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DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9)

DT-9 Configuration and Operations Manual

VCU 20103


16490 Chillicothe Rd.
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
(440) 543-6000
FAX (440) 543-6839
24 Hrs. (800) 628-3347

e-mail address:

BVI6411GB; February, 2010

Revision B
1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ......................................................................................... 5

2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................... 7

3 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................. 9
3.1 What is the DISOCONT Tersus/DT-9? .......................................................................................... 9

3.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 9

3.3 Measuring Principle ..................................................................................................................... 10

3.4 Operating Modes - Remote.......................................................................................................... 12

3.4.1 Gravimetric............................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Volumetric ................................................................................................................................ 12
3.4.3 Volumetric Control ................................................................................................................... 12

3.5 Operating Modes – OFF/Maintenance ........................................................................................ 12

4 DT-9 SETUP ......................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Setup Notes................................................................................................................................... 13

4.2 Startup and Functional Check..................................................................................................... 14

4.3 Setup Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 15

4.3.1 Commonly Changed Parameters ............................................................................................ 15

4.4 Calibration ..................................................................................................................................... 17

4.4.1 Performing Calibrations ........................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Weigh Roller Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 19
4.4.3 Basic (CAL 1) ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.4 Span (CAL 2) ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.4.5 TC: Span Calibration................................................................................................................ 24
4.4.6 LB: Pulses per Belt .................................................................................................................. 25
4.4.7 TA: Tare ................................................................................................................................... 25

4.5 Analog Trim................................................................................................................................... 27

5 OPERATION USING THE TOUCH SCREEN HMI ............................................... 29

5.1 Initial Configuration...................................................................................................................... 29
5.1.1 The “Network” Screen.............................................................................................................. 30
5.1.2 The “Display Settings” Screen ................................................................................................. 30
5.1.3 The “Feeder” Screen................................................................................................................ 30
5.1.4 The “Configuration” Screen...................................................................................................... 30
5.1.5 The “Communication” Screen .................................................................................................. 30
5.1.6 The “Calibration” Screen.......................................................................................................... 31
5.1.7 Exiting HMI Configuration ........................................................................................................ 31

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual i

©Schenck Process Group
5.2 Display Functions ........................................................................................................................ 31
5.2.1 The “Home” Screen ................................................................................................................. 31 Operating the HMI in “Off/Maintenance” Mode................................................................. 31 Operating the HMI in “Remote” Mode .............................................................................. 31
5.2.2 The “Trend” Screen ................................................................................................................. 32
5.2.3 The “Values” Screen................................................................................................................ 32
5.2.4 The “Setup” Screen ................................................................................................................. 32 Data Log Values ............................................................................................................... 33 Event Log Values.............................................................................................................. 33 Parameter Log Values ...................................................................................................... 33 Parameter Setup............................................................................................................... 33 Trimming the Analog Inputs and Outputs ......................................................................... 33 Restoring the Factory Default Settings ............................................................................. 35 Simulation Mode ............................................................................................................... 35 Calibrating the Feeder ...................................................................................................... 35 Setting the Current Time and Date ................................................................................... 35

5.3 Typical Operating Procedures.................................................................................................... 35

6 OPERATION USING THE 196NT DISPLAY ........................................................37

7 OPERATION USING EASYSERVE......................................................................39

7.1 Program EasyServe VPC 20150.................................................................................................. 39

7.2 Minimum System Requirements ................................................................................................ 39

7.3 Installation .................................................................................................................................... 39

7.4 Start Program and Connect to Feeder ....................................................................................... 40

7.4.1 Connecting to Feeder .............................................................................................................. 40
7.4.2 Access to Feeder Commands and Parameters ...................................................................... 42

7.5 Parameter Set ............................................................................................................................... 42

7.5.1 .PAR Files................................................................................................................................ 42
7.5.2 Read/change Parameters ....................................................................................................... 43
7.5.3 Loading Custom Default Parameters ...................................................................................... 43
7.5.4 Loading Factory Default Parameters....................................................................................... 43
7.5.5 Expert Mode ............................................................................................................................ 44
7.5.6 Print Parameters...................................................................................................................... 44

7.6 Operating the Feeder ................................................................................................................... 44

7.6.1 Scale Operation Screens ........................................................................................................ 44
7.6.2 Events...................................................................................................................................... 45
7.6.3 Calibration ............................................................................................................................... 45
7.6.4 Service Values......................................................................................................................... 45
7.6.5 Trends ..................................................................................................................................... 46
7.6.6 Setting Time ............................................................................................................................ 47
7.6.7 Options .................................................................................................................................... 47

8 TESTING...............................................................................................................49
8.1 Calibration Weight Test ............................................................................................................... 49

ii DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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8.2 Chain Test ..................................................................................................................................... 49

8.3 Material Test.................................................................................................................................. 50

9 PARAMETERS..................................................................................................... 51
9.1 General Information ..................................................................................................................... 51

9.2 DT-9 Parameter List...................................................................................................................... 55

9.2.1 Parameter Group 01 - Hardware Modules............................................................................... 55
9.2.2 Parameter Group 02 - Feeder Definitions................................................................................ 58
9.2.3 Parameter Group 03 - Control Sources ................................................................................... 64
9.2.4 Parameter Group 04 - Feeder Rated Data .............................................................................. 68
9.2.5 Parameter Group 05 – Feeder Control .................................................................................... 71
9.2.6 Parameter Group 06 - Feeder Monitoring................................................................................ 73
9.2.7 Parameter Group 07 – Belt Monitoring .................................................................................... 78
9.2.8 Parameter Group 08 - Display Filters ...................................................................................... 81
9.2.9 Parameter Group 09 - Limit Values ......................................................................................... 83
9.2.10 Parameter Group 10 - Calibration Data ................................................................................. 87
9.2.11 Parameter Group 11 – Rate Controller.................................................................................. 90
9.2.12 Parameter Group 12 - Moisture ............................................................................................. 93
9.2.13 Parameter Group 13 – Cleanout Control ............................................................................... 96
9.2.14 Parameter Group 14 - Analog Outputs .................................................................................. 98
9.2.15 Parameter Group 15 - Digital Inputs .................................................................................... 103
9.2.16 Parameter Group 16 - Digital Outputs ................................................................................. 112
9.2.17 Parameter Group 17 – Analog Calibration........................................................................... 119
9.2.18 Parameter Group 18 - 2-Sensor Slip ................................................................................... 122
9.2.19 Parameter Group 19 – Maintenance Interval....................................................................... 125
9.2.20 Parameter Group 20 - Reports ............................................................................................ 126
9.2.21 Parameter Group 21 - Comm. EasyServe........................................................................... 127
9.2.22 Parameter Group 22 - Comm. Fieldbus............................................................................... 128
9.2.23 Parameter Group 23 - Ethernet ........................................................................................... 129
9.2.24 Parameter Group 24 - PLS Outputs .................................................................................... 130
9.2.25 Parameter Group 25 – Fixed Mode Config.......................................................................... 130
9.2.26 Parameter Group 26 – FCB Analog Output......................................................................... 130
9.2.27 Parameter Group 27 – FCB Digital Output .......................................................................... 130

10 EVENT (ERROR) MESSAGES ........................................................................ 131

11 APPENDIX A .................................................................................................... 139

11.1 Parameter Overview ................................................................................................................. 139

12 APPENDIX B .................................................................................................... 149

12.1 Default Digital Inputs................................................................................................................ 149

12.2 Default Digital Outputs............................................................................................................. 150

12.3 Default Analog I/O .................................................................................................................... 151

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual iii

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13 APPENDIX C ....................................................................................................153
13.1 Trending Data ........................................................................................................................... 153

iv DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

©Schenck Process Group
1 About This Manual
Additional copies of these instructions may be ordered from the Parts Department at Stock
Equipment Company, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Refer to Part No. ATPDT9VCU20103.

Proprietary Note
The information in this manual, including technical data and copies of drawings, contains information
that is proprietary to Stock Equipment Company. This manual is provided to the user of equipment
purchased from Stock Equipment Company for use only in operation or maintenance of such
equipment. Information in this manual is not to be used, disclosed, copied, reproduced in whole or
part for any use other than that indicated above, or for any other purpose detrimental to the interests
of Stock Equipment Company. Patents owned by Stock Equipment Company have been issued or
are pending on some of the information in this manual. Any unauthorized use of this subject matter of
such patents is a violation of such patents and is prohibited by law.

Electrostatic Sensitive Devices

Caution: The electronic controls contain ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts and
assemblies that can be damaged by static electricity. The following static control precautions are
required when testing, servicing, or repairing the electronic assemblies.

1. Disconnect power at the main disconnect switch or circuit breaker.

2. Only qualified personnel are permitted to perform and install the electronic controls.

3. Wear a wrist type grounding strap that is grounded to the control cabinet chassis.

4. When replacing the electronic circuit board. Do not remove the board from the static shielding
bag it came in until you are ready to install the board.

5. When removing any electronic circuit board, immediately place it in static shielding bag.

6. Stock Equipment Company advises that all printed circuit boards should be returned to the
factory for repair since our technicians are trained to work with electrostatic sensitive

7. Contact the Stock Equipment Company Parts Department for a returns good authorization
number to facilitate the return of an electronic circuit board. Returned components should be
shipped in static shielding type bags. If packing materials are used, they should be made of a
static dissipative material.

Note: If you are not familiar with static control procedures, before replacing electronic components,
refer to US Department of Defense DOD - HDBK-263, Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for
protection of electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment.

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6 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual
©Schenck Process Group
2 Safety Instructions
To avoid personal injury and equipment damage, follow the safety regulations stated below.

Additionally, you should observe:

• Safety hints given in order-specific documentation.

• Safety hints relating to mechanical components.
• Instructions given in sub-suppliers documentation.

When performing installation, commissioning, and service work; ensure all applicable local
regulations are observed

Use As Originally Intended

The measuring system and its connected mechanical components are exclusively designed for
weighing and controlling tasks. Any use other than originally intended is considered inappropriate.

Upon use of the measuring system, danger may result during transit of material to be weighed (e.g.
from auxiliaries used to handle or feed material) or if system assumes control tasks.

Residual risks may originate from the measuring system if unskilled operators improperly handle the
system. The measuring system can be part of a more complex plant. The user is fully responsible for
the overall plant safety.

Identification of Residual Risks

The presence of this symbol indicates that the machine or component used has the
potential to cause severe injury or death.

The presence of this symbol indicates that the machine or component used has the
potential to cause damage to the measuring system or other plant sections.

Preparation, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and servicing may be performed by
trained personal only. All personal working on the measuring system are required to observe the
safety hints and know the parts of the technical documentation relevant to their work. The supervisor
is responsible for instructing his operators to observe all regulations and instructions.

Parameter Changes
The measuring system's functionality is determined by parameters, which may only be changed by
persons familiar with the measuring system operating principles (e.g. after training by Stock).
Incorrect parameter settings may cause injuries or damage to the machine and can adversely affect
weighing operation.

Passwords are used to protect system settings from inadvertent changes. It is the responsibility of the
user to insure that passwords are handled safely. The default DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) password
is 7353.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 7

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Error Message Acknowledgement
Error messages may be acknowledged only after cause of fault has been corrected. Before
acknowledging an error message, check to see that connected peripherals operate properly. Check
to see that connected control systems, if any, are in fail-safe state.

Maintenance and Repair

• During maintenance and repair, observe any warning symbols on the scale.
• Before performing work on the mechanical system or peripherals (particularly the control
system), disconnect the measuring system and protect the system from inadvertent restart.
• Before performing work on the electrical equipment, disconnect the power supply.
• The devices may be operated only in the housings provided. There is danger of contacting
live parts.

Moisture Protection
Protect all system parts, electrical items in particular, from moisture (e.g. during maintenance and
servicing) when housings are open. Observe housing protection standards.

Modification & Replacement

Unauthorized modifications to the system and/or use of replacement parts not supplied by Stock
voids Stock's liability for any resulting damages. This particularly applies to modifications, which have
the potential to affect the operating safety of the measuring system.

Component Replacement
Spare parts must meet the technical specifications indicated by Stock. To ensure this requirement is
met, only genuine Stock spare parts should be used. When using other spare parts, the warranty will
be void.

8 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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3 Overview
This chapter explains the principle functions of the DISOCONT Tersus system used in conjunction
with a Stock coal feeder.

3.1 What is the DISOCONT Tersus/DT-9?

The DISOCONT Tersus is a versatile family of modular weighing electronics for use with weighing
and feeding systems.

The DISOCONT Tersus performs all weighing and processing functions required for the measuring
and feeding of bulk solids. It is designed for continuous measuring and control tasks as well as
discontinuous batching.

Used in conjunction with the specific application software for weighing and feeding tasks, the
DISOCONT Tersus can be used in the following industries:

• Power
• Steel
• Basic Materials
• Cement
• Food
• Chemical.

In connection with the corresponding mechanical equipment, the following systems are supported:

• Belt Scales
• Weigh Feeders
• Solids flow meters (chutes)
• Solids flow feeders
• Loss-in-weight, gain-in-weight feeders
• Mass flow meters (Coriolis meters)
• Mass flow feeders (Coriolis feeders)
• Filling systems.

The Stock DT-9 configuration of the DISOCONT Tersus is a modified version, optimized for feeding
coal in power plant environment. There are two different versions of the DT-9. One is a completely
redesigned and updated version that is used in new installations. The second one uses the same
components and software but has been optimized for use as an upgrade to existing Stock 8085, 196,
and 196NT installations. This version uses the 196NT connectors and mounting footprint.

VCU 20103 – Designed for new installations where backwards compatibility is not required. This
version is identified by the steel mounting frame and screw type electrical connectors. A Touch
Screen HMI is always used when a VCU 20103 is installed.

VCU 20104 – Designed as a drop in replacement for the 196NT in existing installations. This version
is identified by the brown Amp style electrical connectors. The VCU 20104 can be used with either a
Touch Screen HMI or with an existing 196NT display.

3.2 Definitions
The table below explains some basic terms used in this manual.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 9

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Abbreviation Meaning Explanation Unit
The actual amount of
Lbs/hr, Lbs/min, USTons/hr,
I Actual feed rate material delivered per
Kg/hr, Kg/min or Metric Tons/hr
unit time
The desired amount of
Lbs/hr, Lbs/min, USTons/hr,
P Feedrate setpoint material delivered per
Kg/hr, Kg/min or Metric Tons/hr
unit time
Weight of material
Z Totalized amount delivered since last Lbs, US Tons, Kg or Metric tons
counter reset
V Belt speed Feeder belt speed Inches/sec, m/sec
Weight of material per
Q Belt load Lbs/inch, Kg/m
unit of belt length.
QB Platform load Lbs, Kg
Output signal
Y Controller magnitude mA
Difference between
the actual feedrate
Xd Deviation %
and the feedrate

3.3 Measuring Principle

The belt weighing system is designed to continuously weigh the amount of material transported on
the feeder belt. The actual weight of material transported is calculated by multiplying the feeder belt
load, in lbs/inch, times the feeder belt speed. The systems used to measure these two values are
described below.

Belt Load

The feeder weight signal is generated by two load cells that support a single weigh roller. Two weigh
span rollers are located on each side of the weigh roller to accurately define the length of belt (and
amount of coal) being supported by the weigh roller.

Since the load cells only support half of the weight on the weigh span (each load cell supports 25
percent of the total weight) the effective platform length (Leff) is calculated as:

Leff = Lg / 2

Leff = Effective platform length

Lg = Total platform length

10 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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The microprocessor computes the feeder belt load by repeatedly reading the voltage signal from each
load cell and converting the signal into a digital value (binary number) using an analog to digital (A/D)
converter. Each value is then compared to parameters stored in permanent memory to determine if
the signal is within acceptable limits, and if it is, it is stored for use. The same operation is then
performed on the other load cell, and the signals are compared to each other to test their validity. If
the signals are determined to be invalid, the feeder is switched to volumetric operation and the
controller uses a simulated belt load calculated from an historical average stored in memory. If the
signals are determined to be valid, the two load cell signals are summed, the tare is subtracted and
the result is multiplied by a scaling factor based on the load cell data specified in P04.01 LC
Characteristic Value and P04.02 LC Rated Capacity to determine the nominal weight of material on
the belt. This nominal value is then multiplied by the three range correction factors (P10.03, P10.04
and P10.05) to determine the actual weight (QB).

The belt load (Q) is computed from the total weight (QB) as follows:

Q = QB / Leff

Q = Belt load in kg/m

QB = Weight of load on platform in kg

NOTE: The 196NT parameter 10 Weigh Span Length is the full distance between the two weigh span
rollers. The DT-9 parameter P04.03 Effective Platform Length is half the distance between the two
weigh span rollers. For any given feeder, the value used by the DT-9 should be one half of the value
used by the 196NT.

Belt Speed

During normal feeder operation, the belt speed is calculated from the motor RPM rather then being
measured directly. The relation ship between motor speed and belt speed is determined during
calibration and is displayed as P10.02 Pulses per Length.

Feedrate Control and Totals

The weigh and speed information is used to calculate the actual feedrate as shown.

Feedrate (I) = Belt load (Q) x Belt Speed (V)

The feeder control accepts a feedrate set point from the source selected using parameter P03.02
Feedrate Setpoint. This signal is compared with a computed feedrate derived from measured weight
and speed signals to generate the system error signal which is used to adjust the speed of the motor.
Compensation for system stability is provided in the software using parameters P11.01 P-Component
KP and P11.02 I-Component TN. These calculations are repeated periodically and at each iteration,
the actual feedrate is multiplied by the time interval to calculate the totalizer increment. Separate
totals are kept for gravimetric and volumetric operation.

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3.4 Operating Modes - Remote
The Remote Operating Mode is provided for normal operation, with the feeder feeding coal under
control of the plant control system. The source for the Start/Stop signal is designated by P03.01
Feeder Start and the source for the feedrate setpoint is designated by P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint.
Analog feedback signals are generated based on the entries to parameter block 14 Analog Outputs.
Digital feedback signals (relay outputs) are generated based on the entries to parameter block 16
Digital Outputs.

While in the Remote Operating Mode, the feeder can use one of three systems to generate the
required belt speed set point.

3.4.1 Gravimetric
Gravimetric Mode is the normal mode of operation. The feed rate is calculated using the belt speed
and the actual belt load, and is controlled by the feed rate demand signal supplied by the plant control
system. Parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate, corresponds to the maximum demand signal and the
minimum federate is set by parameter P03.06 Minimum Feedrate. Parameters P02.05 Nominal Flow
Rate should always match parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate. The system can be set to produce
an error if the demand signal is outside to normal range.

3.4.2 Volumetric
Volumetric Mode is used when an error is detected in the weighing system. The actual feed rate is
calculated using the belt speed and an assumed belt load based on the average value over the last
several hours, and is controlled by the feed rate demand signal supplied by the plant control system.
Parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate, corresponds to the maximum demand signal and the
minimum federate is set by parameter P03.06 Minimum Feedrate. Parameters P02.05 Nominal Flow
Rate should always match parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate. The system can be set to produce
an error if the demand signal is outside to normal range.

3.4.3 Volumetric Control

Volumetric Control Mode is a variation of the gravimetric mode that is used when the feeder weigh
system is working correctly but the material on belt switch indicates that the belt is empty. The
displayed feedrate and the customer feedback signal is still based on the actual material being fed
and the gravimetric total is still being incremented but the belt speed is determined as if the feeder
were in volumetric mode. This mode is used to prevent the feeder from running to maximum belt
speed when material flow is lost.

3.5 Operating Modes – OFF/Maintenance

The OFF/Maintenance mode is similar to the 196NT LOCAL mode and is provided so that the feeder
can be isolated from the plant control system during startup, calibration and other maintenance
operations. In this operating mode, the plant start/stop and demand signals are ignored and feedback
signals are not generated. The feeder must be in OFF/Maint mode before a system calibration can be
performed. When the feeder is operated in the OFF/Maint mode, the belt speed is set based on the
value of parameter P02.14 Maintenance Speed. This is an open loop signal calculated as a
percentage of the full scale signal to the motor speed control (see parameters P11.04 Lower Limit,
P11.05 Upper Limit and P11.06 Contr. Magn.Offset.)

12 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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4 DT-9 Setup
This section describes the startup process when a new feeder is installed or when an existing DT-9
is replaced.


• Installing the DT-9 in a feeder that uses the Stock Load Cell Amplifier will damage the DT-9.
The old style Load Cell Amplifier must be replaced with the new version before the DT-9 can
be used.
• DO NOT connect a normal Ethernet cable to X96 (red RJ45 connector). This connector uses
normally unused wires in the CAT 5 cable to provide power to the touch screen display.
Failure to follow this warning may result in damage to the DT-9 or to the attached
network device.
• The weigh span is specified using parameter P 04.03 Effective Platform Length. This
parameter is the distance between the weigh roller and either one of the weigh span rollers.
This is one-half the value used by the 196NT, which is the distance between the weigh
span rollers.

4.1 Setup Notes

• This section is a general description of the feeder setup process. This process can be
performed using either the touch screen HMI or a PC loaded with the EasyServe software.
Section 5 describes the Touch Screen HMI and Section 7 describes EasyServe.

• Events (Error conditions) are usually defined using three parameters. The first, which is
usually hidden by default, defines the input signal that initiates the event, the second
specifies the delay between the time when the error is detected and the time when the event
is generated, and the third, specifies the type of event that is generated (A, W1, W2 or IG). In
most cases, the Event (error) can be disabled by setting the type of event to IG.

• The DT-9 has 15 digital inputs (DI 1 through DI 15) and 13 digital outputs (DO 1 through
DO 13). Each is assigned to a specific function, and wired to the appropriate external device.
These assignments are hidden and should not be changed. See Appendix B for a list of the
default assignments.

• The DT-9 has one analog input (AI 1) and two analog outputs (AO 1 and AO 2). AI 1 is
normally used as the customer demand signal, AO 1 is normally used to control the motor
speed control and AO 2 is normally used as the customer feedback signal. These
assignments are hidden and should not be changed.

• The DT-9 has four slots for auxiliary analog I/O cards (channels A10-A13). These channels
are not normally used. Contact Stock engineering if special analog I/O signals are required.

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4.2 Startup and Functional Check
This procedure verifies that the feeder and its controls are operating properly, simulates feeder trip
conditions, and checks the principal input/output connections.

1) Apply power to the feeder.

2) Insure that the feeder is in OFF/Maint mode and that the touch screen HMI is set to the home

3) Set the feeder parameters as described in section 4.3.

4) Interpret event messages, if any, and correct faults.

5) Unbalance the load cells by engaging the calibration weight on one side of the weigh roller.
The display should indicate volumetric mode. Unbalance each load cell in order to check
both sides, then remove the calibration weight(s).

6) Press and maintain the Jog>> button to verify that belt travel is in the in correct direction.

7) Run the feeder in LOCAL mode by pressing the Run>> button. The feeder will operate at the
maintenance speed programmed in P02.16. Check the motor speed for stability.

8) Run the feeder in LOCAL by pressing the Run>> button. Set the Belt Drive Motor (Run
Enable) switch to the STOP position. The feeder should stop and the display should show a
IL01 Event: Run Disabled error message. Acknowledge the event and return the Belt Drive
Motor switch to its normal position.

9) Stop the feeder and deflect the material-on-belt limit switch paddle to simulate a loaded belt.
Run the feeder in the LOCAL mode to verify that the feeder trips. If it does not, check the
adjustment of the paddle switch cams.

10) Check the event display or the event line on EasyServe. They should both show a WM12
Material-on-Belt alarm message with a time stamp. Acknowledge the event and return the
coal-on-belt paddle to its normal position

11) Calibrate the feeder as described in section 4.4.

12) Align the analog inputs and outputs as describe in section 4.5.

13) Hang the calibration weights. Produce or simulate a feeder start permissive. Check feedrate
and feedback linearity by applying demand signals of 100, 75, 50, and 25 percent. Compare
each demand signal applied to the feedback signal output. Compare the demand feedrate
setpoint (service value 4) with the measured feed rate of the feeder for each signal.

14) Energize the feeder in the REMOTE mode and deflect the discharge pluggage alarm (or
touch the discharge pluggage sensor with a metal rod). After the preset delay in P15.10, the
feeder should be de-energized. If the feeder does not trip, check the adjustment of the cams
for the paddle switch or the sensitivity setting of the sensor according to the procedure in the
original equipment manual.

14 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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15) Check the event display or the event line on EasyServe. They should both show a WM07
Discharge Pluggage alarm with a time stamp. Acknowledge the event and return the
discharge switch to its original state.

