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Course 501

LTE: Long
Long Term
Term Evolution
Fourth Generation
Generation Wireless

December, 2008 Course 501 LTE (c)2008 Scott Baxter Page 1

Course Outline

Q What is LTE?
Q Spectrum and the Development of Wireless
Q Overview of Competing 4th Generation Systems and Spectrum
Q Structure of the LTE RF signals, uplink and downlink
Q LTE Network Architecture
• All-IP operation
• “Flat” Architecture

December, 2008 Course 501 LTE (c)2008 Scott Baxter Page 2

What is LTE?

Q Fourth generation wireless technologies offer much higher data speeds,

much lower latency, more sophisticated Quality-of-Service, lower cost per
bit, and simpler/less expensive/more robust network architectures.
Q LTE, Long Term Evolution, is a fourth-generation wireless technology
• Already supported by most US wireless operators as their choice for
fourth generation deployment and migration
Q Two other technologies are also being discussed as potential fourth-
generation wireless technologies
• WiMAX – Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access
– based on IEEE standard 802.16, several versions
– implemented by Sprint in initial markets in 4Q2008
• UMB – Universal Mobile Broadband
– proposed by Qualcomm, based on enhancements of the 1xEV-
DO standard, EVDO rev. B and EVDO rev. C.
– Qualcomm withdrew its proposal in early December, 2008 due to
lack of operator interest in implementing it

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Goals of LTE

Q Reduce operating expenses (OPEX) and capital expenditures

Q Dramatically increase data speeds and spectral density compared
to 3G technologies
Q Substantially reduce latency, to provide superior voice-over IP and
other latency-dependent services
Q Flatten the network architecture so only two node types (base
stations and gateways) are involved, simplifying management and
Q Provide a high degree of automatic configuration for the networka
high degree of automatic configuration.
Q Optimize interworking between CDMA and LTE-SAE so CDMA
operators can benefit from huge economies of scale and global
chipset volumes

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Course 501

Spectrum and
and the
Development of
of Wireless

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Frequencies Used by Wireless Systems
Overview of the Radio Spectrum


0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 3.0 MHz
3,000,000 i.e., 3x106 Hz

Short Wave -- International Broadcast -- Amateur CB

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 MHz
30,000,000 i.e., 3x10 Hz


30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 300 MHz
300,000,000 i.e., 3x108 Hz
700 + Cellular DCS, PCS, AWS
0.3 0.4 0.5 0/6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 3.0 GHz
3,000,000,000 i.e., 3x109 Hz

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 GHz
30,000,000,000 i.e., 3x10 Hz
Broadcasting Land-Mobile Aeronautical Mobile Telephony
Terrestrial Microwave Satellite
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Current Wireless Spectrum in the US


Proposed AWS-2




700 MHz. Down- Down-
Uplink Uplink Link

700 MHz 800 900 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200
Frequency, MegaHertz
Q Modern wireless began in the 800 MHz. range, when the US FCC
reallocated UHF TV channels 70-83 for wireless use and AT&T’s Analog
technology “AMPS” was chosen.
Q Nextel bought many existing 800 MHz. Enhanced Specialized Mobile
Radio (ESMR) systems and converted to Motorola’s “IDEN” technology
Q The FCC allocated 1900 MHz. spectrum for Personal Communications
Services, “PCS”, auctioning the frequencies for over $20 billion dollars
Q With the end of Analog TV broadcasting in 2009, the FCC auctioned
former TV channels 52-69 for wireless use, “700 MHz.”
Q The FCC also auctioned spectrum near 1700 and 2100 MHz. for
Advanced Wireless Services, “AWS”.
Q Technically speaking, any technology can operate in any band. The
choice of technology is largely a business decision.

