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Hand Knitwear for the Services IN LISTER'S ““LAVENDA” 4-PLY. This Book contains Instructions for the following Garments. MEN'S GLOVES ON 2 NEEDLES . Page 4 MEN’S MITTENS ON 2 NEEDLES ste a aeaPage’S BED SOCKS ON 2 NEEDLES 0 0 0 co ee oe oe oe Page 5 HOSPITAL STOCKINGS ON 2 NEEDLES... wwe wu ow Page 6 KNEE CAPS .. ... .. EE Aas Re to, Page ® SPIRAL SEA BOOT STOCKINGS 0 0 = ow ws Page 7 SPIRALYSCCKS ©8522, tauren Ce Eape FLYING JERSEY... ... ... er ti eee Pace 8 HELMET WITH HOLES FOR EARPHONES Page 8 CAPESCARF! i c.cagr, ai) tev eta: Comte mrmersges: ri TENSION. N.B—The tension of the knitting controls the si of the finished garment, Before contmencing, cast on 12 35 on needie stad and work in stat. for 6 rows, If your sumple has less sf per inch than the temsion given, try again with smaller needles and vice versa, them work the garment on the needles which produce our tension ABBREVIATIONS. K. = Knit; P. = Purl; Sis, — Sthehes: Tog. = Together; Ins ext st, that is, into front then into back of st.; S = Slip; Garter Stich, which is smooth side of one row kil, one row purl Inches; K2IN = Knit twice into Each row knit; SiSi, = Stocking THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON. 2 yards from the end, twist the wool round the left thumb to make a loop, and knit this loop on to the needle from the ball of wool Repeat till required number of sis. are of needle, making the loop from the 2 yards and knitting from the ball, This method of casting om gives a neat edge, with plenty of stretch, and should be used for all designs in this beok, HINTS ON KNITTING AND MAKING UP THESE GARMENTS. ‘Always test your tension before starting to knit the garment. Uso the Thumb Method of Casting on, and do not knit into the back of the sts. on the first row, Cust off in the stitch used in the last row to obtain a eat edge, Join wool at the ends of the row with » knot and darn in the ends into the edge of the garment, ‘When measuring the knitting, lay #t out on a fat surface and take care not to stretch. When pressiig, pin out rach piece of the girwent to required measurements and press on the wrong side under a damp cloth with a hot iron, Do not press the rib welts. ‘When making up, draw the seam edges together with firm stitches and fasten off the woo! very firmly. 2 I-GLOVES, page 4. 2-HOSPITAL STOCKINGS, pages. 3-KNEE CAPS, page 6, 4 HELMET, page8. S-MITTENS, page 5. &—BED SOCKS, page 5. 7—FLYING JERSEY, page 8. 3 4% MEN’S GLOVES ON 2 NEEDLES. (Fig MATERIALS REQUIRED. 3 2s. Lister's “ Lavenda” 4ply. Pair Lister Needles No. 12. Safety Pin, MEASUREMENTS. To fit Average sized hand. ‘TENSION. 9 ss, and 114 rows equal one inch ( For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2. Cast on 60 sts. Next raw.—*, K.2, p.2. Repeat from * to end of row Repeat this row for 34 ins 3rd row.—K. 28, p.1, k. §,p. Lok 27. 1, K2IN k.4, K2IN, k. 28, p. Lk. 9% ped, ke 27, row.—K. 28, p. 1, K2IN, k.6, K2IN, k. 1p. 1k. 27. K. 28, p. 1, k. 1, pl, ke 27. —K. 28, p. 1, K2IN, k. 8, K20N, k. 1, p. 1, ke. 27, 28, p. 1, k. 13, p. I, k. 27. ,p. 1, K20N, 10, K2IN, . 8, pk. 15, p. 1, ke 27. 28,p.1, K2IN,K. 12, K20N, kL, ps, 27, K. 28, p. 1, 17, ps ly k. 27. row.—K. 28, p. J, K2IN, k. 14, K2IN, k. I, p. 1, (16 sis) 28, slip 21 sts, on safety pin. 2 sts., k, 27 across remaining sts. 3nd row.—Purl. ($8 sts.) ‘Continue on these sts. in stst. for 12 more rows. pel, k.27, 1K 27. Cast on Ist FINGER. (Right side facing) — Tum. Next row, —K. 57, Cay a 2 Next row,—P. 18, cyte 2a ton re now divided WatoperdPps of 21, 20, and 21 sts. Continue in st-st. on ** Sed row.