Background: Therapy in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus 2 Which Consists of Pharmacological

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Relationships levels of knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus with Compliance

Diet Patients Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Puskesmas Kecamatan Tebet

Jakarta Selatan

Muthia Ayu Ningtyas

Student of Medical Education,

Faculty of Medicine and Health,

University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Background: Therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 which consists of pharmacological

and non-pharmacological therapy. In principle, pharmacological therapy is given if

the application of non-pharmacological therapy can not control blood glucose

levels as expected. One of them is diet therapy that is basically doing dietary

adjustments based on the nutritional status and eating habits. The success of

therapy for patients with diabetes may be influenced by patients' knowledge

about the disease diabetes.

Objective: To determine the relationship between the level of knowledge about

diabetes with diet adherence type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Methods: The study was observational analytic with approach. crosssectional

Subjects in this study were patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus who

totaled 96 people. The analysis is univariate frequency distribution, bivariate

with Chi-square and Pearson.

Results: The group of respondents with higher knowledge, compliance tends to

be better diet (52%), compared with the group of respondents who have a low

level of knowledge that compliance diets tend to be less (7.3%). Based on the

chi-squre (pv = 0.000), indicating a correlation between the level of knowledge

neighbor diabetes with dietary compliance of patients with diabetes mellitus

type 2 District Health Clinics Tebet

Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of knowledge neighbor

diabetes with dietary compliance patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Tebet

sub-district Puskesmas

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