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M. Bublin: S.

Causevic: Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing in Wireless Mobile Networks: Advantages and Risks

MUGDIM BUBLIN, Ph.D. Information and Communication Technology

E-mail: mugdim.bublin@siemens.com Preliminary Communication
SAMIR CAUSEVIC, Ph.D. i\ccepted:Sep.4,2007
E-mail: samircausevic@gmail.com i\pproved: May 13, 2008
University of Sarajevo,
Faculty of Traffic and Communication
Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



ABSTRACT rider" problem i.e. possible non-cooperative behav-

iour of other operator(s). Some strategies based on
In recent time the spectrum and infrastructure sharing has the Game theory to cope with these problems are pro-
been gaining more and more on importance due to high spec- vided.
trum license costs and expensive infrastructure needed for
modem high-bandwidth wireless communications. In this pa- The sequel of the paper is organized as follows.
per the advantages and disadvantages of spectrum and infra- First, an analytical model for estimating benefits from
structure sharing by analytical models and simulations are an- resource sharing is provided. Then, by simulations the
alyzed. Results show that operators could significantly reduce benefits of resource sharing are shown. Finally, the
their costs, increase capacity and improve network quality by strategies are proposed based on the Game theory for
sharing their infrastructure and spectrum. Using Game Theory "protection" frotn non-cooperative behaviour of
it is shown how operators could "protect themselves" against other operators.
non-cooperative behaviour of other operators.

infrastructure sharing, spectrum sharing, Game Theory
This section contains some analytical results that
underline the simulation rdsults in the following sub-
1. INTRODUCTION sections.

Future wireless systems should offer significant ca-

pacity increase over existing systems in order to pro- 2.1 Infrastructure sharing
vide the required Quality of Service (QoS) for new de-
manding services and an increasing number of users. We assume that the deployment costs of a wireless
This requires large investment in spectrum licenses network linearly increase with the number of base sta-
and in the infrastructure: base station, sites, switches, tions and system bandwidth [1] and obtain the follow-
trunks etc. ing equations for operator costs:
An efficient method for reducing the costs is the
Costsys = c1 +czNbs +c3Wsys (1)
spectrum and infrastructure sharing (resource shar-
ing). By sharing their infrastructure (mostly base sta- where Cost sys are total system costs, Nbs the number
tions) and spectrum, operators could substantially re- of Base Stations (BS), W sys total bandwidth used in
duce the costs without decreasing either the number the system. cl> cz and c3 are parameters reflecting the
of served users or the quality experienced by the users. fixed costs, costs per BS and cost per unit bandwidth,
That is why it is clear that resource sharing is an attrac- respectively.
tive option for operators. The required number of BS Nbs can be estimated
This paper investigates analytically and by means according to the required coverage area and users'
of simulations the benefits of resource sharing regard- bandwidth by using the following equation [2]:
ing operators' costs and service quality provided by the
operators. Further, the possible problems are ad- N = max{ A service N user Wuser ) (2)
bs 2 ' W
dressed that might arise in resource sharing like "free nRmax max

Promet- Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 20, 2008, No.4, 251-255 251

M. Bublin: S. Causevic: Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing in Wireless Mobile Networks: Advantages and Risks

