1984 Metropolis

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1984 Metropolis

The dangers of totalitarianism Exploitation of the working class

Dehumanisation Every utopia is someone else’s



Power and Manipulation


Warfare and Political violence

Destruction of privacy

Motifs and symbols

1984 Metropolis

Big brother

The red armed prole lady

Major characters:

1984 Metropolis

Winston Smith

 Rational and logical- Stands against

the party
 Irony in his work at the Ministry if
Truth- the ‘mutability of the past’ is
his specialty, despite his own
doubts about the party
 Lives in constant fear for his own
safety and under the same
paranoia as the other citizens but
challenges the Party nonetheless –
this fatalism disappears when he
meets Julia. He finds hope
 A morally uncertain protagonist
who eventually loves Big Brother

 Impulsive yet calculating- capable

of complex plans which are initially
 Lives in the present time and has
little regard for things which don’t
concern her
 Uses her sexuality as a basis for
challenging the party


 Exists mostly in Winston’s mind

 Proves his dehumanized state in
his torture of Winston, amongst
 Believes blindly in the capabilities
of the Party, but is capable himself
of deep deceptions
Big Brother

 Symbolic of power and control –

face everywhere and watches
wherever you may be
 Physical description contains close
allusions to Joseph Stalin, the
famed Soviet Leader
 Never actually seen but apparently
Literary elements and techniques:

1984 Metropolis

Historical and social context

1984 Metropolis

Proletarians, Karl Marx Proletarians, Karl Marx

Genre & Literary movement

1984 Metropolis


Note: What - Page number- quote-why



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