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1rst part

Hello everyone my name is Renato camac and this is Hello sunshine your favorite program.
(sonido de orquesta)

Now we Start this program with a news that sadly become a topic to talk about and is the
insecurity in the country. And i’m not talking about the insecurity that you feel when you are
talking with your crush. (Risas publico)

Well leaving the jokes we have to talk about Sirley Silva nicknamed “la gata”, thats the reason
why I dont like cats (Risas publico)

I know is annoyed talk about her all the time but in recent news it was learned that she killed
another person before she kills the chef of the restaurant because her dish didn’t have
chicken. Definitely i don’t going to do that so my chifa chef you can keep calm.

Luckily she is arrested now and things like this must not happen again in the city.

Well in more exciting news we have a especial guest that is with our reporter Ventura

Hello Andree

A V: Hello Renato, hello everyone my name…………(conecta con la segunda)



hello everyone my name is andree ventura and this is the interview

Now we have a Guest can you guess who is our Guest? (sonido de redoble de tambores)

Well I can say that she is an amazing singer, her musical genre is R & B, also she have a
beautiful voice and have more than ten LP’s. please welcome the Great Beyonce (sonido de

*Beyonce: thanks for joining me today, i’m very happy to be here with this beautifull people

- Hello Beyonce, can you stand for the people great!

- Ok

- sit down please.. tell how do you feel with your new álbum?

- Well its now a mix with other genres like hip hop, pop. And now we are working in a new
song, its a sorprise.

- oh i see, i’ll try to buy it obviously if they pay me.

- Jajajaj

- and tell me, what is your most embarrassing moment in your life?

- Well I remembre that a long time ago when i was singing in a concert, I Drop the microphone
while i was singing I dont know what to do but my fan help me to sing the song

- ohh jajajaj i’m so sorry that passed that, but tell me more about you.. how tired is the
Life of a super star?
- Is real tires but the people don’t understand that we are also normal people. I mean we are
famous but we have our personal problems like all the people.

- well was a pleasure to have you here in the program.

- The pleasure It’s mine

And now a question from a Guy name yogui thanks yogui for send your message from
facebook and he ask: Beyonce when will you come to lima? And watt do you here about Perú?

- Well dear Yogui we are looking for a posiblility to go there its a Beautiful country and have to
many great places to visit so as soon as posible we going to go to Perú

great!! And can you sing something from your last album?

Of course

(aplausos del público)

This is all for our interview with Beyonce, return with you mister camac.

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