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North American Cellular Spectrum
Uplink Frequencies Downlink Frequencies
(“Reverse Path”) (“Forward Path”)

824 835 845 849

Frequency, MHz 870 880 890 894

Paging, ESMR, etc. A B

825 846.5 869 891.5

Frequencies used by “A” Cellular Operator

Ownership and Initial ownership by Non-Wireline companies
Licensing Frequencies used by “B” Cellular Operator
Initial ownership by Wireline companies

Q In each MSA and RSA, eligibility for ownership was restricted

• “A” licenses awarded to non-telephone-company applicants only
• “B” licenses awarded to existing telephone companies only
• subsequent sales are unrestricted after system in actual operation

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Development of North America PCS
Q By 1994, US cellular systems were seriously
overloaded and looking for capacity relief
• The FCC allocated 120 MHz. of spectrum
around 1900 MHz. for new wireless telephony
known as PCS (Personal Communications
51 MTAs
Systems), and 20 MHz. for unlicensed services
• allocation was divided into 6 blocks; 10-year
493 BTAs
licenses were auctioned to highest bidders
Q PCS Licensing and Auction Details
• A & B spectrum blocks licensed in 51 MTAs (Major Trading Areas )
• Revenue from auction: $7.2 billion (1995)
• C, D, E, F blocks were licensed in 493 BTAs (Basic Trading Areas)
• C-block auction revenue: $10.2 B, D-E-F block auction: $2+ B (1996)
• Auction winners are free to choose any desired technology


unlic. unlic.
A D B E F C data voice A D B E F C
15 5 15 5 5 15 15 5 15 5 5 15
1850 1910 1930 1990
MHz. MHz. MHz. MHz.
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Potential Spectrum for LTE

Q LTE Potential Spectrum

Q LTE and WIMAX have their own benefits and are suited to address
different target market segments; one of the key differentiator is that
WiMAX is primarily TDD (Time-Division-Duplex) and will address
operators that have unpaired spectrum whereas LTE is FDD (Frequency-
Division-Duplex) and will address operators that have paired spectrum.
Time Division Duplexing allows the up-link and down-link to share the
same spectrum where as Frequency Division Duplexing allows that the
up-link and down-link to transmit on different frequencies. 3GGP LTE
standards are planned for completion by beginning of 2008, and the
industry believes the first deployments of LTE network are likely to take
place at the end of 2009, beginning of 2010.
Q In the section, we will look at the most probable FDD spectrum bands
suitable for the future deployment of LTE but bearing in mind the above
mentioned schedule and the current level of activity related to spectrum
regulation and allocation, it is likely that the information contained in this
paper will require regular revision to remain accurate.

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The US 700 MHz. Spectrum and Its Blocks

Q To satisfy growing demand for wireless data services as well as

traditional voice, the FCC has also taken the spectrum formerly used as
TV channels 52-69 and allocated them for wireless
Q The TV broadcasters will completely vacate these frequencies when
analog television broadcasting ends in February, 2009
Q At that time, the winning wireless bidders may begin building and
operating their networks
Q In many cases, 700 MHz. spectrum will be used as an extension of
existing operators networks. In other cases, entirely new service will be

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The 700 MHz. Band in the US
Q 700 MHz
Q In the U.S. this commercial spectrum was auctioned in April 2008. The
auction included 62 MHz of spectrum broken into 4 blocks; Lower A (12
MHz), Lower B (12 MHz), Lower E (6 MHz unpaired) , Upper C (22 MHz),
Upper D (10 MHz). These bands are highly prized chunks of spectrum
and a tremendous resource: the low frequency is efficient and will allow
for a network that doesn’t require a dense buildout and provides better in-
building penetration than higher frequency bands.
Q The Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005 sets
February 17, 2009 as the date that all U.S. TV stations must vacate the
700 MHz spectrum, making it fully available for new services.
• The upper C block came along with “open access” rules. In the FCC’s
context “open access” means that there would be “no locking and no
blocking” by the network operator. That is, the licensee must allow any
device to be connected to the network so long as the devices are
compatible with, and do not harm the network (i.e., no “locking”), and
cannot impose restrictions against content, applications, or services
that may be accessed over the network (i.e., no “blocking”). The upper
D block did not meet the $1.3 billion reserve price. This spectrum will
likely be reauctioned in the future with a new set of requirements that
could give rise to a licensee capable of addressing first responders’
interoperability and broadband requirements.
Q Indications are strong that similar transitions may occur in other parts of
the world, possibly allowing global roaming on compatible bands.

