Genstat Release 12.1 (Pc/Windows Vista) 27 February 2017 16:01:27

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GenStat Release 12.

1 ( PC/Windows Vista) 27 February 2017 16:01:27

Copyright 2009, VSN International Ltd.
Registered to: The NULL Corporation


GenStat Twelfth Edition

GenStat Procedure Library Release PL20.1

1 %CD 'C:/Users/user/Documents'
2 "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
3 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
4 READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
7 PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Data imported from Clipboard

on: 27-Feb-2017 16:03:04

8 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Sample,Panelist,Flavor,Color,Mouthfeel,Overall

10 FACTOR [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=80; LEVELS=8; LABELS=!t('A','B','C','D','E','F',\
11 'G','H'); REFERENCE=1] Sample

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Sample 80 0 8


17 READ Panelist; FREPRESENTATION=ordinal

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Panelist 80 0 10

21 VARIATE [NVALUES=80] Flavor

22 READ Flavor

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Flavor 3.000 5.087 8.000 80 0


27 READ Color

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Color 3.000 5.875 9.000 80 0

31 VARIATE [NVALUES=80] Mouthfeel

32 READ Mouthfeel

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Mouthfeel 3.000 5.112 8.000 80 0

36 VARIATE [NVALUES=80] Overall

37 READ Overall

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Overall 3.000 5.362 8.000 80 0
42 %PostMessage 1129; 0; 71670640 "Sheet Update Completed"
43 "Two-way design"
44 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
45 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; TREATMENTS=Sample,Panelist;
46 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,lsd,means,alldiff,alllsd; LSDLEVEL=5; PLOT=*;
47 Color; SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: Color

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Sample 7 72.9500 10.4214 18.09 <.001
Panelist 9 3.5000 0.3889 0.67 0.728
Residual 63 36.3000 0.5762
Total 79 112.7500

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 5 -1.625 s.e. 0.674

Tables of means
Variate: Color

Grand mean 5.875

Sample A B C D E F G
7.000 7.400 6.200 5.800 5.000 6.000 5.300

Sample H

Panelist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6.125 6.000 6.000 6.125 5.500 5.625 5.875

Panelist 8 9 10
5.625 6.000 5.875

Standard errors of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
e.s.e. 0.2400 0.2684

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
s.e.d. 0.3395 0.3795
Least significant differences of means (5% level)
Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
l.s.d. 0.6784 0.7584

48 IF _ibalance.eq.0 .OR. _ibalance.eq.1

49 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _mean, _rep, _var, _rdf
50 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] Sample; MEAN=_mean; REP=_rep; VARIANCE=_var;
51 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] #_resid; DF=_rdf
52 AMCOMPARISON [METHOD=fplsd; DIRECTION=ascending; PROB=0.05] Sample

Fisher's protected least significant difference test


H 4.300 a
E 5.000 b
G 5.300 bc
D 5.800 cd
F 6.000 d
C 6.200 d
A 7.000 e
B 7.400 e

54 SET [IN=*]
60 "Two-way design"
61 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
62 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; TREATMENTS=Sample,Panelist;
63 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,lsd,means,alldiff,alllsd; LSDLEVEL=5; PLOT=*;
64 Flavor; SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: Flavor

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Sample 7 67.4875 9.6411 20.67 <.001
Panelist 9 3.5125 0.3903 0.84 0.585
Residual 63 29.3875 0.4665
Total 79 100.3875

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 33 -1.462 s.e. 0.606

Tables of means
Variate: Flavor

Grand mean 5.088

Sample A B C D E F G
6.000 6.800 5.400 4.800 4.500 5.000 4.600

Sample H

Panelist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.250 5.125 4.750 5.250 5.000 4.875 5.500

Panelist 8 9 10
5.125 5.125 4.875

Standard errors of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
e.s.e. 0.2160 0.2415

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
s.e.d. 0.3054 0.3415
Least significant differences of means (5% level)
Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
l.s.d. 0.6104 0.6824

65 IF _ibalance.eq.0 .OR. _ibalance.eq.1

66 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _mean, _rep, _var, _rdf
67 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] Sample; MEAN=_mean; REP=_rep; VARIANCE=_var;
68 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] #_resid; DF=_rdf
69 AMCOMPARISON [METHOD=fplsd; DIRECTION=ascending; PROB=0.05] Sample

