Top 50 Service Now Development Interview Questions and Answers - Service Now Development Interview Questions - Wisdom Jobs

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12/14/2017 Top 50 Service Now Development Interview questions and answers - Service Now Development Interview questions | Wisdom

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What Is Servicenow?

ServiceNow is a cloud based ITSM tool.It provides a single system of record for IT services, operations, and

business management by automating IT service applications and processes. All aspects of IT Services can

potentially live in the ServiceNow ecosystem of modules, and thus, it gives us a complete view of services

and resources. This allows for broad control of how to best allocate resources and design the process flow

of those services

What Do You Mean By Term “application” In Service Now?

Application is a group of modules which provides its related information.For example change application

provides the information related to change process. It consist of modules like create change ticket,view

change tickets etc.

What Is Full Form Of Cmdb?

Configuration Management Database

What Is Cmdb Baseline?

CMDB baselines helps to understand and control the changes that have been made to a configuration

item(CI) after its Baseline has been created. Baseline is the snapshot of a CI.

How To Enable Or Disable An Application?

Navigate to “Application Menus” module under system definition application.Open the respective application

that require to be enable or disable.Set active as true to enable it or set active to false to disable it.

What Is A View?

View defines the arrangement of fields on a form or a list. For one single form we can define multiple views

according to the user preferences or requirement. 1/10
12/14/2017 Top 50 Service Now Development Interview questions and answers - Service Now Development Interview questions | Wisdom Jobs

What Is Acl?

An ACL is access control list that defines what data a user can access and how they can access it in

service now.

What Do You Mean By Impersonating A User? How It Is Useful?

Impersonating a user means that you can log in to the system as that user and can have feel how the

servicenow UI is set for that user.This is very useful while testing.For example if you are required to test that

a user can access change form or not.You can impersonate that user and can test instead of logging out

from your session and logging again with that user credentials.

What Is A Record Producer?

A record producer is a type of a catalog item that allows users to create taskbased records from the service

catalog.For example you can create a change record or problem record using record producer. Record

producers provides an alternative way to create records through service catalog

What Is Dictionary Override?

Dictionary Overrides provides the capability to override several properties of a field in extended table.For

example change table is extended from task table.There is a field named status in task table and set as

readonly.When we use this field in change form it will show be a read only.We can set this to nonread only

by using the dictionary override.Similarly there are other properties that can be set for the fields in extended


What Do You Mean By Coalesce?

Coalesce is a property of a field that we use in transform map field mapping.When we set the coalesce as

true for a field mapping it signifies that this field will work as unique key.If a field match is found with the

coalesce field, then existing record will be updated with the imported information in target table else a new

record will be inserted into the target table.

What Is An Ui Policy? 2/10
12/14/2017 Top 50 Service Now Development Interview questions and answers - Service Now Development Interview questions | Wisdom Jobs

UI policies are alternative to client scripts.It can be used to set a field as mandatory, read only and visible on

a form. You can also use UI policy for dynamically changing a field on a form.

What Is A Data Policy?

Data policy checks the mandatory and readonly of a field whenever a record is inserted or updated through

a webservice or import set.For example: If a mandatory field in the incoming record (from import set or web-

service) is empty then the data policy will not allow to insert that record into the table.

What Is Difference Between Ui Policy And Data Policy?

UI policy acts when a record is inserted or updated through a servicenow UI i.e servicenow forms while data

policy acts whenever a record is inserted or updated into database through any means.

What Is A Client Script?

Client script sits on the client side(the browser) and run there only.types of client script are OnLoad()

OnSubmit() OnChange() OncellEdit)()

How Can You Cancel A Form Submission Through Client Script?

In the onSubmit function return false. function onSubmit() { return false; }

What Is A Business Rule?

Business rule is server side scripting that executes whenever a record is inserted, updated,

deleted,displayed or queried.The key thing to keep in mind while creating a business rule is that when and

on what action it has to execute. You can run the business rule ‘on display’, ‘on before’ or ‘on after’ of an

action (insert,delete,update) is performed.

Can You Call A Business Rule Through A Client Script?

Yes you can call a business rule through a client script by using glideajax 3/10
12/14/2017 Top 50 Service Now Development Interview questions and answers - Service Now Development Interview questions | Wisdom Jobs

What Is A Glide Record?

Gliderecord is a java class that is used for database operations instead of writing SQL queries.

What Is Import Set?

Import Sets is a tool used to import data from various data sources and, then using transform map, map that

data into ServiceNow tables. The Import Sets table acts as a staging table for records imported.

What Is Transform Map?

A transform map transform the record imported into servicenow import set table to the target table. It also

determines the relationships between fields displaying in an Import Set table and fields in target table

What Do You Mean By Foreign Record Insert?

A foreign record insert occurs when an import makes a change to a table that is not the target table for that

import. This happens when updating a reference field on a table.

What Does The Client Transaction Timings Plugin Does?

The Client Transaction Timings plugin enhances the system logs by providing more information on the

duration of transactions between the client and the server. By providing information on how time was spent

during the transaction, performance issues can be tracked down to the source by seeing where the time is

being consumed.

Which Searching Technique Is Used To Search A Text Or Record In Servicenow?

Zing is the text indexing and search engine that performs all text searches in ServiceNow.

What Is Inactivity Monitor? 4/10
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An inactivity monitor triggers an event for a task record if the task has been inactive for a certain period of

time. If the task remains inactive, the monitor repeats at regular intervals.

What Is Domain Separation?

Domain separation is a way to separate data into (and optionally to separate administration by) logically-

defined domains. For example A client XYZ have two business and they are using servicenow single

instance for both business.They do not want that user’s from one business can see data of other

business.Here we can configure domain separation to isolate the records from both business.

Ho You Can Remove Remember Me Check Box From Login Page?