16) Return the feeder to REMOTE operation.

4.3 Setup Parameters

The microprocessor controller is tailored to specific feeders and customers needs by the setup
parameters. Feeder-specific physical dimensions must be entered as well as user-selectable display
modes and set points. These values are stored in permanent memory and are only entered once.
See section 9 for a complete list and description of the parameters.

Note: In any given application, the majority of the DT-9 parameters are either not used, or fixed by
the design of the feeder and cabinet. These parameters can be viewed using EasyServe in expert
mode (default password 7353) but should not be changed.

The controllers will come preprogrammed from Stock Equipment Company but if changes are
needed, there are two ways to do this:

• Using EasyServe Software (See section 7.5)

• Using the Touch Screen HMI (See Section 5.2.4)

4.3.1 Commonly Changed Parameters

The following is a list of parameters that are commonly changed during startup. Their values should
be recorded for future reference. See section 9 for a complete list and detailed descriptions.

P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate and P03.05 Maximum Feedrate Actual: ______________

These parameters set the feedrate associated with a 100 % demand signal (usually 20 mA). They
must always be set to the same value. See project specific documentation for the correct value.

P02.06 Nominal Speed Actual: ______________

This parameter is the belt speed associated with the nominal (maximum) feedrate and the nominal
material density. It is calculated as:

(P02.05 Nominal feedrate) / (300 X Nom. Density X P04.10 Load cross section)

Inputs are in Lbs/hour, lbs/cubic ft and square feet. Results are in inches/sec.

P03.06 Minimum feedrate Actual: ______________

This parameter sets the minimum feedrate clamp. See project specific documentation for the
correct value.

P02.03 Scale Name Actual: ___________________________

This parameter selects the text string displayed on the top line of the touch screen HMI.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 15

©Schenck Process Group
P02.01 Language Actual: ______________
P02.02 Units Actual: ______________
P02.07 Display formats Actual: ______________
P02.08 Flow Rate Units Actual: ______________
P02.09 Counter 1 Units Actual: ______________
P02.09 Counter 2 Units Actual: ______________
P02.09 Counter 2 Units Actual: ______________

These parameters select the units and formats that are used to display the various feeder
information on the display.

P02.16 Maintenance speed Actual: _____________%

This parameter selects the demand signal to the motor speed control when the feeder is running
in local mode. It is normally set to 50%.

P04.03 Effective Platform Length Actual: ______________

This parameter specifies the length of belt that is supported by the load cells. It must be set to the
distance between the first weigh span roller and the central weigh roller (one half the distance
between the weigh span rollers). See project specific documentation for the correct value.

P04.09 Tachometer Pulses per Revolution Actual: ________ P/Rev

This parameter specifies the characteristics of the motor tachometer. See project specific
documentation for the correct value.

P04.10 Load Cross Section Actual: ______________

This parameter specifies the area under the leveling bar. See project specific documentation for
the correct value.

P07.02 Belt Motion Monitor Delay Actual: __________ Sec

P07.03 Event: Belt Motion Monitor Actual: A / W1 / W2 / IG

P07.02 sets the maximum time between Belt Motion Monitor (BMM) pluses and P07.03 selects
the type of event that is generated when this limit is exceeded. Set P07.03 to IG if a BMM is not
installed. See project specific documentation for the correct values.

P10.01 Calibration Probe Span Actual: ______________

This parameter specifies the distance between the calibration probe bosses. See project specific
documentation for the correct value.

P10.08 Calibration Weight Actual: ______________

This parameter specifies the actual value of the calibration weigh. This value is stamped on
the weight.

16 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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P13.02 Cleanout ON Time Actual: __________ Hour
P13.02 Cleanout OFF Time Actual: __________ Hour

These parameters specifies the cleanout conveyor duty cycle. Set P13.02 to zero to run the cleanout
conveyor continuously.

P15.13 Loss of Flow Trip Delay Actual: ______________

P15.14 Event: Loss of Material Actual: A / W1 / W2 / IG

These parameters control the Loss of Material on Belt event. Setting P05.14 to A causes the feeder
trip (stop the feeder) when the coal on belt signal is lost during normal operation. Setting P05.14 to
W1 or W2 will produce a warning. P05.13 sets the delay between the time that the signal is lost and
the time that the event is generated (This is normally set to one second). Set P05.14 to IG to disable
this feature.

P15.20 Level/Temperature Sensor Delay Actual: ______________

P15.21 Event: Coal Flow Actual: A / W1 / W2 / IG

These parameters are used to control the Level/Temperature Sensor event. The Level/Temperature
Sensor input is normally connected to either a flow monitor in the downspout or a temperature switch
at the feeder discharge. Setting P15.21 to A causes the feeder trip (stop the feeder) when the coal
flow monitor indicates a loss of flow in the downspout. Setting P15.21 to W1 or W2 will produce a
warning. P15.20 sets the delay between the time that the signal is detected and the time that the
event is generated. Set P15.20 to 100 Lbs for a quick response. Set P15.21 to IG to disable this
feature. See project specific documentation for the correct value.

P23.01 IP Address Actual: _____._____._____._____

P23.02 Net Mask Actual: _____._____._____._____
P23.03 Gateway Actual: _____._____._____._____

These parameters specify the Ethernet communications address. The default values should not be
changed unless the DT-9 is connected to a local network.

4.4 Calibration
The feeder should be calibrated at startup, after one month of initial operation and every six months
there after. Calibration should also be performed following a weigh roller adjustment or replacement
of the belt, the CPU board, or a load cell module. The controller should also be calibrated after the
controller firmware is updated or a Load Default Values operation is performed. Calibration is
accomplished in two separate steps.

Step one of calibration consists of the elimination of system tare, which includes the weight of the
weigh roller, load cell support assembly, and the feeder belt. It also involves measuring belt speed
and its relationship to motor speed. Step two calibrates the load cell output with a known weight.

Cancellation of feeder tare is performed by measuring the average weigh system output over exactly
two belt revolutions (eight tape passes) and then subtracting this amount from the total weight
measurement. When the belt is running empty, it produces a zero average contribution to the
totalized weight. In normal operation, the average tare is automatically subtracted from the gross
weight of the belt. Therefore, only the material weight on the belt is reflected as totalized weight.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 17

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While the empty belt is being weighed, the belt speed is also being accurately measured. This is done
by measuring the time it takes a retro-reflective marker, attached to the belt, to travel between two
fixed points on the feeder body. This parameter is measured eight times to determine repeatability
and to compensate for variations in belt thickness. From this data, the belt speed is calculated and
the relationship between belt speed and motor speed is established. The feeder operates with zero
belt slippage. Therefore, the ratio of belt speed to average motor speed is constant. This ratio is
stored in memory and is used to determine the belt speed for any motor speed.

The span of the weighing system is set after the tare has been measured. A known weight is applied
to the weigh roller and the average output over exactly two belt revolutions (eight tape passes) is
measured. This calibrated span factor is stored in memory and used to accurately determine the
value of the weight of the material on the belt.

NOTE: The DT-9 parameter P04.03 Effective Platform Length is the distance from either weigh span
roller to the central weigh roller, which is supported by the load cell. This is half the distance between
the two weigh span rollers. For any given feeder, the value used by the DT-9 should be one half of
the value used by the 196NT.

4.4.1 Performing Calibrations

The calibration process consists of the following three steps.

1) Weigh Roller Adjustment.

2) Basic (Cal 1) – Belt speed and tare calibration.
3) Span (Cal 2) – Belt Speed and span calibration.

Note: At least one Basic (Cal 1) must be performed prior to performing a Span (Cal 2).

The following special calibration processes can be preformed for testing or special maintenance
operations, but are not normally required.

1) TC: Span calibration - Chain test calibration.

2) LB: Pulses / Belt - Belt speed calibration.
3) TA: Tare - Tare calibration.

Note: Calibration is considered a local operation. No totalization takes place and analog feedback
signals are set to minimum.

18 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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4.4.2 Weigh Roller Adjustment
For the feeder to weigh accurately, the central weigh roller must be aligned with the weigh span
rollers within 0.002 inch (0.05mm). Refer to Figure 4-1.

NOTE: The parts shown may differ from those that actually shipped. This figure is to be used
as a general guideline.

Weigh Roller Adjustment Procedure

1) Mount the calibration weight on both load cells.

2) Insert the checking bars (A2451-1) through the discharge end access door of the feeder,
adjacent to the sides of the belt, and with their machined surfaces resting on the weigh span
and weigh rollers.

3) Beginning on either side, insert a 0.005 in. shim between each of the three rollers and the
machined surface of the checking bar (three places).

Figure 4-1 Weigh Roller Adjustment

4) Loosen the jam nut, and then turn the adjustment block to lower the weigh roller.

5) Slowly turn the adjustment block to raise the weigh roller until the shim is touching both
checking bar and weigh roller (slip fit). Tighten the jam nut.

6) Similarly, adjust the weigh roller on the opposite side of the feeder.

7) Remove the checking bars.

8) Remove the calibration weights.

9) The feeder must be recalibrated after weigh roller adjustment. (See procedure on next page.)

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 19

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4.4.3 Basic (CAL 1)
This operation measures the tare factor and the belt speed factor and updates the following

• P10.02 Pulses per Length

• P10.10 Basic Tare
• P10.11 Belt Circuit No.

Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them
buy pressing <Apply> in EasyServe, <SAVE> on the (optional) Touch Screen HMI or <ENTER> on
the 196NT display.


• The weigh span must be level prior calibration. If the weigh roller height has been adjusted, a
complete calibration (Basic (Cal 1) and Span (Cal 2)) must be performed.

• The calibration probes must be installed and in the correct location.

o Cal probe A is located closer to the feeder inlet.

o De-energize the DT-9 before installing the probes.

• Four retro-reflective tape clips must be installed on the belt.

o The tape clips must be farther apart than the distance between the cal probes or a
Probe Error will be generated and the calibration will not complete.

o Four tape clips are normally used but two can be used if the feeder is very shot or
eight can be used if the feeder is very long or slow. If two tape clips are used, the
feeder will be calibrated over four belt revolutions, instead of two, and P10.11 Belt
Circuit No. will be twice the correct value. If eight tape clips are used, the feeder will
be calibrated over one belt revolution and P10.11 Belt Circuit No. will be half the
correct value.

• The feeder must NOT be in volumetric mode.

• The feeder must be in OFF/Maint mode.

• The feeder belt must be empty.

• The calibration weights must NOT be installed.

20 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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Calibration Procedure:

1) Before starting the calibration, record the values of parameters P10.02 Pulses per Length
and P10.10 Basic Tare. These will be used later to verify that the calibration results are

2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window
using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items. If the (optional) touch screen HMI is
being used, first log in, then go to the calibration display by pressing the <Setup> and
<Calibration> buttons.

3) Select Basic (Cal 1)

4) Initiate the Basic (Cal 1) calibration process by pressing the <Start> button in EasyServe or
the (optional) Touch Screen HMI, or the <CAL 1> button on the 196NT display.

5) The feeder will begin to run and go through a stabilization process.

o The motor will first run at a one-half the value specified in P02.16 Maintenance
Speed, then at the full value of P02.16.

6) After Stabilizing, the feeder will go through eight tape passes. The DT-9 will display the pass
number and tachometer pulses on the screen.

7) Upon completion of the calibration four values will be displayed on the screen:

o Deviation (Variation between belt speed measurements)

o Belt Circuit No (P 10.11)

o Basic Tare (P 10.10)

o Pulses per Length Value (P 10.02).

8) After successful completion, the screen will prompt you to either save or cancel the
calibration values.

Note: If the calibration results in bad values, correct any mechanical issues and run the
calibration program again.

9) Press the <SAVE>, < ENTER> or <Apply> button to store the new calibration values, or the
<EXIT> or <Cancel> button to abort the calibration leaving the parameters unchanged.

10) After the calibration has been performed, verify that the results are consistent by comparing
the latest values of P10.02 and P10.10 to the previous values (Recorded in step 1).
Calculate the percent change using the formula [100 x (new value - old value) / (new value)].
If the result is greater then 0.25 %, check for mechanical errors in the weigh system and
repeat the calibration.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 21

©Schenck Process Group
4.4.4 Span (CAL 2)
This operation measures the load cell span factor and the belt speed factor, and updates the
following parameters.

• P10.03 Range Correction TW

• P10.10 Basic Tare
• P10.11 Belt Circuit No.

Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them
buy pressing <Apply> in EasyServe, <SAVE> on the (optional) Touch Screen HMI or <ENTER> on
the 196NT display.


• The weigh span must be level prior calibration. If the weigh roller height has been adjusted, a
complete calibration (Basic (Cal 1) and Span (Cal 2)) must be performed.

• The calibration probes must be installed and in the correct location.

o Cal probe A is located closer to the feeder inlet.

o De-energize the DT-9 before installing the probes.

• Four retro-reflective tape clips must be installed on the belt

o The tape clips must be farther apart than the distance between the cal probes or a
Probe Error will be generated and the calibration will not complete.

o Four tape clips are normally used but two can be used if the feeder is very shot or
eight can be used if the feeder is very long or slow. If two tape clips are used, the
feeder will be calibrated over four belt revolutions, instead of two, and P10.11 Belt
Circuit No. will be twice the correct value. If eight tape clips are used, the feeder will
be calibrated over one belt revolution and P10.11 Belt Circuit No. will be half the
correct value.

• The feeder must NOT be in volumetric mode.

• The feeder must be in OFF/Maint mode.

• The feeder belt must be empty.

• A Basic (Cal 1) had been performed.

• Enter Parameter P 10.08 Calibration Weight. Ensure that the value entered matches the total
value stamped on the calibration weight(s).

• Mount the calibration weight(s) on the load cells.

22 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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Calibration Procedure:

1) Before starting the calibration, record the value of parameters P10.02 Pulses per Length and
P10.03 Range Correction TW. These will be used later to verify that the calibration results
are consistent.

2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window
using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items. If the (optional) touch screen HMI is
being used, first log in, then go to the calibration display by pressing the <Setup> and
<Calibration> buttons.

3) Select Span (Cal 2)

4) Initiate the Span (Cal 2) calibration process by pressing the <Start> button in EasyServe or
the (optional) Touch Screen HMI, or the <CAL 2> button on the 196NT display.

5) The screen will prompt to add the calibration weight. The top line of the display will show the
value entered in P 10.08 and the bottom line show what the load cells are measuring based
on the current calibration parameters. Press the <ENTER> or <Start> button to proceed with

6) The feeder will begin to run and go through a stabilization process

o The motor will run at the value specified in P02.16 Maintenance Speed.

7) After Stabilizing the feeder will go through eight tape passes

o The pass number and tachometer pulses will be displayed on the screen

8) Upon completion of the calibration, four values will be displayed on the screen.

o Deviation (Variation between belt speed measurements)

o Belt Circuit No (P 10.11)

o Range Correction TW (P 10.03)

o Pulses per length. Value (P 10.02)

9) After successful completion, the screen will prompt you to either save or cancel the
calibration values.

Note: If the calibration results in bad values, correct any mechanical issues and run the
calibration program again.

10) Press the <SAVE>, < ENTER> or <Apply> button to store the new calibration values, or the
<EXIT> or <Cancel> button to abort the calibration leaving the parameters unchanged.

11) After the calibration has been performed, verify that the results are consistent by comparing
the latest values of P10.02 and P10.03 to the previous values (Recorded in step 1).
Calculate the percent change using the formula [100 x (new value - old value) / (new value)].
If the result is greater then 0.25 %, check for mechanical errors in the weigh system and
repeat the calibration.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 23

©Schenck Process Group
4.4.5 TC: Span Calibration
This operation performs a chain calibration using the values in P10.07 Simulation Travel (Belt Rev.)
and P10.09 Test Chain weight. The results are used to update the following parameter.

• P10.04 Range Correction TC.

Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them
buy pressing <Apply> in EasyServe, <SAVE> on the (optional) Touch Screen HMI or <ENTER> on
the 196NT display.

Note: The calibration probes are not used during this operation and do not need to be installed.


• The weigh span must be level prior calibration. If the weigh roller height has been adjusted, a
complete calibration (Basic (Cal 1) and Span (Cal 2)) must be performed.

• The feeder must NOT be in volumetric mode.

• The feeder must be in OFF/Maint mode.

• The feeder belt must be empty.

• The calibrated test chains must be installed.

Calibration Procedure:

1) Before starting the calibration, record the value of parameter P10.04 Range Correction TC.
This will be used later to verify that the calibration results are consistent.

2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window
using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items. If the (optional) touch screen HMI is
being used, first log in, then go to the calibration display by pressing the <Setup> and
<Calibration> buttons.

3) Select TC: Span Calibration.

4) Initiate the TC: Span Calibration process by pressing the <Start> button in EasyServe or the
(optional) Touch Screen HMI. This process cannot be performed using the 196NT display.

5) The screen will prompt to add the calibration weight (test chain). The top line of the display
will show the value entered in P 10.09 and the bottom line show what the load cells are
measuring based on the current calibration parameters. Press the <Start> button to proceed
with calibration.

6) The feeder will begin to run and go through a stabilization process

o The motor will run at the value specified in P02.16 Maintenance Speed.

7) After Stabilizing the feeder will run for the number of belt revolutions specified in P10.07.

o The percentage complete will be displayed on the screen

24 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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8) Upon completion of the calibration, four values will be displayed on the screen.

o TC: Ready (Simulated weight delivered)

o Range Correction TC (P 10.04)

9) After successful completion, the screen will prompt you to either save or cancel the
calibration values.

10) Press the <SAVE>, < ENTER> or <Apply> button to store the new calibration values, or the
<EXIT> or <Cancel> button to abort the calibration leaving the parameters unchanged.

Note: If the calibration results in bad values, correct any mechanical issues and run the
calibration program again.

11) After the calibration has been performed, verify that the results are consistent by comparing
the latest value of P10.04 to the previous value (Recorded in step 1). Calculate the percent
change using the formula [100 x (new value - old value) / (new value)]. If the result is greater
then 0.25 %, check for mechanical errors in the weigh system and repeat the calibration.

4.4.6 LB: Pulses per Belt

The LB: Pulses per Belt calibration process is not intended for use in coal feeder applications and
should not normally be preformed.

4.4.7 TA: Tare

This operation measures the weight of the empty belt (tare factor) for a period of time based on the
value of P10.11 Belt Circuit No. times P10.07 Simulation Travel, and updates the following

• P10.10 Basic Tare

Note: The calibration results are not saved to the parameter table until the operator accepts them
buy pressing <Apply> in EasyServe, <SAVE> on the (optional) Touch Screen HMI or <ENTER> on
the 196NT display.

Note: The calibration probes are not used during this operation and do not need to be installed.


• The weigh span must be level prior calibration. If the weigh roller height has been adjusted, a
complete calibration (Basic (Cal 1) and Span (Cal 2)) must be performed.

• The feeder must NOT be in volumetric mode.

• The feeder must be in OFF/Maint mode.

• The feeder belt must be empty.

• The calibration weights must NOT be installed.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 25

©Schenck Process Group
Calibration Procedure:

1) Before starting the calibration, record the value of parameter P10.10 Basic Tare. This will be
used later to verify that the calibration results are consistent.

2) If the calibration is being performed using EasyServe, navigate to the calibration window
using the Tools | Calibration Programs menu items. If the (optional) touch screen HMI is
being used, first log in, then go to the calibration display by pressing the <Setup> and
<Calibration> buttons.

3) Select TA: Tare calibration.

4) Initiate the TA: Tare calibration process by pressing the <Start> button in EasyServe or the
(optional) Touch Screen HMI. This process cannot be performed using the 196NT display.

5) The feeder will begin to run and go through a stabilization process

o Run the motor at the value specified in P02.16 Maintenance Speed.

6) After Stabilizing, the feeder will run for the specified time (P10.07 times P10.11). The DT-9
will display the percent completion and the current tare value as a percentage of the rated
belt load. The nominal belt load is defined as the nominal flow rate divided by the nominal
belt speed.

7) Upon completion of the calibration two values will be displayed on the screen:

o Deviation – Percent deviation between the new tare value and the previous value.

o Tare – Tare value as a percentage of the nominal belt load.

8) After successful completion, the screen will prompt you to either save or cancel the
calibration values.

9) Press the <SAVE>, < ENTER> or <Apply> button to store the new calibration values, or the
<EXIT> or <Cancel> button to abort the calibration leaving the parameters unchanged.

Note: If the calibration results in bad values, correct any mechanical issues and run the
calibration program again.

10) After the calibration has been performed, verify that the results are consistent by comparing
the latest value of P10.10 to the previous value (Recorded in step 1). Calculate the percent
change using the formula [100 x (new value - old value) / (new value)]. If the result is greater
then 0.25 %, check for mechanical errors in the weigh system and repeat the calibration.

26 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

©Schenck Process Group
4.5 Analog Trim
The feeder controls respond to a feed rate demand signal and return isolated analog feedback
signals. When the input and output modules associated with these signals are used with the plant’s
control system, they must be adjusted prior to operating the feeder under remote control. To perform
this procedure, Stock Equipment Company recommends the Fluke Model 87 Digital Multimeter or
equivalent. The DC accuracy for milliamps should be ± 0.2% and the DC accuracy for voltage should
be ± 0.1% plus 1 digit. It also must have a 4-1/2 digit high-resolution mode.

• Setting analog trim values using the touch screen HMI (See section 5)

• Setting analog trim values using EasyServe (See section 7)

NOTE: The plant combustion control system is the preferred source of the demand signal. This will
precisely align the feeder to the control system.

The DT-9 has one built in analog input (4-20 mA or 0-10VDC) and two built in analog outputs
(4-20mA only). These I/O channels are described below.

1) AI 1: Connected to wires SIG+ & SIG- (X6-3, X6-4 or X6-3, X6-5). This input is normally used
for the customer demand signal. The value in P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint (normally hidden)
should be set to AI 1.

2) AO 1: Connected to wires 142, 143 & 144 (X6-6 and X6-7). This output is normally used for
the motor speed control (VFD). The value in P11.03 Motor Speed control Output should be
set to AO 1.

3) AO 2: Connected to wires 139, 140 & 141 (X6-8 and X6-9). This output is normally used for
the customer feedback signal. The value in P14.04 AO: Actual Flow Rate should be set
to AO 2.

In addition to the built in analog channels, there are four slots in which analog I/O cards can be
installed. Parameter group 1 is used to assign each slot to an analog I/O channel (AI 2 through AI 5
or AO 3 through AO 6). Slots can be either input or output, depending on the type of card installed.
Each card is individually isolated.

1) A10: Connected to terminal blocks X12-1 and X12-2. Can be assigned to AI 2 or AO 3.

2) A11: Connected to terminal blocks X12-3 and X12-4. Can be assigned to AI 3 or AO 4.

3) A12: Connected to terminal blocks X12-5 and X12-6. Can be assigned to AI 4 or AO 3.

4) A13: Connected to terminal blocks X12-7 and X12-8. Can be assigned to AI 5 or AO 6.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 27

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28 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual
©Schenck Process Group
5 Operation Using the Touch Screen HMI
This chapter describes control of the DT-9 using the Touch Screen HMI (Human-Machine Interface).


1) The following values and settings remain stored after power failure:

o Counter readings

o Parameter settings

o Setpoints

o Service values

o Counter pulses pending.

2) This manual uses the abbreviations "[Button Name...] button", e.g. [HOME] button, to
describe the buttons displayed on the touch screen HMI.

3) Text entry fields on the HMI are indicated by a white box surrounded by a gray
rectangle. To enter text, tap the desired text entry field to select it. A keyboard will
appear on the screen. When you have finished entering text, press the [OK] button
to save your changes and exit the keyboard. To exit the keyboard without saving
changes, press the [EXIT] button.

4) In the event of a power failure while the feeder was running in remote mode, the
system will restart in remote mode and, if the running contact is active, continue to
feed coal.

5.1 Initial Configuration

When the DT-9 is first powered up, the HMI will automatically log in to the connected DT-9 controller.
In order to change the settings of the HMI itself, it is necessary to log out of the DT-9 and log into the
HMI via the following steps:

1) From the “Home” screen, press the [Login] button and enter the DT-9 password (the
default is ‘”7353”). The “Home” screen will reappear and the [Login] button will
change to [Logout] to indicate that you have successfully logged in to the DT-9.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 29

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2) Press the [Sel. Scale] button. A prompt will appear asking if you really want to exit the
scale. Press [YES].

