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264 Chapter 7

Method 2. If all except one real or a complex pair of roots are known,
either of the following procedures can be used.
Procedure 1. Divide the characteristic polynomial by the factors
representing the known roots. The remainder gives the remain-
ing roots.
Procedure 2. Equation (7.68) can be used to find some of the roots.
A necessary condition is that the denominator of G(s)H(s) be at
least of degree 2 higher than the numerator. If all the roots
except one real root are known, application of Eq. (7.68) yields
directly the value of the real root. However, for complex roots
of the form r ¼ s
jod it yields only the value of the real com-
ponent s.
CAD programs are available that yield the loop sensitivity and the
roots of the characteristic equation of the system. When the damping ratio
is specified for the dominant roots, these roots determine the value of K and
all the remaining roots.


The first seven geometrical construction rules, which can be readily
evaluated, should be used as CADAC to assist in the validation of the root
locus data being obtained from a CAD package.


Find CðsÞ=RðsÞ with z ¼ 0:5 for the dominant roots (roots closest to the
imaginary axis) for the feedback control system represented by
K1 1
GðsÞ ¼ and H ðsÞ ¼
sðs 2 =2600 þ s=26 þ 1Þ 0:04s þ 1

Rearranging gives
2600K1 N 25 N
GðsÞ ¼ ¼ 1 and H ðsÞ ¼ ¼ 2
sðs 2 þ 100s þ 2600Þ D1 s þ 25 D2

65000K1 K
GðsÞH ðsÞ ¼ ¼
sðs þ 25Þðs 2 þ 100s þ 2600Þ s 4 þ 125s3 þ 5100s 2 þ 65000s

where K ¼ 65,000K1.
1. The poles of GðsÞH ðsÞ are plotted on the s plane in Fig. 7.15;
the values of these poles are s ¼ 0, 25, 50 þ j 10, 50  j 10.

Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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