaches’ communication scores have been: sports age and athletes’ spent
time with coach. As seen on t-test results according to regression coefficients’ significance, only

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

sports age variable was significant predictor variable on coaches’ communication but spent time
with coach was not.

As a result, number of years spent with coaches does not indicate better communication.
Good communication with coaches is based on the years spent doing sports rather than years spent
with their coaches. In their study, Abakay and Kuru [3] arrived at similar results. Based on the
findings of similar studies, it can be argued that good communication between coaches and athletes
is not related to coaches but to professionalism level and number of years spent in the specific
sports branch.

[1] Abakay U, Futbolcu-antrenör iletişiminin farkli statülerdeki futbolcularin basari
motivasyonuyla ilişkisi, PhD Thesis, Gazi University, Ankara, 2010.
[2] Abakay U, Kuru E, A Comparison of communication levels of professional and amateur football
players with their coaches, Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 13
(1), 125–131, 2011.
[3] Abakay U, Kuru E, Coach communication scale in football a study of validity and reliability,
Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health,
183(4), 2009.
[4] Atalay A, Spor Gazeteciliği. First Edition. Filiz Publishing House, Istanbul, 1998
[5] Bass BM, Avolio BJ, Developing transformational leadership, 1992 and beyond, Journal of
European Industrial Training, (14): 21–27, 1990.
[6] Dereli O, Örgütsel kültürün örgütsel iletisim üzerine etkisi: örgütlerde resmi ve gayri resmi
iletisim dengelerini ölçmeye yönelik bir uygulama, Master Thesis, Ege University, İzmir, 2010.
[7] Dokmen U, İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati, Sistem Publishing, İstanbul, 1994.
[8] Erdoğan, I, İşletmelerde Davranış, 4. Edition. Beta Publishing, İstanbul 1994.
[9] Güven A. Ansiklopedik Spor Dünyası. 4. Edition, Serhat Publishing, İstanbul, 1982.
[10] Hackney H, Cormier S, Psikolojik Danışma İlke ve Teknikleri (Translation: Ergene, T,
Aydemir SS), Mentis Publishing, Ankara, 2008.
[11] Konter E. Sporda Motivasyon, Saray Medikal Publishing, İstanbul, 1995.
[12] Kuter M, Öztürk F, Antrenör ve Sporcu El Kitabı, 2.Baskı, Bagirgan Publishing, Bursa, 1997.
[13] Martens R. Başarılı Antrenörlük, Trans.: Tuncer Büyükonat, 2.Baskı, Beyaz Publishing,
İstanbul, 1998.
[14] Sabuncuoglu Z, Public Relations in Business Enterprises, Alfa Aktuel Publishing House,
Ankara, 2013.
[15] Topaloğlu M, Koc H, Büro Yönetimi, Seckin Publishing, Ankara, 2002.
[16] Treasure DC. Perceptions of the motivational climate and elementary school children’s
cognitive and affective response, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 19(3); 278-290, 1997.
[17] Tutar H, Yılmaz KM, Genel İletisim, Nobel Publishing, Ankara, 2003.
[18] Unsal P, Telman N, İnsan İliskilerinde İletisim. Epilson Publishing, İstanbul, 2005.
[19] White R, Lippitt R, Leader Behaviour and Member Reaction in Three Social Climates, Group
Dynamics, Harper & Row, Newyork, 1968.
[20] Yetim A, Acet M, Donuk, B, Yenel F, Cengiz, R, Doğan KP, Parasiz O, Sporda Etkili İletişim,
Spor Publishing, Ankara, 2016.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue




Dumlupinar University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Kutahya, Turkey

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to research the relationship between the motivation to succeed among badminton
players and the coach's communication levels. In total, 66 athletes (33 female and 33 male) who were players of the
different university teams during the 2015- 2016 Intercollegiate Sport Season had participated to this research. Within
the scope of this study, The Coach Communication Scale (Abakay and Kuru,2009) and Sports Related Success
Motivation Scale (Willis, 1982) have been applied to the participants. These Scales are applied to the participants in
groups at the places they had been camping for the seasons or before group exercises. The data gathered from the
participants was entered into the SPSS program (version 22.0) program package versions and Independent t-test,
ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis was applied to it (p<0.05). As a result of this analysis; in terms of the
participants’ gender; there was no significant difference both in the motivation for success sub-scales and the coaches’
communucation levels (p>0,05). In addition; in terms of the participants’ age; there was no significant difference both
in motivation for success sub-scales and in coaches’ communication levels (p>0,05). Also similar to other results; in
terms of participants’ income; there was no significant difference both motivation success sub-scales and coaches’
communication levels (p>0,05). Between participants’ motivation for success sport related and coaches’ communication
levels also, we also found no significant differences. (p>0,05) Only we found that significant differences between power
motive and motive to approach success; motive to avoid failure. (Respectively, r:,458; r:,758;p<0,05). In conclusion, we
didn’t encounter any significant relationship between the motivation for success among badminton players and the
coaches’. Coaches’ good communication levels do not affect to athletes’ motivation of success. In other words; athletes’
power motive, motive to approach success and motive to avoid failure was not concerned with coaches’ communication
Key Words: Motivation of success, Badminton, Coach’s Communication Levels

Sportsmen, coaches, training experts, sports psychologists and other individuals and
institutions that are closely related to sports strive to achieve good results in sports. Competitions
and contests in which sportsmen obtain high performances are frequently organized. Sportive
competitions have increased since people regard sports as an international propaganda way.
Government policies have been established to increase the achievement of sportsmen to ensure that
they better represent their countries in the international arena, and substantial investments are
provided in this field. However, today, we see that only some of the thousands of young sportsmen
with almost equal physical skills and equal training conditions achieve very high performance in
countries that already have high progress in sports. It means that achievement varies, although skills
and opportunities are similar. This variation is based on many factors, and one of the most
important of this is the motivation of the individual [1,2,3].
Motivation is a word derived from the Latin “movere”, which was adapted in English as “to
move”. This concept became a significant topic of research in the field of psychology in 20 th
century. Motivation is a force that prompts the individual to take action, that guides behaviours and
ensures the continuity of the action that provides energy and direction for the behaviours, and this
concept is developed to comprehend and explain behaviours [4,5,6,7].
The factors that guide the individual to take action and to prefer one of the many alternative
actions are called motives, whereas the process that results in behaviour, in an activity that
continues, is called motivation [8].
Motivation has 2 important characteristics:
1. Motivation is personal. A situation or an event that motivates one person may not
motivate another.
2. Motivation can only be observed in individuals’ behaviors [9]
Definitions of motivation in literature mostly focus on the needs of individuals [10].

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

One of the conditions for sportsmen to display achieve performance in competitions is to

know the factors that will ensure motivation. Motivation is one of the fundamentals of sports and
sports psychology. Therefore, everyone interested in sports should focus on the concept of
motivation and know this term very well [11].
When we categorize motivation as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation based on self
determination theory, intrinsic motivation is the one generated by the individual. These individuals
have self-management skills required for achievement [12]. Intrinsic motivation in sports comes
from sportsmen themselves. Athletes with a high level of intrinsic motivation crave for more
knowledge and skills, more achievement and more gratification [13].
Extrinsic motivation is a reinforcement or fortification that is generated by others; that can
bring negative or positive influences; that may increase or decrease the probability of replicating the
behaviors and that can carry financial or moral values. Extrinsic rewards can be financial materials
(for instance; cups, money, medals etc.). Extrinsic rewards may be non material as well (for
instance; being appreciated, praised etc.) [14]. Extrinsic motivation is not directly related to
sportsmen themselves, they are the negative or positive influences that are created by various events
or circumstances in the external world [15].
In terms of quantity, we can talk about sufficient motivation, insufficient motivation and
extreme motivation in sports. Sufficient motivation is present when the sportsman is ready for
competition in physiological or psychological respects. He has enough energy for competition and
can manage his stress [16]. Insufficient motivation is represents a low motivation level for the
sportsman [17]. Extreme motivation causes more sportive failures than insufficient motivation.
Usually, only one emotion is dominant in sportsmen: the fear generated by the question “What if I
cannot succeed?” Fear turns into increased anxiety and insecurity. Hence, the sportsmen have a high
level of motivation, which shows is visible in the “haste to start” before the contest. This may also
show that general sport motivation level is high [13].
Achievement motivation is defined as undertaking tasks masterfully, achieving perfection,
overcoming obstacles and undertaking tasks better than the others [18]. In another sense,
achievement motivation is the resistance against failure and striving to achieve a given task [7]. All
individuals tend to seek the settings that satisfy them and give peace, and to avoid uncomfortable
situations [19].
In terms of sportive achievement, the individual that assumes the position of leadership in
the team is normally responsible from the team atmosphere and plays a significant role in the
success of the team. This individual is usually the coach [20]. Coaches, who are responsible for the
achievement of the team, should regulate the relationships among sportsmen and with themselves
and be very sensitive regarding this issue in order to ensure achievement of the team [21].
In line with this, the current study aimed to investigate the relationship between badminton
players’ achievement motivation and the coach’s communication skills.

Material and method

A total of 66 sportsmen (33 females, 33 males) from various universities that take part in
interuniversity contests during the 2015-2016 season participated in the study. Two different data
collection tools were used in the study. One of these data collection tools is Sport Specific
Achievement Motivation Scale (SSAMS) developed by Willis (1982). The verification of the
reliability and validity of the scale in Turkey was undertaken by Tiryaki and Gödelek (1997). Sport
Specific Achievement Motivation Scale is a 5-point Likert-type scale composed of 40 items. Scale
items are scored between 1-5. The scale has three sub-scales. Reliability coefficients for the sub-
scales were: .82 for motivation for power, .78 for achievement motivation or approximation .80 for
fear of failure. The other data collection tool used in the study is the “Coach Communication Scale”
developed by Abakay and Kuru (2009). The scale is composed of 28 items and it was developed to
identify sportsmen’ communication with their coaches based on sportsmen’ the perceptions of
former. The scale has 5-point Likert-type items. The lowest score that can be obtained from the

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

scale is 28 and the highest score is 140. The reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be .91.
The scale was given to participants in areas where they camped in groups before training. The
skewness and kurtosis coefficients of the sub-scales were examined, in order to determine whether
sub-scales presented were normally distributed and it was found that these values changed between
+1 and -1. According to Karaatlı (2008), when he skewness and kurtosis coefficients of the sub-
scales vary between +1 and -1, these sub-scales carry suitable conditions for normal distribution
parameters, and since there was no distinct deviation in the histogram graphic, it was agreed that the
sub-scales displayed were normally distributed. Data was analyzed via SPSS 22.0 Package
Program, and Independent Samples T-Test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Analysis and Multiple
Regression Analysis were conducted (p<0.05).


Table 1. Participants’ Demographic Information

Female 33 50,0
Gender Male 33 50,0
Total 66 100.0
<18 2 3,0
19-22 44 66,7
Age 23-26 18 27,3
>27 2 3
Total 66 100.0
1-3 13 19.7
4-6 19 28.8
7-9 13 19.7
Years spent in sports 10 and more 21 31.8
Total 60 100.0
Time (years) spent with 0-1 18 27,3
the coach 2-3 25 37,9
>4 23 34,8
Total 66 100.0

According to the Table 1, 50 % of the sportsmen that participated in the study were males
and 50% were females. The factor “years spent in sports” was clustered in the range pointing to 10
years or more (31,8%). 37.9% of the sportsmen were found to have worked with the same coach for
2-3 years.

Figure 1 Participants' Communication and motivation scores based on genders (t-test)

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The participants’ coach communication levels and Sport Specific Achievement Motivation
Scale sub-scale scores were compared according to gender. Analyses point to no significant
differences in both coach communication levels and sport specific achievement motivation sub-
scales (p>0,05).

Figure 2 Participants' Communication and motivation scores based on years spent in sports (ANOVA)

The participants’ coach communication levels and Sport Specific Achievement Motivation
Scale sub-scale scores were compared according to the number of years spent in sports. Based on
the results, significant differences were observed in coach communication levels. Second degree
Tukey-HSD test shows that participants with 7-9 years experience in sport obtained significantly
higher scores compared to participants with 4-6 years of experience (F=5,443;p<0,05). No
significant differences were observed in participants’ Sport Specific Achievement Motivation Scale
sub-scale scores (p>0,05).

Figure 3 Participants' Communication and motivation scores based on time spent with coaches

The participants’ coach communication levels and Sport Specific Achievement Motivation
Scale sub-scale scores were compared according to the time spent with their coaches. No significant
differences were found as a result of the analyses conducted on the data (p>0,05).

Table 2. Relationship between participants’ communication levels with their coaches and achievement
motivation sub-scales
Coach communication level
p r
Power 0,741 -0,041
Fear of failure 0,239 -0,139
Achievement motivation 0,265 0,147

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Relationship between participants’ communication levels with their coaches and

achievement motivation sub-scales was investigated. No significant differences were found as a
result of the analyses conducted on the data (p>0,05).

Discussion and result

The analyses conducted on the data showed no significant differences between sportsmen’
achievement motivation and their coach communication levels. Study by Aktaş (2006) found
that female professional basketball players scored higher in achievement motivation compared to
male participants, and male participants scored higher in motivation for power in comparison to
female participants [22]. The fact that no significant differences were observed in this study may be
related to the characteristics of badminton because badminton is a fairly serialized game. Also, not
finding any differences in terms of communication may be based on the fact that participants may
have had similar communication levels with their coaches.
The participants’ coach communication levels and Sport Specific Achievement Motivation
Scale sub-scale scores were compared according to the number of years spent in sports. Based on
the results, significant differences were observed in coach communication levels. In their study,
Abakay and Kuru (2013) identified that female football players had increased communication levels
with their coaches based on the increase in the number of years spent in sports [23]. Based on this
finding, it can be argued that women with increased time spent in sports will have enhanced
positive communication with their coaches. Abakay and Kuru (2011) also identified that when the
number of years spent in sports increased for male football players, their communication levels with
coaches also increased, and concluded that communication formed between experienced football
players and coaches will be positive [24].
Based on the belief that individuals will get to know each other better when they spend more
time together, when sportsmen and coaches get to know one another better, they will learn about
each others’ reactions, joys, exaltations and behaviors that are displayed in case of achievement and
failure. In their study, Abakay and Kuru (2013) identified that communication levels increased
when sportsmen and coaches worked together for longer periods [23]. No similar finding was
obtained in this study, and this can mainly be related to the fact that the sportsmen in this study
participated in inter-university competitions and did not have ample time to work with their coaches
for the competition during the season. The results could have been different if the study had
examined the time spent with their coaches at their own sports clubs.
According to correlation analyses conducted in the study, no significant differences were found
between communication levels with the coaches and achievement motivation sub-scales. In their
study on female footballers, Abakay and Kuru (2013) found that increased communication levels
generated motivation for power. It means that female footballers with increased communication
with their coaches tend to display power. The fact that no significant findings in this regard were
reported... in the current study may have been generated by the communication levels between the
sportsmen and the coaches.
As a result, no significant differences in communication levels with the coach and the
motivation achievement motivation were found for the badminton players who participated in
university sports competitions in terms of gender and time spent with their coaches. When years
spent in sports increased, communication levels also increased for badminton players who
participated in university-level sports competitions. No relationships between the communication
levels with the coach and the motivation for achievement may be related to lack of motivation on
the part of sportsmen due to short season and tournaments that to lack of in a few days. University
games are completed in a few days, and the coaches that accompany them to these games are their
university instructors who normally did not coach them. Future studies can support the findings of
this study by focusing on the differences between competitions during university games and
sportsmen’ regular competitions.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

[1] Çam, İ, Sporda Bir Olgu Olarak Motivasyon ve Motivasyonun Sportif Performans Üzerine
Etkileri, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir, 1990.
[2] Başer E, Uygulamalı Spor Psikolojisi, Bilimsel Spor Yayınları, İzmir, 1985.
[3] Aktaş Z, Çobanoğlu G, Yazıcılar İ, Er N, Profesyonel Basketbolcularda Spora Özgü Başarı
Motivasyon Düzeyinin Cinsiyetler Üzerinden Karşılaştırılması, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor
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[4] Cüceloğlu D. İnsan ve Davranışı- Psikolojinin Temel Kavramları. 15. Basım. İstanbul: Remzi
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[5] Doğan O. Spor Psikolojisi. 2.Baskı. Adana: Nobel Kitapevi; 2005.
[6] Öğülmüş S. Güdüleme (Motivasyon) Kuramları. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi
Eğitim Araştırma Uygulama Merkezi Yayınları 2002; (5): 92-105.
[7] Abakay U, Kuru E, Profesyonel ve Amatör Futbolcuların Statü Değişkeni Açısından Başarı
Motivasyonu Farklılıkları, Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 4, Sayı
3, 2010.
[8] İkizler H. C. ve Karagözoğlu C, Sporda Başarının Psikolojisi. Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım,
İstanbul, 1997.
[9] Koçel, T, İşletme Yöneticiliği. 7.Basım, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları,1999.
[10] Pınar H, Motivasyonun Bireysel Kariyer Yönetimine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Yüksek
Lisans Tezi, Nişantaşı Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016.
[11] Terzioğlu A, E, Spor eğitiminde motivasyon kavramı, Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Spor Bilimleri
Dergisi, İstanbul, 1992.
[12] Nicholls AR, Polman R, Levy AR, Taylor J, Cobley S, Stressors, Coping, and Coping
Effectiveness: Gender, Type of Sport, and Skill Differences. Journal of Sport Sciences. 25 (13);
1521-1530, 2007.
[13] Hosseinalipour F, Üniversiteli Sporcu Öğrencilerin Sporda, Motivasyon Düzeyleri Ve Stresle
Başa Çıkma Yöntemlerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri
Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2015.
[14] Konter E, Sporda Motivasyon. Saray Tıp Kitapevi: İzmir, 1995.
[15] Doğan, O, Spor Psikolojisi, Nobel Kitabevi, Adana, s:162, 2005.
[16] Başer, E, Uygulamalı Spor Psikolojisi, Bağırgan Yayınevi, 3. Basım. Ankara, 1998.
[17] Turhan, M. Profesyonel Futbolcularda Depresyon Düzeyi, Anksiyete Düzeyi ve Kişilik
Özellikleri İle Sporda Başarı Motivasyonu Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
Maltepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2009.
[18] Lawrence AP. The Science of Personality,NewYork: John Willey & Sons, 1996.
[19] Tiryaki Ş, Gödelek E. Spora Özgü Başarı Motivasyonu Ölçeğinin Türk Sporcuları İçin
Uyarlama Çalışması. 1.Uluslararası Spor Psikolojisi Sempozyumu Bildirileri. 1.Baskı. Ankara,
Bağırgan Yayınevi, 1997.
[20] White R, Lippitt R, Leader Behaviour and Member Reaction in Three Social Climates, Group
Dynamics, Newyork-Harper & Row, USA, 1968.
[21] Treasure DC. Perceptions of the Motivational Climate and Elemantry School Childern’s
Cognitive and Affective Response, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 19(3); 278-290, 1997.
[22] Aktaş Z., Çobanoğlu, G., Yazıcılar, İ., Er, N. (2006) Profesyonel Basketbolcularda Spora Özgü
Başarı Motivasyon Düzeyinin Cinsiyetler Açısından Karşılaştırılması, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve
Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, IV (2) 55-59.
[23] Abakay U ve Kuru E (2011) Profesyonel ve Amatör Futbolcuların Antrenörleri İle olan
İletişim Düzeyi Farklılıklarının Karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim
Dergisi, 13(1): 125-131.
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Motivasyonu İlişkisi Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Social Sciences.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Umit Dogan USTUN1, Adnan ERSOY2, Arzu BERK3

Ph.D. Research Assisstant, Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports, Tel:
+905468985064, E-Mail:
Ph.D. Associate Professor, Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports, Tel:
+905334258099, E-mail:
Master Student, Dumlupinar University Institute of Health Sciences, Tel: +905301106787, E-

Abstract. This study aimed to investigate physical education and sport students’ time management understandings,
communication skills and the relationship between. A total of 233 randomly chosen students voluntarily participated for
the study. In the study as data gathering tools in addition to personal information form Time Management and
Communication Skills Scales were used. In the evaluation of data, first normality of the data assessed and then
Independent Samples t Test, One Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation statistical methods were used as hypotheses
tests. As a result this study showed a) females have better mental and behavioural communication skills than males b)
department of education has no effect on communication skills c) males have a better time management understanding
than females d) recreation students have a better time management understanding than other department students and e)
if time wasters decreases behavioural communication skill improves.
Key Words: Time Management, Communication Skills, Physical Education and Sport

While the definitions about “time” changes according to disciplines, theories and concepts
because of its’ content, simply it can be described as “a continuous process in which events come
today from past and follow each other through future” [15]. Time is a limited resource and like
many other limited resources, time can be more or less effectively managed [3]. Rooted to a similar
idea researchers studied on time management including, giving recommendations like “to identify
needs and wants, rank them in regard to their importance or priority, and then allocate time and
resources accordingly” [11, 13]. Because of the lack of empirical work on these studies,
researchers tried to explain time management in three clusters: setting goals and priorities, engaging
in the mechanics of time management by making list of schedules and having a preference for
organization [3, 12].
Effective time management comes up with several positive outcomes such as productivity
and psychological well-being [4]. In another words effective time management provides chances
such as better carrier and future planning, flourish academic achievement etc. [2]. So it can be said
that time management is important at university level especially for students. And in the literature,
although the independent variables change from study to study, there are studies which explore time
management understandings of university students [3, 10, 14]. For example in their study Gümüşgül
and colleagues conducted a cross-cultural study and reported a difference between Turkish and EU
students’ time management understandings [10].
Today in Turkey there are approximately 60 universities in various cities which have
physical education faculties or departments that give education on sport or related to sport. Because
of this variety, students may may come from different cities, and from time to time that makes
trouble on relations such as communications, bilateral relations especially for the newcomers. For
example in a study conducted on exploring the impact of study abroad on students’ intercultural
communication skills showed a difference on communication skills between study abroad students
and students who stay on campus at semester [16]. Besides university students especially physical
education and sport students may have problems with managing their times. Because a great deal of
them are still competitive sportsmen and have to manage their time between university, the team
which they are a member of and their social life. So this paper examined time management
understandings and communication skills of physical education and sport students.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Material and Method

Study Design: In the study after examining the literature, cross sectional/survey method was
used as study design. According to this method first correlations between variables are examined
and then it generalised back to the population [9].
Sampling Group: 233 randomly chosen university students who go to various departments
at Dumlupinar University School of Physical Education and Sports voluntarily participated for the
Data Gathering Tools: In the study in addition to personal information form designed by
the researchers, Time Management and Communication Skills Evaluation Scales were used as data
gathering tools.
Time Management Scale: Time management scale is a self-report metric device designed
by Alay and Koçak. The original version of the scale has 3 factors such as -time planning, time
attitude and time wasters- and 27 items anchored with 5 Likert type scale from 1 (completely
disagree) to 5 (completely agree) Time planning factor represents the items related with planning in
the short term, either within the day or within the week, and planning in the long term. Time
attitude factor includes the items more attitudinal in nature, and time wasters factor has items
related to poor time using habits and bad use of personal time [1].
Communication Skills Scale: Communication skills scale is a self-report scale first
developed by Balcı and revised by Erşanlı and Balcı. The scale has 3 factors such as – mental,
emotional and behavioural-. Each factor has 15 items anchored with 5 Likert type scale from 1
(newer) to 5 (always) [5].
Data Analyses: In the evaluation of data first One Sample Kolmogorow-Smirnow test was
applied in order to seek the distribution of the data. According to analyse results the data had a
normal distribution but researches specify that in some situations the power of normality tests such
as One Sample Kolmogorow-Smirnow are inadequate [7, 8] and in order to handle this obstacle
skewness and kurtosis values were examined [6]. Finally Independent Samples t Test, One Way
ANOVA and Pearson Correlation were used as hypotheses tests.

Table 1: Communication Skills According to Gender
N Mean Std. Deviation t sig
Mental Male 123 48.740 8.157 -2.167 0.031
Female 110 50.827 6.524
Emotional Male 123 46.211 7.333 -0.856 0.393
Female 110 47.036 7.351
Behavioural Male 123 47.846 7.255 -1.944 0.053
Female 110 49.573 6.303

According to analyse results communication skills of the participants’ significantly differs in mental
(t 0.05 = -2.167; p<0.05) and behavioural (t 0.05 -1.944; p<0.05) factors in favour of female

Table 2: Communication Skills According to Department of Education

N Mean Std. f Sig.
Mental PE and Sports 64 48.812 6.877 .579 .629
Coaching Department 67 50.537 8.008
Management Department 61 49.721 6.475
Recreation Department 41 49.829 8.921
Total 233 49.725 7.488
Emotional PE and Sports 64 45.765 6.694 .440 .725

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Coaching Department 67 46.925 8.107

Management Department 61 46.655 5.715
Recreation Department 41 47.292 9.078
Total 233 46.600 7.337
Behavioural PE and Sports 64 47.953 6.358 .326 .806
Coaching Department 67 48.820 7.810
Management Department 61 49.082 5.768
Recreation Department 41 48.878 7.599
Total 233 48.660 6.862

According to analyse results there is no significant difference in the communication skills of the
participants’ according to their department of education.

Table 3: Time Management According to Gender

N Mean Std. Deviation t sig

Time Planning Male 123 2,654 .519 -.056 .955

Female 110 2,658 .569
Time Attitudes Male 123 2,825 .344 -.307 .759
Female 110 2,841 .428
Time Wasters Male 123 2,939 .688 3.144 .002
Female 110 2,661 .658

According to analyse results time management understandings of participants’ significantly differ in

time wasters factor (t 0.05 = 3.144; p<0.01) according to their gender.

Table 4: Time Management According to Department of Education

N Mean Std. F p Difference
Deviation Tukey
Time Planning PE and Sports 64 2.668 .529 .447 .719
Coaching Department 67 2.708 .630
Management Department 61 2.599 .507
Recreation Department 41 2.638 .464
Total 233 2.656 .542
Time Attitudes PE and Sports 64 2.810 .408 1.316 .270
Coaching Department 67 2.818 .364
Management Department 61 2.800 .410
Recreation Department 41 2.940 .338
Total 233 2.833 .385
Time Wasters PE and Sports 64 2.714 .615 5.191 .002 1-4*
Coaching Department 67 2.906 .787 2-4*
Management Department 61 2.606 .595
Recreation Department 41 3.091 .641
Total 233 2.807 .687
df= 3-229

According to analyse results time management understandings of the participants’ significantly

differ according to their department of education in the time wasters factor (F 0.05= 5.191; p<0.01).
And according to Tukey’ s Hsd second degree test these differences were between the students from
the departments of PE and Sports- Coaching and Coaching - Recreation.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 5: Correlation between Time Management and Communication Skills

Mental Emotional Behavioural
Time Planning r -.178 -.117 -.049
p .007 .076 .457
n 233 233 233
Time Attitudes r -.085 .000 -.021
p .194 .996 .745
n 233 233 233
Time Wasters r -.118 -.033 -.192**
p .071 .621 .003
n 233 233 233

According to Pearson Correlation results, there is a negative correlation between behavioural

communication skills and time wasters factors.

This paper examined communication skills and time management understandings of
physical education and sports students. Firstly, according to results, participants’ communication
skills significantly differed according to their gender in mental and behavioural subscales. When the
points gathered from the subscales were taken into account it can be said that females have better
mental and behavioural communication skills than males. But there was no significant difference
between communication skills of the students according to department of education. So we declined
our hypothesis.
Second, time management understandings of the participants significantly differed according
to gender and department of education in time wasters factor. Alay and Koçak remarked that high
points from the subscales indicate good time management [1]. So, it can be said that males have
better time management in tame wasters factor than females. In other words time wasters consume
more time of women rather than men. And recreation department students have better time
management than the other department students in time wasters factor.
Lastly, negative correlations were found between behavioural communication skills and
time wasters factors. This result shows that when time wasters increases behavioural
communication decreases.

This study showed a) females have better mental and behavioural communication skills than
males b) department of education has no effect on communication skills of physical education and
sport students c) males have a better time management understanding than females in time wasters
factor d) recreation students have a better time management understanding than other department
students in time wasters factor e) if time wasters decreases behavioural communication skill
Although this study presented a correlation between time management and communication
skills there must be further empirical evidence to prove this connection. So future studies must
focus on these concepts in-depth.

“An earlier version of this study was presented as a Poster at the The 10th International
Conference In Physical Education, Sports And Physical Therapy- ICPESPT2016, Firat University,
Elazig, Turkey, 18-20 November, 2016"

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

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Skills: Adaptability and Sensitivity, Journal of Studies in International Education, 9(4), 356-371,

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Florian BENEDEK1, Elena RAŢĂ2
University „Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Suceava
E-mail:, Strada Universitatii Nr. 13 C.P. 720229, Suceava, Romania

Abstract. The aim of this research is to determine the most efficient methods and means of action for speed
development under all manifestation forms at high school pupils and determination of their biometric level. The
experiment took place at Technical College Samoil Isopescu from Suceava. Subjects are 52 pupils, divided in two IX
classes, girls and boys, as it follows: class IX C (witness) formed by 12 girls and 11 boys, and class IX B (experimental)
is formed by 12 girls and 17 boys. The experiment took place in school year 2015 - 2016, during two semesters, lessons
were held outdoor, in schoolyard but also in the gym. The literature shows that running is a natural skill with great
accessibility among pupils, regardless age and training level. Running is a natural movement, being the basis for all
activities with dynamic content. Speed is a genetic motor ability being less perfectible, manifesting itself in various
forms: reaction speed, speed of execution, recurrence speed, movement speed and speed in other arrangements of motor
abilitys. In order to ensure the desired efficiency in physical education lessons at high school it is necessary that the
means for development of motor abilitys to be performed in the first part of the lesson, immediately after pupils ‘body
was well trained for effort. Knowing that athletic activity can be organized physical education class in various forms,
we also considered useful to study which of these methods and means have greater efficiency in developing quality
driving speed, according to the hypothesis.
Keywords: secondary education, physical education, level of education.

