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December 2017

Dear friend, partner and supporter

As we arrive at the end of another hugely encouraging year of 267 ministry I want to say ‘THANK YOU’ for all the
support, prayer, financial gifts and all round 'cheering us on' you have done.
In 2017 we turned 10 years old which is a truly amazing achievement and we had a great time celebrating the
anniversary and all God has done.

Over the last 12 months we have seen and experienced some hugely impacting youth & children’s ministry across
this area. I have been inspired by leaders, young people, kids, volunteers and of course our own amazing team.
We have really experienced growth this year and God has opened up a whole range of new connections and
opportunities. From Claire launching ‘the Haven’ to support young people struggling with anxiety through to a real
friendship being established with Youthscape in Luton. This friendship with Youthscape enabled us to be involved in
the National Youth Ministry Weekend in Birmingham where we got to be in the company of 600 youth leaders.

As I reflected on this year I came to the conclusion that I need to take some time out to consider how to lead 267 in
2018 and continue the growth that is happening. So during 2018 I will be taking some time away to reflect, retreat,
write, pray, and spend time in the company of inspiring people doing similar ministry.

2017 has been very full of many things but I wanted to share a few of our ministry highlights of this past year:
- The 2016/2017 Houseparty we had 33 young people and 14 leaders from 8 different churches
- FUEL has grown in energy, impact and numbers
- Xsite Harpenden still gathers around 70 kids & we are hoping to replicate something similar in St Albans in 2018
- At our residential for school years 3,4&5 we had 37 kids and 12 leaders from 9 different churches
- As part of our Core Conference we had 12 leaders on an overnight retreat and 40 leaders at the day conference
- In May we took our school years 6,7&8 away and had 26 kids and 8 leaders from 8 different churches
- Our fundraising events were encouraging again with a superb Wine Tasting evening in February, our golf day in June and
our hotly fought annual quiz night in October
- We launched our new website and we had 3 new trustees join us; welcome to Anne, Hannah and Dave
- We said goodbye to intern Ben and hello to intern Katherine
- Claire launched ‘The Haven’ in May and this has been occasionally challenging but clearly a vital piece of ministry
- This summer we took a pause from Love Harpenden and ran the ’10:10 Mission’ where we had 70 young people gathered
- TTS ended and The Core Roadshow began
- We are helping with a new youth group at Markyate Baptist Church which began in May
- We had our wonderful 10th Anniversary Celebrations in 30 degree heat in June
- A real highlight was moving into a new office space at Christ Church St Albans, come see us anytime!
- We partnered with Youthscape on their monthly training and the National Youth Ministry Weekend
- Love Harpenden happened in the winter with a fantastic Love Christmas where we had snow, santa and a bouncy castle
- We headed to Cambridge for the Fuel Team Leadership Adventure with 13 young people
- Mike preached at around 9 churches and ran training on 6 occasions as well as continue to mentor 4 leaders
- Phew!

the267project, c/o Christ Church, 3 High Oaks, St Albans, Herts, AL3 6DJ
Registered Charity 1122830
So then...
I pray that the things we have shared have excited you and encouraged you.

We have been truly blessed by such generous financial support this year, through fundraisers, one-off gifts and
faithful monthly donations. This along with churches supporting us we have been able to do all we had hoped this
year. But funding the project's work is an ever-present challenge that requires much prayer and hard work and there
are new elements of ministry we feel called to do.
Are you able to help us as we end this year by giving us a sort of financial Christmas present? We would then be
able to start 2018 with a real boost and approach the challenges of growing our team, supporting & resourcing
leaders and running vibrant & relevant residentials and youth events with the knowledge that support for our
ministry is continuing and growing. Our ‘Vision Phrase’ for 2018 is ‘Investing in a generation of leaders!’ – with your
help we can do this and have an even greater impact.

You could either give a one-off gift or choose to donate to us monthly. Both ways will be a massive blessing.
Here are our bank details to make things easy for you:
Account Name: The 2:67 Project
Sort Code 09 06 66
Account Number 43235187

Please know how much of a blessing you are to us and we thank you for enabling us to serve churches, leaders,
volunteers, kids and young people in such a wide range of ways this year.

Thank you so much and have a truly blessed Christmas and start to 2018. Also a date for your diary is our stunning
Wine Tasting Fundraising Evening on Saturday 24th February 2018, save the date and please do book tickets in the
New Year. Thank you.

Mike Palin, Director - the267project

the267project, c/o Christ Church, 3 High Oaks, St Albans, Herts, AL3 6DJ
Registered Charity 1122830

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