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Bipolar Disorder

By: Mekala Thompson

Two types of Bipolar
Bipolar 1- You have had at least one manic episode that may be
preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive
episodes. In some cases, mania may trigger a break from reality

Bipolar 2- You've had at least one major depressive episode and

at least one hypomanic episode, but you've never had a manic
Bipolar affects the prefrontal cortex.
Two types of “episodes”
Manic is more severe than hypomanic but they have the same
They both can take a break from reality and cause (psychosis)
Mood swings and severe depression.
Mainly in teenagers or adults.
Causes of Bipolar
A life event may trigger a mood episode in a person with a
genetic disposition for bipolar disorder.
Even without clear genetic factors, altered health habits, alcohol
or drug abuse, or hormonal problems can trigger an episode.
Symptoms of Bipolar
Mood: mood swings, sadness, elevated mood, anger, anxiety, apathy, apprehension,
euphoria, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of interest or pleasure in
Behavioral: irritability, disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, crying,
hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, or self-harm
Cognitive: unwanted thoughts, delusion, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, or
slowness in activity
Psychological: depression, manic episode, agitated depression, or paranoia
Sleep: difficulty falling asleep or excess sleepiness
Weight: weight gain or weight loss
Treatments or Medicines
Some treatments for Bipolar include therapy and medicines.

● Mood stabilizers
● Antipsychotics
● Antidepressants
● Anti-anxiety medications
Work cited

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