Modern athletics has an organized existence of over 100 years and it not seems to be at all a
capped discipline. Its path is still upward, powered by the perpetual aspiration of human being to
perfection and self-improvement [1]. Running is a natural movement with a high accessibility
among people, no matter the age. Being a natural movement, running is the base of all activities
with a dynamic content.
Speed is a natural motor ability from birth and it is less perfectible, manifesting itself in
various forms: reaction speed, speed of execution, recurrence speed, movement speed, option speed
and speed gear. Motor ability- speed- conditions to a great extent forming and strengthening the
motor abilitys. Development of motor ability – speed – favors the effort capacity growth of the
body and requires a rigorous objectivity of pupils’ physical training process [3], [4], [6].
Development of motor ability – speed – can be achieved with simple material conditions.
Well guided, the activity of speed development, under all its aspects, can become an attractive
activity for high school pupils. Theme’s actuality results from the fact that man has the capacity to
improve the responses towards the environmental applications according to its hereditary genetic
traits [5].
Speed, being a support of most acts and motric activities it develops mostly in the period of
pre-adolescence and adolescence, later being less chances for improving speed parameters. Speed,
as ability, as an individual psychomotor quality, represents its ability to cover a certain distance or
to perform a motric act or action, in a short time [2].
From biomechanically point of view, speed running shows differences from one person to
another. These differences are both quantity and quality, which represents an argument in favor of
differentiated treatment of pupils.
Adolescence itself will continue the process of mental development of previous periods, will
outline some conducts that began to manifest in that period, will offset some phenomena and it will
perfect qualities of great significance for next steps [5].
At this age there can be seen the most spectacular changes regarding the development of
functional capacity of large vegetative systems (circulation, respiration, nervous, somatic and
vegetative regulation).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Material and methods

The aim of this research is to determine the most efficient methods and means of action for
speed development under all manifestation forms at high school pupils and determination of their
biometric level.
Research’s hypotheses
1. It is assumed that by using methods and means specific to athletics there can be developed
the motor ability – speed within physical education lesson at high school pupils.
2. Knowing the fact that athletic activity can be organized in physical education lesson in
various forms, we also considered useful to study, which of these methods and means have a higher
efficiency in development of motor ability speed.
Freshness and novelty of the study is the use of video method (kinograme, watching speed
samples) and application specific control samples athletic.
The experiment took place at Technical College Samoil Isopescu from Suceava. Subjects are
52 pupils, divided in two IX classes, girls and boys, as it follows: class IX C (witness) formed by 12
girls and 11 boys, and class IX B (experimental) is formed by 12 girls and 17 boys. The experiment
took place in school year 2015 - 2016, during two semesters, lessons were held outdoor, in
schoolyard but also in the gym.
Witness class had a regular physical education activity, according to the content from the
curricula, while at the experimental class was introduced an additional thing with the content
mainly for developing speed.
For experimental class there were made training programs, through which it was made the
judicious combination between the content of school curricula and the content of activity provided
in the experiment, so that the methods and means used to develop speed to correspond to
methodical instructions corresponding to this age category.
The development of methods of this motor ability is based on a few elements that should not
be treated separately, but closely related, inside the same process. So, repeating a cycle exercise
with acceleration influences positively the crossing of maximum speed. For development and
improvement of all manifestation forms of speed there were used: repetition method, alternative
method, competition method, handicap competition method and game method.
The experimental class curriculum beyond the requirements were implemented specific
means of athletics.
The main action means specific to athletics used in physical education lessons at
experimental class for speed development under different manifestation forms are:
a. For development of speed reaction: front and group exercises performed quickly; relays,
movement games and attention exercises; exercises and games with the ball; acceleration starts on
short distances and starting from different positions.
b. For development of repetition speed: acceleration running till the tempo of4/4and
maintaining speed that was acquired on distances between 5-20 m; running with launch start on10-
30-40 m; running with high start on distances between 10 – 40 m; exercises specific for running
(running with ankles game, running with knees up, running with swinging the legs back, running
with step bounced, running with jump step and so on).
c. For development of speed of execution: standing long jumps; displacement jumps; series
of successive jumps (jump steps, leap steps, jumps from squat to squat). Exercises were dosed
depending on pupils’ training level.
Class control during the experiment worked according to the curriculum requirements for
the development speed.
Control tests were held at the beginning of first semester (initial test) and at the end of
second semester (final test).
At the experimental class we used especially the working process on value groups. After
passing the control tests, pupils were divided into 3 value groups: value group weak, average and
good. At witness class the lesson was held with the entire class, as usually.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Presentation of the control samples and the statistical indicators used in the work: running
speed 20 m to start released (Plot the ground two signs at a distance of 20 m. It leaves free the start
of the legs is run out until the first sign. the sign is running in the first speed to the second signal.
the timer was started at the passing of the signal and stop the passage of the second.); Running
speed 30 m (standing start will be made. The timer starts and stops moving the first crossing the
finish line.) Running speed 50 m (standing start is carried out. The timer starts to move and stops at
the first crossing the line. The time is recorded in seconds and tenths of a second.)
Initial tests were performed in the first weeks of October 2015, and final tests took place in
the last two weeks of May 2016.

Results and discussions

Comparing the values of initial and final indices calculated at experimental and witness
classes, data that have been summarized in tables, there can be done the following ascertains:

Table no1 Statistical indices at control tests at witness class - girls

x S CV% Am W x S CV% Am W
20 m LAUNCH 3,55 0,22 6,29 0,18 0,7 3,33 0,26 7,92 0,21 0,8
30 m STANDING 5,42 0,36 6,67 0,29 1,1 5,24 0,36 6,87 0,28 1,1
50 m STANDING 8,84 0,55 6,24 0,42 1,7 8,53 0,47 5,57 0,35 1,7

Table no 2 Statistical indices at control tests at witness class - boys

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W
3,45 0,18 5,39 0,14 0,7 3,26 0,21 6,32 0,15 0,8
4,8 0,16 3,41 0,12 0,6 4,63 0,17 3,64 0,13 0,6
7,48 0,31 4,17 0,24 1 7,28 0,27 3,72 0,2 0,9


8.84 8.53
6.67 6.87
6.29 6.24
5.42 5.24 5.57

3.55 3.33
1.7 1.7
0.36 0.42
0.29 0.71.1 0.47
0.36 0.35
0.22 0.18 0.26 0.21

x S CV Am W x S CV% Am W

Figure no.1 Indices at control tests at witness class -girls

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


7.48 7.28
4.8 4.63
4.17 3.72
3.45 3.41 3.26

0.31 0.24 0.70.6 1 0.21 0.27

0.16 0.14
0.12 0.17 0.130.2

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figure no.1 Statistical indices at control tests at witness class - boys

At speed running test on 20 m with launch start, (table no1 and table no 2) arithmetic
average-values are very closed, both at girls and boys, slightly in favor of experimental class.
Average deviation –differences between classes are very small, recording Values between 0.18at
witness class and 0.23at experimental class at girls and boys, the same value,0.14, both at
experimental class as well as at witness class. Standard deviation – once again there are very closed
values. At girls, there are between 0.22 s at witness class and 0.27 sat experimental class. At boys,
the lowest value is 0.17 s at experimental class and 0.18 s at witness class. The variation coefficient
–there is a very good homogeneity at all groups. Values are between 6.29 at witness class and 8.24
at experimental class, at girls and 5.66at experimental class and 5.39 at witness class at boys.
At speed running test on the distance of 30 m, arithmetic average is 5.02 sat experimental
class and 5.42sat witness class. At boys the average value is 4.57 sat experimental class and 4.80 sat
witness class. Standard deviation – at girls, values are between 0.29 at witness class and 0.25 at
experimental class. At boys, there are values very closed 0.11 at experimental class and 0.12 at
witness class. Standard deviation – there are very closed values both at girls and at boys: at girls
0.36 at witness class and 0.32 at experimental class, and at boys 0.16 at witness class and 0.14at
experimental class. The variation coefficient – there is a very good homogeneity, values are
between 6.41 – 6.67 at girls and 3.04 – 3.41 at boys. Amplitude - dispersion presents very closed
values. At girls there are between 1 and 1.1and at boys between 0.4 – 0.6.
At speed running test on 50 m standing start, arithmetic average – values are between 8.84at
witness class and 8.44 at witness class, at girls, and at boys between 7.25 at experimental class and
7.48 at witness class. Average deviation – values are very closed both at girls and boys, the lowest
being 0.24 at witness class boys and experimental class girls, the highest being 0.42 at witness class
girls. Standard deviation -values are very closed both at girls and boys, the lowest being 0.30 at
experimental class both at girls and boys, and the highest is 0.55at witness class girls. The variation
coefficient – there is a very good homogeneity. The lowest value is 3.58 at experimental class girls,
and the highest is6.24 at witness class girls. Amplitude –the lowest value is 1at experimental class,
boys and girls, as well as at witness class boys. The recorded value at witness class girls is 1.7.

Table no 3 Statistical indices at control tests at experimental class - girls

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W
3,38 0,27 8,24 0,23 0,8 3,15 0,26 8,5 0,22 0,8
5,02 0,32 6,41 0,25 1 4,8 0,31 6,52 0,23 1
8,44 0,3 3,58 0,24 1 8,12 0,23 2,92 0,18 0,8

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table no 4 Statistical indices at control tests at experimental class - boys

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W
3,17 0,17 5,66 0,14 0,7 2,97 0,17 5,88 0,12 0,8
4,57 0,14 3,04 0,11 0,4 4,38 0,11 2,58 0,09 0,4
7,25 0,3 4,16 0,25 1 7,01 0,27 3,91 0,23 1


8.44 8.24 8.12 8.5

6.41 6.52
5.02 4.8
3.38 3.58 3.15 2.92

0.27 0.3 0.8 1 1 0.31 0.8 1 0.8
0.23 0.24 0.26 0.23 0.23
0.22 0.18

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figure no.3- Statistical indices at experimental class - girls


7.25 7.01
5.66 5.88
4.57 4.38
4.16 3.91
3.17 3.04 2.97

0.70.4 1 0.8 1
0.17 0.3
0.14 0.14 0.25
0.11 0.17 0.27
0.11 0.12 0.23

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figure no.4– Statistical indices at experimental class- boys

At speed running test on 20 m launch start,(table no3 and table no 4)arithmetic average – all
groups having an improvement (table 3 şi table 4). At girls, the most significant growth is 0.23 s at
experimental class, at boys the growth being 0.20 s at the same class. Average deviation and
standard deviation present equal values or insignificant decreases. The variation coefficient – fits
into a high degree of homogeneity, increases and decreases being insignificant. Amplitude –it can
be noticed a slight increase at experimental class.
At speed running test on 30 m standing start, arithmetic average – average values improve at
all classes, but to a great extent at experimental class. The highest differences are 0.22 s at
experimental class girls and 0.19 s at experimental class boys. Average deviation and standard
deviation at girls – there is a slight decrease at experimental class. At boys, the decrease tendency is
the same for experimental class. The variation coefficient– at experimental class there is recorded a
slight increase of the value at girls and a slight decrease at boys, maintaining a high degree of

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

homogeneity. Amplitude – at experimental class it can be noticed keeping the same value at girls
and a slight increase at boys.
At speed running test on 50 m standing start, arithmetic average at experimental class it can
be noticed increases higher than the witness class both at girls and at boys. At girls the growth is
0.32s,and at boys is 0.24 s. Average deviation – there are decreases at all groups. Standard
deviation – differences are very small. At girls and boys there can be noticed decreases at both
classes. The variation coefficient – homogeneity remains very good at all groups, recording better
values for both classes. Amplitude – there are no significant differences, values being almost equal.

1. Average values of results achieved in the evidence control class to the experiment and
control in the initial testing, specific values fall within national scoring system for secondary
2. Control test performed during the experiment, through initial and final results, gave the
possibility to analyze the motric potential of pupils from IX class.
3. The performed experiments showed that the application of the most appropriate method
(AV method emulation, method emulation disabled and play method) and means (relay race,
movement games and exercises carefully, exercises and ball games, starts with acceleration on short
and starting from different positions) have improved student achievement to control samples
4. Experiment validated the research’ hypothesis through the results obtained at
experimental classes towards witness classes.
In physical education class, speed in all its forms is a very important quality motor, more or
less present in all the acts and actions driving. An important role is played games, contest elements,
which increase efficiency by their mobilizer, developing the spirit of emulation among students.
Experiment propose the introduction and use of specific means and methods of athletics in Physical
Education lessons.

[1] Ababei C., Bazele generale ale atletismului, curs studii de licență, Editura Alma Mater, Bacău,
p.11; 2010
[2] Alexe D., I., Atletism, Îndrumar practico-metodic, Editura Pim, Iași, 2007;
[3] Epuran M, Psihologia educatiei fizice, Sport Turism, Bucharest, 1976
[4] Popescu-Neveanu P, Fischbein E, Psihologia generală, Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucharest, 1971
[5] Raţă G, Raţă B, Aptitudinile în activitatea motrică, Edusoft, Bacău, 2006
[6] Scarlat E., Scarlat M.,B., Tratat de educație fizică, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, R.A.,
București, p 127, 2011.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Florian BENEDEK1, Elena RAŢĂ2
University „Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Suceava
E-mail:, Strada Universitatii Nr. 13 C.P. 720229, Suceava, Romania

Rezumat: Scopul lucrării constă în determinarea celor mai eficiente metode şi mijloace de acţionare pentru dezvoltarea
calităţii motrice viteza la elevii de liceu și determinarea nivelului motric al acestora. Experimentul s-a efectuat la
Colegiul Tehnic Samoil Isopescu din Suceava. Subiecţii sunt în număr de 52 elevi, repartizaţi în două clase a IX-a, fete
şi băieţi, după cum urmează: clasa a IX-a C (martor) formată din 12 fete și 11 băieţi, iar clasa a IX-a B (experiment)
este formată din12 fete și 17 băieţi. Experimentul s-a desfăşurat în anul şcolar 2015 - 2016, pe durata a două semestre,
lecţiile s-au desfăşurat în aer liber, în curtea şcolii cât și în sala de sport. Din literatura de specialitate reiese că alergarea
este o deprindere naturală cu o mare accesibilitate în rândul elevilor, indiferent de vârstă și nivel de pregătire. Alergarea
fiind o mişcare naturală, constituie baza tuturor activităţilor cu conţinut dinamic. Viteza este o calitate motrică genetică
fiind puţin perfectibilă, manifestându-se în diferite forme: viteză de reacţie, viteză de execuţie, viteză de repetiţie, viteză
de deplasare și viteză în regimul altor calități motrice. Pentru asigurarea eficienței dorite în lecțiile de educație fizică și
sport la nivel de liceu este necesar ca metodele şi mijloacele pentru dezvoltarea calității motrice viteza să se efectueze în
prima parte, imediat după ce organismul elevilor a fost bine pregătit pentru efort. Cunoscând faptul că activitatea
atletică poate fi organizată în cadrul lecţiei de educaţie fizică sub diferite forme, noi am considerat de asemenea util de
studiat, care din aceste metode și mijloace au o eficienţă mai mare în dezvoltarea calităţii motrice viteza, conform
Cuvinte cheie: învăţământ liceal, educaţie fizică, nivel de pregătire.

Atletismul modern are o existență organizată de peste o 100 de ani și nu pare deloc o
disciplină plafonată. Drumul său este în continuare ascendent, alimentat de aspirația perpetuă a
ființei umane spre perfecțiune și autodepășire [1]. Alergarea este o deprindere naturală cu o mare
accesibilitate în rândul oamenilor, indiferent de vârstă. Fiind o mişcare naturală, alergarea constituie
baza tuturor activităţilor cu conţinut dinamic.
Viteza este o calitate motrică înnăscută şi prea puţin perfectibilă, manifestându-se în diferite
forme: viteză de reacţie, viteză de execuţie, viteză de repetiţie, viteză de deplasare, viteză de opţiune
şi viteză de angrenare. Calitatea motrică viteza condiţionează în mare măsură formarea şi
consolidarea deprinderilor motrice. Dezvoltarea calităţii motrice viteza favorizează creşterea
capacităţii de efort a organismului și impune o riguroasă obiectivizare a procesului de pregătire
fizică a elevilor [3], [4], [6].
Dezvoltarea calităţii motrice viteza se poate realiza şi cu condiţii materiale simple. Bine
condusă, activitatea de dezvoltare a vitezei sub toate aspectele sale poate deveni o activitate
atrăgătoare pentru elevii ciclului liceal. Actualitatea temei rezultă şi din faptul că omul este dotat cu
capacitatea de a-şi perfecţiona răspunsurile faţă de solicitările mediului înconjurător conform
însuşirilor sale genetice ereditare [5].
Viteza, fiind un suport a majorităţii actelor şi activităţilor motrice, se dezvoltă cel mai mult
în perioada preadolescenţei şi adolescenţei, mai târziu existând mai puţine şanse pentru
îmbunătăţirea parametrilor de viteză. Viteza, ca și aptitudine, calitate psihomotrică a unui individ,
reprezintă capacitatea acestuia de a parcurge o anumită distanță sau de a efectua un act sau o acțiune
motrică, într-un timp cât mai scurt [2].
Din punct de vedere biomecanic alergarea de viteză semnalează diferenţieri de la individ la
individ. Aceste diferenţieri sunt atât de ordin cantitativ cât şi calitativ, ceea ce reprezintă un
argument în favoarea tratării diferenţiate a elevilor.
Adolescenţa propriu-zisă va continua procesul dezvoltării psihice al perioadelor precedente,
va da contur unor conduite care începeau să se manifeste atunci, va echilibra unele fenomene şi va
desăvârşi însuşiri de mare însemnătate pentru etapele următoare [5].

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

La această vârstă se constată cele mai spectaculoase modificări în ce priveşte dezvoltarea

capacităţii funcţionale a marilor aparate şi sisteme vegetative (circulaţia, respiraţia, reglarea
nervoasă somatică şi vegetativă).

Material și metodă
Scopul lucrării constă în determinarea celor mai eficiente metode şi mijloace de acţionare
pentru dezvoltarea vitezei sub toate formele de manifestare la elevii de liceu și determinarea
nivelului biomotric al acestora.
Material și metode
Ipotezele lucrării
1. Se presupune că prin utilizarea metodelor și mijloacelor specifice atletismului se poate
dezvolta calitatea motrică viteza în cadrul lecţiei de educaţie fizică la elevii din ciclul liceal.
2. Cunoscând faptul că activitatea atletică poate fi organizată în cadrul lecţiei de educaţie
fizică sub diferite forme, noi am considerat de asemenea util de studiat, care din aceste metode și
mijloace au o eficienţă mai mare în dezvoltarea calităţii motrice viteza.
Gradul de actualitate şi de noutate al studiului îl reprezintă utilizarea metodei video
(kinograme, vizionarea unor probe de viteză) şi aplicarea unor probe de control specifice atletice.
Experimentul s-a efectuat la Colegiul Tehnic Samoil Isopescu din Suceava. Subiecţii sunt în
număr de 52 elevi, repartizaţi în două clase a IX-a, fete şi băieţi, după cum urmează: clasa a IX-a C
(martor) formată din 12 fete și 11 băieţi, iar clasa a IX-a B (experiment) este formată din12 fete și
17 băieţi. Experimentul s-a desfăşurat în anul şcolar 2015 - 2016, pe durata a două semestre, lecţiile
s-au desfăşurat în aer liber, în curtea şcolii cât și în sala de sport.
Clasa martor a desfăşurat o activitate de educaţie fizică obişnuită, conform conţinutului
prevăzut în programa de învăţământ, în timp ce la clasa experiment a fost introdus un lucru
suplimentar cu conţinut preponderent pentru dezvoltarea vitezei.
Pentru clasa experiment au fost alcătuite planuri de pregătire, prin care s-a urmărit îmbinarea
judicioasă dintre conţinutul programei şcolare şi conţinutul activităţii prevăzute în experiment, în
aşa fel încât metodele și mijloacele folosite pentru dezvoltarea vitezei să corespundă indicaţiilor
metodice corespunzătoare acestei categorii de vârstă.
Metodele de dezvoltare a acestei calităţi motrice se bazează pe câteva elemente care nu
trebuie tratate separat, ci strâns corelate, în interiorul aceluiaşi proces. Astfel, repetarea unui
exerciţiu ciclic cu accelerare influenţează pozitiv trecerea pragului vitezei maxime. Pentru
dezvoltarea şi perfecţionarea tuturor formelor de manifestare a vitezei, s-au folosit: metoda audio-
video, metoda repetării, metoda alternativă, metoda întrecerii, metoda întrecerii cu handicap și
metoda jocului. Cu clasa experiment în afara cerinţelor programei şcolare s-au implementat
mijloace specifice atletismului.
Principalele mijloace de acţionare specifice atletismului utilizate în lecțiile de educație fizică
la clasa experiment pentru dezvoltarea vitezei sub diferite forme de manifestare sunt:
a. Pentru dezvoltarea vitezei de reacţie: exerciţii de front şi formaţie efectuate cu rapiditate;
ştafete, jocuri de mişcare şi exerciţii de atenţie; exerciţii şi jocuri cu mingea; starturi cu accelerare
pe distanţe scurte şi plecare din diferite poziţii.
b. Pentru dezvoltarea vitezei de repetiţie: alergări cu accelerare până la tempoul de 4/4 şi
menţinerea vitezei dobândite pe distanţe cuprinse între 5-20 m; alergări cu start lansat pe 10-30-40
m; alergări cu start înalt pe distanţe cuprinse între 10 – 40 m; exerciţii specifice pentru alergare
(alergare cu joc de glezne, alergare cu genunchii sus, alergare cu pendularea gambelor înapoi,
alergare cu pas săltat, alergare cu pas sărit etc.).
c. Pentru dezvoltarea vitezei de execuţie: sărituri de pe loc; sărituri din deplasare; serii de
sărituri succesive (paşi săriţi, paşi săltaţi, sărituri din ghemuit în ghemuit).Exercițiile au fost dozate
în funcție de nivelul de pregătire al elevilor.
Clasa martor pe parcursul experimentului a lucrat conform cerinţelor programei şcolare
pentru dezvoltarea vitezei.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Probele de control au fost date la începutul semestrului I (testare iniţială) şi la sfârşitul

semestrului II (testarea finală).
La clasa experiment, noi am folosit în mod special procedeul de lucru pe grupe valorice. În
urma trecerii probelor de control, elevii s-au împărţit în trei grupe valorice astfel: grupa valorică
slabă, medie şi bună. La clasa martor s-a lucrat cu tot colectivul clasei în mod obişnuit.
Prezentarea probelor de control şi a indicilor statistici utilizaţi în lucrare: alergare de viteză
pe 20 m cu start lansat (Se trasează pe sol două semne la distanţa de 20 m între ele. Se pleacă liber
cu start din picioare, se aleargă lansat până la primul semn. De la primul semn se aleargă în viteză
maximă până la cel de al doilea semn. Cronometrul se porneşte la trecerea primului semn şi se
opreşte la trecerea celui de al doilea.); alergare de viteză pe 30 m (Startul se va efectua din picioare.
Cronometrul se porneşte la prima mişcare şi se opreşte la trecerea liniei de sosire.); alergare de
viteză pe 50 m (Startul se va efectua din picioare. Cronometrul se porneşte la prima mişcare şi se
opreşte la trecerea liniei de sosire. Timpul se înregistrează în secunde şi zecimi de secundă.)
Testările iniţiale s-au efectuat în primele săptămâni ale lunii octombrie 2015, iar testările
finale s-au desfăşurat în ultimele două săptămâni ale lunii mai 2016.

Rezultate și discuții
Comparând valorile indicilor iniţiali şi finali calculaţi la clasele experiment şi martor, date
ce au fost centralizate în tabele, se pot face următoarele constatări:

Tabel nr.1 Indici statistici la probele de control clasa martor - fete

20 m START 3,55 0,22 6,29 0,18 0,7 3,33 0,26 7,92 0,21 0,8
30 m START 5,42 0,36 6,67 0,29 1,1 5,24 0,36 6,87 0,28 1,1
50 m START 8,84 0,55 6,24 0,42 1,7 8,53 0,47 5,57 0,35 1,7

Tabel nr.2Indici statistici la probele de control clasa martor - băieţi

20 m START
3,45 0,18 5,39 0,14 0,7 3,26 0,21 6,32 0,15 0,8
30 m START
4,8 0,16 3,41 0,12 0,6 4,63 0,17 3,64 0,13 0,6
50 m START
7,48 0,31 4,17 0,24 1 7,28 0,27 3,72 0,2 0,9


8.84 8.53
6.29 6.87
5.42 5.24 5.57
3.55 3.33
1.7 1.7
0.22 0.55
0.36 0.42
0.18 0.71.1 0.26 0.47
0.36 0.21 0.35
0.28 0.81.1

x S CV Am W x S CV% Am W

Figura nr.1 Indici statistici la clasa martor fete

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


7.48 7.28
4.8 4.63
4.17 3.72
3.45 3.41 3.26

0.18 0.31
0.16 0.14 0.24
0.12 0.70.6 1 0.21 0.27
0.17 0.130.2

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figura nr.2 Indici statistici la clasa martor băieți

La proba de alergare de viteză pe distanța de 20 m cu start lansat, (tabel nr.1 și tabel nr.2)
media aritmetică-valorile sunt foarte apropiate, atât la fete cât şi la băieţi, uşor în favoarea clasei
experiment (tabelul 3 şi tabelul 4). Abaterea medie-diferenţele dintre clase sunt foarte mici,
înregistrându-se valori cuprinse între 0,18 la clasa martor şi 0,23 la clasa experiment la fete şi la
băieţi aceeaşi valoare, 0,14, atât la clasa experiment cât şi la cea martor. Abaterea standard-din nou
avem valori foarte apropiate. La fete, se situează între 0,22 s la clasa martor şi 0,27 s la clasa
experiment. La băieţi, cea mai mică valoare 0,17 s la clasa experimentală şi 0,18 s la clasa martor.
Coeficientul de variabilitate-se constată o foarte bună omogenitate la toate grupele. Valorile se
situează între 6,29 la clasa martor şi 8,24 la clasa experiment, la fete şi 5,66 la clasa experiment şi
5,39 la clasa martor, la băieţi.
La proba de alergare de viteză pe distanța de 30 m, media aritmetică este de 5,02 s la clasa
experiment iar de 5,42 s la clasa martor. La băieţi valoarea mediei este de 4,57 s la clasa experiment
și de 4,80 s la clasa martor. Abaterea medie - la fete, valorile sunt cuprinse intre 0,29 la clasa
martor şi 0,25 la clasa experiment. La băieţi, întâlnim valori foarte apropiate 0,11 la clasa
experiment şi 0,12 la clasa martor. Abaterea standard - se constată valori foarte apropiate atât la fete
cât şi la băieţi: la fete 0,36 la clasa martor şi 0,32 la clasa experiment, iar la băieţi 0,16 la clasa
martor şi 0,14 la clasa experiment. Coeficientul de variabilitate-se constată o foarte bună
omogenitate, valorile fiind cuprinse între 6,41 - 6,67 la fete şi 3,04 - 3,41 la băieţi. Amplitudinea-
dispersia prezintă valori foarte apropiate. La fete sunt cuprinse între 1 şi 1,1 iar la băieţi între 0,4 -
La proba de alergare de viteză pe 50 m cu start din picioare, media aritmetică-valorile sunt
cuprinse între 8,84 la clasa martor şi 8,44 la clasa martor, la fete, iar la băieţi între 7,25 la clasa
experiment şi 7,48 la clasa martor. Abaterea medie-valorile sunt foarte apropiate atât la fete cât şi la
băieţi, cea mai mică 0,24 la clasa martor băieţi şi experiment fete, cea mai mare 0,42 la clasa martor
fete. Abaterea standard-valorile sunt foarte apropiate atât la fete cât şi la băieţi, cea mai mică 0,30 la
clasa experiment atât la fete cât şi la băieţi, iar cea mai mare 0,55 la clasa martor fete. Coeficientul
de variabilitate-se constată o foarte bună omogenitate. Cea mai mică valoare 3,58 la clasa
experiment fete, iar cea mai mare 6,24 la clasa martor fete. Amplitudinea-cea mai mică valoare este
1 la clasa experiment, băieţi şi fete, precum şi la clasa martor băieţi. Valoarea înregistrată la clasa
martor fete este de 1,7.

Tabel nr.3 Indici statistici la probele de control clasa experiment - fete

20 m START
3,38 0,27 8,24 0,23 0,8 3,15 0,26 8,5 0,22 0,8
30 m START
5,02 0,32 6,41 0,25 1 4,8 0,31 6,52 0,23 1
50 m START
8,44 0,3 3,58 0,24 1 8,12 0,23 2,92 0,18 0,8
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Tabel nr.4 Indici statistici la probele de control clasa experiment - băieți

20 m START
3,17 0,17 5,66 0,14 0,7 2,97 0,17 5,88 0,12 0,8
30 m START
4,57 0,14 3,04 0,11 0,4 4,38 0,11 2,58 0,09 0,4
50 m START
7,25 0,3 4,16 0,25 1 7,01 0,27 3,91 0,23 1


8.44 8.24 8.12 8.5

6.41 6.52
5.02 4.8
3.38 3.58 3.15 2.92

0.27 0.3 0.25
0.23 0.24 0.8 1 1 0.31
0.26 0.23 0.23
0.22 0.18 0.8 1 0.8

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figura nr.3 Indici statistici la clasa experiment fete


7.25 7.01
5.66 5.88
4.57 4.38
4.16 3.91
3.17 3.04 2.97

0.70.4 1 0.8 1
0.17 0.14 0.25
0.11 0.17 0.27
0.11 0.12 0.23

x S CV Am W x S CV Am W

Figura nr.4 Indici statistici la clasa experiment băieți

La proba de alergare de viteză pe 20 m cu start lansat, (tabel nr.3 și tabel nr.4) media
aritmetică-la toate grupele se constată o îmbunătăţire. La fete, cea mai semnificativă creştere este de
0,23 s la clasa experiment, la băieţi creşterea fiind de 0,20 s la aceeaşi clasă. Abaterea medie şi
abaterea standard prezintă valori egale, creşteri sau scăderi nesemnificative. Coeficientul de
variabilitate-se încadrează într-un grad ridicat de omogenitate, creşterile şi descreşterile nefiind
semnificative. Amplitudinea-remarcăm o uşoară creştere la clasa experiment.
La proba de alergare de viteză pe 30 m cu start din picioare, media aritmetică-valorile
mediei se îmbunătăţesc la toate clasele, dar într-o mai mare măsură la clasa experiment. Cele mai
crescute diferenţe sunt de 0,22 s la clasa experiment fete şi 0,19 s la clasa experiment băieţi.
Abaterea medie şi standard-la fete, se constată o uşoară scădere la clasa experiment. La băieţi,
tendinţa de scădere este aceeaşi pentru clasa experiment. Coeficientul de variabilitate-la clasa
experiment se constată o creştere uşoară a valorii la fete şi o scădere uşoară la băieţi, menţinându-se
totuşi într-un grad ridicat de omogenitate. Amplitudinea-la clasa experiment se constată păstrarea
aceleiaşi valori la fete şi o uşoară creştere la băieţi.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

La proba de alergare de viteză pe 50 m cu start din picioare, media aritmetică la clasa

experiment se constată creşteri mai mari decât a clasei martor atât la fete cât şi la băieţi. La fete
creşterea este de 0,32 s, iar la băieţi de 0,24 s. Abaterea medie, se constată scăderi la toate grupele.
Abaterea standard-diferenţele sunt foarte mici. La fete şi la băieţi se constată scăderi la ambele
clase. Coeficientul de variabilitate-omogenitatea rămâne foarte bună la toate grupele, înregistrând
valori mai bune pentru ambele clase. Amplitudinea, nu se constată diferenţe considerabile, valorile
fiind sensibil egale.