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Advanced Wireless Services Spectrum

Q Advanced Wireless Services (AWS)

Q In September 2006 the FCC completed an auction of AWS licenses
(“Auction No. 66”) in which the winning bidders won a total of 1,087
licenses. In the spirit of the U.S. government’s free-market policies, the
FCC does not usually mandate that specific technologies be used in
specific bands. Therefore, owners of AWS spectrum are free to use it for
just about any 2G, 3G or 4G, technology.
Q This spectrum uses 1.710-1.755 GHz for the uplink and 2.110-2.155 GHz
for the downlink.
Q 90 MHz of spectrum divided this into six frequency blocks A through F.
Blocks A, B, and F are 20 megahertz each and blocks C, D, and E, are 10
megahertz each.
Q The FCC wanted to harmonized its “new” AWS spectrum as closely as
possible with Europe’s UMTS 2100 band. However, the lower half of
Europe’s UMTS 2100 band almost completely overlaps with the U.S PCS
band, so complete harmonization wasn’t an option. Given the constraint
the FCC harmonized AWS as much as possible with the rest of the world.
The upper AWS band lines up with Europe’s UMTS 2100 base transmit
band, and the lower AWS band aligns with Europe’s GSM 1800 mobile
transmit band.

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Advanced Wireless Services: The AWS Spectrum

Q To further satisfy growing demand for wireless data services as well

as traditional voice, the FCC has also allocated more spectrum for
wireless in the 1700 and 2100 MHz. ranges
Q The US AWS spectrum lines up with International wireless
spectrum allocations, making “world” wireless handsets more
practical than in the past
Q Many AWS licensees will simply use their AWS spectrum to add
more capacity to their existing networks; some will use it to
introduce their service to new areas

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AWS Spectrum Blocks

Q The AWS spectrum is divided into “blocks”

Q Different wireless operator companies are licensed to use specific
blocks in specific areas
Q This is the same arrangement used in original 800 MHz. cellular,
1900 MHz. PCS, and the new 700 MHz. allocations

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AWS Spectrum Winners

Q The maps at left show the territorial

winnings of various wireless
operators in the AWS auctions
Q AWS licenses in the various AWS
spectrum blocks cover different
sized territories; the maps show the
combined territory controlled by
each winner at the conclusion of
the auction

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Global Wireless Frequency Allocations
Available for 4G Technologies

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Current Wireless
Wireless Technologies
and New
New Directions
Directions for
for 4G

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Multiple Access Methods


•Each user occupies a private Frequency,
Power protected from interference through physical
q ue
nc separation from other users on the same
T im e
e Fr frequency
TDMA •Each user occupies a specific frequency but
only during an assigned time slot. The
Power frequency is used by other users during
y other time slots.
Ti m qu
e F re
CDMA •Each user uses a signal on a particular
frequency at the same time as many other
users, but it can be separated out when
Power CO receiving because it contains a special code
Tim ue
nc of its own
e F req

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Multiple Access Methods


•Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing;
Orthogonal Frequency Division Muliple Access

•The signal consists of many (from dozens to
Frequency thousands) of thin carriers carrying symbols

•In OFDMA, the symbols are for multiple users


•OFDM provides dense spectral efficiency and

robust resistance to fading, with great flexibility
of use
•Multiple Input Multiple Output
•An ideal companion to OFDM, MIMO allows
exploitation of multiple antennas at the base
station and the mobile to effectively multiply
the throughput for the base station and users

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A Technical
Technical Comparison
LTE, WiMax,
WiMax, UMB

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Q LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a 3GPP project to improve UMTS to meet

future requirements
Q LTE aims to improve efficiency, reduce costs, improve services, add
capability to use newly allocated spectrum, and integrate better with other
open Standards
Q LTE itself is not a standard, but part of upcoming UMTS release 8
Q LTE specific technical goals and details are:
• 100 Mbit/s downloads, 50 Mbit/s uploads for each 20 MHz. of
spectrum used
• Capacity for at least 200 active users in every 5 MHz cell
• Latency under 5 ms for small IP packets
• Increased spectrum flexibility, using slices from 1.25 to 20 MHz.
depending on availability of spectrum (great for “fitting in” around an
operator’s existing technology
• Optimal cell size of 5 km, 30 km sizes with reasonable performance,
and up to 100 km cell sizes supported with acceptable performance
• Co-existence with legacy standards (users calls or data sessions can
transparently transfer to LTE where available
• LTE is an AIPN, All-IP Network
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WiMax Compared with LTE

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LTE Key Air Interface Features

