Chak de India Movie: Goal Achievement

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Chak De India Movie

Goal Achievement:

Goal achievement is seen throughout the movie as they are striving toward one and
only goal i.e. Team India will win the Hockey world cup. The climax scene best describes goal
achievement as they finally won the world cup by hard work and dedication.

Team Building:

Team building is the most important aspect of the movie. The players from different
states with different ethnic background, language, culture, personality and attitude come upon
a team to play together with a common goal i.e. to play for the country. Team building in movie
starts from the 1st day of training when Kabir khan asks names of every player and he make
them to focus on only one point i.e. they all are playing for India not for any state.

Team Management:

Team management in movie is seen when Kabir khan asks every player to forget about
the position they were playing in their state team as they are playing for India now.

Team Spirit:

Team spirit is firstly shown in the match with boys to qualify for world cup and also in world cup
finals when Komal finally gives pass to Priti.

Role of seniors:

Role of seniors is best seen in the semifinal match when kabir khan asks Vidya to play as she
was the most senior player and also she knew how to break back to back marking in match.

Coaching Leadership:

When various questions were raised against Kabir khan after Pakistan won the match,
he was under the shadow for seven years. And finally he came in the main stream as a coach of

female hockey team to erect the mistake he had made earlier and to drive the Indian hockey
team to a paramount. He led the team with high spirit and won the world cup.


There is only one main focus in the movie i.e. to win the world cup with a
team about which everyone thinks that they are useless. Other focuses of Kabir
khan were to bring them closer as there were a lot of differences between the
due to different backgrounds.

Benefits of homework:

It is described in the movie in semi finals when they break back to back
marking with the help of Vidya as Kabir saw their strategy before the match.

Positive Affirmation:

Apart from what everyone thinks about women hockey team in India, Kabir
khan showed positivity in himself and also emphasized it on the team players that
they are not inferior from any one and they can bring the world cup. It is shown in
match with men and also in finals.

Power of subconscious mind:

It will be when Kabir khan shows up after 7 years with a dream of his sub
conscious mind that he will get India a world cup with women hockey team,
which he could not do it when he was captain in men team.

Talent management:

It is seen when kabir khan assigns positions to every player on which they
will play in every match. There were some problems in start but Kabir sorted the
out with his experience and talent in hockey field.

Organizational goal vs. Individual goal:

Kabir asks every player from the start that they are no more state player
but now they are part of one organization which is Team India and they have to
play for that organization goal above them. Individual goal in movie is playing for
country, team spirit, sacrifice, and team coordination because only with these
things they can win.

Sacrifice and win:

When Komal gives pass to Preti in final. It best describes sacrifice as they both
wanted to score higher and be the best player of the world cup.

Male Dominance:

When hockey board decides to send men hockey team for world cup
instead of sending women hockey team, as they are useless

Women Empowerment:

The whole movie is about women empowerment. As people in India were

thinking that women have nothing to do with sports, they just have to stay at
home and cook food. But some women came to prove every one wrong and they
proved it by winning the world cup.

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