1. Valorile medii ale rezultatelor înregistrate la probele de control, la clasa experiment cât şi
la cea de control în cadrul testării iniţiale, se înscriu în limitele valorilor specifice conform
sistemului de evaluare naţional pentru învăţământul liceal.
2. Probele de control efectuate în cadrul experimentului, prin rezultatele iniţiale şi finale, au
dat posibilitatea analizării potenţialului motric al elevilor din clasa a IX-a.
3. Experimentul efectuat a demonstrat că aplicarea celor mai adecvate metode (metoda
audio-video, metoda întrecerii, metoda întrecerii cu handicap și metoda jocului) şi mijloace
(ştafete, jocuri de mişcare şi exerciţii de atenţie; exerciţii şi jocuri cu mingea; starturi cu accelerare
pe distanţe scurte şi plecare din diferite poziţii), au contribuit la îmbunătăţirea rezultatelor elevilor
la probele de control descrise.
4. Experimentul a validat ipotezele cercetării prin rezultatele obţinute la clasele experiment
faţă de cele martor.
În lecţia de educaţie fizică, viteza sub toate formele ei de manifestare fiind o calitate motrică
foarte importantă, prezentă mai mult sau mai puţin în toate actele şi acţiunile motrice. Un rol
important îl au jocurile, elementele de întrecere, care sporesc eficienţa prin caracterul lor
mobilizator, dezvoltând spiritul de emulaţie în rândul elevilor. În urma experimentului propunem
introducerea şi utilizarea metodelor şi mijloacelor specifice atletismului în lecţiile de educaţie

[1] Ababei C., (2010) Bazele generale ale atletismului, curs studii de licență, Editura Alma Mater,
Bacău, p.11;
[2] Alexe D., I., (2007) Atletism, Îndrumar practico-metodic, Editura Pim, Iași, 2007;
[3] Epuran M, Psihologia educatiei fizice, Sport Turism, Bucharest, 1976
[4] Popescu-Neveanu P, Fischbein E, Psihologia generală, Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucharest, 1971
[5] Raţă G, Raţă B, Aptitudinile în activitatea motrică, Edusoft, Bacău, 2006
[6] Scarlat E., Scarlat M.,B., Tratat de educație fizică, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică, R.A.,
București, p 127, 2011.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Iancu Ion RACHITA1
University Politehnica of Bucharest, No 313 Splaiul Independentei ,Bucharest
Abstract:This study attempts to prioritize the judo specific means for developing the distributive attention and speed of
execution among the UPB students in the physical education lesson.Improving the development of the execution speed
and distributive attention in physical education lesson is a determining factor in studens’t performance.[7]. The
psychology and the methodology of learning and of perfecting the technique judo, rely on the processes gathered by the
biomechanical and methodical-pedagogical study of the student’s actions. The development of the repetition speed can
be achieved by means of elaborating the appropriate dynamic stereotype (movements education in maximum speed
mode).[5]. The main factor that determines the speed of execution] is the mobility of the nervous
processes.[1].Acquiring by the students the operational training structures, specific to judo contributes to increasing the
efficiency of their application in the Physical Education lessons. The use of methodological structures in the training
process, with the imprint of our contribution to improving the content and the efficiency of the methodology used, will
improve the distributive attention and speed of execution. Thus, I consider appropriate the prerequisite for taking into
account specific criteria on prioritizing the judo means in the Physical Education lesson from the UPB.
Key words: distributive attention, execution speed, specific means, judo, Physical Education lesson.

This study aims to investigate the effects of practicing judo on the distributive attention and
speed of execution and also the connection between the two by using in the Physical Education
lessons from the UPB means specific to judo.The means used were the following: movements in
positions of guard with a partner in the back, releasing the different holds of partner, pull-ups in
kimono, partner unbalancing, lifting the partner from different positions. To achieve this we will
need a broad and multidisciplinary documentary informing in order to establish the methodological
and theoretical bases for this topic. Attention is a mental process or phenomenon with great
influence on knowledge and learning, having a special place in the structure and dynamics of
human psycho-behavioral system. "In the everyday activities, the involvement of attention is
appreciated as a factor of accomplishment or success, and its weakness or lack of it - as a factor of
errors or failures."[3].Attention contributes particularly to the optimization of knowledge and
learning and to rendering efficient these processes and activities. This contribution is achieved
through a selection in the perception field and an intensification of the selection linked to the stimuli
perception, ultimately ensuring greater clarity and understanding of the phenomenon. Through the
attention contribution one actually ensures a speedy notification of an event or object. For example,
if two motor tasks are executed simultaneously, as well as separately, then at least one of them does
not require attention. If none of the tasks is performed correctly, then it means that both motor tasks
involve attention. One may admit the motor act becomes even more effective if the attention
involved in regulating it integrates more intimately and more durably in its internal organization
scheme.[6].The literature describes the following forms of attention:
 the involuntary attention, which actually determines the automatic orientation, by itself,
there being implied no additional orientation effort;
 the voluntary attention – through which the orientation is made based on the effort of the
will that leads to focusing the attention on an object, event;
 the post-voluntary attention, actually considered to be an activity that is enjoyable and
which attracts the subject after there was previously necessary an effort of will to
accomplish that activity or that event.
Due to their nature selective, the judo specific elements can greatly influence the development
of the execution speed and the distributive attention of the students.[4].To render the exercises as
efficient as possible they should be strictly selected and comply with the individual, morphological,
functional and psychological peculiarities of the students. Only a thorough knowledge of the physical
and psychological peculiarities of the collective and of the students’ individual peculiarities can lead to

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

a more efficient training process. The exercises and the exercise structures are not a goal in itself; they
are means for training and developing the skills and abilities, the motor qualities, and for achieving
higher development indexes in the body’s morphological and functional development. [2].

Material and Methods

This paper is part of an ample research that targeted the development of the motor and mental
capacity of the students through the use of judo specific means in the physical education lessons from
the U.P.B.
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a study on the development of the distributive attention
and execution speed of the UPB students using means specific to judo.
We started from the hypothesis stating that development of the distributive attention and the execution
speed is a determining factor in the student performance by means specific to judo. In order to do the
scientific research and to verify the hypothesis proposed we set the following tasks:
 ample multidisciplinary documentary informing in order to establish the methodological and
theoretical bases for this topic.
 to formulate conceptual completions
 to establish methodical priorities and the judo principles
 to establish the battery of tests and the means used
 to apply the research methodology so as to verify the hypotheses
 ample theoretical and methodical fundamentation
 to process the data obtained, to interpret them and to set teaching directions for the judo specific
means in the physical education lesson destined to the students from the non-speciality faculties.
The experimental research was conducted on a total of 20 students belonging to the UPB’s
Faculty of Transports. The experimental research of the project was carried out over two semesters. The
two tests took place in the Physical Education hall from the U.P.B. during 2013-2014, and the two
weeks were not included in the training program. The subjects were tested by means of two tests,
namely the Tapping Test for the execution speed and the Prague Test for the distributive attention. The
Tapping Test follows speed execution at which the upper limbs move and consists in the alternative
reaching, with the crafty, hand two objects placed on a table. Grading: The score is calculated based on
the time required to achieve each object 25 times.The Tapping test provides information about the
control and coordination of distal muscle groups in the upper limbs.The Prague Test measures
distributive attention and mental fatigue resistance by the outputs obtained for each test..The test
consists of a board with numbers from 1 to 100 with bold fonts which are arranged aleatorily in a
square with 100 boxes; each box also contains a number written in small and thin fonts. The answer
sheet contains four columns of numbers from 1 to 100 corresponding to the bolded ones on the board.
The subject should note next to every number in the column the thin format number that is in the box of
the one indicated by bolding on the board. The subject has 4 minutes for each column and a 1 minute
break between each of them.
The research methods were the following:
• the bibliographic study;• the observation; • the experimental method; • the graphic
method(tabulation and aggregation of data, calculating averages, dispersion sizes, graphics,
regression and correlation).
Starting from the premise that both the distributive attention and execution speed can be improved,
we will pursue the organization of Physical Education lessons in a systematic way which is dealt with
by varying the intensity, volume and complexity of the means used, thus reaching a positive effect of
the Physical Education lessons.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Results and Discussions

The tests’ results are presented in what follows:
Table 1. Comparative analysis of the results obtained in the evaluation test of the experimental group and Tapping
threshold test, the initial test (IT) and final test (FT)


Progres t-
TEST /± /± Cv
4,10 8,6
Tapping test 20,70/±1,78 16,60/±3,52 21,18 6,48
4,60 7,6
Praga test 76,10/±5,82 80,70/±5,51 6,82 17,96

The Tapping Test

The arithmetic mean – is smaller at the final testing with 4.10 points compared to the
initial testing (20.70 – 16.60). The median – changes value from 20.50 points to 15.50 points at the
last testing. The module - has a significant increase – that is from 20.00 points to 15.00 points at
the final testing. The standard deviation – increase from 1.78 points to 3.52 points at the final
testing. The medium deviation – increase from 0.40 points to 0.79 points at the final testing. The
standard error – increase from 0.40 points to 0.79 points at the final testing.The dispersion –
increase with 9.19 points at the final testing. The amplitude – increase with 9 point. The variation
coefficient – at the initial testing is of 8.60 points and at the final one of 21.18 points– this indicates
a homogenous sample. By calculating the t – the bilateral test, to verify the null hypothesis, we find
that the value of t is of 6.48 points. Comparing it with the value in the Fischer table, for a reliability
threshold of 0.05 and the number n-1 of the freedom degrees for the selected sample, we observe
that the calculated t has a higher value than the table t which is of 2.09. The difference is significant,
therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. At Tapping test results of the experimental group students
show improvements during the investigation.






M edia aritmetica Abaterea Standard Er.Std. Ampl. Coef. variatie

Experiment T.I. Experiment T.F.

Figure 1. Tapping test - Initial and final test results - experimental group
The Prague Test
The arithmetic mean – is higher at the final testing with 4.60 points compared to the initial
testing (76.10 – 80.70). The median – changes value from 76.00 points to 79.50 points at the last
testing. The module - has a significant increase –, that is from 70.00 points to 79.00 points at the
final testing. The standard deviation– decreases non-significantly from 5.82 points to 5.51 points at
the final testing. The medium deviation – decreases non-significantly from 4.91points to 4.37
points at the final testing. The standard error – scade decreases non-significantly from 1.30 points to
1.23 points at the final testing.The dispersion – decreases with 3.55 points at the final testing (33.88
– 30.33). The amplitude – decraeses with 1 point from 19.00 -18. 00. The variation coefficient – at

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

the initial testing is of 7.65 points and at the final one of 6.82 points– this indicates a homogenous
sample. By calculating the t – the bilateral test, to verify the null hypothesis, we find that the value
of t is of 17.96 points. Comparing it with the value in the Fischer table, for a reliability threshold of
0.05 and the number n-1 of the freedom degrees for the selected sample, we observe that the
calculated t has a higher value than the table t which is of 2.09. The difference is significant,
therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.Prague test results of the experimental group students show
improvements during the investigation.


M edia aritmetica Abaterea Standard Er.Std. Ampl. Coef. variatie

Experiment T.I. Experiment T.F.

Figure 2. Praga test - Initial and final test results - experimental group

Tapping test results in Prague revealed that subjects research group values are different in
the two tests.
In this case it is noted that students in the experimental group improved their initial
performance using the means of judo.

Following the study conducted, the results we obtained demonstrate that the judo specific
means employed in the Physical Education lessons with students from the UPB determine
significant increases of the distributive attention and speed of execution with the students of the
experimental group, these having at the end of the research significantly improved values. The
methods which were used based on the rationalization and algorithmization of the training means,
the making up of a database, tables and graphs, can render objective the students training process.
The development of the distributive attention and the execution speed for the experimental group
rendered objective by the results recorded in the two testings, both the initial and final one, confirm
the correctness of the conception elaboration and of the methodology for the organization, the
development and the assessment of the study conducted.

[1] Ardelean, T, Viteza şi forţa în atletism. Contribuţii teoretice privind valorificarea potenţialului
de viteză la copii de 11-14 ani, Teza de doctorat, Bucureşti, 1991
[2] Ardelean, T, Particularităţile dezvoltării motrice în atletism, Editura IEFS, Bucureşti, 1990
[3] Epuran, M, Psihologia educaţiei fizice, vol. III, Reeditarea, Bucureşti, 1987
[4] Hantau, I, Teoria şi metodica judoului, Bucureşti, 2005
[5] Harre, D, Viteza şi antrenamentul de viteză. Theorie und praxis der Korpenkultur, Berlin, 36,
1987, în „Sportul de performanţă”, nr.270
[6] Horghidan, V, Metode de psihodiagnostic, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1977
[7] Pradet, M, Pregătirea fizică, Revista „Sportul de performanţă”, nr. 426-428, CCPS, Bucureşti,

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Iancu Ion RACHITA1

Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, Splaiul Independentei nr. 313, Bucureşti

Rezumat: Acest studiu incearca sa ierarhizeze mijloacele specifice judoului de dezvoltare a atentiei distributive si a
vitezei de executie in randul studentilor din UPB in cadrul lectiilor de educatie fizica.Ameliorarea nivelului dezvoltarii
vitezei de executie si atentiei distributive in lectia de educatie fizica, se constituie un factor determinant în prestatia
studentilor. [7].Atât psihologia cât și metodica învățării și perfecționării tehnicii în judo, au la bază procesele
înregistrate de studiul biomecanic și metodic – pedagogic al acțiunilor studenților.Dezvoltarea vitezei de repetitie se
poate realiza pe calea elaborarii stereotipului dinamic corespunzator(educarea miscarilor in regim de viteza
maxima).[5].Factorul care determină viteza de execuție constă în mobilitatea proceselor nervoase.[1].Insusirea de catre
studenti a structurilor operationale de pregatire, specifice judoului contribuie la cresterea eficientei aplicarii acestora in
lectiile de educaţie fizica. Folosirea unor structuri metodologice în procesul de pregatire, cu amprenta contributiei
noastre, la imbunatatirea continutului si eficientei metodologice utilizate, va duce la imbunatatirea atentiei distributive
si a vitezei de executie. Astfel, consider ca este oportună premisa luării în considerare a unor criterii specifice privind
ierarhizarea mijloacelor din judo in lecția de educțtie fizică din UPB.
Cuvinte cheie: atentie distributiva, viteza de executie, mijloace specific, judo,lectia de educatie fizica.

Prezentul studiu isi propune sa cerceteze efectele practicarii judoului asupra atentiei distributive si
a vitezei de executie precum si conexiunea dintre cele doua prin utilizarea in cadrul lectiilor de educatie
fizica din UPB a unor mijloace specifice judoului.Pentru realizarea acestuia este necesara o cunoaștere
amplă și multidisciplinară in vederea stabilirii bazelor teoretice si metodologice aferente acestei
teme.Mijloacele folosite au constat în: deplasări în poziții de gardă cu partener în spate, eliberarea
diferitelor prize ale partenerului, tracțiuni în brațe la kimono, dezechilibrarea partenerului, ridicări ale
partenerului în diferite.Atenția, este proces sau fenomen psihic cu influență deosebită în activitatea de
cunoastere si de invatare, ocupand un loc aparte in structura si dinamica sistemului
psihocomportamental al omului. „Implicarea atenţiei este apreciată ca factor al reuşitei sau al
succesului, iar slăbiciunea sau lipsa ei, ca factor generator de erori sau eşecuri”[3].Atentia contribuie în
mod deosebit la optimizarea cunoasterii si invatarii si la eficientizarea acestor procese si activitati.
Aceasta contributie se realizeaza printr-o selectie în campul perceptivi si printr-o intensificare a
selectiei legata de perceperea stimulilor, asigurandu-se în final o mai bună claritate si intelegere a
fenomenului. Prin contributia atentiei se asigura de fapt o rapiditate a sesizarii unui eveniment sau
obiect. Spre exemplu, daca doua sarcini motrice se executa simultan, la fel de bine ca si separat, atunci
cel putin una dintre ele nu solicita atentie. Daca niciuna dintre sarcini nu se executa corect, atunci
înseamna ca ambele sarcini motrice presupun atentie. Se poate admite ca actul motric devine cu atat
mai eficient, cu cat atentia implicata în reglarea lui se integreaza mai intim si mai durabil in schema lui
interna de organizare.[6].Literatura de specialitate descrie urmatoarele forme ale atentiei:
 atentia involuntara, care determina de fapt o orientare automata, de la sine, neimplicandu-se
nici un efort suplimentar de orientare;
 atentia voluntara – prin care orientarea se realizeaza pe baza efortului de vointa care duce
la concentrarea atentiei asupra unui obiect, eveniment;
 atentia postvoluntar, considerata a fi de fapt o activitate care devine placuta si care atrage
subiectul dupa ce în prealabil a fost necesar un efort de vointa pentru realizarea acelei
activitati sau acelui eveniment.
Prin caracterul lor selectiv, elementele specifice de judo pot influenta în mare măsura
dezvoltarea vitezei de executie si atentia distributiva a studentilor.[4]. Pentru ca exercitiile sa fie cat mai
eficiente ele trebuie strict selectionate si sa urmareasca respectarea particularitatilor individuale,
morfologice, functionale si psihice ale studentiilor. Numai o cunoastere temeinica a particularitatiilor
fizice si psihice ale colectivului cat si a particularitatiilor individuale ale studentiilor poate duce la
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

eficientizarea procesului de pregatire. Exercitiile si structurile de exercitii nu reprezinta un scop in sine;

ele sunt mijloace de formare si perfectionare a priceperilor şi deprinderilor, a calitatilor motrice, de
realizare a unor indici superiori de dezvoltare morfologica si functionala a organismului.[2].

Material şi metode
Prezenta lucrare face parte dintr-o cercetare amplă care a vizat dezvoltarea capacităţilor motrice şi
psihice ale studenţilor prin utilizarea mijloacelor specific judoului în lecţiile de educaţie fizică din UPB.
Scopul acestei lucrari este de a realiza un studiu cu privire la nivelul de dezvoltare al atentiei
distributive si al vitezei de executie in randul stdentilor din UPB prin utilizarea mijloacelor specifice
Am plecat de la ipoteza conform careia dezvoltarea atentiei distributive si a vitezei de executie
se constituie un factor determinant in prestatia studentilor prin mijloace din judo.Pentru realizarea
cercetarii stiintifice si a verifica ipoteza propusa am stabilit urmatoarele sarcini:
 informarea documentara ampla si multidisciplinara în vederea stabilirii bazelor teoretice si
metodice aferente temei.
 formularea unor completari de ordin conceptual
 stabilirea unor prioritati metodice si a principiilor judoului
 stabilirea bateriei de teste si a mijloacelor folosite
 aplicarea metodologiei cercetarii in vederea verificarii ipotezelor
 fundamentare teoretica si metodica ampla
 prelucrarea datelor obtinute, interpretarea lor si stabilirea unor directii de predare a
mijloacelor specifice judoului in lectia de educatie fizica la studentii din facultatiile de neprofil.
Cercetarea experimentala s-a desfasurat pe un numar de 20 de studenti apartinand Facultatii
de Transporturi din UPB.Realizarea proiectului de cercetare experimentala s-a realizat pe parcursul
a doua semestre.Cele doua testari au avut loc in cadrul salii de educatie fizica a U.P.B. in perioada
2013-2014, iar cele doua saptamani nu au fost cuprinse in programul de pregatire.Subiectii au fost
testati prin doua teste si anume Tapping test pentru viteza de repetiţie si Praga pentru atentia
distributiva.Testul Tapping urmareste viteza cu care se misca membrele superioare şi consta în
atingerea, alternativa cu mana indemanatica a doua repere asezate pe o masa. Notarea: Scorul este
calculat in functie de timpul necesar pentru a atinge fiecare reper de 25 ori.Testul Tapping
furnizează informații cu privire la controlul și coordonarea grupelor musculare distale la nivelul
membrelor superioare.Testul Praga masoara atentia distributiva, rezistenta la oboseala psihica prin
randamentele obtinute la fiecare testare. Testul consta dintr-o plansa cu numere de la 1 la 100 cu
caractere groase care sunt aliatoriu dispuse intr-un patrat cu 100 de casute, fiecare casuta mai
contine un numar trecut cu caractere mici si subtiri.Foaia de raspuns contine patru coloane de
numere de la 1 la 100 care corespund celor ingrosate de pe plansa. Subiectul trebuie sa noteze in
dreptul fiecarui numar din coloana numarul cu format subtire care se afla în casuta celui indicat prin
ingrosare din plansa. Subiectul are la dispozitie 4 minute pentru fiecare coloana si o pauza de 1
minut intre fiecare dintre ele.

Metodele de cercetare au fost studiul bibliographic; observația; metoda experimentala; metoda

grafică (tabelarea şi agregarea datelor, calculul mediilor, mărimile de dispersie, grafice, corelaţia şi
Plecand de la premiza ca atat atentia distributiva cat si viteza de executie pot fi imbunatatite, vom
urmari organizarea lectiilor de educatie fizica printr-un regim sistematic ce se realizeaza prin variatii
ale intensitatii, volumului si complexitatii mijloacelor folosite, ajungand astfel la un efect pozitiv al
lectiei de educatie fizica.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Rezultate și discuții
Rezultatele testarilor sunt prezentate în cele ce urmează:
Tabelul nr.1 Analiza comparativă a rezultatelor obţinute de grupa experimentală la evaluarea testului Tapping şi
testului Praga, testarea iniţială (TI) şi testarea finală (TF)


TEST /± /± Progres Cv t-TEST

Testul Tapping 20,70/±1,78 16,60/±3,52 4,10 8,60 21,18 6,48
Testul Praga 76,10/±5,82 80,70/±5,51 4,60 7,65 6,82 17,96

Testul Tapping
Media aritmetica – este mai mică la testarea finala cu 4,10 puncte fata de testarea initiala (20,70
– 16,60).Mediana – se schimba valoarea de la 20,50 puncte la 15,50 puncte la ultima
testare.Modulul – are o scădere semnificativă, adica de la 20,00 puncte la 15,00 puncte la testarea
finala.Abaterea standard – creşte de la 1,78 puncte la 3,52 puncte la testarea finala.Abaterea medie
–creşte de la 0,40 puncte la 0,79 puncte la testarea finala.Eroarea standard – creşte de la 0,40 puncte
la 0,79 puncte la testarea finala.Dispersia – creşte semnificativ cu 9,19 puncte la testarea
finala.Amplitudinea – creşte cu 9 puncte.Coeficientul de variatie – la testarea initiala 8,60 puncte iar
la cea finala 21,18 puncte – ne indica un esantion omogen.Calculand t – test bilateral, pentru
verificarea ipotezei nule, constatam ca valoarea lui t este de 6,48 puncte. Comparandu-l cu valoarea
din tabelul Fischer, pentru 0,05 prag de incredere si numarul gradelor de libertate n-1 a esantionului
selectat, observam ca t-ul calculat are o valoare mai mare decat t-ul tabelat, care este de 2,09.
Diferenta este semnificativa, deci se resping ipoteza nula.La testul Tapping rezultatele obţinute de
studenţii grupei experimentale pun în evidenţă ameliorări pe parcursul cercetării.






M edia aritmetica Abaterea Standard Er.Std. Ampl. Coef. variatie

Experiment T.I. Experiment T.F.

Figure 1. Tapping test - Rezultatele initiale şi finale - grupa experimentală

Testul Praga
Media aritmetica – este mai mare la testarea finala cu 4,60 puncte fata de testarea initiala (76,10
– 80,70).Mediana – se schimba valoarea de la 76,00 puncte la 79,50 puncte la ultima
testare.Modulul – are o crestere semnificativa, adica de la 70,00 puncte la 79,00 puncte la testarea
finala.Abaterea standard – scade nesemnificativ de la 5,82 puncte la 5,51 puncte la testarea
finala.Abaterea medie –scade nesemnificativ de la 4,91puncte la 4,37 puncte la testarea
finala.Eroarea standard – scade nesemnificativ de la 1,30 puncte la 1,23 puncte la testarea
finala.Dispersia – scade cu 3,55 puncte la testarea finala (33,88 – 30,33).Amplitudinea – scade cu 1
punct de la 19,00 -18,00.Coeficientul de variatie – la testarea initiala 7,65 puncte iar la cea finala
6,82 puncte – ne indica un esantion omogen.Calculand t – test bilateral, pentru verificarea ipotezei

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

nule, constatam ca valoarea lui t este de 17,96 puncte. Comparandu-l cu valoarea din tabelul
Fischer, pentru 0,05 prag de incredere si numarul gradelor de libertate n-1 a esantionului selectat,
observam ca t-ul calculat are o valoare mai mare decat t-ul tabelat, care este de 2,09. Diferenta este
semnificativa, deci se resping ipoteza nula. La testul Praga rezultatele obţinute de studenţii grupei
experimentale pun în evidenţă ameliorări pe parcursul cercetării.


M edia aritmetica Abaterea Standard Er.Std. Ampl. Coef. variatie

Experiment T.I. Experiment T.F.

Figure 2. Praga test – Rezultatele iniţiale şi finale -grupa experimentală

Rezultatele obţinute la testul Tapping şi Praga au pus în evidenţă că subiecţii grupei de

cercetare înregistrează valori diferite la cele două testări.
În acest caz se observă că studenţii din grupa experimentală şi-au îmbunătăţit performanţele
iniţiale utilizând mijloacele din judo.

In urma studiului realizat rezultatele obţinute demonstreaza ca mijloacele folosite in cadrul
lecţiilor de educatie fizica cu studentii din UPB, produc cresteri semificative ale atentiei distributive
si vitezei de executie la studentii grupei experimentale avand la sfarsitul cercetrii valori semnificativ
ameliorate. Metodele folosite bazate pe raţionalizarea si algoritmizarea mijloacelor de pregatire,
poate obiectiviza procesul de pregatire al studentilor. Nivelul de dezvoltare al atentiei distributive si
vitezei de executie asupra grupei experimentale obiectivat prin rezultatele inregistrate in cele două
testari initiala si finala, confirma corectitudinea elaborarii conceptiei si metodologiei de organizare
de desfasurare şi evaluare a studiului realizat.

[1] Ardelean, T, Viteza şi forţa în atletism. Contribuţii teoretice privind valorificarea potenţialului
de viteză la copii de 11-14 ani, Teza de doctorat, Bucureşti, 1991
[2] Ardelean, T, Particularităţile dezvoltării motrice în atletism, Editura IEFS, Bucureşti, 1990
[3] Epuran, M, Psihologia educaţiei fizice, vol. III, Reeditarea, Bucureşti, 1987
[4] Hantau, I, Teoria şi metodica judoului, Bucureşti, 2005
[5] Harre, D, Viteza şi antrenamentul de viteză. Theorie und praxis der Korpenkultur, Berlin, 36,
1987, în „Sportul de performanţă”, nr.270
[6] Horghidan, V, Metode de psihodiagnostic, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1977
[7] Pradet, M, Pregătirea fizică, Revista „Sportul de performanţă”, nr. 426-428, CCPS, Bucureşti,

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Caner ÖZGEN1 , Metin ARGAN2

Anadolu University, Sport Sciences Faculty, Tepebasi, Eskisehir, Turkey,
Anadolu University, Sport Sciences Faculty, Tepebasi, Eskisehir, Turkey,

Abstract. This study examined the relationships between attitudinal loyalty, behavioral loyalty, team identification, and
whether team identification served as a mediator between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty in a sample of
soccer fans. In this study, a structural equation model is proposed for investigates the mediating role of team
identification of the relationship between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. The data gained through the 261
soccer fans were analyzed by using SPSS, AMOS 22.0 software programs. To validity and reliability of measurement
model three different Confirmatory Factor Analysis have been used the path suggested by literature was followed to
identify the partial mediation effect of team identification between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty of soccer
fans. As a result, all constructs have a highly significant effect with each other and team identification has partial
mediation effect between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty of football fans. Fan loyalty has a crucial effect on
sport clubs’ sustainability as it has the same effect that customer loyalty has on corporate sustainability. It can be said
that importance of defining the processes of creating loyal fans for sport clubs has incontrovertibly effect the clubs’
sustainability. In this context the results taken from this research provide the sports marketers with important inferences
from the way they need to create the loyal fans.
Keywords: team loyalty, team identification, soccer fans loyalty

Among the most important strategic goals of businesses today is to create brand loyalty.
Loyalty is defined as one of the ways in which customers can express their satisfaction from
products or services [6]. Brand loyalty has been shown to have many benefits that directly affect the
sales and operating costs of businesses [3,6,9]. For this reason, the commitment between the brand
and the customer is seen as a key to success for businesses [3].
As discussed in the different sectors, the concept of customer loyalty has been dealt with
many times in the sports sector. Team loyalty is generally defined as loyalty that develops over time
through the involvement of the fans with their teams. Just like the impact of traditional customer
loyalty on the continuity of businesses, loyalty of the fans is vital to the continuity of the sports
clubs. In this context, it can be said that the supporter loyalty is the key for sports clubs, which is
equivalent to the importance of the customers for enterprises in other sectors. Yoshida et al., [42]
stated that the most important thing that sports managers should keep in mind is to create a mass of
loyal fans. That is to say, spectators should be seen as a customer in the sports sector, and soccer
clubs should be seen as a brand, and the fans' interests and needs should be determined and satisfied
just like in other sectors [35]. Yoshida et al., [42] indicated that it is vital to be able to put forth the
reasons behind creating loyal customers in the sports industry. In studies conducted in the field of
sport management, it has been revealed in many studies [17,21,22,35,36] that the sports fans'
loyalty is not only related to a single sport-related object, and that it is a more complex structure
which cannot be expressed in a simple way.
There are many studies in sports science literature that examine the relationship between team
identification and team loyalty [5, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 39]. However, there is scant research
examining the mediating effect of team identification on the relationship between the attitudinal
loyalty and behavioral loyalty of fans. In the light of this information, this study examines the
mediating effect of the team identification on the relationship between the attitudinal loyalty and the
behavioral loyalty of the soccer team fans.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Conceptual Framework
Team identification
Different definitions have been provided in literature related to the concept of team
identification. For example, Funk & James [13] identifies team identification as an individual's
association with other team members and psychological contact with the team, while Wann &
Pierce [41] define team identification as psychological and behavioral commitment. In addition,
Ashforth & Mael [1] defined the concept of team identification more concretely as the level of
perceiving the successes and failures of the spectators' teams as their own successes and failures.
From this point of view, it can be said that the "psychological connection that fans establish with
their teams" is the common point of the definitions in the literature.
A group of people sharing the similar social identity express a “psychological group”
members of a psychological group do not necessarily have to interact with or even like others in the
group. Rather, it is the individual 's self-perception of being, say, a loyal citizen or sports fan that
serves as the basis for incorporating that status into his or her social identity[24]. The theory of
social identification is accepted as the main focal point of team identification. For this reason, the
work on team identification [28, 30] has benefited from the social identity theory. Tajfel [34]
indicate that an individual's team identification is part of his social identification, and Phua [30]
stated that team identification is a sign of social identification, as well as playing a role in the
establishment and maintenance of social connections. Based on the theory of social identification,
Murrell & Dietz [28] indicated that, team fans feel a high level of commitment to their teams
because they perceive the team as an extension of their personal self-esteem. Underwood et al., [38]
indicated that those who feel their identification close to a sports team may feel themselves as part
of this team.
Team loyalty
Funk & James [13] defined sport consumer loyalty as a stronger emotional response to
various values in their identification processes with teams. Team loyalty is generally defined as
loyalty and commitment that develops over time through the involvement of the fans with their
teams. Just like the effect of traditional customer loyalty on the continuity of businesses, loyalty of
fans is crucial for the continuity of sports clubs. As such, it can be said that the loyalty of fans is the
key element for sports clubs, equivalent in importance of the customers for businesses in other
One of the important features that distinguish the sport industry from other sectors is that the
customer loyalty is different. Although the sport sector is being evaluated within the entertainment
sector, unlike other entertainment sectors, there is no guarantee of performance or satisfaction in the
sport sector. That is, after the match, the fans continue to come to the next matches although they
may be disappointed by their team's defeat or bad performance [42]. Tapp [35] indicated that the
loyalty of the fans in the sport sector can only be affected by the current success of the team, but
even this is impossible to rely on in the soccer sector. Similarly, Richardson & O'Dwye [31]
indicated that the most reliable information they obtained from their study was that "soccer fans
were stubbornly loyal to their teams, no matter what".
Behavioral Loyalty
Behavioral loyalty is defined by Chaudhuri [42] as the behavior of re-purchasing a brand
name or special product. Many studies on the loyalty of sports fans have concentrated on various
factors related to the attitude dimension of fan loyalty [14,21,22]. These approaches alone are not
enough to express loyalty, even if they make a significant contribution to the understanding of the
attitude dimension of fan loyalty [16]. In this regard, Jacoby & Kyner [21] stated that the preference
and loyalty expressions made orally are inadequate in establishing brand loyalty, and the most
important one is behavioral loyalty. Kwon et al., [22] indicated that participation in matches is the
most important variable that reveals behavioral loyalty.
Attitudinal Loyalty

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

As mentioned earlier, brand loyalty concept is evaluated as two separate dimensions,

behavioral and attitudinal, whereas in sport management literature, attitude loyalty is used much
more frequently than behavioral loyalty. Attitudinal loyalty in the sport context is conceptualized as
the continuity of loyalty to the individual team [10,27]. Tachis & Tzetzis [33] has shown that
attitudinal loyalty directly affects behavioral loyalty. In this context, the conclusion is that the sport
managers should first create attitudinal loyalty for the behavioral loyalty they want to create. Funk
& James [13] assert that attitudinal loyalty is an affective commitment that has a strong impact on
behavior. Therefore, attitudinal loyalty reflects, in large measure, the future participation intentions
of the team fans [19].