Q Downlink: OFDM / OFDMA

• Allows simple receivers in the terminal in case of large
• #subcarriers scales with bandwidth (76 ... 1201)
• frequency selective scheduling in DL (i.e. OFDMA)
• Adaptive modulation and coding (up to 64-QAM)
Q Uplink: SC-FDMA (Single Carrier - Frequency Division Multiple
• A FFT-based transmission scheme like OFDM, but with better
PAPR (Peak-to-Average Power Ratio)
• The total bandwidth is divided into a small number of frequency
blocks to be assigned to the UEs (e.g., 15 blocks for a 5 MHz
• Uses Guard Interval (Cyclic Prefix) for easy Frequency Domain
Equalisation (FDE) at receiver

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Deployment Timeframe of LTE and WiMax

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Radio Required Peak Forward Peak Reverse
Access Network Spectrum Link Throughput Link Throughput
EV-DO Rev. A
1.25 MHz 3.1 Mb/s 1.8 Mb/s
One Carrier
EV-DO Rev. B
2.5 MHz 6.2 Mb/s 3.6 Mb/s
Two Carriers
EV-DO Rev. B
3.75 MHz 9.3 Mb/s 5.4 Mb/s
Three Carriers
EV-DO Rev. C
20 MHz 275 Mb/s 75 Mb/s
UMB 20 MHz

Q 1xEVDO rev. A works on one carrier, and 1xEVDO rev. B uses multiple
carriers in parallel for higher speeds.
Q UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband, 1xEV-DO rev. C) attempts to compete
with LTE and Wimax by using a transmission format very similar to LTE.
Q Due to prevalent lack of UMB interest from operators, Qualcom in
November 2008 abandoned its UMB proposal and all development
Q UMB Summary
• Uses OFDMA, FDD, scalable bandwidth 1.25-20 MHz
• Data speeds >275 Mbit/s downlink and >75 Mbit/s uplink
• FL advanced antenna techniques, MIMO, SDMA and Beamforming
• Low-overhead signaling and RL CDMA control channels
• Inter-technology and L1/L2 handoffs, independent Fwd/Rev Handoffs
• Dead!
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LTE: Long-Term
Long-Term Evolution

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Air Interface:
Forward Link
Link (Downlink)

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The LTE Downlink Signal

Q The LTE signal (also known as E-UTRA) uses OFDMA modulation for the
downlink and Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) for the uplink
Q An OFDM signal consists of dozens to thousands of very thin carriers,
spaced through available spectrum
• each carries a part of the signal
• the number of carriers can be adjusted to fit in the available spectrum
Q OFDM has a Link spectral efficiency greater than CDMA
• Using QPSK, 1QAM, and 64QAM modulation along with MIMO, E-
UTRA is much more efficient than WCDMA with HSDPA and HSUPA.
Q LTE Downlink Signal Specifics
• OFDM subcarrier spacing is 15 kHz and the maximum number of
carriers is 2048
• 2048 carriers fill 30.7 MHz., 72 subcarriers fill 1.08 MHz.
• Mobiles must be capable of receiving 2048 subcarriers but BTS can
transmit as few as 72 carriers when available spectrum is restricted
• Time slots are 0.5 ms, subframes 1.0 ms, a radio frame is 10 ms long
• MIMO is applied both for single users and for multi-users to boost cell

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Type 1 Frames:
For Frequency Division Duplex (FDD)

Q The forward link is transmitted continuously because it has its own

Q This frequency division duplex mode is the most commonly used
mode for large LTE systems

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Type 2 - TDD

Q The forward link is transmitted discontinuously, alternating with the

reverse link on the same frequency
Q This arrangement allows effective LTE operation in a small amount
of spectrum, but does limit the capacity of the system

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Downlink OFDM Modulation

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Elements and Blocks

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Physical Resource Block Parameters

Q A resource block is normally 12 OFDM carriers, spaced 15 kHz.

apart so the block occupies 180 KHz.
Q The number of resource blocks varies depending on the amount of
spectrum available for the LTE signal to occupy. It ranges from 6
blocks for a 1.4 MHz. wide signal, to 100 blocks for 20 MHz.