—K. 2 tg. ‘centMe 20 sts. for 32 more rows. * k. 1, ke 2 tog. Repeat from * to end. ath row.—Purt, 35th row.—K. 2 tog. to within I st, k. Is Break off woo! (leaving long enough end to sew up seam), draw end through sts. and fasten off 2nd FINGER. With right side of work facing, pick up on to Iet{hand needle, 2 sts, from base of Ist finger (along east on edge). Join wool and Knit the 2 picked up sts. and the next 7 sts. Cast on one st. Turn. ‘Next row.—P. 10. Pick up and putl 2 sts, along cast on edge at base of first finger, p. next 7 sts. Cast on one Tum, (The sis. are now divided into groups of 14, 20, and 14 ss) Continue in stst. om the centre 20 sts for 34 more rows, Complete as first finger from ** 3rd FINGER. ‘With right side of work facing, pick up om to left hi needle 2 sts. from base of 2nd finger. Join w knit the 2 picked up sts. and the next 7 sts ‘one st. Turn. Next row.—P. 10, pick up and purl 2 sts. along cast on ‘edge at base of fram enti tte | Ee Seams 4th FINGER, With right side of work facing, pick up on to left hand Dedle, 2 sis, from base of 2nd finger, Join woo! and knit the 2 picked up sts. and the next 7 sts. Nest row.—P. 9, pick up and purl 2 sts, at base of Sed finger, p. 7. Continue on these 18 sts. in stst. for 26 more rows. 27th raw.—*, K. 1, k. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end. 28th row.—Purl. 29th row.—K. 2 tog. all across row, Finish off as first finger. THUNB, Slip 21 sts. from safety pin on to needle then, with right side of work facing, join wool to first st. ‘ Next row—K. 21, Cast on 2 sis, Next row.—P. 23, Cast on 2 sts. ****, Continue in sts. on these 25 sts, for 20 more rows. Next row.—*,K. 1, k.2tog. Repeat from *, ending k. 1. ‘Next row.—Purl. Next row.—*, K. 2 tog. Repeat from *, ending k. |, Finish off as Fingers, Knit another Glove, TO MAKE UP. Sew up seams neatly and firmly. Press on wrong side under damp cloth. 4 x 7, MITTENS ON 2 NEEDLES. (Fig. 5) MATERIALS REQUIRED. 2 ozs. Lister's “ Lavenda” 4-ply, Pair Lister Needles, No. 12. MEASUREMENTS. To fit Average sized hand. 8 sts. and 11$ rows cqual one inch ( For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2. K. 1, p. 1, Repeat from * to end. for 34 ins. Continue as Glove Instruc- to, Continve in k. 1, p. 1 rib on the centre 20 sts. for 12 more rows, then east off in rib. Ind FINGER. Pick up sis. as for 2nd finger of Glove then continue in k. 1, pA, rib om centre 20 sts, for 12 more rows, Cast oft in ri. 3nd FINGER, Work as 2nd Finger. 4th FINGER. Pick up sts. as 4th Finger of Glove, then continue in rib for 10. more rows, Cast off in rib THUMB. Follow Glove Instructions as far as ****. Continue instst, on these 25 sts. for 4 more rows. Change to k. 1. p. 1 rib for 10 more rows then cast off im rib, TO MAKE UP. Follow Glove Instructions. BED SOCKS. (Fig. 6) MATERIALS REQUIRED. 3 ons. Lis Lavenda” ply. “rare ye c Sty MEASUREMENTS. Length of Leg. 9 ins. Length of Foot. 10-10} ins. ‘TENSION. sis, and 8 rows equal one inch {stst.) For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2. Cast on 64 sts. Ist row—P. 1, *,k. 2, p. 2. Repeat from *, ending kph tna row.—K. 1, p&ki Repeat these 2 rows for 5 ins. finishing after 2nd pattem row. Next row,—P. 1, *,k.2,p.2 tog, m. 1. Repeat from *, ending k. 2, p. 1. ‘Next row.—As 2nd row. Repeat Ist and 2nd rows until work measures 7 ins, finishing after Ist pattern row, SHAPE HEEL. Ist row.