Film Review - Maleficent's

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“Nurul Syuhaida Mohamed”

Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education,

Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia.


Directed by Robert Stromberg

Produced by Joe Roth

Screenplay by Linda Woolverton

 Disney's Sleeping Beauty

Based on
 La Belle au bois dormantby Charles Perrault
Starring i. Angelina Jolie - Maleficent
ii. Sharlto Copley - Stefan
iii. Elle Fanning - Aurora
iv. Sam Riley - Diaval
v. Imelda Staunton - Knotgrass
vi. Juno Temple - Thistletwit
vii. Lesley Manville - Flittle


Narrated by Janet McTeer
Music by James Newton Howard
Cinematography Dean Semler
Edited by  Chris Lebenzon
 Richard Pearson
Production  Walt Disney Pictures
company  Roth Films
Distributed by Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures
Release dates  May 28, 2014(United Kingdom)
 May 30, 2014 (United States)
Running time 97 minutes

Country United States

Language English
Budget $180 million
Box office $758.5 million


I have chosen Maleficent film to review because this movie is adopted from fairy tale
story. From this film, I can see that massage that director want to pass to audients. Even thought
the Maleficent looks very scared but with she has a kind hearts. Furthermore, there have an
element of moral value and this movie is suitable bring our family to watch this movie.


Maleficent, a powerful fairy, lives in the Moors, a magical forest realm bordering a
corrupt human kingdom. As a young girl, she meets and falls in love with a human peasant boy
named Stefan, whose love for Maleficent is overshadowed by his ambition to better his station.


As they grow older, the two grow apart, and she becomes protector of the Moors. When King
Henry tries to conquer the Moors, a grown Maleficent forces him to retreat. Fatally wounded in
battle, he declares that whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his
daughter Leila.

In response, the grown Stefan visits Maleficent in the Moors, where he drugs her but
cannot bring himself to kill her. Instead he cuts off her wings with iron, as iron burns fairies. He
presents them to the king as evidence of her death. Maleficent awakens to find herself wingless.

Anguished by Stefan's betrayal, she declares herself Queen of the Moors, forming a dark
kingdom with Diaval, a raven to whom she gives human form. He acts as her wings, her spy and
confidant. Sometime later, Diaval informs Maleficent that Stefan, who is now king, is hosting a
christening for his newborn daughter, Aurora. Bent on revenge, Maleficent arrives uninvited and
curses the infant princess: on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a
spinning wheel, putting her into a deep sleep from which she will never awaken. When Stefan
begs for mercy, Maleficent offers an antidote: The curse can be broken by true love's kiss.

Stefan sends Aurora to live with a trio of pixies until the day after her 16th birthday,
while he destroys all the spinning wheels in the kingdom and hides their remnants in the castle
dungeon. He sends his armies to find and kill Maleficent, but she surrounds the Moors with an
impenetrable wall of thorns. Meanwhile, King Stefan, mad with paranoia, sits in his castle
talking to Maleficent's wings, and even refuses to see Queen Leila on her deathbed.

Despite her initial dislike for Aurora, Maleficent begins to care for the girl when the
incompetent pixies inadvertently put her in danger. After a brief meeting with the young Aurora,
Maleficent watches over her from afar. When Aurora is 15, she encounters Maleficent and,
aware of being watched over, calls her her "fairy godmother". Realizing she has grown fond of
the princess, Maleficent attempts to revoke the curse, but she cannot. Aurora later meets Prince
Philip, and the two are smitten with each other.

On the day before Aurora's 16th birthday, Maleficent, hoping to avoid the curse, invites
her to move to the Moors. When the pixies inadvertently tell Aurora of her parentage and of
Maleficent's true identity, a horrified Aurora runs away to her father's castle. After a brief
reunion with Aurora, Stefan locks her away in her room for safety. However, she is drawn by the
curse to the dungeon, where a spinning wheel pricks her finger and she falls into a death-like


sleep. Intent on saving her, Maleficent abducts Phillip and infiltrates Stefan's castle to have him
kiss Aurora and break the curse, but Philip's kiss fails.

Maleficent apologizes to Aurora and swears no harm will come to her, kissing her
forehead and breaking the spell, Maleficent's motherly concern for Aurora constituting true love.
Aurora forgives Maleficent and they attempt to leave the castle, but Maleficent is trapped in an
iron net and attacked by Stefan and his guards. Maleficent transforms Diaval into a dragon, and
he lifts the net off her, but is driven back by the guards. Stefan beats and taunts Maleficent, but
before he can kill her, her wings, freed from his chamber by Aurora, fly back to her and reattach
themselves. Maleficent overpowers Stefan and carries him onto a tower, but cannot bring herself
to kill him. Stefan attempts once more to kill her but they both plummet off the tower.
Maleficent eventually breaks away, allowing Stefan to fall to his death.

Soon after, Aurora is crowned queen of the human and fairy realms by Maleficent,
unifying the two kingdoms, with Phillip appearing at the coronation. Maleficent returns to her
role as protector over the kingdoms.


From this film, I love to see the character’s of Maleficent. She has a kind heart, loving,
has a true love and as a good leader to protect her place from intruder. We can see his kind-heart
when she kissing Aurora to awaken her from her enchanted sleeps. Actually she really loves
Aurora because Maleficent was a fairy godmother to her. Maleficent very take care to Aurora. I
really love the scene Aurora with Maleficent. Angelina Jolies tries to do the best way to explain
why Maleficent of Sleeping Beauty fame is the way she is. My opinion about the main character
is Maleficent was wronged and wants to settle her score with Stefan, however she didn't count on
loving Aurora like a daughter. The characters of Maleficent really touch my heart.


The story line of this movie is very good and it give a moral value to audient. Moral
values that I can get from this movie are don’t be so greedy. In this movie Stefan play characters


as a greedy king. He was betrayed his love with Maleficent. At the end, Maleficent was helping
him to cure his princess Aurora and he was dead at Maleficent hand. For the recommendation, I
suggest that Maleficent face should makeup to be a natural fairy. Her makeup very scared and
the first impression to Maleficent characters she is the darkness fairy but the true is she is a fairy

I suggest watching this movie because I didn't expect a masterpiece going in, but exited
realizing "Maleficent" is one of the best, most beautiful films I've ever experienced. It is
superlative in every way; executed with meticulous care by experts at every level: screen writing,
casting, art direction, cinematography, production design, producing, lighting design, CGI, stunt
coordination, acting and directing. Shot after stunningly lit and composed shot, the film is a
visual classic from opening to fadeout. If you know even a few basics of how things are done,
there are moments where your jaw drops open - and stays there - in amazed appreciation for
what this team accomplishes. It veers delicately, sometimes like lightning, from warmth to
laughs to concern to sorrow to tears to majesty and back again; building, building to one moment
(just before the magnificent climax) that you suddenly know / hope is coming - about ten
seconds before it does - which makes it even more magical and earns your gratitude for what
they've done with this timeless fairy tale. Every inch of the huge 3D screen displays an
unbelievably rich collaboration in the joys of virtuoso film making destined to last as long as
Disney's original, delivered by artists at the top of their crafts.

Conclusion, this Maleficent film was very good movie and best film in 2014. The sound
effect and sound track of this movie was very good. This movie has a magic scene and I love to
see the graphic and background of this movie. If you want to know does Maleficent have wings?
What happens to Queen Leila? Do Aurora and Prince Phillip fall in love? You should to watch
this film. I give a milestone in its genre.


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