Hypotheses Regarding the Research Model

The links developed within the scope of the research are designed to reveal the relationships
between team identification, attitudinal loyalty, and behavioral loyalty. The hypotheses to be tested
for these purposes and the theoretical background for these hypotheses are given below.
Funk & James [13] describe affective loyalty as the strong perceptual commitment effective
on behavior. Loyalty in the sport context is defined as the continuity of the loyalty expressions
made by the individual towards the team [10,27]. In this regard, Iwasaki & Havitz, [19] state that
attitudinal loyalty reflects team fans’ intention to participate in future events. In relation to this,
Kwon et al., [22] state that participation in matches is the most important variable that reveals
behavioral loyalty. Tachis & Tzetzis [33] found that attitude loyalty directly affects behavioral
loyalty. As such, the first hypothesis of this research is presented below.
H1: There is a positive relationship between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty.
Funk & James [13] showed that the steady positive trend of individual attitudes towards a
sport team raises the team identification level positively, regardless of the team's performance.
Underwood, et al., [38] state that those who feel that their identification is close to a team can feel
themselves as part of this team. Park et al., [29] stated that in order to ensure fan affiliation, sports
clubs should focus on the concept of personal self, which is effective in building team
identification. Tapp [35] maintains that contrary to classical beliefs of soccer team fans (the fans are
loyal to their teams in all cases), there are many behavioral, attitudinal and demographic variables
that affect fan loyalty and that a sense of belonging provides a much greater sense of belonging to
fans than ordinary sport consumers. Regarding this, many people define themselves as members of
a sports-related group (sports fans, soccer fans, basketball fans, etc.) and add to their social
identities the values and emotions created by their membership in a team. An example of this is the
fact that many teams take their name from the values of the city and the individuals living in the
city [17]. Bodet et al., [7] assert that sports managers do not need to take measures to increase team
identification levels because of the strong influence of team identification in different dimensions to
create loyalty. Thus, the second hypothesis of this research is as follows.
H2: There is a positive relationship between team identification and attitudinal loyalty.
The team identification level is used to reveal the behavior of the fans. One of the most
important variables that reveal team loyalty is team identification [11,26,27,28,39,40] determined
that fans with a high level of team identification spend a lot more money and time to participate in
matches, and continue to discuss issues related to their teams even if there is no match. Madrigal
[24] demonstrated that fans with low team identification levels have a low tendency to purchase
products from organizations that sponsor the team, while fans with high team identification tend to
buy sponsor firms' products. Funk & James [13] found that the team identification level is an
important element that reflects team personal beliefs and values for high-level people, and that this
is closely related to being a loyal supporter. Regarding this, Wakefield & Sloan [39]; Hill & Green,
[18]; Matsuoka et al., [26] fans with a high level of team identification have been found to have a
higher participation in their soccer team’s matches than other fans even though they do not have a
good season. In light of this information, the third hypothesis of this research is given below.
H3: There is a positive relationship between team identification and behavioral loyalty.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

In many studies it has been shown that team identification has a strong positive relationship
with both loyalty [13,35] and behavioral loyalty [26,28,39,40]. This suggests that the relationship
between commitment loyalty and behavioral loyalty can be mediated by team identification. In light
of this, the fourth hypothesis of this research is presented below.
H4: There is a partial mediating effect of the team identification on the relationship between
team identification and behavioral loyalty.

Attitudinal Behavioral
Loyalty Loyalty

Figure 1. Model of relationship between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty among fans


H2 H3

Attitudinal Behavioral
Loyalty Loyalty

Figure 2. Models of team identification as a mediator of attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty among fans.

Data Collection and Sampling
Within the scope of this study, a total of 275 soccer fans were reached with convenience
sampling method from the spectators of Beşiktas, Fenerbahce, Galatasaray soccer teams, which are
known as the three biggest clubs in Turkish soccer. A significant percentage (52%) of the
participants are between the ages of 18-25 and a significant portion (70.1%) consists of male fans.
26.8% of the spectator are Besiktas, 32.2% are Fenerbahce and 41% are Galatasaray spectators.
Most of the fans are university graduates (67.4%) and married (78.9).
To obtain the views of soccer fans, the survey form was submitted online to google drive
and personal interviews were conducted. For the collection of data online, announcements about the
study were made by the researchers on social networking sites, and participants were given
extensive information about the research. IP restrictions have been introduced in online forms to
prevent a person from completing multiple surveys. No questionnaire was distributed to those who
did not want to participate in the survey or who indicated that they were not a fan of a soccer team.
Of the 275 soccer fans, 201 were reached online, and 74 were interviewed personally.
Measuring Instruments
As a result of examining the measurement tools developed to determine the team
identification levels of the fans, a six-item instrument developed by Gwinner & Swanson, [15] was
used. Expressions on the measuring instrument were revised to render them appropriate for the
purpose of the study. The measurement tools developed at different times in the literature aiming to
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

determine team loyalty of soccer spectator were examined [12,14,16,25,37]. It has been stated that
the scale of team loyalty developed in the field of sport management is not useful to measure team
loyalty due to various conceptual and / or functional problems. However, only the behavioral
dimension of loyalty was considered by means of the measurement developed by Heere & Dickson
[16]. In the light of this information, in this research, the elements of the measurement tool
developed by Tsiotsou [37] focused on two dimensions of the concept of loyalty (behavioral,
attitudinal). All constructs were evaluated in the five-point Likert scale range (5-Absolutely agree,
1-Absolutely disagree).

Table-1 Scale origins, construct reliability, AVE, items and item loadings
Team Identification (AVE: ,706; α: ,925) Factor
When someone criticizes my soccer team, it feels like a personal insult. Loadings
I am very interested in what others think about my soccer team. ,766
When I talk about my soccer team, I usually say “we” rather than “they”. ,806
My soccer team’s successes are my successes. ,875
When someone praises my soccer team, it feels like a personal complement. ,868
If a story in the media criticized my soccer team, I would feel embarrassed. ,867
Attitudinal Loyalty (AVE: ,709; α: ,917)
I am a loyal fan of my team. ,934
I am devoted to my team. ,956
I support my team even when it loses. ,723
I intend to be fan of my team forever. ,736
Behavioral Loyalty (AVE: ,715; α: ,911)
I follow my team in all of the games. ,901
I attend all of the events of my team. ,914
I am trying to convince other people to become friends of my team. ,766
I do not allow others to say bad things about my team. ,748
I intend to pay anything in needed (money, time, and effort) in order to be close to my team. ,867

Three different DFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) suggested in the literature were applied
to demonstrate the factor structures of the scales and to test the consistency of the obtained data
with the model. In this framework, a one-factor structure was tested to see how all variables were
loaded under a single factor (Model-1). The goal here was to check the possibility of undesirable
situations such as the participant's ability to say yes or no to all scale expressions when many scales
are used together. The fact that all the expressions have sufficient good agreement values under one
dimension shows that the scale is not sufficiently valid. In Model-2, a three-factor model was tested
with a one-factor structure of the Team İdentification scale and a two-factor structure of the Team
loyalty scale. As seen in Table 2, Model-1 does not have acceptable adaptability values. Although
Model-2 has more acceptable compliance values than Model-1, the AGFI and RMSEA values are
within acceptable limits. In order to ensure adequate adaptation between the model and the data, a
total of four modifications were made among the observed variables found under the same
structures without harming the theoretical infrastructure of the model. It is seen that the three-factor
model-3, which is formed as a result of the modifications made, provides sufficient harmony
between the model and the data. However, for the convergent validity of the measurement model,
the AVE values of all the structures were calculated and found to be higher than 0.5, and the factor
loads of all expressions for discriminant validity were found to be higher than 0.7. To determine the
internal consistency of the factors, the total Cronbach's Alpha value of each factor and instrument
was calculated and all values were found to be over 0.7. For the external validity of the instrument,
all dimensions were examined in relation to each other and the correlation coefficients were
statistically significant and not over 0.85 [2]. As a result of these statistical analyzes, it was
determined that the instrument had sufficient validity and reliability level.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table-2 Confirmatory factor analysis results


Model-1 8,206 ,699 ,831 ,831 ,160 ,620
Model-2 2,893 ,892 ,958 ,958 ,083 ,039
Model-3 2,563 ,898 ,966 ,966 ,078 ,034

Correlation Analysis
The results of the correlation analysis showed that there was a statistically significant
relationship between the dependent variable and the intermediary variables, and no relation was
above 0.85 (Table 3).

Table-3 Correlation matrix

1 2 3
Team Identification 1.000
Attitudinal Loyalty ,738** 1.000
Behavioral Loyalty ,829** ,810** 1.000

Structural Model
The steps suggested by Baron & Kenny [4] were followed to investigate whether the
influence of soccer fans attitudinal loyalty to their behavioral loyalty was mediated by fans team
identification. Accordingly, four conditions must be met in order to speak of such mediation effect.
First of all, there must be a statistically significant relationship between the dependent variable and
the independent variable. A statistically significant relationship was found between the dependent
variable (Behavioral Loyalty) and the independent variable (Attitudinal Loyalty) of this research
(Standardized R2 =, 871, p <0.01). Therefore, the H1 hypothesis was accepted. The second
condition is that there must be a statistically significant relationship between the independent
variable and the mediator variable. In this study, it was found that there was a statistically
significant relationship between the independent variable (Attitudinal Loyalty) and the mediator
variable (Team İdentification) (Standardized R2 =, 790; p <0,01). Thus, the hypothesis of H2 created
within the scope of the research was accepted. In the third step, there must be a statistically
significant relationship between the mediator variable and the dependent variable (when used in the
model together with the independent variable). In this study, it was found that there was a
significant relationship between the mediator variable (Team İdentification) and the dependent
variable (Attitudinal Loyalty) (Standardized R2 = 521; p <0,01). Thus, the hypothesis of H3 was
accepted. The fourth and last step must be larger than the coefficient in the structural model of the
independent variable with the dependent variable in the basic model coefficient. As can be seen in
the basic model and mediator model values generated in Table- 4, the coefficient of the independent
variable on the dependent variable decreased in the mediator model. As a result of the statistical
analyzes, all the assumptions proposed by Baron & Kenny [4] were provided and it was revealed
that the relationship between attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty was partially mediated by
team identification. Therefore, the formed H4 hypothesis was accepted.

Table-4 Basic model values

Analysis Std. R2 S.E. T-value P-value Result
H Behavioral Loyalty <--- Attitudinal Loyalty ,871 ,046 17,90 ,000** Significant
Table-5 Mediation model values

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Analysis Std. R2 S.E. T-value P-value Result

H Team Identification <--- Attitudinal Loyalty ,790 ,049 12,71 ,000** Significant
H Behavioral Loyalty <--- Team Identification ,521 ,078 8,16 ,000** Significant
H Behavioral Loyalty <--- Attitudinal Loyalty ,459 ,055 7,97 ,000** Significant

Attitudinal Behavioral
Loyalty ,871 Loyalty

Figure 3. Model of relationship between loyalty and identification model.


,790 ,521


Attitudinal Behavioral
Loyalty Loyalty

Figure 4. Models of team identification as a mediator of attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty among fans.

This research examined the mediating effect of team identification on the relationship
between the attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty of soccer fans, and the results revealed that it
has a partial mediator effect. Verification of the hypotheses prepared within the conceptual
framework of the research has contributed to the existing literature. Team loyalty in the sport sector
is the most important dimension that allows the spectators to participate in matches, to buy licensed
products, to follow their teams on media and to discuss them with their team members. As such, it
can be said that the behavioral loyalty of their fans is very important when the team earn sustainable
income in the industrial soccer era. Analysis of the data obtained in our study revealed that soccer
fans’ team identities had an impact on their behavioral team loyalty. This result is in parallel with
the results of studies on the subject in the literature [11,26,27,28,40].
Another result of the research is that attitudinal loyalty influences soccer fans' behavioral
loyalty. That attitude loyalty affects behavioral loyalty has been confirmed by many studies carried
out in different fields including the sports sector [11,26,27,28,39,40].
The transformation that modern soccer has had over the past years has given it the status of
industry and soccer fans have become customers in this industry who generate revenue for their
clubs. Revealing the structures that affect the behavioral loyalty of the fans of the soccer industry
and gaining a good grasp of the relationships between these is very important for soccer clubs'
financial sustainability. Therefore, ensuring sport club managers’ keeping psychologically
connected with the fans will provide significant contributions to the behavioral loyalty of the fans
(participation in matches, purchase of licensed products, etc.).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Limitations and Future Researches

As in all other researches, in this research there are various limitations and suggestions for
future researches. In this study, one of the non-probability sampling methods, the easy sampling
method was used, which reduces the level of generalization of the results. More detailed results can
be obtained from new studies by using a probabilistic sampling method. This research was done
only among soccer team spectators. Therefore, inclusion of other branches in the scope of the
research will enable to obtain more various results. Likewise, conducting further research to include
fans in different cultures may reveal differences in team identification and loyalty among cultures.

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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


1. University of Gelişim, Institute of Health Sciences,. Department of Exercise and Training Science,
İstanbul,Turkey, e-mail:
2. University of Gelişim, Institute of Health Sciences,. Department of Exercise and Training Science,
İstanbul,Turkey, e-mail:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between sportspersonship orientations, state
anxiety and sporty factors in female handball players. Participants were 144 amateur women handball player
participating in the handball tournament held in Amasya and Giresun and completed Turkish versions of
Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientation Scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and also reported
demographics and sporty factors. Correlation analyses suggested that respect for the social conventions of sport,
respect for one’s commitment toward participation in sport, respect for rules and officials subscale scores associated
with state anxiety scores, duration of sport, and played league (stars, minor, major league). Multiple regression analysis
also showed that state anxiety scores and duration of sport negatively predicted the scores for respect for the social
conventions of sport, respect for one’s commitment toward participation in sport, respect for rules and officials.
However, played league positively predicted the scores for respect for one’s commitment toward participation in sport
and respect for rules and officials subscale. This study found that state anxiety and duration of sport negatively
associated with sportspersonship behaviors. In order to increase sportspersonship behaviors in handball players,
practitioners should focus on decreasing anxiety levels of players before competitions and highlighting positive role
models during competitions. Additionally, practitioners also focus on senior handball players to improve
sportspersonship behaviors from different leagues. Because this study was only performed on amateur female handball
players, further studies can be performed in both female and male amateur handball players or samples that included the
professional league players.
Keywords : Handball players, sportspersonship orientations, state anxiety and sporty factors.

In addition to the positive physical effects of sports on human life, the positive effects of
sports on the psychological development of individuals are often emphasized by researchers [1]. In
addition to a more positive physical appearance, higher self-esteem, greater happiness [1],
researchers often stand on the preeminence of moral development of individuals in sport, and the
phrase '' Sports morality builds '' is spoken by many researchers who advocate the benefits of doing
sports (2nd). At the same time, researchers also express the positive effects of sports such as
handball, football and basketball on the psychosocial development of sports, as well as the co-
operation of the sports community, patience, loyalty and commitment to team members [3, 4]. One
of these important psychosocial effects is the sporting behavior exhibited by the athletes. In its
simplest form, sporting behavior is the tendency of players to play the game [3, 4], sportsmen have
five important items of sporting behavior. These are considered as negative approaches to respect
for social norms, respect for rule and governance, Commitment to sports responsibilities,
competence respect and sportiness. Social norms conforming to sports norms refers to behaviors
such as celebrating and congratulating the opponent's team when the game is won or lost, as the
athlete is expected to show. The second dimension, rule and governance, refers to how well the
game's authority has made its decisions when it makes a right or wrong decision in the game.
Loyalty to the third dimension, the Commitment to sports responsibilities, is related to the
responsibilities of the athlete to the place of the nature of the sports branch. Trying to do their best
while struggling with a stronger team, regularly participating in training, evaluating their
incomplete and strong aspects and trying to make up for their incompleteness are the
responsibilities that players have to take in sporting environments. The fourth dimension, the
respect for the rivalry, is the sporty behavior of the athlete in the name of the opponent in difficult
and distressing situations the competitor is experiencing. For example, talking to a referee for a
player who is about to be kicked out with a wrong decision, giving the athlete a piece of equipment
that is missing a piece of equipment, is a matter of respectability. Finally, negative approaches
represent a relatively low frequency of undesirable behaviors, such as not informing the judge of a
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

beneficiary's game, which athletes show in the game. The theoretical approach proposed by
Vallerand [3,4] presents a comprehensive social psychological perspective on the definition and
dimensions of sporting activity. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of social and
psychological variables (internal and external motivation) that may affect the sporting behaviors
that individuals show. Sportsmen have different approaches to how sporting behavior develops. One
of these approaches is social learning theory. This theory implies that humans have a potential to be
shaped and changed by taking advantage of the lives and experiences of others. According to this
model, not only the people of the environment but also the people are influencing and shaping the
environment. According to this constitution, sportsmen can learn sportsman behaviors by observing
another sportsman, imitating another sportman or interacting with another sportsman [5]. At the
same time, the punishment or prizes that the end result of sporting or non-sporting behavior,
according to this scheme, increase the frequency and likelihood of someone showing irregular or
sporting behavior. Another theory for explaining sportive behaviors is structural-developmental
theory [6,7]. According to this constitution, the sporting behavior of the athletes depends on the
moral development phase they are in. If the person is in the moral development stage, it is more
likely to exhibit sporting behaviors at the traditional or post-tradition level [7]. According to this
theory, as the age of the athlete increases, the probability of showing sporty behavior is higher
because the moral development of the quiche is parallel to the mental development.

Handball and Sport Behavior

Since it is one of the sports types based on handball competition, it is important and
necessary to create good examples in favor of exhibiting sporting behaviors in this kind of sports, to
develop the sense of competition and cooperation in a healthy way, to increase the peer relations
and positive social behavior of sportsmen. When the researches are examined, it is seen that they
are frequently focused on footballers and basketball players [8, 9]. Handball, however, is one of the
sports branches that require competition such as basketball and football and that sportsmen must
exhibit gentleman behavior. Further research shows that some psychological variables can affect the
performance of athletes and their behavior in play [10-12]. One of these psychological variables is
anxiety. Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of the future danger or misfortune of a person,
accompanied by a strong negative emotion and physical stress symptoms [13]. Researchers indicate
that each individual can experience anxiety at different levels, and that usually mild or moderate
lethargy allows individuals to strive for achievement, to motivate the individual and to help protect
it from danger, and even to make it functional by increasing the performance of the individual.
However, a high level of anxiety affects one's life and functioning negatively [13, 14] divides into
two as anxious situational and trait anxiety. Situational anxiety refers to how worried individuals
are when they are in, while persistent anxiety refers to an individual's general anxiety that is not
specific to a particular situation. Cerit et al. (2013) found that elite female basketball players had an
adverse effect on their performance level of anxiety before competition. The aim of this research is
to examine the level of situational anxiety and sportive variables on sportmen 's tendencies in
female handballs.

Research Model
This study is a cross-sectional survey of female handballs that examine the variables associated with
sporting behaviors.15 Cross-sectional studies by Shaughnessey et al. (2012) show that the general
characteristics of a sample taken at one time or more in a given time period, or two or more Aims to
describe differences between groups. The description here is a qualification which distinguishes a
sketchy behavior, an event, a phenomenon or an object from the others. In this study, similarly, the
variables related to sporting behaviors were tried to be depicted in female handballs without any
intervention. While the dependent variable of the research is sporting behaviors, independent
variables are duration of sport, league played and situational anxiety variables.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Study group
The study group of the researchers formed female handball players who participated in handball
tournaments held in Amasya and Giresun provinces on different dates. Participants were selected by
appropriate sampling. In the appropriate sampling method, the researcher is a type of sampling that
does not rely on the probability that the study sample will be determined (Cohen, Manion and
Morrison, 2007), taking into account factors such as cost, time, and ease of access to the subject. Of
these players, 49 (34%) were in the main league, 28 (19%) in the second league and 67 (47%) in the
star league. The age range of the players ranged from 11 to 27 with a mean age of 15.44 (SD: 2.66).
The handball playing time of the players varies between 1 and 15 years, with an average of 4.42 (S:
3.07) years.

Data Collection Tools

General Information Form, Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale and Situational-
Trait AnxietyScale were used as the data collection tool in the study. More detailed information on
these datacollectiontools is provided below
General Information Form: In the general information form developed by the researchers, it
contains questions about the gender of the handball players, age, sports branch, playing time in this
sports branch and information about education levels.
Multidimensional Sportsmanship Orientation Scale (MSOS):In order to measure the level of
sportiness of the handball players, MSOS was developed by Veseland, Brière, Blanchard and
Provencher (1997) and adapted by Turkmen to Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009). Unlike the original scale,
MSOS aims to measure sportsmanship orientations in accordance with social norms, respect for rule
and governance,Commitment to sports responsibilities, and respect for competence. In addition to
these dimensions on the original scale, there is a dimension of negative approaches. In the construct
validity study conducted by Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009), the scale of item factor loadings for social
norms compliance (SNC) subscale was .53 and .77, respect for rule and governance (RFRAG) .58
and .74 Of .76 to .81 for the subscale, and .63 to .80 for the subscale of the rival respect (RR), and
that the scale factors consisted of four dimensions describing 69.51% of the total variance. The
Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009) scales subscale of the scale indicated that the Cronbach alpha internal
consistency coefficients were .86 for norms of compliance to social norms, .83 for .08, .91 for
adherence to Commitment to sports responsibilities, .82 for. The four-factor structure recommended
by Sezen-Balçıkanlı (2009) was tested for validity by hand-factor analysis. The fit of the four-factor
model to the responses of the athletes was assessed through the goodness of fit indexes.In this
study, χ2 / sd, RMSEA, CFI, and TLI goodness of fit indexes were used for different fit goodness
indices. In the literature, the ratio of Ki-karein to degrees of freedom is less than or equal to 2 (χ2 /
sd ≤ 5), RMSEA is between .05 and .10 (0.05 ≤ RMSEA≤0.10), and CFI is the value of TLI. On the
other hand, if χ2 / sd ratio is less than 3, RMSEA is below .05, TLI and CFI .95 and above indicate
perfect sleep [17-22]. Confirmatory factor analyzes were performed using the weighted least
squares mean and variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimation method in the Mplus 6.1 program
(Muthén and Muthén, 2011). The reason for using WLSMV is that it is a sort of scale because it is
composed of the limited number of response categories in the MSOS (Finney and DiStefano, 2006,
2013). Furthermore, the use of this estimation method does not need to predict realistic and
unbiased estimates of parameters (eg, factor load factor) when the sample size is between 100 and
200, and to meet assumptions such as multivariate normality. Confirmatory factor analysis showed
that the proposed four factor model (χ2 / sd: 1.43, RMSEA: .054, 90% Confidence Interval [.038-
.070], CFI: .952, TLI: .945) From these results it can be said that MSOS is a valid scale that can be
used for handballs.MSOS is a five-point Likert-type measure consisting of 20 items. Participants
respond by marking one of the options ranging from [1] to [5] to [5]. The total points that can be
taken from each sub-dimension of the scale vary from 5 to 20 when each sub-dimension consists of
five items. "I would like to congratulate the rival at the SNC scale," "I would like to congratulate
the opponent at the loss of the match." "A sample item from the RFRAG scale." "I am following the

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

referee's decisions." " Is an example of a measure of respect "" Extension to help my reliance on my
competitor to fall. "
State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI):STAI was developed by Spielberger (1983) and its
adaptation studies, validity and reliability were conducted by Öner and LeCompte (1983). As a
result of these studies, it has been reported that scale can be used as a valid and reliable
measurement tool. The DSQI consists of two different forms to determine the level of anxiety and
state anxiety. In this study, State - anxiety (STAI FORM TX - I) scale was used because it was
aimed to determine pre - match anxiety levels of handball players. This scale consists of 20 phrases
to determine how worried individuals are in what they have. Participants respond to these
expressions on a quadratic Likert-type scale. Ten items are encoded in terens, and these items are
converted into a flat before the total score is taken and then the total score is taken. Scores that can
be taken from the scale range from 20 to 80, and the increase in the scores of the individuals
indicates that the level of situational anxiety increases. A sample item on the scale is "I am
concerned at the moment."
Process and Application
The data needed for the research were collected from star, second league and analigator players
about half an hour before the matches in different dates in Amasya and Giresun. Handballers were
given volunteerism, confidentiality, necessary explanations about the purpose of the research and
the scales were applied in groups with participants. Practices have been conducted in quiet places to
avoid as much noise as possible and to prevent individuals from negatively affecting their moods
and other friends.
Analysis of Data
All statistical analyzes were carried out using the SPSS 23 program following the transfer of the
data to the computer. Before the analyzes were performed, it was checked whether the data were
correct, missing values, outliers and whether the assumptions of the analyzes used were met. First,
the missing values are examined. Loss values were found to change from 0% to 2% in the dataset.
Since this limited number of missing values is completely randomly distributed ((Little's χ2 (160) =
131.76, p = .950), the missing value assignment process is performed using the expectation-
maximization loss value assignment algorithm and since it is not possible for the handed- For
example, the expectation-maximization algorithm is rounded 1.96 to 2. In the second step,
univariate and multivariable outliers are calculated and subtracted from the data set 28. From the
SNC subscale, (Histogram, Normal QQ plots), using the skewness and kurtosis values and the
graphical approaches (Histogram, Normal QQ plot) in the direction of the recommendation of the
measurement and evaluation experts, taking the sample size into consideration ) And the data
showed a distribution close to normal. The analysis of the data was carried out in two stages.
Relations between all the variables that will be included in the regression in the first phase are
examined by means of correlation analysis. Independent variables (duration of sport, playing
league, situational anxiety) not related to the dependent variables, SNC, RFRAG, ASR and RR
scale scores, were not included in the regression analysis of the dependent variable. For example,
since the RS scale scores did not show a significant correlation with any of the independent
variables, the regression analysis of this variant of the analysis was not performed (see Table 1).
The assumptions of correlation and multiple regression analysis have been examined and met in the
direction of the Ho (2014) proposal. In all analyzes, the type I error margin was set at .05.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 1 shows the correlations of the variables with other variables considered in the

Table 1 Correlation coefficients between variables and mean and standard deviation values of variables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.SNC -
2. RFRAG .60* -
3. CSR .48* .44* -
4. RR .31* .39* .11 -
5.state anxiety. -.27* -.26* -.36* -.10 -
6.Duration of s. -.30* -.29* -.23* -.12 -.05 -
7. played league .33* .33* .30* -.03 -.24 -.10 -
mean. 22.05 22.13 23.51 17.30 34.42 4.42 1.88
SS 3.01 2.62 2.00 5.21 10.96 3.07 .89
Min-Max 13-25 13-25 17-25 5-25 20-70 1-15 1-3
Note: N= 144, Min-Max:Minimum-Maksimum, played league varriable: 1= Yıldız, 2= sekonder leage, 3=Main leaguep<
.01* is meaningful at the level.

As seen in Table 1, scores of compliance to social norms (SNC) were low with situational
anxiety (r = -.27, p <.01), low in sports performance (r = -.30, p <.01) and moderately negative ,
Playing ligaments (r = .33, p <.01) are moderately related in the positive direction. respect for rules
and governance (RFRAG) scores were negatively correlated with situational anxiety (r = -.26, p
<.01) and duration of sport (r = -.29, p < , P <.01) are moderately related in the positive direction.
The loyalty scores to the sporda responsibilities were negatively correlated with the duration of
sport (r = -.23, p <.01) and low situational anxiety (r = -.36, p <.01) , P <.01) are moderately related
in the positive direction. However, the scores of competence esteem (RR), situational anxiety (r = -
.10, p> .05), duration of sport (r = -.12, p> .05) and played ligament (r = -. 05) are not related. For
this reason, regression analysis of this variable has not been performed.
A number of multiple regression analyzes have been conducted to determine the extent to
which the variables of compliance with social norms, norms of rule and direction, adherence to
sport responsibilities are predicted by situational anxiety, duration of sport and played league
variables. The change statistics for the multiple regression analyzes performed are shown in Table 2
and the results of the regression analysis are shown in Table 3.