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Generic Frame Sequences

Q Each OFDM symbol begins with a cyclic prefix, of duration below:

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Downlink Resource Elements

Q One download slot normally

consists of seven OFDM symbol
periods on each of the individual
subcarriers of the OFDM signal
Q One symbol on one subcarrier is
called a “Resource Element”
Q For transmission to a user, the
OFDM eNB scheduler allocates a
certain number of subcarriers to
carry the user data. Those
subcarriers for the period of one
downlink slot are called a Resource

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Downlink Physical Resources and Mapping

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Example of Downlink Control Signal Mapping

Q This figure shows a typical

example of mapping the
various downlink control
signals to the slots and
resource elements which hold

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LTE Physical Channels

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LTE Physical Signals

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An LTE Inter-eNB Handover

Q Notice that there is a trigger based on UE measurements

Q Handover execution involves an interruption in throughput which is
typically 60 ms.
Q The handover is arranged essentially between the two eNBs, with the
AGW implementing a path switch as the final step, and releasing the
original eNB
Q Handover in LTE is hard, since the eNBs are on different frequencies in a
frequency plan much like GSM or IDEN
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Q Single-Input Single-Output is the

default mode for radio links over the
years, and the baseline for further
Q Multiple-Input Single Output provides
transmit diversity (recall CDMA2000
OTD). It reduces the total transmit
power required, but does not increase
data rate. It’s also a delicious
Japanese soup.
Q Single-Input Multiple Output is “receive
diversity”. It reduces the necessary
SNR but does not increase data rate.
It’s rumored to be named in honor of
Dr. Ernest Simo, noted CDMA expert.
Q Multiple-Input Multiple Output is highly
effective, using the differences in path
characteristics to provide a new
dimension to hold additional signals
and increase the total data speed.
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Q Single-User MIMO allows

the single user to gain
throughput by having
multiple essentially
independent paths for data
Q Multi-User MIMO allows
multiple users on the
reverse link to transmit
simultaneously to the eNB,
increasing system capacity
Q Cooperative MIMO allows a
user to receive its signal
from multiple eNBs in
combination, increasing
reliability and throughput

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Air Interface:
Reverse Link
Link (Uplink)

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The LTE Uplink Signal

Q LTE Uplink Signal Specifics

• The uplink uses SC-FDMA multiplexing, and QPSK or 16QAM
(64QAM optional) modulation.
• SC-FDMA has a low Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR)
Q Each mobile has at least one transmitter.
• If virtual MIMO / Spatial division multiple access (SDMA) is
introduced the data rate in the uplink direction can be
increased depending on the number of antennas at the base
station (1 to 4)
• With this technology more than one mobile can reuse the same

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Differences between OFDMA and SC-FDMA
As Used on the LTE Downlink and Uplink

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Differences Between OFDM and OFDMA

Q In OFDM, users are assigned fractions of the total subcarriers

available for fractions of the available time
Q In OFDMA, users are assigned to carriers on a dynamic real-time
basis aimed at maximizing throughput
• It is simpler to allow users to share the signal

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UL SC-FDMA Subcarrier Options

Q On the reverse link, there are two ways to assign subcarrier frequencies to
Q One is Localized Subcarriers, which gives one user a single block of
adjacent carriers
• this can be vulnerable to selective fading, but frequency control is not
as critical
Q The other is Distributed Subcarriers
• this provides superior protection against selective fading
• this requires very precise frequency control to avoid interference

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Uplink Physical Resources and Mapping

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Uplink Format PUCCH 0 or 1

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LTE Network
Network Architecture:
System Architecture
Architecture Evolution
Evolution (SAE)

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System Architecture Evolution Objectives

Q New core network architecture to support high-throughput / low

Q LTE access system
• Simplified network architecture
• All-IP network
• All services via PS domain only, No CS domain
• Support mobility between multiple heterogeneous access
– 2G/3G, LTE, non 3GPP access systems (e.g. WLAN,
• Inter-3GPP handover (GPRS <> E-UTRAN): Using GTP-C
based interface for exchange of Radio info/context to prepare
• Inter 3GPP non-3GPP mobility: Evaluation of host based
(MIPv4, MIPv6, DSMIPv6) and network based (NetLMM,
PMIPv4, PMIPv6) protocols

