CISS-472 Midterm Exam Study Guide

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Midterm Examination Study Guide

1. What falls within each of the four major categories of business environment factors?
2. What type of action would an organization use to counter the pressures if the business
3. What activity permeates all managerial activities?
4. Why has the development of large data warehouses been crucial to the growth of decision
5. What type of decision would evaluating the credit rating of a potential business partner be?
6. Business Intelligence can be the transformation of what?
7. When would one use the analytic application fraud detection?
8. When does Groupthink occur?
9. During which phase of the decision making model, does a search for alternatives occur?
10. What are the benefits of using models for decision support?
11. What is sub optimization?
12. Why must decision makers be careful about the glut of information available on the Web?
13. What class of DSS focuses on simulation and optimization?
14. What are the elements of a model management subsystem?
15. What is an independent data mart?
16. Know all aspects of metadata.
17. What is meant by the term: three tier architecture?
18. What is meant by the term: hub-and-spoke data warehouse architecture?
19. What are the indirect benefits of a data warehouse?
20. What is meant by the term drill down?
21. When would one use an executive summary?
22. When would the business logic component be used?
23. What is a bubble chart?
24. What does visual analytics do?
25. What is the management part of a dashboard?
26. Why use parallel processing for data mining?
27. What is nominal data?
28. What are regressions?
29. Within data mining, what it its robustness?
30. Within data mining, what is its scalability?
31. What is the association rule of data mining?
32. Why are neural networks biologically inspired?
33. What is back propagation?
34. Why use a sensitivity analysis?
35. What are the stages of vector machines and what does each do?
36. What are the stages of vector machines and what does each do?
37. What is stemming?
38. What is tokenizing?
39. What are the challenges of NLP?
40. How does a sentiment analysis work?

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