Table 2 Change Statistics for Multiple Regression Analysis

Model R R2 Adj R2 TSH Change Statistics

ΔR2 ΔF sd1 sd2 p
Model 1 .48 .23 .21 2.67 .23 13.94 3 140 .001*
Model 1 .47 .22 .20 2.34 .22 12.99 3 140 .001*
Model 1 .48 .23 .21 1.78 .23 13.57 3 140 .001*
Note * p <.001, TSH: Standard Error of Estimation

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 3. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t p
B SH β
Model 1 (fixed) 23.76 1.08 22.08 .001***
State anxiety. -.06 .02 -.22 -2.84 .002**
Duration of s. -.28 .07 -.29 -3.88 .001***
played league .85 .26 .25 3.29 .001***
Model 1 (fixed) 23.55 .95 24.90 .001***
State anxiety. -.05 .02 -.21 -2.73 .007**
Duration of s. -.24 .06 -.28 -3.72 .001***
played league .73 .23 .25 3.21 .002**
Model 1 (fixed) 27.19 .58 47.04 .001***
State anxiety. -.06 .01 -.32 -4.14 .001**
Duration of s. -.15 .05 -.23 -3.04 .003**
played league .45 .17 .20 2.59 .011*
Note. * P <.05,. ** p <.01 *, *** p <.001

In the first multiple regression analysis made, it is seen that the model of the variable that is
compatible with the social norms is significant (F (3, 140) = 13.94, p <.001, R = .48, R2 = .23,
R2adj = .21). The scores of situational anxiety (β = -.22, t = -3.12, p <.01) and duration of sports (β
= -29, t = -2.44, p < (Β = .25, t = 3.29, p <.05) in a positively predicted manner.
In the second multiple regression analysis made, it is seen that the model of the variable that is
related to the rule and rule of governance is meaningful (F (3, 140) = 12.99, p <.001, R = .47, R2 =
.22, R2adj = .20). As seen in Table 3, regulatory and management respect scores were significantly
correlated with situational anxiety (β = -.21, t = -2.73, p <.01) and duration of sport (β = -.28, t = -
3.72, p <.01 ), The playing league (β = .25, t = 3.21, p <.05) predicts positive scores of rule and
governing scores in the positive direction.
In the final multiple regression analysis performed, it was found significant in the model of
the variable that affects the sporde responsibilities (F (3, 140) = 13.57, p <.001, R = .48, R2 = .23,
R2adj = .21). In this model, the scores of loyalty to the responsibilities of the spartan
responsibilities were similar to those of the norms of rule and governance and social norms (p = .23,
t = -4.14, p <.001) (Β = .20, t = 2.59, p <.01), while positive correlations were found between
negative scores (-3.04, p <.01)

In this research, situational anxiety, playing league and duration of sports making variables
as the predictors of sportive orientations were examined. As a result of the research, it has been
found that the level of compliance with social norms, the level of state anxiety and the level of state
anxiety, and the duration of sport are related to negative. The league played at the same time is
positively related to the dimensions of sportiness mentioned above. Social learning theory implies
that individuals individually interpret and interpret rewards and punishments. In other words,
individuals tend to show more appreciated behaviors that others have shown through observation.
Over time, players often exhibit undesirable behavior in the team due to intense competition and a
sense of winning, depending on the duration of the sport, and these behaviors are endorsed and
appreciated by the spectators and other teammates. For this reason, these inaccurate learning
experiences over time can cause individuals to exhibit less sporting behaviors. For example,
Gürpınar Gürpınar and Kurşun (2013) differ in the results of the research showing that the age of
playing basketball and soccer players does not affect sportsmanship orientations by the players.
These researchers found that sports-aged individuals are not related to sporting behaviors. The
differentiation of our research results with Gürpınar Gürpınar and Kurşun (2013) research results
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

can be caused by two different reasons. First of all, as mentioned above, Gürpınar Gürpınar and
Kurşun (2013) conducted their research on female and male individuals playing soccer and
basketball. However, this research has only been done on female handball players. As different
sports branches offer different awards and punishment mechanisms and different learning
environments for individuals, sporting behaviors of individuals can be affected in different ways.
The second, Gürpınar Gürpınar and Lead (2013), compared the scores by dividing individuals into
two (9 years and less, 10 years and more) grids in order to compare sports experience scores in the
research sample. In other words, the variable was categorized and the scores were compared. In this
research, it has been analyzed as continuous variables. This can cause the difference between the
groups to disappear. However, a recent study by Tsai and Fung (2005) on young volleyball and
basketball players in a research group similar to my research sample in the literature found that
older players had lower sportsmanship orientations than younger players.
Another finding of the study is to determine that the level of situational anxiety is related to the
sporting behavior of female handballers in the negative. These research findings are consistent with
research findings that show that individuals who are disturbed in sports of different disciplines are
associated with performance of the individual and unwanted behaviors [10-12]. From these
findings, it may be beneficial for the coaches to perform activities to reduce the anxiety levels of the
players before the competition, in order to increase the performance of the players and to show
more sportive behaviors. Finally, this study also found that league played by handball players was
positively related to sporting behaviors. In other words, as the league played by the individual
increases, the sporting behaviors increase. According to Kolberg (1976) 's moral development
theory, as the age of the individual progresses, the society can better distinguish the behaviors they
desire from themselves and what they do not want. These findings are consistent with Kolberg's
(1976) moral development theory expectations, as players from different age groups are involved in
different leagues.
When the results of the research are evaluated as a whole, it can be beneficial to increase the
sportiness behaviors as a culture in which the training for increasing sportive behaviors in female
handballs is aimed at individuals who play in low league, sportive experience and high anxiety
This research has some limitations. First, this research was conducted on female handball
players only. For this reason, the results can not be generalized to male handball players. Second,
self-report style scales were used in this research. Researchers report that self-report style scales
may have a range of response bias (eg, moderate-response, worse than social self-esteem, or worse
than self-reported) [32-37]. For this reason, it may be useful to evaluate the anxiety levels of
handball players by different methods in further studies. Third, a cross-sectional research design
was used in this study. The researchers report that no causal relationship can be established in cross-
sectional studies [32-37]. In other words, there can be no conclusion that individuals should have a
high level of anxiety that is the reason for their behavioral behavior. For this reason, it may be
useful to carry out longitudinal and experimental investigations in further studies. Finally, since the
research is conducted on a limited number of amateur female handball players, the results of the
research can not be generalized to professional handballers playing in different leagues.

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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


PhD. Student, Department Physical Education and Sport, Institute of Health Sciences, Dumlupınar
University, Kütahya,
Associate Professor. Physical Education and Sports Graduate School, Dumlupınar University, Kütahya,
Associate Professor. Physical Education and Sports Graduate School, Bartın University, Bartın,
PhD. Student, Department Physical Education and Sport, Institute of Health Sciences, Dumlupınar
University, Kütahya,
PhD. Student, Department Physical Education and Sport, Institute of Health Sciences, Dumlupınar
University, Kütahya,

Abstract. The main target of this research is to determine the relation between Empatic Tendency and Critical Thinking
Inclination of football coaches. For that purpose, California Critical Thinking Inclination (CCTDI), improved by
Facione & Giancarlo, adopted in turkish by Kökdemir (2003), and Empathic Tendency Scale (ETS), improved by
Dökmen (Dökmen, 1988), were used in this research. The research group consisted of 174 football coaches worked in
three cities of Turkey, Aydın, Uşak, Denizli, during the 2015-2016 football season. Spss 16.0 statistical program was
used for data analysis to make use of its percentage and frequencies. Kolomogrov-Smirnof test was used to determine
whether the data from two dependent variables to show a normal distribution or not. To interpret the data, t-test,
Pearson correlation analysis for examining relation between 2 dependent groups, non-parametrik test for lack of normal
distribution of sub-dimensions, and test of one way anova for more than two goups, were used. According to findings of
the research, there are statistically significant difference between CCTDI scores (t=-9,641) and education level of
coaches (p<0.05). It has been observed that football coaches with graduate and post graduate education has higher
CCTDI result more than coaches with college education. There are statistically significant difference between the result
of ETS scores (t=-17,451) and education level of coaches (p<0.05). It has been confirmed that football coaches with
graduate and post graduate education has higher CCTDI result more than coaches with high-school according to the
aspect of the difference. In conclusion it is understood that there are significantly difference in the ETS scores of
football trainers when educational level of them and their parents, monthly income are, however, it has been concluded
that there is no difference regarding between their professional seniority, age ranges and ETS scores. By the way, it has
been concluded that the educational level of football trainers, educational level of parents, monthly income are
determinant on tendency of critical thinking, but professional seniority and age ranges are not determinant on the
tendency of critical thinking.
Key words: Football coaches, Critical Thinking Inclination, Empatic Tendency, Monthly Income, Age Ranges,
Professional Seniority, Educational Level.

Ideal individual is respected and valued back when contacting with its environment, keeping
in touch with its neighborhood and showing respect whoever in its living-space. Our football
culture is going to rise up when sportsmen is taught how to establish bond with their country,
culture, habitat by their well-educated football coaches. Before anything else, coaches need to
understand football players very-well according to Kılıç [2005] the way for good communication
firstly the person is supposed to understand the others, meet their expectations, and empathize with
them. In addition to this, unless understanding the people’s feeling, thought, love cannot emerge
among people and does not develop, when we start understanding others we start loving
instinctively, said Dökmen [2005] [10].
Empathy is the ability of seeing the events through other people’s viewpoint, and of setting
oneself in another’s situation while understanding feelings of other person [27,28]. Empathic
thoughts and behaviors get coaches taken as humanist, frank person, giving importance to learner
[6]. Coach always must adopt, see developments what sportsman within through sportsman’
condition. Recognizing the positive changes because of attitudes of coach, player approaches its
coach as relying on him, player’s respect increase it will eventually develop environment of
confidence in the team [31]. At this stage, that is very normal as success from team reflects in
school education. Kuzgun [2006] mentioned same dialog becomes between teachers and students at
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

school as it is among player and coach in a team [20]. Via empathy inclinations, emotions, thought
as well as the causes of behaviors are being tried to be understood, and may be after recognizing
these positive descriptions Pala [2008] said that teachers must have high empathy inclination as
coaches need to [1,17,24]. Because the attitude of person who give youth education set a example
and easy to be a model for sportsman, so so it has a great effect on the young individuals on the way
of education either at school or in a team [21].
In addition to being one of the components of the empathic emotional intelligence center, It
is also thought to be a skill that sharpens critical thinking and mental imagery [2]. People often
appreciate their current thinking skills. For this reason they do not consider developing it. In the age
of millennium and in line with the understanding of current education critical thinking ability, like
empathy thinking ability, is one of the most basic skills that must be earned by the new generation
sportsmen with help of football coaches. Providing our young generation [football players in this
case] with this critical thinking ability from every section of society, that to be made possible by
specialist-coaches in the field, as well as educators with intellectual wealth [19]. According to Ennis
[1989], critical thinking that is logical to think reasonably and deeply [reflective] while making
decisions about what people do and believe [14]. Critical thinkers constantly check their thoughts,
begin to work with self-criticism, before anything else they question their belief system [25,29].
Critical thinking is sometimes used as a logic of argument or as a form of informal logic, It
transforms into a model of thinking that goes through the mental stages such as reasoning, analysis
and evaluation [23,31]. Individuals with critical thinking ability and empathy inclinations are more
competent in their subjects and on the field than those who lack of it [4].

Research objectıve
The objective of this research whether educational level of football trainers, educational
level of parents, monthly income, professional seniority and age ranges have positive impact on
Critical Thinking Inclination, and Empatic Tendency of fotball trainers or not.
1. Football trainers have mid-level of emphatic of Critical Thinking Inclination, Empatic
2. Educational level of football trainers, educational level of parents, monthly income,
professional seniority and age ranges have positive impact on Critical Thinking Inclination,
Empatic Tendency of fotball trainers.
3. Critical Thinking Inclination, Empatic Tendency of fotball coaches improve as
educational level of football coaches goes up.

Material and Method

The study was carried out on 174 football coaches who reside and work in the province of
Aydın, Denizli, Uşak ities in Turkey. The research also measured coaches' critical thinking
inclinations, empathic thinking tendency by applying the California Critical Thinking Tendency
Scale (CCTDI), and the Empathic Thinking Tendency Scale (ETS).
Study Group
The sampling and populations of the work is constituted by 174 male football coaches
registered in TÜFAD (Turkish Football Coaches Association) who live in Aydin, Uşak and Denizli
provinces of Turkey. The research group examined relationship of critical thinking inclination of
football coaches (CTI), and empathic tendency of football coaches (ET) with Their education
levels, mother and father educational level, ages, professional seniority (how long they have been
football coaches to a club and trained a footbal team), monthly income.
Trainers’ educational back ground divided in two segments. 1. Group; Coaches with high
school certificate and lower education certificate or back groud than high school and 2. Group;
Coaches with bachelor certificate and postrugate certificate (Master and PhD education) higher than
bachelor education.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Data Collection Tools and Data Analysis

In this research, Empathic Tendency Scale (ETS or ET), prepared, tested and improved by
Dökmen (1988), with 20 questions every question is scored 1 to 5. Personal Information Form
prepared by researchers, and california critical thinking inclination (CCTDI), improved by Facione
& Giancarlo (1992), adopted in Turkish by Kökdemir (2003) are used in the research. Spss 16.0
statistical program was used for data analysis to make use of its percentage and frequencies.
Kolomogrov-Smirnof test was used to determine whether the data from two dependent variables to
show a normal distribution or not. To interpret the data, t-test, correlation analysis for examining
relation between 2 dependent groups, non-parametrik test for lack of normal distribution of sub-
dimensions, and test of one way anova for more than two goups were used and p<.05 was taken as

In this study, data from both empathic thinking tendencies scale and critical thinking
inclination scale were analyzed and findings were shared. It is investigated if education level of
coaches, educational level of coaches’ parents, coaches’ monthly income, professional seniority,
age ranges have significant effects on two dependent variables.

Table 1. Result of Pearson correlation to investigate the relation between ET and CTI
Variables X SS R
Critical Thinking Inclination 229,16 10,71
Empathic Tendency 80,77 19,82

It was found that there is high level significant difference (relation) between ET and CTDI

Findings relating to critical thinking inclination (CTI)

Table 2. T-test Results on average scores of CTI according to education level.

Variable Categories N x SS T P

1.grup (high school and lower) 53 211,47 6,04

Education levels of football coaches -9,64 ,00
2.grup (graduate and postgraduate) 121 236,90 18,75

There is significant difference between average scores of CTI and education level of football
coaches (p<0.05).

Table 3. Results of variance analysis regarding average scores of CTI according to educational level of
Variables Categories Sum of squares df Mean square F P

Between-Groups 7987,82 3 2662,6

7,54 ,00
educational level Within-Groups 59987,67 171 352,86
Total 67975,49 174
Between-Groups 15654,03 3 5218,01
Father 16,95 ,00
educational level Within-Groups 52321,45 170 307,77
Total 67975,49 173
As a result of variance analysis significant difference was found between CTI of football
coaches and educational level their parents (p<0.05).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Table 4. Results of variance analysis regarding average scores of CTI according to monthly
income, ages, professional seniority.
Variables Categories Sum of squares df F P
Between-Groups 2791,16 2 1395,5
Age Within-Groups 65184,32 171 381,19 ,28
Total 67975,49 173
Between-Groups 804,90 3 268,30
Professional ,67
Within-Groups 67170,59 170 395,12 ,566
Total 67975,49 173
Between-Groups 16475,88 2 8237,9
Monthly income Within-Groups 51499,61 171 301,16 ,00
Total 67975,49 173

It can be seen that there is not any significant difference regarding to scores of CTI
according to monthly income, ages, professional seniority of football coaches (p<0.05). But there is
a significant difference was understood between average scores of CTI and monthly income of
football coaches (p<0.05).

Findings relating to Empathic Tendency (ET)

Table 5. T-test results on average scores of ET according to education level.

Variables Categories N x SS T P
1. group (high school 53 67,86 4,50
Education levels of and lower) -17,45 ,00
football coaches (bachelor and 121 86,42 7,13
There is significant difference between average scores of ET and education level of football
coaches (p<0.05).

Table 6. Results of variance analysis regarding average scores of ET according to educational level of
Variables Categories Sum of Squares DF F P
Between-Groups 1534.7 3 511.56
Within-Groups 18318.10 170 107.75 4,74 ,003
educational level
Total 19852.80 173
Between-Groups 2427.47 3 809.15
Within-Groups 17425.33 170 102.50 7,89 ,00
educational level
Total 19852.80 173
As a result of variance analysis significant difference was found between average scores of
ET of football coaches and educational level of parents of football coaches (p<0.05).

Table 7. Results of variance analysis regarding average scores of ET according to monthly income, ages,
professional seniority
Sum of Mean
Variables Categories DF F P
Squares square
Between-Groups 1131.89 2 565.94
Age 5,16
Within-Groups 18720.91 171 109.47 ,07
Total 19852.80 173
Professional Between-Groups 255.77 3 85.258
,74 ,530
Within-Groups 19597.03 170 115.27
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Total 19852.80 173

Between-Groups 6782.59 2 3391.29
Monthly income 44,36 ,00
Within-Groups 13070.20 171 76.43
Total 19852.80 173

It can be seen that there is not significant difference regarding to average scores of ET
according to ages, professional seniority of football coaches (p<0.05). But a significant difference
was found between average scores of ET and monthly income of football coaches (p<0.05).

Conclusion and Disscusions

We found some results from this research, which level of empathic thinking tendencies,
critical thinking inclination football coaches have, in the millennium age. If football coaches have
these thinking abilities have positive effect on giving training youth footballers with contemporary
thoughts in contrast to routinized education and mentality.
Table 1, it was found that there is highly level significant difference (relation) between
Empathic Tendency and Californa Critical Thinking Inclination (p<0.05). Ekinci and Aybek (2010)
found low level but meaningful significant difference (11). It can be argued that is derived from
educator personality of football coaches.
Table 2, a significant difference was found between average scores of CTI and education
level of football coaches (p<0.05). Coaches with university education or postgraduate education
have been found to have a higher critical thinking inclination than coaches have lower education of
bachelor degree. There is a positive relationship between level of education and critical thinking
inclination. It is important that prospective football coaches who will have this profession need to
have higher level education.
Table 3, As a result of variance analysis, significant difference was found between CTI of
football coaches and educational level of parents (p<0.05). Gulveren (2007), Ersan, Güney (2012),
Arifoğlu, Razı (2011), and Erdoğan (2012) did not find a significant difference, in their work,
between education level of parents and critical thinking skills of the participants (3,12,13,15). The
significant difference between the critical thinking inclination of coaches and mother education
level of coaches was found in the research of Tümkaya and Aybek (2008). Higher educated parent
has a questioning and democratic behavior when raising a child (30). In our study, the difference
between critical thinking inclination of coaches and parents education level of participants was
statistically significant. It is seen that the reason for this difference based on parents with higher
education level of participant coaches. It explicitly shows higher level of parental education
positively affects the child's critical thinking inclination and empathic thinking tendency.
Table 4, It can be seen that there is not any significant difference regarding to scores of CTI
according to ages, professional seniority of football coaches (p<0.05). But there is a significant
difference was understood between average scores of CTI and monthly income of football coaches
The results of the critical thinking inclination was not affected significantly by coaches’
professional seniority in our study, it was understood. Unlike our research Aybek and Narin (2009)
found a significant difference between results of critical thinking inclination and professional
seniority of subjects, and also indicated participants who worked over than 21 years have higher
critical thinking inclination than who worked 0-5 years and 6-10 years. in the light of such
information, we determined that majority of participants with below 10 years professional seniority,
in our research. Aybek Birsel and Narin Nuray (2010) said while professional seniority of
individual goes high, his/her critical thinking inclination increases (5).
The results of the critical thinking inclination was not affected significantly by coaches’ ages
shown in our study. Lack of a significant relationship between critical thinking skills and age of
participants is appropriate to the literature (16). In this case, there is no relation between age and
critical thinking ability that would be appropriate to the literature.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Çekin, in his research (2013), found a significant difference between participants' monthly
incomes and their critical thinking inclination. Within this context, those with higher monthly
incomes have higher critical thinking inclination than others with lower incomes (8). The reason for
difference in our research, it shown that those with higher monthly incomes tend to have more
critical thinking inclinations.
Table 5, There is significant difference between average scores of ETS and education level
of football coaches (p<0.05). According to the difference, coaches with university and higher
education have more empathic thinking skills than coaches who have lower education level was
determined in our research. While akgün and özdemir (2015) did found significant difference, but
dizer and iyigün (2009), canbulat and colleagues (2015), in their research, did not observe a
significant difference between education level and empathic thinking tendencies of participants
(7,9,26). It has been understood that empathic thinking skills are evolving with education. As the
level of education of the individual increases, empathic thinking skills are expected to increase.
It is thought participants in Group 1 were expected to have higher emphatic thinking
tendency were younger than others in different groups, and younger age group 1 negatively affected
results of spss T-test in Dizer and Iyigun’s research (2009). Majority of participants had bachelor’s
degree, and during bachelor education university student were given studies, were paid more
attention on emphatic thinking skills, showed the sensitive relation between empathy skills and
higher education level (26).
Table 6, As a result of variance analysis significant difference was found between average
scores of ETS of football coaches and educational level of parents (p<0.05). Ekinci and Aybek
(2010) found a significant difference between parent education level and the participants' empathic
thinking skills, and also observed subjects had low empathic thinking skills whose parents with
non-education level or low education level. It is mentioned that one's empathy skill would evolve in
social life and empathy skill can develop with education (11). We thought that parents with higher
educational levels to be positive role-models for their children with a more sensitive and inquisitive
approach as raising their children.
Table 7, It can be seen that there is not a significant difference regarding to average scores of
ETS according to ages, professional seniority of football coaches (p<0.05). But a significant
difference was found between average scores of ETS and monthly income of football coaches
(p<0.05). Dizer and Iyigün (2009) did not find any significant difference between subjects'
empathic skills and years of work (professional seniority). Dizer and Iyigün (2009) observed a
decrease in the empathic thinking tendencies of participants who worked over 10 years (9). In our
work, it was seen a decrease in the results of coaches working over 10 years.
There was no significant difference in the relationship between the age and empathic
tendencies of the participants. It was recognized that Dizer and Iyigün (2009) did not find any
significant difference in their work (9). But, we saw younger individual have more empathic
tendencies during our research, and also in our study younger coaches have better results of
empathic tendencies scale according to elder coaches.
It was determined that empathic skills were highly correlated with the monthly incomes of
the coaches. Coaches with above 3.000 TL. made more significant difference than coaches with
below 3.000 TL. monthly incomes. It shows higher economic level affects empathic thinking
tendency of coaches positive. Our study shows that prejudices towards individual in the society
largely are broken out by wealth if person have it, and even in the community that wealth provides
person with respect.
Although the relationship between gender and dependent variables has not been examined in
our study, It was observed that gender was not significantly related to empathy ability and critical
thinking ability in person (22,29). Unlike this findings, Kılıç (2005) distinguished significant
difference between empathic skill and gender of subjects (18).
There was high level and positive relation (Pearson Correlation .841*) between empathic
skills and critical thinking skills of coaches in our research (p<0.05). It was detected that critical

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

thinking skills and empathic thinking tendencies of coaches were not affected by their ages, and
professional seniorities. It is thought that the reason for the absence of significant relationship
among two dependent variables with age and professional seniorities due to the high association
between the empathic skills and critical thinking ability of football coaches it is very well featured
in Table 1.

Suggestions for future studies

As age progresses, empathic thinking ability and critical thinking skills decrease. For this
reason, coaches should be included in-service training activities and these training activities should
be developed at regular intervals.
It was seen there were decreases when professional seniorities compared with empathic
skills and critical thinking skills of football coaches. Football coaches should be encouraged and
excited to follow new educational innovations, attend scientific congresses or events, and they
should be allowed to continue their individual development.

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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan nr.4, 300223, Timişoara
Tel.: 0723912236, e-mail:

Abstract. Scouting in basketball means spying and carefully exploring to get information on basketball players. Finding
valuable basketball players and integrating them in a team ensures a high quality, spectacular game that attracts the
public. In this paper, the author defines the most important factors that contribute to the analysis and choice of players
for a competing team. We emphasise the goals and ways of making scouting effective. Our goal was to see if a scouter’s
activity is useful in athletic performance. To do so, we used literature, observation, video recordings, questionnaires,
and interviews. We designed a questionnaire with seven items related to scouting in contemporary basketball. We asked
six scouters to answer the following open questions related to their activity of “talent seekers”: When do you scout for
basketball players? (When do you monitor basketball players?) What are your criteria in choosing basketball players?
What do you seek for in a basketball player? How do you contact basketball players? How do you know they meet your
basketball club’s demands? How do you sign a contract with a basketball player? (What are the steps you follow?) Do
you benefit of a percentage of the contracts or does the basketball club pay you? (This question is not mandatory). The
most important criterion in choosing a basketball player is his ability of integrating into the game model and team
structure (66% of the respondents). The scouters interviewed believe that a player’s individual value comes first in
choosing him for the club. A period of testing and the choice of information from the player’s previous colleagues or
coaches determine a player’s choice. Scouting is a particularly important activity when performance is aimed at.
Effective scouting helps discover the suitable basketball player, which can make a difference between failure and
Keywords: making effective, strategy, competency, nomenclature, discovery, athletic performance

Achieving performance at the highest levels in great competitions points out a series of
aspects characterising contemporary basketball practiced by the best basketball teams in the world;
these aspects allow us to establish the directions of development of this popular game.[2]
Modern tactics in attack, i.e. counter-attack and quick attack, marks from any situation of
ball possession, guides collective actions per game stages, shortens the duration of the attack to only
2-3 passings, offensive recovery with the participation of all attackers, positional attack in the
systems with 1-2 pivot players; defence is dominated by aggressive forms in the man-to-man
system or in the pressing area, extended over the entire game area or in a team’s own half field.[3]
The individual level of technical and tactical preparation is characterised by technical
artistry and virtuosity. Basketball players have a rich, varied motor fund in their direct relationships
with the adversary, obvious in the technical structures specific to the attack position and to
individual defence game, a fundamentally low position, characterised by arms used to close the
passing corridors, to dribble the ball, to intercept the ball, and to contact the adversary. Technical
virtuosity in the ball game, in high-speed dribbling, in dribbling the ball backside, in turning
dribbling, in dribbling passing, in ball throwing from above the basket, acrobatic throws with ball
protection or from right to left, with decisive, penetrating passings from the ball catching place
allows particular yield in the 1x1 relationship specific to the position, achieved through the
precision of jumping throws or from individual actions of passing by, penetrating or offensive
Scouting in basketball means spying and exploring thoroughly to get information on the
players. Finding valuable basketball players and integrating them in a team ensure high-quality
spectacular game that attracts the audience.
A respectable basketball club has, besides a strong core of basketball players, an equally
strong technical staff whose work is not easily visible. The so-called “people in the shadow” are
small wheels that make the mechanism move at its utmost parameters. The proof: top European
basketball teams.
There are several factors that contribute to the analysis of a basketball player by a scouter: the place
of analysis and the importance of both basketball player and basketball scouter.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The scouter screens a basketball player’s physical features, height, weight, age, position,
technical and tactical skills, offensive and defensive skills, character, will to make a difference, and
Scouters usually use a feature ranking. If they add the points for the best three features, they
get the distribution of the points per quality [5].
Many basketball players and/or coaches have become basketball scouters. The activity of skilled
scouters help identifying the proper basketball players for a team, which can make a major
difference between success and failure, between victories and losses; in most cases, this has a
financial impact on the income of the club.[6]

Goal and Hypothesis of the Paper

In this paper, we define the most important factors that contribute to the analysis and choice
of basketball players for a competitive team. We emphasise the goals and ways of making
basketball scouting more effective.

Our main goal was to see if a scouter’s activity is or not useful in sport performance.

Research Methods
Our academic documenting programme aimed at clarifying, based on literature, the terms
related to the ways of marking in basketball, to the technique and to the importance of recording
games; we have also used different methodical materials and recording equipment to monitor
basketball training activities and official games.

Contemporary study of basketball players shows that preparing a basketball team is not
possible without using data from recording of basketball training and official games.
Observing a basketball game is necessary if someone wishes to achieve high performances:
performance is impossible without pervious knowledge of the adversary or objective assessment of
one’s own potential.

Video Recording
Audio-video means ensure intuitive knowledge due to the visual analyser doubled by the
possibility of completing information through the second signalling channel.

The Survey Method

A survey aims at producing scientific knowledge. Knowledge is not just empirical; it also
needs a theoretical perspective, a vision of the world according to which a social fact is determined
by other social facts. Thus, we use a survey to identify the effects of certain social factors.
A questionnaire is a logical, psychological succession of stimulating written questions or images
chosen depending on the hypothesis of the research; once they are administered by survey operators
or just self-administered, they trigger verbal and/or non-verbal behaviour that is recorded in written.

The Interview Method

An interview can be interesting due to the opinions, ideas, or clarifications made by
respondents [4].

Place, Subjects and Research Stages

In order to reach the goal of our research, we used, in its experimental part, a questionnaire
with seven items related to scouting issues in contemporary basketball.
We have interviewed six scouters that we asked to answer our seven questions related to their
“talent seeker” activity.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The Questionnaire
1. When do you scout for basketball players? (When do you monitor basketball players?)
2. What are your criteria in choosing basketball players?
3. What do you seek for in a basketball player?
4. How do you contact basketball players?
5. How do you know they meet your basketball club’s demands?
6. How do you sign a contract with a basketball player? (What are the steps you follow?)
7. Do you benefit of a percentage of the contracts or does the basketball club pay you? (This
question is not mandatory).

Results and Result Interpretation

1. When do you scout for basketball players? (When do you monitor basketball players?) (Figure 1)
1. For one season 1
2. For two seasons 3
3. before the season 2

Figure 1. Answers for question 1

Half of the respondents believe that scouting periods need two or more seasons, while the other
respondents claim one season or just the period before a season will do.

2. What are your criteria in choosing basketball players? (Figure 2)

1. The team’s game model 4
2. Position in the team 3
3. Value of the player 1
4. Psychological features 3
5. Information from ex-coaches 1
6. Physical features 3
7. Technical and tactical features 3
8. Cooperation with the other players 2

Figure 2. Answers for question 2

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The most important criterion in choosing a basketball player is his ability of being integrated
in the game model and team structure (60% of the respondents).

3. What do you seek for in a basketball player? (Figure 3)

1. Individual value 5
2. Ability to occupy several positions 2
3. Intelligence 4
4. Character 2
5. Extra-sport behaviour 1
6. Matching salary level 2
7. Ability to play under stress 2
8. Ability to fit into the game model 3

Figure 3. Answers for question 3

Interviewed scouters unanimously agree that a basketball player’s individual value ranks first in
choosing a basketball player for one’s club. Scouters are also interested in the basketball player’s
intelligence and ability to fit into the team’s game model.

4. How do you contact basketball players? (Figure 4)

1. Through the player’s agent 5
2. Direct approach 4

Figure 4. Answers for question 4

Only five of the scouters answered this question.

All respondents said that they contact the player’s agent and the player, while only one said he
contacts only the player’s agent.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

5. How do you know they meet your basketball club’s demands? (Figure 5)
1. Testing period 2
2. He is nominated by the coach 1
3. Information from those he has worked with 2
4. Watching DVDs 1
5. Player’s status (free) 1
6. Game constancy 1

Figure 5. Answers for question 5

Testing during the testing period and collecting information from those with whom the
player has worked previously are determining in choosing a basketball player.

6. How do you sign a contract with a basketball player? (What are the steps you follow?) (Figure 6)
1. Contacting the player 4
2. Negotiating 4
3. Signing a contract (green card for foreigners) 4
4. Signing the inner order regulation 1

Figure 6. Answers for question 6

Most respondents agree that the steps they take in signing a contract with a basketball player
are contacting the player, negotiating, and signing the contract (green card for the foreigners).

7. Do you benefit of a percentage of the contracts or does the basketball club pay you? (This
question is not mandatory) (Figure 7)
1. Yes 1
2. No 3

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figure 7. Answers for question 7

Two respondents did not answer this question.

Answering this question was not mandatory: 75% of the respondents do not benefit from the
contract with the player, while only one respondent claims he gets 10% of the contract value.

Our research allows us to draw the following conclusions:
1. Scouting is a particularly important activity when performance is the main goal of a club.
2. Effective scouting helps discovering the proper basketball players for a team, and that can
make a difference between failure and success.
3. The most important factors in choosing a basketball player are individual value, intelligence
and ability to fit into the structure of the team and into the strategy of the technical staff.
4. The decision of signing a contract is taken based on such criteria as testing during the testing
period and collecting information from the people with whom the player has worked
In order to make a basketball team activity more effective, we suggest:
1. That each basketball team hires a person able to identify the proper basketball players.
2. That sport authorities advance a solution for the payment of scouters until it is introduced in
the trade list.