3) The main HMI configuration screen will now appear. A list of available DT-9
controllers on the local subnet will be displayed on the upper left portion of the
screen, and the main function buttons will be displayed along the right edge. The
display function buttons are described in the following subsections. Most of the
function buttons will be grayed out and unavailable. To gain full access, press the
[Login] button and enter the HMI password (the default is ‘”7353”). Press the [Start]
button to return to the main HMI configuration screen, or press the [Change
Password] button to change the display password. All of the function buttons will now
be available, indicating that you have successfully logged in to the HMI.

5.1.1 The “Network” Screen

Press the [VHM Addr.] button to change the network settings of the HMI. This screen allows you to
set the IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway of the HMI. These settings should be obtained from your
network administrator. Press the [Save] button to save any changes you have made to these settings
before exiting.

5.1.2 The “Display Settings” Screen

Press the [Display] button to adjust the HMI display settings. The “Inactivity Timeout” parameter
defines the length of time that the HMI will remain at full brightness after being touched before
entering “Sleep Mode” and dimming the display. The “Working Brightness” parameter adjusts the
brightness of the display during normal operation, and the “Sleeping Brightness” parameter adjusts
the brightness of the display during “Sleep Mode”. Press the [Save] button to save any changes you
have made to these settings before exiting.

5.1.3 The “Feeder” Screen

Press the [Feeder] button to select the DT-9 controller that the HMI will connect to. A list of all
available DT-9 controllers on the local subnet will be displayed, and the selected controller will be
indicated with a check mark. To connect to a different DT-9, press the check box next to the desired
controller and then press the [Select] button. The HMI will then connect to the new DT-9 the next
time it is power cycled or when the [Con. Scale] button is pressed. To rescan the local subnet, press
the [Scan] button.

5.1.4 The “Configuration” Screen

Press the [Config] button to adjust the networking options of the HMI. The “URL of start page”
parameter defines the start page of the DT-9’s embedded web server. The “Start timeout in seconds”
parameter defines the amount of time that the HMI will attempt to connect to the attached DT-9
before defaulting to the HMI configuration screen.

5.1.5 The “Communication” Screen

Press the [Com] button to change the method by which the HMI will communicate with an attached
DT-9 controller. The available options are “Ethernet”, “Bluetooth”, and “RS485”. The factory default
is “Ethernet”, and this should not be changed.

30 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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5.1.6 The “Calibration” Screen
Press the [Calibration] button and follow the on-screen prompts to calibrate the touch screen.

5.1.7 Exiting HMI Configuration

Press the [Con. Scale] button to exit the HMI calibration screen and return to the DT-9
“Home” screen.

5.2 Display Functions

5.2.1 The “Home” Screen
The Home screen is the first screen displayed after the HMI has finished booting. It displays the
current status of the feeder, and contains the main operating controls.

The Mode Select buttons are located on the bottom left of the Home screen, and are used to select
the operating mode of the feeder (See sections 3.4 and 3.5 for more information on
operating modes). Operating the HMI in “Off/Maintenance” Mode

Press the [Off/Maint] button to place the feeder in “Off/Maintenance” mode. The background color of
the Home screen will turn yellow to indicate that “Off/Maintenance” mode has been selected. In this
mode, the plant start/stop signals and demand signals are ignored. The feeder can be run in the
forward or reverse directions by pressing the [Run >>] or [Run <<] buttons on the Home screen, as
long as there is no material on the feeder belt. The feeder will run in the desired direction at the speed
defined in P 02.14 Maintenance Speed. The [Stop] button will stop the feeder. Pressing and holding
the [<< Jog] or [Jog >>] buttons will cause the feeder to jog backwards or forwards for as long as the
button is pressed. The jog speed is the same as the Maintenance Speed defined in P 02.14. The
feeder can be jogged with or without material on the belt. Operating the HMI in “Remote” Mode

Press the [Remote] button to place the feeder in “Remote” mode. The background color of the Home
screen will turn white to indicate that “Remote” mode has been selected. At this point, the feeder is
ready to receive commands from the plant’s control system. Upon receipt of a feeder start command
and a demand signal from the control system, the feeder will begin to operate and the feeder graphic
on the Home screen will indicate that the feeder is running in the forward direction. As material fills
the belt, the Belt Load and Material Total values displayed on the Home screen will begin to update.
The feeder will respond automatically to the changing demands of the plant’s control system until it
receives a feeder stop command or until the [Off/Maint] button is pressed. If an alarm occurs, it will
be displayed in a banner across the top of the Home screen and can be cleared by pressing the [Ack
Event] button. If a trip occurs, the feeder will be stopped and the display will automatically switch to
“Off/Maintenance” mode. The trip can be cleared by resolving the problem that caused the trip
and pressing the [Ack Event] button. “Remote” mode can then be resumed by pressing the
[Remote] button.

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5.2.2 The “Trend” Screen
The “Trend” screen is a customizable line graph that can be used to plot various data items that are
logged by the DT-9 over time. See Appendix C for a list of available data items.

5.2.3 The “Values” Screen

The “Values” screen displays information about the feeder on two sub screens, which can be
accessed by pressing the [Values] or [Totals] buttons.

The [Totals] button displays the following data:

• Material Total is the total amount of material delivered by the feeder, and is the sum of the
Gravimetric and Volumetric Totals.

• Gravimetric Total is the total amount of material delivered by the feeder while operating in
Gravimetric Mode.

• Volumetric Total is the total amount of material delivered by the feeder while operating in
Volumetric Mode.

• The [Reset] button will reset all three totalizers. The total values cannot be recovered after
the [Reset] button is pressed.

The [Values] button displays the following data:

• Belt Speed shows the current speed of the belt in feet or meters per second.

• Belt Load shows the weight of the material on the belt per unit of belt length in pounds per
foot or kilograms per meter.

• Speed shows the shaft speed of the belt drive motor in revolutions per minute.

• Density shows the currently calculated density of the material on the belt in pounds per cubic
foot or kilograms per cubic meter.

5.2.4 The “Setup” Screen

The “Setup” Screen is used to configure the DT-9 and to access the various log files that are stored
by the controller.

The following buttons are initially shown on the “Setup” screen: [Data Log], [Event Log], [Param Log],
[Parameter], and [] (Right Arrow).

Pressing the Right Arrow button causes the display to scroll to the following additional buttons: [Trim],
[Defaults], [Simulation], [Calibration], and [Set Time]. Pressing the Right Arrow button again will cause
the display to scroll back to the initial list of buttons.

The [Trim], [Defaults], and [Calibration] buttons will be grayed out and unavailable unless the user is
logged in to the DT-9. The user must also log in before changing any of the parameters that are
accessed via the [Parameter] button.

32 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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To log in to the DT-9, press the [Login] button, enter the DT-9 password (the default is
‘”7353”), and press [Login]. The previously selected screen will reappear and the [Login]
button will change to [Logout] to indicate that you have successfully logged in to the DT-9.

The following subsections describe the various screens that are accessed via the buttons on
the “Setup” screen. Data Log Values

The “Data Log Values” screen displays the hourly and daily material totals in pounds or kilograms.
The Up and Down Arrow buttons can be used to scroll from hour to hour or day to day to view the
previously saved totals. Event Log Values

The “Event Log Values” screen displays the Event Log and Command Log. The Up and Down Arrow
buttons can be used to scroll through the various events and user commands that were recorded by
the DT-9. Parameter Log Values

The “Parameter Log Values” screen displays a log of all the DT-9 parameters that have been
modified by the user. The Up and Down Arrow buttons can be used to scroll through the various
parameter changes that were recorded by the DT-9. Parameter Setup

The “Parameter” screen is used to display and edit the various parameters available on the DT-9.
Refer to Section 9 of this manual for a detailed description of the available parameters and settings.

The top half of the “Parameter” screen displays the current Parameter Block. The bottom half of the
screen displays the various parameters that are available in the selected Parameter Block. Press the
Up and Down Arrow buttons to scroll through the various blocks and parameters.

To change the value of a parameter, press the [Edit] button (Note: the user must be logged in to
change parameter values). If the parameter contains a list of possible settings, a set of Up and Down
Arrow buttons will appear and can be used to scroll through the available options. If the parameter
contains a discrete value, a text box will appear. Press the [Save] button to save any changes that
were made to the parameter value, or press the [Exit] button to exit without saving any changes. Trimming the Analog Inputs and Outputs

The “Trim” screen is used to trim the analog inputs and outputs.

Any active analog input or feedback must be matched or adjusted to the DT-9 controls. Two signals
levels must be adjusted for each channel used. The first signal level, MIN, corresponds to the lower
value being adjusted and is transmitted when the feed rate is at 0%. The second level, MAX,
corresponds to the higher value being adjusted and is transmitted when the feed rate is at 100%.

Note: If the feeder is not equipped with a remote analog demand input, the input alignment can be
omitted. If an analog output signal is not present, the output alignment section can be omitted.

Note: Unlike the 196NT, it is necessary to trim the analog output channel (normally AO 1) that is used
to control the motor speed control.

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I/O Channel Adjustment

• When setting the output channels use a meter to measure the signal on:

o AO 1: Connected to wires 142, 143 & 144 (X6-6 and X6-7)

o AO 2: Connected to wires 139, 140 & 141 (X6-8 and X6-9).

• When setting the input channel source the signal to:

o AI 1: Connected to wires SIG+ & SIG- (X6-3, X6-4 or X6-3, X6-5).

Follow These Steps:

1) Press [Trim] to initiate the Trim function. Analog Output Channel 1 is always the first one
displayed. To access other channels use the arrow up or down buttons. Press [Exit] to get
back to the main screen.

2) When aligning the output channels, the minimum and maximum analog signals are sent by
the DT-9. The user measures and enters the actual values. The AO 1 values are stored in
P17.11 and P17.12, and the AO 2 values are stored in P17.13 and P17.14.

a. Press the Down arrow button to scroll to the measure mode for output channel
AO 1 Min. The DT-9 will output the minimum signal value. The display will ask for the
measured value. Enter the value measured on your meter in the “Analog value
measured” text box then press [Save] to store.

b. Press the Down arrow button to scroll to the measure mode for output channel
AO 1 Max. The DT-9 will output the maximum signal value. The display will ask for
the measured value. Enter the value measured on your meter in the “Analog value
measured” text box then press [Save] to store.

c. Repeat steps a. and b. for output channel AO 2.

d. Press the [Exit] button to exit the Trim function.

3) When aligning the input channel AI 1, the minimum and maximum analog demand signals are
applied to the input signal wires of the DT-9. The analog demand is measured then stored in
P 17.01 Analog Input 1 Min and P 17.02 Analog Input 2 Max.

a. Press [Trim] then use the arrow keys to select Analog Input 1 Min. Press [Start] to
enter the measure mode. The first value measured is the minimum analog demand
signal AI 1. Use either a precision source or, preferably, a minimum demand signal
directly from the combustion control system. The display will show the value being
measured from the source. Press [Save] to store the value.

b. Press the Down arrow button to scroll to the maximum analog demand signal AI 1
and press [Start] to enter the measure mode. Use either a precision source or,
preferably, a maximum demand signal directly from the combustion control system.
The display will show the value being measured from the source. Press [Save] to
store the value.

34 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

©Schenck Process Group Restoring the Factory Default Settings
The “Defaults” screen allows the user to overwrite all parameter settings with the factory default
values. The [Custom] button will overwrite all parameters with the original values as set by Stock
Equipment at the time that the feeders were shipped. The [Factory] button will overwrite all
parameters with the factory default values. In general, the [Custom] button should always be used
when resetting the parameters. Simulation Mode

The “Simulation” is not currently operational and should not be used. Calibrating the Feeder

The “Calibration” screen allows the user to access the various calibration functions. Refer to Section
4 of this manual for a complete description of the available calibration functions. Press the Up and
Down Arrow buttons to select the desired calibration function, then press the [Start] button and follow
the on-screen instructions. When the calibration function has completed, press the [Save] button to
save the new calibration values or press the [Exit] button to exit without saving. Setting the Current Time and Date

The [Set Time] button allows the user to edit the current Date and Time. The current values are
displayed, and can be edited via a text box.

5.3 Typical Operating Procedures

1) When filling the bunker, first close the inlet valve to minimize the filling pressure on
the feeder and to avoid compaction of the material at the feeder inlet. This precaution
is unnecessary if the bunker is refilled while at least 8 to 10 feet (2.43 to 3.05 meters)
of material remain in it.

2) When starting the feeder, open the inlet valve slowly to load the belt at a controlled
rate and to minimize compaction at the feeder inlet.

3) Energize the feeder controls at the disconnect switch in the control cabinet. Observe
that the HMI is illuminated.

4) From the [HOME] screen, press the [Remote] button. Upon receipt of a customer-
generated feeder start command and a demand signal from the combustion control
system, the feeder begins to operate and the display indicates that the feeder is
running forward.

5) As material fills the feeder belt, the display indicates that the feeder is
feeding material.

6) The DT-9 will begin totalizing the weight and updating the current feeder information.

7) The feeder will respond automatically to the changing demands of the combustion
control system until it is de-energized.

8) For a brief stop with a loaded belt, press the [OFF/Maint.] button.

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9) For a clean shutdown with an empty belt, close the inlet valve while the feeder is still
running. When the belt is emptied, press the [OFF/Maint] button. This procedure is
recommended whenever the feeder will be inactive for a long period of time, since it
eliminates the possibility of material compaction at the feeder inlet due to
consolidation caused by its own weight.

10) To jog the feeder belt forward, press the [OFF/Maint] button followed by the [Jog >>]
button on the microprocessor keyboard for as long as motion is required. Pressing
the [<< Jog] button will jog the feeder belt backwards.

11) To operate the feeder in the MAINTENANCE mode for inspection or servicing, press
the [OFF/Maint] button followed by the [Run >>] button. The feeder will run forward at
the speed programmed in P02.14 Maintenance Speed. Pressing the [<< Run] button
will cause the feeder to run backwards at the same speed.

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6 Operation using the 196NT Display
The VCU20103 does not support the 196NT display.

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7 Operation Using EasyServe
This chapter describes control of the DT-9 using EasyServe.

7.1 Program EasyServe VPC 20150

Designed as PC program for DISOCONT commissioning and servicing, EasyServe lets you perform
any operating and calibrating operation. The program is operable under Microsoft 2000/XP/Vista
operating systems. The control unit lets you perform all controlling and calibrating operations without
restrictions. The menu control permits flexible and easy adjustment, lets you access service data,
operate the scale for servicing, and customize the menu texts on PC screen and all operator units.

7.2 Minimum System Requirements

• Pentium or CPU-compatible
• 900MB free hard disk space
• VGA display, 32768 color monitor recommended
• Operating systems Microsoft Windows® 2000/XP/Vista with latest service packs
• Mouse or other type of pointer
• CD-ROM drive.

7.3 Installation
Insert CD VPC20150 into CD-ROM drive. Normally, installation starts automatically. If not, open
Windows explorer select your CD-ROM drive. To open, double click on file. The automatic installation
program prompts you through a number of dialogs, for you to confirm.

If an old EasyServe version is available on your PC it must be removed (using Control Panel | Add or
Remove Programs) before the installation can be performed.

To be able to install the EasyServe program, your name must be registered as user in the group of
administrators under Windows® 2000/XP/Vista. Top execute program, main user rights are required.

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7.4 Start Program and Connect to Feeder
Before EasyServe can be used the laptop or PC, an Ethernet cable must be installed between the
DT-9 and the PC and the PC must be configured for direct Ethernet communications. This is process
is described below.

DO NOT use the RJ45 connector marked X96 to connect the DT-9 to a laptop or PC. This
connector is designed to supply power for the Touch Screen HMI through normally unused
connections. Connecting a PC to X96 could cause damage to the DT-9, the PC or both. A
red cover is normally installed over this connector to prevent it from being used with a PC.

7.4.1 Connecting to Feeder

The EasyServe program and an Ethernet connection are used for most DT-9 Programming
operations. The DT-9 cannot generate an IP address for the computer running EasyServe so the PC
must be set to a static IP address. The DT-9 default IP address is and the PC must be
on the same subnet. Set the PC address to as starting point. One of several ways to
do this is listed below.

Windows® XP

1) Select Network Connections in Control Panel

2) Double click on the Local Area Connection line to bring up Local Area Connection Status
dialog box. If you have more then one Local Area Connection you probably want to select
the one that is not connected.

3) Click on the Properties button (under the General tab) in the Local Area Connection Status
dialog box. This will bring up the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.

4) Under the General tab, scroll down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) line, select this line then
press the Properties button. This will bring up the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
dialog box.

5) In the General tab, the Obtain an IP address automatically button will normally be set, and
the Alternate Configuration tab will be visible. Select the Alternate Configuration tab.

6) If an alternate IP address has already been entered, record this value. Select the User
Configured button then enter the IP address ( and the Subnet mask
( to use with the DT-9. Leave the Default gateway field blank.

Note: It is not necessary to remove the alternate IP address once the DT-9 update has been
completed. When the Ethernet port is configured as described above, the PC/Laptop can be
connected to a DT-9 or a company network without changing the settings.

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7) If the Ethernet port has been set to a fixed IP address, the Obtain an IP address
automatically button will not be set and the Alternate Configuration tab will not be visible. In
this case either the fixed IP address can be changed, by changing the IP address and Subnet
mask fields in the Use the following IP address: box, or by selecting the Obtain an IP address
automatically button and following steps 5 and 6. In either case, the previous IP address and
Subnet mask should be recorded prior to making any changes.

8) Select OK and back out.

9) Make the physical connection to the DT-9 by installing a CAT 5 cable (either straight through
or crossover) between the PC Ethernet port and any of the RJ45 connectors on the DT-9
except X96. X96 uses normally unused connection to supply power to the Touch Screen
HMI and connecting a PC to X96 could cause damage to the DT-9, the PC or both. See the
warning above.

10) Start EasyServe and select the Connection | MODBUS TCP (Scanner) option. The controller
if connected should be displayed. Select the controller and select Connect.

11) If there are more than one Ethernet connection on the computer EasyServe may have a
problem deciding which one to use. Rebooting the computer (not just logging out) while the
DT-9 is connected and running will usually fix this problem. If this doesn’t work the other
connection may have to be disabled.

Windows® Vista

1) Select Network Connections in Control Panel.

2) Double click on Network and Sharing Center.

3) Click on the Manage Network Connections line, on the left side of the window.

4) Double click on the network connection that will be used to communicate with the DT-9.
This is normally marked Local Area Connection.

5) In the Local Area Connection Status window, click on the Properties button. This will
bring up the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.

6) Proceed to step 4. above.

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7.4.2 Access to Feeder Commands and Parameters
Once a feeder connection has been established, you have to register to make any parameter
changes or operate the feeder. To do this click on the red lock toolbar button it will change to a
yellow key (or go to Edit – Register or press F2 on the keyboard).

Once registered any parameter changes or commands are sent to the feeder immediately.

To unregister click the yellow key toolbar button and make it go back to red lock (or go to Edit –
Unregister or press F3 on the keyboard).

7.5 Parameter Set

Once connected to a DT-9 go to View – Parameter set: Online to access the parameter set. It’s
displayed along the left side of the screen organized by parameter block. To view the parameters
click on a block and they will be displayed on the right.

At the bottom of the parameter set the events and hardware configuration can be accessed.
• Events
o All the events for the DT-9 are listed here in groups similar to the parameters. Click
on a group to see the event names and numbers on the right. The parameter that
corresponds to the event will be listed after the name. If you click the event name on
the right it will take you to the parameter that controls it.
• Hardware configuration
o This contains a list of all the Analog inputs/outputs, digital inputs/outputs and
Load Cells. Just like the event list if you click the event name on the right it will take
you to the parameter that controls it.

7.5.1 .PAR Files

Feeder files for EasyServe are saved as .PAR files. To load a .PAR go to File | Open. Once the file
has been opened, the parameters can be viewed and changed. The background color remains a
bluish-gray as long as you are just editing a .PAR file and have not loaded it to a DT-9.

To send the file, a feeder connection is required. Once the connection has been established, the
background changes to white and displays the parameter set currently on the DT-9. Open the .PAR
file you wish to load or go if it was already opened you can just go to View and select the parameter
set by name. The background should go back to the bluish gray color as before. Go to File | Transmit,
check the box of the parameter set to be loaded and click OK. Click OK on the next pop up saying it
may take a minute.

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7.5.2 Read/change Parameters
1) Loaded .PAR file
o Once a file has been loaded, the parameters can be viewed and edited. The
parameter set file will be displayed on the left hand side. Click on a parameter block
on the left to display the parameters on the right. To edit the parameter click in the
box and enter using the keyboard or use the pull down tab to set the desired value.

2) Connected to feeder controller

o Once a connection has been established and you have registered per section 7.4.3
parameters can be edited as described in item 1).

7.5.3 Loading Custom Default Parameters

A set of custom default parameters a can be loaded to the DT-9 controller. Loading custom defaults
will load the parameters setup by Stock Equipment.

Edited parameters and calibrating values are reset. We recommend that you print
parameters using the Print Parameters function before loading default values.

To load:

• Go to Tools | Commissioning | Load Custom Defaults. EasyServe will ask for verification that
you want to load defaults. Click Yes to load the default parameters.

7.5.4 Loading Factory Default Parameters

A set of Factory default parameters a can be loaded to the DT-9 controller. These are the controller
default values, NOT the initial Stock values.

The Load Default Parameters operation will reset all calibration values and any
parameters that have been edited, and will also reset the Custom Default Parameters. Stock
recommends that parameters be printed or saved to disk before loading default values. Stock does
not recommend loading factory defaults except after a firmware update, or when a memory error is

To load:

• Go to Tools – Commissioning – Load Custom Defaults. EasyServe will ask for verification
that you want to load defaults. Click Yes to load the default parameters.

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7.5.5 Expert Mode
Parameter access permissions can be modified using expert mode. The three options available are:

• R: Read access only. The parameter cannot be edited.

• W: Writable. The parameter can be viewed and edited.
• H: Hide. The parameter cannot be viewed or edited unless in Expert mode.

To access Expert mode click Edit | Expert Mode (or press F6). EasyServe will prompt for a password
to enter Expert Mode. The default password is 7353. Press enter or click ok once the password is
entered. Now when viewing parameters, there will be a square to the left of the parameter value with
one of the above letters in it representing the parameter state. Click on the square to change status.

7.5.6 Print Parameters

A printout of the parameter set can be done by going to File | Print. A window will pop up giving you a
few checkbox options for what to include on the printout:

• Only changed Parameters – Parameters that have been changed since the last loading of a
parameter file.
• Only visible Parameters – Does not print any parameters that have been set to hidden in
expert mode.
• Hardware configuration – This will add a list of the analog/digital inputs/outputs, and Load
cells to the end of the parameter set on the printout

Click print when ready to proceed with printout.

7.6 Operating the Feeder

7.6.1 Scale Operation Screens
The main screen of EasyServe can either display the parameter set (as described above) or Scale
(feeder) Operation 1 and 2. To change this go to View – then select one of the options above the line
on the pull down menu. A DT-9 connection is required to access the scale operation or online
parameter set screens.

• Scale Operation 1:

o This is the screen to use when operating the feeder from EasyServe. The feeder can
be placed in remote, local and jog from this screen. Feeder operation is the same as
it is when using the 196NT display (See section 5). This is also where the totalizers
can be reset. Along with this real time feeder, information is displayed on the
right side.

NOTE: To operate the feeder, you must have a connection and be registered (see
section 7.4).

 Remote - Click the remote button to put the feeder in REMOTE mode. The
button will change to OFF/Maint and Remote will be displayed to the left.
Click the button again to put the feeder back in OFF mode.

44 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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 Local - Click the RUN>> button to run the feeder in LOCAL mode. Click the
button again to stop the feeder and place it back in OFF mode. The RUN<<
button will run the feeder in reverse.

 Jog - Click and hold to JOG>> the feeder. Click and hold the JOG<< to jog
the feeder in reverse.

 Reset Totalizer - Click button to reset the totalizer

• Scale Operation 2:

o This screen gives status information only. The feeder can not be controlled. Along
with normal operational info, the load cells can be monitored if they are connected.

7.6.2 Events

Events will be displayed across the bottom of the EasyServe screen (The event can also be viewed
by going to View | Events, bringing up the event window). Alarms and warnings can be
acknowledged, after correcting the situation, by clicking on the red X toolbar button. The event
message on the bottom will go back to “No Events”.

