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Cedrick Ekra

Why Musical Theatre?

Ever since I committed to applying to Musical theater programs, I've been reminded several

times by teachers, parents, friends, and counselors that I should also take into consideration other

fields of interests. Now for anyone who knows what they want to do for the rest of their life, they

know as well as I that there is no need to "consider other fields of interests". I know what I want

to do, and I know who I want to become. A well versed performer.

When people think Musical Theater, they jump to the flashy and glamorous "super-stars" on

Broadway. But no one ever takes a second to think about how they got to the place they are. The

performers that everybody knows so well did not become who they are just by luck or chance. It

took commitment, perseverance, trust and years of education.

The Alumnus that stem from Syracuse University are proof enough that education is a necessity,

and more specifically, it is Syracuse that can get you to the person you know you can be.

I do not dream to just be on Broadway, I dream to be the person that knows who they are based

off of the education they learned in their earlier years of performing.

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