[1] Foddy, W. H. (1994). Constructing questions for interviews and questionnaires: Theory and
practice in social research (New ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[2] Gillham, B. (2008). Developing a questionnaire (2nd ed.). London, UK: Continuum
International Publishing Group Ltd.
[3] Grădinaru, Cs., (2009),Baschet. Optimizarea metodologiei antrenamentului sportiv. Editura
Politehnica, Timişoara.
[4] Hohenberg, J.,(1983), The Professional Journalist, 5 Sub edition, Holt Rinehart & Winston; New
[5] Predescu, T., Ghiţescu, G., (2001), Baschet - pregătirea echipelor de performanţă. Editura
Semne, Bucureşti.
[6] Robbins, M., (2004), Ninety Feet from Fame: Close Calls With Baseball Immortality. Carroll &
Graf Publishers.
[7] Ştefan, I., Constantin D., (1997), Instruire şi performanţă în baschet. Editura Didactică şi
Pedagogică, R.A. – Bucureşti.
[8] Zipfel, P., (2009). "Traveling Man: Rockets Advance Scout Pat Zipfel chronicles life on the
road". Retrieved October 22, 2009.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan nr.4, 300223, Timişoara
Tel.: 0723912236, e-mail:

Rezumat. Scouting-ul în baschet înseamnă a spiona şi explora cu grijă pentru a obţine informaţii despre jucători. Prin
găsirea jucătorilor de valoare şi integrarea lor în echipă se asigură un joc calitativ, un joc spectaculos, ceea ce atrage
publicul spectator. Prin lucrarea de faţă am încercat să definesc cei mai importanţi factori care contribuie la analiza şi
alegerea jucătorilor pentru a forma o echipă competitivă. Ne propunem să evidenţiem obiectivele şi căile de
eficientizare a scouting-ului.Am intenţionat să verific dacă activitatea scouterului îşi dovedeşte utilitatea în obţinerea
performanţei sportive. În elaborarea lucrării am utilizat programul de documentare teoretică din literatura de
specialitate, observaţia, înregistrarea video, metoda chestionarului şi a interviului. Pentru a concretiza tema lucrării am
elaborat un chestionar cu şapte întrebări legate de problematica scouting-ului în baschetul contemporan. Am apelat la
şase scouteri pentru a-mi răspunde la aceste întrebări deschise, legate de activitatea lor de „căutători de talente”. Model
chestionar: Care sunt perioadele de scouting? (când îi urmăriţi pe jucători?); În funcţie de ce criterii alegeţi jucătorii?
(unul sau mai multe şi care sunt?); Ce urmăriţi la un jucător?; Cum luaţi legătura cu jucătorii?; Cum decideţi dacă
jucătorii corespund exigenţelor clubului?; Cum perfectaţi angajamentul jucătorilor cu clubul? (paşi pe care îi
întreprindeţi pentru legitimarea lor?); Beneficiaţi de un procent din contractul cu jucătorii sau sunteţi retribuiţi de către
club? (dacă nu doriţi, nu răspundeţi la această întrebare). Criteriul cel mai important în alegerea jucătorului îl constituie
capacitatea lui de a fi integrat în modelul de joc şi în structura echipei – 66% dintre cei intervievaţi. Scouterii
intervievaţi sunt de acord în unanimitate că valoarea individuală a jucătorului primează în alegerea jucătorului. Testarea
în perioada de probă, cât şi culegerea de informaţii de la cei cu care a lucrat anterior sunt determinante în alegerea
jucătorului. Scouting-ul reprezintă o activitate deosebit de importantă în cazul celor cu pretenţii de performanţă. Un
scouting eficient ajută la descoperirea unui jucător potrivit echipei, ceea ce poate face diferenţa dintre eşec şi succes.
Decizia de a fi legitimat la o echipă se ia în baza unor criterii diverse care sunt la latitudinea clubului, îndeosebi testarea
în perioada de probă şi culegerea de informaţii de la cei cu care a lucrat anterior.[1]
Cuvinte-cheie: eficientizare, strategie, competenţă, nomenclaturism, descoperire, performanţă sportivă.

Obţinerea unor performanţe la parametrii superiori în marile competiţii, au scos în evidenţă
o serie de aspecte ce caracterizează jocul de baschet actual, practicat de către cele mai bune echipe
din lume, aspecte care ne dau posibilitatea să prezentăm unele direcţii în care se va dezvolta.[2]
Tactica modernă în atac, în esenţă contraatacul şi atacul rapid, realizează din orice situaţie
de intrare în posesia mingii, dirijarea acţiunilor colective pe faze de joc, scurtarea duratei atacului
prin finalizare după 2-3 pase, recuperarea ofensivă cu participarea tuturor atacanţilor, atac
poziţional în sistemele cu 1-2 jucători pivoţi; în apărare domină formele agresive în cadrul
sistemului om la om sau zonă presing-extinse pe întreaga suprafaţă de joc sau în jumătatea proprie
de teren. [5]
Nivelul de pregătire tehnico-tactic individual, este caracterizat prin măiestria şi virtuozitatea
tehnică. Jucătorii au un fond motric bogat şi variat în relaţiile directe cu adversarul, manifestat în
structuri tehnice specifice postului ocupat în atac şi specifice jocului individual în apărare, poziţie
fundamentală joasă, lucru de braţe folosit la închiderea culoarului de pasare, la scoaterea mingii din
dribling, la intercepţie, contactul cu adversarul. Virtuozitatea tehnică în jocul cu mingea, în
driblingul efectuat în mare viteză, în driblingul cu trecerea mingii pe la spate, piruete în dribling,
pase din dribling, aruncările la coş voleibalate sau de sus în jos, aruncări acrobatice cu protecţia
mingii în aer, cu o mână din lateral dreapta-stânga, cu pase decisive, penetrante, din vole de la locul
prinderii randament deosebit în relaţia 1x1 specifică postului, realizat prin precizia aruncărilor la
coş din săritură sau din acţiuni individuale de depăşire, pătrundere sau recuperare ofensivă.[3]
Scoutingul în baschet înseamnă a spiona şi explora cu grijă pentru a obţine informaţii despre
jucători. Prin găsirea jucătorilor de valoare şi integrarea lor în echipă se asigură un joc calitativ, un
joc spectaculos, ceea ce atrage publicul spectator.
Un club care se respectă are pe lângă un nucleu puternic de jucători şi un staff tehnic la fel
de puternic, a cărui muncă nu se observă la prima vedere. Cei care pot fi denumiţi ,,oameni din

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

umbră” sunt mici rotiţe care fac ca întregul mecanism să funcţioneze la parametri maximi. Dovada
sunt echipele de top din Europa.
Există mai mulţi factori care contribuie la analiza jucătorului de către scouter, locul unde se
desfăşoară aceasta şi importanţa diferită a fiecăruia dintre ei[7].
Se realizează o proiecţie a jucătorului urmărit printr-o fotografiere a calităţilor sale fizice,
înălţime, greutate, vârstă, poziţie, abilităţile tehnico-tactice, ofensive şi defensive,de asemenea
trăsăturile de caracter, poziţia de afirmare şi stăpânirea de sine.
În funcţie de calităţile generale există un anumit punctaj al calităţilor. Dacă adunăm punctele
pentru cele mai bune trei calităţi obţinem distribuţia punctelor pe calitate.[8]
Mulţi au devenit scouteri din rândul foştilor antrenori sau jucători retraşi din activitate, în
timp ce alţii şi-au făcut o carieră din aceasta. Activitatea unor scouteri calificaţi ajută la
descoperirea unor jucători potriviţi echipei, ceea ce poate face diferenţa majoră dintre succes şi
eşec, între victorii şi pierderi, ceea ce de multe ori are efect direct asupra venitului financiar al
organizaţiei sau de asemenea lipsa acestora.[6]

Scopul şi ipoteza lucrării

Prin lucrarea de faţă am încercat să definim cei mai importanţi factori care contribuie la
analiza şi alegerea jucătorilor pentru a forma o echipă competitivă. Lucrarea ne propune să
evidenţiem obiectivele şi căile de eficientizarea a scoutingului.
Am intenţionat să verific dacă activitatea scouterului îşi dovedeşte utilitatea în obţinerea
performanţei sportive.

Metode de cercetare
Programul de documentare teoretică a cuprins în primul rând elucidarea din literatura de
specialitate a termenilor legaţi de modalităţile de finalizare din jocul de baschet, de tehnica şi
importanţa înregistrărilor jocului cât şi materiale privind diferite metode şi mijloace de înregistrare
a activităţii jucătorilor la antrenamente şi jocul oficial.

În studiul actual de dezvoltare a jucătorului nu se poate concepe pregătirea unei echipe fără
a folosi şi date obţinute din înregistrările efectuate la antrenamente şi jocurile oficiale.
În prezenţa observarea jocului este fenomen de la sine înţeles pentru cei care doresc într-adevăr să
realizeze mare performanţă, care fără o cunoaştere prealabilă a adversarului şi fără o evaluare
obiectivă posibilităţilor proprii devine nerealizabilă.

Înregistrarea video
Mijloacele audio-vizuale asigură o cunoaştere intuitivă pe calea analizatorului vizual,
dublate de posibilitatea completării informaţiei pe calea celui de al doilea sistem de semnalizare.
Metoda chestionarului
Ancheta prin chestionar are ca obiectiv producerea unor cunoaşteri ştiinţifice. Aceasta nu se
situează numai la nivel empiric, angajând şi un punct de vedere teoretic, o viziune asupra lumii în
potrivit căreia fapt social este determinat de alte fapte sociale. Altfel, utilizăm chestionarul în cazul
în care trebuie identificate efectele anumitor factori sociali.
Chestionarul este o succesiune logică şi psihologică de întrebări scrise sau de imagini
grafice cu funcţie de stimuli, în raportul cu ipoteza cercetării, care prin administrare de operatori de
anchetă sau prin autoadministrare, determină din partea celui anchetat un comportament verbal sau
nonverbal, ce urmează să se înregistreze în scris.

Metoda interviului
Interviul poate fi interesant prin opinii, idei, lămurirea unei atitudini, aceasta fiind cu
adevărat misiunea unui interviu. [4]

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Locul, subiecţii şi etapele cercetării

Pentru a concretiza tema lucrării, în partea experimentală am utilizat un chestionar cu şapte
întrebări legate de problematica scoutingului în baschetul contemporan.
Am apelat la şase scouteri pentru a-mi răspunde la aceste întrebări deschise, legate de activitatea lor
de – ,,căutători de talente”.

Model chestionar
1. Care sunt perioadele de scouting? (când îi urmăriţi pe jucători?)
2. În funcţie de ce criterii alegeţi jucători? (unul sau mai multe şi care sunt?)
3. Ce urmăriţi la un jucător?
4. Cum luaţi legătura cu jucătorii?
5. Cum decideţi dacă jucătorii corespund exigenţelor clubului?
6. Cum perfectaţi angajamentul jucătorilor cu clubul? (paşi pe care îi întreprindeţi pentru
legitimarea lor?)
7. Beneficiaţii de un procent din contractul cu jucătorii sau sunteţi retribuiţi de către club?
(dacă nu doriţi, nu răspundeţi la această întrebare)

Rezultatele obţinute şi interpretarea lor

1. Care sunt perioadele de scouting? (când îi urmăriţi pe jucători?) (Figura 1)
a. 1 sezon 1
b. 2 sezoane 3
c. Presezon 2

Figura 1. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 1

Jumătate dintre cei intervievaţi consideră că perioadele de scouting se desfăşoară pe două

sau mai multe sezoane, în timp ce ceilalţi respondenţi se rezumă la un sezon sau la presezon.

2. În funcţie de ce criterii alegeţi jucătorii? (unul sau mai multe şi care sunt?) (Figura 2)
a. Modelul de joc al echipei 4
b. Postul în echipă 3
c. Valoarea jucătorului 1
d. Caracteristicile psihologice 3
e. Informaţii de la foşti antrenori 1
f. Calităţi fizice 3
g. Calităţi tehnico-tactice 3
h. Colaborare cu alţi jucători 2

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figura 2. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 2

Criteriul cel mai important în alegerea jucătorului, îl constituie capacitatea lui de a fi integrat
în modelul de joc şi în structura echipei - 60% dintre intervievaţi.

3. Ce urmăriţi la un jucător? (Figura 3)

a. Valoarea individuală 5
b. Capacitatea de a juca pe mai multe posturi 2
c. Inteligenţa 4
d. Caracterul 2
e. Comportament extra sportiv 1
f. Încadrarea în platoul salarial 2
g. Capacitatea de a juca sub presiune 2
h. Capacitatea de a se încadra în modelul de joc 3

Figura 3. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 3

Scouterii intervievaţi sunt de acord în unanimitate că valoarea individuală a jucătorului

primează în alegerea jucătorului. Totodată aceştia sunt interesaţi de inteligenţa jucătorului şi de
capacitatea acestuia de a se încadra în modelul de joc al echipei.

4. Cum luaţi legătura cu jucătorii?

a. Prin agentul jucătorului 5
b. Direct cu jucătorul 4

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figura 4. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr.4

La această întrebare au răspuns doar cinci intervievaţi.

Dintre cei intervievaţi toţi au răspuns că iau legătura cu agentul jucătorului şi cu jucătorul, în
timp ce doar unul contactează numai agentul jucătorului.

5. Cum decideţi dacă jucătorii corespund exigenţelor clubului? (Figura 5)

a. Testare în perioadă de probă 2
b. Propus de antrenor 1
c. Informaţii de la cei cu care a lucrat 2
d. Dvd-uri 1
e. Statutul jucătorului (liber) 1
f. Constanţa în joc 1

Figura 5. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 5

Testarea în perioada de probă, cât şi culegerea de informaţii de la cei cu care a lucrat

anterior sunt determinante în alegerea jucătorului.

6. Cum perfectaţi angajamentul jucătorilor cu clubul? (Figura 6)

a. Contactarea jucătorului 4
b. Negocierea 4
c. Semnarea contractului, carte verde pentru străini 4
d. Semnare regulamentul de ordine internă 1

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figura 6. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 6

Majoritatea respondenților sunt de acord că paşii pe care îi întreprind pentru legitimarea

jucătorului sunt următorii:
- Contactarea jucătorului;
- Negocierea;
- Semnarea contractului (carte verde pentru străini).

7. Beneficiaţi de un procent din contractual cu jucătorul? (Figura 7)

a. DA 1
b. NU 3

Figura 7. Rezultatele obtinute la intrebarea nr. 7

Doi nu au răspuns la această întrebare.

La această întrebare nu s-a solicitat un răspuns ferm, 75% dintre cei intervievaţi nu
beneficiază de un procent din contractul cu jucătorul, pe când doar unul afirmă că primeşte 10% din
contractul acestuia.

În urma cercetării întreprinse am ajuns la următoarele concluzii:
1. Scoutingul reprezintă o activitate deosebit de importantă în cazul celor cu pretenţii de
2. Un scouting eficient ajută la descoperirea unui jucător potrivit echipei ceea ce poate face
diferenţa dintre eşec şi succes.
3. Cei mai importanţi factori în alegerea jucătorului sunt valoarea individuală, inteligenţa în joc,
urmată de capacitatea lui de a se încadra în structura echipei şi în strategia preconizată de
conducerea tehnică.
4. Decizia de a fi legitimat la o echipă, se ia în baza unor criterii diverse care sunt la latitudinea
clubului, îndeosebi testarea în perioada de probă şi culegerea de informaţii de la cei cu care a
lucrat anterior.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

În vederea eficientizării activităţii desfăşurate la o echipă de baschet propunem:

1. Fiecare grupare să dispună de o persoană competentă care să se ocupe doar de această
2. Găsirea modalităţilor de retribuire legale a acestuia până la introducerea scoutingului în
nomenclatura de meserii.

[1] Foddy, W. H. (1994). Constructing questions for interviews and questionnaires: Theory and
practice in social research (New ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
[2] Gillham, B. (2008). Developing a questionnaire (2nd ed.). London, UK: Continuum
International Publishing Group Ltd.
[3] Grădinaru, Cs., (2009),Baschet. Optimizarea metodologiei antrenamentului sportiv. Editura
Politehnica, Timişoara.
[4] Hohenberg, J.,(1983), The Professional Journalist, 5 Sub edition, Holt Rinehart & Winston; New
[5] Predescu, T., Ghiţescu, G., (2001), Baschet - pregătirea echipelor de performanţă. Editura
Semne, Bucureşti.
[6] Robbins, M., (2004), Ninety Feet from Fame: Close Calls With Baseball Immortality. Carroll &
Graf Publishers.
[7] Ştefan, I., Constantin D., (1997), Instruire şi performanţă în baschet. Editura Didactică şi
Pedagogică, R.A. – Bucureşti.
[8] Zipfel, P., (2009). "Traveling Man: Rockets Advance Scout Pat Zipfel chronicles life on the
road". Retrieved October 22, 2009.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan nr.4, 300223, Timişoara
Tel. 0745528965, e-mail:

Abstract. Major competitions in any sport allow methodists and technicians to analyse different aspects related to the
features of a game from a physical, technical, and tactical perspective. Women volleyball tournament at the Olympic
Games in London (2012) gathered only 12 teams, unlike other major competitions where there are more teams. The
dramatic selection of the volleyball players after extremely tough qualification tournaments gathers the most valuable
volleyball teams at a certain point in time. In this paper, the author draws a model of the game coordinator in women
volleyball as seen at the Olympic Games in 2012. The author aimed at checking if the values of the parameters of game
coordinators (age, height, weight, attack jump, block jump) have an impact on a team’s yield and rank. The subjects of
the research were game coordinators of the 12 volleyball teams in the Olympic Games of 2012. The research methods
used are the study of literature, the statistics-mathematical method, and the graphic representation method. Thus, the
average profile of a game coordinator is 27 years old, 178.37 m tall, 67.29 kg, attack jump 293.45 cm, block jump
281.45 cm. The first three volleyball teams had values below the means of these five parameters. The Olympic
champion, the Brazilian team, has game coordinators whose parameters are below the mean values of the other
competitors, which points out that these values are not relevant for the volleyball game coordinators’ yield.
Keywords: selection, performance, yield, statistics, organisations

Among other sports branches making up what we call an athletic event, volleyball has a
place apart due to both its structure and rules.
Due to its features, both competitors (who acknowledge its formative potential) and
audience (who acknowledge its spectacular game) have unanimously appreciated it.
Modern volleyball once again emphasises that the game coordinator is the brain of a
volleyball team who marks the entire game. In practice, no matter how valuable they could be,
shooters can achieve only if they are well valorised. We can say for sure that one of the causes of
the decline in Romanian volleyball is the lack of exceptional game coordinators. [5]
Major volleyball competitions allow volleyball methodists and technicians to analyse
different aspects of the volleyball game from a physical, technical, and tactical perspective [4].
The volleyball tournament within the Olympic Games gathers together 12 volleyball teams,
unlike other major competitions where the number of such teams is much larger.
The strict choice of the volleyball players after extremely tough qualification volleyball
tournaments makes the Olympic competition put together the most valuable volleyball teams of
world volleyball.
This paper presents a profile of the game coordinator in female volleyball drawn after the
last Olympic Games in London, in 2012.
The authors wanted to see if the parameter values specific to game coordinators (age, height,
weight, attack jump, block jump) have an impact on a volleyball team yield and ranking. [2]
The subjects were the game coordinators of the 12 volleyball teams competing within the
Olympic Games in 2012: Algeria, Brazil, China, the Dominican Republic, Great Britain, Italy,
Japan, South Korea, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and the U.S.A. [4]
Each volleyball team had two game coordinators.
The research methods used in carrying out this study have been the study of literature, the
statistics-mathematics method, and the graph representation method [6].
The graph representation of the mean values of game coordinators in the studied volleyball
teams are shown in Figures 1-5 below:

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Mean age (years)


Figure 1. Mean age (years)

The maximum mean age was in the volleyball team of South Korea (31.5 years) while the
minimum mean age was that of the volleyball team from Algeria (21.5 years).

Mean height (cm)


Figure 2. Mean height (cm)

The maximum mean height was in the volleyball team of Russia (187.5 cm) while the
minimum mean height was that of the volleyball team from Japan (159.0 cm).

Mean weight (kg)


Figure 3. Mean weight (kg)

The maximum mean weight was in the volleyball team of the U.S.A (72.5 kg) while the
minimum mean weight was that of the volleyball team from Japan (53.0 kg).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Mean attack jump (cm)


Figure 4. Mean attack jump (cm)

The maximum mean attack jump was in the volleyball team of the Dominican Republic (310
cm) while the minimum mean attack jump was that of the volleyball team from Japan (275 cm).

Mean block jump (cm)


Figure 5. Mean block jump (cm)

The maximum mean block jump was in the volleyball team of Turkey (300 cm) while the
minimum mean block jump was that of the volleyball team from Japan (263 cm).
We have thus made up the mean profile of a game coordinator after synthesising the data
regarding all the game coordinators playing volleyball at the Olympic Games in 2012:
- Age: 27 years;
- Height: 178.37 cm;
- Weight: 67.29 kg;
- Attack jump: 281.45 cm;
- Block jump: 281.45 cm.
We have also established a mean model of a volleyball game coordinator of the first three
volleyball teams of the Olympic Games in 2012:
- Age: 30 years;
- Height: 169.0 cm;
- Weight: 64.16 kg;
- Attack jump: 282.33 cm;
- Block jump: 267.66 cm.
This allowed us to compare the mean values of the parameters aimed at in the 12 volleyball
teams and in the best 3 volleyball teams.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Age (years)
32 30
28 27
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Figure 6. Age (years)

Height (cm)
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Figure 7. Height (cm)

Weight (kg)
68 67.29
66 64.16
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Figure 8. Weight (kg)

Attack jump (cm)

300 293.45
290 282.33
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Figure 9. Attack jump (cm)

Block jump (cm)

280 267.66
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Figure10. Block jump (cm)

Each major competition in volleyball gives to specialists the possibility to observe the teams
developments in different aspects allowing orientation training process to achieve peak
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions:
1. The parameters we analysed can guide the selection and promotion of volleyball
game coordinators but they are not defining.
2. The Olympic Champion, Brazil, has game coordinators whose parameters are below
the mean values of the 12 volleyball teams participating in the competition.
3. The volleyball game coordinators of the team from Japan (bronze medals) are very
short (a mean of 159 cm), a value that would not recommend them for a junior
volleyball team.
4. Due to this aspect they become vulnerable in the defence game frontline.
5. The present study aimed at just a number of somatic and physical parameter whose
values are not relevant in the players selection for the coordinator of the game position.

[1] Bâc, O., (1999) Volleyball, Editura Universității din Oradea
[2] Drăgan, I., (1979) Selectia medico-biologică în sport, Editura Sport-Turism, București.
[3] Federation Internationale de Volleyball. Online:
[4] Grădinaru, S., Mergheş, P. (2010) Volei. Tehnică – Tactică, Editura Eurobit, Timişoara.
[5] Păcuraru, Al., (1999) Volei teorie și metodică, Editura Fundației Universitare „Dunărea de Jos“
[6] Popa, Gh. (1999) Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice în domeniul educaţiei fizice şi sportului,
Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan nr.4, 300223, Timişoara
Tel. 0745528965, e-mail:

Rezumat. Competiţiile majore din orice joc sportiv dau posibilitate metodiştilor şi tehnicienilor să analizeze
diferite aspecte ce vizează specificul jocului din punct de vedere fizic, tehnic şi tactic. Turneul de volei
feminin din cadrul Jocurilor Olimpice de la Londra „2012” a reunit la start doar 12 echipe, spre deosebire de
alte competiţii majore unde participă un număr mai mare de echipe. Trierea severă a combatantelor în urma
unor turnee de calificare extrem de dure face ca întrecerea olimpică să adune la start tot ce are mai valoros
voleiul mondial la un moment dat. Lucrarea şi-a propus schiţarea unui model al coordonatorului de joc din
voleiul feminin, evidenţiat în urma desfăşurării ultimei ediţii a Jocurilor Olimpice. Am intenţionat să verific
dacă valorile parametrilor urmăriţi pentru coordonatorii de joc (vârstă, înălţime, greutate, săritura de atac,
săritura la blocaj) influenţează randamentul echipelor şi locul în clasamentul final. Subiecţii cercetării au fost
coordonatorii de joc din cele 12 echipe participante în această competiţie. Metodele de cercetare utilizate în
elaborarea lucrării au fost: studiul materialului bibliografic, metoda statistico-matematică şi metoda
reprezentării grafice. Profilul mediu al coordonatorului de joc rezultat în urma desfăşurării Jocurilor
Olimpice „2012” este 27 de ani, înălţime 178,37 cm, greutate 67,29 kg, săritura la atac 293,45 cm, săritura la
blocaj 281,45 cm. Primele trei clasate prezintă valori medii inferioare la toţi cei cinci parametri urmăriţi. De
altfel, campioana olimpică, Brazilia, are în componenţă coordonatori de joc ai căror parametri se situează sub
valorile medii ale parametrilor celorlalte competitoare în studiu, aspect ce evidenţiază faptul că aceste valori
nu sunt relevante pentru randamentul jucătoarelor care evoluează pe acest post.
Cuvinte-cheie: selecţie, performanţă, randament, statistică, organizare.

Între celelalte ramuri şi probe sportive ce concură la realizarea ansamblului denumit
fenomen sportiv se delimitează net, ca structură şi mod de desfăşurare, jocul de volei.
Datorită particularităţilor sale, acesta şi-a câştigat de-a lungul anilor, o apreciere unanimă
atât din partea competitorilor prin valenţele sale formative, cât şi din partea spectatorilor prin
spectaculozitatea jocului.
Jocul de volei modern evidenţiază, odată în plus, faptul că ridicătorul coordonator este
creierul echipei şi îşi pune amprenta pe întreaga desfăşurare a jocului. Practica demonstrează că
oricât de valoroşi ar fi trăgătorii, aceştia nu se pot exprima decât dacă sunt foarte bine puşi în
valoare. Cu certitudine putem afirma că una dintre cauzele regresului voleiului românesc o
constituie lipsa ridicătorilor de excepţie. [5]
Competiţiile majore din volei dau posibilitate metodiştilor şi tehnicienilor să analizeze
diferite aspecte ce vizează specificul jocului din punct de vedere fizic, tehnic şi tactic. [3]
Turneul de volei din cadrul Jocurilor Olimpice reuneşte la start 12 echipe, spre deosebire de
alte competiţii majore unde participă un număr mai mare de echipe.
Trierea severă a combatantelor în urma unor turnee de calificare extrem de dure face ca
întrecerea olimpică să adune la start tot ce are mai valoros voleiul mondial la un moment dat.
Lucrarea şi-a propus schiţarea unui model al coordonatorului de joc din voleiul feminin,
evidenţiat în urma desfăşurării ultimei ediţii a Jocurilor Olimpice – Londra 2012.
Am intenţionat să verific dacă valorile parametrilor urmăriţi pentru coordonatorii de joc
(vârstă, înălţime, greutate, săritură la atac, săritură la blocaj) influenţează randamentul echipelor şi
locul în clasamentul final. [2]
Subiecţii cercetării au fost coordonatorii de joc din cele 12 echipe participante în această
competiţie: [4]
 Algeria
 Brazilia
 China
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

 Republica Dominicană
 Marea Britanie
 Italia
 Japonia
 Coreea de Sud
 Rusia
 Serbia
 Turcia
Fiecare echipă are în componenţă doi coordonatori de joc.
Metodele de cercetare utilizate în elaborarea lucrării au fost: studiul materialului
bibliografic, metoda statistico-matematică şi metoda reprezentării grafice. [6]
Reprezentarea grafică a valorilor medii pentru echipele în studiu permite o arie de constatări,
după cum urmează:

Vârsta medie (ani)


Grafic nr.1. Vârsta medie (ani)

Vârsta medie maximă o înregistrăm la echipa Coreei de Sud (31,5 ani), iar vârsta medie
minimă la cea a Algeriei (21,5 ani).

Înălţimea (cm)

Grafic nr.2. Înălţimea medie (cm)

Înălţimea medie maximă o înregistrăm la echipa Rusiei (187,5 cm), iar înălţimea medie
minimă la echipa Japoniei (159 cm).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Greutatea medie (kg)


Grafic nr.3. Greutatea medie

Greutatea medie maximă o înregistrăm la echipa S.U.A. (72,5 kg), iar greutatea medie
minimă la echipa Japoniei (53 kg).

Săritura medie la atac (cm)


Grafic nr. 4. Săritura medie la atac (cm)

Punctul maxim mediu de lovire la atac îl înregistrăm la echipa Republicii Dominicane (310
cm), iar punctul minim mediu de lovire la atac îl consemnăm la echipa Japoniei (275 cm).

Săritura medie la blocaj (cm)


Grafic nr.5. Săritura medie la blocaj (cm)

Punctul maxim mediu de lovire la blocaj îl înregistrăm la echipa Turciei (300 cm), iar
punctul minim mediu de lovire la blocaj îl consemnăm la echipa Japoniei (263 cm).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Am identificat un profil mediu al coordonatorului de joc în urma centralizării datelor tuturor

jucătoarelor care au evoluat pe acest post:
 Vârsta: 27 ani
 Înălţime: 178,37 cm
 Greutate: 67,29 kg
 Săritura la atac: 281,45 cm
 Săritura la blocaj: 281,45 cm
De asemenea, am stabilit un model mediu al coordonatorului de joc din primele trei echipe
clasate în competiţia urmărită:
 Vârsta: 30 ani
 Înălţime: 169 cm
 Greutate: 64,16 kg
 Săritura la atac: 282,33 cm
 Săritura la blocaj: 267,66 cm
Acestea permit compararea valorilor medii ale parametrilor vizaţi între cele 12 competitoare
şi primele trei clasate.

Vârsta (ani)
32 30
28 27
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Grafic nr.6. Vârsta (ani)

Înălţimea (cm)
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Grafic nr.7. Înălţimea (cm)

Greutatea (kg)
70 67.29
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Grafic nr.8. Greutatea (kg)

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Săritura la atac (cm)

300 293.45
290 282.33
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Grafic nr.9. Săritura la atac (cm)

Săritura la blocaj (cm)

290 281.45
12 Echipe participante Primele 3 echipe clasate
Grafic nr.10. Săritura la blocaj (cm)

Fiecare competiție majoră din volei dă posibilitate specialiștilor să observe evoluțiile

echipelor sub diferite aspecte ceea ce permite orientarea procesului de pregătire în vederea obținerii
performanțelor de vârf. [1]
În urma studiului întreprins s-au conturat următoarele concluzii:
6. Parametrii pe care i-am avut în vedere pot orienta selecţia şi promovarea jucătoarelor pe
acest post, dar nu constituie elemente definitorii în această direcţie.
7. Campioana olimpică, Brazilia, prezintă coordonatori de joc ai căror parametri se situează
sub valoarea medie a celor 12 echipe participante la această competiţie.
8. Coordonatoarele de joc din echipa Japoniei, clasată pe poziţia a III-a, prezintă valori foarte
mici ale înălţimii (159 cm) care nu le-ar recomanda nici pentru o echipă de speranţe.
9. Datorită acestui aspect, ele devin vulnerabile în jocul de apărare din linia întâi
10. Studiul de față vizează doar o serie de parametrii somatici și fizici ale căror valori nu se
dovedesc relevante în selecția jucătoarelor pentru postu de coordonator de joc

[1] Bâc, O., (1999) Volleyball, Editura Universității din Oradea
[2] Drăgan, I., (1979) Selectia medico-biologică în sport, Editura Sport-Turism, București.
[3] Federation Internationale de Volleyball. Online:
[4] Grădinaru, S., Mergheş, P. (2010) Volei. Tehnică – Tactică, Editura Eurobit, Timişoara.
[5] Păcuraru, Al., (1999) Volei teorie și metodică, Editura Fundației Universitare „Dunărea de Jos“
[6] Popa, Gh. (1999) Metodologia cercetării ştiinţifice în domeniul educaţiei fizice şi sportului,
Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


1, 2
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Iaşi, Romania,

Abstract. The present paper proposes to identify the incidence of plantar statics disorders among children. The study
was conducted on a sample of 93 children, (46 males and 47 females; 63 of the subjects with a rural background, and 30
of them with an urban background). Plantar statics disorders were identified using the podograph; each subject
benefited from footprint assessment. The importance of the study is undeniable, as the early identification of flatfoot or
cavoid foot may lead to their correction using specific kinesiotherapy programs, also associated with the wearing of a
heel cushion when necessary, thus preventing the emergence of biomechanics alterations at the level of superjacent
joints. Therefore, using the podograph we managed to identify a significant number of plantar statics disorders within
the sample of subjects. Hence, parents became aware of the fact that it is necessary to use specialized kinesiotherapy
services in order to correct the plantar statics disorders of the children.
Keywords: incidence, plantar statics disorders, podograph.