7.6.3 Calibration
See section 4.4 for feeder calibration instructions.

7.6.4 Service Values

The service values on EasyServe are displayed in pop-up windows. Up to ten windows can be
opened at one time. To open a service value window go to View – Service Values, and select one.
There is no difference in the ten windows the same information can be accessed from any of them.
The values are divided up by eight tabs across the top to access different information as listed below.

1) MV 1
o Load cell info
o Tachometer Hz
o Speed set point
o Belt load info.

2) MV 2
o Software info
o Hardware info
o Totalizer pulses
o Belt motion monitor.

3) AI
o Analog input signals.

4) AO
o Analog output signals.

5) V103-DI
o Digital input status.

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6) V103-DO
o Digital output status.

7) OP1
o Feedrate info
o Totalizers
o Belt speed and load
o Density.

8) OP2
o Does not contain any values with current DT-9 version.

7.6.5 Trends
Like the service values, ten trend windows can be opened. Within each trend window the following
values can be viewed.

• Feeder On
• Flow Rate
• Totalizer 1
• Totalizer 2
• Belt Load
• Belt Speed
• Actual Setpoint
• Deviation

To open a trend window, add the desired values, and modify the trend, follow these steps.

1) Go to View – Trend – and select one of the ten trends.

2) The trend window will pop up. Whatever the last selected values were, for that trend window
number, will be displayed.

3) To change the scaling of the graph or add a name click the third button from the left on the
top of the trend window (the modify button). A window will pop up, edit the fields in the top
right to the desired values.

4) While still in the modify window click on value 1 on the left side.

5) Here you can select what you want to appear on the trend. To add this value to the trend
make sure the display field is set to yes. Next, click the signal source button. A window will
pop up where you can select one of the above mentioned values. Select the one you want
and click apply.

6) The name and color can be modified for each value also in the fields below the signal source

7) Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add as many values as you want to the trend.

8) Click save and close to apply the settings to the trend.

Note: The first two buttons at the top left are for starting record and stopping the trend. The fourth
button (red X) deletes the recorded trends.

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7.6.6 Setting Time
To adjust the date/time of the DT-9, go to Tools | Commissioning | Adjust Date/Time. Select the
date/time in the window that pops up then click OK.

7.6.7 Options
The EasyServe options can be accessed by going to Tools | Options. The options window
opens and has 4 tabs. This window lets you change language preferences, communication
settings, display settings, print settings and working folder for the parameter set loaded. You can
also the factory default parameters, STOCK DOES NOT RECOMMEND LOADING

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48 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual
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8 Testing

8.1 Calibration Weight Test

Calibration weight testing performs the following functions:
• Check for mechanical or electrical errors.
• Can check system linearity.

• Calibration weight.

Follow these steps:

• Enter effective check weight into Parameter P 10.08 "Effective Check Weight".
• Call up the "TW: Weight Check" calibrating function (see Calibrating Functions item).

Deviations of measured value from actual value may be caused by

• Platform distortion
• Improper alignment
• Interferential forces acting on load cell cable.

8.2 Chain Test

Chain testing performs the following functions:
• Check for mechanical or electrical errors.
• Can check system linearity.
• Check for weigh system alignment errors.

• Calibration chain.

Follow these steps:

• Enter chain test weight in Parameter P 10.09 "Test Chain Weight".
• Call up the "TC: Span Calibration" calibrating function (see Calibrating Functions item).

Deviations of measured value from actual value may be caused by

• Platform distortion
• Improper alignment
• Interferential forces acting on load cell cable.
• Weight roller mis-alignment.

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8.3 Material Test
No check or calibration using check weights can perfectly simulate actual conditions. The actual
accuracy can only be determining with a material test. The DT-9 allows errors found during this
testing to be easily corrected using Parameter P10.05 Range Correction TM

• Handling route from weighing platform to material collecting point is totally clean.
• No material is diverted during the test.
• If feed screws or air slides are provided between platform and collecting point, run the system
with material for approx. 30m minutes before starting the material test. This will allow the
normal build-ups to form on feed units.
• Do not remove dust or clean the equipment during the test.
• Hoppers or vehicles transporting the material to a legal-for-trade commercial scale have been
cleaned and re-weighed before filling (tare weight).

Figure 7-1 shows the operating principle of a material test.

Figure 7-1 Material Test

Within a certain period of time, e.g. 15 min., an actual material amount MW of 4.9 t is fed. The
material value MA displayed on DISOCONT is 5.0 t. The new value of P 09.01 "Range Correction" is
computed using the following formula:

Parameter P 09.01 (new) = Parameter P 09.01 (old) * MW / MA

In our example, value is 0.98.

Enter new value into Parameter P10.05 "Range Correction TM".

50 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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9 Parameters
This chapter discusses the parameters available with DT-9. Some parameters are not normally used
on Stock coal feeders. These parameters are hidden by default and are marked as Normally Hidden
in the parameter list below. These parameters can be viewed, modified or made visible using the
Expert Mode in EasyServe. Use the Edit | Expert Mode menu selection or the F6 key. The default
password is 7353.

9.1 General Information

Parameters are variable features or data used to adapt DT-9 to the application.
There are two principal types of parameter:

Selection parameters - for selection from multiple Options

• Select characteristic values (e.g., display unit, control behavior)

• Select event classes (determine reaction on events)
• Select hardware configuration (source, unit, channel, level)

Numeric parameters - for direct input of numeric values

Parameters can be changed during operation. However, parameters influencing measuring result,
e.g., display filters, must not be changed.

Default Values:

The DT-9 controller saves two different sets of default parameter value, referred to as Factory
Defaults and Custom Defaults. Factory Defaults are set in the controller firmware and cannot be
modified. These values provide a common starting point for new systems. Custom Defaults can be
modified in the field and can store the custom settings used for a particular installation. Custom
Defaults are set during factory testing.

All parameters are preset with default values that don’t normally need to be changed. You can recall
default values using the "Load Factory Defaults" function and the “Load Custom Defaults” function.


Parameters are organized by function group and identified as follows:

"Group number - parameter number - parameter name", e.g., P01.02 Com. Error ARM7.

Parameters Attributes:

The DT-9 is versatile system that can be user programmed for a variety of application and many of
the parameters required for one application are not required for others. To simplify operation, each
parameter has a parameter attribute that can be set to hidden (H), read only (R) or read/write (W).
Special parameters that are not normally used in Stock feeders are factory set to default values and
then hidden. Their current values, default values and hidden status can be changed in EasyServe,
using Expert Mode (Menu: Edit | Expert Mode). The default password is 7353.

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There are parameters whose availability depends on other parameters setting values. These
dependencies are stated in the header of every parameter description.


Source Description
FB Fieldbus
OP Operator Panel (control unit)
DI Digital input
DO Digital output
AI Analog input
AO Analog output
W1 Warning 1 (acknowledgement required)
W2 Warning 2 (no acknowledgement required)
A Alarm (Stops feeder)
IG Ignore – No event message but contact outputs
LC Load cell
LS Logical signal
VSE System unit
VEA Input/output unit
I Flow rate
Q Belt load
V Belt speed


Number Description
1. Select source DI, DO ...,...
"n/a" means "not assigned",
i.e. function is not available.
2. Select unit VSE 1 ...
Display only shows units selected in
Parameter Block 1.
3. Select channel number DI 1 ...
4. Select signal level LOW or HIGH
(N/C or N/O contact)

Hardware Configuration

When parameters are set, the source determines whether unit, channel and level must be additionally
indicated or not. The following table applies:

52 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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Possible hardware configurations:

Source Unit Channel Level


DI VEA1-VEA3 DI1-DI4 High, Low

DO VEA1-VEA3 DO1-DO5 High, Low


Fieldbus (FB), control unit (OP), speed (v), are not assigned (n/a) and the low-resolution analog input
(DI4) does not require additional specification for unit, channel or level.

Analog inputs (AI), outputs (AO) and load cell (LC) require the unit to be specified.

Digital inputs (DI) and outputs (DO) require unit, channel and level to be specified.


Parameter P 16.21 determines the relay output that indicates that a W1 or W2 event is active.

P 16.21 DO WARNING Default: DO 13 High

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 14 - High/Low

The first row shows the parameter description and default values. By default, the output relay is either
DO8 for the VCU 20103, or DO 13 for the VCU 20104. The available digital outputs for the two DT-9
versions are shown in the next two rows.

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Event messages:

Some parameters specify the response to an error event.


Parameter P 01.02 determines the response to event SY 12, Communication Error ARM 7.

P 01.02 Com. Error ARM7 Default: A

Event Group: SY Number: 12
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – Manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

The first row shows the parameter description and default values. By default, an alarm is generated
and the feeder is stopped. The second row shows the event group and number (SY 12), and the third
row shows the available digital outputs for the two DT-9 versions. All of the normal event options are
available for this event.

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9.2 DT-9 Parameter List
A complete set of DT-9 parameters is listed below with options, default values and descriptions. The
factory default values are selected based on either, the requirements of the existing wiring groups or
the most commonly used values. Some parameters are shown as “Hidden”. These parameters are
not visible from the feeder display and it should not normally be necessary to changed them. If it is
necessary to view or modify these parameters set EasyServe to Expert mode (View | Expert Mode).
The default password is 7353. This will make the parameters visible in EasyServe and allow the
parameter attributes (H-Hidden, R-Read only & W-Read/Write) to be changed.

9.2.1 Parameter Group 01 - Hardware Modules

Parameters in this group are used to select the error conditions that are generated by communication
errors and to indicate to the controller which I/O module has been installed in each of the analog I/O
slots. The analog I/O channels that are defined here are used in later parameter groups.
The VCU 20103 has three built in analog channels and four slots for analog I/O modules. On the
VCU 20103 channel A10 is closest to the power supply and channel A13 is farthest from the power

P 01.01 Communication VHM Default: W2

Event Group: SY Number: 07
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter selects the error condition generated when communications between the DT-9 and
the touch screen HMI are lost for more then 10 seconds. The touch screen HMI must be connected
to the X96 Ethernet port. This connector is located toward the center of the board, is marked in red
and is keyed for a special cable.

This parameter should be set to W2 (Warning with automatic reset).

Actions: Check operation of touch screen display (see display section).

Check cable connections.
Is correct Ethernet connection used?

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P 01.02 Com. Error ARM7 Default: A (Hidden)
Event Group: SY Number: 12
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – Manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden – Must be set to A

This parameter selects the error condition generated when communications between the ARM9 main
processor and the ARM7 auxiliary processor are lost.

This parameter must always be set to A (Stop feeder) because the controller can not operate when
communications are lost.

Action: Check cable connections between boards.

Replace controller.

P 01.03 Analog Channel A10 Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO (not used)
AI 2
AO 3

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the analog I/O card that is installed in position A10. It is connected to
terminal blocks X12-1 and X12-2.

This I/O port is not normally used on the VCU 20103 and this parameter is normally set to NO.

P 01.04 Analog Channel A11 Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO (not used)
AI 3
AO 4

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the analog input card that is installed in position A11. It is connected to
terminal blocks X12-3 and X12-4.

This I/O port is not normally used on the VCU 20103 and this parameter is normally set to NO.

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P 01.05 Analog Channel A12 Default: NO (Hidden)
Options: NO (not used)
AI 4
AO 5

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the analog input card that is installed in position A12. It is connected to
terminal blocks X12-5 and X12-6.

This I/O port is not normally used on the VCU 20103 and this parameter is normally set to NO.

P 01.06 Analog Channel A13 Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO (not used)
AI 5
AO 6

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the analog input card that is installed in position A12. It is connected to
terminal blocks X12-7 and X12-8.

This I/O port is not normally used on the VCU 20103 and this parameter is normally set to NO.

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9.2.2 Parameter Group 02 - Feeder Definitions
Parameters in this group are used to select display formats and control some of the basic feeder
output signals.

P 02.01 Language Default: ENGLISH

Options: DEUTSCH

This parameter selects the language used in DT-9 displays. When it is set to “OTHER” the individual
display strings can be set using EasyServe.

P 02.02 Units Default: English

Options: Metric

This parameter selects the units used for displays and parameter inputs. Either SI (metric) or normal
American (English) units may be selected. The table below shows the conversion factors that are

English unit Metric Conversion

pound lb Kilogram kg 1 lb = 0.453593 kg
ton t Metric Ton t 1 t = 0.907185 t = 2000 lb
feet f Meter m 1 f = 0.3048 m
inch " Millimeter mm 1" = 25.4 mm

The same values are used for combination units (e.g., kg/hr.)

P 02.03 Scale Name Default: DT-9 – VCU20103

This parameter specifies the text string to identify the feeder and is shown on the top line of the touch
screen HMI.

This parameter is set according to customer preference.

P 02.04 Password Default: 7353 (Displayed as 10000)

Min: 1000 Max: 9999

This parameter specifies the password used to restrict access to various controller functions.

Note: This parameter can be changed using EasyServe in the event that the password is lost.

Note: Some functions may require and alternate password. The default value is 7354.

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P 02.05 Nominal Flow Rate Io Default: 50,000.0 lb/h
Min: 0.0 lb/h Max: 220,000,000 lb/h

This parameter is used to specify the feeder design feedrate. It is similar to 196NT Setup 05
(Maximum Feedrate) and is used for limit alarms and display outputs. It should always be set to the
same value as parameter P03.05 Maximum Feedrate. It is also used to scale the analog I/O channels
and to calculate the simulated load when the controller is installed on a volumetric feeder.

This parameter is set based on customer requirements and the mechanical design of the feeder.
Check the project manual or certified drawings to insure that the proper value is selected.

Note: If both P04.07 Belt LC Left and P04.08 Belt LC Right are set to Not Used, the load cells will be
disabled and the system will operate as a volumetric feeder. The DT-9 will calculate an assumed belt
load based on P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate and P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed as shown below.

Nominal Belt Load = (P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate) / (3600 X P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed)


Belt Load is in Lbs/inch

Feedrate is in Lbs/Hour
Belt Speed is in Inches/Second

P 02.06 Nominal Speed Default: 3.0 inch/s

Min: 0.001 inch/s Max: 500.00 inch/s

This parameter is used to scale the belt speed analog output (i.e., Maximum analog signal = Nominal
speed) and serves as the reference value for limit value monitoring. Nominal speed, together with
nominal feedrate, is used to calculate the nominal belt load.

Nominal speed is calculated as:

(P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate) / (300 X Nom. Density X P04.10 Load cross section)

Inputs are in Lbs/hour, lbs/cubic ft and square feet. Results are in inches/sec.

Note: If both P04.07 Belt LC Left and P04.08 Belt LC Right are set to Not Used, the load cells will be
disabled and the system will operate as a volumetric feeder. The DT-9 will calculate an assumed belt
load based on P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate and P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed as shown below.

Nominal Belt Load = (P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate) / (3600 X P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed)


Belt Load is in Lbs/inch

Feedrate is in Lbs/Hour
Belt Speed is in Inches/Second

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P 02.07 Display Formats Default: SELECTABLE

This parameter allows the operator to either, accept the standard set of display formats (determined
by the controller based on the P02.03 Nominal flow rate) or to select the display formats individually
using parameters P02.08 through P02.11.

This parameter should be set according to customer preference. The default value is STANDARD,
which is suitable for most applications.

P 02.08 Flow Rate Units Default: ----.- lb/h

Only available if Parameter: 02.05 = SELECTABLE
Options: ------ lb/h
----.- lb/h
---.-- lb/h
--.--- lb/h
------ t/h
----.- t/h
---.-- t/h
--.--- t/h
----.-- lb/min

This parameter selects the format used to display feedrate values. It is only visible when parameter
P02.05 Display Formats is set to SELECTABLE and the available options depend on the selection
value of parameter P02.02 Units.

This parameter should be set according to customer preference.

P 02.09 Counter 1 Unit Default: ------- lb

Only available if Parameter: 02.05 = SELECTABLE
Options: ------- lb
-----.- lb
----.-- lb
---.--- lb
------- t
-----.- t
----.-- t
---.--- t

This parameter selects the format used to display the total value in Counter 1. It is only visible when
parameter P02.05 Display Formats is set to SELECTABLE and the available options depend on the
selection value of parameter P02.02 Units.

This parameter should be set according to customer preference.

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P 02.10 Counter 2 Unit Default: ------- lb
Only available if Parameter: 02.05 = SELECTABLE
Options: ------- lb
-----.- lb
----.-- lb
---.--- lb
------- t
-----.- t
----.-- t
---.--- t

This parameter selects the format used to display the total value in Counter 2. It is only visible when
parameter P02.05 Display Formats is set to SELECTABLE and the available options depend on the
selection value of parameter P02.02 Units.

This parameter should be set according to customer preference.

P 02.11 Counter 3 Unit Default: ------- lb

Only available if Parameter: 02.05 = SELECTABLE
Options: ------- lb
-----.- lb
----.-- lb
---.--- lb
------- t
-----.- t
----.-- t
---.--- t

This parameter selects the format used to display the total value in Counter 3. It is only visible when
parameter P02.05 Display Formats is set to SELECTABLE and the available options depend on the
selection value of parameter P02.02 Units.

This parameter should be set according to customer preference.

P 02.12 DO Pulse Counter VCU 20103 Default: DO 12 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 14 – High/Low

This parameter specifies the digital output used for the Total Coal Integrator (TCI).

The TCI cycles continuously while the feeder is in operation. To prevent premature failure of the
output relay this parameter should always be set to DO 12 (Reed Relays - Terminal blocks X16-3
through X16-6).

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P 02.13 Totalizer Increment Default: 100.00 lb
Min: 0.00 lb Max: 100,000 lb

This parameter sets the weight associated with each Total Coal Integrator (TCI) pulse. It is the same
as 196NT Setup 07 (Remote Totalizer Data Logging Increment).

The TCI output frequency is based on parameter P02.11, parameter P02.12 and the actual feedrate.
If the values selected for these parameters require an output frequency greater then the maximum
frequency of the selected device, an error (MF 14 - P02.13) will be generated. See parameter P02.12
for more information.

This parameter is normally set to either 100 Lbs or 100 Kgs.

P 02.14 Remote Totalizer Pulse Width Default: 0.100 s

Min: 0.000 s Max: 10.000 s

This parameter sets the duration of each Total Coal Integrator (TCI) pulse. It is the same as 196NT
Setup 35 (Remote Totalizer Pulse Width).

The TCI output frequency is based on this parameter, parameter P02.11 and the actual feedrate. If
this combination of values requires an output frequency greater then the maximum frequency of the
selected device, an error (MF 14 - P02.13) will be generated.

The maximum pulse frequency can be calculated as:

Frequency = ( P03.05 Maximum Feedrate) / ((3600) x ( P02.11))

Where the maximum feedrate is in lbs/hr and P02.11 is in lbs.

When the TCI output is directed to an open collector or reed relay output the maximum possible pulse
frequency is 10 Hz (P02.12 set to 0.05 sec). When the TCI output is directed to a mechanical relay
output the maximum possible pulse frequency is 1.0 Hz (P02.12 set to 0.5 sec). When the pulse
length (P02.12) is increased, these values are reduced.

The maximum possible frequency (in Hz) is calculated as:

Max. possible freq. = 1 / (2 X P02.12 (in sec))

To insure that the TCI output works correctly the maximum pulse frequency must always be less then
the maximum possible frequency.

This parameter is normally set to 0.1 sec.

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P 02.15 Event: Remote TCI too small Default: W2 (Hidden)
Event Group: MF Number: 14
Options: NO
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter selects the error condition generated when totalizer pulses for the Total Coal
Integrator (TCI) output are generated faster then the TCI output can operate. See parameter 02.12
for more information.

This parameter should be set to W2.

Action: Adjust the values of parameter P02.11 and P02.12.

P 02.16 Maintenance Speed Default: 50%

Min: 0 % Max: 100 %

This parameter determines the Motor Speed Control (MSC) demand signal used during maintenance
(local, calibrate, jog) operations. It is similar to 196NT Setup 01 (Speed Setpoint) except that the
MSC demand signal is set rather then the actual motor speed (open loop operation). The actual
motor RPM is determined by the characteristics of the motor and the MSC.

This parameter is normally set to 50% which will produce a motor speed of approximately 900 RPM
with a 4 pole, 60 Hz motor.

P 02.17 DO: FRI Frequency VCU 20103 Default: DO 13 – High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 13 High/Low

This parameter specifies the digital output used for the Feed Rate Indicator (FRI). This parameter
output can only be set to DO 13 (terminal block X6-1 and X6-2) which is an isolated, unpowered,
transistor output.

P 02.18 Remote FRI Frequency Default: 10.000 Hz/(t/h)

Min: 0.000 Hz/(t/h) Max: 2,000,000.000 Hz/(t/h)

The value of this parameter is used to calculate remote Feedrate Indicator (FRI) output frequency. It
must be selected so that the FRI output at the minimum feedrate (see P03.06) is greater then 1.0 Hz
and the FRI output at the maximum feedrate (see P03.06) is less then 1000 Hz.

This parameter is normally set to 10.0 Hz / Ton/hr

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9.2.3 Parameter Group 03 - Control Sources
This parameter group is used to select the control sources for use during Remote mode operation.

P 03.01 Feeder Start Default: DI 2 – High (Hidden)

Options: NO (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital input used as the feeder start command.

Caution: This is a static input! Switching to remote control mode with the start input activated will
start the feeder.

This parameter is normally set to DI 2 – High (terminal block X1-4) and is connected to wire 112.

P 03.02 Feedrate Setpoint Default: AI 1

Options: OP (Operator Panel)
FB (Field Bus)
R-L (Raise/Lower Contacts)
AI (Analog input)

This parameter selects the source for the feedrate demand signal and can be set to the
following values:

AI 1 for use with an analog (usually 4-20mA) input signal on SIG+ and SIG-
R-L for use with the Raise/Lower input signals (See P03.07 and P03.08)
OP for use with EasyServe
FB or remote control using a Field Bus

This parameter is normally set to AI 1 and is connected to wires Sig+ and Sig-.

P 03.03 Setpoint Range Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

This parameter determines the nominal 100% signal level for the analog input channel. It should be
set to 20.0 for a 0-20mA, 4-20mA or 0-10V input.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA and is only active when P03.02 is set to an analog
input signal.

Note: When an analog input card is used, the input jumper must be set toward the outside of the card
for a voltage input signal and toward the middle of the card for a current input signal.

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P 03.04 Setpoint Offset Default: 4.00 mA
Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

This parameter determines the nominal 0% signal level for the analog input channel.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA and is only active when P03.02 is set to an analog input
signal. If a zero based signal (0-20mA or 0-10V) is used it must be set to 0.00 mA.

Note: When an analog input card is used, the input jumper must be set toward the outside of the card
for a voltage input signal and toward the middle of the card for a current input signal.

P 03.05 Maximum Feedrate Default: 50,000.0 lbs/hr

Min: 0.0 lbs/hr Max: 220,000,000.0 lbs/hr

This is the maximum feedrate clamp. The feeder will not operate above this rate regardless of the
feedrate demand signal. This is similar to the 196NT parameter 05 (Maximum Feedrate). It should
always be set to the same values as parameter P 02.05 Nominal Flow rate.

This parameter is set based on customer requirements and the mechanical design of the feeder.
Check the project specifications or certified drawings to insure that the proper value is selected.

P 03.06 Minimum Feedrate Default: 5,000 lbs/hr

Min: 0.0 lbs/hr Max: 50,000 lbs/hr

This is the minimum feedrate clamp. The feeder will not operate below this rate regardless of the
feedrate demand signal. This is similar to the 196NT parameter 06 (Minimum Feedrate).

This parameter is set based on customer requirements and the minimum motor speed. Check the
project specifications or certified drawings to insure that the proper value is selected.

P 03.07 DI: Raise Setpoint Default: DI 3 – High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital input signal used as the raise feedrate setpoint command.

This parameter is only active if P03.02 is set to R-L.

This parameter is normally set to DI 3 – High (terminal block X1-2), or Not Used, and is connected to
wire 113.

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P 03.08 DI: Lower Setpoint Default: DI 11 – High (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital input signal used as the lower feedrate setpoint command.

This parameter is only active if P03.02 is set to R-L.

This parameter is normally set to DI 11 – High (terminal block X4-5), or Not Used, and is connected to
wire 114.

P 03.09 Raise/Low Resp.Time Default: 30 sec

Min: 5 sec Max: 300 sec

This parameter determines the speed at which the feedrate setpoint changes when the raise or lower
input is active. The value represents the approximate time, in seconds, for the setpoint to go from 0%
to 100%. This is similar to the 196NT parameter 28 (Raise/Lower Response Time).