—S. 1, p. 15. Tur, 2nd row.—S. I, k. 15. 3rd ron—S, 1, p. 14, Turn 4th rom—S. 1, k. 14, Pe 2, ke 2, Repeat from *, ending Continue thus, working one st. fess each alternate row until the ro 1, es 7, has ee E ‘Now, pick tip on to. the clu before the Va ‘sip te Sth st. tog. prevents a hole K. 9, back. Next rom.—S. 1, p. “ aw I hey just before the 10th st. and purl this loop and the 10th st, together. Tum, K, “ Continue in this manner, working one st, more every purl row until 16 sts. have been worked. Turn. K. 16, back. Next row—P. 16, k. 1," p. 2k. 2 Repeat from *, ending p, 2, k Next row.—S. 1, k. 1S. Turn, Next row.—S. 1, p. 15. Next row.—S, 1, 14. Turn, Next row.—S. 1, p. 14. Continue thus, working one st, less each alternate row until the row 5. 1, k. 7, has been worked. Now, pick up on to the left hand needle the loop just before the $th st. and knit this loop and the 9th st. tog. Tum. P. 9, back. Next row.—S. 1, K. 8, pick up the loop just before the 10th st. and Knit this loop and the 10th st. together. Tum, Purl back, ‘Continue in this manner, working one st. more every knit row until 16 sts. have been worked. Tura. P. 16, back. Next row—K. 16, p. 1 (k. 2, p. 2) seven times, k. 2, pe ly ke 16 Next row —P, 16, k. 1 (p. 2, k. 2) seven times, p. 2, ke Ay pe 16, Repeat the last 2 rows until the foot measures 84 ins. from back of heel. SHAPE TOE. Right side facing — Ist_row—K. 13, k. 2tog,, k.2, k. 2tog, k. 26,k.2 tog, k. 2, k. 2 tog, 13, 2nd and cach alternate row.—Purl, 3rd row—K. 12,2 tog, k.2,k. 2 tog., K. 24, k.2 tog, Ke 2k. 2 tog, k. 12, Continue thus, decreasing 4 sts. each knit row until 24-sts. remain on needle. Cast off, leaving enough woo! to sew up seams, ‘Work another Sock 10 match. MAKE CORDS. ‘Take 3 strands of wool each 34 yards long and crochet chain, Double ends of chain inte loops, daring the ends of the wool through the chain to neaten, Work another cord. TO MAKE UP. Sew up seam as far as toe, then sew across toe. Slot cords through holes. HOSPITAL STOCKINGS. (Fig. 2) MATERIALS REQUIRED. Next row.—K. 7. Tur, Knit back. ‘ozs. Lister's “Lavenda” 4-ply. Pair ister Needles, No.7. Next row.—K. 6 Turn. Knit back. ‘Next row.—K. 5, Tur, Knit back. MEASUREMENTS. 7 Lengt Smell OCPGOG 10 ins; Next row.—K, 4, Turn, Knit back, wath of Leg, 31 ins, Length of Foot, 10 ins, Nel ee ae pee ae TENSION. 6 sts. and 8 rows equal one inch (stst.) For ABBREVIATIONS ani THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2, Cast on 88 sts, Ist row.—", K. 2, p. 2. Repeat from * to end, Repeat this row for 10 *,K. 2, p. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end. Repeat the last 2 rows until work measire’ 20 ins, from_ cast on edge, finishing after the second row. "KL, p. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end, KI, p. 1. Repeat from * to end, Repeat the last row until work measures 28 ins, from cast on edge. Commence Foot, Next 5 rows—Kait. ** Next row.—K. 11. Tur. Kait back, Next rom—K. 10. Turn, Knit back. Next row-—K. 9, Tum. Knit back. Next row.—K. & Tum, Knit back. ‘Next row.—K. 3, pick up on to the left hand needle the loop just before the 4th st, and knit this loop and the hist. together (thus preventing a hole), Tum, K. 4 back, Next row.—K. 4, pick up the loop just before the Sth st. and knit this loop and the Sth st. together. Tura Knit back. Continve thus, knitting one st. more each alternate row until 12 sts. are on right hand needle, then k. 32 across remaining sts. to end. ¢*.. RAR Mrateceet OV Bite! ee Ist row.