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Available Projects on Environment

Disaster management- Adapting and mitigating the effects of natural disasters.

Environmental awareness(advocacy)- To generate environmental awareness in schools and

community, tree plantation, waste management.

Solid waste management(Implementation/advocacy)- Segregation, disposal and handling of

municipal solid waste according to the Supreme court's guidelines in rural and urban set up,
advocacy to involve Municipal corporation.

Organic farming- Training farmers to adopt organic farming principals and to prepare inputs
such as vermi compost, locally.

Climate Smart Agriculture- Building farming system's resilience to climatic aberrations through
sustainable agriculture.

Renewable energy technology- Solar energy for electrification at household and community
level, biomass electrification.

WASH: Water Sanitation and Hygiene(Implementation)- Ensuring potable water to the

community through Community Water Centers(CWCs) and generating awareness on proper
sanitation and hygiene in schools and community, toilet construction.

Sanitation and hygiene(Implementation + advocacy)- Toilet construction and advocacy.

Promoting ecotourism- To preserve ecosystem through mock drills for tourists on ecotourism.

Integrated watershed development- Constructing rain water Harvesting(RWH) structures/

watershed structures to optimize water use.

Integrated village development- Promoting organic farming, constructing watershed

structures, improved irrigation.

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