This parameter is only active if P03.02 is set to R-L.

P 03.10 Run Enable Default: DI 8

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

This parameter selects the digital input signal used as the belt motor start permissive. When it is
enabled, (set to a digital input) an active signal on the designated input is required to start the belt
drive motor. When it is set to n/a, this feature is disabled.

This parameter is normally set to DI 8 - High (terminal block X3-4) and is connected to (wire 111).

Caution: Setting this parameter to n/a will disable the Run Enable feature and create an unsafe
operating condition. The Run Enable input must ALWAYS be enabled and connected to a user
accessible stop switch.

P 03.11 Event Run Disable Default: W2

Event Group: IL Number: 01

This parameter selects the method used to annunciate the error condition when the Run Enable input
is not active. Setting this parameter to IG does not disable the Run Enable feature but it does prevent
an error from being generated.

This parameter should be set to W2.

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P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable Default: Keyboard only
Options: Keyboard only
Keyboard & Local
Keyboard, Remote & Local

This parameter is used to enable the Remote (P15.23 DI: Remote CTRL) and Local (P15.25 DI: Local
Start) digital inputs. The Remote and Local digital inputs are edge triggered, meaning that their
function is initiated by the transition from OFF to ON or, ON to OFF rather then by their state. This
type of operation allows the feeder to be stopped due to and error condition or a keyboard input, even
when the digital input is active.

The operation of the Remote and Local digital inputs is described below.

Keyboard Only - Both the Remote and Local digital inputs are ignored at all times.

Keyboard & Local - The Remote input is ignored but the Local input is active. If the feeder is in
OFF/Maint mode and stopped, energizing the Local input will cause the feeder to run in Local mode.
If the feeder is in OFF/Maint mode and running, de-energizing the Local input will cause the feeder
to stop.

Keyboard, Remote & Local - Both the Remote and Local input are active. If the feeder is in
OFF/Maint mode and stopped, energizing the Local input will start the feeder in Local mode and
energizing the Remote input will force the feeder into Remote mode. If the feeder is in OFF/Maint
mode and running, the Remote input will be ignored and de-energizing the Local input will stop the
feeder. If the feeder is in Remote mode, the Local input is ignored and de-energizing the Remote
input will force the feeder into OFF/Maint mode.

The keyboard is always enabled regardless of the value selected for this parameter.
This parameter is normally set to Keyboard Only.

P 03.13 Speed Setpoint Default: 200 RPM (Hidden)

Min: 10 RPM Max: 30,000 RPM

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used to set motor RPM when P03.14 Run Mode Select is set to Speed Setpoint.

P 03.14 Run Mode Select Default: Frate Setpoint (Hidden)

Options: Frate (Feedrate) Setpoint
Speed Setpoint

Normally Hidden

This parameter allows the feeder to operate in remote at a fixed motor speed. It is normally set to
Frate Setpoint for normal control and when in this mode the controller responds to the Analog input or
Raise/Lower contacts. When Speed Setpoint is selected the motor speed is fixed at the value
specified in P03.13 Speed Setpoint and the controller does not respond to either the analog input or
the Raise/Lower contacts. Selecting Speed Setpoint is similar to setting 196NT Setup 03 (Run Mode
Select) to 5 (RPM Setpoint).

This parameter MUST be set to Frate Setpoint

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9.2.4 Parameter Group 04 - Feeder Rated Data

This parameter group is used to specify the rating of the components in the weighing system.

P 04.01 LC Charac. Value Default: 3.0000 mV/V

Min: 0.0100 mV/V Max: 10.0000 mV/V

This parameter specifies the Load cell rated output. Both load cells must have the same output
value. Stock feeders normally use 3.000 mV/V load cells.

This parameter is normally set to 3.000 mV/V

P 04.02 LC Rated Cap. Default: 100.000 lb

Min: 0.500 lb Max: 220,000,000.000 lb

This parameter specifies the rated capacity of each load cell. Both load cells must have the same
capacity. Stock feeders normally use 100.0 Lbs load cells but smaller load cells may be used for low
capacity feeders or feeders with a short weigh span.

This parameter is normally set to 100.0 Lbs. Check the project manual or certified drawings to insure
that the proper value is selected.

P 04.03 Effective Platform Length Default: 18 inch

Min: 0.100 inch Max: 50.000 inch

This parameter specifies the length of belt that is supported by the load cells. Stock feeders use a
three roller weighing system with one weighing roller, supported by the load cells, and two fixed weigh
span rollers. In this configuration, one half of the weight between the weigh span rollers is supported
by the load cells and this parameter must be set to one half of the distance between the weigh span

This parameter must be set to ½ the value of 196NT Setup 10 Weigh Span Length, normally 18
inches on new feeder installations and 19.146 on mechanical feeder conversions.

P 04.04 Lever Ratio Default: 1.0000 (Hidden)

Min: 0.0100 Max: 2.0000

Normally Hidden – Must be set to 1.000

This parameter is used to specify the ratio of weigh on the load cell and total platform weigh on multi
weigh roller systems.

This parameter MUST be set to 1.000.

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P 04.05 Angle Default: 0.00 degree (Hidden)
Min: 0.00 degree Max: 60.00 degree

Normally Hidden – Must be set to 0.00 degrees

This parameter is used to specify the feeder inclination and is used to adjust the weight signal when
the load cell is mounted perpendicular to the belt on an inclined feeder. The load cells in Stock
feeders are always mounted vertically, to eliminate weighing errors, and this adjustment is
not necessary.

The parameter must be set to 0.00 degrees.

P 04.06 Speed Measurement Default: DI 15 (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 14 & DI 15

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital input used for the tachometer input signal.

This parameter is normally set to DI 15 (terminal block X5-1 & X5-2) and is connected to (wires 145 &

Note: If DI 14 is selected, a NAMUR type sensor must be used, and connected to X5-3 & X5-4.

P 04.07 Belt load LC left Default: LC1 (Hidden)

Options: LC1

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the input channel connected to the load cell on the left side of the feeder
(viewed in the direction of belt travel).

This parameter should always be set to LC 1.

Note: Setting both P04.07 Belt LC Left and P04.08 Belt LC Right to Not Used, will disable the load
cells and force the system to operate as a volumetric feeder. The DT-9 will calculate an assumed
density and belt load based on P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate and P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed.

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P 04.08 Belt load LC right Default: LC2 (Hidden)
Options: LC1

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the input channel connected to the load cell on the right side of the feeder
(viewed in the direction of belt travel).

This parameter should always be set to LC 2.

Note: Setting both P04.07 Belt LC Left and P04.08 Belt LC Right to Not Used, will disable the load
cells and force the system to operate as a volumetric feeder. The DT-9 will calculate an assumed
density and belt load based on P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate and P02.06 Nominal Belt Speed.

P 04.09 Tachometer: Pulses per Rev. Default: 60.0 P/rev

Min: 1.0 P/rev Max: 1,000.0 P/rev

This parameter specifies the number of pulses generated by the tachometer for each revolution of the
motor. It is similar to 196NT Setup 09 tachometer type.

This parameter is set based on the type or tachometer that is installed. In most (but not all) cases,
feeders that use a VFD control use a tachometer that produces 60 pulses per revolution and feeders
that use an Eddy Current Clutch use a tachometer that produces 12 pulses per revolution. Check the
project specifications or certified drawings to insure that the proper value is selected.

P 04.10 Load Cross Section Default: 157.00 inch2

Min: 0.1 sq-inchs Max: 100,000 sq-inchs

This parameter specifies the area under the inlet leveling bar.

This parameter is normally set to 157.0 square inches (1.09 square feet). Check the project
specifications or certified drawings to insure that the proper value is selected.

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9.2.5 Parameter Group 05 – Feeder Control

This parameter group specifies the actions to be taken when error conditions are detected.

P 05.01 Volum on LC failure Default: YES (Hidden)

Options: YES

Normally Hidden

This parameter allows the DT-9 to force the feeder into volumetric mode in the event of a weighing
system failure. Volumetric mode is independent of the event generated in P05.02 Event Vol. on

This parameter should always be set to YES.

P 05.02 Event: Volum on failure Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: SY Number: 07
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used to specify the type of error that is generated in the event of a weighing system
failure. This event is independent of volumetric mode.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 05.03 Afterfl.Totalizer Default: 0.0 s (Hidden)

Min: 0.0 s Max: 2,000.0 s

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the amount of time that the feeder continues to totalize after the belt has

This parameter should always be set to 0.0 sec.

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P 05.04 Zero Drop-Out Active Default: NO (Hidden)
Options: YES

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used to specify that the DT-9 should stop totalizing and set the weight signal to
zero when the load on the belt reaches a low limit specified by P05.05 - Zero Drop-Out Limit

This parameter must be set to NO.

P 05.05 Zero Drop-Out Limit Default: 1.00 % Q (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 % Q Max: 10.00 % Q

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the limit at which the weight signal will be set to zero and the DT-9 will stop
totalizing if P05.04 - Zero Drop-Out Active is set to YES.

This parameter should be set to 1.00%.

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9.2.6 Parameter Group 06 - Feeder Monitoring
This parameter group can be used to cause various feeder operating conditions either to produce an
alarm (W1 or W2) or to trip the feeder (A)

P 06.01 Event: Stand-By Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: SC Number: 02
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the belt drive motor is stopped because
the motor demand signal is less then the limit specified in P06.02 Stand-By Limit Value.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.02 Stand-By Limit Value Default: 5 % Io (Hidden)

Min: 0 % Io Max: 100 % Io

Normally Hidden

If the motor speed control (MSC) demand signal goes below the limit specified by this parameter, the
required motor speed is set to zero and the motor start contact is de-energized. There is a 3 second
delay before the motor is stopped and no delay before it is restarted.

Setting this parameter to 0% deactivates this function.

This parameter should normally be set to 5%.

P 06.03 Event: Tachometer Default: A (Hidden)

Event Group: CA Number: 02
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the tachometer signal is lost or is greater
then 3600 Hz.

This parameter should be set to A (Stop Feeder).

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P 06.04 Event: LC Input Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: CA Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the load cell signal is invalid. If P05.01 -
Volumetric on LC Failure is set to YES, this condition will force the feeder into volumetric mode
regardless of the value selected here.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.05 Event: LC Input < MIN Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: LO Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when either of the load cell signals is less then
3% of the full scale value. If P05.01 - Volumetric on LC Failure is set to YES, this condition will force
the feeder into volumetric mode regardless of the value selected here.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.06 Event: LC Input > MAX Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: HI Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when either of the load cell signals is greater
then the maximum allowable value. If P05.01 - Volumetric on LC Failure is set to YES, this condition
will force the feeder into volumetric mode regardless of the value selected here.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

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P 06.07 Event: Setpoint Limited Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: SC Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the feedrate demand signal is greater then
the feedrate limit as determined by the operating mode. In gravimetric mode, the limit is the lesser of
P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate or P03.05 Maximum Feedrate. In volumetric mode, the limit is 3 times
P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.08 Event: Power Failure Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: WE Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the controller restarts after a loss of
power. If it is set to A, the feeder will not restart after power is lost during normal remote
mode operation.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.09 Time Deviation Default: 20.0 sec (Hidden)

Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the maximum time that the actual feedrate can differ from the feedrate
setpoint by an amount greater then P06.10 Threshold Deviation before an error is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 20 sec.

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P 06.10 Threshold Deviation Default: 5.0 % (Hidden)
Min: 0.0 % Max: 100.0 %

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the minimum amount that the actual feedrate can differ from the feedrate
setpoint without generating an error. The error is generated after a delay specified by P06.09 Time

This parameter is normally set to 5.0 %.

P 06.11 Factor Deviation Default: 1.0 (Hidden)

Min: 0.0 Max: 1.0

Normally Hidden

This parameter allows P06.10 Threshold Deviation to be adjusted based on the feedrate setpoint.
This allows the effective threshold to be reduced as the feedrate setpoint is reduced.

When P06.11 is set to 1.0 there is no adjustment and the effective threshold is always equal to
P06.10 Threshold Deviation. When P01.11 is set to 0.0 the effective deviation is calculated by
multiplying P06.11 Threshold Deviation by a factor equal to the (feedrate setpoint) / (P02.05 Nominal
Flow Rate).

This parameter should be set to 1.0.

P 06.12 Event: Deviation Default: W2 (Hidden)

Event Group: HI Number: 05
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the actual feedrate can differ from the
feedrate setpoint by an amount greater then P06.10 Threshold Deviation for a time greater then
P06.09 Time Deviation.

This parameter is similar to the 196NT Feedrate Error and should be set to W2.

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P 06.13 Event: Controller Limited Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: CO Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the motor speed control demand signal
reaches its upper limit.

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 06.14 Event: Memory Error Default: A (Hidden)

Event Group: SY Number: 01
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the controller detects an error in the
internal non-volatile memory. Reload the non-volatile memory by using the “Load Default Parameters”
function to correct this error. If the problem persists, the controller must be replaced.

This parameter should be set to A (Stop feeder).

Note: The Load Default Parameters function will reset all of the controller’s internal parameters,
including Calibration and Trim. After this operation is performed, all parameters must be reset, the
feeder must be recalibrated and the analog I/O channels must be re-trimmed.

P 06.15 Event: Analog Input< Offset Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: WE Number: 08
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the analog feedrate demand signal is
more then 0.4 mA below the minimum value (P03.04 Setpoint Offset).

This parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

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9.2.7 Parameter Group 07 – Belt Monitoring
The parameters in this group control the Belt Motion Monitor (BMM).

P 07.01 DI: Belt Motion Monitor Default: DI 12 – High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital input used for the Belt Motion Monitor (BMM).

This parameter is normally set to DI 12 - High (terminal block X4-2) and is connected to wire 115.

P 07.02 Belt Motion Delay Default: 10 sec.

Min: 0 sec Max: 50 sec

This parameter sets the maximum delay between Belt Motion Monitor (BMM) pulses before a BMM
error (P07.03 Belt Motion Error) is generated. It is the same as 196NT Setup 17 (Belt Motion Monitor
Delay). The interval is determined when the feeder is operating at its minimum design feed rate and is
equal to the time necessary for the pulley or roller which inputs the sensor to make one complete
revolution, divided by two, plus ten percent. Therefore, time intervals for motion monitors mounted to
the tension roll or belt take-up pulley will be considerably longer than those for sensors mounted to
the weigh span roller.

Example: If the motion monitor is mounted to the weigh span roller which make revolution every 20
seconds at minimum feed rate, the time interval between pulses before the belt is certain not to be
moving is: 20 / 2 = 10 + 10% = 11.

Note: To disable this function if a belt motion monitor is not installed set P07.03 Belt Motion Error
to IG.

P 07.03 Event: Belt Motion Monitor Default: IG

Event Group: WE Number: 08
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the belt motion monitor (BMM) pulse delay
is exceeded.

This parameter is normally set to A (Stop Feeder) if a BMM is installed. Setting it to IG (Ignore) will
disable the BMM feature.

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P 07.04 DI: Source Belt Sensor Default: n/a (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 13 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used to specify the digital input used for the belt slip sensor. The slip sensor is
connected to a driven roller and generates a frequency input proportional to the belt speed. This
value is compared to the tachometer signal from the motor to detect belt slippage at the head pulley.
See also: parameters P 07.08 Event: Belt Slip and P 07.09 DO: Belt Slip.

This parameter is normally set to n/a.

P 07.05 BIC Active Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used to activate the moisture Belt Influence Compensation (BIC) system. The BIC
system is used in batching feeders to tare individual sections of the belt separately so that batches
that are less then a full belt length are weighted accurately.

The BIC feature is not used in continuous feeding systems and this parameter should always be set
to NO.

P 07.06 DI: BIC freeze Default: n/a (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter is used specify a digital input that is used to freeze the tare value while the BIC
feature is active.

This parameter is normally set to n/a.

P 07.07 Slip Value Default: 10.0 % LB (Hidden)

Min: 0.0 % Max: 20.0 %

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the maximum amount that the belt speed measured by the belt slip input
can differ from belt speed measured by the tachometer input, without generating an error.

This parameter is normally set to 10.0 % LB.

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P 07.08 Event: Belt Slip Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: WE Number: 08
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the belt slip exceeds the limit specified in
parameter P07.07 Slip Value.

This parameter is normally set to IG.

P 07.09 DO: Belt Slip Default: n/a (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 – High/Low

Normally Hidden

This parameter selects the digital output that is energized when the Belt Slip event is active.

This parameter is normally set to IG.

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9.2.8 Parameter Group 08 - Display Filters
The parameters in this group select the time constants for the digital filters used that are applied to
the load cell and output signals.

P 08.01 LC Filter Default: 4.00 sec

Min: 0.25 sec Max: 300.00 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the load cell signals. It is similar to the
196NT Setup 19 Weight Signal Filter.

This parameter is normally set to 4 seconds.

P 08.02 I-Display Default: 1.0 sec

Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the feedrate value displayed on the display,
EasyServe and field bus interface. It is similar to the 196NT Setup 20 Feedback Signal Filter.

This parameter is normally set to 1 second.

P 08.03 I-Analog Output Default: 1.0 sec

Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the feedrate signal sent to the analog
output channel. It is similar to the 196NT Setup 20 Feedback Signal Filter. This parameter is
normally set to 1 second.

P 08.04 Feedback filter override threshold Default: 15%

Min: 0.0% Max: 200.0%

This parameter specifies point at which the point at which the feedback filter is overridden and the
actual feedrate is displayed. This is used so that large changes are displayed quickly. This parameter
is the same as 196NT Setup 21 (Feedback filter override threshold).

This parameter is normally set to 15%.

P 08.05 Belt Load Default: 1.0 sec

Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the belt load signal sent to the analog
output channel.

This parameter is normally set to 1 second.

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P 08.06 Belt Speed Default: 1.0 sec
Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the belt speed signal sent to the analog
output channel.

This parameter is normally set to 1 second.

P 08.07 Deviation Default: 1.0 sec

Min: 0.0 sec Max: 600.0 sec

This parameter sets the amount of digital filtering used on the deviation signal sent to the analog
output channel.

This parameter is normally set to 1 second.

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9.2.9 Parameter Group 09 - Limit Values
The parameters in this group are used to set the limit points at witch various events are generated as
well as selecting the type of event that are generated when the limit points are reached.

Note: Limit values are only checked after the feeder has been running for 10 seconds.

P 09.01 Value for I-Min Default: 5.0 % Io (Hidden)

Min: -10.0 % Io Max: 200.0 % Io

Normally Hidden

This parameter sets the point at which a minimum feedrate event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 5 % of the nominal flow rate (P02.05).

P 09.02 Event: I-Min Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: LO Number: 02
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate is less then the
value specified in P09.01 Value for I-Min.

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

P 09.03 Value for I-Max Default: 120.0 % Io (Hidden)

Min: -10.0 % Io Max: 200.0 % Io

Normally Hidden

This parameter sets the point at which a maximum feedrate event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 120 % of the nominal flow rate (P02.05).

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P 09.04 Event: I-Max Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: HI Number: 02
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value
specified in P09.03 Value for I-Max.

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

P 09.05 Value for Q-Min Default: 60.0 % Q

Min: -10.0 % Q Max: 200.0 % Q

This parameter sets the point at which a minimum belt load event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 60 % of the nominal belt load (calculated from the nominal flow rate
and the nominal belt speed).

P 09.06 Event: Q-Min Default: IG

Event Group: LO Number: 03
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate is less then the
value specified in P09.05 Value for Q-Min. Set this value to W2 to simulate the 196NT low density

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

P 09.07 Value for Q-Max Default: 120.0 % Q (Hidden)

Min: -10.0 % Q Max: 200.0 % Q

Normally Hidden

This parameter sets the point at which a maximum belt load event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 120 % of the nominal belt load (calculated from the nominal flow
rate and the nominal belt speed).

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P 09.08 Event: Q-Max Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: HI Number: 03
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value
specified in P09.07 Value for Q-Max.

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

P 09.09 Value for V-Min Default: 5.0 % V (Hidden)

Min: -10.0 % V Max: 200.0 % V

Normally Hidden

This parameter sets the point at which a minimum belt speed event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 5 % of the nominal belt speed (P02.06).

P 09.10 Event: V-Min Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: LO Number: 04
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate is less then the
value specified in P09.09 Value for V-Min.

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

P 09.11 Value for V-Max Default: 120.0 % V (Hidden)

Min: -10.0 % V Max: 200.0 % V

Normally Hidden

This parameter sets the point at which a maximum belt speed event is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 120 % of the nominal belt speed (P02.06).

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P 09.12 Event: V-Max Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: HI Number: 04
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden

This parameter determines the type of event that is generated when the feedrate exceeds the value
specified in P09.01 Value for V-Max.

This parameter is normally set to IG (Ignore)

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9.2.10 Parameter Group 10 - Calibration Data
The parameters in this group are used to either set or display the values used to calibrate the feeder
weighing system.

P 10.01 Calibration Probe Span Default: 36.0000 inch

Min: 0.0100 inch Max: 500.0000 inch

This parameter specifies the distance between the two calibration probe bosses. It is the same as
the 196NT Setup 12 Calibration Probe Span

This parameter must match the physical characteristics of the feeder but in most cases, it is set to 36
inches for new feeder installations or 38.7 inches on mechanical weighing feeder conversions.

P 10.02 Pulses per Length Default: 300.00 P/inch (Read Only)

Min: 1.00 P/inch Max: 1000000.00 P/inch

This parameter indicates the number of tachometer pulses per inch of belt travel. It is calculated by
the DT-9 during the calibration process based on the time it takes for a calibration tape to travel
between the two calibration probes.

This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.

P 10.03 Range Correction TW Default: 1.0000 (Read Only)

Min: 0.5000 Max: 2.0000

This parameter indicates the correction factor applied to the load cell reading based on a dead weight
calibration (TW: Span Calibration). It is calculated by the DT-9 during the calibration process based
on the weigh system characteristics specified in Parameter Block 4, and on the calibration weight
specified in P10.08 Effective Check Weight.

This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.

Note: The gross weight on the load cells is calculated based on the load cell characteristics specified
in Parameter Block 4 and the product of the three correction factors specified in P10.03 thru P10.05.

P 10.04 Range Correction TC Default: 1.0000 (Read Only)

Min: 0.5000 Max: 2.0000

This parameter indicates the correction factor applied to the load cell reading based on a chain
calibration (TC: Span Calibration). It is calculated by the DT-9 during the calibration process based
on the weigh system characteristics specified Parameter Block 4, and on the test chain weight
specified in P10.09 Test Chain Weight.

This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.

Note: The gross weight on the load cells is calculated based on the load cell characteristics specified
Parameter Block 4 and the product of the three correction factors specified in P10.03 thru P10.05.

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P 10.05 Range Correction TM Default: 1.0000 (Read Only)
Min: 0.5000 Max: 2.0000

This parameter specifies the correction factor applied to the load cell reading based on a material
test. It is calculated by the operator based on the difference between the totalized value, indicated by
the DT-9, and the actual value, determined by an external static scale.

This parameter is normally set to 1.000.

Note: The gross weight on the load cells is calculated based on the load cell characteristics specified
Parameter Block 4 and the product of the three correction factors specified in P10.03 thru P10.05.

P 10.06 Belt Circuit Time Default: 60.0 s

Min: 1.0 s Max: 9999.0 s

This parameter specifies the duration of the LB: Pulse/Belt calibration process. This process counts
the number of tachometer pulses received during the specified time and place the result in P10.11
Belt Circuit No.

This parameter should be set to 60.0 Seconds.

P 10.07 Simulation Travel (Belt Rev.) Default: 2.0

Min: 0.5 Max: 5000.0

This parameter specifies the duration, in belt revolutions, of the TC: Span Calibration process. This
process performs a span calibration using P10.09 Test Chain Weight as the calibration weight, and
places the result in P10.04 Range Correction TC.

This parameter should be set to 2.0 belt revolutions.

P 10.08 Calibration Weight Default: 70.000 lb

Min: 0.001 lb Max: 22000.000 lb

This parameter specifies the value of the calibration weight used during the span portion of a feeder
calibration (TW: Span Calibration). It is the same as the 196NT Setup 13 Calibration Weight

The correct value is normally stamped on the calibration weight.

P 10.09 Test Chain Weight Default: 4.3000 lb/inch

Min: 0.0000 lb/inch Max: 22000.000 lb/inch

This parameter specifies the value of the calibration chain used when a chain calibration (TC: Span
Calibration) is preformed. It is similar to the 196NT Setup 36 Test Chain Weight

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P 10.10 Basic Tare Default: 0.00 lb/inch (Read Only)
Min: 0.00 lb/inch Max: 10000.00 lb/inch

This parameter indicates the weight of the empty belt. It is calculated by the DT-9 during the tare
portion of the calibration process (BS: Tare/Belt Speed).