—{K. 8, k. 2 tog, k. 2, k. 2 tog, k. 8) twice, 2nd and each alternate row.—K; 3rd raw.—(K, 7, k. 2 tog, k. 2, k. 2 tog, k. 7) twice, Sth row.—{K. 6, k. 2 tog, ke 3 ks 2 tog, k. 6) twice. ‘Tih row.—(K. §, k. 2 top, K. 2, k. 2 tog, k. $) twice. k k Sth row. —(K. 4, k. 2 tog., k. 2, k. 2 tog. ke 4) twice, Hith row AK. 3, k, 2 tog, ks 2, k. 2 tog, k. 3) twice. Cast of, Work another Stocking to match, TO MAKE UP, ‘Sew up seam then sew across toe, KNEE CAPS. (Fig. 3) MATERIALS REQUIRED. 19th tow —K. 17, K2IN, k. to within 18 sts, of end, 2 ons. Lister's “ Lavenda” 4-ply. KIN, k. 17, Pair Lister Neodles, No. 7. 20th row.—Knit, TENSIO: 6 sis, and 104 rows equal one inch (garter st) For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2 Cast on 38 sts, Next 18 rows. —Kait Repeat 19th and 20th rows until $6 sts, are on needle Continue on these sis. for 33 more rows, Next row.—K. 11, k. 2 t0g,, k. to within 19 sts, of end, K. 2 tog, k 17, Nest ro,—Knit. Repeat the last two rows until 38 sts, remain, ‘Next 18 rows, —Kait. Cast off. Sew cast on and cast off edges together Work another Knee Cap to match. SPIRAL SEA BOOT STOCKINGS. MATERIALS REQUIRED.—9 os, Lister's “ Lavenda ” 4-ply I Set 4 Needles, No. 10, TENSION.—7} sts, and 10 rows equal one inch (st. st.) TONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2 Cast om 30, 20, 30, sts. on 3 needles and work in k, 1, p. 1 rib for 6 ins. 6, p-4. Repeat from * 10 end of round. Repeat this round three more ti Now, slip last st. of 4th round on to next (first) needle, (k. 6, p. 4) to within ones, of end of needle, then slip the lst st. on to next needle and (6, p. 4) to within one st of end of this needle. Slip fat st. off this needie on to third needle and (k. 6, p. 4) to end of necdle. Continue in (k. 6, p. 4) pattern for three more rounds then again ‘move one st, round {rom etch needle Repeat these 4 rounds until work measures 42 ins. SHAPE TOE, Next 12 rounds. Knit ‘13th round,—*, K. 2 Next 4 rounds, Koi 16th rund —*K Ptog, Kd tog. Repeat from *10 end of ound Next 4 rounds. Kat ‘2nd round.—*, K. 2 tog., k. 2,k. 2 tog. Repeat from * toend of round. Next $ rounds! Krit 2ath round.—", K.2 (og. Repcat from * to end of round. Break off wool, draw throvsh, stsfand fasten off firmly, 1 pest |e Dy sPIRAL SEA WOOT STOCKINGS. SPIRAL SOCKS IN DIAGONAL RIB. MATERIALS REQUIRED.—4 ozs. Lister’s Sock Wool. 1 Set 4 Needles, No, 12. SSION.—84 sts, and 11} rows equal one inch (st. st.) k.6,k.2tog. Repeat from * to end of round, For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2 sts, on 3 needles and work in 1, p. 1 rib for 4 ins. Next round.—*, K. 4, p.4. Repeat from * to end of round. Repeat this round three more times. Now, slip last st. of 4th round on to next (frst) ncodle, tk. 4, p. ) to within one st. of end of needle then slip last st. on to next needie and (k. 4. p.4) to within one st. of end of this needie. Slip last st. of this need. on to third needle and (k. 4, p. 4) to end of necdle. Continue in (k. 4, p.4) pattern for three more rounds then again move one st. round from each needle Repeat these 4 rounds until work measures 19 ins SHAPE TOE, Next 10 rounds. Kait th round. —*, K.2 tog. K.8,k.2tog. Repeat from * to-end of round, st 2 rounds. Knit th round. —*, K. 210g, k. 6, k.2tog. Repeat from * to-end of round. st 2 rounds” Knit, 17th round.—*, K.2 tog, ke 4, k. 240g, Repeat from * to end of round. Next 2 rounds. Knit 2th round—*, K.2 tog. k.2 k. 2tog. Repeat from * to end of round. Next 2 rounds. -Kait 23d round.