In the history of humankind, there are numerous attestations of the presence of medicine in
people’s lives.
Since Antiquity, foot care and the adaptation of footwear to anomalies and plantar statics
disorders were done artfully by specialized people. They knew how to analyze patients from a
visual and tactile perspective, subsequently managing to intervene in the modification of foot
positions and body posture. Along with the evolution of humankind, the interest for analyzing feet
has grown. This role has been taken on nowadays by physicians, kinesiotherapists, and prosthetic
Approximately 30 years ago, a technical specialty named “podology” emerged, with the role
of ensuring the evaluation of plantar statics disorders and subsequently of prescribing heel cushions
and plantar supports that adapt footwear to the individual needs of each foot, in order to correct of
protect it.
In the past few years, the scientific community has accepted unanimously that the pressure
exerted at the level of the various sole areas represents a vital biomechanical parameter in the
evaluation of human gait. The distribution of plantar pressure may provide precious information
concerning the diagnosing of various plantar statics disorders [1].
Podography is conducted using the podograph. It consists of a rubber plate that features a
grid with various relief points impregnated with a special ink [2].
While standing, the subject exerts pressure upon the support base, the imprints of the sole are
featured on a sheet of paper placed underneath the rubber plate. This measurement also provides
precious information concerning the distribution of pressures upon various parts of the sole, thus
recording the minimal and maximal pressure for each area of the sole.
The foot is the main means of interaction between the body and the ground. It functions like
a compatible mechanism (for sustaining weight) and like a rigid lever (during propulsion) [3].
The arche of the foot is mentained by three mechanisms: the articulation between tarsal and
metatarsal bones, the ligaments of the foot, and the intrinsec and extrinsec muscles of the foot and
their tendons [4].
The examination of the footprint has an especially important role concerning the welfare of
the child and of the future adult, mostly when a performance sport is also involved. When
podoscopy shows a disorder of plantar statics, it is recommended for the footwear to be adapted in
such a way as to absorb shocks and to distribute loads evenly during support or running. In case of
plantar disorders, they may lead, during gait, to tensions exerted inside the footwear; over time, it
may alter the foot axis and even gait biomechanics.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Whereas the real incidence of flatfoot among children is not known, it has been
acknowledged that this disorder represents one of the most frequent deformities observed by
physicians in paediatric outpatient care, which mothers often report as a complaint [5].
Cavoid foot is the term used to describe the type of foot with excessive elevation of the
medial longitudinal arch. The aetiology of this disorder may involve muscular imbalances or
neurological conditions and it is often encountered among patients who complain of leg pain [6].
The cavus foot diformity is initially flexible but over time becomes rigid and arthritic [7].
Footwear gives a variety of clues of the patient’s diagnosis, that’s why it should be
examined during the patient’s first visit. Footwear should be checked for size, shape, style,
suitability for the patient’s foot and occupation [8]. Footprint assessment through podography may
provide precious information concerning the potential disorders of children; their early
identification may lead to their correction.

Material and method

The study was conducted on a sample of 93 preschool children – 47 females and 46 males.
The evaluation took place in an urban kindergarten – where we conducted the plantar evaluation of
30 children, and in a rural kindergarten – where we assessed 63 preschool children.
The evaluation of plantar statics disorders was performed using the podograph, (an
instrument consisting of a rubber plate that features posteriorly a grid that enables the imprinting the
ink on the sheet paper located underneath it). Each subject was asked to sit on a chair in front of the
podograph. After imprinting the rubber plate with ink, the child placed the sole on it and rose to
standing, distributing the weight evenly on both lower limbs. After taking the footprint of each
subject, we interpreted them by measuring the distances between the median line of the sole (drawn
through the middle of the calcaneus and through the middle of the second toe and the lateral
margins). Subsequently, we drew a horizontal line at the most curved level of the sole, which
revealed (in relation to the median axis) the distance from the outline of the sole to the line that
delimits the plantar arch and the distance from this limit to the tangentially internal line. The
mathematical ratios obtained between the measured distances underscored the flattening or arching
degree of the sole in both feet of the subjects within our study.

Results and discussions

In order to highlight the results of the study, we interpreted graphically the values that we
obtained within the sample; to this end, we have used SPSS.
In Figure 1, we illustrated the graphic repartition of the percentage of plantar statics
disorders at the level of the left foot.

Figure 1. The percentage of left plantar foot index

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

According to Figure 1, we found a significant percentage of plantar statics disorders at the

level of the left foot. Actually, only 6.45% of the girls and 13.98% of the boys were included in the
category of children with normal foot. Therefore, Figure 1 points out a high percentage of plantar
disorders at the level of the left foot among both males and females.
In Figure 2, we show the repartition of plantar statics disorders by gender for the left foot
print index.

Figure 2. The repartition of plantar statics disorders by gender

Figure 2 illustrates that the repartition of plantar statics disorders by gender presents certain
differences: more precisely, for first-degree cavoid foot among females, we have pointed out a
number of 22 subjects; among males, we have identified only six cases of first-degree cavoid foot.
The distribution of plantar statics disorders by gender demonstrates that the distribution of disorders
at the level of the left foot within the sample of subjects is not uniform.
Figure 3 depicts the repartition of subjects by categories, concerning the right footprint

Figure 3. The percentage of right plantar foot index

Figure 3 clearly shows that over 80% of the subjects within our sample display plantar
statics disorders at the level of the right foot. By comparing Figure 1 and Figure 3, we may suggest
that the distribution of plantar disorders is actually bilateral in most cases.
In Figure 4, we have depicted the repartition of plantar statics disorders by gender for the
right foot print index.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figure 4. The repartition of plantar statics disorders by gender

As in case of the left foot, Figure 4 illustrates that the repartition of plantar statics disorders
is not uniform by gender. These variations are suggested by the various degrees of cavoid foot or
flat foot; the greatest differences are registered for first-degree cavoid foot and for first-degree
Figure 5 features a comparative analysis of plantar statics disorders for the left foot,
(belonging to rural and urban children).

Figure 5. Comparative analysis of plantar statics disorders for the left foot (belonging to rural and urban

According to Figure 5, we have found an uneven distribution of plantar statics disorders

between the rural and the urban preschool children assessed within this research. As shown in the
Figure above, the number of plantar statics disorders is greater among rural children.
Figure 6 features a comparative analysis of plantar statics disorders for the right foot,
(belonging to rural and urban children).

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figure 6. Comparative analysis of plantar statics disorders for the right foot (belonging to rural and urban

According to Figure 6, the repartition of plantar statics disorders between the rural and the
urban subjects is not uniform in case of the right foot, either. Thus, it is worth highlighting that the
analysis of the right sole has also shown a greater number of deficiencies for rural children.

In the subsequent research to be conducted, we will try to identify the plantar indices of
middle schoolers in Iași. The purpose is to make a comparative analysis of the results we have
obtained with potential findings of other specialists, for different cities in our country or for other

The study concludes that over 80% of the preschool children assessed using the podograph
display alterations of plantar statics at the level of one or both soles. The difference between the
urban and the rural environment is not highly significant, but the incidence of plantar deficiencies is
higher among rural children.
This paper represents a starting point for similar studies that may be more far-reaching. At
the same time, this paper may also be considered a warning sign for the parents whose children
display plantar statics disorders, because the evolution of such disorders can be stopped through
kinetic and orthopaedic means. Furthermore, chances are high to correct these deficiencies if we act
early and correctly and if we adapt the intervention to the particularities of each child.

[1] Rai DV, Aggarwal LM, The Study of Plantar Pressure Distribution in Normal and Pathological
Foot, Pol J Med Phys Eng, 2006: 12(1):25-34.
[2] Cordun M, Kinantropometrie, Bucureşti, Cd Press, 2009: 204.
[3] William RL, Hillstrom HJ, The distributed plantar vertical force on neutrally aligned and pes
planus feet, Gait and Posture, 2001
[4] Magee D, Orthopedic Phsical Assessment, fourth edition, Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006: 765.
[5] Aziz A, Selahattin O, Flexible flatfoot, North Clin Istanbul, 2014: 57-64(1), 29292.
[6] Burns J, Crosbie J, Hunt A, Ouvrier R, The efect of pes cavus on foot pain and plantar pressure,
Science Direct, 2005
[7] Hong-Geun J, Foot and Ankle Disorders, an Illustrated Reference, Berlin: Springer, 2016: 371.
[8] Frowen P, O’Donnell M, Lorimel D, Burrow G, Neal’s disorders of the foot, Missouri: Elsevier,
2010: 7.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


¹, 2 Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, , Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, Iaşi, România

Rezumat. Lucrarea pe care am realizat-o își propune să identifice incidența tulburărilor de statică plantară la copii.
Studiul a fost realizat pe un lot de 93 de copii, 46 de sex masculin și 47 de sex feminin, 63 dintre subiecți provenind din
mediul rural, iar 30 dintre aceștia din mediul urban. Tulburările de statică plantară au fost identificate cu ajutorul
podografului, fiecare subiect beneficiind de evaluarea amprentei plantare. Importanța studiului este cu atât mai mare cu
cât identificarea precoce a piciorului plat sau cav, poate conduce la corectarea acestuia prin programe specifice de
kinetoterapie, asociate și cu purtarea de talonet în cazul în care este necesar, prevenindu-se astfel apariția modificărilor
de biomecanică de la nivelul articulațiilor supraiacente. Așadar, cu ajutorul podografului am reușit să identificăm un
număr semnificativ de tulburări de statică plantară în cadrul eșantionului de subiecți. Acest lucru a condus la
conștientizarea de către părinți a faptului că este necesar să apeleze la servicii specializate de kinetoterapie în vederea
corectării tulburărilor de statică plantară ale copiilor.
Cuvinte cheie: incidență, tulburări de statică plantară, podograf.

În istoria omenirii există numeroase atestări ale prezenței medicinii in viața oamenilor. Încă
din antichitate, îngrijirea picioarelor și adaptarea încălțămintei la anomaliile și tulburările de statică
ale picioarelor, erau făcute cu artă de către oameni specializați. Aceștia știau să analizeze în mod
vizual și tactil pacienții reușind ulterior să intervină în modificarea poziției picioarelor și a posturii
corporale. Odată cu evoluția omenirii preocuparea analizării picioarelor a crescut acest rol fiind
preluat în zilele noastre de către medici, kinetoterapeuți și tehnicienii proteziști.
În urmă cu aproximativ 30 de ani s-a diferențiat o specialitate tehnică denumită „podologie”,
care are rolul de a asigura evaluarea tulburărilor de statică plantară și ulterior prescrierea talonetelor
și a susținătorilor plantari care adaptează încălțămintea la nevoia individuală a piciorului, în scopul
corecției sau protecției acestuia.
În ultimii ani a fost unanim acceptată ideea că presiunea exercitată la nivelul diferitelor zone
ale tălpii reprezintă un parametru biomecanic vital în evaluarea mersului uman. Distribuirea
presiunii plantare poate oferi informații prețioase în vederea diagnosticării diferitelor tulburări de
statică plantară [1].
Podografia se realizează cu ajutorul podografului. Acesta constă dintr-un covor de cauciuc,
care prezintă pe fața internă un cadrilaj cu diferite reliefuri impregnate cu un tuș special [2].
Atunci când în poziția stând subiectul exercită presiune asupra bazei de susținere amprentele
plantare se imprimă pe o coală de hârtie care se află sub covor. Această măsurătoare oferă
informații prețioase și cu privire la distribuirea presiunilor asupra diferitelor părți ale suprafeței
tălpii, înregistrându-se astfel presiunea minimă și maximă suportată de fiecare zonă a plantei.
Piciorul este principalul mijloc de interacțiune a corpului cu pământul. Acesta funcționează
ca un mecanism compatibil (atunci când susține greutatea) și ca o pârghie rigidă ( în timpul
propulsiei) [3].
Arcul plantar este mentinut de către trei mecanisme: articularea dintre oasele tarsiene cu cele
metatarsiene, ligamentele plantare și musculatura intrinsecă și extrinsecă a piciorului împreună cu
tendoanele acesteia [4].
Examinarea amprentei plantare are un rol deosebit de important în ceea ce privește starea de
bine a copilului și a viitorului adult, mai ales în cazurile în care se practică și un sport de
performanță. În cazurile în care prin intermediul podoscopiei se întalnește o tulburare de statică
plantară, este bine ca încălțămintea să fie adaptată așa încât să poată asigura amortizarea șocurilor și
distribuția optimă a sarcinilor în timpul sprijinului sau alergării. Dacă există tulburări la nivel
plantar, acestea pot conduce în timpul mersului la tensiuni exercitate în interiorul încălțămintei,
angrenând în timp, modificări ale axei piciorului și inclusiv ale biomecanicii mersului.
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Cu toate că incidența reală a platfusului la copii nu se cunoaște, este recunoscut faptul că

această tulburare reprezintă una din cele mai frecvente diformități observate de medicii din
ambulatoriul de pediatrie, de care mamele se plâng [5].
Piciorul scobit este termenul folosit pentru a descrie acel tip de picior cu elevare excesivă a
arcului medial longitudinal. Etiologia aceastei tulburări poate implica dezechilibre musculare sau
afecțiuni neurologice și se întalnește deseori la pacienții care se plâng de dureri de picioare [6].
Diformitatea piciorului cav este inițial flexibilă, însă cu timpul devine rigidă și artritică [7].
Încălțămintea oferă o varietate de indicii cu privire la diagnosticul pacientului si de aceea,
aceasta ar trebui să fie examinată în timpul primei vizite a acestuia. Papucii ar trebui verificați la
mărime, formă, stil, dacă este potrivit pentru piciorul pacientului si pentru tipul de activitate al
acestuia [8]. Evaluarea amprentei plantare prin intermediul podografiei poate oferi informații
prețioase cu privire la tulburările pe care copii le pot dezvolta, identificarea precoce a acestora
putând conduce la corectarea lor.

Material și metodă
Studiul a fost realizat pe un lot de 93 de copii preșcolari, 47 de sex feminin și 46 de sex
masculin. Evaluarea a avut loc într-o grădiniță din mediul urban, unde s-a efectuat evaluarea
plantară a 30 de copii și într-o grădiniță din mediul rural unde au fost evaluați 63 de preșcolari.
Evaluarea tulburărilor de statică plantară s-a efectuat cu ajutorul podografului, instrument
prevăzut cu un covoraș din cauciuc care pe partea posterioară are o structură ce permite
impregnarea tușului pe coala de hârtie situată sub acesta. Fiecare subiect a fost așezat pe rând pe un
scaun în fața podografului. După impregnarea covorului cu tuș, copilul situa talpa pe acesta și
realiza ridicarea în ortostatism cu sprijin bipodal și cu distribuirea egală a greutății pe ambele
membre inferioare. După realizarea amprentei plantare a fiecărui subiect s-a realizat interpretarea
acestora măsurându-se distanțele dintre linia mediană a tălpii care s-a trasat prin mijlocul
calcaneului și prin mijlocul degetului II și marginile laterale. S-a trasat ulterior o linie orizontală la
nivelul de maximă curbură a tălpii care a scos în evidență în raport cu axul median distanța de la
marginea externă a tălpii până la linia ce trasează limita bolții plantare și de asemenea distanța de la
această limită până la linia tangențial internă. Raporturile matematice obținute între distanțele
măsurate au evidențiat gradul de aplatizare sau de scobire a bolții plantare de la ambele picioare ale
subiecților evaluați.

Rezultate și discuții
Pentru a putea evidenția rezultatele studiului efectuat, am realizat interpretarea grafică a
valorilor pe care le-am obținut în cadrul eșantionului evaluat, cu ajutorul programului S.P.S.S
În Figura numărul 1 am realizat repartiția grafică a procentajului tulburărilor de statică
plantară de la nivelul piciorului stâng.

Figura 1. Procent indice plantar stâng

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Conform figurii numărul 1 putem observa faptul că avem un procentaj semnificativ al

tulburărilor de statică plantară la nivelul piciorului stâng, în categoria piciorului normal încadrându-
se doar 6,45% dintre fete și respectiv 13,98% dintre băieți. Așadar, figura numărul 1 identifică un
procentaj crescut al tulburărilor plantare de la nivelul piciorului stâng atât pentru indivizii de sex
masculin cât și pentru cei de sex feminin.
În figura numărul 2 am realizat repartiția tulburărilor de statică plantară în funcție de gen
pentru indicele plantar stâng.

Figura 2. Repartiția tulburărilor plantare după gen

În figura numărul 2 putem observa faptul că repartiția tulburărilor de statică plantară pe sexe
prezintă diferențe, putându-se observa faptul că pentru piciorul scobit de gradul I în rândul genului
feminin s-au identificat un număr de 22 de subiecți pe când pentru genul masculin s-au identificat 6
cazuri de picior scobit de gradul I. Distribuirea tulburărilor de statică plantară după gen
demonstrează faptul că distribuția tulburărilor de la nivelul piciorului stâng în cadrul eșantionului de
subiecți este inegală.
În figura numărul 3 am realizat repartiția subiecților pe categorii în funcție de indicele
plantar drept.

Figura 3. Procent indice plantar drept

În figura numărul 3 putem observa faptul că peste 80% dintre subiecții evaluați prezintă
tulburări ale staticii plantare la nivelul piciorului drept. Comparând figura numărul 1 cu figura
numărul 3 putem deduce faptul că distribuirea tulburărilor de la nivelul piciorului este în cele mai
multe cazuri bilaterală.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

În figura numărul 4 am realizat repartiția tulburărilor de statică plantară în funcție de gen

pentru indicele plantar drept.

Figura 4. Repartiția tulburărilor plantare după gen

Ca și în cazul piciorului stâng în figura numărul 4 se poate observa faptul că repartiția

tulburărilor de statică plantară este neuniformă în funcție de gen. Aceste variații se regăsesc în
diferitele grade de picior scobit sau plat, cele mai mari diferențe întâlnindu-se pentru piciorul scobit
de gradul I și pentru piciorul plat de gradul I.
Figura numărul 5 prezintă analiza comparativă a tulburărilor de statică plantară a piciorului
stâng, din mediul rural si urban.

Figura 5. Repartiția comparativă a tulburărilor plantare rural-urban.

Conform figurii numărul 5 se poate observa faptul că există o distribuție neuniformă a

tulburărilor de statică plantară între preșcolarii evaluați din mediul urban și cei din mediul rural. Așa
cum reiese din figura de mai sus numărul tulburărilor de statică plantară sunt în număr mai mare
întâlnite la copii din mediul rural.
Figura numărul 6 prezintă analiza comparativă a tulburărilor de statică plantară a piciorului
drept, din mediul rural si urban.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figura 6. Repartiția comparativă a tulburărilor plantare rural-urban.

Conform figurii numărul 6 repartiția tulburărilor de statică plantară între subiecții din
mediul rural și cel urban este neuniformă și în cazul piciorului drept. Putem astfel să observăm
faptul că și în cazul evaluării efectuate la nivelul plantei drepte tot în mediul rural se întâlnește un
număr mai mare de deficiențe.

Prin cercetarea care va urma vom încerca să identificăm indicii plantari ai copiilor din
școlile gimnaziale din Iași, pentru a putea face o analiză comparativă a rezultatelor pe care noi le
vom obține cu eventualele rezultate notate de către alți specialiști din locații diferite sau din țări

Studiul realizat concluzionează faptul că peste 80% din preșcolarii evaluați cu ajutorul
podografului prezintă modificări de statică plantară la nivelul unei tălpi sau la nivelul ambelor
plante. Diferența dintre mediul rural și mediul urban nu este una extrem de mare însă incidența
deficiențelor plantare este mai mare în rândul copiilor din mediul rural.
Această lucrare reprezintă un punct de plecare pentru alte cercetări asemănătoare ce pot avea
un caracter mult mai amplu. Totodată lucrarea de față poate fi un semnal de alarmă pentru părinții ai
căror copii prezintă tulburări de statică plantară, evoluția acestora putând fi stopată prin intermediul
mijloacelor kinetice și ortopedice. De asemenea există șanse ridicate de corectare a acestor
deficiențe în cazul în care se acționează precoce și într-o manieră corectă și adaptată
particularităților fiecărui copil.

[1] Rai DV, Aggarwal LM, The Study of Plantar Pressure Distribution in Normal and Pathological
Foot, Pol J Med Phys Eng, 2006: 12(1):25-34.
[2] Cordun M, Kinantropometrie, Bucureşti, Cd Press, 2009: 204.
[3] William RL, Hillstrom HJ, The distributed plantar vertical force on neutrally aligned and pes
planus feet, Gait and Posture, 2001
[4] Magee D, Orthopedic Phsical Assessment, fourth edition, Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006: 765.
[5] Aziz A, Selahattin O, Flexible flatfoot, North Clin Istanbul, 2014: 57-64(1), 29292.
[6] Burns J, Crosbie J, Hunt A, Ouvrier R, The efect of pes cavus on foot pain and plantar pressure,
Science Direct, 2005
[7] Hong-Geun J, Foot and Ankle Disorders, an Illustrated Reference, Berlin: Springer, 2016: 371.
[8] Frowen P, O’Donnell M, Lorimel D, Burrow G, Neal’s disorders of the foot, Missouri: Elsevier,
2010: 7.
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue



Emine KOCA 1 , Meltem ÖZSAN 2
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gazi University. . Gazi Üniversitesi, Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi.
Lecturer. Istanbul Gelisim University. . İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi, Gelişim
Meslek Yüksekokulu. İSTANBUL.

Abstract. The new way of life along with modernization has allowed people to spare more time for themselves and
follow fashion clothes, activities, current events and has increased the participation to recreational activities in daily life.
At the same time, the easing of life with the development of industrialization, increasing spare time with machines'
reducing the need to human labor, people’s passing to more comfortable life form, feeling economically, socially,
psychologically relieved. All these factors have led to the development of entertainment, recreational and sports
activities in the first half of the 19th century. During this time, daily clothing forms or clothes adapted from them were
used in sporting events. Despite the fact that sport identify with men since it's existence, coming with women's active
role in social life, their increasing interest to sport have led to the need for casual and comfortable clothing. That term's
designer Jean Patou has been a pioneer of sportswear meeting the need with his designs symbolizing freedom, ease and
comfort. In this context, the designer laying the foundation of the concept of sportswear, he has important contributions
to the historical development of this type of sportswear and to the formation of the style of clothing that has become
synonymous with today's sportswear. In this study, in terms of influencing people it could be said that sport and fashion
have the same kind of power and effect each other as a social phenomenon, It is aimed to reveal the contributions of
Patou's to the formation and development of sportswear process. In this descriptive study based on the survey model,
with the document scanning and document analysis methods it has been tried to explain the development of sportswear
and the effect of Patou’s on the process using written, visual sources, museums and accessible private collections. It is
determined that the designer has been a pioneer in the creation of sportswear style and during all his life that ended in
1936 he focused on clothing desings for tennis and swimming sports as well as other sports. Approaching to clothing
styles of sport type; form, materials, decorations and accessories have been examined and at the present time in clothes
specific to the these sports, the traces of Patou’s designs have been observed.
Keywords: Sport, Clothing, Swimming, Tennis, Design, Swimsuit.

The dressing phenomenon, which has a long history as much as the history of mankind, have gradually
developed within the domain of social-cultural values and gradually changed and gained a social dimension
above individuality. Dressing, a concept that affects many factors which exist in social life such as custom,
habit, tradition, folkway, belief, art, philosophy, culture, political and social events, also has meanings other
than its basic function in this process of change. In this sense, dressing, which has been seen as a form of
symbolic communication that reflects social status and personality, has become an important part of life
forms evolving with the concept of fashion. For this reason, “clothing is a vital necessity for women to take
care of their choice and often to receive support” [17] p.172.
With the reforms and innovations that started in the 19th century and accelerated in the 20th century,
with the changes in social life areas, the formation of various industrial branches, the increase of the rights
given to women and women's taking more places in working life and social life, the culture of leisure -
entertainment has changed and Sports have begun to take an important place in the life of people. Although it
was originally intended to be defensive and aggressive depending on the living conditions, sport is an
activity that has been carried out in every period of human history, and in the process of social change, sport
has also changed deeply into the social life of the people and become a phenomenon shaped by the social
structure. Reduced labor force and increased time with the facilitation of everyday life and the power of the
work force have facilitated the participation of people in social activities as well as the collective activities
that urge the public by encouraging the healthy life style offered by sports activities. In the early days,
though sports activities gained a reputation as a healthy exercise for men, the idea that women should be
involved also gained momentum.
Especially the revival brought about by the peace process after the nihilism and destruction of the
First World War brought with a period in which the sports activities increased and the consumerism
accelerated and as a result of this combination active occupations that each require a special costume such as
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

polo, sailing, horse racing, tennis and swimming, began to have great popularity [9], p.252. Sports such as
swimming and tennis, which contribute to the development of fashion through these sport branches, have
helped women to create and accept their own specific space by stripping away from restrictive ethics rules
that are reserved for them by the society. In addition, as the number of sports activities increases and that
more and more people begin to gain direct or indirect interest, have disclosed the necessity to wear special
clothes in water sports as in every other sport. Taking part in the life of women, sport has a crucial
precaution on the simplification of women's clothes, not only by the privatization of the clothes, but also by
bringing a new aesthetic understanding to the womanhood.
Thus, the concept of sport, which is also of interest to fashion, sometimes has become a part of life in
a visible way, and sometimes, even though it seems anti-fashion as an extension of the identity structure of
subcultures, has gained a quality that serves the fashion. The presence of subcultural features in the fashion
scene continues throughout the 1900's until today with the cultural interactions of the American and
European continents. Sport and music combine these qualities to create a strong expression language for the
sport phenomenon in the fashion element [8], p.246-247.
Since its inception, despite the fact that sports have become associated with male identity, the active
role of women in social life and their increasing interest in sport has emerged the need for comfortable
clothes which has moved the designers of that period to take action. In this context, Jean Patou, who is the
pioneer of sportswear by meeting the need for freedom and comfort, has laid the foundations for the concept
and understanding of sportswear and also found the formation of today's sportswear industry.
The shape and style of clothes bear big importance within women’s activities in social structure,
culturel accumulation, aesthetic understanding and working life and efforts for getting a social rank in the
society [18], p.743. This work, which is made with the necessity of emphasizing the Jean Patou's
contributions to the formation of clothing styles that are almost identical to today's sports genre, especially
shaping clothes of swimming and tennis wear, has aimed to reveal the contribution of Designer Jean Patou
(1880-1936) to the sportswear's formation and development process.

In this descriptive research based on the scanning model; written and visual sources,
museums and special collections that can be reached have been examined with document scanning
and document review methods to explain the development process of sportswear and Jean Patou's
influence in this process. Because of the designer's focus on tennis and swimming sport-specific
clothing designs, studies on designer's clothing designs for tennis and swimming sports have been
included in the research. Clothing styles that are considered according to the sport are examined in
terms of form, material, ornament, accessory and Jean Patou 's contributions have been tried to be
interpreted in these sports specific clothes.

Findings and comments

Jean Patou, who came to the world as the son of a skin tanner in Normandy in 1880, established
his business in the First World War years and opened the “House of Patou” in Saint Florentin
shortly after the ceasefire. Jean Patou, who is known as one of the first to discover the personal
signature of a fashion designer and pioneered the fashion show concept as a social event, has
combined simplicity and coolness as a designer with his sportswear designs. Patou has been on the
agenda for a long time with his tennis and beach clothes especially focusing on sports clothes
design by establishing a section under the name of sports corner (le coin des sports) in fashion
A. Jean Patou's Contribution to Tennis Clothes
Women’s participation in sport has a long history. It is a history marked by division and
discrimination but also one filled with major accomplishments by female athletes and important
advances for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls [22], p.2. However, the
formation and widespread of clothing that provides the freedom of movement necessary to perform
such sports will cover a long period. Until the First World War, women are clearly visible in the
images of the turn of the time when they were engaged in sporting activities and clothes integrated
with corsets and accessories, which are not suitable for playing sports.

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Figure 1-2. Tennis match in Smith College grass (1883) and tennis tournament in 1901, [27], p.54.

In the image of the first photo in 1883, it is seen that women playing tennis with dresses
restricting movements like dark colored, fluffy long skirt suitable for the fashion of the period, long
sleeved, firmly seated with a corset, and a hat on one's head while the others got nothing on their
heads. In 1901, the differences between the clothes in the photo are striking. It is remarkable details
that the clothes of the women playing tennis are in light color, the length of the skirt is as short as
the feet can be seen, and the use of the clothes arms by bending up to the elbow is practiced for the
needs of the players. It is understood that the clothes which are worn especially as tennis costumes
are designed separately when compared to the spectators who watch the match with their very
attentive hair styles, detailed hats, fashionable clothes and even with their clothes with chain.
In this period, mostly white color is preferred in clothing worn in tennis sports; It is thought
that tennis was first performed by the upper classes and that the white color was seen as cleanliness,
richness and nobility. This ever-present tradition has been framed by strict rules in Wimbledon
Tennis Tournaments and it is stated that if the rules are not followed, the athlete will be left out of
the tournament. Wimbledon officials apply these rules, it is the idea to prevent female tennis
players' colourful clothes getting audience's attention from ball to clothing. As a result of the
investigations, reasons of using white color are; besides from being capable of absorbing heat, it is
also thought that white color reflects the light better than other colors and hides the sweat stains
best. In the following years, the white color used in tennis clothes is called "Wimbledon White" or
tennis whiteness. In the Wimbledon tennis tournament, all clothing and accessories have been
necessary to be used of all live snow white the color that when the snow falls down to the ground
for the first time but not the cream white or whitish. Apart from this, according to the new
regulations put into practice in 2014, the players have been allowed to violate the "completely
white" rule with a decoration or strip of only 1 cm thick.

Figure 3. Wimbledon tennis champions; Vera Spofforth, Agnes Morton, Dora Boothby, 1909 [26], p.19.