You can set the property – “glide.ui.forgetme” to true to remove the Remember me check box from login


What Is Html Sanitizer?

The HTML sanitizer automatically cleans up HTML markup in HTML fields to remove unwanted code and

protect against security concerns such as crosssite scripting attacks. The HTML sanitizer is active for all

instances starting with the Eureka release.

What Is The Significance Of Cascade Variable Check Box In Order Guide ?

Check box to select whether the variables used should cascade, which passes their values to the ordered

items. If this check box is cleared, variable information entered in the order guide is not passed on to

ordered items.

What Are Gauges?

A gauge can be based on a report and can be put on a homepage or a content page

What Do You Mean By Metrics In Servicenow? 5/10
12/14/2017 Top 50 Service Now Development Interview questions and answers - Service Now Development Interview questions | Wisdom Jobs

Metrics record and measure the workflow of individual records. With metrics, customers can arm their

process by providing tangible figures to measure, for example, how long it takes before a ticket is

reassigned or changes state.

How May Types Of Search Is Available In Service Now?

Use any of the following searches to find information in ServiceNow:

Lists: find records in a list;

Global text search: find records in multiple tables from a single search field.

Knowledge base: find knowledge articles.

Navigation filter: filter the items in the application navigator.

Search screens: use a formlike interface to search for records in a table.

Administrators can create these custom modules.

What Is A Bsm Map?

BSM Map is a Business Service Management map.It graphically displays the configuration items (CI) that

support a business service and indicates the status of those configuration items.

In Which Table Update Sets And Customization Are Stored?

Each update set is stored in the Update Set [sys_update_set] table, and the customizations that are

associated with the update set, are stored in [sys_update_xml] table.

What Happens If A Default Update Set Is Marked As Complete?

If the Default update set is marked Complete, the system creates another update set named Default1 and

uses it as the default update set.

Does Home Pages And Content Pages Are Added To The Update Sets? 6/10
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Homepages and content pages are not added to update sets by default. You must manually add pages to

the current update set by unloading them.

What Is Reference Qualifier?

Reference qualifiers is used to restrict the data that is selectable for a reference field.

What Is Performance Analytics In Servicenow?

Performance Analytics is an additional application in ServiceNow that allows customers to take a snapshot

of data at regular intervals and create time series for any key performance indicator (KPI) in the


What Is The Difference Between Next() And _next() Method?

next() method is responsible to move to the next record in GlideRecord. _next() provides the same

functionality as next(), intended to be used in cases when we query the table having a column name as


How To Set The Invalid Queries Into Empty Result Sets?

By default queries with invalid field names run but ignore the invalid condition. For more strict query control

you can enable the glide.invalid_query.returns_no_rows property which will result in an empty result set for

invalid queries.

How To Determine Whether Any Of The Field Value In A Record Have Changed?

By using the method changes() you can determine that the field value has been changed for a record.

Which Object Is Used To Reference The Current Active Form In Client Script?

g_form object is used to reference the current active form in client script 7/10
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Which Object Is Used To Refer The Current Logged In User In Client Script?

You can use the object g_user object to get the details of current active user.

State The Best Practices Of Client Scripts?

Few of the best practices to use client Scripts :

Enclose Code in Functions.

Aviod DOM manipulation, use g_form object.

Avoid global client scripting, etc.

How Will You Hide/show A Field Using Client Script?

You can use the g_form.setVisible(‘fieldname’, ‘value’); method to show/hide a field using client script.

What Is The Processing Order For Record Acl Rules?

Record ACL rules are processed in the following order:

Match the object against field ACL rules.

Match the object against table ACL rules.

User must pass both field and table ACL rules in order to access a record object.

How To Change The Homepage Layout?

Administrators can create or modify layouts by navigating to Homepage Admin > Layouts.

How To Enable Automatic User Creation From Email?

Set the property glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller to true in system properties.

How Servicenow Recognizes Inbound Emails? 8/10
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Via Watermark or InReplyTo email header. If These are not present, ServiceNow recognizes email

containing a prefix in the subject line.

How To Create An Inbound Email Action?

Navigate to System Policy > Email > Inbound Actions and Click New.

How To Control The Script Conditions Of Access Control Rules Apply To A Table’s
Reference Fields?

You can Add glide.sys_reference_row_check to the System properties and set to true.

Name Few Types Of Reports That You Can Generate?

Few of reports are:






How To Activate The Reporting Engine?

Make the system property to true.

How To Create Your Own Report?

Navigate to Reports > Create New. In releases prior to Eureka, navigate to Reports > View / Run and then

click New.

Which Role Is Required To Create And Access Baseline?

ecmdb_admin role is required to create and access baselines. 9/10
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How To Get The Row Count In A Glide Record?

By using the getRowCount() function you can retrieve the number of rows.

What Is The Difference Between Deletemultiple() And Deleterecord()

deleteMultiple() deletes multiple records according to the current "where" clause. Does not delete

attachments, whereas deleteRecord() deletes single record.

How To Restrict Users To Upload An Attachment In Servicenow

Following is the step wise step process:

Navigate to System Properties > Security.

In the Attachment limits and behavior section, locate the List of roles (comma-separated) that can create

attachments: property (glide.attachment.role).

Enter one or more roles separated by commas.

Only roles listed in this property are able to upload attachments to a record. If no roles are entered, then all

roles can upload attachments to ServiceNow forms.

Click Save.

How To Disable Attachment On A Specific Servicenow Table?

Go to the dictionary of that table and add "Add no_attachment" to the Attributes field.

What Is The Significance Of Cascade Variable Checkbox In Order Guide?

Check box to select whether the variables used should cascade, which passes their values to the ordered

items. If this check box is cleared, variable information entered in the order guide is not passed on to

ordered items. 10/10

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