This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.

P 10.11 Belt Circuit No. Default: 1000000 I/U (Read Only)

Min: 0 I/U Max: 9000000 I/U

This parameter indicates the total number of tachometer pulses in one complete belt revolution. It is
calculated by the DT-9 during the tare portion of the calibration process (BS: Tare/Belt Speed).

This parameter should not normally be changed by the operator.

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9.2.11 Parameter Group 11 – Rate Controller
The parameters in this group are used to control the operation of the Motor Speed Control (MSC).

P 11.01 P-Component KP Default: 0.05000 mA/%

Min: 0.00000 mA/% Max: 1000.00000 mA/%

This parameter specifies the proportional gain of the speed control loop. Increasing this value
produces a faster response but my produce oscillation or unstable operation. Reducing this value
increases stability but produces a slower response.

This parameter should be set to 0.05000 mA/%.

Note: The DT-9 uses a PI control loop (Proportional & Integral terms, no Derivative term). The
proportional term is specified by P11.01 P-Component KP and the Integral term is specified by
P11.02 I-Component.

P 11.02 I-Component TN Default: 1.0 s

Min: 0.0 s Max: 60000.0 s

This parameter specifies the integral gain of the speed control loop. The value specified here is the
reciprocal of the actual gain value. Decreasing this parameter produces a faster response but my
produce oscillation or unstable operation and increasing it increases stability but produces a slower

This parameter should be set to 1.0 sec.

Note: The DT-9 uses a PI control loop (Proportional & Integral terms, no Derivative term). The
proportional term is specified by P11.01 P-Component KP and the Integral term is specified by
P11.02 I-Component.

P 11.03 Motor Speed Control Output Default: AO 1

Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

This parameter specifies the analog output channel used to control the Motor Speed Control (MSC).

This parameter is normally set to AO 1 (terminal blocks X6-7 and X6-6) and is connected to wires 142
through 144.

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P 11.04 Lower Limit Default: 4,0 mA
Min: 0.00 mA Max: 20.00 mA

This parameter determines the lower limit of the Motor Speed Control (MSC) demand signal. It
should always be set to the same value as P11.06 Contr.Magn. Offset.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA. If a zero based signal (0-20mA or 0-10V) is used it must
be set to 0.00 mA.

P 11.05 Upper Limit Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 20.00 mA

This parameter determines the nominal 100% signal level for the analog input channel. It should be
set to 20.0 for a 0-20mA, 4-20mA and 0-10V input.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

P 11.06 Controller Magnitude Offset Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 20.00 mA

This parameter determines the nominal 0% signal level for the analog input channel. It should always
be set to the same value as P11.04 Lower Limit.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA. If a zero based signal (0-20mA or 0-10V) is used it must
be set to 0.00 mA.

P 11.07 Position at STOP Default: Lower Limit

Options: 0
Lower Limit

This parameter specifies the value of the Motor Speed Control (MSC) demand signal (see P11.03
Controller Magnitude Y) when the belt drive motor is not running.

This parameter should always be set to Lower Limit.

P 11.08 KP Speed controller Default: 0.10000 mA/%

Min: 0.00000 mA/% Max: 1000.00000 mA/%

This parameter specifies the speed control gain used during the volumetric startup period.

This parameter should always be set to 0.1000 mA/%.

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P 11.09 VAP Active Default: NO (Hidden)
Options: YES

Normally Hidden.

When this parameter is set to YES the feedrate and total calculations are time shifted to adjust for the
delay between the time that the material is weighed and the time that it is discharged.

This feature is useful when small batches are being delivered but is not used on Stock feeders. It
should always be set to NO.

P 11.10 Platform Dis. Length Default: 0.00 % lb (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 % lb Max: 50.00 % lb

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the distance between the center of the weigh platform and the material
discharge point in percentage of total belt length.

This parameter is only used when P11.09 VAP Active is set to YES. It should always be set to
0.0% Lb.

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9.2.12 Parameter Group 12 - Moisture
Parameters in this group supply the information required when material moisture compensation is
used. Stock does not currently supply moisture measurement equipment and these parameters
should always be disabled.

P 12.01 Moisture Active Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO

Normally Hidden – Set to NO.

This parameter is used to activate the moisture compensation system. At present Stock does not
supply moisture measurement equipment and these parameters should always be disabled.

This parameter should always be set to NO.

P 12.02 Moisture Select Default: n/a (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: DI

Normally Hidden – Set to n/a.

P 12.03 Moisture Measurement Default: n/a (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: AI

Normally Hidden – Set to n/a.

P 12.04 Nominal Moisture Default: 10.00 % (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: 0.00 % Max: 100.00 %

Normally Hidden – Set to 10.00%.

P 12.05 Moisture Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden – Set to 4.00 mA.

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P 12.06 Moisture Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)
Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden – Set to 20.00 mA.

P 12.07 DO Moisture active Default: n/a (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: DO

Normally Hidden – Set to n/a.

P 12.08 Moisture MAX Default: 20.00 % (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: 0.00 % Max: 100.00 %

Normally Hidden – Set to 20.00%.

P 12.09 DO Moisture MAX Default: n/a (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: DO

Normally Hidden – Set to n/a.

P 12.10 Event Moisture MAX Default: IG (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Event Group: MF Number: 05

Normally Hidden – Set to IG.

P 12.11 AO Flow Rate corr. Default: n/a (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: AO

Normally Hidden – Set to n/a.

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P 12.12 AO Flow Rate Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)
Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden – Set to 4.00 mA.

P 12.13 AO Flow Rate Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden – Set to 20.00 mA

P 12.14 Pulse Counter corr. Default: NO (Hidden)

Only available if Parameter: 12.01 = YES
Options: NO

Normally Hidden – Set to NO.

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9.2.13 Parameter Group 13 – Cleanout Control
The parameters in this group control the cleanout conveyor timer and Chain Motion Monitor (CMM)

P 13.01 DO: Cleanout Timer Default: DO 10

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to energize the cleanout conveyor motor starter when
the cleanout timer feature is enabled.

This parameter is normally set to DO 10.

Note: The cleanout timer output relay is only energized when the feeder is operating in remote mode.

P 13.02 Cleanout ON Time Default: 1.00 h (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 h Max: 1000.00 h

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the cleanout conveyor ON time when the cleanout timer feature is enabled.

This parameter is normally set to 1.00 h.

Note: The cleanout timer output relay is only energized when the feeder is operating in remote mode.

P 13.03 Cleanout OFF Time Default: 1.00 (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 h Max: 1001.00 h

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the cleanout conveyor OFF time when the cleanout timer feature is enabled.

This parameter is normally set to 1.00 h.

Note: The cleanout timer output relay is only energized when the feeder is operating in remote mode.

P 13.04 DI: Chain Motion Monitor Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14– High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used for the Chain Motion Monitor (CMM)

This parameter is normally set to n/a.

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P 13.05 Chain Motion Delay Default: 20 s (Hidden)
Min: 1 s Max: 1000 s

Normally Hidden.

This parameter sets the maximum delay between Chain Motion Monitor (CMM) pulses before a CMM
error (P13.06 Error Scraper) is generated.

This parameter is normally set to 20 sec. To disable this function if a CMM is not installed set P13.06
Belt Motion Error to IG.

P 13.06 Event: Chain Motion Monitor Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: LO Number: 04
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the error condition generated when the Chain Motion Monitor (CMM) pulse
delay is exceeded.

This parameter is normally set to A (Stop Feeder) if a CMM is installed and IG (Ignore) if not.

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9.2.14 Parameter Group 14 - Analog Outputs
The parameters in this group select the control source for the analog output channels. On the VCU
20104 controller only one analog channel is available and it is set to feedrate feedback by default.

P 14.01 Setpoint Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal.

Setpoint: The Setpoint value is the feedrate that the feeder is currently attempting to meet. The
source of the setpoint signal is determined by P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint. The analog output is scaled
to P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate.

This parameter is normally set to n/a (not used).

P 14.02 Setpoint Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is zero.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.

P 14.03 Setpoint Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is maximum.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

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P 14.04 Actual Flow Rate Default: AO 2 (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal.

Actual Flow Rate: The Actual Flow Rate value is the feedrate that the feeder is currently delivering.
This is the default signal source for Analog Output 2 (Set by P01.04 Analog Chanel A11). The analog
output is scaled to P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate.

This parameter is normally set to AO 2.

P 14.05 Flow Rate Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is zero.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.

P 14.06 Flow Rate Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is maximum.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

P 14.07 Belt Load Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal.

Belt Load: The Belt Load value is the current weight of material on the belt per unit length (lbs/inch).
The analog output is scaled to the nominal belt load, which is calculated using P02.05 Nominal Flow
Rate and P02.06 Nominal Speed.

This parameter is normally set to n/a (not used).

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P 14.08 Belt Load Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)
Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is zero.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.

P 14.09 Belt Load Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is maximum.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

P 14.10 Speed Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal.

Speed: The Speed value is the current belt speed. The analog output is scaled to P02.06 Nominal

This parameter is normally set to n/a (not used).

P 14.11 Speed Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is zero.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.

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P 14.12 Speed Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)
Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the actual analog output when the control signal is maximum.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

P 14.13 Deviation Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

Normally Hidden.

This parameter selects the analog output channel used for the indicated signal.

Deviation: The Setpoint value indicates the amount that the actual feedrate deviates from the
feedrate setpoint.

This parameter is normally set to n/a (not used).

P 14.14 Deviation Offset Default: 4.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: -200.00 mA Max: 200.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

See P14.15 Deviation Range.

This parameter is normally set to 4.00 mA.

P 14.15 Deviation Range Default: 20.00 mA (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 mA Max: 1000.00 mA

Normally Hidden.

The output signal is generated as follows:

Current = 10 mA + (P14.14 / 2) + (P11.16 – 11.15) X (Deviation / 100)

Note: Deviation can have either a positive or a negative value.

This parameter is normally set to 20.00 mA.

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P 14.16 Actual Flow Rate (2 ) Default: n/a (not used)
Options: n/a (not used)
AO 1 thru AO 6

This parameter is used when a second analog output proportional to feedrate is required. A second
analog output card is required and is normally installed in position A10. In this case both parameter
P01.03 Analog Channel A10 and P14.16 Actual Flow Rate (2 ) must be set to AO 3.

Actual Flow Rate: The Actual Flow Rate value is the feedrate that the feeder is currently delivering.
This is the default signal source for Analog Output 2 (Set by P01.04 Analog Chanel A11). The analog
output is scaled to P02.05 Nominal Flow Rate.

This parameter is normally set to n/a (not used).

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9.2.15 Parameter Group 15 - Digital Inputs
The parameters in this group are used to associate various controller functions with specific digital
input channels and to associate events with those functions. Most of the functions specified in this
group are hard wired on the controller and cannot be changed.

P 15.01 DI: Acknowledge Events Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely acknowledge error conditions.

This function is not normally used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.02 DI: VLG Mode Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to indicate that the VMO is in local mode.

This function is not used and this parameter should always be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.03 Event: External Event 1 Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: SC Number: 05
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the input specified in P15.04 DI External
Event 1 is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

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P 15.04 DI: External Event 1 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely generate External Event 1.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.05 Event: NAMUR Error V103-DI 13 Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: WE Number: 02
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the signal to the NAMUR device on DI 13
(NAMUR Belt Motion Monitor) is lost. This normally indicates damage to the wiring or the device.

Note: Loss of signal to the NAMUR Belt Motion Monitor will generate a BMM error in addition to a
NAMUR error.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 15.06 Event: NAMUR Error V103-DI 14 Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: WE Number: 03
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the signal to the NAMUR device on DI 14
(NAMUR Tachometer) is lost. This normally indicates damage to the wiring or the device.

Note: Loss of signal to the NAMUR tachometer will generate a loss of tachometer error in addition to
a NAMUR error.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

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P 15.07 DI: Reset Totalizer 1 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely reset totalizer 1. The totalizer is reset on
the rising edge of the signal.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.08 DI: Reset Totalizer 2 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely reset totalizer 2. The totalizer is reset on
the rising edge of the signal.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.09 DI: Discharge Pluggage Default: DI 5 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used for the discharge pluggage switch (LSFD). It is
internally programmed as a failsafe input. When the parameter is set to HIGH, open contact (low
signal) on the input will produce an event.

This parameter is normally set to DI 5 – High (terminal block X2-4) and is connected to wire 109.

P 15.10 Discharge Pluggage Delay Default: 2 s

Min: 0 s Max: 50 s

This parameter specifies the delay between the time that a discharge pluggage is detected and the
time that the discharge pluggage event is generated. It is the same as Setup 16 (Discharge
Pluggage Delay) on the 196NT.

This parameter is normally set to 2 seconds.

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P 15.11 Event: Discharge Pluggage Default: A
Event Group: WM Number: 07
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when a discharge pluggage is detected.

This parameter is normally set to A (Stop feeder). It can be set to IG (Ignore) to disable the discharge
pluggage event.

P 15.12 DI: Coal on Belt Switch Default: DI 7 - High

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 12 – High/Low

This parameter specifies the digital input used for the Coal on belt switch (LSFB),

This parameter is normally set to DI 7 – High (terminal block X3-6) and is connected to wire 108 if a
coal on belt switch is installed on the feeder. It can be set to n/a (not use) to disable the coal on
belt input.

P 15.13 Loss of Flow Delay Default: 1s

Min: 0 s Max: 50 s

This parameter specifies the delay between the time that a loss of material on the belt is detected
(coal on belt switch is inactive) and the time that the Loss of material event is generated. It is the
same as Setup 39 (Loss of Flow Delay) on the 196NT.

This parameter is normally set to 1 second.

Note: The loss of flow event can be disabled by setting P15.14 Loss of material to IG (Ignore).

P 15.14 Event: Loss of Material Default: IG

Event Group: WM Number: 08
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when a loss of material is detected (coal on belt
switch is inactive).

This parameter is normally set to A (Stop feeder). It can be set to IG (Ignore) to disable the Loss of
material event.

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P 15.15 Event: Coal on Belt Default: A
Event Group: WM Number: 12
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the feeder attempts to run in Local mode
with material on the belt (coal on belt switch is active).

This parameter should always be set to A (Stop feeder).

P 15.16 Belt Paddle Feedback Permissive Default: Prop to Rate

Options: Prop to Rate
Low Lim. if Empty

This parameter specifies the source for the feedback signal when a loss of material (coal on belt
switch is inactive) on the belt is detected. If it is set to Prop to Rate, the feedback signal always
follows the actual feedrate value; if it is set to Low Lim if Empty, the feedback signal is set to zero
when a loss of material is detected (coal on belt switch is inactive). It is similar to Setup 24 – (Belt
Paddle Feedback Permissive) on the 196NT.

This parameter is normally set to Prop. To Rate.

Note: This parameter should always be set to Low Lim. If Empty when the DT-9 is used on a
volumetric feeder.

P 15.17 DI: Motor Feedback Default: DI 4 – High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to indicate that the motor speed control has been

This parameter is normally set to DI 4 – High (terminal block X2-6) and is connected to wire 110.

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P 15.18 Event: Motor Starter Default: A (Hidden)
Event Group: WM Number: 09
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when the motor feedback signal (P15.17)
does not follow the motor start signal (P16.04 through P16.07).

This parameter should always be set to A (Stop Feeder)

P 15.19 DI: Coal Flow Monitor Default: DI 10 – High (Hidden)

Options:: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to indicate that the coal flow monitor has detected a
loss of flow.

This parameter is normally set to DI 10 – High (terminal block X4-7) and is connected to wire 116.

P 15.20 Level/Temperature Sensor Delay Default: 100.0 lb

Min: 0 lb Max: 10000000 lb

This parameter specifies the delay between the time that a loss of material flow is indicated by the
coal flow monitor (P15.19) and the time that the Coal Flow Error event is generated. It is specified in
units of lbs so that a head seal can be maintained regardless of the feedrate. It is similar to Setup 18
(Level/Temperature Sensor Delay) on the 196NT.

This parameter is normally set to 100 lbs to provide a quick response without nuisance trips.

P 15.21 Event: Coal Flow Default: A

Event Group: WM Number: 11
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when a loss of material flow is detected.

This parameter should be set to A (Stop Feeder) when a coal flow monitor is installed and IG (ignore)
when one is not.

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P 15.22 DI: Configuration Lock Default: DI 6 – High (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used prevent the parameters from being changed.

This parameter is normally set to DI 6 – High (terminal block X2-2) and is connected to wire 117.

P 15.23 DI: Remote Control Default: DI 1 (not used)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

This parameter specifies the digital input used to force the feeder into Remote mode.

This parameter is normally set to DI 1 – High (terminal block X1-6) and is connected to wire 118.

Note: This input is only active when parameter P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable is set to
Keyboard, Remote & Local.

P 15.24 DI: OFF/Maint CTRL Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to force the feeder into Off mode.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.25 DI: Local Start Default: DI 9 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to force the feeder into Local mode.

This parameter is normally set to DI 9 – High (terminal block X3-2) and is connected to wire 119.

Note: This input is only active when parameter P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable is set to
Keyboard & Local or Keyboard, Remote & Local.

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P 15.26 DI: Jog Forward Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to jog the feeder forward.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.27 DI: Jog Backwards Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to jog the feeder in reverse.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.28 Event: External Event 2 Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: SC Number: 06
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the input specified in P15.29 DI External
Event 2 is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 15.29 DI: External Event 2 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely generate External Event 2.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 15.30 Event: External Event 3 Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: SC Number: 11
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the input specified in P15.31 DI External
Event 3 is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 15.31 DI: External Event 3 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely generate External Event 3.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 15.32 Event: External Event 4 Default: IG (Hidden)

Event Group: SC Number: 12
Options: IG
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the event that is generated when the input specified in P15.33 DI External
Event 4 is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to IG (Ignore).

P 15.33 DI: External Event 4 Default: n/a (not used – Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 14 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used to remotely generate External Event 4.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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9.2.16 Parameter Group 16 - Digital Outputs
The parameters in this group are used to associate various controller functions with specific digital
output channels. Most of the functions specified in this group are hard wired at assembly.

P 16.01 DO: Start Feeder Default: DO 11 – High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to start the feeder.

This parameter is normally set to DO 11 – High and is connected to wires 7 and 8.

P 16.02 DO: Feeder Running Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is running.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (Not used).

P 16.03 DO: Feeder Running 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is running. This output is a
duplicate of P 16.02 DO: Feeder Running.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.04 DO: Feeder Run Forward Default: DO 7 High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to start the feeder running forward. This output is
similar to the K6 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 7 – High and is connected to wires 177-179.

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P 16.05 DO: Feeder Run Forward 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the second digital output used to start the feeder running forward. This
output is a duplicate of P 16.04 DO: Feeder Run Forward.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.06 DO: Feeder Run Reverse Default: DO 2 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to start the feeder in reverse. This output is similar to
the K2 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 2 – High and is connected to wires 156-158.

P 16.07 DO: Feeder Run Reverse 2 Default: DO 3 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the second digital output used to start the feeder in reverse. This output is a
duplicate of P 16.06 DO: Feeder Run Reverse.

This parameter must be set to DO 3 – High and is connected to wires 159-161.

P 16.08 DO: Start Pre-feeder Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to start the pre-feeder.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 16.09 DO: Alarm Default: DO 1 High (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate and alarm condition
(Event type A - feeder Stopped). This output is similar to the K1 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 1 – High and is connected to wires 150-152.

Note: Set this parameter to DO 1 – Low to simulate the K1 failsafe function of the 196NT.

P 16.10 DO: Alarm 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate and alarm condition
(Event type A - feeder Stopped). This output is a duplicate of P 16.09 DO: Alarm.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.11 DO: Deviation Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a deviation event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.12 DO: I-MIN Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a low flow rate event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 16.13 DO: I-MAX Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a high flow rate event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.14 DO: Q-MIN Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a low belt load event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.15 DO: Q-MAX Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a high belt load event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.16 DO: v-MIN Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a low belt speed event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 16.17 DO: v-MAX Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that a high belt speed event is active.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.18 DO: Volumetric Mode Default: DO 5 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in volumetric mode. This
output is similar to the K4 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 5 – High and is connected to wires 165-167.

P 16.19 DO: Volumetric Mode 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in volumetric mode. This
output is a duplicate of P 16.18 DO: Volumetric Mode.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.20 DO: VMO Mode Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in VMO Mode.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 16.21 DO: WARNING Default: DO 8 - High (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate a warning condition (Event type W1 or
W2). This output is similar to the K7 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 8 – High and is connected to wires 183-185.

Note: Set this parameter to DO 8 – Low to simulate the K7 failsafe function of the 196NT.

P 16.22 DO: WARNING 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to annunciate a warning condition (Event type W1 or
W2). This output is a duplicate of P 16.22 DO: Warning.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

P 16.23 DO: Feeding Default: DO 6 - High (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the belt drive motor is running and
there is material on the belt. This output is similar to the K5 relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 6 – High and is connected to wires 171-173.

P 16.24 DO: Feeding 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the belt drive motor is running and
there is material on the belt. This output is a duplicate of P 16.23 DO: Feeding.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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P 16.25 DO: Remote CTRL Default: DO 4 High (Hidden)
Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in remote mode. This
output is similar to the Kx relay on the 196 NT.

This parameter must be set to DO 4 – High and is connected to wires 162-164.

P 16.26 DO: Remote CTRL 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 13 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital output used to indicate that the feeder is in remote mode. This
output is a duplicate of P 16.25 DO: Remote CTRL.

This function is not used and this parameter should be set to n/a (not used).

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9.2.17 Parameter Group 17 – Analog Calibration
The parameters in this group are used to trim the analog output values. They can be set manually
but they are normally set using he Analog Trim Function (see section 5.6)

P 17.01 Analog Input 1 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.02 Analog Input 1 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.03 Analog Input 2 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.04 Analog Input 2 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.05 Analog Input 3 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.06 Analog Input 3 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.07 Analog Input 4 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

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P 17.08 Analog Input 4 Max Default: 20.00 mA
Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.09 Analog Input 5 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.10 Analog Input 5 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.11 Analog Output 1 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.12 Analog Output 1 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.13 Analog Output 2 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.14 Analog Output 2 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.15 Analog Output 3 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

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P 17.16 Analog Output 3 Max Default: 20.00 mA
Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.17 Analog Output 4 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.18 Analog Output 4 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.19 Analog Output 5 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.20 Analog Output 5 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.21 Analog Output 6 Min Default: 4.00 mA

Min: 1.00 mA Max: 7.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

P 17.22 Analog Output 6 Max Default: 20.00 mA

Min: 17.00 mA Max: 23.00 mA

See section 4.5, Analog Trim Function.

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9.2.18 Parameter Group 18 - 2-Sensor Slip
The parameters in this group control the DT-9 belt slip sensor system. This system is not currently
supported and is disabled and hidden by default.

P 18.01 2-Sensor Slip active Default: NO (Hidden)

Options: NO

Normally Hidden.

This parameter is used to enable the DT-9 slip sensor system.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported on the VCU 20104. This parameter should always
be set to NO.

P 18.02 Source Sensor 1 Default: Speed (Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 12 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the type of input used for the first of the two sensors used in slip detection.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to Speed.

P 18.03 DI: Sensor 1 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 12 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used for the first slip sensor. It is only active if P18.02
Source Sensor 1 is set to DI.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to n/a
(not used).

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P 18.04 Char. Value Sensor 1 Default: 100.00 P/inch (Hidden)
Min: 0.01 P/inch Max: 1000000.00 P/inch (Hidden)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the number of pluses that the first slip sensor generates in one inch of
belt travel.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to
100 P/inch.

P 18.05 DI: Sensor 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DI 1 thru DI 12 – High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the digital input used for the second slip sensor.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to n/a
(not used).

P 18.06 Char. Value Sensor 2 Default: 100.00 P/inch (Hidden)

Min: 0.01 P/inch Max: 1000000.00 P/inch (Hidden)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the number of pluses that the second slip sensor generates in one inch of
belt travel.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to
100.00 P/inch.

P 18.07 Slip Value 2 Default: 2.00 % LB (Hidden)

Min: 0.00 % LB Max: 10.00 % LB (Hidden)

Normally Hidden

This parameter specifies the minimum difference between the two sensors (in percent of total belt
length, LB) required to generate a belt slip event.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to
2.0% LB.

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P 18.08 Event: Slip 2 Default: IG (Hidden)
Event Group: WM Number: 05
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when belt slippage is detected.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to IG.

