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Good morning

I just want to start my speech by giving the meaning of the words:

 “unity” refers to oneness, of being formed of parts that make a whole - essentially around a consensus of shared values as they
relate to the whole state

 “diversity” refers to variety and difference – as these relate to individuals living within communities, and

 “unity in diversity” suggests a happy equilibrium, or harmony, between these seeming dichotomies, spanning the community to
national levels.

Youth is the time of life when one is young, but often means the time between childhood and adulthood maturity. Its definitions
of a specific age range varies, as youth is not defined chronologically as a stage that can be tied to specific age ranges; nor can its
end point be linked to specific activities, such as taking unpaid work. An individual's actual maturity may not correspond to their
chronological age, as immature individuals can exist at all ages.

Youth is an experience that may shape an individual's level of dependency, which can be marked in various ways according to
different cultural perspectives. Personal experience is marked by an individual's cultural norms or traditions, while a youth's level
of dependency means the extent to which they still rely on their family emotionally and economically.

We are each uniquely endowed, genetically, and by socialization. We later distinguish ourselves further from one another by the
acquisition of character and skills and knowledge. Youth must then be ordered in such a way as to protect and utilize those
differences to benefit both its members and itself.

According to Borneman, an ideal unity in a community is all about equal life chances, about standardizing the life course to the
point where youth, despite their genetic and historical differences, perceive themselves as mastering the social order to the extent
that resulting differences can be explained by individual choices or chance rather than attributed to external, social-cultural

As one of the youth, I believe that youth is the future. This is one of the problems that youth must change. We must not look on
other people such as Africans as funny just because of their color and cultures but we must also think that God made us equally in
his sight so we must treat them with respect and compassion.

We do not have to go abroad to encounter diversity in the classroom. Our classmates have different cultures from us and it is
sometimes the cause in which we have a misunderstanding with them. Therefore it is important for us to be knowledgeable about
differences in cultures, religion, and ethnicity of classmates to know how to interact with them properly. We must never make
assumptions about an individual based on our perception of that individual’s race, ethnicity, and culture. We must avoid
stereotyping or generalization of the people around us that if one person is a thief and it lives with his family and you generalize
that all of them are thieves, that’s wrong. We must know the truth first before we say something against them. If we do all these
things in our everyday lives, we will not be hardened up in communicating or relating to our classmates and also to our society.

Our role us a youth is to interact with people with different races although you are not familiar with their cultures and traditions.
We must not laugh when they tell something about their beliefs and traditions that are not common to us. We must think that how
about if we are in their situation that we are saying about our country then they will laugh at us. Also, we must not discriminate
them because we are all equally made by God. We must not tell something about them just by looking at their faces or their

By just doing this simple things, we can make unity in a diversified multicultural society.

Thank you

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