where Aseroice is the desired coverage area, Rma:x channel usage is approximately twice greater with 100
maximal radius of BS, N user the number of users per channels than witli 10 chanels for the same blocking
BS, Wuser bandwidth needed per user and W max the probability of 1%.
maximal bandwidth available per BS. Consequently, by spectrum sharing and multiplex-
From (1) and (2) we can immediately see the bene- ing gain the number of users that an operator could
fits of infrastructure and spectrum sharing i.e. opera- serve increases not linearly but almost exponentially.
tors can reduce their costs by providing only a part of
the required number of BS and spectrum. The other 2.3 Diversity gain
part of BS and spectrum needed for covering a certain
area is then provided by other operator(s). Diversity gain can be obtained in areas where sev-
According to (2) the number of BS needed to cover eral operators have overlapping coverage and share
certain area is proportional to the size of area Aseroice. their network infrastructure i.e. base stations. Diver-
If the operators share the infrastructure i.e. a part of sity gain comes from the fact that a mobile can select
required BS is provided by one operator and the rest one out of N (> 1) base stations. Consequently, the
by the other operator, then cost saving is proportional probability of having a bad channel is lower than if
to the number of BS installed by other operator ac- only one BS from one operator were available.
cording to equation (1). If N Rayleigh distributed signals are received and
Furthermore, we investigate other advantages the strongest signal is selected (selection diversity),
from resource sharing like reducing spectrum costs, the expected diversity gain DG has been shown to ~
multiplexing and diversity gains. [4]:
2.2 Spectrum sharing and multiplexing gain DG=~~ ~
We can now estimate the effect of the spectrum Since usually a mobile receives a good signal from
sharing on the cost structure. Spectrum sharing means no more than 3 base stations at the same time, DG is
that the operator has more effective bandwidth avail- typically in the range of 2-3 dB.
able than it pays for i.e. (Wmax > Wsys ). This means
that costs are reduced, since on the one side the opera-
tor can effectively use more bandwidth than it pays 3. SIMULATION MODEL AND
for, on the other side the number of needed BS (Nbs) ASSUMPTIONS
is reduced according to (2). Consequently, the infra-
structure costs are also reduced, since the costs are
For our simulations a MATLAB-based simulator
proportional toNbs according to (1).
RUNE (Rudimentary Network Emulator) provided
However, spectrum sharing brings also the multi-
and described in [5] was used. RUNE is, a snapshot
plexing gain i.e. gain of using more bandwidth (more
simulator i.e. simulations con~ists of discrete time
channels) increases non-linearly with the number of
steps (snapshots) of the system. It means that a system
channels [3].
is studied at specific, regularly spaced, time instants.
Usually, the communications systems are designed In general, th e system changes between each time in-
so that the Blocking probability i.e. probability that all stant i.e. mobiles may have moved, new calls may have
channels are occupied, lies below predefined limit been created and others may have been terminated.
(1-5% typically). Blocking probability Pb can be calcu- The advantage of the discrete time steps model is that
lated using Erlang B formula from the Queuing The- the whole system can be handled at the same time.
ory [3]: The state of the system can be represented by vectors
PN and matrices and treated efficiently with mathemati-
N! cal software like MATLAB. The implementation of a
~ pk snapshot simulator is in general simpler and simula-
tions can ruri faster than in the event-based simulators
k={) k! where each'event must be treated separately. The dis-
where p is the total offered load (measured in advantage ls lower accuracy in comparison with the
Erlangs) in the system (cell) and N is the number of event-base4 dynamical simulators i.e. the relative or-
channels in the system (cell). According to (3) an op- der of the events is not alays the same as it would be in
erator could also explore the multiplexing gain i.e. the real systems.
fact that for the same blocking probability one needs Traffic was generated according to Poisson distri-
less channel per unit load the higher the number of bution approximated by a binomial distribution. The
channels [3]. This means that according to (3) the ra- number of the mobiles who should have left the sys-
tio piN increases with N for the same Pb. For example, tem was calculated assuming the exponential service

252 Promet- Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 20, 2008, No.4, 251-255

M. Bublin: S. Causevic: Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing in Wireless Mobile Networks: Advantages and Risks

time. The mobiles that should have left the system Table 1 - Some Parameters of the Rune Simulator
were then selected randomly. The new mobiles were
added according to Poisson distribution to keep the Parameter Value
average number of agents in the system constant. Number of clusters 36
In order to model mobility in the system with each Cell Radius [m] 100
mobile a velocity vector (magnitude and direction)
Reuse factor 3
and position ((x, y) coordinates) were associated. In
each time step the mobiles were moved according to Channels per Cell 5
the current velocity and the size of the time step. The Offered traffic (Erlangs/cell) 3
velocities of the mobiles were also changed randomly
a little bit so that the mobiles accelerate, slow down Gain at 1 meter [dB] -31
and change their directions with certain probability. Noise [dBm] -118
The propagation loss was modelled as a sum of the Distance attenuation coefficient (a) 3.5
antenna pattern, the distance dependent fading, log-
Standard deviation lognormal fading [dB] 8
-normal shadowing and Rayleigh fading. The distance
dependent fading was modelled according to the fol- Down link correlation [m] 0.5
lowing formula: Correlation distance [m] 110
G= __£_ Step size of CIR-based PC [dB] 1
Maximum power [dBm] 30
where C is path gain at a distance of one meter from
the transmitter antenna and a is a parameter which
of users and decreases with the number of base sta-
determines how power decays as a function of the dis-
tions (BS) we obtain Figure 1.
tance from the base station. For free space propaga-
According to Figure 1 relative profit (revenue mi-
tion a is 2 and in a typical urban environment a ranges
nus costs) of the operator decreases with the users'
from 3 and 4 (3.5 in our case).
bandwidth and the number of BS needed to cover a
The log-normal shadowing was modelled as
certain area. Consequently, if operators need to cover
G = 10 X , where X is normal distributed with mean 0
a large rural area (low user density) with high band-
and variance (typically 8-10 dB). With each geograph-
width services (like video streaming), they would need
ical point in the system, a specific amount of shadow
a large number of BS and the profit would be low.
fading was associated. In this way it was ensured that
the shadowing was correlated in space and that the 25 .---------------------------------,
amount of shadow fading will always be the same in
the same position. In order to keep implementation --100BS
expenditure moderate, a smaller shadowing map was 20 -1-r--------------------1 - - 200 BS
repeated many times over the system area. - - - 300BS
In a similar manner a map was used to define Ray- (/)
leigh fading for each geographical point within the 8 15 r-1-----------------------------~