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SAE Architecture: Baseline

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SAE Architecture Interfaces (1)
S1-U S1 Interface User Plane
S1-U reference point (LTE SAE) Reference point between EUTRAN and SGW for the per-bearer
user plane tunneling and inter-eNB path switching during handover. The
transport protocol over this interface is GPRS Tunneling Protocol-User plane
S2a interface (LTE SAE) It provides the user plane with related control and mobility
support between trusted non-3GPP IP access and the Gateway. S2a is
based on Proxy Mobile IP. To enable access via trusted non-3GPP IP
accesses that do not support PMIP, S2a also supports Client Mobile IPv4
FA mode
S2b interface (LTE SAE) Provides the user plane with related control and mobility support
between evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) and the PDN GW. It is
based on Proxy Mobile IP.
S2c interface
(LTE SAE) Provides the user plane with related control and mobility support
between UE and the PDN GW. This reference point is implemented over
trusted and/or untrusted non-3GPP Access and/or 3GPP access. This
protocol is based on Client Mobile IP co-located mode
S3 interface (LTE SAE) The interface between SGSN and MME and it enables user and
bearer information exchange for inter 3GPP access network mobility in idle
and/or active state. It is based on Gn reference point as defined between
S4 interface (LTE SAE) Provides the user plane with related control and mobility support
between SGSN and the SGW and is based on Gn reference point as
defined between SGSN and GGSN.

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SAE Architecture Interfaces (2)

S5 interface (LTE SAE) Provides user plane tunneling and tunnel management between
SGW and PDN GW. It is used for SGW relocation due to UE mobility and if
the SGW needs to connect to a non-collocated PDN GW for the required
PDN connectivity. Two variants of this interface are being standardized
depending on the protocol used, namely, GTP and the IETF based Proxy
Mobile IP solution
S5a interface (LTE SAE) Provides the user plane with related control and mobility support
between MME/UPE and 3GPP anchor. It is FFS whether a standardized
S5a exists or whether MME/UPE and 3GPP anchor are combined into one
S5b interface (LTE SAE) Provides the user plane with related control and mobility support
between 3GPP anchor and SAE anchor. It is FFS whether a standardized
S5b exists or whether 3GPP anchor and SAE anchor are combined into one
S6 interface (LTE SAE) Enables transfer of subscription and authentication data for
authenticating/authorizing user access to the evolved system (AAA
S6a interface (LTE SAE) Enables transfer of subscription and authentication data for
authenticating/authorizing user access to the evolved system (AAA
interface) between MME and HSS
S7 interface (LTE SAE) Provides transfer of (QoS) policy and charging rules from Policy
and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) to Policy and Charging Enforcement
Function (PCEF) Rules Function (PCRF) to Policy and Charging
Enforcement Function (PCEF) in the PDN GW. This interface is based on
the Gx interface

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LTE SAE Network Element Functions

Q The LTE SAE network is greatly

simplified compared to the
with their SGSNs and GGSNs
Q In the LTE SAE, there are only
two main elements:
• aGW gateways, which
perform header compression,
ciphering, and AAA/bearer
control functions.
• eNB evolved node Bs, which
handle all layer 1 and 2 radio
protocols and radio resource

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Network Architectures

Q This figure compares the

network architecture of an
LTE SAE with the
architecture of the earlier
UMTS HSPA networks

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Integration of LTE, EVDO and HSPA

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LTE/SAE Network Functional Elements: eRAN
Evolved Radio Access Network (RAN)
Q Consists of a single node, eNodeB (eNB) interfacing with the UE
Q The eNB hosts these layers:
• PHYsical (PHY)
• Medium Access
• Control (MAC)
• Radio Link Control (RLC)
• Packet Data Control Protocol (PDCP)
Q The eNB also performs these functions:
• includes user-plane header-compression and encryption.
• Radio Resource Control (RRC) functionality (control plane)
• Radio resource management, admission control, scheduling
• enforcement of negotiated UL QoS
• cell information broadcast
• ciphering/deciphering of user and control plane data
• compression/decompression of DL/UL user plane packet headers
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LTE/SAE Network Functional Elements: SGW

Serving Gateway (SGW)

Q The SGW provides these functions:
• routes and forwards user data packets
• acts as mobility anchor for the user plane plane during inter-
eNB handovers
• acts as anchor for mobility between LTE and other 3GPP
– (terminates S4 interface, relays traffic between 2G/3G
systems and PDN GW)
• For idle state UEs, SGW terminates the DL data path
– triggers paging when DL data arrives for the UE.
• Manages/stores UE contexts (parameters of IP bearer service,
network internal routing information)
• Performs replication of the traffic in case of lawful interception.

