The Name Calling Device: 2. The Glittering Generalities Device: 3. The Transfer Device

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The Name Calling Device: “Name Calling” is a device to make us form a judgment without
examining the evidence on which it should be based.
2. The Glittering Generalities Device: “Glittering Generalities” is a device by which the
propagandist identifies his program with virtue by use of “virtue words.”
3. The Transfer Device: “Transfer” is a device by which the propagandist carries over the
authority, sanction, and prestige of something we respect and revere to something he would
have us accept.
4. The Testimonial Device: The “Testimonial” is a device to make us accept anything from a
patent medicine or a cigarette to a program of national policy.
5. The Plain Folks Device: “Plain Folks” is a device used by politicians, labor leaders, business
men, and even by ministers and educators to win our confidence by appearing to be persons
like ourselves — “just plain folks among the neighbors.”
6. The Card Stacking Device: “Card Stacking” is a device in which the propagandist employs
all the arts of deception to win our support for himself, his group, nation, race, policy, practice,
belief or ideal.
7. The Band Wagon Device: The “Band Wagon” is a device to make us follow the crowd, to
accept the propagandist’s program en masse.
It’s a fascinating essay, then or now.
Another section is titled “Why Printing Is An Important Part of the Picture” and includes a chart
listing “Methods of Distributing Printed Messages.” The 40 methods include broadcast delivery
(“Scattering from airplanes, Leaving on seats of parked cars”), at exits of factories, and personal
delivery by school children.
And apparently, there was to be an exhibition at the AIGA in November 1940, covering “in detail
the usefulness of proper graphic techniques in adding to the attention-value and in
strengthening the resultfulness of government messages.”

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