Fisher's protected least significant difference test


H 3.600 a
E 4.500 b
G 4.600 b
D 4.800 bc
F 5.000 bc
C 5.400 cd
A 6.000 d
B 6.800 e

71 SET [IN=*]
77 "Two-way design"
78 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
79 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; TREATMENTS=Sample,Panelist;
80 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,lsd,means,alldiff,alllsd; LSDLEVEL=5; PLOT=*;
81 Mouthfeel; SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: Mouthfeel

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Sample 7 87.8875 12.5554 22.29 <.001
Panelist 9 4.6125 0.5125 0.91 0.523
Residual 63 35.4875 0.5633
Total 79 127.9875

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Tables of means
Variate: Mouthfeel

Grand mean 5.112

Sample A B C D E F G
6.400 7.100 5.200 4.900 4.300 4.800 4.500

Sample H

Panelist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.250 4.875 4.625 5.125 5.375 5.125 5.375

Panelist 8 9 10
4.875 5.375 5.125

Standard errors of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
e.s.e. 0.2373 0.2654

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
s.e.d. 0.3356 0.3753

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
l.s.d. 0.6707 0.7499

82 IF _ibalance.eq.0 .OR. _ibalance.eq.1

83 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _mean, _rep, _var, _rdf
84 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] Sample; MEAN=_mean; REP=_rep; VARIANCE=_var;
85 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] #_resid; DF=_rdf
86 AMCOMPARISON [METHOD=fplsd; DIRECTION=ascending; PROB=0.05] Sample

Fisher's protected least significant difference test


H 3.700 a
E 4.300 ab
G 4.500 b
F 4.800 bc
D 4.900 bc
C 5.200 c
A 6.400 d
B 7.100 e

88 SET [IN=*]
94 "Two-way design"
95 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
96 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; TREATMENTS=Sample,Panelist;
97 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,lsd,means,alldiff,alllsd; LSDLEVEL=5; PLOT=*;
98 Overall; SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: Overall

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Sample 7 121.7875 17.3982 35.83 <.001
Panelist 9 4.1125 0.4569 0.94 0.497
Residual 63 30.5875 0.4855
Total 79 156.4875

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 58 -1.688 s.e. 0.618
*units* 79 1.613 s.e. 0.618

Tables of means
Variate: Overall

Grand mean 5.362

Sample A B C D E F G
6.900 7.500 5.700 4.900 4.800 5.300 4.300

Sample H

Panelist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.375 5.250 5.250 5.250 5.500 5.250 5.750

Panelist 8 9 10
5.750 5.250 5.000

Standard errors of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
e.s.e. 0.2203 0.2464

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
s.e.d. 0.3116 0.3484
Least significant differences of means (5% level)
Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
l.s.d. 0.6227 0.6962

99 IF _ibalance.eq.0 .OR. _ibalance.eq.1

100 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _mean, _rep, _var, _rdf
101 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] Sample; MEAN=_mean; REP=_rep; VARIANCE=_var;
102 AKEEP [SAVE=_a2save[2]] #_resid; DF=_rdf
103 AMCOMPARISON [METHOD=fplsd; DIRECTION=ascending; PROB=0.05] Sample

Fisher's protected least significant difference test


H 3.500 a
G 4.300 b
E 4.800 bc
D 4.900 bc
F 5.300 cd
C 5.700 d
A 6.900 e
B 7.500 e

105 SET [IN=*]
111 A2DISPLAY [PRINT=aovtable,mean; FPROB=yes; PSE=lsd,means,alllsd;
LSDLEVEL=5] _a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: Overall

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Sample 7 121.7875 17.3982 35.83 <.001
Panelist 9 4.1125 0.4569 0.94 0.497
Residual 63 30.5875 0.4855
Total 79 156.4875

Tables of means
Variate: Overall

Grand mean 5.362

Sample A B C D E F G
6.900 7.500 5.700 4.900 4.800 5.300 4.300

Sample H

Panelist 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.375 5.250 5.250 5.250 5.500 5.250 5.750

Panelist 8 9 10
5.750 5.250 5.000

Standard errors of means

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
e.s.e. 0.2203 0.2464

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table Sample Panelist
rep. 10 8
d.f. 63 63
l.s.d. 0.6227 0.6962

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