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268 Chapter 7

ðs þ 6:6 þ j11:4Þðs þ 6:6  j11:4Þ
24040ðs þ 25Þ

ðs þ 55:9 þ j18Þðs þ 55:9  j18Þ
24040ðs þ 25Þ
¼ 2
ðs þ 13:2s þ 173:5Þðs 2 þ 111:8s þ 3450Þ

14. The response c(t) for a unit step input is found from
24040ðs þ 25Þ
CðsÞ ¼
sðs 2 þ 13:2s þ 173:5Þðs 2 þ 111:8s þ 3450Þ
A A1 A2
¼ 0þ þ
s s þ 6:6  j11:4 s þ 6:6 þ j11:4
A3 A4
þ þ
s þ 55:9  j18 s þ 55:9 þ j18
The constants are

A0 ¼ 1:0 ff
A1 ¼ 0:604 201:7

A3 ¼ 0:14 63:9

Note that A0 must be exactly 1, since GðsÞ is Type 1 and the gain
of H ðsÞ is unity. It can also be obtained from Eq. (7.71) for
CðsÞ=RðsÞ in step 8. Inserting RðsÞ ¼ 1=s and finding the final
value gives cðtÞss ¼ 1:0: The response cðtÞ is
cðtÞ ¼ 1 þ 1:21e6:6t sinð11:4t  111:7 Þ
þ 0:28e55:9t sinð18t þ 26:1 Þ ð7:72Þ

A plot of cðtÞ is shown in Figs. 7.19 and 7.26.

15. The solution of the root locus design problem by use of MATLAB
is presented in Sec. 7.11.


MATLAB provides a number of options for plotting the root locus [9,10].
A root locus plot is obtained using the rlocus command.The root locus version
of sisotool described in Appendix C allows a user to design compensators
and to adjust the gain on a root locus plot. To provide more efficient design,
the rloczeta function was written to calculate the gain necessary to yield
a specified closed-loop damping ratio z. The macro fom computes the closed-
loop figures of merit. Both of these commands are illustrated below.

% This example illustrates the rloczeta function which

% calculates the compensator gain required to yield a specified

Copyright © 2003 Marcel Dekker, Inc.

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