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Lesson Social Studies Grade 2

Class: Inuit Museum Artifacts Course
Title/Focus Art Grade 2


• Art: Express: Component 10: Concept A: Details, patterns or textures can be added to two-dimensional works
• Social Studies: 2.1.1 Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Make predictions on what artifacts are used for in Inuit living
2. Draw in detail Inuit artifacts
3. Write, using descriptive words, about different artifacts
• Three (3) Artifacts from Museum Case and two (2) sets of photos
• Magnifying glass
• Visual Journals, pencils
• White gloves


• Put desks into pods (They are currently in 5 groups of 5-6 desks)
• Know what artifacts you will be putting out for students
• Put artifacts and photos in middle of pods (not until after instruction)
Introduction Time
• Have students sit on carpet
• Ask students what they learned about previous artifacts and how it connects to the Inuit lifestyle
(from previous classes)
• “What was your favorite artifact?” “Why” “Is this something we would use in Calgary?”
• “What are most of these artifacts made of?” “Why do you think that?”
• Ask more probing questions based on what student’s say
• State we will be looking at more Inuit artifacts today
• There will be 5 stations. However, this this time 3 stations will have artifacts and 2 will have sets
of photos 15 min
• State at each artifacts station station you want them to A) Draw a picture of the artifact B) Write
down descriptive words – how much does it weigh? What color is it? What is it made of? What
do you think it does? (write this on the whiteboard) – Ask students help to come up with those
questions (this should all be review)
• Can we also draw what we describe? If it is bumpy can how will we show that? Smooth?
• When you go to a station with photos, I want you to A) Draw a photo that sums up/describes
ALL of the photos (the theme) B) Write down why the objects in the images are important to the
Inuit lifestyle
• State that there are words on the back of the photos that can help guide you to answers
Body Time
1) Go over handling rules of artifacts again (important!!)
2) Ask students “Who can tell me how I should handle an artifact?”
3) Wear gloves at all times when touching item (our hands are oily) 5 min
4) Do not lift artifact high up (if dropped it is more likely to break)
5) We do not treat them like toys (they are old and fragile)
6) We do this so other students can enjoy them in the future
Stations x 5 1) Get students to go get their visual journals then their stations (regular
seating plan) Select a few students at a time
2) Ask student to help hand out gloves (2 per person)
3) Once students are seated place artifacts and photos on desks
4) Have them get started
5) Give them 7-10 minutes (walk around and see how everyone is doing) 45 min
6) State 3 minutes left… 1 minute left… etc
7) Once station time is up state “Pick up your pencils, your visual
journals, and gloves, and move to the next station” – Point the
direction you want everyone to go to

Finding Out 1) Have students put away visual journals and white gloves then sit on
2) Ask for each item “What do you think this is?” “What is it made of”
“Was it heavy or light?” etc
3) Take answer from all students (3 items and 2 photos so plenty of
4) You can also ask “Why do you think that?”
10 min
5) Read the information provided by the museum about each artifact
6) “Is anyone surprised by what this is?”
7) “Why do you think the Inuit need this?”
8) “Why is it made of this material?”
9) For photos ask “What was the same about all of these?” “What was

Conclusion Time
• Put artifacts away
5 min
• Did students draw detail in their photo that connected with their descriptive words and/or the item itself?
• Where students able to correctly identify why certain items were used, why certain materials were used to make
• Did students correctly identify the theme of the sets of photos?
• Did student correctly identify why the objects in the photos were important to the Inuit lifestyle?

Additional Notes:

• Learning outcomes can vary depending on artifacts presented

• If there is time left, read the book “Artic 1,2,3”

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