As seen in Figure 3; in 1909, Wimbledon single women's tennis champion Dora Boothby
dressed white shirt-blouse and corset underneath circular skirt and white canvas shoes became
fashionable both for women playing tennis and for men. During this period, sportswear was adorned
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

as little as possible and often completed with a masculine tie or cap. Women wear corsets even
when playing tennis or cycling, but these corsets are normally smaller and less supportive [19], p.
230. Although women's wear has undergone a significant change over the period between 1900's
and World War I, the change at certain points has been quite slow. That clothes looks so very
different from modern tennis suit that not acceptable physical activity for women like combination
of no waist, short sleeves, knee-lenght skirt, corsets, ties, hats.
By the last quarter of the nineteenth century the rules of dress had changed introducing new
concepts of comfort, practicality, and freedom of movement. College girls borrowed ideas from
their brothers, stealing their turtlenecks and cardigans to accompany the baggy bloomers or
significantly shorter skirts they wore to play outdoor sports. But such sensible clothing was never
allowed for public wear by the male establishment. But such sensible clothing was never allowed
for public wear by the male establishment. The short skirt came to tennis only at the beginning of
the 1920s, and sweaters were introduced, as accessories only, in the same period [27], p.57-58.

Figure 4. Jean Patou designed tennis clothes, 1925 [5], p.77.

Polan and Tredre [21], state that, of all Patou’ s may achievements, his development of
sportswear for women is perhaps the most significant. The designer needed to provide the necessary
mobility for nature sports and to meet the need for flexibility and for this First in 1921 for the
Wimbledon Champion Suzanne Lenglen, he designed the "shockingly" innovative, short-knit dress
with a white silk skirt and plain white sleeveless cardigan. Which was a momentary sensation, but it
has created a lasting revolution in the fashion world [9]. Lenglen’ s appearance at Wimbledon is
described by Lord Aberdare in his Story of Tennis:
“Suzanne acquired strength and pace of shot by playing with men, and for playing a man’ s type of
game she needed freedom of movement. Off came the suspender belt, and she supported her
stockings by means of garters above the knee; off came the petticoat and she wore only a short
pleated skirt; off came the long sleeves and she wore a neat short-sleeved vest. Her first appearance
at Wimbledon caused much comment, but the success of her outfit led to its adoption by others. In
her first championship, she wore a White hat but on subsequent occasions she wore a brightly
colored bandeau which was outstandingly popular until challenges by Miss Helen Wills’ s eyeshade
in 1924.” [1].
Lenglen represents a new feminine ideal not only with her athletic skills on the tennis court,
but also with her freedom of wear, short hair and large bandana instead of wearing a hat [9], p.252-
253. Lenglen, with Patou's designed clothes, has blurred the line between sport and fashion. Patou
transformed the long tennis suit with the inner skirt into a short white plaid skirt that barely covered
the knees and having been inspired by a man's garment, turned a classic long-sleeved feminine
blouse into a short sleeved and even a sleeveless one [7], p.126.

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Figure 5-6. Tennis player Suzanne Lenglen with the first Patou design, 1921 [10]. Suzanne Lenglen with Jean
Patou design sportswear [25].

Her first appearance at Wimbledon caused much comment, but the success of her outfit led
to its adoption by others [27], p.58. These sportswear, whose flexibility qualities were ideal, were
highly demanded from textile factories; the jersey were transformed into many modern gym clothes
and these transformed clothes were made as convenient as possible to leave the body open and tan.
As a result, an athletic appearance is the definition of modernity [6], p.12.
Patou saved the women from wearing over-the-top restrictive sportswear, and society was
introduced to the concept of public "nakedness" through sleeveless dresses worn over their bare
legs. Patou saved the women from restrictive sportswear wearing over and over and society was
introduced to the concept of public "nakedness" through sleeveless dresses worn over their bare
legs. Along with Coco Chanel and Patou (1883-1971), Victor Margueritte as one of the leading
interpreters of the movement with the novel which was very influential in 1922 "La Garçonne"
character (male-female or tomboy), made a soft transition from the appearance of loose and low
waist of dress to the tennis dress which suits to the body easily that the focus is hips [9], p.252-253.
This boyish, sporty look—known as the garçonne—dominated women’s fashion for much of the
decade, reflecting an era when women were enjoying freedom as never before, including the
freedom to exercise, sunbathe and show off their legs. As with so much sportswear, many of the
clothes were in reality bought by women who did not participate in sport and were more interested
in showing off their Patou monogrammed cardigan sweaters to their envious friends [21], p.43.
Patou, aware of this fact, has used this as an advantage for the formation and distribution of his
sportswear brand. In the light of these developments, he founded a specialized department in sports
clothing under the name "Le Coin des Sports" in 1925 in St Florentine, which means sports corner
and put clothes and accessories on market designed for sports creating a separate room for each
sport like tennis, swimming, golf, etc.
Tennis fashion for women were including sleeveless knit sweaters with ribbing edge stripes
in contrasting colors. These sweaters were the predecessor of the striped V-neck classic tennis and
cricket sweater. The flexibility of the knitted fabric to provide ease of movement has made it a
unique choice for outdoor sports activities. By keeping the air in the wool yarn inside, it gave
warmth without weight and allowed skin to breathe deeply [9], p.253. In 1926, French International
champion René Lacoste pioneered the soft-collared and short-sleeved tennis (or polo) shirt still
worn today, with the same alligator motif (derived from Lacoste’s nickname, the “Crocodile”). US
tennis champion Bill Tilden popularized the tennis sweater-a cream or White. US tennis champion
Bill Tilden popularized the tennis sweater-a cream or White [11], p.58.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Figure 7-8. Bill Tilden, wearing the V-necked sweater he helped to popularize and René Lacoste was a sports star, as
well as the originator of the famous alligator logo [11], p.58.

Designers inspired by the Art Deco trend, focused on the geometric pattern as the art
movement of the 1920s, focused on the overall appearance concept. Inspired by Braque and Picasso
's cubist work in 1924, Patou' s flexible jersey cubist sweaters and cardigans are among the most
obvious examples of this trend.

Figure 9. Jean Patou design knitwear sportswear [20].

In his personal life, Patou left a lasting impression on the fashion world, focusing on
sportswear as a fashion part itself and presented to sale the pleated skirt that allows the wearer to
leap farther up with the tennis racket and to use the body more flexibly to swing racquet, which will
take place on the fashion scene for many years as a classic besides with the patterned sweater,
cardigan and patterned silk shawls. Like Channel, Patou also turned to simple and practical clothes
in response to the extreme of Paul Poiret's orientalism in the late 19th century.
Between 1924 and 1929, Patou, who created all his designs on the same principles as
outerwear and sportswear, said that when designing his clothes, he intended that people could play
sports, give the individual absolute freedom of movement and look good.
B. Jean Patou 's Contribution to Swimming Wear
Swimming; A water sport based on advancing the body in water by moving the hands and
feet by taking advantage of the lifting force of the water. Along with people's settled living, the first
settlement areas often have water edges, so they can easily find food. For this reason, the history of
swim depends on as old as human history [24], p.206. In fact, the same opinion is in the West as it
is in Ottoman belief that sea water has negative effects on the body. However; wars, immigration
which was under the influence of the belief of getting a better life, increased pollution, illnesses in
the countries, and all led to the establishment of sea baths and the cleansing of the people in these

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

People first got into the sea, by the influence of shame and honor factors, preferring to wear
dark clothing in the same way as casual wear, with the thought of hiding some details of the body
and protecting chastity when it gets wet, so they developed methods themselves for these clothes
which caused the danger of drowning with the slightest movement that makes it harder to swim.
As not to allow their skirt to get opened, they pinned up the part of their shirts that comes
between the legs with hooked needle. In this way, they make a wonderful swimsuit by using the
lower part of the shirt just as pants. So many times they get into the water, their clothes swell up
like balloons [14], p.92-93.

Figure 10. Swimsuit (1870) and swimsuit and corset [27], p.69-74.

With these garments that are nonfunctional and dangerous to drown in any movement,
Women obeyed the Harpers Bazaar news that they should wear a swimming corset, unless it looks
slim and elegant. While swimming clothes are being produced from fabrics such as Diril, twill,
jean, satin; The corsets are also hardened with whalebone and necessary adjustments made with
gore [27], p.75.

Figüre 11. A group of women with sea clothes (1910) [2], p.13.

In the figure of 11 in 1910, it is seen that the female swimmers combine nightwear like
seaside garments with long black socks and shoes. “The decade from 1910 to 1920 is a vital period
in the history of sea bathing and swimming clothes. Popular attitudes are changing in favor of
swimmers, and there is a cultural decline between people's views and state policy as in social
reforms” [16], p.25.
In the historical process, the desire of people to vacation and the increase of sea love reveals
the necessity of wearing a special outfit while getting into the sea. This swimming suit, which
emerged with anxiety to move comfortably and look aesthetically, have taken the name of swimsuit,
namely “mayo” [4], p.1. The swimwear from the French word "maillot" obtained a permanent
position on the fashion scene as a garment made of fabrics that completely covered the body in such
a way that the arms and legs could move freely to be worn over the skin during swimming,
removing the unnecessary things on the swimmer.
With the trendy outfits exposing more of the body, "Sun Tanning" has begun for both
women and men. People have used sunlight lamps, bronze socks and bronze-colored powders to get
the skin color they want. The marble-like white skin, which once meant that someone did not work
Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

outdoors, now means that people are doing heavy and boring work in indoor places like offices and
factories [19], p.260.
With the increasing popularity of sports, some Private design houses such as Elsa
Schiaparelli, Jean Patou, 'Gabrielle' Coco Chanel devote themselves to sportswear on the necessity
of a completely different wardrobe. For active swimmers, with the diet and exercise craze, athletic
body is considered an expression of modernity and so from the multi-layered, fluffy sea bathing
garmentsc transformed into the modernized swimsuits that have given the ideal flexibility feature
using the knitted fabrics which focuses on fine bodies and enables tanning [6], p.12. Knitted fabrics
are created by interlocking the stitches, which is highly suited to the modernist "form follows
function " conception, which was then ruled. The garments that are formed and covering the body
provides freedom of movement to the wearer by streching and free them from the struggles of the
costumes. Moreover, in 1925, when Lastex was put on the market, tricot fabric became more
flexible and began to protect its shape better. Soon before, swimwear producers like Jantzen started
using Lastex in their swimwear collections [9], 258. Soon, sportswear, tan, and most importantly,
swimwear will be at the peak of fashion [15], p.12.
By the 1920s, Parisian designers Sonia Delaunay, Jeanne Lanvin, Jean Patou, and Elsa
Schiaparelli were designing glamorous beachwear for the rich and famous who frequented the
beach resorts of Deauville and Biarritz. In particular, Patou, like Chanel, worked in jersey fabrics
and is remembered for his contribution to sportswear and swimsuits – ‘clothes for the modern
woman’, albeit a wealthy variety [23], p.88. At the same time, Patou became one of the first
designers to stamp his designs with a signed logo by processing his initials "JP" as decorative on his
swimsuit and beachwear.

Figure 12. Jean Patou designs. "Bathing Suits" [12, 13].

The striped swimwear made of these two pieces belonging to Jean Patou in figure 12 is
made of jersey knitwear. The tunic top, right on the hip area, has geometric designs in the style of
Art Deco style [9], p.12.

Figure 13-14. swimsuit designed by Jean Patou, 1925-1926 [20].

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

In his early twenties, Patou has expanded his field of sports apparel JP sportswear, which the
fashion circles have almost consumed, with the new invention that has also reflected 'Freedom of
Movement' into his fashion designs [3], p.140. The swimwear has then become a fashion object
made of taffeta, milano silk, or crepe de chine. Vogue in 1924 threw the slogan "The latest
innovation at sea is a jersey swimsuit" and used the phrase "they look like tight clothes that almost
dancers wear to the extent allowed by unwritten rules" [28], p.42. Another innovation is the shore
pajamas worn in the shores, similar to pants worn by circus clowns.

Figure 15. Jean Patou-designed beach suits of the 1930s [2], p.54.

These loose fit models like pajama-style beach clothes, sportswear and culottes, are made of
soft knitted jersey or cotton and flax which had similar cuts to these dresses, cool and non-
squeezing body that was fashionable at the time [9].

As a result of the change in the social life areas that started in the 19th century and
developed rapidly in the 20th century, the changing of the concept of leisure time evaluation and the
increasing sports and entertainment activities outside the home have created a new consuming
culture with different demands and needs. In this direction, the demand for functional and aesthetic
clothes for the different living areas of the consumers who entered new quests in clothing and
fashion areas, motivated the designers and Jean Patou became one of the important designers of the
period that meets this need. Patou who has an important place in the history of fashion in terms of
bringing the concept of sportswear to the field of fashion and designing clothes for tennis and
swimming sports and pioneering the formation of today's sportswear industry, has made a
permanent commitment to the fashion world by fulfilling all kinds of firsts in the field of
sportswear, accessories and cosmetics and has helped them to gain their freedom by saving them
from hard and unsuitable clothes.
Acknowledgements: This study was presented as a Oral at the The 10th International Conference
In Physical Education, Sports And Physical Therapy- ICPESPT2016, Firat University, Elazig,
Turkey, 18-20 November, 2016"

[1] Aberdare L. The Story of Tennis. London, Stanley Paul, 1959.
[2] Alac P. Bikini Story. USA, Parkstone International, 2012.
[3] Bailey A. The pashion for fashion. Great Britain, Dragon’ s World, 1988.
[4] Baykal Y. Tarihsel süreç içerisinde mayonun değişimindeki etkenler. Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul 1996.
[5] Blackman, C. 100 Years of Fashion Illustration. London, Laurence King Publishing. 2007.

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[6] Blackman, C. (Çev. Kaan Onur Kaftanoğlu). Modanın tarihi, 1900’ den bugüne. İzmir, Kerasus.
[7] Condra, J. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing Through World History: 1801 to the
present. London: Greenwood Press. 2008.
[8] Crane, D. Moda ve Gündemleri. İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayıncılık. 2003.
[9] Fogg, M. (Ed.). Modanın tüm öyküsü. İstanbul: Hayalperest. 2014.
[10] Getty İmages. French tennis player Suzanne Lenglen in action at Wimbledon. 1922.
[11] Herald, J. Fashions of a decade. NY, Chelsea House, Bailey. 2007.
[12] Hoyningen-Huene, G. Bathing Suits [Photograph]. 1928. sayfasından
[13] Hoyningen-Huene, G. Bathing Suits [Photographe]. 1930.
[14] Kabacalı, A. Tarihin aynasında İstanbul hayatı. İstanbul, Creative. 2007.
[15] Kennedy, S. The swimsuit. London, Carlton. 2007.
[16] Kidwell, C. B. Women’s bathing and swimming costume inthe Unıted States. United States
National Museum Bulletin 250. 1968.
[17] Koca, E., Koç F. Çalışan Kadınların Giysi Seçimleri ve Renk Tercihleri. Elektronik Sosyal
Bilimler Dergisi. –esosder, ISSN:1304–0278, C. 7, S. 24, Bahar-2008, s.171-200.
[18] Koca E., Koç F., Şahinoğlu M., Pamuk B., 2009, “Toplumsal Statü Açısından Kadının Giysi
Tercihlerini Etkileyen Etmenler”, Uluslararası Multidisiplinler Kadın Kongresi, 13-16 Ekim
2009, s.742-751.
[19] Kollektif. Moda; geçmişten günümüze giyim kuşam ve stil rehberi. (D. Özen, Çev.). İstanbul,
Kaknüs. 2013.
[20] Patou, J. Couture The Patou Woman Official Website. 2016.
[21] Polan, B. & Tredre, R. The great fashion designers. Oxford, Berg. 2009.
[22] Sandys, E. Women, gender equality and sport. Women 2000 and Beyond Dergisi, December
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[23] Schmidt, C. Second Skin: Annette Kellerman, the moderns swimsuit, and a Australian
contribution to global fashion. Doktora Tezi, Queensland University of Technology. Australia
[24] Spor Ansiklopedisi. İstanbul, Morpa Kültür Yayınları. 2005.
[25] Steichen E. Suzanne Lenglen, Shows How to Dress for Tennis. Vogue. 2 Aralık 1926, 64-65.
[26] Tarran, B. George Hillyard: The man who moved Wimbledon. UK, Troubador. 2013.
[27] Warner, P.C. When the girls came out to play: the birth of American sportswear. USA, Univ of
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[28] Watson, L. Modaya yön verenler. (G. Ayas, Çev.). İstanbul, Güncel. 2007.

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Sebahattin DEVECİOĞLU1
University of Firat, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Elazığ, Turkey

Abstract. The main purpose of the “Peace Ball Project” is to express that sports has no discrimination of religion,
language or race, emphasize that sports is a shared value of mankind and ensure “ Peace, Friendship and Brotherhood”
by sports. Moreover, within the activities accomplished in the project, an additional campaign will be started to provide
sports equipment to male and female children who are interested in sports in the region by creating an awareness about
“Children’s right to play” and drawing the whole world’s attention and interest to kids residing poor districts.UNICEF
is making effort for reaching 43 million children in worldwide. Because of many children has the same right to thrive,
play, and practice sports.Articles from “Rights of the Child” which went into effect in 2nd of September 1990 and
signed by 193 countries; Article 31/1 and 2 In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development, which contained a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Paragraph 37 of the Agenda
states. Within the framework of The Article 59 of Turkish Republic’s Constitution. Understanding, a common goal
which was accepted by International Olympic Committee and UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, European Union,
Governments, Municipalities, Sports Federations, Universities and Non-Governmental Organizations is; “to achieve
more accessible and sustainable sports on neutral and safe grounds, to provide development in underdeveloped regions,
to eradicate poverty and inequality, to contribute to education, to convey sport’s role in education, health, social,
cultural and economics to masses by encouraging lifelong sports and healthy life culture”
Keywords : PeaceBallProject, Peace, Game, Ball, Sport

Social responsibility is a well-established concept that, historically, has been widely
explored and accepted within developmental psychology. It plays an important role in Erikson’s ego
identity development model which continues to provide much of our understanding of human
development The concept of social responsibility also overlaps with ideas of balance and flow [6].
Research suggests that when athletes achieve a sense of balance and perspective in sport and
in life, they are more likely to engage flow experiences thereby achieving full functioning and self-
actualization. The emerging positive youth development perspective does not specifically use the
words ‘social responsibility’ but instead uses the term ‘contribution’ to refer to the important role
social engagement plays in helping young people thrive in life. Positive youth development
highlights the importance of developing organizational systems that nurture young people’s positive
development through mutually beneficial relationships with the people and institutions of their
social World [4].
Many people give to charities, invest in socially responsible funds, consume green products,
supply their blood, or give their time and sometimes even their lives for good causes. Such
prosocial behaviours obey a complex mix of interdependent motivations. First, they are driven by
genuine, intrinsic altruism: to varying degrees, we all aspire to do good and help. Second, material
incentives may come into play: we are more likely to give to charities if contributions are tax-
deductible. Third, we are also driven by social and self-esteem concerns. Our conduct defines what
kind of person we are, in the eyes of others and, no less importantly, in our own eyes. The main
focus of this section will be to identify the bright and dark sides of such image concerns, how these
interact with intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives, and the implications for public policy [2].
Social interaction is one of the nine sports fan motivations (achievement, acquisition of
knowledge, aesthetics, drama, escape, family, physical attraction, physical skill, social interaction).
The commitment in sport is voluntary and often it is a trigger for development of motivation,
integration and relationships what can bring even a pedagogical value On the other hand, the
relation between customers and sport organisation may be built through formal ways like ticket
purchase or membership, which are subscription-type arrangements that may build sense of
ownership among fans and stronger commitment [10].

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

Council of Europe, 2001, quoted by Coalter, 2005, p. 6; . Sport means all forms of physical
activity which, through casual and organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical
fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all
levels. by In addition to acknowledging that sport, independently, cannot solve a wide variety of
social problems, it is also important to acknowledge the limitations of the research evidence for
many of the claimed impacts of sport [9].
There is also strong evidence that sports participation improves pro-social behaviour and
reduces crime and anti-social behaviour, particularly for young men. This includes evidence of
lower levels, for sports participants compared with non-participants, of recidivism, drunk driving,
use of illegal drugs, crime and suspensions at school, property crime, shoplifting and juvenile crime.
The main exceptions to this positive evidence are an association of sport with increased violence
and illegal alcohol consumption. In terms of the social capital impacts from sport, there is evidence
that sport is a type of 'social glue', i.e. contributing 'bonding' capital by increasing social
connectedness and a sense of belonging. Positive outcomes in social impacts studies include
reduced social and ethnic tensions, and more collective action and community involvement through
sport, particularly volunteering. The evidence doesn't just point to positive social capital impacts
from sport - for example, two studies identify cases of sports clubs reinforcing social exclusion.
Many of the links between sport and different social impacts are common, including greater
physical competencies, better cognitive skills, better social skills, trust and reciprocity, and
identification with social values. These help to counteract risk factors and stimulate favourable
reaction to protective factors[14].
Sport is often considered as powerful tool for community building [16] It may also yield
images of healthy lifestyle that may be distributed among community members. Sport organisations
are aware of it and often decide to encourage social responsibility of supporters and participants
through activities that involve supporting community or charitable societies [11]. That involvement
brings benefits and positive effects for both sport organisation (better organisational image, loyalty
and stronger relationship with community and fans) and the community (integration, support,
awareness, health, patronage intentions of sport consumers, emotional relationship with the sport
organisation) [15].
Today, sport can no longer be considered a luxury within any society but rather it is an
important investment in the present and the future, particularly in developing countries. Not only
are sport and play fundamental rights that need to be respected and promoted worldwide but sport is
also a promising medium to use for social transformation and peace-building. The ever-growing
number of projects, initiatives and organizations in the field of Sport for Development and Peace
testifies to the usefulness and flexibility of the tool that is sport. At the same time much policy work
on national and international levels as well as research has been undertaken. However, resources
need to be available; monitoring and evaluation should be mainstreamed in all programming and
project work; and research activities need to be further connected [9].

Social Responsıbility And Sport

Sport is indisputably one of the world’s most popular leisure activities and it describes a
fascinating phenomenon: people from all over the world play, attend, watch, listen to, talk about
and experience sport at all levels of performance from amateur to elite. Sport is often described as a
language that everyone in the world can understand and indeed sport can bring together and unite
groups and communities. On an individual level, sport has the capacity to develop people’s skills
and faculties. In addition, sport has the power to attract large audiences and can play a major role in
communicating positive awareness messages on key issues and assist in driving social change [8].
In considering the dimensions associated with social responsibility in sport, it should be
acknowledged that we seek those characteristics that are distinguished in sport. In other words, if
we are to use sport as a means to deal with social issues, it is up to sport organisations to clearly

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

identify and communicate what they perceive their social responsibilities to be. This does not mean
that the generic elements of social responsibility for organisations should be overlooked [1].
For example, Welford’s (2005) instrument instrument instrument provides an admirable
inventory of social responsibilities. These include internal (e.g. policies on non-discrimination in
the workplace), external (e.g. policy on labour standards of suppliers), accountability (e.g.
commitment to reporting on social activities) and citizenship (e.g. educational programmes for the
promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives) elements guided by sources such
as the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UNESCO Project on Technical and Vocational
Education, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards Convention, the
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, and best practices in the corporate
world. There are, of course, a range of social issues that are exacerbated by elite and/or professional
sports people and organisations and hence are of direct relevance to the conduct of sport [17].
Within the last ten years, the concept of social responsibility has received considerable
attention within professional sport and is increasingly applied to sport management This trend
grows out of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement that emphasizes the
responsibilities of corporations to society beyond profit maximization The emerging dual
perspective of linking profit and social responsibility has led organizations away from traditional
charitable giving in order to integrate business operations and interests with community
involvement [4].
Accompanying these issues are vast bodies of literature in sport marketing, sport sociology,
sport anthropology, sport economics and sport ethics which independently consider these issues.
However, it is not the purpose of this paper to formulate guidelines for sport organisations or
sporting teams to more effectively deal with their social responsibilities. Rather, its purpose is to
highlight the opportunity that sport presents as a means toward improving some social problems [1].
The corporate trend toward social responsibility represents a significant opportunity for
capitalising on a marriage of the ubiquitous appeal of sport and the economic might of the corporate
sector. The deployment of corporate social responsibility through sport offers substantial potential
for community return. The mobilisation of sport as a vehicle for contributing to corporate efforts
toward social responsibility can be seen as a distinct opportunity for both the organisations in
charge of sport and those that seek to use sport in their efforts to make contributions to communities
Sport organisations are aware nowadays that not only sport results create a positive image of
a team but they are three most important factors: business conduct, social conduct, and
contributions [7]. Consumers, sport fans too, demand integrating elements of social responsibility
into business operations of both sport and non-sport organisations [15].That is why organizations
started to consciously and constantly implement corporate social responsibility activities to promote
and shape social and environmentally friendly attitudes [11].
Social responsibility has also become increasingly prevalent in the sport industry. For
example, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has made significant
investments regarding social responsibility, "more than 40 percent of FIFA’s income goes directly
towards supporting the grassroots of the game, development work, and partnerships with relief
organizations" (FIFA Activity Report, 2002-2004, p. 66). Through their foundation, Reebok
sponsors a Human Rights Award providing $50,000 grants to recipients [9].
Philanthropic responsibility İn case of sport organisations may take a form of making cash
or in-kind donations, inviting children to attend games for free, sponsorship events organised by
community, and active employee voluntarism (meetings with team members and players at schools
to promote healthy lifestyle and physical activities) Engagement in supporting community and
social activities should be parallel to task focused on building corporate reputation [10].

Example of Social Responsibility in Sport “Peace Ball Project”

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

The idea of using sport to advance peace endeavors is not new. Building on the success of
early sport-for-peace campaigns to tackle a wide range of social issues at the local and regional
level, several initiatives to promote sport as an agent of transformation were subsequently launched
internationally. This in turn set in motion a sort of ‘cooperative global ethos’, gravitating around the
new application of sport as a social catalyst and laying the foundations for a social intervention
strategy and social movement known today as Sport for Development and Peace.
As a social intervention strategy, Sport for Development and Peace proposes the use of
games, physical activity and sport to address explicit peace and development objectives including,
most notably, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). While this approach aims at
achievement the rights of all members of society to take part in sport and leisure activities (Sport for
Development and Peace International Working Group, 2008) it has an important component of non-
sport-based activities. These are to tackle a wide range of social issues including: gender equality;
peace building and conflict resolution; social inclusion; crime and violence; racism; social
inequality; health education. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) projects are being carried out
both in developed and developing nations, with a significant number of interventions taking place in
regions with particularly high levels of violence, poverty and conflict [3].
Peace Ball Project which was developed based on the voluntariness of Sebahattin
DEVECİOĞLU, an academician from Firat University, Sports Sciences Faculty, Elazig, Turkey
giving away “Game Balls” as presents to children. The main purpose of the “Peace Ball Project” is
to express that sports has no discrimination of religion, language or race, emphasize that sports is a
shared value of mankind and ensure “ Peace, Friendship and Brotherhood” by sports. Peace Ball
Moreover, within the activities accomplished in the project, an additional campaign will be
started to provide sports equipment to male and female children who are interested in sports in the
region by creating an awareness about “Children’s right to play” and drawing the whole world’s
attention and interest to kids residing poor districts.
UNICEF is making effort for reaching 43 million children in worldwide. Because of many
children has the same right to thrive, play, and practice sports.
Articles from “Rights of the Child” which went into effect in 2nd of September 1990 and signed by
193 countries;
Article 31/1 “States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play
and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life
and the arts.”
Article 31/2 “States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully
in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities
for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.”
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development, which contained a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Paragraph 37 of the
Agenda states: “We recognize the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development
and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the
empowerment of women and of young people, individuals and communities as well as to health,
education and social inclusion objectives”
Within the framework of The Article 59 of Turkish Republic’s Constitution “The State shall
take measures to develop the physical and mental health of Turkish citizens of all ages, and
encourage the spread of sports among the masses. The state shall protect successful athletes”;
In addition to these articles; Within the “Peace and Sports” understanding, a common goal
which was accepted by International Olympic Committee and UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, European
Union, Governments, Municipalities, Sports Federations, Universities and Non-Governmental
Organizations is; to achieve more accessible and sustainable sports on neutral and safe grounds, to
provide development in underdeveloped regions, to eradicate poverty and inequality, to contribute

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue

to education, to convey sport’s role in education, health, social, cultural and economics to masses
by encouraging lifelong sports and healthy life culture.

Today, sport is used in an extremely wide variety of ways. Moreover the initiative for sport
and development projects comes from different actors. Non-Governmental Organisations,
international actors, sports organisations and bilateral development organisations all play an
important role. Nevertheless only in exceptional circumstances do they use sport systematically and
specifically. There are hundreds of projects around the world in which sport for development is
used. They are situated at all levels – local, national and international. There is no detailed
evaluation based on thematic priorities. However, an approximate stocktaking suggests the
following distribution whereby the thematic attribution cannot be clear cut because of the cross-
cutting nature of sport. Also well represented are projects which in a wider sense work in the area of
peace promotion and conflict transformation. Just as important is the promotion of structures and
instruments which facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience as well as coordination
between the actors. Lastly and most importantly, it involves the promotion of innovative
partnerships on all levels – local, national and international. They are the best guarantee that the
dynamic set in motion further increases and that sport can realise its huge potential for development
and peace in a sustainable way [12].
Peace Ball Project inviting the whole mankind to this meaningful project with the wishes of
ending the wars in the world and sustaining the peace.

Acknowledgments; "This study was presented as a Oral at the The 10th International
Conference In Physical Education, Sports And Physical Therapy- ICPESPT2016, Firat
University, Elazig, Turkey, 18-20 November, 2016"

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Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Acet M., Gumusgul O., Isik U.

LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS OF FOOTBALL COACHES ...................................................... 3
Gumusgul O., Işik U., Acet M., Konak R.
COMMUNICATION LEVELS.................................................................................................................. 10
Isik U., Acet M., Gumusgul O., Konak R.
COMMUNICATION LEVELS AMONG BADMINTON PLAYERS...................................................... 14
Ustun U.D., Ersoy A., Berk A.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT STUDENTS............................................................................. 20
Benedek F., Raţă E.
Rachita I. I.
STUDENTS BY MEANS SPECIFIC TO JUDO....................................................................................... 37
Özgen C., Argan M.
TURKEY..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Kalkan T., Yücel A.G.
SPORTSPERSONSHİP ORIENTATİONS IN HANDBALL PLAYERS................................................. 55
Zambak Ö., Acet M., Cengiz R., Mumcu H. E., Kusan O.5
THINKING INCLINATION OF FOOTBALL COACHES....................................................................... 63
Grădinaru C.
SCOUTING IN CONTEMPORARY BASKETBALL............................................................................... 72
Grădinaru S.
VOLLEYBALL........................................................................................................................................... 85
Lucaci P., Neculăeș M.
Koca E. , Özsan M.
JEAN PATOU: THE MAN WHO SHAPED SPORTSWEAR.................................................................. 105
Devecioğlu S.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SPORT (PEACE BALL PROJECT)..................................................... 115

Sp Soc Int J Ph Ed Sp 2017 - Special Issue


Benedek F., Raţă E.

Rachita I. I.
STUDENTILOR DIN UPB PRIN MIJLOACELE SPECIFICE JUDOULUI............................................ 41
Grădinaru C.
SCOUTING-UL ÎN BASCHETUL CONTEMPORAN............................................................................. 78
Grădinaru S.
JOC ÎN VOLEIUL FEMININ .................................................................................................................... 90
Lucaci P., Neculăeș M.


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