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1) What is purpose of operation of simple jet propulsion system?

2) What is the relationship between cop and hp(horse power) of compressor?

3) What is the thermodynamics?
4) What is use of vanadium(non metal)?
5) What is unit Ps?
6) What is difference between front and rear wheel drive? On which basis we chose
the type of drive?
7) When solid shaft is subjected to tension its linear dimension changes equally as its
lateral dimension, then what is its passion ration?
8) Whether ductile material can fail in brittle manner? When?
9) Which engine is more suitable over all petrol engine, Diesel engine? What are
their difference?
10) Who are the leaders of expansion valve manufactures? What are the recent
development in expansion valve industry, used in refrigeration and air-
11) Why air conditioner capacity measure in Ton? Like 1.5 Ton
12) Why as atmospheric pressure increase, Boiling point also increase?
13) Why desuperheater tubes are bend in shape?
14) Why Diesel engine does not have spark plug like petrol engine, How ever petrol is
better fuel than diesel?
15) Why cycle rim donot bend evenin heavy load?
16) Why green cartoons are use in hospital?
17) Why petrol engines have more power than diesel engine of same capacity?
18) Why the back wheel of tractor is bigger than front wheel?
19) Why the path of a satellite is always elliptical with earth not at the centre of the

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