P 18.09 DO: Slip 2 Default: n/a (not used - Hidden)

Options: n/a (not used)
DO 1 thru DO 14 - High/Low

Normally Hidden.

This parameter the digital output that is activate when a belt slippage event is generated.

The slip sensor system is not currently supported and this parameter should always be set to n/a
(not used).

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9.2.19 Parameter Group 19 – Maintenance Interval
The parameters in this group allow an event to be generated to indicate that periodic maintenance is

P 19.01 Maintenance Electrical Default: 3000 h

Min: 1 h Max: 10000 h

This parameter specifies the time intervals between maintenance events based on the total amount of
time the DT-9 is powered.

This parameter is normally set to 3000 hours.

P 19.02 Event: Maintenance Electrical Default: IG

Event Group: SC Number: 04
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when the time interval specified in
P19.01 Maintenance Elec. has expired.

This parameter is normally set to IG to disable the maintenance event.

P 19.03 Maintenance Feeder Run Default: 3000 h

Min: 1 h Max: 10000 h

This parameter specifies the time intervals between maintenance events based on the total amount of
time the belt drive motor is energized.

This parameter is normally set to 3000 hours.

P 19.04 Event: Maintenance Feeder Run Default: IG

Event Group: SC Number: 03
Options: IG (Ignore)
A (Stop feeder)
W1 (Warning – manual reset)
W2 (Warning – Automatic reset)

This parameter specifies the type of event that is generated when the time interval specified in
P19.03 Maintenance Feeder Run. has expired.

This parameter is normally set to IG to disable the maintenance event.

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9.2.20 Parameter Group 20 - Reports
The parameters in this group are used to specify the time that material total data logging occurs.

P 20.01 Hourly Start Default: 0 min

Min: 0 min Max: 59 min

This parameter specifies the time that the hourly total is saved to the total data logging system. It is
the same as Setup 37 (Hourly total time) on the 196NT.

This parameter is set according to customer preference.

P 20.02 Daily Start Default: 0 min

Min: 0 min Max: 1493 min

This parameter specifies the time that the daily total is saved to the total data logging system. It is the
same as Setup 38 (Daily total time) on the 196NT.

This parameter is set according to customer preference.

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9.2.21 Parameter Group 21 - Comm. EasyServe
The parameters in this group control serial communication between EasyServe and the DT-9.

Note: EasyServe is normally connected using Ethernet and these parameters are not used.

P 21.01 Own Address Default: 1 (Hidden)

Min: 1 Max: 11

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the serial loop address of the DT-9. This address and baud rates (see
below) much match the address specified in EasyServe.

This parameter is normally set to 1.

Note: The station address is designed for systems with Service bus. If Service bus is not used, select
address 1.

P 21.02 Baud Rate Default: 38400 (Hidden)

Options: 38400

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the baud rate used for serial communication with EasyServe.

This parameter can only be set to 38400.

P 21.03 Format Data Default: 8-N-1 (Hidden)

Options: 8-N-1

Normally Hidden.

This parameter specifies the communications protocol used for serial communication between
EasyServe and the DT-9.

This parameter can only be set to 8-N-1.

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9.2.22 Parameter Group 22 - Comm. Fieldbus
The parameters in this group are used to control the various types of fieldbus communications that
are supported by the DT-9. Contact Stock for a detailed description of Fieldbus communications.

Note: Fieldbus communications are disabled and hidden by default.

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9.2.23 Parameter Group 23 - Ethernet
The parameters in this group control the DT-9 Ethernet ports.

P 23.01 IP Address Default:

This parameter specifies the DT-9 IP address.

This parameter should be set to the default value of for normal communication with
EasyServe and the (optional) touch screen display.

P 23.02 Net Mask Default:

This parameter specifies the DT-9 subnet mask.

This parameter is normally set to

P 23.03 Gateway Default:

This parameter specifies the network gate way used to connect the DT-9.

This parameter is normally set to

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 129

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9.2.24 Parameter Group 24 - PLS Outputs
This parameter group is used to specify analog and digital output channels that are under Fieldbus
control. Contact Stock for a detailed description of Fieldbus communications.

Note: Fieldbus communications are disabled and hidden by default.

9.2.25 Parameter Group 25 – Fixed Mode Config.

This parameter group is used to specify fixed data points that are used with Fieldbus communication.
Contact Stock for a detailed description of Fieldbus communications.

Note: Fieldbus communications are disabled and hidden by default.

9.2.26 Parameter Group 26 – FCB Analog Output

This parameter group is used to associate Function Block analog outputs with physical I/O points.
Contact Stock for a detailed description of Function Control Blocks.

Note: Function Control Block parameters are disabled and hidden by default.

9.2.27 Parameter Group 27 – FCB Digital Output

This parameter group is used to associate Function Block digital outputs with physical I/O points.
Contact Stock for a detailed description of Function Control Blocks.

Note: Function Control Block parameters are disabled and hidden by default.

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10 Event (Error) Messages
Event messages report abnormal states, e.g. errors or limit value excess.

Always correct the cause of a fault before acknowledging it. The feeder has the potential to cause
injuries or damage if this procedure is not followed.

There are four different event classes:

Event Class Code Display / Effect

All measuring and control operations are aborted.
Alarm A System goes to safe state. This type of event is the
same as a feeder trip on the 196NT.
The event is annunciated and remains active until it
has been acknowledged. Measuring and control
Warning 1 W1
tasks are not affected. This type of event is similar to
some type of alarms on the 196NT
The event is annunciated and remains active until
the cause has been corrected. It is not necessary to
Warning 2 W2 acknowledge this type of event. Measuring and
control tasks are not affected. This type of event is
similar to some type of alarms on the 196NT
Event is not annunciated. Measuring and control
Ignore IG
tasks are not affected.

Event are classified in the following groups with the priority shown.

Event Group Symbol

System message SY
Sequence monitoring SC
Electrical system WE
Mechanical system WM
Material flow MF
Interlocking IL
Controllers CO
Calibration CA
Maximum HI
Minimum LO

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Note: In the following list, parameters related to the indicated event are shown in parenthesis.

Event Group: Calibration

CA-01 LC Input ( P 06.04 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Load cell cable wrong.

Measuring amplifier A/D converter is in saturated state.
Supply voltage is below 19V.
Error must be available for minimum 3s.

• Check cabling.
• If cabling is OK, load cell amplifier could be defective.
• Check for either possibility. If scale cannot be restarted after remedy of fault, turn
device off and restart.
CA-02 Tacho Input ( P 06.03 )
Input frequency is zero or exceeds 3600 Hz.

• Insure that the motor is turning.
• Insure that parameter P 04.06 Speed Measurement is set to the correct input.
• Check the tachometer wiring.
• Check the tachometer signal using a frequency counter or oscilloscope.

Event Group: Controller

CO-01 Controller Limited ( P 06.13 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Feed rate controller control magnitude has reached upper response threshold. After some
time, message HI-5 (Deviation) is additionally output.
1. Material flow missing or irregular.
2. External feed rate controller wrongly set.

• Check material discharge and control magnitude (service value Y). At nominal feed
rate, Y should be 10 to 14mA.
CO-05 Event Vol on Failure ( P 05.02 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Indicates that the system is in volumetric mode due to failure in the weighing system.

• Check for load cell wiring errors or imbalanced load cell inputs.

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Event Group: Electrical System
WE-01 Power Failure ( P 06.08 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

This event is generated when power is lost. If P06.08 Event: Power failure is set to A, the
feeder will be in OFF/Maint Mode when power is restored.
WE-02 Event: NAMUR Error V103-DI13 ( P 15.05 )
This event should only be enabled when a NAMUR sensor is connected to DI 13.

The connection to the sensor on DI 13 (X5-5 and X5-6) has been lost.

• Insure that a NAMUR device is connected to DI 13.
• Check the DI 13 wiring.
WE-03 Event: NAMUR Error V103-DI14 ( P 15.06 )
This event should only be enabled when a NAMUR sensor is connected to DI 14.

The connection to the sensor on DI 14 (X5-3 and X5-4)has been lost.

• Insure that a NAMUR device is connected to DI 14.
• Check the DI 14 wiring.
WE-08 Analog Input< Offset ( P 06.15 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

The signal available across an analog input is smaller than the set zero point elevation.
Action: Check analog input (Sig+ & Sig-) wiring.

Event Group: Interlock

IL-01 Run Disabled ( P 03.11 )
Normally set to W2.

When a touch screen HMI is used, parameter P03.10 Run Enable must be set to DI 8,
which is connected to the stop switch mounted under the HMI. This switch is used to stop
the feeder in the event that the HMI is disabled or disconnected. Parameter P03.11 is
normally set to W2 so that there is an indication on the display when the feeder is disabled.

• Check the position of the Run Enable switch. Check the wiring to the Run
Enable switch.

Note: The Run Enable switch is not normally used with the Stock 196NT display and in this
case P03.10 Run Enable must be set to n/a to allow motor operation.

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 133

©Schenck Process Group
Event Group: Material Flow
MF-05 Moisture > MAX ( P 12.10 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

The value of the moisture input signal is greater then the maximum signal set by P12.08.
MF-14 Remote TCI too small ( P 02.15 )
The TCI is required to operate at a frequency greater then its limit. See the description of
P 02.14 Pulse Length Total for more information.

• Set P02.13 Totalizer Increment and/or P02.14 Remote Totalizer Pulse Width to a
smaller value.

Event Group: MAX

HI-01 LC Input > MAX ( P 06.06 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Load cell load is higher than 110% of load cells rated capacities.
Full scale value:
125% with 2.85mV/V load cells
175% with 2mV/V load cells
HI-02 I > MAX ( P 09.04 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Flow rate exceeds set maximum value.

HI-03 Load > MAX ( P 09.08 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Belt load exceeds set maximum value.

HI-04 v > MAX ( P 09.12 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Belt speed exceeds set MAX value.

HI-05 Deviation ( P 06.12 )
The difference between the actual feedrate and the feedrate demand setpoint has
exceeded the value specified in P06.10 “Threshold Deviation” for a time greater then the
limit specified by P06.09 “Time Deviation”.

• Check for loss or material on belt.

134 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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Event Group: Mechanic
WM-02 Event: Slip ( P 07.08 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

WM-05 Slip Error 2 ( P 18.08 )

Normally disabled and hidden.

The difference between the belt speed calculated using sensor 1 (P18.02) and sensor
2(P18.05) has exceeded the limit specified by P 18.07 Slip Value 2.
WM-06 Chain Motion Monitor ( P 13.06 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

The Chain Motion Monitor (CMM) pulse delay (P13.05) has been exceeded.
WM-07 Discharge Pluggage ( P 15.11 )
The discharge pluggage switch (LSFD) detected a build up of coal at the feeder discharge.
This is a fail safe input. This event is generated when the LSFD signal is lost.

• Insure that discharge is clear.
• Check LSFD wiring.
WM-08 Loss of Material ( P 15.14 )
The coal on belt switch (LSFB) has indicated a loss of material on the belt while running in
WM-09 Motor Starter Error ( P 15.18 )
The motor starter of VFD has failed to start the feeder when instructed to by the controller.
WM-10 Belt Motion Error ( P 07.03 )
The Belt Motion Monitor (BMM) pulse delay (P07.02) has been exceeded.
WM-11 Coal Flow Error ( P 15.21 )
The (optional) coal flow monitor has indicated a loss of material in the downspout above
the feeder.
WM-12 Coal on Belt ( P 15.15 )
Coal was detected by the coal on belt switch (LSFB) when the feeder was running in local
or calibrate mode.

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Event Group: MIN
LO-01 LC Input < MIN ( P 06.05 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Load cell load is smaller than 3% of load cell rated capacities.

LO-02 I < MIN ( P 09.02 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Flow rate smaller than set minimum value.

LO-03 Load < MIN ( P 09.06 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Belt load smaller than set minimum value.

LO-04 v < MIN ( P 09.10 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Belt speed is smaller than set minimum value.

136 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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Event Group: Sequence Monitoring
SC-01 Setpoint Limited ( P 06.07 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Depending on selected mode:

a) In gravimetric mode, setpoint is limited to nominal feed rate.
b) In volumetric mode, limitation starts from values exceeding 3 times the nominal value.
c) Emergency setpoint is active (P 06.18).
SC-02 Stand-By ( P 06.01)
Normally disabled and hidden.

Scale is in standby mode, i.e. setpoint is smaller than set standby limit (Parameter P06.03
"Standby Limit"). Material pre-feeder cuts off.
SC-03 Maint Feeder Run. ( P 19.04 )
Normally disabled.

Total of scale run times exceeds "Scale ON-Time".

After every time interval elapsed, a message is output. This message simply informs you
that service work is required.
SC-04 Maintenance Int. Elec ( P 19.02 )
Normally disabled.

Total of power-on time exceeds value of "Voltage On-Time" parameter.

After every time interval elapsed, a message is output. This message simply informs you
that service work is required.
SC-05 External Event 1 ( P 15.03 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

External event 1 (See 15.04) is enabled, and external event 1 input (See P15.03) is active.

SC-06 External Event 2 ( P 15.28 )

Normally disabled and hidden.

External event 2 (See 15.29) is enabled, and external event 2 input (See P15.28) is active.

SC-11 External Event 3 ( P 15.30 )

Normally disabled and hidden.

External event 3 (See 15.31) is enabled, and external event 3 input (See P15.30) is active.

SC-12 External Event 4 ( P 15.32 )

Normally disabled and hidden.

External event 4 (See 15.33) is enabled, and external event 4 input (See P15.32) is active.

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Event Group: System Message
SY-01 Memory Error ( P 06.14 )
Error has been detected by cyclic check of program and parameter memories. If SY 01 is
output immediately after power-up.
Call the "Load Default Parameters" function. If this does not help, contact Stock service; in
most cases the controller is inoperable.
SY-07 Communication VHM ( P 01.01 )
Normally disabled.

Communications has been lost between the DT-9 controller and the touch screen display
for more then 10 seconds.

• Check cable connections.
SY-08 Cyclic Communication Host ( P 22.03 )
Normally disabled and hidden.

Interruption of serial communication exceeds the timeout period.

• Check cabling.
SY-12 Communications ARM7 ( P 01.02 )
This parameter selects the error condition generated when communications between the
ARM9 main processor and the ARM7 auxiliary processor are lost.

• Check cable connections between boards.
• Replace controller.

138 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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11 Appendix A
Appendix A includes a list of all DT-9 parameters divided into functional parameter blocks. Listed are
number, name and Sys ID. The Sys ID is the DT-9 internal ID number for the single parameters.

11.1 Parameter Overview

VCF20171-002 2669
01 - Hardware Modules
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 01.01 Event: Communication VHM IG 4218
P 01.02 Event: Communication ARM7 A 5752
P 01.03 Analog Channel A10 NO 5746
P 01.04 Analog Channel A11 NO 5747
P 01.05 Analog Channel A12 NO 5748
P 01.06 Analog Channel A13 NO
02 - Feeder Definition
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 02.01 Language ENGLISH 4224
P 02.02 Units English 4225
P 02.03 Scale Name DISOCONT TERSUS 6238
P 02.04 Password 10000 4292
P 02.05 Nominal Flow Rate Io 50000.0 lb/h 4226
P 02.06 Nominal Speed 3.0000 inch/s 4227
P 02.07 Display Formats SELECTABLE 4228
P 02.08 Flow Rate Units ----.- lb/h 4229
P 02.09 Counter 1 Unit ------- lb 4230
P 02.10 Counter 2 Unit ------- lb 4232
P 02.11 Counter 3 Unit ------- lb 4233
P 02.12 DO: Pulse Counter DO
P 02.13 Totalizer Increment 100.00 lb 4254
P 02.14 Remote Totalizer Pulse Width 0.100 s 4231
P 02.15 Event: Remote TCI too small W2 5745
P 02.16 Maintenance Speed 50 % 5670
P 02.17 DO: FRI Frequency DO
P 02.18 Remote FRI Frequency 10.000 Hz/(t/h) 5708
03 - Control Sources
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 03.01 Feeder Start DI 4241
P 03.02 Feedrate Setpoint AI 4242
P 03.03 Setpoint Range 20.00 mA 4243
P 03.04 Setpoint Offset 4.00 mA 4244
P 03.05 Maximum Feedrate 50000.0 lb/h 5686
P 03.06 Minimum Feedrate 5000.0 lb/h 5687
P 03.07 DI: Raise Setpoint n/a 5722
P 03.08 DI: Lower Setpoint n/a 5723
P 03.09 Raise/Lower Response Time 30 s 5709

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P 03.10 Run Enable DI 4245
P 03.11 Event: Run Disabled W2 4246
P 03.12 Mode Select Enable/Disable Keyb.,Remote & 5707
P 03.13 Speed Setpoint 900 rpm 5682
P 03.14 Run Mode Select Frate Setpoint 5684
04 - Rated Data
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 04.01 LC Characteristic Value 3.0000 mV/V 4257
P 04.02 LC Rated Cap. 100.000 lb 4258
P 04.03 Effective Platform Length 18.000 inch 4259
P 04.04 Lever Ratio 1.0000 4260
P 04.05 Angle 0.00 degree 4261
P 04.06 Speed Measurement DI
P 04.07 Belt load LC left LC 4263
P 04.08 Belt load LC right LC 4269
P 04.09 Tachometer: Pulses per Rev 60.0 P/rev 5690
P 04.10 Load cross section 157.00 inch2 5730
05 - Feeder Control
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 05.01 Volum on LC failure YES 4270
P 05.02 Event: Volum on failure IG 4271
P 05.03 Afterfl.Totalizer 0.0 s 4274
P 05.04 Zero Drop-Out Active NO 4679
P 05.05 Zero Drop-Out Limit 1.00 % Q 4680
06 - Feeder Monitoring
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 06.01 Event: Stand-By IG 4289
P 06.02 Stand-By Limit Value 5 % Io 4290
P 06.03 Event: Tachometer Input A 4291
P 06.04 Event: LC Input IG 4293
P 06.05 Event: LC Input < MIN IG 4294
P 06.06 Event: LC Input > MAX IG 4295
P 06.07 Event: Setpoint Limited IG 4296
P 06.08 Event: Power Failure IG 4297
P 06.09 Time Deviation 20.0 s 4298
P 06.10 Threshold Deviation 5.0 % 4299
P 06.11 Factor Deviation 1.0 4320
P 06.12 Event: Deviation W2 4300
P 06.13 Event: Controller Limited IG 4301
P 06.14 Event: Memory W1 4302
P 06.15 Event: Analog Input < Offset IG 5418
07 - Belt Monitoring
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 07.01 DI: Belt Motion Monitor n/a 5724
P 07.02 Belt Motion Monitor Delay 10 s 5698
P 07.03 Event: Belt Motion Monitor IG 5725
P 07.04 DI: Source Belt Sensor n/a

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P 07.05 BIC Active NO
P 07.06 DI: BIC Freeze n/a
P 07.07 Slip Value 10.00% LB
P 07.08 Event: Slip IG
P 07.09 DO: Belt Slip n/a
08 - Display Filters
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 08.01 LC Filter 4.0 s 4334
P 08.02 I-Display 1.0 s 4328
P 08.03 I-Analog Output 1.0 s 4329
P 08.04 Feedback Filter Override 15.00 % 5702
P 08.05 Belt Load 1.0 s 4331
P 08.06 Belt Speed 1.0 s 4332
P 08.07 Deviation 1.0 s 4333
09 - Limit Values
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 09.01 Value for I-Min 5.0 % Io 4337
P 09.02 Event: I-Min IG 4338
P 09.03 Value for I-Max 120.0 % Io 4339
P 09.04 Event: I-Max IG 4340
P 09.05 Value for Q-Min 60.0 % Q 4341
P 09.06 Event: Q-Min IG 4342
P 09.07 Value for Q-Max 120.0 % Q 4343
P 09.08 Event: Q-Max IG 4344
P 09.09 Value for V-Min 5.0 % V 4345
P 09.10 Event: V-Min IG 4346
P 09.11 Value for V-Max 120.0 % V 4347
P 09.12 Event: V-Max IG 4348
10 - Calibration Data
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 10.01 Calibration Probe Span 36.0000 inch 5693
P 10.02 Pulses per length 300.00 P/inch 4256
P 10.03 Range Correction TW 1.0000 5731
P 10.04 Range Correction TC 1.0000 5732
P 10.05 Range Correction TM 1.0000 5733
P 10.06 Belt Circuit Time 60.0 s 4353
P 10.07 Simulation Travel (Belt Rev.) 2.0 5703
P 10.08 Calibration Weight 70.000 lb 4354
P 10.09 Test Chain Weight 4.3000 lb/inch 5715
P 10.10 Basic Tare 0.00 lb/inch 4355
P 10.11 Belt Circuit No. 1000000.00 P/B 4357
11 - Rate controller
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 11.01 P-Component KP 0.05000 mA/% 4369
P 11.02 I-Component TN 1.0 s 4370
P 11.03 Motor Speed Control Output AO 4400
P 11.04 Lower Limit 4.00 mA 4371

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P 11.05 Upper Limit 20.00 mA 4372
P 11.06 Controller Magnitude Offset 4.00 mA 4373
P 11.07 Position at STOP Lower Limit 4374
P 11.08 KP speed controller 0.07000 mA/% 5734
P 11.09 VAP Active NO 4480
P 11.10 Platform Dis.Length 0.00 % LB 4482
12 - Moisture
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 12.01 Moisture Active NO 5386
P 12.02 Moisture Select n/a 5399
P 12.03 AI: Moisture Measurement n/a 5387
P 12.04 Nominal Moisture 10.00 % 5388
P 12.05 Moisture Offset 4.00 mA 5389
P 12.06 Moisture Range 20.00 mA 5390
P 12.07 DO: Moisture active n/a 5400
P 12.08 Moisture MAX 20.00 % 5391
P 12.09 DO: Moisture MAX n/a 5392
P 12.10 Event: Moisture MAX W1 5393
P 12.11 AO: Flow Rate corrected n/a 5394
P 12.12 AO: Flow Rate Offset 4.00 mA 5395
P 12.13 AO: Flow Rate Range 20.00 mA 5396
P 12.14 Pulse Counter corrected NO 5397
13 - Cleanout Control
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 13.01 DO: Cleanout Timer DO 10 4277
P 13.02 Cleanout ON Time 1.00 h 4278
P 13.03 Cleanout OFF Time 1.00 h 4279
P 13.04 DI: Chain Motion Monitor n/a 4404
P 13.05 Chain Motion Delay 20 s 4405
P 13.06 Event: Chain Motion Monitor IG 4406
14 - Analog Outputs
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 14.01 Setpoint n/a 4385
P 14.02 Setpoint Offset 4.00 mA 4386
P 14.03 Setpoint Range 20.00 mA 4387
P 14.04 Actual Flow Rate AO 2 4388
P 14.05 Flow Rate Offset 4.00 mA 4389
P 14.06 Flow Rate Range 20.00 mA 4390
P 14.07 Belt Load n/a 4391
P 14.08 Belt Load Offset 4.00 mA 4392
P 14.09 Belt Load Range 20.00 mA 4393
P 14.10 Speed n/a 4394
P 14.11 Speed Offset 4.00 mA 4395
P 14.12 Speed Range 20.00 mA 4396
P 14.13 Deviation n/a 4397
P 14.14 Deviation Offset 4.00 mA 4398
P 14.15 Deviation Range 20.00 mA 4399

