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Root Locus 269

% damping ratio zeta

% Define a G, H and G*H for the example of section 7.10

G ¼ tfð½2600 ½1 100 2600 01Þ % System ¼ tfðnumerator denominatorÞ

Transfer function:
s^ 3 þ 100 s^ 2 þ 2600s

H ¼ tf ([25], [1 25])
Transfer function:
s þ 25
oltf ¼ G  H % oltf ¼ GðsÞHðsÞ

Transfer function:
s^ 4 þ 125s^ 3 þ 5100s^ 2 þ 65000s
% Extract the numerator and denominator polynomials from oltf
% (see Sect 4.18)
GHnum ¼
0 0 0 0 65000
GHden ¼
1 125 5100 65000 0
% Select a desired damping ratio zeta and tolerance
zeta ¼ 0.5;
tol ¼ le12;

% The function
% [k, r] ¼ rloczeta (num,den,zeta,tol)
% Calculates the gain, k, which yields dominant closed-loop
% roots having a damping ratio given by zeta. Also returns
% all of the closed-loop roots.
[k,r] ¼ rloczeta (GHnum,GHden,zeta,tol)

Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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