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LTE/SAE Network Functional Elements: MME
Mobility Management Entity (MME)
Q The key control-node for the LTE access-network.
• Responsible for idle mode UE tracking and paging including
• Bearer activation/deactivation
• Chooses SGW for UE at initial attach and intra-LTE HO to new CN
• Authenticates user (by interacting with the HSS)
• Non-Access Stratum (NAS) signaling terminates at the MME
• Generates/allocates temporary identities for UEs.
• Checks UE authorization to camp on this PLMN
• Enforces UE roaming restrictions
• Is termination point for ciphering/integrity protection for NAS signaling
• Handles security key management.
• Performs Lawful interception of signaling
• Provides control plane function for mobility between LTE and 2G/3G
access networks, terminating the S3 interface from the SGSN.
• Terminates S6a interface towards the home HSS for roaming UEs.

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LTE/SAE Network Functional Elements: PDN GW

Packet Data Network Gateway (PDN GW)

Q PDN GW roles and functions:
• Provides UE connectivity to external packet data networks as
point of exit and entry of traffic for the UE
• Supports UE simultaneous connectivity with more than one
PDN GW for accessing multiple PDNs
• Performs policy enforcement
• Packet filtering for each user
• Charging support
• Lawful Interception and packet screening
• Acts as mobility anchor between 3GPP and non-3GPP
technologies such as WiMAX, 3GPP2 (CDMA 1X and EvDO).

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LTE SAE Network Key Features (1)

Q Key feature of the EPS is the separation of the network entity that
performs control-plane functionality (MME) from the network entity
that performs bearer-plane functionality (SGW) with a well-defined
open interface between them (S11).
Q Since E-UTRAN will provide higher bandwidths to enable new
services as well as to improve existing ones, separation of MME
from SGW implies that SGW can be based on a platform optimized
for high bandwidth packet processing, where as the MME is based
on a platform optimized for signaling transactions.
Q This enables selection of more cost-effective platforms for, as well
as independent scaling of, each of these two elements. Service
providers can also choose optimized topological locations of
SGWs within the network independent of the locations of MMEs in
order to optimize bandwidth reduce latencies and avoid
concentrated points of failure.

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LTE SAE Network Key Features (2)

Q S1-flex Mechanism
Q The S1-flex concept provides support for network redundancy and
load sharing of traffic across network elements in the CN, the MME
and the SGW, by creating pools of MMEs and SGWs and allowing
each eNB to be connected to multiple MMEs and SGWs in a pool.

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LTE Progress Milestones

Q 2006 at ITU trade fair in Hong Kong, by Siemens:

• First demonstration of LTE HDTV streaming (>30 Mbit/s)
• video supervision
• Mobile IP-based handover between the LTE radio
demonstrator and the commercially available HSDPA radio
Q Researchers at Nokia Siemens Networks/Heinrich Hertz Institute
demonstrated LTE with 100 Mbit/s Uplink transfer speeds
Q February 2007 at 3G World Congress - Nortel publicly
demonstrated the first complete LTE air interface implementation
including OFDM-MIMO, SC-FDMA and multi-user MIMO uplink
Q Verizon Wireless plans to begin LTE trials in 2008.

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WiMAX Specifics

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Q WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is

based on the IEEE 802.16 standard
• Provides MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) broadband
• also known as the IEEE WirelessMAN air interface.
Q WiMAX-based systems can have ranges up to 30 miles.
Q The 802.16d standard of extending 802.16 supports three physical
layers (PHYs).
• The mandatory PHY mode is 256-point FFT Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).
• The other two PHY modes are Single Carrier (SC) and
• 2048 OFDMA mode
• For interest, the corresponding European standard—the ETSI
HiperMAN standard—defines a single PHY mode identical to
the 256 OFDM modes in the 802.16d standard.

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WiMax Technical Details

Q WiMAX can be used over many different frequency ranges

• 10GHz to 66GHz under 802.16.
• 802.16a covers 2GHz-to-11GHz
• WiMAX range can reach 30 miles with a typical cell radius of
4–6 miles.
Q WiMAX's channel sizes range from 1.5 to 20MHz, offer
corresponding data rates
• Rates from 1.5Mbps to 70Mbps on a single channel
• one carrier can support thousands of users
Q WiMAX supports ATM, IPv4, IPv6, Ethernet, and VLAN services
• facilitates many service possibilities in voice and data
Q WiMAX could be used as a backhaul technology to connect
802.11 wireless LANs and commercial hotspots with the Internet
Q WiMax systems would be deployed much like cellular systems.

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WiMax Reference Network

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