—*, K.2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round, Break off woo! draw through sts. and fasten off firmly. SPIRAL SOCKS IN DIAGONAL §IB. 7 FLYING JERSEY. (Fig. 7) MATERIALS REQUIRED, 4 ons. Lister's “ Lavenda” ply. Pair Lister Needles, No. 9 TENSION, 64 sts and 12 rows equal one inch (garter st.) ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB _ METHOD OF CASTING ON, sce Page 2. For ‘Cast on 88 sts. and knit im garter st, for 8} ins. then cast off 6 sts, at beginning of next 6 rows. ( Next row.—*, K. 2 Repeat from * to et Repeat this row more ins., then cast off very loosely in nib Work another piece to match. TO MAKE UP. Sew up shoulders and polo neck seams, HELMET. Fig. 4) MATERIALS REQUIRED. 4 ors, Lister's “ Lavenda * 4-ply. Pair Lister Needles, No. 9. TENSION. 66} sts, and 12 rows equal one inch (garter st.) Ae ch THUMB METHOD For i see Page 2 LF =“ at Cast on (40 sts.-and Knit in garter st. for 4}-ins. Nett rowo® KC 2 pod tomo, tog Repel rom soding Kk. 2. Next row, Repeat from Next row.—*, Repeat from * Repeat the lust 2 rows until work measures 9 ins, fi ter the first row. Next row.(K. 2, p. 2) four Next row —K. 4, then (k Repeat these 2 rows for a the fitst row. Fasten off wool and rejoin to nest st. on needle, Next row.—Cast on 4 sts, tk. 2, p. 2) fourteen times, k, 2, cast on 4 sts. Tur. ; Continue on these centre 62 sts. in p. 2, k. 2 rib for at same end as first piece knitted. ives, k. 4. Turn p. 2) four times. er 34 ins,, finishing after 3} more ins. finishi Next row.—Cast off 4844, fib to last 4 sis, cast off these 4 sis, ; Fasten off wool and rejoin to next st’ on needle. ‘Next row.—K. 4, then (p. 2, k. 2) to end. Next row.—(P. 2, k. 2) four times, k. 4. Repeat these 2 rows for a further 84 ins., finishing after the first row. Next row", P. ‘4 sts, ending p, Continue in nib for a further 4 ins Next row.—Cast off )sts, loosely, continue in rib to end. Repeat this row, then continue in rib on remaining 34 sts, for 4 more ins k. 2. Repeat from * across all WASHING HINTS. 1, Dinolve LUX. THOROUGHLY in warm water, 2 GENTLY squeeze garment in the solutian, DO NOT RUB, as this would fluff the 1, Do not STRETCH the WET war svapart with the hands when iting fram the water, Fasten off wool and leave sts on nedle. Now sew castoll edge of side pioces along side of picoc just knitied. With right side of work facing, and commencing at side of knitting, 4 ins, up from the garter st. picee, pick up and, Knit 34 sis. up to sts. of needle, Continue across these 34 sts, in nib, then pick wp and knit in rib, 34 sts. down to within 4 ins. of garter st, Turn. Continue on these 102 sf. in nb for 8 more rows thea cast off TO MAKE UP. Sew up seam from garter st. for 4 ins. then sew up the 2 edges of the border just knitted. Neaien ear pieces by sewing the cast on and cast off sts. under the 4 arter sts CAP SCARF ‘CAP SCARF. MATERIALS REQUIRED, © ozs, Lister's “ Lavenda” 4-ply. Pair Lister Needles, Ne, TENSION 6 sis. and 104 rows equal one inch (garter st.) For ABBREVIATIONS and THUMB METHOD OF CASTING ON, see Page 2. ‘Cast on 0 sts. and work in garter st, for 53 ins. TO MAKE U = Fold over one end for 7 inse-aind tits dopynsthe-sides, fs Cast off, 4 RINSE; 5. Squeeze wel 4 Te dry, place on a clean fe shape mith the hands, « ‘with jcleay-paper_and | conti dry, tin te. LISTER & CO. (Knitting Wools), PRINTED IN ENGLAND, The prices quoted apply only to Great Britain and Northera Ireland. Ltd., Manningham Mills, Bradford. Wad, 62759

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