simulation area. Because of fast changes of Rayleigh 0

fading, two maps were used and the fading in a point c
~ 10~~~~------------------------~
was obtained as the sum of both maps. In this way the Q)
memory requirement for storing the map was re-
In the RUNE simulator random channel alloca-
tion and path-loss-based HO was used. We use Car-
rier-to-Interference (CIR) based power control (PC),
where users increase/decrease their powers in the time 20 40 60 80 100
User Bandwidth
step n + 1 if their CIR was below/above the required
CIR-threshold in the time step n. Figure 1 - Relative profit of the operator (revenue
An overview of RUNE parameters is provided in minus costs) in dependence on the user bandwidth
Table 1. and number of base stations (BS) according to (5]
For further details regarding RUNE simulator see
[5]. Therefore, the profit maximizing strategy of oper-
ators would be to provide full coverage in hot-spots
I - Simulation Results (with high user density) and only a partial coverage in
Combining the equations (1) and (2) and assuming rural areas. In order to fulfil the regulator coverage re-
that the operators' revenue increases with the number quirements (say 95% national-wide coverage), the op-

Promet- Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 20, 2008, No. 4, 251-255 253

M. Bublin: S. Causevic: Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing in Wireless Mobile Networks: Advantages and Risks

erators should share their infrastructure with other The diversity gain can be then used to increase the
operators in rural (low user density) environment. percentage of satisfied users i.e. the higher diversity
However, the gain from providing the required gain, the lower required CIR at a single antenna and
coverage is not the only gain from sharing the re- the higher the percentage of satisfied users (see Fig-
sources. From Figure 2 we can see the multiplexing ure 4).
gain and from Figure 3 the diversity gain that could be
obtained by resource sharing.

m10 +---------------~--~----------~
~40 +-------------------------~~------1

~ 8 +-----~~----------------------~

al 30 +--------------------JF----------------1
c 'ti
-~ ~
a 6 +-~~--------------------------~ ~20 +--------------,~------------------1

4 +-+-----------------------------~

a: 2++----------------------------------1
12 14 16 18 20
Required CIR [dB]
20 40 60 80 100
Number of channels Figure 4 - Percentage of unsatisfied users in
dependence on the required CIR
Figure 2 - Multiplexing gain in Erlangs/channels according to RUNE simulator from [5]
(relative to the gain in case of 2 channels) for the case
of 1% blocking probability according to equation (3) We can see from Figure 4, for example, that de-
creasing the required Carrier-to-interference Ratio
According to Figure 2 and equation (3) an opera- (CIR) from 14 dB to 12 dB due to diversity gain of us-
tor could serve about 10 times more traffic per chan- ing two antennas (BS) instead of one (see Figure 3),
nel for the same blocking probability (1%) with larger brings almost 4-fold decrease in the percentage of sat-
number of channels (60 or more) than with lower isfied users (from 16% to 4% ).
number of c~atmels (2).
According to Figure 3 with larger number of an-
tennas (BS) an operator could get several dBs due to 4. PROTECTION AGAINST CHEATING
antenna diversity over single antenna systems (see
equation (4)).
In previous sections we showed that the operators
could significantly increase their profit by infrastruc-
ture and spectrum sharing. This is a clear example of
"Win-Win" situation, provided that both (all) opera-
tors cooperate i.e. deploy and allow the usage of their
infrastructure to other operators according to previ-
m ously achieved agreement.
3 The question is: What to do if the operator(s) do
(!J not cooperate? This is a typical "free-rider" problem,
~ where one partner could be let to provide (almost)

Q) 2 alone common good, from which all partners have
0 benefits [6]. Unless keeping the contract cannot be
guaranteed by the law, there are at least two possibili-
ties how operators can protect hemselves against non-
-cooperative behaviour:
0 +-~--~----~------~----~--------1 - Operators can charge the usage of their infrastruc-
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of diversity antennas ture and spectrum according to real costs. In this
way all operators can still benefit at least from
Figure 3 - Diversity gain in dependence on the number multiplexing and diversity gain as shown in previ-
of diversity antennas (orBS) according to equation (4) ous section.