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P 14.16 AO: Actual Flow Rate 2 n/a 4306
15 - Digital Inputs
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 15.01 DI: Acknowledge Events n/a 4419
P 15.02 DI: VLG Mode n/a
P 15.03 Event: External Event 1 IG 4417
P 15.04 DI: External Event 1 n/a 4418
P 15.05 Event: NAMUR Error V103-D13 IG
P 15.06 Event: NAMUR Error V103-D14 IG
P 15.07 DI: Reset Totalizer 1 n/a 5414
P 15.08 DI: Reset Totalizer 2 n/a 5415
P 15.09 DI: Discharge Pluggage DI 5 5716
P 15.10 Discharge Pluggage Delay 2s 5697
P 15.11 Event: Discharge Pluggage A 5717
P 15.12 DI: Coal on belt switch DI 7 5718
P 15.13 Loss of Flow Trip Delay 1s 5704
P 15.14 Event: Loss of material IG 5719
P 15.15 Event: Coal on Belt A 5754
P 15.16 Belt Paddle Feedback prop to Rate 5705
P 15.17 DI: Motor feedback DI 4 5720
P 15.18 Event: Motor Start A 5721
P 15.19 DI: Coal Flow Monitor DI 10 5726
P 15.20 Level/Temperature 100.0000 lb 5699
Sensor Delay
P 15.21 Event: Coal Flow A 5727
P 15.22 DI: Configuration Lock DI 6 5728
P 15.23 DI: Remote CTRL DI 1 5735
P 15.24 DI: OFF/Maint CTRL n/a 5736
P 15.25 DI: Local Start DI 9 5737
P 15.26 DI: Jog forward n/a 5738
P 15.27 DI: Jog backward n/a 5739
P 15.28 Event: External Event 2 IG 4430
P 15.29 DI: External Event 2 n/a 4431
P 15.30 Event: External Event 3 IG 4730
P 15.31 DI: External Event 3 n/a 4731
P 15.32 Event: External Event 4 IG 4732
P 15.33 DI: External Event 4 n/a 4733
16 - Digital Outputs
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 16.01 DO: Start feeder DO 11 4433
P 16.02 DO: Feeder running n/a 4434
P 16.03 DO: Feeder running 2 n/a 5671
P 16.04 DO: Feeder Run Forward DO 7 5740
P 16.05 DO: Feeder Run Forward 2 n/a 5672
P 16.06 DO: Feeder Run Reverse DO 2 5741
P 16.07 DO: Feeder Run Reverse 2 DO 3 5673
P 16.08 DO: Start Prefeeder n/a 4435

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P 16.09 DO: ALARM DO 1 4436
P 16.10 DO: ALARM 2 n/a 5674
P 16.11 DO: Deviation n/a 4437
P 16.12 DO: I-MIN n/a 4438
P 16.13 DO: I-MAX n/a 4439
P 16.14 DO: Q-MIN n/a 4440
P 16.15 DO: Q-MAX n/a 4441
P 16.16 DO: v-MIN n/a 4442
P 16.17 DO: v-MAX n/a 4443
P 16.18 DO: Volumetric Mode DO 5 4444
P 16.19 DO: Volumetric Mode 2 n/a 5675
P 16.20 DO: VMO Mode n/a
P 16.21 DO: WARNING DO 8 4759
P 16.22 DO: WARNING 2 n/a 5676
P 16.23 DO: Feeding DO 6 5742
P 16.24 DO: Feeding 2 n/a 5677
P 16.25 DO: Remote CTRL DO 4 5750
P 16.26 DO: Remote CTRL 2 n/a 5678
17 - Analog Calibration
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 17.01 Analog Input 1 Min 4.00 mA 5755
P 17.02 Analog Input 1 Max 20.00 mA 5756
P 17.03 Analog Input 2 Min 4.00 mA 5757
P 17.04 Analog Input 2 Max 20.00 mA 5758
P 17.05 Analog Input 3 Min 4.00 mA 5759
P 17.06 Analog Input 3 Max 20.00 mA 5760
P 17.07 Analog Input 4 Min 4.00 mA
P 17.08 Analog Input 4 Max 20.00 mA
P 17.09 Analog Input 5 Min 4.00 mA
P 17.10 Analog Input 5 Max 20.00 mA
P 17.11 Analog Output 1 Min 4.00 mA 5765
P 17.12 Analog Output 1 Max 20.00 mA 5766
P 17.13 Analog Output 2 Min 4.00 mA 5767
P 17.14 Analog Output 2 Max 20.00 mA 5768
P 17.15 Analog Output 3 Min 4.00 mA 5769
P 17.16 Analog Output 3 Max 20.00 mA 5770
P 17.17 Analog Output 4 Min 4.00 mA
P 17.18 Analog Output 4 Max 20.00 mA
P 17.19 Analog Output 5 Min 4.00 mA
P 17.20 Analog Output 5 Max 20.00 mA
P 17.21 Analog Output 6 Min 4.00 mA
P 17.22 Analog Output 6 Max 20.00 mA
18 - 2-Sensor Slip
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 18.01 2-Sensor Slip active NO 5433
P 18.02 Source Sensor 1 Speed 5434
P 18.03 DI: Sensor 1 n/a 5435

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P 18.04 Characteristic Value Sensor 1 100.00 P/inch 5436
P 18.05 DI: Sensor 2 n/a 5437
P 18.06 Characteristic Value Sensor 2 100.00 P/inch 5438
P 18.07 Slip Value 2 2.00 % LB 5439
P 18.08 Event: Slip 2 IG 5440
P 18.09 DO: Slip 2 n/a 5443
19 - Maintenance Interval
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 19.01 Maintenance Electric 3000 h 4465
P 19.02 Event: Maintenance Electric IG 4466
P 19.03 Maintenance Feeder Run 3000 h 4467
P 19.04 Event: Maintenance Feeder IG 4468
20 - Reports
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 20.01 Hourly Total Time 0 min 5743
P 20.02 Daily Total Time 0 min 5744
21 - Communication EasyServe
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 21.01 Own Address 1 4520
P 21.02 Baud Rate 38400 4521
P 21.03 Format Data 8-N-1 6189
22 - Communication Fieldbus
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 22.01 Protocol Type NO 4528
P 22.02 Timeout Host 5s 4529
P 22.03 Event: Cyclic Communication A 4530
P 22.04 Modbus-Version compatible Stock 5729
P 22.05 Word Sequence I:std/L:std 6246
P 22.06 Byte Sequence High - Low 6245
P 22.07 Configuration FIXED_COMP_8_16 4661
P 22.08 Address 1 4531
P 22.09 Resolution 4096 4533
P 22.10 Baud rate 19200 4535
P 22.11 Data Format 8-O-1 4656
P 22.12 Physics RS232 6186
P 22.13 Address 16 4539
P 22.14 FLOAT-Format IEEE 4540
P 22.15 Address 63 4541
P 22.16 Baud rate 125K 4542
P 22.17 Parameter NO 4658
P 22.18 Preset Count 2 4734
P 22.19 READ_ID Count 6 4659

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 145

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23 - Ethernet
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 23.01 IP Address 6235
P 23.02 Net Mask 6236
P 23.03 Gateway 6237
24 - PLS Outputs
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 24.01 DO: PLS Binary OUT 1 n/a 4662
P 24.02 DO: PLS Binary OUT 2 n/a 4663
P 24.03 DO: PLS Binary OUT 3 n/a 4664
P 24.04 DO: PLS Binary OUT 4 n/a 4665
P 24.05 DO: PLS Binary OUT 5 n/a 4666
P 24.06 DO: PLS Binary OUT 6 n/a 4667
P 24.07 DO: PLS Binary OUT 7 n/a 4668
P 24.08 DO: PLS Binary OUT 8 n/a 4669
P 24.09 AO: PLS Analog OUT 1 n/a 4670
P 24.10 AO: PLS Analog OUT 2 n/a 4671
25 - Fixed mode configuration
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 25.01 ID Preset Value 1 320 6247
P 25.02 ID Preset Value 2 352 6248
P 25.03 ID Preset Value 3 384 6249
P 25.04 ID Preset Value 4 592 6250
P 25.05 ID Preset Value 5 0 6251
P 25.06 ID Preset Value 6 0 6252
P 25.07 ID Preset Value 7 0 6253
P 25.08 ID Preset Value 8 0 6254
P 25.09 ID Read Value 1 752 6256
P 25.10 ID Read Value 2 816 6257
P 25.11 ID Read Value 3 1552 6258
P 25.12 ID Read Value 4 1872 6259
P 25.13 ID Read Value 5 1894 6260
P 25.14 ID Read Value 6 2230 6261
P 25.15 ID Read Value 7 2232 6262
P 25.16 ID Read Value 8 2234 6263
P 25.17 ID Read Value 9 0 6264
P 25.18 ID Read Value 10 0 6265
P 25.19 ID Read Value 11 0 6266
P 25.20 ID Read Value 12 0 6267
P 25.21 ID Read Value 13 0 6268
P 25.22 ID Read Value 14 0 6269
P 25.23 ID Read Value 15 0 6270
P 25.24 ID Read Value 16 0 6271

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26 - FCB analog output
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 26.01 FCB_AOUT 1 n/a 20481
P 26.02 Offset FCB_AOUT 1 4.00 mA 6272
P 26.03 Range FCB_AOUT 1 20.00 mA 6273
P 26.04 Reference FCB_AOUT 1 1000.00 6274
P 26.05 FCB_AOUT 2 n/a 20482
P 26.06 Offset FCB_AOUT 2 4.00 mA 6275
P 26.07 Range FCB_AOUT 2 20.00 mA 6276
P 26.08 Reference FCB_AOUT 2 1000.00 6277
P 26.09 FCB_AOUT 3 n/a 20483
P 26.10 Offset FCB_AOUT 3 4.00 mA 6278
P 26.11 Range FCB_AOUT 3 20.00 mA 6279
P 26.12 Reference FCB_AOUT 3 10000.00 6280
P 26.13 FCB_AOUT 4 n/a 20484
P 26.14 Offset FCB_AOUT 4 4.00 mA 6281
P 26.15 Range FCB_AOUT 4 20.00 mA 6282
P 26.16 Reference FCB_AOUT 4 1000.00 6283
P 26.17 FCB_AOUT 5 n/a 20485
P 26.18 Offset FCB_AOUT 5 4.00 mA 6284
P 26.19 Range FCB_AOUT 5 20.00 mA 6285
P 26.20 Reference FCB_AOUT 5 1000.00 6286
27 - FCB digital output
Number: Name Default Customer Sys ID
P 27.01 FCB_DOUT 1 n/a 20529
P 27.02 FCB_DOUT 2 n/a 20530
P 27.03 FCB_DOUT 3 n/a 20531
P 27.04 FCB_DOUT 4 n/a 20532
P 27.05 FCB_DOUT 5 n/a 20533
P 27.06 FCB_DOUT 6 n/a 20534
P 27.07 FCB_DOUT 7 n/a 20535
P 27.08 FCB_DOUT 8 n/a 20536
P 27.09 FCB_DOUT 9 n/a 20537
P 27.10 FCB_DOUT 10 n/a 20538
P 27.11 FCB_DOUT 11 n/a 20539
P 27.12 FCB_DOUT 12 n/a 20540
P 27.13 FCB_DOUT 13 n/a 20541
P 27.14 FCB_DOUT 14 n/a 20542
P 27.15 FCB_DOUT 15 n/a 20543
P 27.16 FCB_DOUT 16 n/a 20544
P 27.17 FCB_DOUT 17 n/a 20545
P 27.18 FCB_DOUT 18 n/a 20546
P 27.19 FCB_DOUT 19 n/a 20547
P 27.20 FCB_DOUT 20 n/a 20548

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 147

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148 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual
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12 Appendix B
Appendix B describes the default I/O points.

12.1 Default Digital Inputs

Note: The default parameter must be set to n/a if the digital input is reallocated.

Input Terminal Wire Default Parameter Comments:

Number Block Number
DI 1 X1-6 118 P15.23 DI: Remote CTRL Not normally used.
P03.12 must be set to
Keyboard Only or
Keyboard & Local if this
point is reallocated.
DI 2 X1-4 112 P03.01 DI: Feeder Start Start contact from
customer DCS
DI 3 X1-2 113 P03.07 DI: Raise Setpoint Not Normally used.
Must be enabled when
P03.02 Feedrate
Setpoint is set to R-L.
DI 4 X2-6 110 P15.17 DI: Motor Feedback Running contact from
motor speed control
DI 5 X2-4 109 P15.09DI: Discharge Limit Switch Feeder
Pluggage Discharge (LSFD)
DI 6 X2-2 117 P15.22 DI: Configuration Keyboard lock
DI 7 X3-6 108 P15.12 DI: Coal on Belt Limit Switch Feeder
Switch Belt (LSFB)
DI 8 X3-4 111 P03.10 DI: Run enabled Must be enabled when
(optional) touch screen
HMI is used.
DI 9 X3-2 119 P15.25 DI: Local Start Not normally used.
P03.12 must be set to
Keyboard Only if this
point is reallocated.
DI 10 X4-7 116 P15.19 DI: Coal Flow Monitor Set P15.21 Event: Coal
Flow to A, W1 or W2 to
enable the coal flow
monitor or IG to disable
DI 11 X4-5 114 P03.08 DI: Lower Setpoint Not Normally used.
Must be enabled when
P03.02 Feedrate
Setpoint is set to R-L.
DI 12 X4-2 115 P07.01 DI: Belt Motion Set P07.03 Event: Belt
Monitor Motion Monitor to A,
W1 or W2 to enable the
belt motion monitor or
IG to disable it.
DI 13 X5-5 n/a P07.01 DI: Belt Motion NAMUR BMM input
X5-6 Monitor

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 149

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DI 14 X5-3 n/a P04.06 Speed Measurement NAMUR Tachometer
X5-4 input
DI 15 X5-1 145, 146 P04.06 Speed Measurement Can only be used for
X5-2 tachometer input.

12.2 Default Digital Outputs

Note: The default parameter must be set to n/a if the digital output is reallocated.

Each output is a single form C contact (NO, C, NC).

Output Terminal Wire Default Parameter Comments:

Number Block Number
DO 1 X10-1 thru 150-152 P16.09 DO: Alarm Feeder has tripped.
DO 2 X10-4 thru 156-158 P16.06 DO: Feeder Run
X10-6 Reverse
DO 3 X11-1 thru 159-161 P16.07 DO: Feeder Run
X11-3 Reverse (2)
DO 4 X11-4 thru 162-164 P16.25 DO: Remote CTRL Feeder is ready for
X11-6 normal (remote)
DO 5 X13-1 thru 165-167 P16.18 DO: Volumetric Weigh system error.
X13-3 Feeding in volumetric
DO 6 X13-4 thru 171-173 P16.23 DO: Feeding Running in Remote with
X13-6 coal on the belt.
DO 7 X14-1 thru 177-179 P16.04 DO: Feeder Run
X14-3 Forward
DO 8 X14-4 thru 180-182 P16.21 DO: Warning Minor error condition.
DO 9 X15-1 thru 194-196 n/a Spare Contact
DO 10 X15-4 thru 197-198 P13.01 DO: Cleanout Timer
DO 11 X16-1 7, 8 P16.01 DO: Start Feeder
DO 12 X16-3 thru 186-189 P02.12 DO: Pulse Counter Pulsed based on
X16-6 amount of coal
DO 13 X6-1 134, 135 P02.17 DO: FRI Frequency Frequency signal
X6-2 proportional to feedrate.

150 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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12.3 Default Analog I/O
Output Terminal Wire Default Parameter Comments:
Number Block Numbers
AI 1 X6-3 Sig +, Sig- P03.02 Feedrate Setpoint Customer Demand
X6-4 Signal
AO 1 X6-8 142-144 P11.03 AO: Motor Speed
X6-9 Control
AO 2 X6-7 139-141 P14.04 AO: Actual Flow Rate Customer Feedback
X6-8 Signal
A 10 X12-1 n/a P01.03 Analog Channel A 10 Not used
A 11 X12-3 n/a P01.04 Analog Channel A 11 Not used
A 12 X12-5 n/a P01.05 Analog Channel A 12 Not used
A 13 X12-7 n/a P01.06 Analog Channel A 13 Not used

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152 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual
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13 Appendix C
Appendix C lists the data addresses available with the trending display.

13.1 Trending Data

Data Data Value Comments:
1872 Feedrate lb/h
1874 Totalizer 1 lb
1876 Totalizer 2 lb
1878 Totalizer 3 lb
1880 Belt Load lb/f
1884 Belt Speed f/s
1894 Setpoint lb/h
1904 Deviation %
1906 Moisture %
1908 Corrected Feedrate lb/h
1910 Totalizer 1 corr. lb
1912 Totalizer 2 corr. lb
1914 Totalizer 3 corr. lb
1920 Analog Output 1 Raw mA
1938 Belt Slip %
1942 Relative Feedrate %
1944 Relative Belt Load %
1946 External Setpoint lb/h
1950 Tachometer: Hz
1952 Utilize LC 1 %
1954 Loadcell VAP mV/V
1956 Loadcell BIC mV/V
1958 Loadcell mV/V
1960 Controller Magnitude mA
1996 Nominal Belt Load lb/f
2008 Actual Tare lb/f
2042 Setpoint %
2078 Corr. Rel. Feedrate %
2082 2-Sensor Slip %
2212 Analog Output 2 Raw mA
2214 Analog Input 1 Raw mA
2224 Loadcell 1 mV/V
2226 Loadcell 2 mV/V
2228 Utilize LC 2 %
2230 Gravimetric Total lb
2232 Volumetric Total lb
2234 Material Total lb
2236 Rate lb/h
2238 Analog Input 2 Raw mA
2240 Analog Input 3 Raw mA

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2242 Analog Input 4 Raw mA
2244 Analog Input 5 Raw mA
2246 Analog Input 1 mA
2248 Analog Input 2 mA
2250 Analog Input 3 mA
2252 Analog Input 4 mA
2254 Analog Input 5 mA
2256 Analog Output 3 Raw mA
2258 Analog Output 4 Raw mA
2260 Analog Output 5 Raw mA
2262 Analog Output 6 Raw mA
2264 Analog Output 1 mA
2266 Analog Output 2 mA
2268 Analog Output 3 mA
2270 Analog Output 4 mA
2272 Analog Output 5 mA
2274 Analog Output 6 mA
2276 Speed rpm
2278 Belt Speed inch/s
2280 Nominal Belt Load lb/inch
2282 Actual Tare lb/inch
2284 Belt Load lb/inch
2286 Speed Setpoint rpm
2288 FRI output Hz
2290 Nominal Density lb/ft3
2292 Density lb/ft3
2294 Gravimetric Total corrected lb
2296 Volumetric Total corr. Lb
2298 Material Total corr. Lb
2300 Belt Load (average) lb/inch
2310 Belt Motion Counter s
2312 Digital Mode output Hz
2316 Belt Speed %

154 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

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196NT Display, 37 Expert Mode, 44, 51
A/Alarm (Definition), 52, 131 FB (Definition), 52
About this Manual, v Feedrate Control, 11
AI (Definition), 52 Gravimetric Mode, 12
Analog I/O Points, 27, 151 Hidden Parameters, 51
Analog Trim, 33 HMI – Calibration, 35
Analog Trim, 27 HMI - Configuration, 29
AO (Definition), 52 HMI - Data Log Values, 33
Appendix A, 139 HMI – Date and Time, 35
Appendix B, 149 HMI - Display Functions, 31
Appendix C, 153 HMI - Event Log Values, 33
Basic (CAL 1), 20 HMI - Home Screen, 31
Belt Load, 10 HMI – Load Factory Defaults, 35
Belt Load, Nominal, 26, 59 HMI - Login, 29
Belt Speed, 11 HMI - Operation using the Touch Screen HMI, 29
Calibration, 17 HMI - Parameter Log Values, 33
Calibration probe location, 20, 22 HMI - Parameter Setup, 33
Calibration Weight Test, 49 HMI - Setup Screen, 32
Chain Test, 49 HMI – Simulation Mode, 35
Commonly Changed Parameters, 15 HMI - Trend Screen, 32
Default Analog I/O, 151 HMI - Trim Analog I/O, 33
Default Digital Inputs, 149 HMI – Typical Operating Procedures, 35
Default Digital Outputs, 150 HMI - Values Screen, 32
Default Parameters, 35, 43, 51 HMI Configuration - Calibration Screen, 31
Definitions, 9 HMI Configuration - Communication Screen, 30
DI (Definition), 52 HMI Configuration - Configuration Screen, 30
Digital Inputs, 149 HMI Configuration - Display Settings Screen, 30
Digital Outputs, 150 HMI Configuration – Exiting Configuration, 31
DISOCONT Tersus/DT-9?, 9 HMI Configuration - Feeder Screen, 30
DO (Definition), 52 HMI Configuration - Network Screen, 30
DT-9 Parameter List, 55 HMI Display Functions, 31
EasyServe, 39 I (Definition), 10, 52
EasyServe – Calibration, 45 IG/Ignore (Definition), 52, 131
EasyServe – Connection (WARNING), 40 LB: Pulses per Belt, 25
EasyServe – Events, 45 LC (Definition), 52
EasyServe – Expert Mode, 44, 51 Load Default Parameters, 35, 43
EasyServe – Hidden Parameters, 44 Local Mode, 12
EasyServe – Installation, 39 LS (Definition), 52
EasyServe – IP Address, 40 Material Test, 50
EasyServe - Load Default Parameters, 43 Measuring Principle, 10
EasyServe – Network Connection, 40 Modes, 12
EasyServe – Operating the Feeder, 44 Nominal Belt Load, 26, 59
EasyServe – Options, 47 OFF/Maintenance Mode, 12
EasyServe – PAR files, 42 OP (Definition), 52
EasyServe – Parameter Attributes, 44 Operation using EasyServe, 39
EasyServe – Parameter files, 42 Operation using the 196NT Display, 37
EasyServe – Parameters, 42 Operation using the Touch Screen HMI, 29
EasyServe – Print Parameters, 44 Overview, 9
EasyServe – Registration/Access to Parameters, 42 P (Definition), 10
EasyServe – Scale Operation Screens, 44 Parameter Attributes, 51
EasyServe – Service Values, 45 Parameter Attributes, 44
EasyServe – Setting Time, 47 Parameter Group 01 - Hardware Modules, 55
EasyServe – System Requirements, 39 Parameter Group 02 - Feeder Definitions, 58
EasyServe – Trends, 46 Parameter Group 03 - Control Sources, 64
Electrostatic Sensitive Devices, v Parameter Group 04 - Feeder Rated Data, 68
Error Messages, 131 Parameter Group 05 - Feeder Control, 71
Error Types, 131 Parameter Group 06 - Feeder Monitoring, 73
Event (Error) Messages, 131 Parameter Group 07 - Belt Monitoring, 78
Event Classes, 131 Parameter Group 08 - Display Filters, 81
Event Groups, 131 Parameter Group 09 - Limit Values, 83
Event Types, 131 Parameter Group 10 - Calibration Data, 87

DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual 155

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Parameter Group 11 – Rate Controller, 90 Read Only Parameters, 51
Parameter Group 12 - Moisture, 93 Remote Mode, 12
Parameter Group 13 - Cleanout Control, 96 Retro-reflective Tape Clips, 20, 22
Parameter Group 14 - Analog Outputs, 98 Safety Instructions, 7
Parameter Group 15 - Digital Inputs, 103 Setup, 13
Parameter Group 16 - Digital Outputs, 112 Setup Notes, 13
Parameter Group 18 - 2-Sensor Slip, 122 Setup Parameters, 15, 55
Parameter Group 19 – Maintenance Interval, 125 Span (CAL 2), 22
Parameter Group 20 - Reports, 126 Startup and Functional Check, 14
Parameter Group 21 - Comm. EasyServe, 127 TA: Tare, 25
Parameter Group 22 - Comm. Fieldbus, 128 TC: Span Calibration, 24
Parameter Group 23 - Ethernet, 129 Testing, 49
Parameter Group 24 - PLS Outputs, 130 Testing - Calibration Weight Test, 49
Parameter Group 25 – Fixed Mode Config., 130 Testing - Chain Test, 49
Parameter Group 26 – FCB Analog Output, 130 Testing - Material Test, 50
Parameter Group 27 – FCB Digital Output, 130 Totals, 11
Parameter Group Cleanout Control, 119 Touch Screen HMI Configuration, 29
Parameter Overview, 139 Trending Data, 153
Parameters, 51 Typical Operating Procedures, 35
Parameters – Abbreviations, 52 V (Definition), 10, 52
Parameters - Default Parameters, 51 VCU 20103, 9
Parameters - General Information, 51 VCU 20104, 9
Parameters – Hardware Configuration, 52 VEA (Definition), 52
Parameters – Inputs/Outputs, 52 Volumetric Control Mode, 12
Parameters – Parameter Attributes, 51 Volumetric Mode, 12
Parameters – Parameter Groups, 51 VSE (Definition), 52
Parameters – Parameter List, 55 W1/Warning 1 (Definition), 52, 131
Parameters - Printing, 44 W2/Warning 2 (Definition), 52, 131
Passwords, 7 Weigh Roller Adjustment, 19
Performing Calibrations, 18 Weigh Span Length, 11
Print Parameters, 44 What is the DISOCONT Tersus/DT-9?, 9
Probe Error, 20, 22 Xd (Definition), 10
Q (Definition), 10, 52 Y (Definition), 10
QB (Definition), 10 Z (Definition), 10

156 DISOCONT® Tersus (DT-9) Configuration and Operations Manual

©Schenck Process Group

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