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Preface p.

Introduction p. 1
Role of Viscosity in High-Reynolds-Number Flows p. 3
Inviscid Flows p. 6
Bibliography p. 7
Vectors and Tensors p. 9
Cartesian Index Notation p. 9
Kronecker Delta and Permutation Tensor p. 11
Vector and Tensor Operations p. 12
Vector and Tensor Transformations p. 14
Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Tensors p. 15
Vector Identities p. 16
Integral Identities p. 18
Bibliography p. 22
Problems p. 23
Kinematics of Fluid Motion p. 24
Descriptions of Fluid Motion p. 24
Deformation Measures p. 28
Stretch Rate and Vorticity p. 29
Dilatation p. 33
Pathlines, Streaklines, Streamlines, and Vortex Lines p. 36
Transport Theorem p. 40
Bibliography p. 42
Problems p. 42
Laws of Fluid Dynamics p. 44
Mass Conservation p. 44
Momentum Conservation p. 46
Moment of Momentum Conservation p. 49
Kinetic Energy Transport Theorem p. 51
Constraint of Incompressibility p. 53
Navier-Stokes Equation and Some Simple Solutions p. 55
Bibliography p. 59
Problems p. 59
Dynamics of Discontinuity Surfaces p. 63
Extended Transport Theorem for a Region Containing a Discontinuity Surface p. 63
Jump Conditions across a Surface of Discontinuity p. 66
Surface Tension p. 68
Boundary Conditions for Fluid Flow p. 73
Bibliography p. 74
Problems p. 75
Velocity Representations and Associated Theorems p. 76
Irrotational (Lamellar) and Related Flows p. 76
Incompressible (Solenoidal) Flows p. 79
Flows That Are Both Incompressible and Irrotational p. 81
Helmholtz Representation Theorem p. 83
Biot-Savart Law p. 86
Far-Field Asymptotic Form for Velocity in a Flow Extending to Infinity p. 88
Bibliography p. 90
Problems p. 90
Vorticity Transport Theorems p. 92
Vorticity Transport Equation p. 92
Motion of Vortex Lines p. 95
Preservation of Circulation p. 97
Vorticity Measures and Invariants p. 98
Vorticity Invariants in Two-Dimensional Flows p. 105
Vorticity Transport and Invariants in Viscous Flows p. 107
Bibliography p. 109
Problems p. 110
Pressure Theorems p. 114
Pressure Poisson Equation p. 114
Bernoulli Theorem p. 115
Boundary Integral Equation for Pressure p. 116
Special Results for Steady, Two-Dimensional Flows p. 119
Bibliography p. 120
Problems p. 120
Two-Dimensional Potential Flows p. 122
Analogy between Potential Flows and Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable p. 122
Some Basic Potential Flows p. 124
Superposition of Basic Flows p. 128
Circle Theorem p. 133
Method of Images p. 136
Conformal Transformation of Fluid Flows p. 139
Transformation [zeta] = z[superscript n] p. 144
Joukowski Transformation p. 148
Schwarz-Christoffel Equation p. 151
Free-Streamline Theory p. 157
Bibliography p. 162
Problems p. 163
Forces on Bodies in Two-Dimensional Flows p. 166
Integration in the Complex Plane p. 166
Blasius Force and Moment Laws p. 168
Lagally's Theorem p. 172
D'Alembert's Paradox and the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Law p. 173
Application to Two-Dimensional Airfoils p. 175
Bibliography p. 180
Problems p. 180
Two-Dimensional Flows with Vorticity p. 183
Systems of Point Vortices p. 183
Conformal Transformation of Uniform-Vorticity Patches p. 186
Contour Integration Method for Uniform-Vorticity Patches p. 191
Discrete-Vortex Numerical Method: Basic Method p. 193
Discrete-Vortex Numerical Method: Acceleration Techniques p. 197
Vortex Sheets p. 203
Vortex Sheet Representation of Flat-Plate Airfoils p. 209
Flow with Uniform Background Vorticity p. 212
Bibliography p. 215
Problems p. 216
Computational Projects p. 218
Three-Dimensional Potential Flows p. 219
Governing Equations p. 219
Basic Potential Flows p. 221
Some Axisymmetric Flows with Immersed Bodies p. 225
Sphere Theorems p. 231
Slender-Body Theory p. 235
Source and Doublet Sheet Boundary-Integral Methods p. 238
Vortex Sheet Boundary-Integral Method p. 243
Forces Induced by Singularities p. 246
Added Mass and Buoyancy Forces p. 249
Bibliography p. 255
Problems p. 256
Computational Projects p. 258
Axisymmetric Vortex Flows p. 260
General Theory p. 260
Thin-Core Vortex Rings p. 265
Hill's Spherical Vortex p. 271
Axisymmetric Contour Dynamics p. 273
Steady Axisymmetric Flows p. 277
Waves of Variable Core Area p. 279
Plug-Flow Model p. 283
Axisymmetric Discrete-Vortex Method p. 288
Bibliography p. 292
Problems p. 293
Computational Projects p. 295
Vortex Tubes p. 296
Velocity Field Induced by a Curved Vortex Filament p. 297
Cut-Off Model for a Vortex Tube p. 298
Local-Induction Approximation p. 303
Bending Waves on a Vortex Tube p. 306
Bibliography p. 311
Problems p. 312
Computational Projects p. 313
Interfacial Wave Motion p. 314
Internal Waves in Layered Media p. 314
Linear Wave Theory p. 316
Capillary and Gravity Waves p. 319
Particle Displacement in a Wave Field p. 320
Wave Energy and Group Velocity p. 322
Boundary-Integral Method for Nonlinear Interfacial Waves p. 325
Bibliography p. 327
Problems p. 327
Stability of Fluid Flows p. 330
General Concepts p. 331
Stability of an Elliptical Vortex Patch in a Straining Flow p. 332
Stability of Two-Dimensional Point Vortex Arrays p. 337
Interfacial Instabilities p. 343
Capillary Instability of a Liquid Jet p. 346
Centrifugal Instability p. 348
Stability of Parallel Shear Flows p. 352
Three-Dimensional Instability of a Vortex Pair p. 358
Bibliography p. 361
Problems p. 363
Common Expressions in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Systems p. 367
Index p. 373
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell's Book Services and R.R. Bowker. Used with permission.

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