254 Promet- Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 20, 2008, No.4, 251-255

M. Bublin: S. Causevic: Spectrum and Infrastructure Sharing in Wireless Mobile Networks: Advantages and Risks

- The issue of resource sharing among operators can Dr. sc. MUGDIM BUBLIN
be also modelling according to the Game Theory E-mail: mugdim.bublin@siemens.com
as the "Prisoner Dilemma" game [7]. In "Prisoner Dr. sc. SAMIR CAUSEVIC
Dilemma" Nash equilibrium outcome of a singl- E-mail: samircausevic@gmail.com
Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Fakultet za saobracaj i komunikacije
e-shot game is for both partners not to cooperate
Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
because an operator could exploit the resources of
the other operator without paying for it. This is a SAZETAK
bad outcome for both, since both operators would
be better off if they cooperated, as shown in the ZAJEDNICKO KORISTENJE SPEKTRA I INFRA-
previous section. However, the good news is that in STRUKTURE U BEZICNIM MOBILNIM MREZAMA:
the repeated "Prisoner Dilemma" when the num- PREDNOSTI I OPASNOSTI
ber of game "shots" is not limited, cooperation
might be the best strategy. This is the case with op- U posljednje vrijeme zajednicko koriStenje spektra i infra-
erator resource sharing: each time the users from strukture postaje sve vainije zbog visokih troskova frekvencij-
one operator use the network of the other operator skih licence i skupe infrastrukture koja je potrebna za modemu
a "new shot of the game is played". In case of the beiicnu vezu sirokih pojasnih frekvencija. Ovaj rad analizira
prednosti i nedostatke zajednickog koriStenja spektra i infra-
repeated "Prisoner Dilemma" "TIT-for-TAT" has
strukture pomocu analitickih modela i simulacija. Rezultati
been proved as an efficient strategy [7] i.e. "coop- pokazuju da bi operateri mogli znatno smanjiti svoje troskove,
erate as long as the other player cooperates, if the povecati kapacitet i poboljsati kvalitetu mreie zajednickim ko-
other player cheats then do not cooperate". riStenjem infrastrukture i spektra. Prikazano je pomocu teorije
"Pnishment" phase should last for at least several igara kako bi se operateri mogli "zastititi" ad ostalih operatera
"shots" in order to enforce cooperation. koji nisu spremni na suradnju.
Operators can also enforce the cooperation in re-
source sharing game by sharing their resources only KL.JUCNE RIJECI
with those operators, which were cooperative in the
zajednicko koriStenje infrastrukture, zajednicko koriStenje
spektra, teorija igara


We showed that significant savings for mobile net- [1] J. Zander: "On the Cost Structure of Future Wzdeband
Wireless Access," Proceedings IEEE Vehicular Techno-
work operators are possible by sharing their infra-
logy Conference, May 1997
structure and spectrum. We also proposed a model
[2] K. Johansson, A. Furuskiir, P. Karlsson, J. Zander:
based on the Game Theory how operators should "Relation between cost structure and base station charac-
"protect" themselves against exploitation by non-co- teristics in cellular systems", IEEE International Sympo-
operative partners. sium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commu-
Our results could help operators making their de- nications, September 2004
cisions about infrastructure and spectrum investment [3] L. Kleinrock: "Queuing systems- Theory", Vol I, New
taking into account possible cooperation with other York, John Wiley and Sons, 1975
operators. [4] D. G. Brennan, "Linear diversity combining techniques,"
Proc. IRE, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 1075-1102, June 1959
[5] J. Zander, S. L. Kim, Radio Resource Management for
Wireless Networks", Artech House, Norwood MA, 2001
[6] H. R. Varian: "Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modem
Approach", Norton, New York, 1999
[7] R. Axelrod and W. D. Hamilton: "The evolution of co-
operation", Science, No. 211, pp. 1390-1396, Mar. 1981

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