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How amazing,,,,leaves can really cure

Scientific name : Jatropha Curcas Linn

Common names : Physic Nut Tree / Big-Purge Nut / Purging Nut Tree

I wonder why they commonly called this shrub a “tree” ?

Physic Nut Tree is a smooth , erect branched shrub that grows 2-5 meters high. The
branches are stout , cylindris and always green.

This shrub is very popular and grows anywhere in Indonesia; you can always see
this in thickets, along roadsides and sometimes used a hedge or fence.

In Indonesia language ,this called “Daun Jarak Pagar” .

Physic Nut Tree grows is tropical and subtropical areas or regions and can grow on
almost any terrain or even on wasteland.

It is mainly propagated by cuttings and can grow on poor and stony soils.

We have Physic Nut Tree on our backyard because of its medicinal purposes. What
I’m going to share is very safe and very effective way using this Physic Nut Leaves
to cure the most common type of sickness .

You can use this without a second thought because this will not harm you in any

Preparing for a Physic Nut Bandage

Below are the common types of minor pains that we can use Physic Nut Leaves :

For Headache / Fever

Since I was a child, my mom used Physic Nut Leaves to lower down my high
temperature. She would carefully hand-picked the leaves, wipe it with a clean cotton
cloth and prepare a long rectanguler cloth .
Then she would put the leaves on rectangular cloth long enough to encircle my
forehead so that she could tie the end of the cloth together .

The sap of these leaves tend to stain the cloth so make sure you’re not using the one
that you cannot afford to put on a standby-by position later on.

The leaves of this shrub are known to have a cooling effect whereinit absorbs the
high temperature of your body. That’s why when you check those leaves on your
forehead; you can feel that it’s hot .

For Stomach-aches / Stomach Pains

The main cause of stomach-ache is the cold penetrating deep inside your stomach.
Physic Nut is very effective against this type of sickness.

Heat first the leaves over the fire before putting it on a long rectangular cloth to be
used as a bandage.

Make sure that the cloth is long enough to circle your waist so you can tie both ends.
The heated leaves will then stabilize the temperature and will absorb the cold one.

You can leave it for like 15 – 20 m minutes before replacing it with new fresh heated
leaves if pain persists.

It works every time. It’s very effective and can save you a lot of pain .

Physic Nut Leav es truly work wonders.

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